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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 07 2013 : 09:22:19 AM
Greetings all.........haven't been here in quite a while! Hi to the relative newbies!! :) Stopped by a couple of weeks ago and typed a short book and then leaned on the keyboard and lost it all. The frustration was just too much!! LOL So I went on my way and just could not redo! Too much typing is the reason I just pass by, usually.
Gypsy.....congrats on the new love of your life....sure sounds like a keeper! have found a great place to vent! WELCOME! the pic. You and your daughter are beautiful!
Janet....congrats on your impending travels and retirement! Stay warm in the's only 19 here in Dallas with a wind chill of 10. Not so used to the cold any longer...although I am originally from Chicago.... I have become acclimated to these 105 degree summers! :)
Holly.....I sure wish I had your energy...looks like your young'ns keep you young! My prayers go out to T...hope he can adjust his attitude and friends help him through this tough patch! K sounds like quite a gal.
What happened to Darlys and Nancy?
Bunny...congrats on your degree...and love the Etsy shop....looking forward to the Altered Couture article.
Well going to try to send this one off with out blowing it into the wind!!
Love y'all! :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Dec 07 2013 09:24:28 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2013 : 11:36:50 AM
Hi, Mel, so good to hear from you.
Marie, I absolutely love the picture. The sky is such a beautiful blue. Your artwork was very cool and interesting but I'm not sure I understand the connection to your names.
I think we all adapt to our usual climate and anything drastically different takes some getting used to. Not convinced I would ever get used to the extreme cold of the northern states.
Yes, this will be the third marriage for me and the second for B. It seems right about 98% of the time.
The movie was well done but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that 4 scrawny sick uneducated Somali kids could outsmart the entire US military with all their sophisticated intelligence and equipment. Or the fact that it costs the American taxpayer millions of dollars to save a guy and his crew who did not arm their ship or put up any resistance, even though they knew they were going through pirate infested waters. America declared war on Africa way back in history for pirating our ships when we went around the cape, and now we don't even arm our commercial vessels. We just run like scared little girls then hit the poor struggling middle class workers to pay the tab. And I kept thinking tom hanks really needs to get to the gym.
Tonight is payback. B has to sit through Philomena with me.
Bunny I hope you are feeling better and sewing up a storm.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2013 : 12:45:36 PM
Mel,so nice to see you again!!! Don't stay away so long next time. I think we have all had the internet ghost take our posts. Very frustrating. I've thrown some good hissy fits over that myself.
Gypsy, the movie was all Hollywood from what the media says. The crew said it was not an accurate depiction of what really happened.
A friend bought me kitty food, milk and eggs to get me by until my kitty food shipment gets here. I'm good for a while. As long as I get my morning mocha I'm good. I am sewing today. I have finished one dress already. Time to move onto number 2.
Until later......
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2013 : 5:51:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
The name hangings are way cool. Did you use a big brush? Gypsy if you look sideways, and remove the mirror image of the writing you can see the names of both Lowell and Marie. Lowell's is a little easier to see because of his double Ls'
It is still fairly warm here. Temperatures in the twenties. We have had some flurries but no accumulation for a while. The air is chillled enough that the ski areas have been making snow and are open for the season. We can see Sugarbush Resort from our window. it is about 40 miles away and an hour by car to get there. It is pretty in the winter seeing the white lines down the mountain.
T had a scrimmage basketball game today. He played most of the game. He started. He had several nice blocks and scored six points. C , K and the little boys went to the game. His team won 64 to 36. He was happy with the game.
So, I was home with an afternoon of leisure. I had our three oldest at home but they entertain themselves and are non verbal for the most part so it was a quiet afternoon. I read and snoozed some. Then I figured out how to make a shelf to put my satellite radio downstairs in the kitchen area where I spend most of my time so I can listen to it. I did not have a lot of listening opportunities here in the bed room. I had a nice time.
There is a bakery in Marshfield called Rainbow Sweets, on the way to and from St Johnsbury where T's game was. C bought some delicious items on the way home. The bottom is a ball of puff pastry baked a golden brown with whipped cream on top. Tucked into the whipped cream are two round pastry balls baked golden brown and dipped in honey. The honey balls are the size of ping pong balls. They are delicious and very decadent.
The captain in the movie lives an hour or so from me. I do not know if he has retired since his escapade. I remember there was an article in the paper about the pirate take over and why commercial ships are not armed but I can not remember the details. Big help, huh?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2013 : 7:50:12 PM
Thank you for clarifying the design of my name doodles. I folded a piece of paper in half and wrote the name in cursive. I then cut around the writing about 1/8 inch from the line. This cannot be done for names with letters which extend below the line, at least I can't find a good way to do it.
I want to see that movie. Is it called Captain Phillips? Some of the Somali actors are from Minneapolis. We have a large population here. The building across the alley from us is full of Somali families.
Holly - That pastry sounds decadent. I had to take some extra insulin just reading your description.
Mel - Thank you. I have to admit that I do feel a little embarrassed by the quantity of my ventilation.
The cold has set in here but it hasn't bothered me too much. It takes a great deal of cold to make me complain. When I was in college in the 1980's, we had about 30 days of -20 degree temperatures. Now that was a classic winter. I had to walk to and from the college everyday. It took me 30 minutes to make the trip by foot. The blizzard that year shut the university down and, not incidentally, a date cancelled on me. I walked home from the restaurant in it. The only other person I saw on my way home was a guy cross country skiing down the center of the street. Good times!
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2013 : 8:31:19 PM
Thanks,Holly, now I see the names. That is cool!
I'm glad your bakery isn't around here. I have enough trouble driving past the donut factory. I've found an enzyme at the health food store that let's me digest a little gluten so I've been eating small amounts of bread and sure enough the sugar cravings are back.
Yes, The movie is called Captain Phillips. I thought the guys who played the pirates were really good. They sure looked the part. We were wondering if the pirates are still an issue, as there isn't anything in the news about it these days.
Marie, we all vent, at different times. I've certainly done my share.
Tonight we went to see Philomena. I love Judy Dench. B only dozed off once.
The movie theater is only 5 minutes from our apartment and it's too cold and the days too short to do much else. And it seems the best movies are always around Christmas time. I keep seeing the previews to August:Osage County. With Merle Streep and Julia Roberts. I really want to see that one.
When we came out of the theater, B had to scrape ice off the windshield. We never have this much cold this early.
Good night everyone. Stay warm and safe.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 04:41:36 AM
Hey all! I am home from my big city adventure. Had a wonderful time, of course. Dh was so handsome at the airport. Made my heart go pitterpat. Got squeaky grunts from the Chihuahua. It was great and I enjoyed myself immensely.
Sounds like everyone is survivng through this bitter cold, with a bit more on the way.
Marie, your concerns are safe with us. It took us all a bit of time before we could open up, just like it did you. Once you get such unwavering support, it is easy to do it again and again. I hope you can continue to feel our acceptance and know how much we appreciate yours.
Holly, it is so rare to hear of you having such a block of time to yourself! Sounds like you put it to good use. I know you will love having the ability to listen to the Sirius in the kitchen. We sure do benefit from all the tidbits you share with us.
Gypsy, I read an interview with the Captain and he praised Tom Hanks work, saying he portrayed him exactly how he felt at the time. I believe there are still problems with pirates in that area. It sounds like you two are keeping busy and are not in danger of getting cabin fever! Philomena looks great. I watched Judi Dench on Graham Norton Show a few weeks back and she was touring for that movie. The story is heartwrenching. She is a great actress and pretty funny in real time.
Jan, you are sounding desperate with the weather. Forty-seven degrees, good lord. Makes you feel bad for the over-worked heater. When you get so thoroughly cold, the aches really set in, don't they?
Thanks everyone for the comments on our photo. We were so happy to have the day together. While I was gone, dh showed the house and their realtor is coming back on Monday...kinda backward. The couple came and saw it, then called a realtor to represent them and now she is coming ...
Marianne |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Dec 08 2013 3:15:40 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 3:20:43 PM
So we dipped below zero last night. Those horses' coats are working great though. I went out very early, before 5, and checked on them. They moseyed on in and ate some grain and moved on to their hay. Cold ears, but no shivering at all. There was no wind, so that made all the difference. If dd was home, they would be blanketed...I'm lazier and would rather feed them more hay to make up for the energy they use to stay warm. As long as they aren't shivering...
I got a yarn order today. I was so excited to open the box. They sent the wrong green yarn. I have to go check to see if it was my mistake or theirs...disappointment.
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 3:28:41 PM
Welcome back, Mar, Glad you had fun. Good news about the interest in the house. Will keep my fingers crossed about that. I think a photo of handsome DH is in order.
We got a little peek of sunshine briefly this afternoon. We took Penny and Lola for a nice walk. We went to a new pub that I've been driving by and got a Guinness and pizza. I ate the regular crust and so far so good. I take two digestive enzymes first If this keeps working I'm going to try the donut factory next. Now B is having stomach problems and I've got him on the same stuff.
That's my fairly boring news of the day. I'm going to go make some turkey vegetable soup for supper and work on jewelry tonight.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 3:45:35 PM
Mar, good news about the house... but this time of year??? What are they thinking. Is your house you want still available?
I finished three dresses yesterday and worked on a fourth. Here are the finished creations:

I'm trying to stay positive but having a hard time. To keep sewing and have people look but not buy is getting old. I get emails from people telling me how much they love my creations and hope to buy something soon.... I looked at four other sellers on etsy and they all had one or more sales today. I'm bummed. I don't get it.
It's cold here. It was 6 degrees last night and it's about 12 degrees right now. It should warm up later on in the week. I forgot I have to go to bunco on Tuesday night and bring a gift. So I sewed up a rice pillow for warming up in the microwave. I sewed a pretty fabric sack for it. I was only suppose to spend $10.00 or under. I figure it was worth that at least. I'm just going to barely get by on money if I don't get some sales soon. Getting a little worried.
Anyway, Hope everyone has power and is staying warm.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 4:01:15 PM
Bunny, could you email those interested shoppers back with a free shipping or % off offer? Maybe make it for 48 hours for St. Nick's night or something... Obviously, it cuts into your money, but is it worth a try? The first dress especially catches the eye.
Gypsy, I would post a photo of Dh, but can I trust you to not undress him with your eyes? ;)
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 4:35:28 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast and cold. Temperatures were in the teens all day. It was harder to keep the house warm today than the last few days.
In the afternoon I brought over hay from the other barn. The road through the field is very icy so the truck slides along. I had to drive on the field with two wheels so I did not slide off the other side which is a hill not a long one but enough to tumble the truck if it slid off. Not knowing the precipitation outlook for the next few weeks I wanted to fill up the little hay room so I do not need to haul it over on the sled or walking each bale one at a time.
We never blanketed our horses when they were here. I never saw them shiver so we must have had enough cover for them. Someone told me that they could shiver off 20 pounds or more in a night.
I will think about how to do a y or a g in mirror writing. I have seen the idea done before so there must be a way. Maybe the tail sticks way out to the back?
Bunny, I have had many compliments on my table runner. Maybe you could have some sort of wacky sale to spur interest in your garments. Like for every degree below freezing take a dollar off. It would decrease your profits a bit but it might get more of your garments out into the public eye to get people's interest. Or buy two get one half off.
We had prime rib roast for supper with mashed potatoes, gravy and broccoli. It was really quite tasty and hit the spot for the evening.
Bummer on the yarn order. I hope it is not too hard to sort out.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 4:44:55 PM
Oh, yeah, Mar, of know you can trust me. ..silly girl, why do you even have to ask me that? hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 08 2013 4:47:54 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 4:51:55 PM
Good grief, it's cold up there where some of you are. But the bleeping idiots never cancel a football game no matter what, do they. Half those guys will have pneumonia tomorrow. Brrrrrrrrrrr
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 4:54:50 PM
Good grief, it's cold up there where some of you are. But the bleeping idiots never cancel a football game no matter what, do they. Half those guys will have pneumonia tomorrow. Brrrrrrrrrrr
Bunny the dresses are really cool, the first one is my favorite. I'm enjoying wearing the top I bought from you.
Gypsy #
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 08 2013 4:56:00 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 4:58:36 PM
geez think my post went in right after Bunny's dresses. I check back and find that I have been bumped down two slots.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 6:59:47 PM
We are getting snow today and tonight, only supposed to get about 3 inches all together, but it seems too cold to snow, only got up to 6 degrees today, down to -8 this morning. We are supposed to be cold all week. I hope this will be it for awhile. Our January and February days are usually when we get the below zero days. I am very sure we will have a white Christmas. Bunny, I love the outfits. I do hope that you start selling very soon, and keep on selling. I know how discouraging it can get when you work so hard, then wait for some sales. Mar, glad you had a wonderful time with DD. That would be great if you sold your house and moved closer to your DD. It is an unusual time to sell a house, but our neighbor across the street from us put his house up for sale last month, and he is having a few showings now. Gypsy, I cannot find elderberry juice around here at all. I just read that green tea and honey is good for the immune system. That is what I have been using for years. I have been wanting to go to the movies, but seems we always forget by the time the shows start. I just hate to go out in the cold.
Marie, what a beautiful blue sky. We get that once in awhile, I think not as much because we are surrounded by lake Michigan. You have had cold weather there too. The cold never used to bother me, but with my bad lungs and bones, it gets worse as I am getting older. Stay bundled up. Your friend is very fortunate to have such a great friend like you to help her out. You are so kind hearted.
Holly, do be careful on that ice!!! We do not want to hear that you rolled the truck. I hope you do not get as cold as we have been here.
Mel, good to hear from you. Hope you can post more often now. We love hearing from you.
Took a nice long hot shower, now I am heading for bed. Have a great evening, stay warm and well,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 9:01:36 PM
I went to breakfast with Lowell this morning because I wanted to buy some Tea Source Red Berry tea for my Christmas Stocking Swap partner. I do not trust him to get the right things for me. He takes his time at breakfast at The Good Earth Restaurant. You can see why here.
He had a band rehearsal at 1:00 and wanted to be back. However, he was not watching the time. We left the restaurant at 12:55 and he was angry with himself. I told him to be careful not to go so fast on the highway because of the slippery conditions. No sooner than I said it, we started sliding. Thank goodness there were not many cars next to us. He steered out of it and continued with a little more caution. The traffic then seemed to back up and he got off the highway and thought he would take the city streets from 46th to 26th but he just went right back on the highway. <shaking head> Men! I tried calling a couple people in our building who could let Vlad and Kevin in but no one answered. By the time we got home, Kevin was just getting to the door. Vlad came later. Lowell didn't have his cell phone with him so we couldn't call the guys to let them know we would be late. I REFUSE to put their numbers on my phone.
When football was played at the open air Met Stadium in Bloomington, the couch Bud Grant would not have space heaters on the sidelines for the players to warm up next to. I think this was a good idea because going back and forth from hot and cold can cause damage I think. Those Vikings were tough in those days. Not like now.
Marianne - I am so happy you and your daughter have such a good relationship. When I visited my parents in South Dakota, I used to go to bingo with her not because I liked to play but because we could speak alone during the car ride. I miss those times. I would like to see your DH too just to, you know, compare him to mine.
Bunny - I agree the first dress is really beautiful. I like how it looks as if it has a petticoat beneath it. Lace is pretty big in the fashion world right now. Have you considered making a dress out of vintage lace pieces. There were two on the cover of Threads Magazine a few issues back. Those took 300 hours a piece to hand stitch the lace to a sheer base. Yours need not be that complicated and I think they could sell. On second thought, they just might be too much work. Here's a picture.
The lock on the back door of our apartment building has frozen and our keys will not open it. Maintainance is not fixing it so we block the door open when we take out trash and recycling. The building is small so we could walk around the side but they will be piling snow up there pretty soon. I walk Mitzi in such a way that we end up coming in the front door and I place her waste in someone else's garbage can. Lowell got so cold in the bedroom that he brought out the big down comforter. The radiator does not work well in there but it works too well in the living room. I wish we had a thermostat in this place. An owner who doesn't scimp on maintainance would be nice too.
A hot shower sounds really good.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2013 : 9:03:44 PM
Oh, Janet. Try slippery elm tea or some echinacea root.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2013 : 1:20:26 PM
My gosh, I'm looking at the news-- we have a wet cold day but no snow yet. They are showing the highways and freeways and all the accidents. It's dreadful. I hope all of you and your families are safe and warm. My DIL travels a lot for her job and she texted me that she got a non stop from NJ home to to Honolulu on Friday.. Said she could see out the window that all of America had a sugar coating, pretty spectacular from the air.
Marie, that menu made me want to come to Minneapolis even in the cold! I have been thinking of a crocheted skirt from an idea on Pinterest. It was much less labor intensive. I saw two, in fact. Here they are. I love them both.
.jpg) .jpg)
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2013 : 5:17:04 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was cold and snowy. Temperatures were in the high teens. We may have received three inches of snow. It blew a lot.
I took Ross and J (19) for their annual physicals at the pediatrician. They said they would see J if he were in college but if he is not he needs to find an adult doctor. He is healthy and the dr said she spoke to him about the usual teenage concerns, drugs, sex , staying healthy, driving safe and a number of other areas I can not remember. I asked if he was honest and she said she thought so. I said I am glad you spoke to him because I do not know anything yet as far as he is concerned. Ross has gained 3 1/2 inches this year to a whopping 44 1/4 inches. He is a svelte 40 pounds. He is now in the 20th percentile for height. He started out not on the chart at all. The dr said usually they are happy with 2 inches of growth in a year. He is still in the fifth percentile for weight.
I think it is a good idea to keep the musicians phone numbers out of your phone. Then you can not be blamed. Are musicians usually on time?
The only upshot I can think of to celebrate the cold is that we do not have chiggers and poisonous snakes. Other than that we just grin and bear it. Soon, Jan you will be visiting warmer climes for the duration of the cold and I can live vicariously through your adventures.
I like the lace pattern with the colors. The other lace item reminds me of the skirts from the sixties and early seventies which is not a bad remembrance just a comment. You hav enough class to pull both of them off elegantly.
There are little fans that you can put up in the corners of doorways to move air from one room to the next. Maybe one would be good in your apartment to keep the bedroom a little warmer, Marie.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2013 : 9:22:57 PM
I went to a PTA meeting tonight. They had pizza, sambusas (Somali) and tamales (Hispanic) foods before hand. The meeting had a district representative talking about the Heritage Language Program (HLP) they want to craft for the school. The main concern of the parents is that their children become literate in their native language as well as English. I am not certain that a public school is the best place for this but they are asked to do everything else so why not this too. The two biggest foreign language groups in the school are Spanish and Somali. The Spanish group is diverse with people coming from all over South America not just America. The Spanish ladies were the most outspoken about wanting their children to be literate in Spanish. They expect their children to have literacy classs in both English and Spanish. In the second grade I work in, there is one hispanic kid who can translate between English and Spanish and is doing well in English literacy. He translates for this other kid who is pretty lost when it comes to English and, I suspect, is not all that literate in Spanish either. We try very hard to make sure he understands the English we speak. I know that he has developed keen observation skills so that he knows what he is supposed to be doing and where he is supposed to go. When working with him, I know that he doesn't understand me and will just repeat back what I say instead of giving me the answer. I can totally understand this from my adventures in a foreign country in which I barely knew the language.
Gypsy - I am almost ready to knit or crochet a skirt for myself. I have a magazine with instructions for a knit petticoat which can also be worn as a skirt. My fingers are itching to try that one. I can see that the skirt on the left was made from vintage doillies and the skirt on the left looks to be made from parts of an afghan and some filet crochet. Very nice!
Holly - Musicians arrive on time but then have to set up the guitar by plugging it into the amplifier and setting up all the effects pedals and then running cords to the PA system. The cord spaghetti on the floor gets hazardous. What do you call a musician without a girlfriend? Homeless.
Right now it is 4 degrees. I am sitting at my desk with a window next to me letting in a stream of cold air. Lowell is in a warmer spot with the desk top. I was hit in the face this morning with a cold blast of wind from the west. That sure woke me up. I had to go out to mail a package and pick up medication. The sidewalks are bumpy from lumps of packed snow which hasn't been removed. Many do not scrap the sidewalks down to the cement. They just shovel the excess snow off the top and this creates a hazard. Ah! Such is life in Minnesota.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 04:10:05 AM
Oh Marie, don't you hate those folks that "almost" clear the sidewalks!? Such a mess. My daughter's primary classes (In CA) were taught partly in Spanish everyday. I tried to think of it as an advantage for her, but of course, it didn't stick so there was no advantage long run. It was irritating to me because, as I have already bored you all with my stories, you know my folks had to learn English on their own. I think it is too much to place on the school system.
Holly, I know you must be thrilled with R's growth. Good for you! I hope he starts filling out a bit, too. It must be that mountain couldn't be the love and good care your family has showered on him... So happy to hear this news.
Gypsy, are you considering this sort of skirt for your special day? I think it would be a homerun.
Jan, how you holding up? It sounds like it has been brutal in your part of the country.
Bunny, now is not the time to get discouraged...full steam ahead! Your designs are as lovely as ever.
Thinking of you all...we are hoping for an offer on the house today...if might get real busy around here real quick! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 05:44:43 AM
Good morning girlfriends,
We went out in the cold last night to our dance classes. I was in a sort of bad mood from days of cold and no sunshine, so I wanted to sit home and be grumpy, but B insisted we go. I'm glad we did because I was in a much better mood for getting out. He went out and warmed up the car so I didn't get so cold and that helped a lot. And, we did better in dance class. My old dance experiences are coming back quickly and I'm getting the rhythm so much better, and that makes it more enjoyable. Today the sun is supposed to shine and its supposed to be in the 40s at least. I hope we get a break in January, since December has been so bad.
I have a box of those vintage doilies, and mom has a huge stack of various white doilies of various sizes, for crochet was her hobby. I told her I would like to buy hers from her and she said I could have them. Anything to get me married and quit living in sin! I would dye them to a natural color I think. Not sure I have the sewing skills to turn them in to a skirt or dress, but I'll try. Any ideas would be welcome Im thinking a crocheted dress with leather boots and a hat for an outdoor wedding on the red rocks at sunset. I don't know if I can pull it off, that is, transferring my imagination to reality We want it to be special, since we know we are too old to ever do this again and we want to make our own statement. We are going to hire a photographer and have it videoed so we will be a be able to share it. Trying now to figure out how to combine his celtic heritage with my native american and see what we come up with. Trying to decide on a priestess or a shaman to conduct the ceremony. Its obviously not an original idea, because there are companies in Sedona who do this sort of thing on a regular basis.
I think I would have some nerve to move to another country and insist that their schools teach my native language. Just saying........
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |