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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  6:22:53 PM  Show Profile
Hey farmgirls! I was looking to see if there was any ladies out there 35 and under. Would love to see which farmgirls share the same age range as me. This can be a place for us to come together and converse about what is going on in our lives. Come join me!


Edited by - MaryJanesNiece on Jan 22 2018 12:17:20 PM

True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  6:25:19 PM  Show Profile
Ha! I officially feel old! I missed the cut off by a year ;)

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  6:52:53 PM  Show Profile
Ha ha! Oh no Shannon! Not what I was wanting to do. You are not old at all! Please join me anyway. One year doesn’t make a difference!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  06:07:24 AM  Show Profile
I was completely teasing you! Though I have been feeling old lately ;)

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  08:02:52 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
I will be 35 in March! :)

Nonsense Shannon!!! <3

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  08:03:44 AM  Show Profile
Glad this thread has been started. See you in the Over 50 Farmgirls in about 16 years. tee hee

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  09:16:14 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Lol Marie!!! I am glad it has been started, too! Great idea Krista!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  5:05:52 PM  Show Profile
How come you have been feeling old, Shannon?
Glad to have you join us Alicia and Marie!
That’s funny Marie! Thank you, Alicia. We need to feel special too!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  04:23:24 AM  Show Profile
I'm 32, will be 33 in April. I'm glad you started this thread too! And for the record, Marie, I can't wait til I can join the over 50 farmgirls! :)

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  06:07:03 AM  Show Profile
Erin - you are so funny! The nice thing about being over 50 will be my children will be a little older, so perhaps I can finally sleep through the night ;)

Krista - my niece is pregnant and getting married. My oldest daughter will be a teenager this year. My hubby will be retiring this year. Yup feeling old ;)

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  06:16:14 AM  Show Profile
So Erin has been lurking on the over 50 thread. Well then this soon-to-be 55 year old will lurk here. Just hit "subscribe".

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  06:55:48 AM  Show Profile
Marie - you are too funny :) Love you dear sister!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Seattle WA
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  12:50:49 PM  Show Profile
I'm under 35, but I can't wait to join the Over 50's either! :)

Farmgirl Sister #2504
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  5:55:13 PM  Show Profile
This over 50 group must be amazing! I have24 more years before I can join them!
Go ahead Marie! Lurk all you want ha ha! The more farmgirls the better!
Oh Shannon, that does not make you old at all. Those are wonderful achievements.
Welcome Jamie!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  5:59:20 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
:P Shannon! <3

How was your day ladies??

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  06:16:10 AM  Show Profile
ahhh yes Alicia... we are now showing our age.... sticking our tongues out at one another ;)

Krista - you are so young, lol. Many many years before getting to the 50s group ;)

So now that I actually feel half human, with no headache, and a normal temperature, I really do not feel as old :) There is something about sickness that just seems to drag you down, both physically and mentally! Anyways, today my hubby gets home :) So very very excited! The medical board decided they still want to medically retire him :( Soooooo we are appealing to the secretary of the Air Force. It is so frustrating that he has had the same issues for the last 5-6 years, and yet it has only been the last 6 months or so that they have tried to kick him out. I swear I think it is a money thing! If they kick him out, he only gets about half his retirement, whereas if he hits his 20 years, he gets the full! It is not like we can live off the full retirement, so them wanting to take half by kicking him out less than a year before he retires is just not okay! Not counting any vacation days he may have at that point, we need to get to October 2nd... then he will get his full retirement! That's it! Silly government! On an upside, my dd turns 7 tomorrow :) She has given me her menu for the big day... yorkshire puddings with honey butter, snowman pancakes (you put two pancakes on top to make the snowman shape, use a strip of bacon for the scarf, chocolate chips for the eyes, nose, mouth, and buttons, and mini marshmallows along the bottom of the plate for the snow), and sausage for breakfast. For dinner she wants spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. :) Then on Monday we are hoping to go to the zoo as a family, to celebrate :)

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  07:39:22 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
That sounds like a wonderful birthday celebration! Can you send me a picture of the Yorkshire pudding? I am curious, as I have never made these! I am still getting over a sinus infection (remember when I was pregnant with Sawyer and had one and they put me in ICU, Shannon?) Brad retires THIS year, right? Ugh.... You know it is always money with the government... :(

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  08:21:44 AM  Show Profile
Oh Alicia! I hate that you are STILL getting over a sinus infection! I do remember that other one :( I'll try to send a picture after we make them... they are a very English bread, often served with a roast and roasted potatoes. Not sure why she wants them, but hey, it works. I have some tallow in the freezer to use for them :) The hardest part for me, is I use einkorn flour with them and still haven't gotten the flour to liquid ratio quite right! Brad does retire this year! His official 20 years would be October 22nd, but they give you 20 days of leave to find a house, so we have to get to at least October 2nd. He SHOULD have about 30 days of vacation, which ups it another thirty days, but we are not counting on it because who knows what could happen between now and then! It generally takes the secretary 6 to 8 months to decide whether to medically retire or return the individual to duty... That would put us to the middle of July to the middle of September. If we get to the middle of July and he says to medically retire, we can buy a little more time by getting reevaluated for benefits by the VA. There are times I wonder if it is worth the stress and aggravation, but I think that is what they are counting on - us giving up!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  10:04:01 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
And I know you won't!! Not much longer to stick it out!!! My sinus infection is a WHOLE lot better than it was a few days ago. At that time I was considering getting "sucked out" HA!!! That's what they had to do 3 years ago!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  3:14:01 PM  Show Profile
Wow, Shannon that sounds awful. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all that. I saw a headline on drudge today that reminded me of you... About a neighbor suing someone for having to listen to their kids playing outside. You haven't had good luck huh? I'll pray for your situation with the AF to work out to your advantage.

Alicia I'll pray for your sinuses too. I'm glad they're feeling better.

I'm starting to feel like I'm getting sick too. :( sometimes if I just take extra vitamins it'll hold it off. We'll see.

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  3:51:32 PM  Show Profile
Shannon, I am so sorry to hear your situation. I hope everything works out for the better. I feel that it may be a pain to go through all those issues but you should stick it out. To only have to make it to October to get a full retirement will be that much better on your family. I have come to learn how interesting the government can be. My husband just got a job with them in November. Some things that go on just make my jaw drop.

Happy birthday to your daughter. I hope she has an amazing day. Enjoy the zoo and all the wonderful food.

Alicia, I am so glad that you are starting to feel better. Being sick is the worst.

Erin, get feeling better. I hope your extra vitamins with help kick your sickness to the curb.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  5:48:32 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Thanks Erin and Krista... Hope you aren't getting sick, too Erin... :(

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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Simply Satisfied
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  6:21:15 PM  Show Profile
I am 36... that is close to 35. I get to 37 in May but I have thought that 50 and up group sure talks a lot. Maybe you will let another old timer talk in your less that 35 group ;o)

Shannon, I feel like so many things are heading toward the "let's make it hard so they give up" method of dealing with people. Whether it is insurance, work, or even the satellite tv company my husband dickered with for 45 minutes last week just to get our bill down to a reasonable rate. I think it is so sad that they can't just help you for all the service and effort that you guys put in.

Farmgirl # 3591
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  7:20:10 PM  Show Profile
Hahaha Emily! I will be 37 in April.... Thankfully it looks like they will let us older people hang out too :)

Erin - oh how I feel for the mother of the children not allowed to play outside! I miss my old house at times, but my goodness is it nice to feel safe! How are you feeling?

The government/military is definitely "interesting". I guess in some senses of the word, they take care of their people.... Sort of. My cousin was kicked out at about 18 years due to his knee... They kicked him out, not even medically retired! He lost all of his benefits! Sure they gave him a severance check, but you pay that back out of your VA benefits over time! It is heart breaking! I just found out, though, that the Army does not do that to their guys.... If they are at 17 years, and injured, they let them stay in until they hit 20 and put them in a special squadron. Why then does the Air Force kick people out... The branch of the military that supposedly takes better care of the family unit?! Okay..l done venting ;)

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  07:40:13 AM  Show Profile
I don't know if there's any straight answer about why the government does or doesn't do something. I'm not sick, yay! But my son and husband are. Boo. Last week I took them to a McDonalds play place after a round of dental appointments and I'm pretty sure that's what did it. Although I guess it could have been the dentist office. They only get fast food maybe 5 times a year, and it was so cold out I thought I should let them get out some energy there, kind of as a reward too for being so good at the dentist. Makes me think twice about doing that again. :(

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  4:04:33 PM  Show Profile
Of course Emily! Please join us!

Shannon- That is so terrible. I was just sharing your story with my husband and found out that he is a part of the civilian part of the air force. He is hoping for the best for your husband and hopes all works out.

This is the worst time of year for sickness. I hope everyone gets feeling better. Get your vitamin c!

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