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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 29 2013 :  09:53:01 AM  Show Profile

I am here is Fergus Falls. The big dinner was last night at Lowell's cousin's place. In attendance were Great Uncle Roger, Lowell, Lowell's daughter Hayley, Lowell's cousin Nancy, her husband Roger, Roger's daughter Cody, Nancy's son Eric, Uncle Denny, Denny's wife Lois, two friends of the family, three cats (one of whom hides) and me. There would have been another but she couldn't find her car keys. Lois has MS and when she arrived she was blind and needed to be helped moving around. About half way through the meal, she suddenly could see. She says she knows when she is going to be blind because she gets these amazing headaches. She is such a kind soul. Her husband had just spent the day in the hospital because of some negative interactions with his medications. Many sat watching football. I sat in the kitchen with my knitting. Ziggy the cat was helping me by playing with some yarn.

Lowell and Hayley will be playing a concert in the dining room of the nursing home. They have gotten a great deal of publicity. Everyone in the nursing home will be there along with many of Lowell's extended family. Hayley gets enormously stressed before a concert and she is being a little [bleep]y. Lowell at this moment is learning Winter Wonderland. I know it will go well. After the concert we will have wine and cheeses at Grandpa Roger's apartment. Mitzi will like that.

He keeps this place so hot I can hardly stand it. I think I'll step outside to cool off.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 29 2013 :  5:22:36 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The corn casserole resembles a recipe I tried a few years ago that had sausage in the bottom and it was delicious.

Last night K had a burning desire to do pre Black Friday shopping. The person she had planned on going with bagged out on her so I said I would go. The list she created to look for was nothing that required Black Friday sales. She also wanted to go to New Hampshire for these sales. They have no sales tax in NH but also I think it was the adventure of the trip. We drove 2 hours to the mall in Concord. Shopped for two hours and drove home to bed at 3 AM. I have not stayed up that late in years. I have woken up and not been able to go back to sleep but staying up all day and half the night is not something I do on a regular basis. K drove. She zoomed both ways the roads were clear. Anyway, we had a good time. I shopped more than she did and she was the one that called it an evening to go home. The tediousness of the trip was worth the joy she received from the journey.

Marie I am glad you had an enjoyable evening with the in laws and out laws.

Today I just hung out around the house and tried not to be grumpy from lack of sleep.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  07:02:44 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I admire your sense of adventure and your willingness to make K happy. I got the patterns! Thank you so much. I will think of you when I tackle this project and I can't wait to give it a try!

We hit WalMart for some bras they had that I love. I bought seven thinking I wouldn't find them again because they generally don't carry my size. Got them home and found they were not as nice as the ones I had bought before. They had cheapened them up. So, back they will go. All those crowds for nothing. It wasn't the price that drew me to the sale as much as the probablility of a large selection. I will just go back to mailordering them.

The crowd was pretty surprising. No carts were available. Few parking spaces.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  1:50:17 PM  Show Profile
Hi All!

Home from a trip into Spokane. It was icy and a good day to have studded tires, which we do have, in the shop... Dh says he will put them on tomorrow. Well, we were safe, drove at a reasonable rate and waited until the traffic had already made enough of a trail on the highway.

One of our stops was Costco. Dh wanted some of his favorite flannel pants for the evening tv watching/snuggle time and they had a Black Weekend price savings. We got there just in time to watch the largest bus you have ever seen pull in and disembark about 80 Canadians. I can't even guess what time they got on that bus! The shoppers were fascinated with every darn thing they saw and it was quite a bottleneck at the entrance, but once we got past that it was smooth sailing.

We also stopped at Michael's to pick up some yarn. They didn't have exactly what I wanted and dh tried to get me to go to another craft shop next door for the items. I looked him in the eye and told him, "You know I refuse to shop there." I don't agree with their politics for denying their employees certain insurance coverage that has been passed into law. So I don't shop there. And sometimes to my inconvenience because they carry a large supply of many things I like. But, you only get to cast a vote once a year, but you can vote with your dollar everyday of the year. And yet I shop at WalMart. Makes no sense, I know.

So Dh thought we had been visited by a gaggle of turkeys (I know, it's gaggle of geese... flock of turkeys?) this morning, but actually it was me in my Yak Traks when I fed the pony-poos.

Does everyone pick out their holiday gift from their partner? Or do you just hint heavily? Do you do a gift together for your home? Or take a trip? Does anyone do a gift to themselves?

Dh and I were talking about making an extra donation above our automatic ones. We always want our help to stay as local as possible, our area is still struggling. So, I set the minimum, told him he could set the maximum and decide the recipient. I was brought up with donating and volunteering in the community. Dh wasn't, and it doesn't come as easily to him to part with the cash, let alone the time. He really surprised me when he said he wanted to give McDonald's coupon books to the homeless that we see in town. We hadn't had a chance to pick up the gift certificates this morning and saw one gentleman on a corner going into town. Dh called him over and handed him a bill. He seemed happy that it wasn't a single. I think dh has come a long way over the years. He used to not even look at the people with the signs. Love this guy.

Hope you are all having a great day.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  1:50:55 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Marie, how did the concert go? have you cooled down yet?

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  5:27:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Tonight we had guests to eat latkes and blintzes with us to celebrate the fourth night of Hannukah with us. it was low key and good conversation. C makes blintzes. She thought she would get a head start on them last night. She might have had 60 or so on a plate on the stove waiting to be stuffed. She went up to put the littles to bed. I cleaned up the kitchen and left them on the stove for her to deal with and went upstairs. She went down to see the dogs finishing up the last of the blintzes. wwwhhhooooo boy was she mad. She said if Joey wasn't already castrated the kick in the behind she gave him would have done the trick.

I think the temperatures must have been in the teens today. I did not look at the thermometer but the way my breath felt cold when I breathed outside it must have at least been 18.

I went two years once without going into Walmart. Now I almost have too in order to buy certain items which are no longer available in downtown. I guess they were successful in putting some of the local stores out of business.
We do not have that certain crafts store around here so I do not need to make that choice that you do Mar.
I gave up on the bra situation a few years ago. Didn't seem worth the hassle in trying to find a bra that had straps long enough so the bottom elastic did not cut what breast I have in half when riding up. The store I used to buy the one brand that fit went out of business after Walmart came in. I am back to undershirts when I need the extra warmth.

We each have six bags to open on holiday morning. They are drawstring bags I made many years ago. Each person has a different pattern and it saves so much on wrapping paper and time. some of the presents C gives to me I buy. and vice versa. Some she tries to surprise me. I sometimes am able to give her a list. Well, most of the time I am expected to provide a list. I think she has more of a challenge to fulfill the task than I do because my birthday is right close to the holiday.
Everybody does receive underwear and socks and t shirts in those bags so that reduces what we need to figure out.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  5:39:32 PM  Show Profile

The concert went well. The only problem was with some of the people who had hearing aids. The devices are very sensitive to the sound of musical instruments. I will say that they were much better than the other acts I have seen there. The residents really liked the fiddle tune Hayley played.

We were expected to stay longer but Hayley has students on Saturday morning so we had to come back on Friday night.

Marianne - Good for you! There are three places I do not shop because of how they treat employees and vendors. It is a small thing in the grand scheme of things but a big thing for me.

Here's how we shop for each other:

Marie - I watch and listen to Lowell over the course of the year to see what he needs and/or his preferences then I carefully consider what to get him. I bought him a capo one year and a new guitar case another year. His old guitar case had a split side.

Lowell - Asks me what I want while we are shopping at the Coop. I look around and the only thing I can see which I want are these really neat mismatched socks. He asks me to pick a pair out and he buys them for me and says Merry Christmas.

I bought myself a lovely pocket watch for myself. I usually have to get the presents I really want for myself. Lowell just doesn't know how to shop for me or anyone else. He always points out that he once bought a piano for his ex-wife and daughter so I guess he does well with the big things. I never want anything that big.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  6:04:12 PM  Show Profile
Well, I survived the craft sale and am now done except for a couple of special orders and get them out in the mail for Christmas. I did better than I anticipated. It was a very good sale this year again, beat last years sales. Both Bob and I are very pleased, especially since we will not have an income for 6 weeks, until his retirement and both of our social security kicks in. This will help so much!!!! My daughter showed up, she was so impressed with my booth. She only sees bits and pieces of what I make, and lots of crates full. She stayed and helped us pack up and load the truck, so we got done in half the time it normally would have taken us.
We are not doing much for Christmas here this year because of our income situation, but we do have a wonderful Christmas Eve meal with daughter and son. Then we will probably play some games.
Holly, I would not have wanted to be around when C saw what the dog did!!!!
Mar, we do not have any craft stores here, only JoAnn Fabrics and Walmart. That is the only place we can buy yarn. I order a lot of mine online. That way I can get more colors than they carry in the stores.
Gypsy, How was your Thanksgiving with your daughter?
Marie, sounds like you had a great turkey day. Good for you.
Bunny, how was it for you? Did your family make it there safe and sound?
Cheryl, How was the turkey trot? I am sure you did well in it.
Debbie, How was your Thanksgiving?
Well, getting tired. Going to get ready for bed and relax. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  8:12:00 PM  Show Profile
Good evening friends,

Holly, I would have killed that dog. At the very least he would be banned from the kitchen forevermore.

Janet, good on you, girl! I'm so glad the craft sale want well

Marie, that is a pretty thing you bought yourself. I have told everyone for years don't get me anything. I have my own taste and can get what I want. I buy myself something for my birthday and for Christmas. My gift from E was the family trip to Mexican Rivera every Christmas. Last Christmas I was recovering from surgery, in that travel trailer.
This will be my first Christmas with B so I don't know what we will do yet. Probably not much. We are saving for a trip to Scotland.

Mar, tell me who it is so I won't shop at their store. I haven't kept up with these things. At this stage I figure it's someone else's turn to right the world. I'm glad you are safely home The weather is not good for traveling this time of year way up there where you are.

My Thanksgiving day was fun. B took his keyboard and entertained everybody and my daughter sang with him. She was having allergy problems but she still sounded amazing.

I will most likely be going down to Houston to see what is going on with my mom. I strongly suspect she has a UTI because of what I learned on this forum back when she was in hospital. Now I can't find where we were talking about it and I can't get my sister or her daughter who is living in the house with her to do anything but complain about her behavior. They don't seem to connect an infection to dementia and I can't explain it to them. I was told today that she has not bathed or showered since she was released from assisted living and she is using diapers for all her bathroom needs even though she is up and walking around. She is saying terrible things to them, refusing help, just being nasty in general. I called today and she answered in an unpleasant tone and changed her voice when she realized she was talking to me. She told me she was in no pain, she was up every day walking around the house and yard and having no trouble getting in and out of the shower. Someone is lying. I need to go check on my brother and get him an IPad anyway, because all he does is lie in bed and read so I've convinced him to download his books. His house is so full of books you can't walk through it.

So I will have to brace myself for the inevitable trip into the insane world of my family and try to remind myself to breathe. B doesn't want me to go.
I'm always afraid I'll get sucked back into that dark hole and not escape. Then I feel guilty for feeling that way.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

1266 Posts

Washington GA
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Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  07:02:07 AM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Holly, thank you so much for the card, I loved it and seeing the mittens on your little one's made my day.

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  09:55:45 AM  Show Profile
My family made it safe and sound. We had a wonderful time together. But of course now they are gone and I'm not dealing with it very well. I'll be back when I feel better.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday too.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  3:51:20 PM  Show Profile
I spent most of the day chilling out. Been a long time since I did not do much. Felt pretty good. Hubby has been doing a lot around here since he retired last week. He has a lot more ambition now. Boy, I love that man, and I am so happy to have him home with me all of the time now. I do hope it stays like this.
It has been mild here, 28 degrees here today. The weather channel is saying icy on Tuesday. I hope not!!! Then I am stuck in the house most of the winter once it gets like an ice rink outside.
Bunny, Hope you perk up soon. I know it is hard to see your sons leave, especially when you only see them once a year. Hopefully soon things will change for you and things will start going your way for once. Life is hard sometimes, we just need to pick up the pieces and move on. Easier said than done, I know.
Gypsy, I hope things are not as bad as they sound for your mom. Your family sounds like mine. You should not have to go all the way there to find out what is going on. What is wrong with that sister of yours?
I was just chatting with a good friend of mine that lives in Indiana about how our families just never care or even see each other. There are 5 of us that live here in the same town, and I have not seen 3 of them in over 3 years, and I saw them then because I had a party in my yard. I told my friend that if they can't come and see me when I'm alive, don't come and see me when I am dead!!!! We will be leaving here in October and most of my family will not even know that we left, or where we are going!!!!! I had 4 major surgeries in 5 years, and not one of them called or anything to see how I was doing. 3 times I almost did not make it. Enough ranting, We are just both so bitter with our families right now. Bob's family is exactly the same!!!!
Marie, How wonderful for the nursing home to have such talent to come and play for them. I am sure they really enjoyed that. Glad you had a good weekend.
Well, going to watch some Christmas movies before bed.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  5:08:05 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

C and I went to the craft fair this morning. We had not been gone from the house for an hour when the children started texting to ask when we would be home. We stayed out for several more hours and did a lot of shopping. We were looking at these paintings, well prints, by a man who does bright surreal landscapes and then put spheres in them. I asked him whether this was his day job or night job. He said in the day he works for a company that does neuroscience programming on the computer. I asked if they were looking to hire any young people and he said yes! A friend of ours, son graduated from Cornell in May and has been looking for a programming job. He gave me his email and I passed it on. My friend was very excited and thought her son would be too. I hope he makes the connection.

Jan I am glad that your dh has picked up some jobs around the house. I am glad you are happy and still believe you have a keeper. It does make life so much easier and enjoyable to have someone just help. I am glad the craft fair went well for you and that people appreciate your work and creativity.

I looked for the UTI conversation but could not find it. I thought it was the beginning of the summer. Maybe with B along the trip will be easier on you or at least with B to call home to and listen it will be easier on you.

Hobby Lobby does not want to have to provide contraception to women on their health insurance policies. They have a case going to the Supreme Court to see if it violates their right to practice their religion in the way they want too. They have over 15,000 employees and are claiming they should not have to pay for all types of contraception because they are a family owned business.

I took the little boys to the school playground for an hour or so. We played tetherball. They had a good time and laughed a lot.

I traded some suet to a couple who sell Christmas trees. I gave him some last year and this. Last year he asked how much money I wanted for it. I told him I would rather barter. He sent me an email in the spring telling me to come get some maple syrup which I never got around to go getting. So, when I went to pay for the wreath and centerpiece they mail to my father's widow each year he said if it was alright he would like to give us a tree for the suet. I thought this was a great deal. so, the wife asked who would be coming for the tree. I told her K so she wrote a note. This is Kethry give her a tree for free signed The Boss. We both laughed.

The roads are a mess right now. We have had snow and ice and snow. One needs to drive slowly to be safe. Someone ahead of C on the road tonight did not drive slowly and the rescue people held up the cars trying to get to town for twenty minutes to deal with the crash. C said she saw three ambulances but that it looked like only one car that had slid off the road. So, we do not really know what happened.

While she was waiting in line for the accident the car in front of her was a man who does excavating for us. They chatted and said a friend who lives across town's house was on fire. He and his partner and the man they care for had left for Florida yesterday. The man they care for is special needs and has cancer. They have begun chemo, which the man probably does not understand but they wanted him to have a good time incase he gets sicker. We do not know if someone knows their travel numbers to get hold of them. I am not sure what they can do or whether they should even cut their vacation short to come home to deal with it. a week or ten days is not going to make any difference in the long run.

So, that is all the news from her in the Green Mountains.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  6:07:32 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I'm glad you enjoy your DH and I hope retirement is good for the both of you. I'm also glad you are getting some rest. Last year when I had two serious surgeries I never got a phone call or a card from any member of my family. My mom does call when she thinks about it eventually, and she has been really good to help my brother.

I so enjoy reading all your stories about what is going on in your lives. Bunny, I'm sorry you are going through that sad time after they leave. Take comfort in the fact that it will go away in a few days and everything will be okay again.

We went to the driving range today. I am no better at golf. Just horrible. I don't want to give up, though.

I went to get the basket lady doll to work on her, and she was not in the box where she was supposed to be So she must still be at the farm house. I was all in the mood to fix her hands, which is where I stopped, and try to finish her up. So Holly it isn't likely you will get her before January. I just don't know. The weather is supposed to be good this week so I think I will go on Thursday to check on my mom and brother and come back Friday. That way we won't have to miss a dance class. B has to work on Thursday so he won't go. At least thats the plan today. It might change tomorrow.

I looked up UTI and dementia and it fits what is going on with mom, but it could be she knows and she wants out of it all. If that is her plan, I feel it is her life and her right. My brother owns the house so when she is gone, he will sell the house and all the freeloaders will have to go to plan B if there is one.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  10:20:04 PM  Show Profile

This afternoon while Lowell was rehearsing with two other members of his new band, I went to a play put on by Green T Productions. The shows are all inspired by the theatrical traditions of Asia. I was in three productions, two using Kabuki style and one using Balinese kecak and dance. They adapted 2001: A Space Odessey to their style. Here is a link to the trailer:

It was an amazing show. It was so well imagined that I cannot describe it. It was good seeing some of my old friends from my brief days in the theatre.

Lowell was on the computer again when I came home. His obsession with that chess game has caused me some financial problems. I do all my financial work, banking and record keeping, on the desk top because I carry the lap top around places and I don't want people getting inquisitive. So when he is playing chess, which he does all the damn (sorry) time, I cannot pay bills or transfer money for rent. Now I have a loss. It doesn't help either that he gets a paper check and sometimes does not deposit it right away like I tell him to. He is not very careful with his money and expects me to check his account for him. I just won't do this tasks for him because he gets so bent out of shape about the way I handle money. I keep telling him that he is a big boy and has to take care of this himself. Argh!!!

Janet - Congratulations on the success of the sale. I hope that Lowell can find something to do after he retires. I can't have him at home using the computer all day when I need it. He has expressed an interest in learning how to sew. I would have him go take a class or two. I know I will not be able to explain what I know about sewing to his satisfaction.

Gypsy - I read a little about the connection between UTIs and dementia. It sounds really scarey. I joined the site in May and it was talked about then. I hope this gives a more accurate timeframe.

Holly - Good job passing on the job connection. Every unemployed person needs all the help they can possibly get. I do not shop at Walmart because of the way they treat their employees and vendors. Gedney is located here in Minnesota. They offered gallon jars of pickles to Walmart at a very low introductory price. People loved them and bought a lot. Gedney thought they would be able to sell them at a more reasonable price at Walmart to cover their costs. Walmart would not budge and now Gedney has to sell these gallon jars of pickles to Walmart at a loss because the market has gotten used to it. Walmart essentially locked them in. I do not shope at Michael's because it is part of Bain Capital, the holding company which "harvests" the profits from its subsidiary corporations. I also do not shop at Whole Foods because of how stinky the owner is with the employees.

I purchased a pound of suet from the coop today. They told me they will not provide any more to anyone because someone placed an order for 5 pounds of it and the head meat guy didn't like it. I purchased mine to feed birds this winter. Why would anyone order 5 pounds? Are they making large amounts of soap or candles? I guess they have spoiled it for everyone with their greed. Some people's kids!!!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  2:59:49 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I found it. Your first post is on page 75 on Sept 20 I think. You are right, mom had the UTI at that time. Well guess what. She drove herself to church and to Walmart yesterday. Against everyone's wishes, but she did it anyway. With one hand. My sister said she will never regain the use of the hand because of the nerve damage and her age. If she hasn't had a shower in three months, I'm thinking she cleared out the building, even at Walmart. Anyway, she made it without killing anyone. They don't know what to do about her, so guess who they want to come and deal with it? Yep. I am ok with her doing whatever the hell she wants to do as long as she doesn't hurt anyone else.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  3:24:50 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, my mom doesn't bath either. She uses a washcloth and cleaning wipes she gets from the store. She gets her hair done once a week, so it gets washed at least. When people get older, getting in and out of a shower or bath is scary. They are afraid of falling. If she only has the use of one hand, that might contribute to that. I agree with you on letting her do her thing. If they don't like it.... they can always move.

I'm feeling a little better. Yesterday was pretty bad. I just stayed in my jammies and watched movies all day. Today I went to lunch with a friend to get out of the house. I have a goal on what I need to do to move back to California. It just takes making money and saving up. My dress shop on etsy really needs to start doing me some good. I sure hope when the magazine comes out I get more sales. I have made dresses from xsmall up to 3x. So I have covered all the bases for sizes. I need this to work more than anything!
I'll have earned my AA in Accounting in a couple of weeks and an AA in administrative assistant the beginning of September. I need $10,000 saved up and at least 25 sales a month and I feel I can move back. I'm giving myself a year for the goal. Once I'm back in Calif. I'll look for part time work to give myself a buffer for the slow months. I think it is a doable goal.
Just need to see the dollars.

Sounds like everyone had a decent holiday.



Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  4:27:40 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I hope your mom is ok and you can just let everything be. Everything gets to be a bit of a house of cards as they age...

Bunny, I am glad you have your plan in place. It sounds like you are like me and feel as long as you have a plan... God knows, those plans can change. So good to hear you are feeling a bit better. You had the right to a day in the dumps.

Holly, you and C find very interesting exhibits to visit. Sounds like it was a nice evening. I love the "This is Kethry...Signed, The Boss." note. So nice to hear of you being on the receiving end of the kindness. Are you enjoying the warmth of your animals in the morning these days?

I heard the horses (crick, crick, crick -- almost squeaking on the ice) this morning before I saw them. We are supposed to get very cold here this week. I will miss it. I leave in the morning for four days with dd. $59 airfare was not something I wanted to refuse! She worked a lot of hours over the Thanksgiving weekend and is at work until 11:30 tonight, but has the entire time I will be there off! We plan on just being together.

Jan, glad you had a day of rest! And Congratulations!

Marie, Is it nice to be back home? Your plan for shopping for one another for the holidays sounds very familiar! I love your pocket watch, so pretty. I would feel special having that, too. WalMart generally does not help small businesses or any of us, really. They seem difficult to stop, don't they?

I'll check back with you on over the weekend... Stay safe.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  5:33:25 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I took Ross to the dentist this morning for his six month cleaning. Braces and maybe therapeutic extractions are in the boys little mouth. Crowded baby teeth are sure sign of the $ signs in the future.

In the afternoon I went to a meeting about T at the school. He has been to all of his classes three days in a row. However, he has done little in his classes. To say his teachers are frustrated would be an understatement. We talked about his needing to learn how to deal with the expectations of a school and that other children learn starting in kindegarten how to conform. I have been thinking that school is the only place that following a group is the expected behavior. He had tryouts for basketball tonight and tomorrow. Although he came home today saying he is on the JV A team that the Varsity coach does not like him. I am just as happy to have him on the JV team because there was a good chance that if he were on the Varsity team he might get 10 seconds of playing time each game since he is only a 10th grader. On the JV team if he does well at practices he will get time in games. He is a good player. I told the woman at the school that if Talie did not make the JV A team because of his drug history that I was going to demand that all of the boys on the team be piss tested because I know some of the boys he smokes with. I told her that the boys were still smoking but were savvy enough to not do it or get caught when it would affect their playing time. I just told Talie that and he was annoyed with me. I think he was protecting his friends. I told him since he is on the A team it was a moot point. I told him the math teacher was very frustrated that he had done no work. He said he had, he said he has done all of the problems. I asked where is the work? Probably on my desk. I said you need to turn it in. the teachers are having problems wrapping their minds around the situation that they have a 16 yo that has no basis in school behavior or expectations. We always did his work until it was done correctly. The woman was hung up on him not having credits and not having credits towards graduation. It will all work out. They will need to figure out how to award credit for the work he did at home whether they like it or not. Have I rambled on enough or made any sense?

I do not understand what the big woo at the coop was with one person buying 5 pounds of suet. A sale is a sale is it not. The clerk must have been having a bad hair day.

Gypsy It must be hard on your mother seeing herself deteriorate after having been so active for so long. It might sound awful but it would be good if she just woke up dead one morning instead of fading away. I know she has not been kind to you but it must be hard to see her deteriorate.

Marie you do interesting things. I can live vicariously through you for out of the box entertainment and social activities.

Mar I hope you have a wonderful time. and I hope that dh can manage the home front well while you are gone.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  8:51:07 PM  Show Profile
Holly, You made sense. A public school is not the place to find the most creative thinking adults. Having to figure out how to award credits outside of the norm will be a large hurdle for these teachers. I'll keep my fingers crossed. It shouldn't be that hard...
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  10:00:22 PM  Show Profile
Bunny I'm glad you are feeling better. I think when your article hits the new stands you will have more business than you can handle. Your plan is doable. You have worked hard and it's going to pay off.
I think you are right about my mom. Holly you are right too. It's what she wants.
I do not envy you having to get through the rough times with T. I think if he has to do better with his school work to stay in sports it would be good incentive for him. My heart goes out to him. And, just think, you get to do this three more times!

Janet my sister is one messed up chick. I don't know who put the fun in dysfunctional, but my family gives it a whole new meaning.

Mar, have fun with DD. I know you will. Let DH hold down the fort for a few days, it will do him good. I'm wondering if you made the PB cookies for him to have while you are gone. We can't do without you for four days so I hope you are planning to check in with us while you are gone.

We did ok at our dance class tonight. You can change partners and dance with everyone or you can stay together. Tonight for some reason in the second class B wanted to stay together. He was having trouble with the steps and toward the end of the class he just could not figure out what to do and suddenly looked so tired. I think he's not feeling well but he will not complain.

It was 81 degrees here today. A beautiful summer day in December. Last week it was freezing. That's Texas.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 02 2013 10:08:33 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2013 :  01:20:29 AM  Show Profile
Jan, It must have been so hurtful to have your family ignore you while you were facing such health challenges. I don't blame you for your reaction. My mom always said the same thing about flowers...if you don't want to give them to me when I'm alive, don't send them to me when I'm dead. I agree with you both.

I was just thinking about us all with siblings who are so out of reach. Wondering if they say the same things about does this happen to so many of us?

Bunny, I have lost track of when your altered threads article will be out...was it Feb? Keep up your "following" online. I think you really found one of the keys to success there.

Thinking of you, Gypsy and Marie...dh will muddle through without me for a few days, yes with PB cookies - although they are half-sized now.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Dec 03 2013 :  2:23:37 PM  Show Profile
Finally done with classes this quarter. Earned my AA in Accounting. I should finish my AA in Administrative Assistant the end of September.
Mar, the articles come out in February some time. The magazine might even come out the end of January. Altered Couture can usually be found at Joann's. Trust me... I'll let everyone know when it is out.

Mar, have a wonderful time with DD.

Gypsy, maybe B needs a rest from the dance classes. He might be doing it to make you happy.

Later all.... I get to sew for the next 4 weeks!!! I'm up to 89 items. Almost to my 100 goal.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Dec 03 2013 :  8:46:56 PM  Show Profile

I had a good day getting some things done. Lowell didn't leave the house until almost 10:00. I wake him up at 8:30 and it still takes him an hour and a half to get ready. I am ready to go in less than 20 minutes. Go figure. He always wants me to help him carry stuff out for him. I have turned this into a farewell ritual with the two of us and Mitzi. He kisses me, pats the dog and gets in the van. I wish he would get out earlier and eat his breakfast at home instead of taking a bowl of cereal with him in the van. I believe it looks so lame.

I have one more crochet class left to teach and I will start again in January. For winter they signed me up for one class of combined knitting and crochet. I am not sure how I will handle this. Not only will I be teaching two different techniques, I will also be teaching students of varying abilities and they need/want lots of one on one help. I am not happy with this situation. I told Jeff I could teach Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and was hoping to have a separate more advanced class in the schedule. Silly me for not emailing him about it. Stupid him for not checking with me. ARGH!!!

Gypsy - I agree with everyone else to let your mom do as she likes. Why not! Let her get some fun while she can. I spoke with my doctor about infections and dementia and he is quite familiar with it. He said the two most common infections in the elderly are pneumonia and urinary track.

Marianne - Yes, it is nice to be home. Mitzi was getting pretty bored at the father in-law's place. He has a particular way of doing things. He wanted us to strip the bed, wash all the sheets and remake the bed before we left and he inspected it to make sure it was correctly made. Hayley wanted coffee in the morning and all he had was decaf so she was snarly all day. She whined about the tasks she had to do there. Hope the visit with your daughter goes well. I can remember that my mom did not like her sister and would say mean things about her and her kids. I recently spoke to my cousin about this and said he heard the same things about us. Neither of us could figure out why they disliked each other so much.

Boss Holly - So you watched the trailer. It was so amazing in the full production.

Tomorrow is another day.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Dec 03 2013 :  9:29:35 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone,

I am missing Cheryl's emails. Hope she finds time to post soon.

Janet, I hope you are getting some rest and staying in out of the cold. We reached 85 today and I was going to drive down to Houston and check on mom and brother but we are supposed to be back in the cold, rain, possible snow by Thursday and Friday. So I talked to them today and they said not to come.

Marie, I guess my sister and I do the same as your mom and her sister. I mostly try to just stay out of their lives completely but they drag me into their drama and then get mad at me if I give advice. They don't want advice, they want someone to listen to their complaints and I try to stay away from negative people, so we don't get along. So I stay away and do my own thing and they think I'm being snooty. Maybe I am. Ive had a pretty good life compared to the rest of them because I never expected any handouts or any help, and I sure didn't get any. Here is an example: My brother, who is a well educated man, refuses to learn how to use a computer. So he buys an expensive computer for himself, then asks my sister to use it to order him books from Amazon. He has to give her his credit card. Big mistake. Then he could not get his computer back from her. So now he wants me to drive to Houston and buy him an IPad and show him how to use it to order his own books. He won't have her do it because he had her get the computer for him, and he can't get it back from her. She would love to have an iPad. I told him today I would need his wifi access and his passwords. I warned him that when he get his password for amazon and can access his own account, don't be surprised to see what he has been paying for. He said he already knows, because when he gets his amazon bill on his credit card, it is broken down into categories of books and other merchandise. The other merchandise is what my sister buys for herself on his account and thinks he does not know about it. He told me not to say anything because he needs her to drive him to the doctor. So he lets her steal from him.

My mother told me she loaned my sister her credit card because my sister was behind on her car payment and did not want to get into trouble with her husband. My mother is an accomplice, because she says if my sister's husband knew about all the lies and deception, he would leave my sister, then she would have no one to take care of her, and my mom would get stuck with her again. So mom loans her the credit card to make a back car payment of around $300. When my mom finally got the credit card back, she had charged over $3000 on it. My mom tells me this but tells me not to say anything to my sister. She tells me this with the expectation that I will help pay it off. I did not. It is hard to watch her do without, but I will not be a party to such disgusting behavior. She let my sister's daughter move back in with her for free, for at least the fourth time. The daughter has a boyfriend who is a longshoreman, so he makes good money, but they pay mom no rent. Then if that wasn't enough, the daughter's friend, an unmarried woman with three children, also moved in with mom. So mom tells me there is no room for me to spend the night there, I will need to get a motel room. She has a tiny tacky house in a tacky neighborhood, lives on about a thousand dollars a month in social security, and she has a total of eight people moved into the house mooching off her. There is nothing I can do.

Do you begin to see why I might have a problem with my sister? This only the tip of the iceberg.

Mom is going to do what mom is going to do. I've really got no say in it unless I just try to talk some sense into her and make her think it is her idea. She has gotten really stubborn and cranky about pretty much everything. As a born again fundamentalist, she thinks all her kids are going to hell and its her job to save us. All it does is create friction.

I am relieved that the weather is too bad for me to go.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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