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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  09:38:00 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I'm so sorry your family is so dysfunctional. Everyone wants to belong to something. I'm glad you have found your own way and have been able to put up boundaries. My family isn't as bad, but very negative and I removed myself from them most of my adult life. It hurts to hear about Janet's family being so close but uninvolved in her life too. We have to do what ever is necessary to cope I guess.

Marie, it hurts to read about how Lowell treats you. It sounds like a much one sided relationship. But I understand why you stay. I have been there. I just think you deserve better.

Well, school is done until January. I get to sew for the next 5 weeks. I have so much work to do! I got an email last night from one of my admirers. She said she loved my creations and hoped to be able to purchase something soon. I get emails like that every once in a while. Nice to see them. I just keep telling myself I'm doing something right. It is just going to take time. Once I reach 100 items, I'm going to start redoing outfits that don't seem to be doing well as far as views. It is easy to rework them. I'm looking forward to it.

Holly, I think somehow T needs to see how his not working in school is going to effect him later in life. My kids both have regrets about not making more of an effort in high school. You don't think it will matter, but it does if you want to go into the military or even college.
I agree the school should be able to figure out the credits for homeschooling. I know lots of parents in California that homeschooled their kids until high school. It wasn't a big deal. I hope you can work it all out. Sounds like T needs a bit wake up call though.

Janet, hope you are feeling better. I bet you dream of the sunshine. will happen soon.

Penny, Cheryl ....where are you???

Later all. Dishes to be done, sewing machine to warm up.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  10:39:19 AM  Show Profile
A gloomy day here. Last two days have been so beautiful. I just made a frittata for my B. He is such a sweet, undemanding, non- critical, non-judgmental guy and such a pleasure to have around. He won't turn on Fox News unless I'm out of the room doing something else. So I guess that takes away my one and only complaint.

I'm getting ready to force myself to go to the gym. Most of the time I don't want to go but I know if I don't go, I will be mad at myself and if I do go, I will be proud of myself. So I go.

Bunny I see you pinned one of my pins. Isn't that the cutest outfit! I'm thinking now about ways to redo some of the stuff in my closet that I was going to throw out, or some stuff that doesn't fit quite right. Thanks to cooking for B and helping him eat it, that jacket you made for me is getting pretty snug.

Wishing everybody a safe and happy and stress free day.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 04 2013 10:44:40 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  5:28:37 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, congratulations on your degree!!! One more in Sept. and you will be done!!! Good for you!!! Now you have some time to do what you really enjoy. I am sure you will find lots of ideas and make your goal of 100 items on Etsy!!!! I am sure when the magazine come out, you will get lots of orders.
Gypsy, that is good that you do not have to go to your mother's. Your family sounds so much like mine. Dysfunctional is putting it mildly.
We got almost 6 inches of snow yesterday and today, then it turned to sleet, not it is raining hard. By Friday it is supposed to get down to 10 degrees!!!! We are going to be an ice rink for the rest of winter!!! We did not go out of the house at all today, am hoping we can do some grocery shopping tomorrow. I am so afraid of slipping and popping my hips out.
I have not started decorating yet, I am going to wait until the weekend. It just crept up too fast this year. Before we knew it, it will be the new year!!! Where did this year go?
Marie, hope you are not getting the rain and sleet that we are. You are probably buried in snow though. Keep warm.
Mar, enjoy your visit with DD. Have fun and go shopping!!!
Cheryl, how are things going for you? How was your Thanksgiving?
Debbie, I know you have been busy. How is the weather by you?
Holly, I bet the 2 little ones will have a great Christmas this year, probably never had that before. Hope your weather is better than ours is.
Penny, how are you doing? How is your son doing? Have you been doing a lot of crocheting lately?
Have a wonderful warm evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  6:25:59 PM  Show Profile

Penny and Lola smooching with the B. Aren't they cute.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  7:23:37 PM  Show Profile
Aww!!!! So cute!!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  9:07:06 PM  Show Profile

The weather has turned cold and the kids have to get into their winter gear. It takes them twice as long to get ready and this takes time out of their lunch. They lose their hats and mittens and get their zippers stuck. Today they took a test to see if they were gifted. It was tricky. Most of the kids could finish the problems in the time allotted and some got behind and tried to catch up. I believe that of all the students in the class maybe two may be close to being gifted.

Gypsy - Oh my! What a mess your family is in. They all sound as if they are enablers. I believe you are right to stay away. Congratulations on your success in training B. I know how hard it is to train a man in his 50's let alone older. The picture is priceless.

Bunny - To be honest, I am not the easiest person to get along with either.

Janet - We had freezing rain and snow yesterday. Today, we have about 5 inches of snow. At least the rain didn't freeze on the streets and sidewalks before it snowed. The air temperature is about 28 degrees but the wind has come up. I'm not certain what the wind chill is. I have now switched from a sweater and poncho to a winter coat.

I will be seeing Annette tomorrow. We will be going to Salvation Army to pick up some household stuff. They gave her a $20 voucher to spend. She is having double beds delivered to her place tomorrow from a charity. The Red Cross paid her rent for December. She does need double bed sheets so if any of you can spare a set that would be welcomed. I will probably get her and her son each a set of flannel sheets for Christmas.

Time to go.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  12:13:42 AM  Show Profile
Hi gals. Missed you so I tried to catch up on my the pooches with B,, gypsy. Glad Fox is silenced when you are around.
Bunny, enjoy your sewing holiday!
Marie, none of us are easy to be around. Our partners are still darn lucky to have us!
Jan, one more winter...that's your battle cry. Careful on that ice.

I'm having a blast her in Portland. I have a photo to post tomorrow. Love seeing dd and yellow dog! Spent the day downtown window shopping and laughing.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  05:49:37 AM  Show Profile

I couldn't say what I wanted to say last night because Lowell said it was none of your business. He said he didn't like me telling tales about him. I had to erase what I had said. Doesn't he know I will just come back when he is gone and say whatever I want?

So here it is.

Yes, our relationship is somewhat one-sided. Lowell is very self-absorbed and I believe he doesn't see that he behaves to me in the same way that he doesn't like me behaving to him. He is sick with something. In the early evening he gets these "symptoms" - tight chest muscles, hyperventilation, irritability - and he starts raging about how no one can tell him what is wrong with him. Sometimes he gets angry about other things - why people don't answer their phones, why no one from the band gets back to him, why he keeps messing up, where are his gloves. I used to talk or yell back. Now I just stay quiet and wait for it to blow over like I did last night when he saw the start of what I was going to tell you. He calms down eventually and is never physically or verbally violent.

Last night he was angry because he had agreed to take something to a company this morning because he couldn't deliver it last night. They gave him two other runs as well. He kept saying they were taking advantage of him because they couldn't get anyone else to do it. I offered no suggestions. I knew better.

I believe I am stronger mentally than he is. I have to keep it all together all the time and it takes it's toll. He doesn't ask me how my day was and he doesn't want me to ask about his day. He doesn't get up from the computer to greet me when I come in as I did last night from the cold. He walks far ahead of me because he says I walk too slow.

Maybe he is right that I am hanging out our dirty laundry for everyone to see. I really do not have anyone I can speak to about this.

I'm sorry for all this.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  09:12:20 AM  Show Profile
Good morning girlfriends,

Marie, that's kind of what we do here. It's a place for us to have our girl talk. I've begun to think of all of you regular posters as my BFFs. Think of the money we save on therapy!

Marie, what you are describing as A's behavior and symptoms is a textbook anxiety attack. I've long suspected that is why some people have to go to the bar after work.

I know no relationship is perfect. And we have to constantly think the old Ann Landers way: would I be better or worse off without him? As we get older, there is more to consider, and I guess more to lose by having no helpmate. I know you will be treated the way you allow yourself to be treated, but you deserve to always be treated with respect. What one of us will tolerate, maybe another would not. If B always walked ahead of me, he would find himself walking alone, period. That is disrespectful in my opinion. On the other hand, he does something like L does, he calls it his "[bleep]-up". So he has a nightly [bleep]-up that doesn't last very long. Currently it is the state of the world, Obama and health care. And he is still upset with the church that had him in its grip and drained him financially for so many years. Once in a while the ex wife gets thrown into the mix. I feel like as long as he and I both know that he is just releasing the pressure valve of the day, and it has nothing to do with me personally, it's actually a good thing to let it out. If I took it personally and got upset with him, or let it upset me, it would begin to take its toll on me. So he goes ahead with his [bleep] up and then he's fine. I pretend to listen while I'm actually thinking about something else but he doesn't need to know that. Better than anti-anxiety meds for the same thing. Actually, what Lowell is doing is what the written three pages I talked about does, without subjecting anyone else to it. It is his brain drain, but he's dumping it on you. I've noticed that when we go straight from B's work day to rush out to dance class, by the time we get home he does not need the [bleep]up.
B knows what my deal breakers are, and I know what his are. His deal breaker is that I don't let myself go. But he fell in love with me when I was still recovering from a year of bad health and not in the best shape. Still I was not overweight. I'm fine with that but many women would not be. He's attractive enough especially at his age that women come on to him. He does not notice and does not respond. If he did, it would be a deal breaker. I know I can take care of myself, and I do not fear being alone, so I will draw the line if I need to. Everybody has their little tiffs. But if someone is constantly making you feel bad about yourself, or not making you feel valued, and the bad feelings begin to outnumber the good feelings, then that's when I would wonder if the relationship has become toxic and should be fixed or abandoned. End of gypsy soapbox. Well, one more thing-- why is he even knowing what you write? You deserve some privacy. Get a password and tell him you get an itchy trigger finger when someone stands over your shoulder.

L's behavior, not A's. I meant L. D#%**nd IPad spell check runs amuck sometimes.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 05 2013 3:10:19 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  09:25:52 AM  Show Profile
Learned something new. there is an automatic [bleep] inserted by the system if you use the B***h word.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  11:10:50 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, thank you for saying what was on my mind. I just didn't know how to put into words.

I'm sick today. I think I got food poisoning from my favorite frozen Indian dinner. Today is a hang out in bed day. Kitties all around and being careful what I eat.

Mar, I'm glad you had such a nice time with dd.

Well, time to go. this is too much effort right now.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  11:55:49 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I agree with everything you wrote. You nailed it right on the head!!!! I only use my laptop for this forum, I can write whatever I want , Bob does not even wonder what I am typing. He respects my privacy, and does not interfere with what I say or do on "my" computer.
Bunny, sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope you feel better by tomorrow. Rest is the best!!!!
More later,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  3:46:11 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for your comments, all. Bunny, I'm sorry you are under the weather. Whatever would we do without our wonderful pets! I love cats but don't have one right now. Get well soon so you can enjoy these weeks of just blissful sewing with no school and no mom.

We got our arctic blast and it is cold and gloomy again. I made a simple potato soup from a Pinterest recipe. Said it was simple but delicious and it is. One potato, and 1/4 cup each of diced celery and onion, per person. ( I used 4 potatoes) barely cover with water and simmer til cooked down and very tender, then mash it up, leaving a few chunks of potato, add milk or cream, season, reheat, and eat. Said it took a lot of salt. The writer didn't know if you salt the potatoes while they are cooking, it doesn't take near as much salt. I only had to add a little more salt and pepper and I used whole milk, and it really was simple and tasty. It might have been a little tastier if I had used chicken broth for the cooking liquid but I just used water like the recipe said.

Stay warm and healthy, girlfriends. Mar, have lots of fun. I hope the weather is cooperating for you.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 05 2013 3:57:25 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  3:47:32 PM  Show Profile
Janet, girlfriend, I'm sure glad you are in the house with your computer and not out in the cold.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  4:53:05 PM  Show Profile
We sure had some crazy weather!!! Snow, 5.8 inches, then sleet, an inch of rain, wind, now cold. I am so thankful that after it stopped raining last night, the wind picked up and dried the sidewalks before it got to freezing temps. Got up this morning to 23 degrees and very windy and cold, right now it is still windy and only 3 degrees. Don't know what the wind chill is, but know it is below zero. I keep telling myself that April is only 4 months away!!!! Then it should start to warm up!! LOL!!! At least I did not have to go out and shovel snow yesterday, Bob did it all. I used to do it during the day while he was working. So glad he is now home to do it. We live on a hill and a corner, so one side of our property is a 1/2 block long. Lots of hand shoveling, especially when it is wet.
I did go out today, we went and picked up some groceries in 2 different stores, then tonight went to the post office and the city to pay bills. I am so glad that we do not get many power outages around here. So thankful to have a nice warm home to keep us cozy warm and dry.
Gypsy, I hope your cold spell does not last very long there. I know it is nothing like it is here, but none the less, it is cold for your area.
I am knitting 2 pair of leg warmers that I got a special order for, want to get them out in the mail next week. I work tomorrow, then hope to get some of my decorations up this weekend. Soon it will be baking goodies.
Have a great evening all,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 05 2013 :  9:05:33 PM  Show Profile

Thank you all for your comments and advice. I know Lowell has an anxiety disorder. He denies it. He wants it to be a physical illness with an explanation. I also believe he does not want the stigma of mental illness.

I think of all of you often. I wish all of the sick well.

I went out with Annette today. She had a $20 voucher from Salvation Army. She received a loveseat and a chair. At Salvation Army she bought an artificial tree. She had to drag it along to dinner and then take it home. She wanted it to fill up her space in the living room. I always have fun going out with her.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  4:03:33 PM  Show Profile

Yay! Another sideways photo from me! Enjoying my last playdate with Dd.
Everyone better get out some extra blankets!

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  5:02:07 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Tuesday I went to Tai Chi, Wednesday K and I went grocery shopping while T was at basketball practice and last night Cheri and I went to the Hopkins Center for the Performing Arts at Dartmouth College to see Cirque Alfonse's show Timber! It was singing and acrobatics and dancing with a logging camp theme. The company is from Quebec. Most of the singing was in French but the tunes were catchy and happy. We had a good time. A neighbor stayed with the boys and the others at home. The teen agers were out doing their things. Our neighbor lives off grid with no running water so she was happy to be where she could use the lights, take a hot shower and use the internet. She likes they boys and they adore her. She has two young daughters who like to come and play with the boys but they stayed home with their dad last night.

We have been having warmer weather these last few days. I remember Jan saying that she was having some and now it is here but the weather guessers say it will be gone tomorrow. I have enjoyed waking to a warm house these last few days.

I am glad to have this forum to vent and know that the women are all supportive. I know that people here will not always agree but that if there is a dissenting opinion it will be presented thoughtfully.

I have not thought Marie, that you whine. I thought that you vented and there is a difference. Any time you need to continue is fine with me. I think we all sit in our little boxes and do not want to be judged so we often hold in worries, concerns and annoyances to the detriment of our health and well being. I hope we as a group continue to listen to those of us who need listening too.

Speaking of annoyances I hope this one is passing. T is on the Junior Varsity A basketball team as long as he keeps himself in line. Any misstep and he will be off. He is trying to keep himself together. He has a friend whose mother adores T and called me to say she is willing to help him get himself together and provide whatever help he or we need, She has been talking to her son and the other boys on T's team about hanging with him and helping him follow the rules and feel good about himself. He is happy to be ont he A team and he is happy that he and the other sophomores are all considered the team captains. He said his role will probable be to help the other boys have good attitude and spirit. It is what he has done before and maybe it will carry over into his life.
Keeping our fingers crossed that he will get himself together in his school work and at home as well.

I hope whomever is feeling ill feels better soon. The shorter days are hard enough to deal with but adding sickness to it makes the darkness all that harder. Soon, the days will start to be longer again.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  5:05:07 PM  Show Profile
AAAhhhh Marianne a wonderful photo and who cares that it is sideways. Geez I can really see the family resemblance. you are both beautiful.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  6:13:34 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I love your picture. I think it is wonderful you have such a great relationship with your daughter.

Holly, nice that T has support from other parents. I think him taking a leadership role will help his self esteem too. I think it is great that you and C were able to have a night out to yourselves.

Marie, I ditto Holly's comments. This is a safe place to vent. We all have issues, good days and bad. Don't ever feel you can't be truthful here. We get it.

I got snowed in today. Freaked me out. I couldn't even concentrate on sewing. I'm such a control freak and not being able to go into town when I need to was disconcerting to say the least. I couldn't get my truck I to 4wheel drive. I'm going to have to give my car guys a call. I did have a friend get me some things I needed from the store. I am out of kitty food and my delivery isn't until Tuesday.

Temps down to 9 degrees tonight so I plugged my truck in. Tomorrow should be almost 30 and sun. By Thursday it is suppose to be in the 40's so I'll be able to do my shopping then.

Everyone stay warm and safe!!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  6:33:17 PM  Show Profile
Ditto Holly and Bunny. Mar you and DD really do look a lot alike and you are both lovely. Beautiful light in your eyes means you are both having a wonderful time.

Bunny, I hope you can forget about being stranded and just go sew to your heart's content. We went out for a while and even though it was 32 degrees, it didn't seem too bad because there was no wind or rain. B picked out what he wanted for dinner and I cooked it. It was cod, rice, peas and carrots. He liked it. I thought it was so-so. We are going to the tom hanks movie tonight.

Holly, I hope the support T is getting from friends will be just enough to help him get to the other side of this. Soon you will look back to see it as just growing pains

B and I sent off the application for our marriage license today. Sort of uneventful. He said it was because it felt right and we are calm about it

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  6:38:22 PM  Show Profile
Mar, wonderful picture!!! I agree, you both are beautiful!!!! Glad you had a great time together.
Holly, so glad you and C are able to get away once in awhile. Does the sole good. Sounds like T is making an effort to straighten himself out. Good for him.
Marie, You are one of us, and we all are here for each other. We are like family on here, and there are lots of stuff we talk about on here, but not with our families. We all need to vent once in awhile. Glad you trust us to be able to tell us your troubles. A big hug to you!!!!!
Gypsy, you are so busy staying fit. You both must have great muscles and energy.
It was 2 below zero this morning when I got up, 1 above when I went to work. My son turned the heat way down last night, so it was only 47 degrees in the store when I got there. 5 hours later, it still was only 66 degrees!!!! I froze most of the day. I told him not to turn the heat down so much, his furnace had to run constantly to warm the place up. I am still cold. It is only supposed to be around 10 degrees for the high for the next week. We had rain 2 days ago, now this deep freeze. This cold air is really hard on my lungs. I feel like I am going to get sick, so I am drinking hot tea with honey. I hope this helps. I don't think I will be going too far this next week. We WILL NOT be here next year!!!!! I swear we in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are the Antarctica of the United States.
Well, I am going to get into my nice warm pjs and watch some tv before bed. Hope you are all warm and having a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  6:43:30 PM  Show Profile
Holly that would be a great show to see but it isn't coming anywhere near here. The second guy in line on their right looks like a little Santa.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  6:55:10 PM  Show Profile
Janet we posted at the same time. Take some elderberry syrup just for good measure. Keeping my fingers crossed you don't get sick! I'm wearing long johns for extra warmth. We agreed to keep our apartment at 72 and we have both adjusted to that so no one messes with the thermostat. I like to cover up and sleep in a cold room and he does not. Two top sheets with a blanket if needed is working for us both.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 06 2013 :  9:18:18 PM  Show Profile

Thank you all for the support. As I have said, I do not have anyone I can talk to so I value this forum and will try not to abuse it. I tend to be very hard on myself.

The temperature here is a balmy -4 degrees. There is very little wind and when it does come up, I smell the fresh scent of snow and road salt. This is the best time of year in Minnesota because all the riffraff leaves. It took this picture in downtown Minneapolis looking up at the iconic IDS Tower. The sky is always so blue after a snowstorm.

I scoff at the wimps around here who say it is cold.

Marianne - I shall say it too - Lovely Mother, Lovely Daughter.

Gypsy - Did you say that this will be your third marriage. Maybe this one is the charm.

Lowell had to let the guitar player go because he couldn't rehearse on the weekends. He is with another band that tours. The female singer has not gotten back to him so he's given up on her. So, he is advertising on Craigslist for replacements. He will be meeting with the drummer and bass player, who are both really neat guys, tomorrow.

I am staying at home this week to get some stuff done. I am in the Christmas Stocking Swap and the December Dishcloth Swap so I am planning on getting the stocking and dishcloth done this weekend. I am making a project for the 2nd graders called a name doodle. Here's a picture of the ones I made for Lowell and I.

I am also making a scarf and getting some t-shirts and sweat plants for a senior citizen whose card I picked up at a community center. Then there are the blankets for Annette and her son, the shrug for my sister, the dish cloths for my nephew's wedding last August and . . . and . . . and . . . I've got to slow down.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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