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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 :  7:25:18 PM  Show Profile
Nini, uncooked into the lamb. It is a much softer grain? than rice so no need to cook, & I like the ball like texture.
Of course, I am one that also, (the very FEW times I have had it), likes to press caviar balls on the roof of my mouth & make then pop. & I love tapioca, and pearl couscous. Round sensations in my mouth. Dr Freud???
This is not nifty thrifty, just FUN!

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

4928 Posts

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Posted - Sep 17 2013 :  08:24:11 AM  Show Profile
Making homemade parmesan cheese today. It's part of expanding my preparedness skills, along with self-sufficiency.

Made a trip to the library for more books, magazines and movies.

Freezing tomatoes from the garden. Saves me trips to the store, and saves me on buying them.

Working on more bottle cap necklaces, and now keychains. Someone suggested earrings, but would any of you wear bottle cap earrings? My girls tell me no. I will have photos on both blogs in a week or so (Pioneer and S.C.R.A.P).

I made a batch of homemade tile/grout cleaner, and a batch of homemade dishwasher detergent.

The goat fencing was completed last night! YAHOOOOOO! The goats are so funny to watch today. They are jumping around and having a jolly ol' time. That was a huge, and long drawn out, project. But we did it ourselves.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 17 2013 :  08:28:04 AM  Show Profile
Forgot to add,
Sharon, I have not canned beans yet. This is the first year planting this type of bean. We eat loads of black and pinto beans, so I wanted to give it a try.

I must go research prices for a pressure canner for next year.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 17 2013 :  09:33:30 AM  Show Profile
I'm so excited... Got a postcard in the mail the other day from the electric company that they would be doing tree maintenance in our area soon, and gave us a number to call to have a load of free wood chips delivered. Called this morning. They said it will be about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle (Good gravy - that'd cover my entire yard!), and that the Forestry Service would be calling in advance to deliver as soon as they have a load available! SO excited! Can't WAIT! Our front garden needs serious work, and I would like to use the rest in the veggie garden out back for permaculture purposes. I wasn't sure my hubby would let me call for them, but when he heard they would be free AND delivered, he was all in! YAY! So now I have to figure out how much a Volkswagen-sized load measures, and then plan for my garden! This is SUCH a huge relief - we are planning to do a lot of work out front, especially, and this is really going to bring our budget costs way down. YES!

Lisa - you'll laugh. I told my husband about the Quinoa in the grape leaves and he thought that was pretty smart of you, too... But when I told him I was thinking of trying it, he shot me the eyes and laughed as if to say, "Don't you dare!" Ah, well... Maybe next time I can separate a little lamb and make just a few to try. :) I still think you're brilliant for doing it, though! ;)

Kristina! That's WONDERFUL that you're making Parmesan! I would love to hear how that goes. How long do you have to age it? That is so cool! SO happy for your goats! Oh! And around here, if it has Steelers on it, people will wear ANYTHING - I say, go ahead and make the earrings, and add something to them referencing the Reds, Browns and Buckeyes... I don't think you can legally use their logo if you're going to sell them, but they sure would make awesome gifts for family and friends who are big sports fans! :) Good luck!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 18 2013 :  2:22:05 PM  Show Profile
Well, I didn't get to accomplish much from my list partly due to 'needing' to go to the mountains :) I did get my Hawthorn berries though :) Hawthorn Jelly making is on the to do list.

Nini, great gift! I bet your neighbor is so thankful to have neighbors and friends like you and Charlie. Seeing Linda's post under the garden gate caused me to do a search on permaculture and I talked with my honey. He, like Charlie is all for no tilling :) I cannot wait to get ahold of our tree-trimming guys and/or electric company for some chips. I think the train set to your neighbor's attic would be so fun!!!

Marie, great ides for the journals. I love journals and encourage my Sunday School kids to use one.

Lisa, yes I did make the bracelet. Not bad for first time I guess. I think I need more charms though ;) Awesome deal on the chair! You decorate just how I pictured :)

Sabrina, great tips! I can't believe people just throw away those buckets, good for you though :) I hope everything goes well with your move this weekend!

Jonni, I had to chuckle when you said 'stupid' office photos. I never liked that either. Bringing your own lunch saves so much money and tastes better too! Violet is so sweet!!!

Kristina, homemade Parmesan? Please let us know how that goes! I love the library and frequently utilize their service.

Okay, funny how missing a day or two means lots to catch up on :)

~Finally got around to drying grapes.
~My honey and I got a deal on a Pork Shoulder so yesterday we made some sausage and he smoked it. It looks and smells wonderful.
~I have prepped my peaches for more Peach and Saffron Jam
~About 12 cups of zucchini shredded for the freezer
~Made 2 loaves of Zucchini Peach quick bread for the freezer (experimenting)
~With all this prep work with produce we have more goodies for the pigs and compost pile :)
~Cleaned some stuff out of the freezer and found some tomatoes. I made an oven-roasted sauce which tastes so good. Tonight we are having it on our homemade pizza :) I ended up with a little more than 4 quarts to re-freeze. I wanted to can but wasn't sure if it was safe, so I chose to freeze instead.
~Found a really cute picture frame at the thrift yesterday for a Christmas gift.

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

3977 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Sep 18 2013 :  9:54:43 PM  Show Profile
Everytime I am out and about, I pick up a piece of trash or recycling and properly dispose of it. A couple days ago while walking to the Walgreens (4 blocks), I picked up a piece of paper and was astonished to find that it was a 20 lb piece of craft paper. It had a speckled side and an ombre grey side. I can definitely use this.

I also picked up a discarded plastic bag which I can use to pick up dog poop. An artist walking by asked me about it. I told him how to cut the bag to make a continuous strip or loops to knot together to use in knit, crochet or weaving. He was fascinated and said he might use more "garbage" in his art. I told him that I liked the term "found items". We both laughed and he thanked me for the inspiration.

Try everything once. The fun things try twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1650 Posts

DeRidder Louisiana
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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  5:25:47 PM  Show Profile
Well I hit the jackpot for scrapbooking stuff. At a garage sale. I bought about $250.00 worth for $2O.00. I bought a 10 compartment organizer full of brads and little flowers and every type brads you could think of. A plastic box full of embellishments, stickers, rings , a scrapbook book for a quarter. I can't believe I got so much stuff. I was on cloud nine. Hooting my own horn!

Toot Toot! Marlee

God is the painter, he paints the picture. And his son builds it, for he is the Master Carpenter!

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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

4928 Posts

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  04:15:49 AM  Show Profile
I posted the making of the parmesan on my blog the other day. It consisted of dry milk, boiling water, lemon juice and a bit of salt. It was mostly a preparedness recipe, but I will be testing it out on some pasta next week. I don't cook a lot with dry milk (other than my homemade granola), so I thought it would be fun to try.

I purchased 2 tubs of organic cottage cheese on clearance, and will be dehydrating them today for future winter meals. I have never dried cottage cheese before, so this will be another "first" for me. I heard it is pretty tasty to eat as a dried treat. I guess we'll find out. The regular cost was $4.89/each, and they were marked at $1.49/each. Saves me a ton of money to rehydrate.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  04:32:53 AM  Show Profile
Marie - how clever!

Marlee - what a great find! How cool is that!?

Kristina - did you like how the parm tasted? I don't use dry milk very often either; like you, mostly in homemade granola. I think being able to make the parmesan at home in a pinch would be pretty great, though! That sounds so easy!

Yesterday I started dehydrating frozen mixed veggies again. We have almost finished our last jar, so it is time! I love how the big bag of mixed veggies from Costco will dehydrate down into a quart sized canning jar! Saves me room in the freezer. And we usually use them in soups and casseroles, anyway, so we just throw them into the pot to rehydrate - no extra water necessary!

I also ordered my first box of chicken from Zaycon, which will arrive at the beginning of October. Lisa had said the chicken she purchased from them was a bit stringy, so I am a little concerned about it, but for the price, it's worth a shot. I plan to freeze some, but also to can quite a bit. Do you all have any chicken canning recipes you would like to suggest? I figure we will use the canned stuff primarily in soups and casseroles, but I would like to be a little more creative with it. Anything that will make winter cooking easier after long days of homeschooling sounds really good to me! :)

Happy day, girls!


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  08:38:28 AM  Show Profile
Nini, it is kind of tasteless, but we did add a bit of salt to help the taste. I hope to try it on my pasta sometime next week.

I ordered a book from our library (our interloan program), that will give me more recipes to use dehydrated potatoes with. Last year we dried man of them, but not this year. I hope to re-stock next year.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  10:20:47 AM  Show Profile
Thanks, Kristina. I think we might try this just to see! :) I have yet to dehydrate potatoes... Were they very difficult to do? Do you mash them beforehand and dehydtrate them as such, or do you do cubes or thin slices? How are they when rehydrated? We love potatoes, but I have yet to have a successful year growing them. I've bought bulk in the past, but they always seem to go rotten before we use them all. I have wanted to try dehydrating them, but am not sure what would be the best way. I'd really appreciate your advice! :)

Today I vacuum-sealed a whole bunch of bulk foods we purchased yesterday. Two half-gallon jars of pecans, four half-gallon jars of walnuts, six quart jars of craisins, three quarts of haluski noodles, and then, of course, I sealed the veggies I dehydrated last night. I don't know what I was thinking, but I ended up with three quart jars of veggies from two big bags, not just two quart jars. Anyhow, my pantry is starting to shape up quite nicely. I'm thrilled. My son came in wondering when I planned on taking a break... He is amazed at the jars I've filled. He says he is very proud of me for doing all of this, but doesn't understand why I do so much of it. I told him not only does it save us money, once he starts driving in the ice and snow this winter, he'd totally understand. He laughed and said, "Point taken." ;)

What is the best way to store bulk flour and sugar? I have stored them in half-gallon Ball jars in the past, but I am thinking I might want to buy both in 50 lb. bags. The problem is, whenever we buy it from the gristmill lately, no matter what I do, the flour gets buggy. I've even frozen it first - it just doesn't work. My goal is to buy it in bulk and use is as needed over the winter (I bake a LOT), but I sure don't want buggy problems. The sugar will be fine, I'm sure; my concern is just the flour. They also sell the best cornmeal I've ever had, but I've never bought that in great quantity, primarily because of the flour issues we've encountered.

Thanks for your help, girls!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 21 2013 :  2:12:38 PM  Show Profile
Okay, I just typed a good size post only to have hit the wrong button and now it is gone.

I thought I had saved money yesterday trying my hand at making Spruce Tip Syrup. The recipe is from Mother Earth News and is supposed to "smell like strawberries and taste like honey". Early summer my honey and I picked some spruce tips and I froze them to process at a later date. I made the syrup yesterday and it is nasty! What a waste of time and sugar! On a more positive note the Hawthorn Jelly came out wonderful!!! It is such a beautiful red color!

Today has been blanching and freezing Green Beans and roasting and freezing Banana Squash. It's amazing just how big those squash can get. I saved some of the seeds for next year and sharing:) The pumpkins have been picked and once cured they will also be processed for the freezer. My cabbage is not ready yet for harvesting but read that I can use the outer leaves so I plan on making some Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Golumpkis) with those for winter time and for those busy days.

I plan on organizing my freezer and pantry once again real soon so I can see what I need to stock up on and not.Knowing what I have saves me money from purchasing more items than needed. I used to be really good about this but have slacked off this summer and not checked things off the list when I should have.

Tonight I will be making my own rolls for Brats for dinner. Served with homemade Banana Pepper Mustard :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

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Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  10:18:56 AM  Show Profile
By Not Leaving the House!! (Chuckle chuckle). Sorry girls, couldn't help it when I saw the post. That seems to be the only way I can keep from spending. (Unless I log on to ebay....)

Farmgirl hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #1155
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True Blue Farmgirl

5216 Posts

Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  7:15:13 PM  Show Profile
Or Etsy Nicole!

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  04:21:38 AM  Show Profile
Nini, I blanched my potatoes whole, just enough to pierce them with a skewer, then put them in an ice bath. I then put them in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, I peeled them, and sliced them, and dehydrated the slices. I think it took about 2 hours to re-hydrate them. I then used them in baked casseroles. You could use them in soup too I think.

You can also do this with cube or grated hashbrowns, but I have not done that yet. This year, we were flooded out with storms, so more than half of my potatoes rotted (sad face here). I do use a slicer to make each slice even.

Nicole, I had to laugh.

Yesterday, I saved money by using the last of our garden potatoes, and roasting our meat chickens for dinner. I used home grown herbs to cook it all.

I also visited the library, and brought home a stack of books. They were mostly Christmas craft books, herbal remedy and so forth. All free to borrow.

Today, I am dehydrating whatever hot peppers I have left in the garden, including four tiny (and the only) habanero peppers that I picked. I will grind it up for a very hot pepper to sprinkle on stews/soups etc.

I also have been drying more herbs before winter arrives.

I'm already boxing up homemade Christmas gifts, and sorting jellies for different families. Today I plan to make Montrose Girl's recipe for homemade vapo-rub.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  5:45:02 PM  Show Profile
You farmgirls are very productive. I can't say I have anything to I was thinking, Yay, Me! about making my laundry detergent. Baby steps, I guess!
Thanks for posting all these great ideas and methods!
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 25 2013 :  04:54:38 AM  Show Profile
I posted a "nifty thrifty" idea on my "pioneer" blog today (tiny plastic hangers).

Drying more sage today.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 :  8:36:22 PM  Show Profile
I was looking at a potatoe chip bag I picked up in the alley. I was going to throw it away when I thought that if I were to cut this, the edges would be nice and sharp. Round strips could be cut from the bag, knotted together and crocheted into scrubbies. These bags are on the ground everywhere in our neighborhood. I will see about putting them to good use and posting pictures and instructions here. I guess this is more of a reclaimed item thing but also saves money.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Sands of Time SC
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 :  9:50:51 PM  Show Profile
Found some goodies at rummage sale, baggie of rubber stamps for $1 and ribbon for 25 cents. Also bought a summer robe for $1 and several sweat shirts( they even had tags on them) for $2 each. My MIL can embroider something on them. Bought a hug bag of fabric for $4, i'm going to make cat toys and will donate some. And I want to make some pillow cases and try to make myself a fleece robe.


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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 27 2013 :  11:11:23 AM  Show Profile
Nicole! Sharon! LOL! You're too funny! I have to say, having had the flu and being stuck in the house sure has saved us some money, too! LOL!

Thanks, Kristina! I am definitely going to try that, now!

Marie! You are so creative!

Tara - great finds! You GO girl!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 27 2013 :  4:43:18 PM  Show Profile
Marianne, don't think it small. It is a HUGE accomplishment to make your own detergent, we each take things step by step :)

Kristina, wow girl! How awesome that you are boxing up Christmas gifts already, what a nice relief for you! Our Habaneros didn't do to well. We have several (2 plants) but have only had 2 peppers ripen.

Marie, that is so creative. I never would have thought about that. Good for you!

Tara, great deals!!! I love a good bargain :)

Nini, I sure wish you were feeling better!!!

Let's see today:

~I made dog food. I save meat scraps (not really bad stuff, just less desirable and not all fat), sweet potato peels and scraps, the bottom part of the stalk from asparagus and green beans that weren't so hot from the garden. I save these items and other vegetable scraps (with the exception of onions and garlic) and store in the freezer until I have enough to cook. So, I let everything thaw and place in the crockpot with low sodium chicken stock, rice and water. After it is cooked and cooled I run it through the Kitchen-Aid meat grinder. I ended up with about 22 half-cup containers for the freezer. Our girl gets dry food but on the weekends she gets moist too.

~I chopped and froze the last of the Jalapenos from our garden along with the green tomatoes (we are expecting a freeze tonight). I plan on making some Jalapeno Hot Sauce and some Green Tomato Salsa with them.

~We found some unused totes in our shed and saved money on hog feed by using them. We found a squirrel in our shed who has been sneaking the feed.

~I also love our Library and am very thankful to have that privilege.

~I made MaryJane's flavor blends today and boy does my kitchen smell good. I look forward to gifting them and using what didn't fit in the spice jars. I love making my own spice blends to save money and frequently make Baking Spice Mix, Buttermilk Dressing Mix, Taco Seasoning, Poultry Seasoning and more. Saves me money and from using anything with preservatives.

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Sep 27 2013 4:44:40 PM
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Oct 01 2013 :  04:37:48 AM  Show Profile
I finally have something to share today.

We have 3 dogs. I was buying their dog food at the store for about $19.99-23.00/a bag. The bag is 16 lbs. I tried to buy a larger bag when I could find it, but some stores didn't have it.

Anyway, the same company that makes our natural goat and chicken feed, makes dog food. So, I e-mailed, got the ingredient info, and ordered through our co-op.

I pay $29.39/bag for 50 lbs. If the dogs like it, it saves me lots of cash, and cash on gas to get it. The bonus, is it contains omega fats, which are good for their skin and coat. We have a lab mix and she continues to have skin problems (even after getting medication from the vet that did not work).

I'm super excited about this. We don't have to drive as far, and we can pick it up at the same time of getting the other animal feed. It's only been a week, so I don't know how it will benefit Sadie's skin yet. I'm hoping it saves us on vet costs and helps her skin and coat return to a healthy state.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Oct 01 2013 :  04:38:56 AM  Show Profile
Oh, and I am making Christmas ornaments out of wine corks and bottle caps. I'll have a photo of those, on the Holiday (Christmas 2013) forum thread later this week.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 :  9:09:48 PM  Show Profile
I have enough discarded chip bags to start experimenting with them to make scrubbies. I will take pictures of the process and post them here.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Oct 02 2013 :  09:19:03 AM  Show Profile
Marie, I would love to see how your scrubbies turn out. I've used net bags from lemons and it worked out well.

Let's see...
Today, I am making homemade taco mix.
- laundry is out on the line, and washed with homemade detergent
- dried more herbs, and gave some to my daughter
- cooking dry beans in the crockpot vs. buying them in a can (no recycling, no sodium, no added junk, and I get a lot more)
- watering house plants with rain water
- pressing fallen leaves for decor with scrapbooking, home decor and gifting (I send some to my Aunt)
- using more library books
- using free advertising (ha ha!) It didn't start out that way, but my 11 yo dd wore two different necklaces to school, and got 3 orders. One paid already.

(I posted the ornaments under the Holiday forum)

Farmgirl Sister #800

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