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June, 2013Dear MaryJane ...I am writing you in response to a Lenten commitment I have made to write 40 people who have had an influence on me. You are one such woman. I grew up with a mother who relied on everyone else to do things for her—not in a lazy way, but rather from of lack of confidence. She didn’t even paint a room. Thankfully, my husband and I moved from a Detroit suburb to a country setting on 10 acres, and I was given a wide-open opportunity to try new things. Actually, it was ALL new. From operating a wood burner to growing a garden to raising chickens, rabbits, and sheep to mowing the grass with a riding lawn mower to making maple syrup, I had an interest, got a book, and read as much as I could. And, by subscribing to your magazine, you gave me instruction on seemingly basic things. But more important, your magazine is full of women doing things that I was brought up thinking a man should do. Now I am not denying the value of men, nor am I trying to be a man, but why can’t I repair an electrical fence? Not only have you enabled me to not be afraid to try construction-related projects, but you also embrace feminine-type activities such as sewing (which I love). You have also shown me an example of a woman business owner—one who has taken her passion and made a business out of it. You do all these remarkable things while wearing a skirt, an apron (homemade), and looking lovely with your long hair. I hope to one day make it out to Moscow, Idaho, to meet you. Until then, know that you have both inspired and empowered this woman! Fondly,
Your article, “Choosing Your Backyard Chicken,” was fun to read. I teach special education, and my own five adorable hens were hatched in my classroom five years ago. One of these girls is a Buff Orpington named Honey. She loves pecking at the bases of our apple trees, following us around our yard, and being scratched under her chin. C. Petritz
I found your magazine in a resort cabin in Winthrop, Washington, and had to have it! I came home and signed up ASAP. This is probably the most fabulous magazine/website I’ve seen in years! Joann
Thanks to MaryJane for the great blogs on her time visiting Home and Family! It was great having you. Mark Steines [Read the blog at RaisingJane.org. Watch the video under “farm romance” at www.maryjanesfarm.tv.] Just read my Feb/March 2013 magazine. I’m inspired by every issue! I’ve been considering adding a couple Buff-Orps to my flock this spring. After reading this issue, I’m excited for spring to come so I can add some golden girls to my little flock. Elizabeth
[Visit us at www.facebook.com/MaryJanesFarm.] |