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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

4928 Posts

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Posted - Sep 13 2013 :  10:13:36 AM  Show Profile
Today I making homemade seasoned salt using my homemade garlic powder and onion powder.

I am using my clotheslines again.

I needed some 4 oz (or smaller jars) and they are pretty expensive in the store. Another farmgirl suggested that I go buy baby food to get the jars. Awesome tip! I paid $.59/each and used the baby food to make a baby food carrot cake (link is on my blog). I plan to get a few more jars that way. I can't believe how little they have in stores anymore - all turning to plastic vs. glass.

I'm taking a trip to town (combining errands with visits), so I am helping my dd save money (and my Dad) by delivering some home cooked meals.

I'm borrowing more books from the library.

I'm creating bottle cap-embroidered necklaces to sell at the next Farmer's Market. These are turning out super cute. One thing on my errand list, is a new drill bit.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 13 2013 :  7:32:36 PM  Show Profile
Finally, someone to our kraut rescue...or at least mine!! Lisa, THANK YOU!!!!!
Ok, I understand not to can it now but won't it go all creepy if you freeze it? Plus is 6 weeks the normal time?
Nini, i haven't stirred mine at all & not sure if you're supposed to?? My water is clear & smells fresh....the cabbage looks ok & we tasted some & it's just salty cabbage. This hasn't settled to the bottom of the crock like yours but that could be because of the different temps & size..maybe? Maybe yours is more advanced?
I couldn't agree with you more Nini....... to have someone standing here! huge sigh! LOL I can hear my Granny laughing over all the fuss!! LOL

Does anyone know if you can make kraut from purple cabbage? Have a ton in the garden ready to harvest.
I can see the local newspaper report right now......2 crazy people are even more crazy for eating BAAAAAD kraut! Found on their farm mumbling something about "I'll try it if you do"! LOL
I'll wait for Lisa's words of wisdom! LOL

Great deals Kristina!
Laughing to keep from crying over the kraut! LOL

Canned: corn relish, red pepper relish, strawberry/rhubarb jam, pear cinnamon jam & froze shredded patty pans. Brought in the last big bundles of glads for the house. they really been a treat this year...soo many colours!

country wishes!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 13 2013 :  8:01:27 PM  Show Profile
LOL! OMGosh, Judy! I laughed so hard reading your posts, I had tears in my eyes! I hear ya, sister! LOL!

I hate to keep asking, but do you have a LOT of liquid on top of your cabbage? I've got a few inches! I'm not sure whether or not that's normal. Everything I read talks about a natural scum-like growth or mold that might occur, but there is not even a hint of that, truly. And to be honest, Judy, I don't think mine settled - the directions said to press it down well til the liquid covered it. I pressed it down so hard it seems like a cake of cabbage on the bottom - it looks solid. I'm not sure that's right, either. Around here, the news report will be, "A bewildered toothless man wandered into the police station downtown last week. He seemed to be in a fog and was motioning toward the cooler for a drink of water. He wreaked of sauerkraut. Although he was difficult to understand, we believe he was mumbling something about his wife MAKING him try 'it' first and that he never knew 'it' could be hard as a rock like that! If anyone has any information, you are asked to contact the PD as soon as possible." LOL!

Oooohhhh... Grandma would say, if we didn't laugh, we'd be a-cryin! ;)

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Sep 13 2013 8:01:58 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 13 2013 :  8:03:50 PM  Show Profile
Well, I got some "new" clothes at Goodwill for only $6.oo. I had my badge at work deactivated so I can't use it to buy food in the cafeteria. This should save me seventy to one hundred dollars a month. Also, since I started taking my lunch, I've lost a few pounds. I'm saving money AND saving calories.

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Kalama Washington
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Posted - Sep 13 2013 :  9:00:55 PM  Show Profile
I have such a long way to go! My father in law gave me a pressure canner last year, and I haven't used it yet. I am trying to find ways to acquire inexpensive bulk things to can! (This is the difficult part because we just moved to a new state!!!!) I'll get there eventually!
Nini, I love your idea for your Christmas goodies! Do you start making your goodies early and freeze them or do you designate one day to make a whole bunch?

Today I baked bread. But my family ate it all within an hour. So now, I have to bake more....


"There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness." ~His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 13 2013 :  9:29:22 PM  Show Profile
Believe it or not, Ally, I've been known to do all my baking - including gift-giving - on Christmas Eve! I have never frozen anything ahead, but I do prefer to do it a week or so in advance, depending upon what I make and depending upon our schedule. Basically, when the mood strikes, I'm baking! :) I am just so jazzed about making these containers - THOSE I'll make ahead for sure! :)

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 14 2013 :  09:24:05 AM  Show Profile
Oh my GOSH am I excited girls! As some of you know, my hubby is a HUGE train person.. An entire room of our attic is dedicated to his amazing train set, most of which he either grew up with or has designed and pieced together from pieces and parts purchased at flea markets; and some of which was gifted to him by complete strangers who just appreciate his passion for the hobby! WELL, today a nearby neighborhood was having a community yard sale. Our neighbor called bright and early to tell my hubby that he was at one of the homes, guarding a big box of train stuff that he thought my hubby would be interested in. We hadn't even had our first cup of coffee, but we flew out the door to see it. If anyone appreciated my husband's thrifty train nature, it's our neighbor; we knew he wouldn't call unless he really felt it was worth taking a look. SO, we get there, and this woman is selling only part of her husband's train set, which she has been holding onto in the hopes of her grandson taking interest. Apparently she had talked with him, and he told her that unless everything was brand new, he really wasn't into the "old stuff Grandpa had." <<C'est dommage!>> SO my hubby gave her his number and asked that she keep him in mind if she ever decides to sell, and he started rummaging through the boxes. There were some pieces and parts in there, but also a few these AMAZING buildings that looked just like those fancy architectural originals in Pittsburgh! There was a beautiful coal mine, a train trestle, a water tower... all SORTS of neat items my husband didn't have on his set yet; many with the original boxes. She also added in a bunch of track, a couple of trains and a lot of little decorative pieces - all for $25! What he came home with was WELL over $300 worth of goodies to play with over the winter! Guess I'll be losing my hubby to the attic early this year! LOL! I swear, he's going to have to open up a second room up there. We keep telling him to just cut a couple of holes in the wall and add tunnels to a new train city next door!

In addition, she had a BRAND NEW Victorio Food Mill still in its box (something that has been on my wishlist for the past few years!) which she sold to me for $5, and she threw in a box of canning jars that were like new and a beautiful little antique statue of the Madonna and Child for free!

It sure feels like Christmas at Nini's house today! :) I'm so excited - I just had to share! :) I'm so happy for my husband - he's like a little kid over this! And I'm SO glad I waited on purchasing a food mill. Patience and self-restraint are definitely virtues worth cultivating! :)

So, after our usual chores today, I'm planning to fill some of these new jars with homemade brownie and cake mixes. I just make big batches of my own recipe, fill the jars, vacuum seal them, and tie the directions on with a bow. This way, whenever we get a hankering for something sweet over the winter, I've got my own ready-made "boxed" mixes ready to go.

I've also saved a lot of seeds from my garden this year - onions, dill, basil, coriander, various squashes, cucumbers, tomatoes... It's the first time I've saved flower, lettuce and radish seeds, too, so I'm pretty excited to see how they do next year. Today I'm going to shake everything out of their pods and place them into glass jars for next spring. Wish me luck!

Also - I just wanted to share with all of you... If you burn candles, you know how annoying it is to have that final unburned scented wax sitting at the bottom of the holder? Gosh, I hate that - what a waste! I sometimes will save the wax and make my own layered jar candles when I've accumulated enough wax, but I really don't have a lot of time to do that nowadays. I also like to chop up or shave the leftover wax and use it in my tart warmer. You'd be amazed how long the wax and scent will last this way! The other thing I do with the chopped/shaved wax and put it in a little piece of cloth like a sachet, then put the sachet in an old recycled jar lid and tuck it behind the curtains to scent my rooms. They works really well. They're out of sight, and the jar lid protects the sill from any melting wax that comes through the cloth. When the window is open, the breeze blows the scent throughout the room, and when the window is closed, the heat from the sun warms the wax and the scent wafts through. Pretty nifty, and much better than spending all that money on those plug-in or twist-open fresheners, for sure!

Have a wonderful day!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Sep 14 2013 09:27:59 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 :  3:02:30 PM  Show Profile
You girls all make me smile!

Judy and Nini and your Kraut adventures The Krautsy Twins :) Someday I want to try making some, I need a crock first :) After my water bath canning I will get up the gumption to try the Pressure Canner. Nini, thanks for the link :)

Judy, here is a pic of the bracelet, not too exciting but I have been wanting to make one for awhile and since I was working on badges...

Kristina, I bet your home smells wonderful when you dry the garlic and onion :)

Cindy, what a deal on the clothes! I LOVE days like that :)

Ally, we will do fine with the Pressure Canner, we have a cheering squad to encourage us :)

Nini, I can't believe the score you and Charlie got! Awesome :) Just what your honey needs after dealing with the eye thing. I love using my Victorio strainer for apple sauce and tomato sauce and raspberries :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Sep 14 2013 3:03:07 PM
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

4928 Posts

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Posted - Sep 15 2013 :  05:05:00 AM  Show Profile
We are installing the goat fencing ourselves - saving us hired labor costs. Hubby, son and my 16-yo dd got the gate installed yesterday. Where was I?

Well, I planted our fall garlic, and got carried away in the garden. I completely forgot (in all the "worst garden" year ever syndrome), that we planted a row of pinto beans.

I spent the day pulling them all, and we have 5 bowls to clean today. I'm so excited. We eat a lot of dried beans here.

Sharon, that bracelet is beautiful.

I do believe that buying a pressure canner will be put to the top of my wish list now. I really want to can soups, other veggies and meats next year.

Since May of 2013, I have been exercising at home - saving us $25.00/month gym fee. We may go back, but the lack of expense has been nice.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 15 2013 :  05:57:42 AM  Show Profile
as far as pressure canners go. . .I have the bottom of the line cheap-o one that is sold at WalMart (presto 16-qt -- is was about $45) and I love it!! I have used it for about 5 years and I can a LOT in it -- I can most of our chicken and venison and soups and some veggies -- I'll probably some day save up $$ to buy a more pricey one, but the cheaper one seems to work great for us. I've had to replace the rubber gasket a few times (and learned to have one on hand at all times --it's pretty bad to have a canner full of something and have a leaky gasket. . .)

All this to say -- give pressure canning a try --even at the lower end of the $$ scale -- it's a wonderful thing.
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country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl

452 Posts

452 Posts

Posted - Sep 15 2013 :  7:26:33 PM  Show Profile
Hey Thrifty Friends!
Boy, turn your back & look at all the great ideas!!

Sharon, I adore your bracelet! It looks GREAT! I'll have to find a chain link one too & dig in my button cans.

Ally, if you're new to the area & gathering a lot of food all at once can really be a challenge try asking the managers of each dept at your food store if they can help you out with a deal or two. Explain that you're new & are looking forward to making their store your main stop. You might be surprised what they can find in the back! LOL Get your name on any fliers too.

Prariehawk, hat goes off to you.....losing weight any time is HARD! then saving money too..way to go!

Kristina, never tried pinto beans but have been able to grow kidney beans here on a rare HOOOOT summer.

Sheila, I agree with buying what you can afford & if it works why spending more. My All American canner was a gift, not sure I'd spend that much on one. But they're supposed to last for Years.

Nini, my kraut crazy friend.....Hubby says we should get the dog to try it first! Good idea if the thing wasn't sooooo spoiled rotten...she's a wiener dog too....get it???? Will you take kraut on your hot "dog"??????? I'm missing my calling as a stand up! LOL snort!
It's sooooo much fun when you find something that makes your toes curl & you're doing a happy dance for the rest of the day!!!!! Good for hubby!!!!! Love the idea of 2 holes in the wall! LOL
The containers are really cute.....when you get them done PLEASE share a pic! I've got some & know where to beg for more!
OK, this is a stupid question but how doesn't your baking powder go flat in your mixes? Hubby especially loves this idea with the brownies all ready to butt & hips are not loving it but I'll HAVE to take one for the team! LOL
I've always wanted to do the mixes.....I'm thinking!!
I would NEVER have thought about using candle ends that way. cool!

Is anyone else getting sick of before you die of shock since this is the thrifty forum & all....I'm tired of the sticky, sweet, sour & anything in between smells! The poor dog, yep the little sausage, is starting to avoid the kitchen like it''s a kennel & her nose starts to run just thinking about onions, hot peppers & the dreaded "drum roll please" vinegar!! The thrill of the first pickling cuc being turned into a mass of unforgettable relish or the first finger licking, all though it was burning, sticky jam has....well....let's just say has seen it's day & left a month & a half ago!!!!!!
Every year Dh & I swear on our lives that we are NOT planting a big garden but this year to prove we're really nuts to the folks we planted 3! Now in a healthy mind one can only eat sooooo much relish, soup, jam etc etc before the garden is in total control! I wake up in a sweat thinking of what's waiting for me in the kitchen each morning! I swear some of those veggies are doubling int he night!!!
Yep, canning tomorrow.....tomatoes are just starting! Yikes!!!! I hear there's a world beyond the kitchen! See what happens to you living in the middle of the boonies without a TV!!!! LOL
Hugs to all

country wishes!
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
5216 Posts

Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  08:17:30 AM  Show Profile
Kristina, thanks! I really wanted to plant garlic this year but things are a little tight. I am hoping that next year we can. What a nice surprise with the pintos :) Have you tried canning beans? That is something I would like to do as well.

Sheila, I agree too. I had read great reviews about the All-American but it was pretty pricey for us (especially since I am afraid of pressure canning :)). ILast year I found a 23 quart Presto on sale at Amazon for $85.00. So that was my Christmas gift :)

Judy, thank you. I also used some charms that I had too. I am getting a little tired of canning. I need to work on some Bread and Butter Pickles, my honey will be smoking some Jalapenos so I can 'can' some Chipotles in Adobo Sauce. I was just out in the garden and the green beans are doing good so I have been freezing them for winter. I was also looking at all the pumpkins I will be needing to process as well as the banana squash in a couple of weeks. Broccoli is just starting to flower so I will have a little break. I am tired of sticky floors I will tell you that!

for today:

~Making Bread & Butter Pickles
~Making Bread
~Using up my leftovers and being creative :)
~Fruit and Vegetable scraps are either going to the pigs or compost (which is doing really good, I am excited for next year)
~We have been saving the pig feed bags. They are a strong brown paper so I am going to use them next year for the garden to help with weed control.
~I need (okay more like want) to go to the mountains and pick some more Black Hawthornes before it is too late so I can make jelly.
~I will be drying some grapes this afternoon too.
~Taking the ac out of the window :)

Have a great day girls

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  12:32:41 PM  Show Profile
Sharon - LOVELY bracelet! I love it! And it's so funny - I started making my raisins today, too! There's nothing like homemade! :)

Kristina! What a great thing to have forgotten! :) What a neat surprise to find your beans - and so many of them!

Girls - I did invest in the All-American... I know it's so expensive... But I love it, and I am definitely using it! :)

Judy - Nothing like wieners and kraut! LOL! Too funny! You know, I've never had a problem with the baking soda going flat... I wonder if it's just that the mixes don't stay on the shelf very long? I didn't even realize that was a consideration! I never have to worry about the brownies... I may get one, but my hubby and son definitely do not exercise ANY self-control with them, so when I make them, they're gone in a blink of an eye. ;) I have tried "hiding" them for myself on occasion, but they always manage to find them. No secret stash lasts long in my house, that's for sure!

I want to share with you all what I did yesterday to save money! We were going over to celebrate our beloved neighbor's 85th birthday, but couldn't figure out what to give him. He is Italian, so my hubby and son suggested we give him a gift certificate to the local Italian store (which he LOVES). But I was thinking more along the lines that he gets so excited whenever I make something good and share it with him. SO, I pulled out one of my jars of chicken soup, filled a jelly jar with dehydrated mixed veggies, and filled a pint jar with halushki noodles. I made circles out of brown paper lunch bags to for lid covers and secured them with skinny fabric trim I had saved from a craft project last year. I added a baggie filled with a half-dozen freshly baked homemade cheesy pecan biscuits made especially for him in the morning, tying that with some trim as well. I went up to my craft room and pulled out a dairy tin that my girlfriend had sent a couple of years ago. I do use it on occasion for decoration, but it seemed the perfect tin to hold all his goodies. I filled the bottom with a torn paper grocery bag, nestled the jars and biscuits on top, then filled in the empty space with cuttings from one of my silk bushes. I slipped a handwritten how-to recipe in front, and found the perfect card from one of those big boxes of greeting cards I have from Costco. <Normally I'd make a card, but that box of premades sure comes in handy at times like this! :)> My husband said it was one of the nicest gift baskets he'd ever seen - isn't that sweet? When we brought it over, I got a big hug and kiss on the cheek from our neighbor - he was thrilled! And he said he'd save the jars for me so I can re-fill them when he's done! LOL! How sweet is that?

Here's a pic of the finished product:

Not too shabby for a bunch of homemade and recycled stuff, huh? :) I'm definitely going to make some of these type of gifts for Christmas this year! Inexpensive and definitely practical! :) Mmmmm-mmm-GOOD!

Happy Day!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  2:45:31 PM  Show Profile
I want to make eight journals for the students in my crochet class at an elementary school. The school has journals in all the classes and I believe that these help students observe, remember and think about the subjects.

I had the paper and the cover stock. I wanted to put a title on the cover. I thought about getting a calligraphy and writing; however, I know I make some of my printed differently than they are used to seeing. I saw some alphabet stickers and knew this was the solution. I bought two packets for $.99 each which contain all the letters I need. The calligraphy pen would have cost $7.50.

I must say the first step to saving money is to rethink the construction of the project and inventory the supplies already available. Originally, I planned to buy a packet of card stock ($8.50) when I realized I have more than enough construction paper for the covers.

Try everything once. The fun things try twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  4:19:53 PM  Show Profile
You guys! I am so sorry I haven't posted much, but I just LOVE this thread.
Sharon, did you make that bracelet?
& Nini, what a deal you found, on both fronts! Maybe you could talk your Italian neighbor into letting you run some trains into his attic to!
I love your wax idea, although we take ours & put in a piece of newspaper & tie with a bit of twine for fire starters (we heat mainly with wood)
Last Sat I went to meet Linda (woolispinner) at the local Mennonite store; she gifted me with a gallon of fresh goat milk & her homemade feta. SOOOO good.
Well, we were browsing the store & the furniture is to die for. They have these rocker/gliders that feel like you are on a cloud, but are like $800. Sorry.
On the way home I saw a yard sale & I saw this rocker chair, similar to the Mennonite ones. I went up to it, but it was a rocker, not a glider. I turned to leave, & the man came out & said, "Make me an offer" I said, I was really looking for a glider, but then I sat in the chair & it was heavenly.
I asked "How much". He said $10! I said "Load er up!"
I have attached a pic.
& now on to the kraut.
First off, if you don't have it, get this book, or reserve at the library.
You can ferment so much, & actually the REAL expert on this forum is Kris Sherill, email her with any questions. SHe is a sweetheart.
I use this crock
Basically, you are NOT going to get sick from kraut as long as it has no nasty mold (google pics) & it has been covered in brine. I had a batch last year that wasn't fully covered & had a slight "bloom" or yeast on top. I just scooped it off & it was fine. I am braver than some, but unless it is obvious BAD mold, it really should be OK.
Both of you gals sound like you have plenty of brine, and I would dig in. Keep in mind that the probiotics in fermented veges take a while for the gut to get used to, so go easy.
Also, I have never froze kraut, but I know the canning kills the good stuff. Instead, just leave in the crock & use as needed. I usually have mine get too mushy before it ever goes bad, or should I say, I have NEVER had it go bad.(only mushy)
Unfortunately, I don't have a basement, so my kraut making is only a fall through spring project, since I don't have a good cool spot in the summer months.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble, but it sounds like you guys are doing great. Take a few bites. It'll be FINE!!
When is the last time you heard of a kraut induced death????
Here is $10 rocker

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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Farmgirl at Heart

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Fort Walton Beach Florida
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  4:43:29 PM  Show Profile
I didn't drive anywhere. Pretty simple, but a hard one for me. Sometimes I just grab the kids and go for a drive to get a break. Especially since it's been too hot to enjoy being outside most of the day. We live right in town so I try to justify running around town every day by telling myself "We stayed in town" It adds up so much! I didn't realize it until we started the process to buy our house and I set a bunch of challenging saving goals. After the first week of not leaving the house but 1-2 times a week. It's amazing how little changes can make such a huge difference over time.

I didn't buy diapers. We cloth diaper, but my sons diapers needed to be stripped because they have detergent buildup and I just was not looking forward to it. I bought disposables for a recent road trip and it has honestly been a nice treat not dealing with a pile of ammonia smelling diapers. He has no interest in learning to use the toilet right now and I needed diapers, so I dealt with it up and stripped them. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.

Using up every last bit in the freezer/fridge/pantry. We should be moving this weekend and I could really use some groceries, but I set a SUPER low grocery budget for the last month to challenge myself to use up items that had been in there forever AND to eat all the leftovers. We are usually pretty good about leftovers, but have gotten a little lazy with it. I've had to creative, it'll be less I have to worry about moving and we can start with fresh ingredients.

I also called an Equestrian Center in town that gives away composted horse manure. We have very sandy soil. I want to get started on my new beds ASAP. I'm going to shovel my current compost pile into 5 gallon buckets with lids my husband brought home from work (free that they THROW AWAY!) and take some buckets the the center and fill them up to take with us on the move. We will also be picking up free wood chips for mulch. We're switching from SFG raised beds to lasagna/Back to Eden style beds. I love the look of raised beds and they have worked for us, but for the size garden I want to eventually have it would be so much lumber!

I can't wait to get a clothesline and I love reading about amazing thrift store/yard sale finds!

"Live simply so that others may simply live."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Elsmere Kentucky
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  4:52:39 PM  Show Profile
I ate lunch at my desk (with the best heirloom tomatoes, smoked bacon sea salt, Irish cheddar and crackers and hummus and red peppers)

We have stupid office photos tomorrow...and our washing machine is broken (they're coming tomorrow) but it broke on I DID have to go buy a pair of pants. And they were $10. on clearance at Kohls. I can always use a pair of black dress pants, and $10...well, I couldn't pass that up.

I am making dinner. I know that sounds weird, husband worked a double, I had errands to run after work and when you're dog tired, it would be so easy to run through Noodles and Company...but I want my husband to eat a homecooked meal and my little one, too. So, I'm making cubed steaks, corn on the cob and green beans.

We turned the a/c OFF and we've had the windows open. Thanks to Mother Nature for cooperating!

"Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile..."
The Only Living Boy in New York, Paul Simon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  5:14:46 PM  Show Profile
I love no ac, & hold off until my papers jam the printer from humidity.
Where is Jus working now?? I can't remember if he got a new job in the past 6 months or not.
Sorry, so busy here (foreclosures, icky moldy houses and fleas)
I am making a quick potato soup & typing a short sale appraisal.
Kiss Violet for me.
How is pre school going?
A pic would be nice.

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Elsmere Kentucky
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  5:29:14 PM  Show Profile
Hey Lis!
Justin is at Bronte--at Joseph Beth in Hyde Park. He loves it.
I've been busy like you--only no moldy houses (but yes to fleas!) and pies!

Ok, ok, preschool is pretty great. She's having a blast. Here is your pic

"Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile..."
The Only Living Boy in New York, Paul Simon
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True Blue Farmgirl

2941 Posts

Georgetown OH
2941 Posts

Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  5:32:17 PM  Show Profile
Oh Jonni, just kill me now
How absolutely FREAKIN adorable.
I cannot believe it has been THAT long since you were preg with her at miss wilmas gathering.
What a sweet little lady!

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

4810 Posts

Elsmere Kentucky
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  5:39:17 PM  Show Profile
Admittedly, pretty cute :) She is so excited to go and she just can't wait to pick out her clothes! We shopped a lot at this great little store in Georgetown (KY) with high end kids clothes (and a great sale!) so she's WAY in style.

I didn't cry--she didn't either! She basically blew us off to go meet the kids and play with the puzzles :) No turning back now!

"Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile..."
The Only Living Boy in New York, Paul Simon
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True Blue Farmgirl

2941 Posts

Georgetown OH
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  6:01:36 PM  Show Profile
That does not surprise me at all.
Girlfriend has things to do & people to see!!!!!

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  6:32:00 PM  Show Profile
LOL! Oh, Lisa - when I told him your suggestion about the trains my hubby said, "Hmmmm... You know... She might have a point there!" Dear Lord, please don't let him even ask...

Love, LOVE the chair! What a steal! It's beautiful!

And no, I can honestly say I've never heard of death by kraut, but I have heard of someone having kraut die inside of him... Ahem.. And then I wanted to kill him myself! LOL! Thanks for those links - I will definitely check everything out!

Sabrina - Oh, I feel for you, girl. I used cloth, too, until our son got really sick. I loved them, but they were quite a chore. My mother would FREAK that I didn't buy disposables. She said they were the greatest invention since sliced bread, and I was nuts for going through all that work. I say KUDOS to you, and if you have to use a disposable every now and then, don't beat yourself up! Traveling with cloth diapers is NOT easy!!! Also - I love what you did about your food budget. I actually try to buy as little as possible once the cold weather hits. I stock up in late summer/early fall and then do whatever I can to use it up before spring. I have never reduced our food budget, I just use what we need and then hope that we can save the rest. There's always some unexpected expenditure, though... But it's nice not to have to worry! :)

Jonni - every time I see Violet's picture, it soooo makes me long to have a little girl of my own, too! She's just the embodiment of light and joy!

Hey Lisa - you never did say how you made out with the grape leaves? Were you able to make them? I know you've had a lot on your plate... How's your hubby feeling? Poor guy! No fun at all!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Sep 16 2013 6:34:20 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2941 Posts

Georgetown OH
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  6:39:54 PM  Show Profile
Oh Nini! I forgot!
I made them & loved them, although I fear I need some wrapping/folding skills. Mine were much bigger.
But alas, I found lamb much cheaper at Krogers & bought another pound.
I made a second time (don't judge here please!!)
I am trying to cut carbs, and used quinoa in place of the rice. I found them to be quite delish, and did not notice much of a difference (except when the quinoa gets caught in my teeth!)
I will definitely make again!
Thank you for your expertise!
Hubs is fine. Except he has 2 bruises the size of pie plates on his left butt cheek and in the middle. They are purple.
Once he got the news that it wasn't broken, he was chopping wood and (ach) rode his bike. I said, boy you need to take a break!
I am, however, thankful to have an active hubby; so many of my friends have couch potatoes.

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  7:02:43 PM  Show Profile
Hmmm! Quinoa! I think that's a GREAT idea, Lisa! I have been trying to introduce it into our meals, but my son just keeps balking... I wonder how bad it would be to try to sneak some in instead of rice next time I make grape leaves?! Aren't you smart! I love that!!! Did you have to cook it first, or did you add it raw to the lamb? I wonder if they'd complain... I think I really might give that a try! COOL! (Just don't tell the in-laws! LOL!)

Awww... poor guy! 'Hope he heals up quickly. That's SUCH a tough spot. I KNOW! I have a lot of friends whose husbands are couch potatoes, too! Not mine! I feel very, very blessed!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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