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True Blue Farmgirl
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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 8:20:19 PM
Yuck Erin! We avoid those sorts of!!!! And I love to be reminded why! :) Hope they get well soon... :(
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2016 : 6:27:23 PM
Ok ladies….
So this last weekend we finally went on our first date since our baby was born. I had fun… kind of. I really struggled with leaving my little man. I was so worried about him the whole time we were gone. And actually I felt guilty for leaving him with someone else.
My mother is the one who watched him and I completely trust her. Now on the other hand I don’t trust my mil. (Don’t tell my husband.) She found out that we went on the date and has bugged me non-stop since asking why we didn’t have her watch him. Now I never want to go on a date again, just so I can avoid a situation like this.
Oh these emotions!!!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2016 : 02:59:51 AM
Alicia, I'm glad we could serve as your reminder... Lol.
Krista, the first time is hard. It'll get better. Don't be pressured into leaving your baby with anyone you don't want to though. You're the mommy! You decide.
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 21 2016 : 04:38:38 AM
Krista, I completely understand. I used to trust my mil. She was a single mom for my husband. Worked 2-3 jobs and paid her way through beauty school. She started being a foster parent when Matt was in middle school. She ended up adopting 4 more children and sometimes had 10 kids in her home at a time! She used to always watch Isabelle when I was in college. As her 4 adopted kids reached their teen years they started rebelling and acting in police were called, drugs, jail, etc... Eventually mil started reverting to acting like too much of a teenager herself. Wanting to do out and date and such. I can't blame her, she never had a lot of that. But in the process, I have learned she has lost the ability to care for young children. I have no idea how that happens, but it did! So I don't trust her anymore. Simple.
I trust my mom plenty, but she smokes, so I limit their time there, too. When it is nice, I don't mind, b/c she is very outdoor minded and they go out and fish, garden, etc... But this time of year not so much.
I know some of you already read, but we lost a very precious family member yesterday. Matt's great aunt passed away. It's her farm we have been working to buy some of. We are worried it may get messed up, or, b/c the markets have dropped and we can't wait for them to recover so much now, we may not be able to afford it. We need prayers, please!
FWIW, Krista, Matt and I are lucky to take 2 dates a year! I can't stand leaving my kids! I just don't trust people well, I suppose. It may stem from loosing a child, IDK.
And for my husband.... Edwina was the last of his family he had that he put a lot of respect in. His grandparents have passed, Edwina's husband, Art, passed in August. These are the people who he looked up to (refer to first paragraph why he doesn't respect a lot of advice his mom gives him anymore. His dad and him have a rocky relationship, so it isn't trusting always, either).
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
Edited by - DandeeRose on Jan 21 2016 04:40:28 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
129 Posts
129 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2016 : 11:20:20 AM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Alicia. I'm praying for your comfort in this time of grief, and for the farm situation!
Is anyone else here single/childless? I love hearing everyone's stories and experiences about their families, but that's one area where I can't really contribute myself. :)
Farmgirl Sister #2504 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2016 : 8:47:18 PM
Thanks, Jamie. Sorry I can't help with the single lady camaraderie.
Well... Another rough day. Yesterday Matt slipped in ice carrying animal feed. He thinks he tore something in his shoulder. Today it was really hindering and painful to him. He had a dentist appt. Turns out he had 4 cavities. He has never had a filling, so that was new. And more news coming in from Alcoa and the union. Apparently Alcoa doesn't want to negotiate now. Not sure what it will mean. Could be as bad as shutting the entire plant down. The Union Hall is holding informational meetings Monday. We still aren't sure if we will be at a funeral on Monday.... And a couple of people very dear to me are in the hospital. My grandma is back in with breathing issues and leg swelling. And my step grandpa (my step mom's dad, even though she and my dad aren't married anymore, I still consider her family) has been in the hospital for a month after a dbl bypass. Insurance is starting to give hell, since he isn't improving. We need prayers. Thank you.
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2016 : 9:07:35 PM
Erin- I sure hope so. I really want to be able to go on dates. Thank you
Alicia- I’m glad you understand. My mil is more in her own world. She tends to get lost in her own mind that she forgets you are even talking to her. She is also a nurse practitioner and likes to diagnose anything and everything. I would rather not hear “ALL” the things that could be wrong with my baby.
How old is your Isabelle? I am sorry to hear of all the sad things going on in your family. Has there been any new news or progress?
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2016 : 9:12:15 PM
Sorry Alicia I didn’t see your latest post before I commented. I was on this page earlier and left because company came. So when I came back I just finished my thought not realizing you said something.
I’m sorry things have gotten worse. I hope this is it and things will start getting better.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2016 : 06:31:39 AM
(((hugs))) Krista! I am guessing all of us have a family member we do not want to leave our children with. My mom is more of a wanting to do her own thing than play with the children type person. If she deems a book too long, she makes up her own story to it... despite the fact that the kids know the story and know she is skipping words!!! We have left our children with my MIL and trust her with the children's physical wellbeing... though she does get in some majorly controversial religious conversations with them! We are saved followers of Christ, my FIL is Catholic, and my MIL is a believer that as long as you are better than most people, you are all good. Definitely makes for some confusing conversations... and she gets very adamant that my children's beliefs are wrong. Anyways, with all that said, I really hope you enjoyed your date night out. Haven't had one of those in years, lol. We tend to do date nights in, after the children are in bed :)
Erin - sorry to hear your kiddos are sick :( I tend to be the same as Alicia, and avoid those type of places like the plague! Hopefully you will not end up with it!
Alicia - oh hun! I so pray that things get better for you soon!!!! Remember that God is in control, my friend! That is the only thing that gets me through some of the chaos I call my life <3
~ Shannon |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2016 : 06:38:47 AM
Thanks Krista. Isabelle is my oldest, she is 13.
<3 Shannon....
Just one day without something... Not to be. Sawyer has a swelled up eye this morning. No clue what happened. Doesn't look bruised, he doesn't seem to hurt. No clue...?? I just wish we could get a regular day. I feel like I am falling apart. I am behind on school with Gabriel this week, b/c my brain just needs distracted. He is hard to work with most of the time because he gets very frustrated with himself. It's hard for me... I don't like the stress going on right now.
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2016 : 5:14:40 PM
Wow Shannon. That is rough. I am sorry you have to deal with that. She should just be happy with how you and your husband are raising your children. She reminds me of my mil. Even though her thing isn’t religion she is very pushy with her medical and financial beliefs. Really? How come you haven’t been on a date in so long? I haven’t made it to the date nights in yet, because when I put the little one down for bed I put myself down to! Ha ha
Alicia- Looks like it’s time for a vacation! You need a break from all of this!
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2016 : 07:51:58 AM
Girls...The funeral is Tuesday and I am a nervous wreck!!! I am so scared of seeing some of the people who will be there. Here is the whole backstory on the farm, C/P from emails to Shannon.
Right before the auction, end of Oct.- "Last month Matt's Great Uncle passed away. His Great Aunt is in a nursing home. They own a farm 35 min from dwtn Louisville KY. Matt went there a LOT as a child, Art and Edwina had no children. Matt's dad was the closest they had to a son, living with them on and off through out his life. We have always been told all of the stateside holdings (they are millionaires, several times over, but you wouldn't know by meeting them, Art was born in Switzerland and moved to the US in the 50s) would be sold and divided amongst Matt's grandparents 5 children, but only AFTER both had passed away.. Matt expects to get anything, b/c his Dad has been greedy more than once and never been a real father. ANYWAY..... Art's car blew up, The whole thing is VERY fishy and we have suspicions. The snake CPA that is worming everyone out and stealing and hiding things is a greedy nasty man, he is also POA. I suspect God has a special place for him. Edwina doesn't realize how nasty he is. Yesterday while visiting Edwina, Matt told her he was planning to bid on the 2o ac tract with an original 2 story pioneer cabin on it. It would be almost perfect!!!
Well Matt was explaning this to her, hoping to make her smile that someone wanted to keep some of it in the family. (Edwina is still quite competent). She looked at Matt like he was a small child and said "Well Matthew, you don't buy things from family! It's yours! Art would roll over if he thought you were going to buy it!"
Now, we are WILLING to buy it, but this could be amazing. The only issue is, Edwina also said, "Just talk to Joe!" That is the Nasty CPA.... He is not a good man. I could tell you SO many stories about how the explosion was RIGHT outside this man's office, how he didn't call any family or tell Edwina for 3 days, after Art passed, how he walked his family through the house and they tried to take things right in front of Matt's step mom, how the FD and PD declared the accident arson and gave it to the ATF, but the ATF says there is no need to investigate, how a whole page of the will was missing, how he is rushing an auction for THIS COMING week to sell all the farm....And no one in the family sees this man as a snake..."
We have gotten to where we are trusting the POA/ CPA, Joe, mostly.... But then there was THIS:
"I got upset last week b/c one of the cousins (the one whose dad died, so she gets his share) sent me an accusatory message. "What in the world is going on w u guys? Why all the trips to the farm recently? I mean it will be missed terribly by all of the family. Just confused and wondering what your intentions r" This is someone Matt has bent over backwards for and I felt attacked. Matt sent a really long reply. She responded saying she would call him the next day and she never did. He sent on other long message, but she still never replied.
We still aren't real sure what repercussions it may have, since she is buddied up with an aunt of Matt's that has always been jealous of Matt (She was the baby, but Matt was the fav grandchild and she has given him grief in the past when she sold his grandparent's house. We wanted to buy it, if we could afford it, but she listed it w/o even telling us. This was a couple of months after our accident in 07 and is walking distance to where Levi is buried.)"
I unfriended all of Matt's family (frankly I unfriended EVERYONE on FB, but have added a few of my trusted family and a few friends now) after this. I have messaged with one of the cousins a bit, the oldest in a family of 8, just trying to keep everyone in the loop, so to speak. Matt and I are ALWAYS to last to know anything, but being up there so much has given us an advantage this time, but I don't want anyone to feel "they didn't know" things, you know. So I tell her and let it trickle down.
I am just so worried....
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
Edited by - DandeeRose on Jan 23 2016 07:52:24 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2016 : 03:22:34 AM
Alicia! Wow. That's a lot you have going on. I'll pray for you and that whole situation. I'm very sorry for your loss. It's so sad to me when people just see $$ and not the value of keeping land, farm, in the family.
My oldest is the only one that really got sick it turns out. He's always more susceptible than anyone. He had eczema when he was a baby, really horribly, we used to call him alligator baby. Looking back, that seems really bad of us, but I guess we just have a weird sense of humor. Anyway he doesn't have it anymore but there's some link with eczema and asthmatic symptoms so he gets hit the worst. Poor kid.
Hopefully we get a good day of school in today. I'm feeling very unmotivated lately. I also feel unbalanced in the coverage of subjects, but I guess that's how it is. Last year we were history strong, math weak. This year it's the opposite. Other subjects vary, but we are pretty consistent with spelling, language, and reading. Are you other homeschoolers like that? Do you have some years completely different from others?
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2016 : 05:28:33 AM
Yes! All last week I was SO unmotivated. I worry this week won't be much better, but I am determined to get something done today. Isabelle does much of her wok on her own. I make plans and check, she comes to me when she struggles, but, luckily, she can get through most by herself, even if I do have to remind her all day! Now the boys...Ugh... I am struggling to do K with Gabriel, but Sawyer wants to be involved. I feel like we NEVER get through enough, b/c I am "entertaining Sawyer", too. We recently started the book "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons". If I get through that, Bible/ Character, and a bit of writing (Gabriel really struggles) I am usually burnt out to get to math and art. I really want to start some American history/Music. I was reminded yesterday that they don't know the Anthem! :O
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2016 : 7:17:50 PM
Alicia- Make sure you do. You really need it. Good luck with the funeral tomorrow. Let us know how it goes. I hope everything and everyone can be civil and I'm sorry to hear all those other terrible things that have been going on. Once everything calms down the homeschooling should get easier. It's totally understandable that you feel so unmotivated I would feel that way too.
Erin-I would be the same way if I homeschooled.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 03:30:17 AM
Things went well yesterday. We had a pretty solid day complete with a science lesson. I take them to the library every other week for art with this fantastic hippie artist that teaches and provides materials for free. My kids are all drawing, coloring or crafting all day long if I let them, so I don't worry about that too much.
Alicia I know what you mean about entertaining the younger one. My daughter is sort of on the verge of being able to learn some things. She picks a lot up, especially when we do poems, memorization, things like that, but she needs constant direction or she'll disrupt everything. Also I'm pregnant, due around end of April, and she's doing that acting out thing. She knows she's about to be dethroned from the youngest spot so she's extra clingy and extra whiny all the time. I know that's a lot of her problem so I try not to be too hard on her, but sometimes she's just crazy! I wish I could just tell her... You don't understand, you're still going to be the only girl! Your position is solid! ..... But she doesn't even know what she's doing... Lol :)
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 9:13:10 PM
Congratulations Erin! That is so exciting! What are you having?
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 04:26:59 AM
We made it through yesterday. Monday, I herniated a disc in my back, and I probably should have stayed home, but it was just too important. I am paying for it today with additional pain in the muscle due to walking and carrying myself strangely.
The cousin I told you about didn't talk to me. Matt tried to be nice and told her she looked nice (trying to be polite and have a small conversation), but she just said thanks, smiled and walked on. The aunts that are an issue ignored us, as well. The cousins from the family of 8 and the oldest aunt were all good to us and we spent quite awhile talking, especially to 2 of the guys about the farm. They assured us that they are supporting us and were totally thrown by the stuff from the one cousin and other 2 aunts and their families. They seemed excited to listen to our thoughts and dreams for the farm that we have discussed so much with Edwina. We were nearly the last to leave. The only ones there as long were Matt's dad and step mom (who left 15 min before the rest of us) and the oldest aunt with her van load of 3-4 of her children, husband, and the newest grand baby. Their van wouldn't start, so Matt helped reset their battery and get it going. They had called a tow truck, but a 2.5 hr trip would have been an ugly tow. Point being, once again Matt was there for his family when needed.
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
129 Posts
129 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 10:43:01 AM
Alicia, that's so good that you have some allies in the family. Hopefully they were well aware of your aunt's wishes regarding the farm and will stand by you. And good on Matt for taking the high road. (The two of you can grumble about them privately at home. :) ) I hope your back feels better soon!
Farmgirl Sister #2504 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 4:31:01 PM
Alicia, I am glad things went well for you guys and that you have some family members who support you and your wishes. Make sure you rest and get your back feeling better.
Any of you ladies super bowl fans? Who are you cheering for?
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
1509 Posts
Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 07:06:51 AM
Thank you Jamie and Krista.
We aren't really into sports here at home. Unless it is shooting sports or hiking! lol! We don't have TV, so I am not even sure who is playing.
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 4:54:29 PM
I am not much into sports either but I do like the super bowl. Only for the reason that it gives me an excuse to have family and friends over. I love having a pot luck get together. This year is going to be even better. I have a super cute football outfit for my baby that I can’t wait to dress him up in!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2016 : 09:55:02 AM
Yes I'm having a boy. We're naming him Rory, which my daughter thinks is crazy. She's always telling me we need to pick another name because that's a girls name. She may have caught a couple Gilmore Girls episodes with me at some point...
Alicia I hope your back is feeling better!
I don't have tv... Only a roku, so I won't be watching the Super Bowl either. I'm not very into sports. My sister is all about every sport. She has sports center playing all the time. A couple years ago I went grocery shopping on Super Bowl Sunday, and I was shocked at how many people were out. I called my sister and asked her if there was a storm coming or something and she just laughed at me and told me it was Super Bowl sunday. Now she warns me every year ahead of time.
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
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