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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  09:07:24 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I have never had much focus on anything before. I just found something I really love to do. Each outfit is very different. I think that helps.

I'm not sure our little town has dance lessons. Plus with my fibro ( or what ever it is) I'll end up in bed for a few days. I have been maintaining really well with the diet effort so far.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  2:12:39 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, Owls are so cool right now. That one will probably get scooped up quickly.

Gypsy, It is hard to do something with other "things" (read: people) are bothering you. You also feel like you are putting B out by using the table and probably think you should hurry up. Forget it. Enjoy the process for however long you enjoy and then wrap it up and get it out of sight if you are done with it. That's my theory of crafting. If you aren't enjoying it, what's the sense?

I feel like I have lived through my cold. I told you I am a terrible whiner about colds. Funny how dh and I wrap up the sickness at the same time! We still have the Puffs Plus handy, though!

I have been finishing up a few knitting items and that has been enjoyable. Today isn't as sunny so it really feels much colder, although the thermometer says I'm imagining it. The horses are very fuzzy. Their legs look stocky because they have so much fur. It's fun to run your fingers through their fur. They are patient with me.

It's been quiet here lately. So, you guys better start raising some heck to tell me about. I need some entertainment.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  2:13:29 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I would love the pattern, but I know you are very busy now. If you find the time, that's great. Please don't worry about it.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  5:13:48 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I saw a bald eagle soaring in the sky to the east of our house this morning. It was very far up but I could see the dark body with a white head and tail. Hawks that soar around here are just dark blotches. I was very excited. I have never seen one around here before. The only other ones I have seen were on a cruise in Alaska and they were sitting on dock poles.

Bunny Thank you so much for the gift that arrived in the mail today. It is a wonderful table runner. The little boys think it is beautiful. They arranged it on the table and put the flowers C brought home today in a green glass vase in the middle of it. C put the card on one end standing up so nice. Ross wants you to know that you made a beautiful bow and he wants to keep it for himself. K just came home, interrupted her conversation to say who made that thing on the table and said that is so cool.

Those are the two exciting things that happened today.

Other than that I did school work most of the day. C and R did theirs in the morning. G screwed off so when the others were playing he had to do his and whined a good share of the time about missing out on the fun. He did then manage to finish it up in record time so he could play too.

Mar I put the pattern in the mail this morning. You will note there are two patterns that are basically the same. I copied the first and then noticed that the original was so old some of the letters were hard to read. So, I copied the second one because I was too lazy to go through the pattern and figure out what was unreadable. and pencil it in. The designs are different in the patterns. I use the basic pattern and then put in the design section a design that is specific to the individual. For example in C's am knitting in a bicycle on one side. The basic pattern is 60 stitches wide on size 8 needles. So the bicycle is in 30 of the stitches and on the other thirty I put a red heart with a gold triangle for the three people involved in an adoption. The child, the birth mother, and the adoptive family.

It was a little warmer today, in the teens. The sun was out some of the day. The sun being out makes the house so much easier to keep warm. The bedroom was 63 degrees this morning when I woke up. It seemed so cold I did not want to get out of bed. After I did the house seemed balmy. The downstairs was warmer than my bedroom.

When we had horses our mare used to put on a thick heavy coat of fur for the winter. She was white and it was 3 or 4 inches long. When it came off in the spring it came off in hunks and made the ground white around her. After she moved onto another home the woman wanted to know if she had some disease because she shed so much. We always found it interesting that the snow could settle on the backs of the horses and not melt and that was a sign that the fur was insulating them well.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  6:34:13 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I'm so glad you like the table runner. I wanted to do something to say thank you for all the clothes for my creations. I still want to make you something. I just need more time to come up with something I think you will like.
How cool to see a bald eagle!

I got all my last minute Thanksgiving shopping done. I need to sell some dresses to make up for too much spending. Usually my kids would bring food to help out. But the last few years, I have to have dinner ready when they get here. They have to work and so leave Calif. At 1am on Thanksgiving day.
It has been in the low 40's during the day and 20's at night. My poor truck was still complaining today.

My homework load is light this week. I'll be done with one class and only have my final with another. Can't wait to have the time off to sew every day.

Gypsy, I couldn't find any dancing classes in town. I'm trying to get my courage up to go into the local yoga studio.

Later all...stay warm.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  9:47:13 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 9:28:04 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  9:53:15 PM  Show Profile
We are going to my DDs for turkey day. I am contributing a corn casserole, banana pudding and egg nog. The banana pudding is so rich we only have it at thanksgiving and Christmas and I call it stroke in a bowl.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 25 2013 :  10:04:18 PM  Show Profile

I went shopping with Annette at Savers. She saw a couch there that she wanted but we did not have a car so did not get it. She chose 2 heavy comforters, a drip coffee maker, a lampshade and a pair of black pants and a white shirt she can wear for her work as a grocery demonstrator. She goes back to work tomorrow. The apartment she has is really nice and has large rooms. The kitchen is small but is really nicely laid out. While I was sitting in her dining area, she made a call to the Red Cross to see if they can pay for her rent in December. They can. That will be a load off her mind. I bought 400 minutes for her phone before I left her house.

I have a kid in my 2nd grade, let's call him Tommy, who is obviously experiencing a great deal of stress at home. He tends to wander around in the hall and in the classroom. He can only read the simplest words and has a very difficult time writing his letters. Whenever he gets frustrated, he says he doesn't know how to do the work and will give up. He lies and when confronted, cops a macho attitude. He is also very needy. Many is the time while walking down the hall, he comes up beside me and takes my hand. He has two older brothers in the school and the oldest one is mature for his age. That brother seems to be the caretaker for the other two. Today he was curled up in the rocking chair. His puzzle was not put away and his book box was out. I asked him to help me put the puzzle away after he put his book box away. He listens to me and will usually do as I say. While we were crouched on the floor I said to him, "Tommy, I will never give up on you. That is a promise. Can you promise to work hard here in the classroom?" He said yes and we made a pinky promise. Maybe I care too much about him. I just feel as if he is my project this year. Mrs. Pendleton is pleased that I am willing to work with the challenging children.

Holly and Janet - The band has yet to get together and practice songs. The lead female singer is a yoga instructor and very busy with it. I am keeping out of it as much as I can. I have put all the members in a group for email so that is easier. The band has to identify places in which to play and to get a demo recorded that includes a video. Lots to do, so little technical expertise.

The temperature here was 28 degrees which is rather balmy. Well at least I think so. It has to get cold enough to freeze my nose hairs before I start to complain.

Tomorrow I have nothing to do outside of the house. Inside I have laundry, dishes, ironing, mending, soup making, blanket making, financial organization, crocheting and general odds and ends to finish. I will have a good day.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6869 Posts

Debbie L.
6869 Posts

Posted - Nov 26 2013 :  08:08:38 AM  Show Profile
Happy Thanksgiving to all, very busy week for everyone with family coming in town and fixing the holiday meals, pies etc.
I will be thinking of all of you, stay warm, have fun and Please Be Happy.

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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

1223 Posts

Posted - Nov 26 2013 :  7:28:07 PM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Hi ladies,
Just popping in for a quick hello and to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! If you're traveling please take care. The weather is going to be horrible in so many states. Plans to make some zucchini bread or cake for Thanksgiving. We'll be going to my youngest son and daughter in law's home for dinner after hubby gets off work. But I will be up early and doing the Turkey Trot 2 mile walk for charity Thanksgiving morning. It's to be in the teens for temps and light snow. Fun! LOL It's my first time doing something like this and I sure hope I can do it without keeling over. Say a little prayer for me please?
Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone!

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 26 2013 :  9:14:45 PM  Show Profile

Today was a good day.

Laundry - done
Dishes - done
Ironing - will be done tomorrow
Mending - put a dent in tomorrow
Blanket Making - start tomorrow
Financials - 1/2 done
Crochet - worked on, will do more tomorrow
Odds & Ends - finished several

It is almost too bad I will be going out of town for two days. I have stuff to do which I cannot bring with me.


Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  2:16:01 PM  Show Profile
Well, all the house cleaning is done. I'm done in myself.
Laundry is done, beds have clean sheets, all my quilts are clean. I found the coffee pot and the waffle maker. All is right with the world. My kids plus dad and a friend should be here around 3:30pm and I'll have dinner ready for them. They have a 12 hour drive.

Hope everyone has a safe holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  3:09:40 PM  Show Profile
Cheryl, You will do great on the Turkey Trot. I hope you have a partner, that will make it more fun!

Marie, wow, you knocked out some list of chores yesterday. I hope your trip out of town is fun, stay safe.

Holly and Gypsy, I feel fortunate everytime I stop to admire the eagles around here. We have Golden Eagles, too. They are significantly larger than bald eagles. It is hard to imagine until you see one. Apparently, they can take goats, foals, calves. We have friends who raise cattle and when they lose one, they typically drag the remains to a hilltop. Everything else waits until the Eagles are done. They have mistaken a Golden Eagle for a man on their land. Their shoulders seem that broad. The Vultures are pretty "healthy" sized around here, too. Not nearly as pretty, though.

We had frost and fog this morning-- freezing fog. That's a term I had not heard before we lived here. The fog will be thick enough to be moist enough to freeze to the road. But, the sun has peeked out.

Dh and I just went and "played" with some hay. We bought two round bales this year and have never had to deal with pulling from them to feed. Square bales are easier, but with the potential of a move, we didn't want to bring in a ton (literally) of hay...
anyway, we were warned that they can be difficult to pull from, but so far, no problem!

Janet, you better get some rest tomorrow! Good luck Friday.

Debbie it was lovely to hear from you.

Bunny, I bet you are already cooking and fussing for your kids! Enjoy. No down in the dumps when they leave this time. (Easier said than done, I know.)

I hope you all travel safely to and enjoy immensely your Thanksgiving celebrations.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  4:39:31 PM  Show Profile
Busy day for everyone today. It is cold and windy here, as usual, been down to 8, now it is only 15. We have a dusting of snow staying on the ground, supposed to get an inch or so tonight. Not bad.
We set up for the craft show today, I sure have a lot of stuff!!!!! Hopefully I will do well again. This is the biggest sale around here. The only problem is, it is Black Friday.
I am enclosing photos, but they did not come out too clear. I have a new camera and need to read how to use it!!!! Takes me awhile to get the hang of new gadgets!! LOL!!!
Holly, we have bald eagles here. They sure are a sight to see. Beautiful gliding so high in the sky.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  4:43:51 PM  Show Profile
Here are some more hats:

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  4:45:04 PM  Show Profile
Janet, your hats are soooo cute!! Good job. I hope you sell them all.

Mar, I don't start cooking until tomorrow morning. But it will be an all day thing.

Later all,


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  5:02:11 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I usually write on an email document and then copy and paste. Tonight I started that and was blown off the system so now the email write screen will not come up. So, here I am typing on the little box at the bottom of the post screen. I feel like I am tempting fate.

Jan the hats are adorable. They are bright and cheery. I can see that sewing on the little pieces would take some time. You sure do quality work. I hope you sell out.
When K was four or so she wanted a hat with three horns. I made one out of fleece material. It was orange with lime green horns. She wore it for a long time. One time we found it and she asked why it had three horns. I guess she had forgotten that she had insisted I make her one.

I think we do not have enough open space any more to sustain large predatory birds. I called to the eagle and offered a few of my chickens for a snack but it just soared onward.

I made two pumpkin pies today. That is really what I contribute to the holiday. C makes all the rest and I am glad to let her. I took out a half turkey. C will put stuffing in the bottom of a pan and put the turkey on top. We have only one person who wants a leg and we shall have that. We will not be eating turkey for the rest of the week however. I am glad. My favorite parts of the meal are the stuffing with gravy and the sweet potatoes.

What is corn casserole?

We have bought in round bales for the cows. You will have far less waste than we did by unrolling it than free feeding. What are you doing with all of the orange twine that is around the outside? We ended up cutting ours instead of unrolling it. I had thought I could crochet it into something useful but I did not get it together and now it is a big knot.

Marie sometimes some children just need to know they are important to someone. You are wonderful to have made a pinky promise with the little boy that says he is important.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Nov 27 2013 5:04:19 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  5:28:44 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I am glad you mentioned Marie's pinky promise because I had wanted to tell her that I,too, think it is something the young boy will remember. I wrapped up the hay string in bundles. I use it for the evergreen swags I make to decorate each post to our gate for the Holidays. It was much finer than the square bale string.

Jan, your booth looks spectacular. I think your hats will be a big hit. Angry Birds was a great one to include. You did really well with making them so cute ... the crooked grin for the puppy, the spotted eye, the color choice for the zebra and owl -- everything was just right on target.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  8:35:31 PM  Show Profile

I am just checking in with my list of accomplishments for today which is buried somewhere under this pile of scrap fabric I am sorting to give to someone.

Soup - done
Crochet - not at all
Ironing - done
Mending - small dent
Financials - not at all
Blanket Making - not at all
Letter to Sister - next two days
Start on Scarf - next two days

I will be leaving for Fergus Falls tomorrow. Lowell does not know what time his daughter will be here to pick us up nor will he call her to find out. I did but she hasn't called back. I have pretty much finished my packing. I have to pack for the dog too because she won't do it. Lowell is playing chess. He always packs at the last minute and then forgets something so we have to go back and get it. I will leave him be this time.

Thank you for the thoughts on my pinky promise to Tommy. I don't know what is going on at his home. One of the other teachers said that he will come up to her, hug her and tell her she smells so nice. I wonder what he smells at his house. I believe that some people should not have children. I wish I had a dollar for every young woman I have heard say, "I had a baby to have someone to love me." I've never been a mom and I don't think it is all that easy.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  9:48:08 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 9:30:00 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  05:37:14 AM  Show Profile
Just on here for a quick Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful food filled day!!!!
Thank you for all the compliments on the hats. As you can see, I have a 20 foot space and it is filled to the brim. We have a bit of snow on the ground, so that usually puts people in the mood to shop here, so am hoping for a great sale.
Off until tomorrow, safe travels to the ones on the road, too.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  12:47:51 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

I thought I would sign on to hope that everyone has an enjoyable day. One of our big boys arrived this morning and the oldest is due soon. He had to work today and will come after work. He is a dish washing man and he works at a continuing care retirement home so he must be cleaning up after their big meal. He is a great dishwasher and aspires to do nothing else. We are glad he is gainfully employed and his boss appreciates his work. He learns by rote and anything you can teach him by rote he does well. He does not do well when he has to think or make judgments.

Our first son but not our oldest was conceived so his birthmother would have a present to give to whatever lover she found so that lover would love her and stay with her. Why is conception so easy for some people?

I played Flinch with the children this morning. It is a card game with sequencing. It is Rici's favorite game and so when ever he comes over we play.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  1:13:11 PM  Show Profile
Holly, sounds like a wonderful holiday at your home. Best wishes for lots of warm memories being made.

Hope everyone is well, enjoying the day and not too put out travel-wise!

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Birthday to my dd!

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True Blue Farmgirl

582 Posts

Kent WA
582 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  1:51:29 PM  Show Profile
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Kent, WA
Farm Girl #5389
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 29 2013 :  09:13:58 AM  Show Profile
I've done two posts that didn't post. I hit submit and they disappear.

Anyway, have a nice day everyone.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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