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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 06:30:34 AM
LOVE your ideas, Gypsy. I think if you start by making "fabric" out of the doilies and backing it with something... Then you can just treat it like normal material and sew a skirt... Bunny's two cents would be helpful, too. Have you considered tea dying it? The different yarns would absorb it slightly differently. I think it would be beautiful. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 09:15:43 AM
Gypsy, I agree with Mar. I think your skirt sounds wonderful. You could sew them to a plain muslin skirt. I'm thinking find a pattern for a skirt you like(something simple and flows well). Then befor you sew up the side seam, lay out the doilies until you are happy. I personally would free form sew them down with the feed dogs down and a darning foot...go around the edges so the stitching isn't too obvious. Free form sewing takes a little practice. The main thing is don't think you have to move the fabric around as quick as the needle. Oh, I wish I lived closer. I could totally teach you how to do this. Other than that, you would have to hand sew them. If you don't want to sew them to an underskirt, I suggest crocheting them together with a fine cotton yarn. Again, you better get started!!! Or just go to and buy one you like.
The weather is still very cold and gloomy here. It says it's 35 degrees outside. I don't believe it.
My older son is going to Hawaii tomorrow. I'm so jealous. His dad bought his ticket as a Christmas present. He has never had a vacation before. He has friends there that do diving trips. He is taking his diving gear and plans on going out with them. His dad is going the next day and they are staying with a friend of his dad's. The friend is a major ADHD person and drives us all crazy. He is hoping to spend time exploring as much as possible.
My son had another good idea for my shop. He said I needed to make some other things from the leftovers from my clothing creations. Purses, brooches, iPad cases....anything to draw a different crowd to my shop. So I'm going to see what I can come up with. I have a brooch I make from the collars from men's shirts. They don't take too long and I can sell for a decent price.
Mar, good luck on the house offer!! You didn't say if the house you want is still a available or are you going to have to start looking again.
Marie, sounds like you need some window inserts to seal up those cracks. Have you ever heard of window quilts? I can't remember how they are done. Only that they fit into the window to help keep put the cold. Unfortunately they also keep out the light too.
Off to the sewing room....later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 5:14:36 PM
Gypsy, just a note... those cotton doilies can be heavy. A whole skirt made with them will be even heavier. You might find a white skirt you like and just sew a few on here and there. I'm working on a white wrap around skirt right now out of rayon. I have added lace and some vintage linen and it's getting heavy. I'm thinking I will have to add buttons and button holes along the edges to help keep it together.
I got the proofs for my magazine submission. It looks wonderful! Plus I didn't know this but I get paid!!! I'll get about $210 for everything. Each article is 3 pages. I could sure use the money!!!
Later all.. Bunny
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 6:10:44 PM
Holy Cow, Bunny. That's great to hear. The exposure is the most important part, but the $$s sure don't hurt any. It is nice to hear that your son is getting such a great vacation, if he can stand the activity level of his host, that is! I know you are very happy for him. How are you getting temps in the 30s? We are happy that we reached the 20s today. Very cool for December.
So, while I was in Portland visiting dd, AmEx called me to ask about a few charges (that were fraudulent). So my card was cancelled, a new one shipped out and I thought all was well. Then the card didn't arrive when they told me it would and I checked my account on line and the fraudulent charges were still there PLUS a new one. So, I called. The representative told me to wait another day for the card because the weather has been so bad. I asked where the card was shipped from (since we really aren't having any delays due to weather in this area of the country) and she replied, "That's a good question." Well, good for me. Still able to ask good questions. Hope the card arrives soon. Then on to the fraud dept. to report more fraud. The representatives were all very courteous. This is the third time one of our credit cards has been stolen while in our possession. Twice with AmEx, once with a Chase VISA. Each time the card service has notified us to the charges before we got our statement. Actually, on the day of the bad charges in each case. Chase did a better job of handling the case than AmEx in my opinion, but as long as it gets remedied, I'm happy.
I took a photo of Dh today to post for you gals. I previewed my post and it was upside down. I had taken it with my phone. And you all know how this site posts photos one way and one way only. I had even remembered not to take it in portrait style. Sheesh. I'll try again when I can get him in a good mood. He hates photos.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 6:39:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
I went to Tai Chi tonight and my legs are sore. I had a good time and I think my form is getting better but I still have a long way to go.
I think it is a sad commentary on our educational and social system that we are a nation of immigrants and only one language is really accepted. I wish we were more like the other continents and spoke many languages. Some concepts are better explained in another language than English.
A window quilt is like a pillowcase with a layer of quilt batting and a sheet of plastic on the inside. The plastic does make it hard to wash but it does keep the breezes from blowing through. I made one for a door recently that did not have the plastic in it and that hallway is much warmer.
Mar I hope the offer on your house comes through and it is at least what you have asked.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 9:02:20 PM
I had the last crochet class of the semester. YAY!!! <doing happy dance> WHOPPEE! YAHOO!! WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP! <more happy dance> Okay, I'm done. I showed them how to make yarn from old t-shirts and they were excited to try it. They were amazed at the process and about how many things other than yarn one can use for crochet. I had an assessment ready for them. Two of them couldn't make a slip knot so the skills assessment could not be done. These two are into goofing around. One of them surprised me by how well she did. The other two had mom's help so they did pretty good.
While thinking about the doillies, I believe a better solution would be to hand sew a few of the nicest ones onto an already completed garment. Sewing them together to make cloth and then cutting them into pattern pieces would necessitate the liberal use of fray check. Bunny is correct about the weight issue. I can recommend finding an extremely light weight garment or make one of lining fabric or soft sheer and strategically arranging them on it. Notice that in the photo on the left, the model is wearing leggings under the skirt. The other looks as if she has some kind of slip under the skirt. If necessary, make a nice, wide, strong elastic waist band. I wish I was there to help you put it together. <sigh>
Marianne - I never get tired of your stories. You tell them so well and they are full of delight. Keep telling them please. Good luck on the home sale. I once had to use my credit card for everyday purchases because my debit card had expired and I was waiting for the new one. I had made some charges for lunches and snacks and the credit card company called me to make sure they were legitamate charges. One of the things credit card thieves were doing at that time was making very small purchases to see if the card was active and then put a whopper on the card.
Gypsy - I love that B cared enough for you that he made you get out of the house. What a guy! If I were doing this, I would have both a priestess and a shaman. Why not do it large.
Bunny - Your son is very lucky and smart. People seem to want small, well-designed, less expensive stuff such as small bags or clutches, hats and wristers or fingerless gloves. You could make a ton of these in no time using scraps. I think people would go for this. I am going to make some draught stops. It is a fabric tube filled with rice. The weight of the rice keeps it in place. Congratulations on the upcoming publication and getting paid for it. Can't beat getting paid for what you like to do.
The temperature is 14 degrees and it feels warm probably because of the 78% humidity. On days like this with very little wind as long as a person dresses well and is in the sun, it's not so bad.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2013 : 9:16:58 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:36:02 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 07:26:20 AM
There are over 1000 languages in Africa alone. I learned that Monday in the second grade class.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 08:51:08 AM
So far, no offer. :(
Funny, the realtor said she was writing the offer yesterday...wonder if we are waiting for signatures??? Send good thoughts my way. I am ready to pack up!
The house I liked is still available. Probably not our best choice because of the location and the land it sits on... We have seen a couple more we would take a closer look at. But, I suppose we are a bit ahead of ourselves.
Dd's boyfriend did well on his second, technical, interview. It would be nice for him to get away from the contract positions and into a direct hire one that has time off and benefits.
Years ago I decided that Friday the 13th was The Regan Family Lucky Day. Since each year we usually have at least two Friday the 13th's, I think that's a good number of lucky days for our family. In fact, it is so ingrained in our family that when dd told me about her love's interview, she ended the story with, "And you know what Friday is!" We don't have a patent on the lucky day idea. It can be your lucky day, too. Just make the declaration. But, you have to mean it.
We are supposed to get to the high twenties today. Maybe snow tomorrow and Friday (Lucky 13th). Then it will warm up a bit like it always does when it snows.
I saw the hat I made dd on etsy for $39.99. Sent it to her in a text message. The text message I got back said, "Don't text me unless you got an offer on the house! I almost killed myself getting to the phone. What are you thinking?" She really makes me laugh. Of course, she followed that up with, "I'm kidding. Kinda." Everyone is just on edge waiting for news about all these important issues: jobs, house sale.
I have exhausted myself doing nothing. I find myself pacing. Seriously useless endeavor. Dh was downstairs and could hear me, back and forth, round and round. Too much nervous energy. Too much going on. To top it off, MIL has given herself an almost two week stomachache that her doctor told her to take Pepto Bismol for. She did. You have to really ask ALL the right questions to get the full story out of her. And I have been distracted. When she mentioned she had bought another bottle of the pink shtuff, I realized why her blood sugar was out of whack. Although her doctor may have meant for her to use Pepto Bismol to calm her stomach, I don't think he meant for her to take it every four hours until he told her to stop. So, I told her to stop. Right after she had just taken yet another dose. Oh well. Doing the best I can with what I have with which to work.
Time to start the day. My mom, who was morbidly obese at the time, would say, "I'm going to go wash this beautiful body." Taking a page from her book, I will head to the shower.
Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Dec 11 2013 08:53:53 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 5:49:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
When I make draft dogs for the bottoms of doors I make a thin tube in the material and fill it with those little plastic beads that are at the material store. Then I make a bigger tube of material around it and fill it with fiber fill. The plastic beads are washable. So. it is a little tube inside a bigger tube. Make any sense?
Yesterday, after I milked I stopped to give the barn cats their warm milk. Their dish is a shallow cover from a gallon ice cream container. It is balanced on top of the wood pile which is almost over my head. I started to poor the milk and it spilled over the top then the lid slid off the split wood and i went to grab it to pull it back on before all of the milk spilled. The milk sloshed back in the bucket and went down the inside of my t shirt which was inside my sweat shirt and barn coat. The coat was not wet but the t shirt dripped down and my pants were wet as well. I think I need a deeper dish for the cats.
Gypsy there is a woman down the road who makes lace if you want I can give you her phone number and she may know what to do.Although Bunny and Marie are quite knowledgeable and if you sent them plane tickets would come and put it together with try on sessions until it was right.
Today was 22 degrees with wind. This evening it began to snow and is continuing as I type. we have an inch accumulation so far; We are to get more on Friday and Saturday. I hope we get feet of the wonderful white stuff. If it is going to be cold and there are not leaves on the trees we should have snow. People bank their houses so the wind does not go underneath. Well , the people who do not have basements or slabs do.
Mar you have such patience with your mother in law. I remember my mother patiently explaining things to her mother and then my brother took over the role but she was born in 1898 and had little experience in things like medicine. One would think that someone who grew up later than that would have some sense. I hope not to be dotty in my old age. Will she be able to live on her own much longer? Now, hiding behind a tree as I type this, will you have a mother in law room in your new house for her? Then dh would really have to retire.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 6:39:32 PM
We are still very cold here, been below zero at night and only in the single digits during the day, been sunny, but windy. I would rather have snow than this bitter cold weather. And to think, last Wednesday it rained!!!!! We have been 22 degrees below normal temps for this time of the year. Tonight is supposed to be the coldest night, then a brief warm up, maybe up to 20 by Monday. Holly, I had to laugh at the milk spill. Yes, you need to get a deeper dish, I would say. Mar, fingers crossed that you sell your house very soon. Even though it is a bad time to have to move. Gypsy, If you have any antique or vintage stores close by, I would check them out for a dress. You may find what you are looking for at one of those places. You never know. Bunny, how nice for your son to get such a great gift. Hope he enjoys it there. Great that you will get paid for your articles. I can't wait to see the magazine. When does it come out? Marie, Good you got a break from teaching the kids crochet. I think I would have run out of patience a long time ago. Maybe now you can take time and make something for yourself. I am still knitting, I am so addicted to it, I cannot sit without doing something with my hands. I think they would stiffen up if I did not knit all of the time. I still have 6 totes of yarn to use up yet before we leave here. I got my decorating done, now need to start on my baking next week. It is so much easier with Bob home now, he has been such a great help since he retired. I did not know he could have that much ambition!!!! Now that he does not have all the stress that he had with his job, he has more energy to be useful!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2013 : 8:54:34 PM
Linguists are not entirely certain of the exact number of languages in the world because some areas have not been adequately studied and the counting is complicated. The last estimate was in 2009 and the count was 6,909 languages. A surprising number of languages are disappearing. One quater of the world's languages have fewer than 1000 remaining speakers. Within the next century 3000 languages will become extinct.
Holly - Thanks for the tip on the draft dogs. I'll have to find time to make some. I have a pattern for them somewhere.
Janet - I can only hope to have time to make something for myself. The next round of after school classes begins on January 7. I want to get all my handouts copied before classes start. I will be teaching both knitting and crochet in one class. Ugh! I will have lots of work to do. Good for your husband. Perhaps he has finally found a job he enjoys.
Marianne - Knitting is a proven stress reliever. I believe now is a good time to make something.
I have nothing I have to do tomorrow. So I have the following chores:
- laundry - dishes - ironing and mending - two swap items - calls to make - financial recordkeeping - letters to write - cards to send
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2013 : 11:29:54 AM
Holly, glad to know you didn't cry over the spilled milk, but I'm with Janet, a new dish is in order. Thanks for the laugh about the MIL room. Actually, I only laughed about you hiding behind the tree because the reality is very close to what you mentioned. Her "little episodes" are happening more often and although I have been advocating her move closer to us for many years, she has waited so that being closer to us isn't really an option. And she isn't really a candidate for an assisted living residence either. She is not quite batshtuff crazy, YET. So, God knows what the right answer is. I feel I have been out-waited to tell the truth. She started to talk about a new car a few weeks ago. She phrases it carefully (in her opinion) by asking dh, "If you were to buy a new car, what would you go for?" His answer:"First question, Mom. Who needs a new car?" Response:"OH, I was just looking at all these cute little cars they have now..." And she has the means to buy whatever she wants. Scary. Her Trust reads that she can be considered "unfit" if her son (dh), her bf (90 years old and still practicing law) and her sister (another youngster) can agree that she shouldn't make her own decisions. What kind of chance do you think we have with that line-up? And, frankly, she isn't unable to make these decisions, she just needs someone to pump the brakes now and again. For instance, she found "The Ninja" - some of you may have one - it's a highspeed blender/food prep that is sold on QVC. By the end of this episode, she had ordered and gifted seven of them. None to us, we turned it down. But, I hope you see my point. Her neighbor fixed her gate (poorly) and she sent he and his wife to a resort north of San Diego for the weekend and paid for a show. The chance of her being taken advantage of is very high. And has happened many times. She gives her gardener paid time off. Are you kidding me? I pay the bills so I know she pays $160 for her postage size lawn and he dumps clippings from other jobs into her green recycling bin! She gives him two weeks paid vacation in the summer and a Christmas "gratuity."
Of course, you can imagine, she is generous to us. We reciprocate. When we first got married, she and her husband would visit and she would pay for the grocery trip to the store. It was very appreciated back then. Now, she still tries to do that and we say, "Are you kidding? You are our guest." Then we hear that she does the grocery paying thing for her sister, brother, their kids, their kids' kids and YES, now their kids' kids' kids. Dh is an only child and the only cousin who moved away. So, these people have substituted as her kids, too. Sometimes to the detriment of her real grandchildren, our two kids.
But, I love my dh and he has in the past had my back in a few instances of sentences that started with, "That woman you married..." And my MIL understands in no uncertain terms that we will see that she is comfortable until the end of her life and she has come around in the last six or so years to show real appreciation towards me. Has even told me she loves me, etc. It took a long time and that makes me a bit sad for her, but I can see that I showed her great respect and always made sure my children called, wrote and kept her in their lives while they were young. And Dd is very good about calling her weekly. Something my MIL often gushes about, so that's nice.
Sorry. I'm still nervous and I haven't started knitting today....nervous energy pours out of me in many forms: my bathroom glistens, my knitting is quite far along and my rug is almost threadbare!
Thanks for putting up with me. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2013 : 3:15:53 PM
Oh Holly....I was almost ROTF when I read of your milk fiasco! It had to be quite a sight.
Mar....sounds like you have quite an interesting dilemma when it comes to your's a sad state of affairs when folks don't hesitate to take advantage of others and their innate generosity. Glad that she has adjusted her attitude towards you! I'm sure that takes pressure off of your DH also.
Hey Bunny....payment for the articles....that is just terrific! So glad for you.
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2013 : 5:42:26 PM
Good evening everyone,
Cold, cold, cold. Not as cold as Jan but, cold. It was 4 this morning at 8AM. The little propeller on the weather vane was just a spinning for all it was worth. I think it did not warm up much all day. Jan's weather is moving east to us. It will be below zero soon. I will stay in. It is funny in the morning. The TV goes off at 9:00 AM and then the little boys are to start their school work. Today they hustled themselves out the door at 8:45 to play. They do not seem to get cold.
They came in today yelling, Mama look what we found in the pig pen, a dead rat! I thought I hope not I thought we got rid of all the rats years ago. Sure enough it was a little deer mouse, dark gray and big ears. "what are you going to do with it?" I calmly asked. We are going to put it in our room. I said, when it thaws it will stink and the dogs will want to eat it. They took it outside. I thought they had put it in the compost but silly me. Later when a neighbor came to get a glass container to put the live deer mouse she caught in her house in because her four year old wanted to keep it as a pet they arrived with not only the dead mouse but a dead squirrel that I had thrown over the bank to get it out of the door yard. I do not know where the dead creatures are now. I hope they do not show up in the laundry.
Mar I do not envy your position with your mil at all. I do not have any helpful advice for you either. I do hope that the situation resolves itself before she is taken advantage of too much. I wonder if your dh could put some of her assets in a trust so they are not so readily accessible to her.
Tomorrow is the Regan Family lucky day.
I laugh Marie when you say you have nothing to do tomorrow and then read your list of ten things to do.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2013 : 5:45:03 PM
I had a nice nap with Mitzi today. It was warm here today. Right now the temperature is 19 degrees. I feel so bad for Mitzi when her feet get cold on her walks. One night she picked up another dog's scent from some foot prints in the snow and just had to follow them. We went around the long way and she was hurting but very determined. We came to a spot where the dog had taken a pee and ascertained that this dog was male. Even though Mitzi is fixed, she still has feelings for certain male dogs. We never found the dog and when we got home I gave her two treats for her effort.
Marianne - The situation with your MIL is difficult. I can imagine it is painful to watch. After my mom had a heart attack, it just killed me to see her in the hospital bed and small and weak. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and rock her as she had once done for me when I was ill.
I got some stuff done but I tend to peter out in the afternoon.
- laundry - DONE - dishes - Lowell did half of them last night; he even cleaned the bathroom - ironing and mending - tomorrow - two swap items - one is ready to send out tomorrow - calls to make - made one but they were not available - financial recordkeeping - I'll do some tonight - letters to write - now I have 2 more to write - cards to send - have to make up the card list
I will be volunteering at the Fixit Clinic again this weekend. I will pack up my sewing machine, tools, some scrap cloth, iron and an Ott Lite and help people fix their clothing. Lowell has been talking about going to breakfast at a place two blocks away instead of taking the highway out to the suburbs. I hope this change happens. It will save us sooooooo much time.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2013 : 7:00:20 PM
Holly, I can't imagine living with it so cold. It was 35 here and my hands got so cold driving. I have a diesel truck and they just don't warm up on short trips into town. It is useless to even turn the heater on.
I only have 4 more outfits to sew and I'm at 100 items. I actually have one dress almost done but I messed up sewing on the pocket and have to take it off and redo it. I made the coolest tunic out of a sweatshirt hoodie. It even fit me. I'll probably wear it a few times into town.
Other than that...just cold. Got to go to the store yesterday to stalk up on food. It was looking pretty lean around here.
Holly, I love that your boys can deal with the dead furries.
Mar, scary about your mil. They can be taken advantage so easily. I hope you can find a solution. Any news on the house?
Time for dinner...later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2013 : 5:52:50 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today is again a bit nippy. Had to zip up tight so the little I have did not freeze and drop off. lol The boys played outside trying to roll the wagon down the hill with them sitting in it. It did not getting going as fast as in the summer. Snow has a lot of friction on wheels. Well, and I look out at the old red wagon they have pulled out of the woods and as Chris is rolling down the hill the back wheel falls off. He and G just happily put it back on and continued on their merry way.
A couple of days ago we made mache bowls. I did not put papier in front because we ripped and old sheet into strips and cut it into sections and used it to cover the outside of the plastic bowls. The sheet mache came out very well. Yesterday we put a base coat on the outside, silly me thought it would be pretty to have a background color on their bowls. Today we painted designs on them. Their bowls look like they, as young boys, painted them. Splotchy smudgy colors tending into the blackish range. They are happy and that is what matters. We will paint the inside and be done.
I am going to next attempt to do relief maps in pizza boxes made out of clay and painted. I am still thinking about how to do it and remain sane.
Sending lucky thoughts to WA state for some fancy signatures on a well priced sales agreement.
I remember taking naps as a child with a dog laying along my side and feeling quite contented. I do not have the dogs sleep on my bed now because they hog the bed and get upset when anyone rolls over and tries to claim their fair share. My legs also ache when they can't move. We used to have many more cats and they would line up along my legs and body and I could not move. I was surely warmer than I am sleeping now. I do miss my thermal kitties.
The Fix it clinic sounds interesting. I remember you wrote about it another time. Can you tell me again how it works. Maybe we could set something up like it here. I have a friend who is great at grant writing and arranging.
I bet it takes a long time to warm up a diesel truck. I think most of the school buses used to be diesel and they would let them run for long times because it was easier than turning them off to warm them again. But, in the last few years an anti idling campaign went on and now there are rules about not running your engines just to keep them warm. I do not know if the school buses have gone to regular gas or not.
A hundred dresses by the end of the weekend?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2013 : 6:55:11 PM
ahhh... only three more dresses needed. Of course I got side tracked today. I just needed something different to do. I have this cool old quilt I found at the thrift store. I got it for about 20 dollars. What a steal. Anyway, I have my favorite jacket pattern and thought it would look cool made out of the quilt. Here is my work in progress. I plan on putting it on my Etsy store for sale. It's a size 14.

The center is the back of the jacket and the sides are the front. I still have to cut the lining. I was pinning it up and got really achy and my breath got so short, I had to stop. I took a nap and a shower. I feel much better. I'll get more done tomorrow. I thought it would be fun for you to see my funky work room in the basement.
As you can see I have many projects going on at the same time... major ADD. Thankfully I have two workable manikins and a design board in front of my sewing machine.
Holly, I have 6 cats living with me. I usually have at least two sitting on my at any given time while I use my computer. I usually just sit in bed and they pile on. Whenever I have to get up, cats go flying.
Time for dinner, until later...
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2013 : 9:22:38 PM
The kids were all hyperactive today. Mrs. Pendleton had a meeting in the afternoon and announced that there would be a substitute teacher for the afternoon. I offered to return to the class in the afternoon to help the substitute. I had to get crabby with them. Many were misbehaving. One boy hit another boy and I had to take him to Mr. Johnson. You do not want to be taken to Mr. Johnson!!! Little Tommy, the troubled kid, was defiant and should have been taken to Miss Tami, the other person you do not want to be taken to. I decided to instead just walk him down the hallway and back. The kids who are always well behaved continued to be so and that was a true blessing. Others tattled and told so many tales that I did not know what the truth was anymore. Rotten little sh***. Oh well.
Holly - It is pretty funny when I say I have nothing to do then make a list of stuff to do. I guess what I really mean is that I have nothing I have to do and no where I have to be outside of the house. The 2nd graders made a relief map (physical map) of the United States. The "clay" used was a mixture of flour, salt and water. The inside of the box was painted blue. On that they pasted a map of the 48 contiguous states and Alaska and Hawaii. They put the Rocky and Applichain Mountains on it in the "clay". They also put the volcano on Hawaii and the peaks in Alaska. It took a day to dry. It was then painted brown (mountains), orange (plateaus), light green (plains) and dark green (lowlands). They made a pasted on the Great Lakes (numbered) and the Mississippi River (blue yarn). They then made a compass rose, a key to the Great Lakes and a key to the elevations and pasted those across the top. I'll try to get a picture. Mitzi is not a bed dog. She wants to be pet constantly and will leave when we stop and lay on the rug. She will come up on the bed in the morning to wake Lowell with sloppy kisses. The Fixit Clinic is a program through our county. Here is a link to the website
I am certain the the organizer, Nancy Lo, will be happy to answer any questions. She is the one who initiated the program.
Bunny - Love the quilt jacket. That is going to be snapped up. I wish I had 1/4 the space you have.
My list of stuff has changed:
dishes - doing them now ironing and mending - probably on Sunday when the guys are rehearsing two swap items - have to mail one out on Monday; still not finished with the stocking calls to make - Monday financial record keeping - will do this weekend letters - this weekend cards - still have to make list
Okay, time to finish the dishes.
Marie, Sister #5142
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 14 2013 : 08:10:08 AM
Bunny, I loved the pics of your workroom/studio! Thanks for sharing! Looks like such a busy place. The quilt into jacket is a wonderful idea!
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 14 2013 : 5:07:16 PM
Where is everyone!!!! I'm almost finished with the jacket. Tomorrow for sure. I finally got a sale today. The 20% off hurts... I got to say. But the money was much needed. I'm thankful for the sale.
I have a feeling Gypsy is off dancing in a warmer climate somewhere. Either than or too pooped out from all that dancing.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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