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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  10:22:53 AM  Show Profile
Today I saved more money with my homemade detergents and clothesline, made homemade ginger-ale, and let my chickens free range (saves us on feed).

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  12:31:26 PM  Show Profile
Thank you SO much for these recipes, girls! Kristina - I have always wanted to make graham crackers! They're one of my favorites! I can't wait to try them now! YAY!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  12:39:14 PM  Show Profile
Thanks Judy! Your recipe looks more yummy than the one you looked up for me!
Thanks again, & I agree, SOO many recipes out there!
Nini, I am trying the leaves tonight, wish me luck!

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  5:08:32 PM  Show Profile
Thank you for the recipes too ladies!

~Well yesterday was my turn for peaches :) My honey and I went to pick up our Large Black gilt and the area that we went to is known for their peaches. I had my heart set on a particular type but we stopped at a vendors and got something different. Picture a cute vintage truck (white & turquoise) with a big handpainted sign that says "Peaches" with an arrow going towards a road up a hill. Too cute! We got the best tasting White Peaches for less than a dollar a pound. We picked up 30 pounds and I plan on experimenting and making a White Peach and Saffron Jam along with Vanilla Spiced Peach Jam.

~I re-used water from blanching my Green Beans for watering my plants and for mixing with our pigs feed:)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory

Edited by - Calicogirl on Sep 03 2013 5:09:34 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  5:56:12 PM  Show Profile
Kristina, I know what I'm making next cool day! Sad to say I don't think I'm going to be a good share! LOL
My MIL's ginger ale recipe went missing so I'd dearly LOVE your recipe for it! Hubby & I used to share a bottle sitting out on the combine & of course a bit of hand holding & kissing!
thanks Kristina!

Lisa, do tell how your leaves went! I have to wait to get to the city for the leaves..yummy!

Sharon....stand back girl....those peach goodies sound soooo GOOD!!!!!!

Well, at house the CORN was ready!
74..2 1/2 c bags with extra for the meat pies that I make each year are in the freezer.
We usually dry the cobs for the chickens through the winter. Just enough corn still standing for some good suppers.
Oh, that reminds me of the corn cob jelly....yummy

country wishes!
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  07:19:07 AM  Show Profile
I actually got the recipe from another farmgirl on here, on one of the other forums. It has been wonderful to make, and when I don't have lemons or limes, I use organic juice in place of it.

Homemade Ginger Ale
2 Tablespoons grated ginger
1 cup of water
¾ cup sugar
½ cup honey
1 tsp. peppercorns
½ tsp. ground cardamom
1 tsp. whole cloves.

Combine and heat until sugar is dissolved (medium heat). Let sit all day or night, strain off, and add:
Juice of 2 lemons (3 Tbsp organic lemon juice)
Juice of 1 lime (2 Tbsp. of organic lime juice)

If you have vanilla, a dash – optional or toss a vanilla bean in, in the very beginning.
Fill glass with ice, add ¼ cup syrup and fill the rest of the cup with soda water.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  08:47:33 AM  Show Profile
THANK YOU KRISTINA!!! I've always wanted to learn how to make ginger ale! What a wonderful gift you've given us in this recipe! I am definitely going to try this! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Hugs - Nini

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  5:02:27 PM  Show Profile
Wow Kristina!
I agree with Nini THANK YOU!!!
Smiles Judy

Today agreed to rent a cooling unit fridge at the local butcher's for my baking display. I know it sounds weird at the butcher's but there is NO other stores around & it has become a one stop little place for us boonie lovers. LOL The rent is 3 loaves of bread a month! It saves me on delivering plus my business name goes on the bill board out front which is good PR.
Cross your fingers...I sure am!

country wishes!
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 05 2013 :  05:19:25 AM  Show Profile
You are welcome. My 11 year-old is coughing and sickly, and it's one of my homemade goodies that helps them feel better. We enjoy it year-round too.

I baked pizzas for us last night, and the tomatoes needed to be drained for it. I reserved the tomato juice, to make a soup today for dinner.

Today, I will be watering more plants with rain water (if they haven't already shriveled up due to neglect, ha ha).

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 :  06:21:41 AM  Show Profile
That sounds great Kristina! Thank you :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Sep 06 2013 :  6:10:10 PM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
Had to replace our water heater today, bought it from a plumber business NOT located in town . . . NO CITY SALES TAX!!!
And, we did the work ourselves . . . NO LABOR EXPENSE!!!!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665.
2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year

my aprons -

living life -

from my hands -

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country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 06 2013 :  7:11:17 PM  Show Profile
Good deal CJ!!

Found big bags of red peppers for $5/bag. Probably about 8 each bag. GOOD deal here since we don't have a long enough growing season for them. Had to buy 3 last week for relish & they cost 5.97. Going to can roasted pickled ones & red pepper relish.
Anyone with a red pepper relish recipe?

The first Fall apples are arriving here....99/# for all varieties...what are they in your area? Still waiting for those little Macs!! Yummy!

country wishes!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 07 2013 :  12:50:01 PM  Show Profile
Good for you CJ!!! It pays to be self sufficient :)

Judy, Red Pepper Relish sounds so good! What a great deal on Red Peppers. In our neck of the woods they are going for $3.00 a pound, sometimes on sale for $1.00 each. I remembered something about the rose hip jelly and why I have not made it again. I had picked some for decoration and the next day there were little worms on my counter from the basket of hips drying. That was a big turn off for me. The hips were smaller so it would have taken me forever to slice and see if there was anything inside.

Our university extension office is having a U-Pick day a week from today. Apples, Plums, Pears and Peaches .75 cents per pound. I miss Macs, I haven't found them here.

Well, I found a U-Pick place to purchase some fruit and we picked up some Concord Grapes for 75 cents/pound. I canned 2 dozen quarts of Grape Juice and am getting ready to make some jelly. Oh and we picked up some red grapes that I will be dehydrating for raisins :)

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 07 2013 :  9:00:27 PM  Show Profile
Girls! SO excited! And very happy to report: my sauerkraut is sauering!!! LOL! My hubby has been telling me for days he can smell it, but I couldn't smell it at all (and I've got the world's most sensitive nose!). After a long day out, we came in this evening to its aroma wafting through the kitchen! My son said, "Mmmmmm.. Mom! I hope you have a pork roast to go with that!" We've got a few weeks to go, but I just can't wait to try it! YAY!

Judy - How is yours coming? Isn't it super easy?! I can't believe I've waited so long to try it!!! :) It doesn't smell too, too bad - yet - thank goodness! I can't get over how all that cabbage "melted" down as much as it did! Amazing!!!

Lisa - How did those grape leaves turn out? I hope you enjoyed them! :)

Happy Sunday girls!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Sep 07 2013 9:00:55 PM
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 08 2013 :  2:28:13 PM  Show Profile
Awesome nifty-thrifty-ness ladies!

As a mother of many girls, I am so excited to say I found homecoming dresses for my two high schooler's (at a thrift store) for $5.50/each. Last year I found one for $15.00 and thought I would never get a nice dress for less, and we did. And we are doing some "passing down" with dresses too.

I also found myself a coldwater creek skirt for $2.50. It's in pretty country blue with white flowers, and some details at the bottom with other colors layered. It will look so nice summer or fall, just by changing the shoes (boots) and tops. Most of their skirts run $60-70 on sale.

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 08 2013 :  6:19:26 PM  Show Profile
Kristina, great find....Cold Creek clothes wear forever when taken care of!

Sharon.. Tasted red pepper relish last Fall & it really is good! Still looking for a relish recipe though...won't be a good deal if I can't put them to use. LOL

Nini, I'm sooo glad you couldn't smell your kraut because faithfully I check the crock & it smells in between weak kraut & fresh cabbage. I don't know if it's going ok or not?? There's no foam on top like this recipe talked about. How much liquid is on top of yours? Plus...ok I know dumb dumb but I found a hint that said fill up a large food bag that covers & seals the top of the cabbage. Did you use a plate & weight? I think I should have gone with that!
Hubby swears it smells like it should but??? I agree it's super easy but trust me to mix it up!! LOL
Yummy...pork welcome? LOL
Please keep me informed!!!!!! From a sad sauerkraut maker!

Yesterday found a great deal on lean hamburger & our steer isn't quite fatten enough so I got some. $2.50/# on sale is GOOD here. Made...9 garden chili suppers, (great excuse to use up the garden more) 16 hamburger patties, 2 meat loaves, & 20 garden veg meat pies. Don't want to see hamburger for a while! LOL

country wishes!
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Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader

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Posted - Sep 10 2013 :  09:25:49 AM  Show Profile
My two older girls in high school, found solutions for their shoes for homecoming. One borrowed a pair from her older sister, and the other is re-using ones she already had from a few years ago. Phew!

I'm making Hot Ginger tea at home today. More sickness.

Using my clothesline. Using my homemade detergents too.

Using my rain barrel water.

Cut homegrown herbs for drying, and will stock up for winter (rosemary, oregano, thyme, basil and spearmint).

Farmgirl Sister #800

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Palouse Washington
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Posted - Sep 10 2013 :  7:10:53 PM  Show Profile
I was in the mall last fall with my mom, who loves to shop, and tried on a great corduroy skirt that I liked. The price tag was way over my budget and passed it up. Then Sunday evening I was in the local GoodWill helping my son by some gym shoes (I refuse to by new shoes for something that will only be worn maybe an hour a week before he out grows them.) Anyway, walking through the aisles and what do I spy - but the skirt that I had wanted last year... AND IT WAS MY SIZE. Yep, it came home with me... much better price tag. I'm a happy lady with a great fall skirt!

AlyssaMarie @ Link'd Hearts Ranch
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 11 2013 :  09:39:54 AM  Show Profile
Inspired by Denise's roast chicken from our Celebrating Fall post, I made a large roasted spice-rubbed chicken the other night, then yesterday I canned 5 quarts of the most delicious chicken soup made from the remaining bones and meat. I even had enough extra for dinner last night! I do not add the veggies to the soup, though - only meat and broth. When making my soup, I toss in dehydrated mixed veggies I make myself and have stored in vacuum-sealed jars, and then add some noodles in the last few minutes of cooking. I used onions when making my roast chicken recipe, so I froze those leftovers for later use - they are delicious reheated and served atop baked or mashed potatoes - especially with a little melted cheddar and sour cream! So, basically from one almost seven pound roasted chicken recipe, I managed to get seven good meals and a great topping for a special side dish! Not bad! Not bad 't'all! :)

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 11 2013 :  7:34:32 PM  Show Profile
Judy! I'm sorry! I missed your post! I have not uncovered my sauerkraut yet - is that wrong? I did use a big gallon sized crock, then once the kraut was pressed in under the juices, I did not use a plate and weight. I just covered it with a baggie filled with salt water (not sure why, but that's what the recipe said to do.). The bag didn't look like it sealed tight, but I figured the recipe knew what it was talking about, so I left it as is. Then I covered the crock with a clean tea towel, and secured it with a rubber band. THEN I added a woven cotton napkin on top... Don't know why, just thought I should be doubly safe in covering it. Since then it has been quietly sitting on my kitchen table. The recipe I used said it should be ready in 5 - 6 weeks, so I thought I was just supposed to leave it this way until then. Am I supposed to be doing something different? I'm just such a nervous wreck about it, too. I want to see what's under there, but I also want to just leave it alone to do its thing. The smell of kraut is actually very light, similar to what you said; but I'm thinking that it's probably because the bag must've spread to cover the whole thing. I have been wondering whether I should be checking it or just leaving it. I know some people stir theirs, but this recipe really didn't say to do that. Now I'M worried - am I doing this right? Well... Unless you all tell me otherwise, I think I'm just going to leave it as is and see what happens. Only a few weeks to go - I can wait! :)

Oh! And I keep meaning to ask: When this is done, do I need to can it? How do I store it? (Although, to be honest, I'm not sure once my guys get to it that it will last! LOL!)

Good Luck, Judy! Keep me posted! And thanks for your advice, girls!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Sep 11 2013 7:35:50 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Bruce Crossing Michigan
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Posted - Sep 11 2013 :  8:54:58 PM  Show Profile
Hey Nini, your Sauerkraut sounds wonderful! Yum! Good for you for canning soup. I still need to bring out my pressure canner and give it a try. It intimidates me :)

Kristina, what a good score on your clothing. I love finding Coldwater Creek goodies!

AlyssaMarie, how awesome! That happened to me once too. I saw a skirt for Fall online and even though it was on sale it was still too much. One day I checked out our local thrift and found it, my size, with tags for .50 :)

~I found a chain link bracelet at the thrift for 25 cents. I wanted one to use for making my button bracelet and especially wanted one for charms I had, so I made a button charm bracelet :)
~A friend gifted us with some yellow peaches, so pie will be on the menu and perhaps some more jam
~We were also gifted some tomatoes so I will be making some oven roasted sauce in a couple of days.
~I re-used water from cooking corn for blanching green beans and then for watering.
~Made my own bread

Farmgirl Sister #5392

By His Grace, For His Glory
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 12 2013 :  02:54:35 AM  Show Profile
Oh, Sharon! BELIEVE ME! I was really nervous myself! I read my manual about fifty times, had all the encouragement I needed from our farmgirl sisters, but it wasn't until I found farmgirl Kendra Lynne's how-to video at (scroll down - it's on the right of the page) that I had the courage to use it! I still read the manual 2 or 3 times before I use my pressure canner, and I usually have Kendra Lynne's video playing while I'm actually canning with it, but I do it! :) It's truly not that difficult. The only problem I have is that my lid gets stuck, even when I follow the instructions to the letter. It's really hard to get the lid to sit evenly on the pot, and even though I eye it up really well, somehow it's never perfect. At least, that's what I think the problem is. My hubby just comes in with his flat-edged screwdriver and gently pries it up for me. It usually just makes a popping sound, and the lid slides up then down, and then we twist it out of position and it gently slides off. No big horror story to report, thank goodness! LOL! But I do understand your hesitation. It's really scary, especially when you hear all those horror stories about pressure canners exploding (which never happens if you follow the manual to the letter, from what I understand). It's even worse if you don't know anyone else who uses a pressure canner to show you how to use it. That's why I love Kendra Lynne's video... seeing how it's supposed to be done really gave me all the confidence I needed. She made it all possible for me! :) Believe me, if I can do it, you can do it - and you'll probably be even better at it than I! :)

Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Sep 12 2013 02:55:59 AM
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country treasure
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 12 2013 :  4:26:58 PM  Show Profile
Wow....lots of great deals being made!
Your button bracelet sounds so cute...any chance of a pic please???

Nini, i'm biting my nails over this crock! Well, since I'm a nut job & never do anything in small doses I went for the whole 10 gal crock of the stuff! If all else fails & we put our noses up at it some stranger will be gifted a lot of stinky kraut!! LOL
A Baba came & had a look see & a good old stiff & promised this is ok! I've taken the bag off about 3 times to check if the liquid levels is still ok & that there's no mould growing. Which so far it's ok in that dept. I just thought that the stuff would be stinky beyond words by now & it's not! This Baba said it really shouldn't stink as it should smell like salty semi fresh cabbage. Now go figure what SEMI non stink cabbage smells like! LOL My recipe says at the most 3-4 weeks depending on the temp. Mines down stairs so I figure it will take the whole time!
Hubby is game to eat the stuff but we may end up in the emergency room! So fingers crossed.....
I'm going to can mine in pints jars. There's quite a bit of it but it's not done yet so hard to tell. This recipe says water bath pints 15 minutes. Can use salted water to top jars off if need be.
Boy, this is a lesson hard Granny said I'd want to know how to do this....I was a brat & turned my nose up! LOL
Wonder if there's kraut therapy??????? LOL
Keep me informed! I feel better knowing there's someone else......sigh.....LOL

Sharon, I'm right with you & Nini! Every year I read that pressure canner book over til the pages are falling out! I get sweaty palms just about using the monster! LOL I even...ok everybody will think I'm more of a nut job than I really am but.....type a list of check points to my cupboard so I don't forget.....check the weight, check nothing is pugged, double check with a ruler that there's 1 1/2 inches of water in the bottom so the thing won't burn dry, check your attitude for pressure......Nini, I agree with the lid. I talked to the All American company & their answer was that the lid should stop sticking after using it. Do you guys do the vaseline? This year I used a WEE bit more on the lid & canner itself & the lid came off easier but certainly not by itself. Yep, hubby uses his screw driver too! LOL What brand of canners do you guys use?
Has this ever happened to you......for the first time 3 quarts within a filled canner didn't seal. Apparently it could have been a dozen reasons???
The other question is.....has the liquid ever dropped down inside your quarts after canning? The company says that the food is perfectly safe but the top of the food may be a bit off colour. AFter all that work & time I sure want all the quarts looking good! Any suggestions???
Bernardin is SUPER to answer pressure canning problems & has a lot of recipes. Goggle Bernardin & there's a 1-800 number...sorry can't remember it.
I won't water bath any mixed foods any more just for the added safety. Mine paid for itself in the first year.
Sharon, jump in's worth it!

There's a farm equipment dealer that we buy leather gloves from & after getting the case the guy couldn't feed the right bar code into the cash machine so he finally said that I could have a deal....$1.60/pair! That's what they kept coming up as. I just about hit the floor.....he owns the business & said it was my lucky day to run!!!!! way....I happily skipped out the front door! LOL
Took back a box of donuts for them & he told me they were $15 gloves...each....I said that I'd run & get them but he said fresh donuts were worth it! Plus I think all the business that hubby does there sure helped! LOL I'm still counting it as my deal! LOL
Have a great day

country wishes!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Sep 12 2013 :  7:11:03 PM  Show Profile
Oh you guys! I have been MIA for a multitude of reasons, but I will try to post a really cool find and some sauerkraut/canning advice this weekend.
DON'T CAN YOUR SAUERKRAUT!!!! It kills all of the wonderful probiotics that you have so lovingly fermented for 6 weeks. You can actually just leave in the crock & use as needed. Or freeze.
I'll post more later, I promise.

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R.

Edited by - nubidane on Sep 12 2013 7:11:45 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 13 2013 :  08:46:51 AM  Show Profile
Okay! I won't, Lisa! I kind of thought I wasn't supposed to...

Well, Judy - I broke down last night. Just couldn't take it anymore. I removed the napkin, the towel and the bag. I just had to look. There is a LOT of fluid - looks very watery. But the kraut itself is pressed down very well into the bottom third of my crock - almost looks like a smooth surface on top! I don't know if that's right or not, but that's what I've got. No mold, none of that yucky stuff they say can happen. Very clean, very clear, and very lightly scented. I am concerned, though, because there is just so much fluid! Is that normal? Maybe I pressed the cabbage down to hard? Should I stir it? It looks like a cake at the bottom of the crock with a whole bunch of clear fluid on top... Maybe I did this wrong? At least it's not going bad or moldy, I guess. <sigh> Sure would be nice to live closer to each other in times like this. I would feel so much better having you all nearby to check and make sure I'm doing this right! LOL! Anyhow, I wish I had made as much as you. Our garden is really small, so I used a few heads of cabbage I grew, considering this my trial run. If all goes well, next year I'll definitely expand my cabbage patch! :)

I've been saving those clear plastic fold-down containers from the grocer. On rare occasion, we will buy their fried chicken (I don't fry much at home - I'm not good with oil and flame! LOL! I usually oven-fry and that isn't happening in 80 - 90 degree weather, I assure you!), and sometimes my hubby will treat his co-workers to cookies or pastry from the bakery on a tough work day. I have managed to save about 10 containers, and plan to use them at Christmas for gift-giving goodies from my kitchen. I'm going to make decorative toppers for them out of Victorian images and scrapbooking materials I have on hand (similar to a very large, pretty embellished Victorian card), and then use my Xyron to affix my creations to the top "window" area of the boxes. After filling them with goodies for our neighbors, I'll tape the sides and front and then tie them with a big pretty ribbon. I can't wait to make them! I bet they'll turn out super cute!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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