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Holidays: We all know it is better to give than receive....  |
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
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Posted - Nov 19 2006 : 7:59:52 PM
but in your receiving, what is the worst or funniest thing you have gotten from someone in the past?
I am fairly large chested and to compound that I am a nursing mama (one year and going strong!!) I am very proud of my ample bosom and I am not flashy, but I dress to flatter myself... The funniest gift I got last year was a turtle neck and a fleece vest from my MIL, who is not so happy that I am so proud of my bounty.... I laughed myself stupid when we got into the truck to go home. I knew it was a 'cover yourself up woman!' sort of gift....very funny.
~*~Brightest Blessings~*~ Tasha-Rose blogs: |
True Blue Farmgirl
1646 Posts
1646 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2006 : 9:12:31 PM
That's so funny Tasha. Reminds me of Frannie's post last year about how she was given nice polo tshirts. I won't even begin to try to retell it here, no one can tell a story like she can. But it was hilarious...worth looking up for sure.
True Blue Farmgirl
1323 Posts
in the Pandhandle of
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Posted - Nov 20 2006 : 10:03:37 AM
We have poor crazy Aunt Ro (my mother's sister) who has always sent the craziest gifts. One year I got a bar of soap. What was that all about? And my dh got a mustache comb (he does not, nor has he ever had a mustache). My kids (16 and 17 at the time) got sesame street tapes! We just have a good laugh usually, but I always tell the girls to throw out the banana breads, cuz she doesn't bake and we have no idea where they come from. We always try to be gracious but we never know what's coming.
"You cannot find avoiding life." Virginia Woolfe |
True Blue Farmgirl
2044 Posts
2044 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2006 : 10:24:59 AM
How about clips for your refrigerator door shelves?! They were in my stocking (as a joke) because I kept breaking them all year and my husband said "Now you're prepared for the next break!" as if he was pleased with himself! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry but he couldn't keep a straight face and started laughing!
From my sister in law (who I get along with quite well, or so I thought...) a roll of toile wax paper and a note that said "the embossing machine is b/o and will be shipped on blah, blah, blah." Well...why did I need fancy wax paper with embossed stickers I am still wondering? Before I could react (I think I was in shock) her sister said "That has got to be the worst present anyone has ever given, what is wrong with you?!" and we all started to laugh. With a completely straight face she said, "I thought it was nice, I would like it if someone gave it to me". (This is a teacher married to a lawyer w/no kids. It definitely wasn't a $$$ issue. She seriously thought I would like "it"! I guess it sort of rubbed me the wrong way because I had her name that year and really went out of my way to find something I knew she would love and it didn't seem like she put much thought or care into mine and she knows me well! Just odd, quite odd! Maybe she is headed in the direction of the crazy Aunt and she will start giving baloney filled shoes to all the nephews (or a fate worse than that!)
with a happy heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
2552 Posts
St. Paul
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country lawyer
True Blue Farmgirl
1022 Posts

1022 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2006 : 11:08:12 AM
Each and every year I get a pair of panties from a female relative. I always unwrap the box, smile and say "thank you." I do like to pick out my own drawers, don't you?!
"The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time." James Taylor
Miss Bee Haven
True Blue Farmgirl
4331 Posts
4331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2006 : 12:28:47 PM
My first mother in law always gave me clothes that were at least twice the size I wore. Generally, everything was a size 16(I was an 8 then). I was married to her son for 10 years and we ate dinner there two or more times a week, so it's wasn't like she didn't see me enough to remember what I looked like!
"If you think you've got it nailed down, then what's all that around it?" - 'Brother Dave' Gardner |
True Blue Farmgirl
277 Posts
277 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2006 : 12:38:45 PM
My first husbands father and step mother gave new meaning to the word cheap. They had plenty of money but had a tough time parting with any of it. For years I simply tossed their gift out. One year it was a bag full of soap and lotion samples they had collected from hotel rooms they had stayed in, one year it was a pair of 5XX panty hose for a woman over 450 pound, I weighed about 150. 2 rolls of toilet paper, anything they got "free" with a magazine subscription and the list goes on and on. I had a good laugh just remembering all the stuff.
You only live once,if you do it right once is enough. |
True Blue Farmgirl
4853 Posts
4853 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2006 : 12:39:31 PM
Oh my gosh--these are hysterical. My husband and I always get "joint" gifts from his mother and father (both remarried) and it's usually in the form of a gift card to Lowes, or Home Depot or husband thinks it's a cop out (I personally love it), so he must have said something about getting separate gifts because last year.. I was too sick with the flu to go to the get together but we were given separate gifts...He got this AWESOME black and white photograph of two dogs from a local artist, that is an original, and I got this.....really cheap 8 X 10 picture frame that had been spray painted white, had a blue gingham ribbon for hanging and backed with what appeared to be window screen....Seriously, two weeks passed and I still couldn't figure out what the heck it was (and my husband didn't know, nor did he ever inquire as to "what was in the bag", so I called my mother-in-laws, and they said it was for earrings...I only have ONE pair of earrings. I wear the same white gold hoops every day of my life. So, I just kindof felt like maybe they a)don't like me or b) don't ever look at me 
Just think of all of the roads there are...all of the things I haven't seen....yet. |
True Blue Farmgirl
989 Posts
989 Posts |
Holidays: We all know it is better to give than receive....  |