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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 21 2013 :  5:11:03 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I am sorry to hear of T's trials at school. Pushing the limits seems to be his strong suit right now. I agree that the school can react in a way that doesn't place all the blame and responsibility on the student all the time. I hope the counselor has some luck in getting some changes made and that they are successful ones. I think you explained it to him pretty well. Get on board, quickly or we'll be choosing a different forum. Good luck, you're doing fine, try to sleep.

Marie hope you get your fellow needlework teacher back soon. Singing is rarely appreciated in those situations, even quietly. It sounds like something hinky was going on with that building for a little bit. So glad everyone is out safely. With their pets.

Gypsy, how is the dancing? Please post any new wire-wrapped stones!

Our new glasses are ready and waiting for us. Dh wants to go get them tomorrow. This cold is still worsening. Horrors of horrors, I have a cough and my ribs are pretty mad about it. I am being pampered very well,though. Dh feels so terribly responsible for getting me sick - as he should.

Got news of some deaths back home. A classmate from cancer and another friend's son from drugs. Sad times. One of my high school best friend's husband was diagnosed with leukemia. They lost their child to it about a decade ago. It is all just wrong.

I hold you all dear,
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 21 2013 :  5:14:55 PM  Show Profile
I had a busy day today. I cleaned out our entryway, which was in dire need. That took me all afternoon. It looks so spacious now. I am glad that is out of the way for the winter now. It is not heated out there, so like to get it cleaned out before it gets too cold out there. I have all of my displays in one area all ready to be packed for the sale.

Mar, I have enough stuff made to do at least 10 sales, but I only do this one on Thanksgiving weekend. I wanted a lot done so I can sell on Etsy and have a lot when we travel. I hope to find some good sales on our journeys. I love soup, could have any kind every day, but Bob is not a soup eater. He likes chili, and that is about it.

Gypsy, Yes, I am not supposed to be living in this climate here. The lung transplant dr. told me back in 2006 that I would do a lot better if I were in a different area of the country. Soon.

Holly, sorry to hear about T. I hope he decides to straighten up before it is too late. Teenagers think they have such a rough life, then they do not handle things the way they should.

Marie, you are brave to teach classes to young ones. I don't know if I have that much patience to put up with their antics. Sorry to hear that your friend lost everything. I had that happen to me once, I lost everything but my children. Thank God for that!!! I never did get everything replaced. You do not realize how many spices and kitchen gadgets you have that you do not use all the time, but occasionally.

Bunny, How are the classes going? Is this your last term, or are you taking more online classes next semester?

Today was Bob's last day of work. He is now officially retired!!!! They had a meal for all of the employees and some of the other ones that retired came to wish him well. He is glad that is over with. Now it will take him awhile to get used to sleeping in, he always got up at 5 a.m. I will be working Friday and Saturday this weekend. Next weekend is the craft sale, so will be there for 2 days.
Our Thanksgiving is here with my son and daughter, Bob and I. I am the only cook, so I am the hostess every year. My kids are going to miss this after this year, it will be our last holiday dinners together for awhile. It will be different for me cooking holiday meals in a motorhome!! LOL!!! I can't wait though. What are the rest of you doing? Bunny, your sons are coming to visit you again this year?
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 21 2013 :  5:34:06 PM  Show Profile
Holly, that is a rough situation with T and I sure hope it works out. It has to be disturbing for everybody in the family

Marie, I have a lot of stuff. I'm fine with you posting a list of what is needed.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Nov 21 2013 :  5:55:17 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I do hope your cold goes away real fast. It is no fun coughing when you have sore ribs. I had that a couple of times and I had to wrap a towel around my ribs in order to cough, they hurt so bad. No fun at all. Keep eating soup. It helps. Glad DH is pampering you. You deserve it. So sorry to hear of all the deaths and sickness. Seem it runs in spurts. There have been a lot of your people dying ere lately.

Don't know if any of you heard about this on the news, but a few days ago they caught a couple in a motel here that were wanted in El Paso Texas. The husband was AWOL from Fort Bliss, the wife was wanted for breaking probation for child abandonment. They had let a suicide note. The FBI was looking for them and informed the local police dept. They found them in a motel with their 19 month old baby. Their 5 month old baby was not with them. After a couple of days in jail, the army came and got the husband, but the wife is still here for now. They found the baby in a shallow grave about 30 miles from El Paso. They are doing an autopsy to determine what caused the baby's death. This just made me sick. I don't know why they were in this area. How sad.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 21 2013 :  6:07:42 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I'm so sorry about T. I don't think he is realizing the consequences he will be faced with unless he does some changing. No sports coach is going to put up with drugs and issues with school. Is there a "scared straight "program around where you live?
My oldest son changed his ways after getting arrested at 14 for breaking and entering. He was so scared of going to juvenile hall. He would have been shipped out of the county to a really hard core area. I'll be sending good thoughts your way. I know how stressful this can be. I also had a stepdaughter that was always in trouble with the law.

Janet, I bet it takes your husband a while to settle into retirement. He needs a hobby.

Got to go....bunco tonight.

Mar, hope you get better soon. Marie, sorry about your friends. I'm living with my mom and don't have anything of my own to send.



Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 21 2013 :  9:53:32 PM  Show Profile

I am back from the snow globe class. Lowell came home before I left and decided to drive me there so I wouldn't have to take the bus and he didn't want to pick me up. I called him from the bus stop and said I wasn't sure if the bus was coming in 7 minutes or 30 minutes because the schedule at the stop was for times of arrival at a previous. I do not know NE Minneapolis very well so I wasn't sure how far away the stop was. He didn't want to leave the house to come get me. It was okay because it wasn't very cold and the bus arrived in 7 minutes. YAY! When I got home, he said (as he sat there playing chess with robots on the desk top) that he was really worried about me. I told him that he should realize by now that I do not take chances.

Anyway, let's see if I can download a picture of my almost finished snow globe. Oh crud! I'm on the laptop and I can't do it here. &@#*)% Lowell! (Sorry.) It is almost complete because some at the workshop were having trouble with how much glycerin to mix with the water. I will be doing experiments with this before I fill my jar.

Thank you for the thoughts and offers of stuff. Annette called to tell me she will be moving into another apartment in a building managed by the same rental company. The new place will be right at the edge of downtown Minneapolis in a really nice neighborhood. The landlady said she could let them stay there until the old place is fixed up. Annette said that she would say she's coming back just to get out of the neighborhood. I checked the new place out online and it is really nice. The buses are convenient for both her and her son for work. She will be moving on Saturday. Lowell and I will take her grocery shopping and then to a thrift store for whatever she needs immediately.

I am not certain what she needs. Friends and co-workers are coming forward with donations. One of the ladies who works under her son is buying a pair of orthopedic shoes for her. Lemar's (her son) boss is giving him a bunch of furniture and the rental company is opening up their storage locker filled with all the stuff that others left behind when they moved out. Thank you for all the offers. Some things which may be needed are a drip coffee pot and computer parts. Lemar is a genius at fixing computers and can build one from any useable parts. Please hold on the everything until I post a specific list. I told Annette I would be asking you ladies for help and she was just overwhelmed.

Lowell and I will be going to Fergus Falls about 2 hours drive northwest of Minneapolis. His father came back from Florida because his second wife died and he no longer needed such a large house. He is living in a care facility in an independent living situation. He grew up in Fergus Falls and much of his family still lives there. We will be attending a large gathering of Lowell's relatives. They are all really nice people and it should be fun listening to people telling stories about Lowell in his youth eventhough he didn't spend much time there. I love going to other families get togethers because no one can tell stories about me.

I have much more to say; however, it is now midnight and I have to go to bed. I will say a whole lot more tomorrow.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  3:25:37 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon all. Mar I sure hope you are able to keep the cold/cough under control. Coughing with sore ribs would be just awful.

It is so wet and cold here. Not enough to freeze though, thank goodness. I've got some turkey soup on the stove made from a turkey breast carcass I had in the freezer. B does not eat pork or shellfish so that limits the choices.

We went out for breakfast and then to Barnes and Noble for an "arse about". I finally got my hands on an altered couture magazine, Bunny, and there wasn't anything in there as cool as what you do. There were about three items I really liked, though. One was making a shawl from an old broomstick skirt. I also liked all the creative things they did with old lace.

We are going to see the movie, Dallas Buyers Club I think it's called. Hope the weather lets us get outside tomorrow.

Have a good evening everyone.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  3:52:14 PM  Show Profile

Continuing my extended post. Let's see if I can download a cute picture of Lowell and Mitzi. Nope, guess this picture isn't cute enough.

Mar - I used to attend a group once a week at a yarn shop close to where I used to live. The store was a sensory explosion. So much colorful yarn was stacked on shelves to the ceiling and tucked into drawers around the room. Racks of samples invited fondling. The center of the room, just below a crystal chandelier, was where we sat, had coffee and snacks and worked on our projects. The fellow who owned the store graduated from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and is quite fffaaaaaaabulous. He put me off a little because he charged for this little gathering and had a catered lunch. I never ate the lunch and he said I didn't have to pay, but he seemed annoyed that I didn't buy anything. I didn't tell him that all I had for income was $300 in food stamps and $100 cash assistance. He got mad at me when the manager from another yarn store called him for a reference on me when I applied for a job there. He said that I had been gossiping about his store which is amazing to think that "I go to his shop every Thursday to crochet" is gossiping. So I haven't checked out any groups just yet. Crafty Geek has a project and fellowship every Thursday. I may join that in the summer when I have less to do at school. I really like your story. I have one of my own if no one minds. My mother was born in Latvia and had to leave the country at the end of World War II. Her father was a doctor and her mother was a linguist who taught Latin and Sanskrit. My grandmother schooled herself in English before they came to the US while they were refugees in Augsburg, Germany. My mother told me that she and her sister begged Grandma to speak English so they wouldn't look so stupid. My dad grew up in North Dakota just 10 miles south of the Canadian border. Everyone around Pisek and Park River had either come from Czechoslovakia or were 2nd generation American. He spoke only Czechoslovakian or "Bohunk" at home. He didn't learn English until he went to school. I was surrounded by Latvian and Bohunk as a child at home and at my grandparents. I didn't learn much Latvian but my dad let loose with some colorful Bohemian often. In fact, in the beginning of Borat, the main character says "Yuksimash" (spelled phonetically) which basically means "hello" and brought back many memories. I know some Latin, German, Russian and Japanese and, because I know some Latin, I can understand written Spanish. Okay done with that.

Holly - I used to work in the IT industry and have everything automatically backed up. I also have the important stuff stored on flash drives. I'm good. I don't know what to say about T. That seems like a big challenge. I see kids in 2nd grade and can tell right away which ones are in a stressful situation at home. I commend you for laying out the consequences for him if he keeps up the bad behavior.

Bunny - I knew how to knit but I didn't know how to read the patterns. I took a class to learn that and afterwards, I could knit anything.

Debbie - I want the legging pattern when you are done with it. I can never find leggings that fit me. If it has instructions for adult sizes, gimee gimee gimee.

Janet - The story about that couple in El Paso sounds like something straight out of Law & Order SVU. This fall has been pleasant and warm. We had snow here on Wednesday. We are expecting freezing cold wind chills on Saturday and maybe snow. I am ready for it though.

Gypsy - You bet I don't put up with Lowell's snarliness. I walk away and do my own thing. I give him the silent treatment which he absolutely hates and when he comes to bed, apologizes and asks for a snuggle, I tell him he will get it later.

Lowell and I will be taking Annette shopping tomorrow. Her promised donations will be coming in next week. I won't be certain of what she needs until then. I do know for certain that her son Lemar will want computer parts, and I mean any parts, that anyone can spare to fix their computers. As I said, he is a genius at this. Send these if you have them and need to get rid of them. He will know what to do with them.

My address is

2621 Pleasant Avenue #4
Minneapolis MN 55408

Let me know when a package is coming.

Whew! Done!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  5:31:51 PM  Show Profile
Marie, it was me that is knitting leg warmers. I do not use patterns on most things I make, I make my own. For the leg warmers, On size 11 needles.I cast on 60 stitches, knit2, purl 2 for 100 rows, cast off and sew seam. Repeat for second one. I do both at the same time so that they get done together. Hope this helps.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  5:40:22 PM  Show Profile
Boy, it is cold here! Down to the twenties at night, in the low forties during the day. My truck is making its terrible, something is frozen sound again. I topped off the antifreeze and made sure I warmed her up good before taking off for the yarn store for my lesson today.

Everything was going great until the owner got a call from a jail in Georgia. Her daughter got arrested for a DUI. When she forts got the phone call she thought it was one of those hoax calls that have been going around. She finally couldn't stand it and did some calling around and found out it was for real. So that ended my lesson for today. I felt bad for her. Bail was $3000.00. I told her to see if she could find a bail bondsman. Never had to deal with anything like this before.

I did get a really cute sweatshirt upcycle done and I'm working on another jacket.

Gypsy, I agree with you on the things I see in that magazine. Most are pretty strange. I was surprised when they picked my two outfits.

Time for dinner...later all. Stay warm!! I'm freezing. Going to heat up the ole rice pack in the microwave....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  5:43:10 PM  Show Profile
Janet, I think Marie thought you were making leggings. They are like tights with no feet.
Could you knit your leg warmers in the round so you don't have to do a seam?


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  6:24:29 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have hope that T will make it through this awful time. He has a good heart. He is angry and has a lot of hurt over the last few years. One of the biggest is that his birthmother unfriended him on Facebook. He did not know why. I do not know why. I think that they did not even chat,I have heard about his Facebook page and it was so male adolescent strutter. Also his best friend could never find time to hang with him. I have a feeling that his mother orchestrated the too busyness. He is now away at boarding school. I do not know why about that either. T was not doing anything anti social then. T's friend would make plans with him and then not follow through. T would be really hurt, especially when we would go to pick up bf to go to baseball and he would have been at another boy's house. T would call boys from his ball team and they would say yeah.yeah I want to hang out and then not return his calls. T is quite social and friendly. Talking to some of the other mother's their sons just did not want to go out anywhere when they were not in school. So, I do not know why. So, when T went to look for boys to hang out with the one's who were available were the at risk kids who are on the fringes are the one's who accept into their circles the ones who are lonely. Instead of bringing them up to his level, T sunk to theirs. I have hope,

He had his wisdom teeth out this morning. The top two were through and the bottom two were impacted. He is trying very hard to convince himself and us that he is not in pain and he will be able to go to the Rave (dance) tomorrow night. He wanted me to take him to the Rec tonight so he could practice his post work, what ever that is. I did not.

The woman at the Youth Service Bureau is going to help us help him. His therapist is helping us also. Both of them are supportive and say the choices we have made in trying to help him are the right ones. Basketball tryouts start right after the holiday so maybe he will find his niche and settle in to be successful again.

When my oldest were teenagers I took one of them to Woodside Juvenile Correctional Facility so he could see what his life would be like if he kept making poor choices. He did not like that you could not go on field trips. He got his act together eventually. He moved out just before his eighteenth birthday. He called home one day and said birthmom says that you do not like my friends. I said I do not know your friends but they are not people I would choose for you to hang out with. Why do you say that? he asked. I said, do they have library cards? He said, oh no. So, now he checks to see if people he wants to be his friends do. If they do not that friend will call and tell me how many books he/she reads in a week. Any way, the JDC will not do those tours anymore. I think it was a great eye opener for an arrogant adolescent.

Mar I could put the stocking pattern in the mail. I am not sure how to describe a pattern so it could be useable.

Jan, I hope you and dh have many happy supportive years together. I do not know what his skills are but there is a program around here whose name I can not remember but they mentor young people in starting up a business or improving the one that has been started. Maybe he would like ice fishing. lol Maybe he could take cooking lessons. lol

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2013 :  6:59:12 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, yes, you could do the leg warmers on a circular needle so there would be no seams.. It is just easier for me to do 2 at a time, much faster. It is only supposed to be 21 degrees for the high here tomorrow. We woke up to a white ground this morning. That was after we had rain, so it was pretty icy this morning. A lot of roll over accidents. We still have just a touch of snow on the ground, but supposed to have more this weekend.
Holly, Bob would never learn to cook. He is afraid to tackle anything. He was the youngest of 7 in his family and he never had to do anything, the older ones did everything, so he never learned how to do much. One year I bought him all kinds of woodworking tools and it was not his thing. Some tools he never even used. He will not go out on the ice. Neither will I!!! He will find something to do, I am sure. We get along very well, we have been married for 27 years and never once had an argument. We will do very well travelling and sightseeing.
My son took us out for steak dinner tonight, along with my daughter, so that was nice to all be together and have a good meal too. We will do that again on Thursday here. My daughter wants me to show her how to make some of our favorite Christmas goodies, so hopefully she will be able to make them next year, we will not be here for Christmas, or Thanksgiving, for that matter. Things are going to be so different from now on, but that is okay, we will all adjust just fine. We are all pretty close.
Well, off to bed shortly. I have to work again tomorrow. It was a slow day at work today, hope it is busier tomorrow.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 23 2013 :  4:55:32 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was overcast, cold and windy all day. I went out with the little boys this afternoon. The wind cut through my pants. I am going to my flannel lined canvas pants for the duration of the winter. If they are not enough I will put on my snow pants. The road ways were very slippery. I tried to walk in the grass as much as possible. The boys were sliding along the ice in the road. I used to like to slide on the ice in the road. Now I am a little wiggy about falling on my keester. When did I become cautious?

C and K went to the sock sale, the t shirt and sweatshirt sale and the Mountaineers sale today. They are called Hunting Widows Sales. Years ago the sock sale was a great bargain. All of the socks were in bins and you dug through to find what you wanted. Socks started at fifty cents and were good enough to last all year. Now they are all tagged and in neat rows. They are still less than in the stores and worth the trip. The Mountaineer is a local team in the summer that are young men recruited from college teams around the country to play her in New England. It is good cheap summer entertainment for the family.

I stayed home with the little boys and did some school work. Yes, we do it on weekends because we do not always have time on the weekdays and it gives them something to do that is organized instead of them running wild all day long.

On Thursday when we had the turkeys done in, C the son went with me. I look at him by the cooling tank and he is reaching for the bottom to pull up a turkey. He was in his winter coat wet up past the elbow and having a great time. When do boys grow nerve endings?

T did not go the Rave tonight. He called home a little bit ago asking for one of us to come get him in town. Maybe he is in pain? Maybe he is making a good choice?

Jan, as long as dh is happy and as long as you are happy who cares if he has interests outside his games, I guess if he is not active you will need to be less of a good cook so he does not explode. lol but you do have a plan. K said she saw on UTube a video of a buff guy who went on a two week cruise and showed his before and after pictures of his weight gain on the cruise. She said it was so amazing how much he gained. So, I go off on tangents.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 23 2013 :  8:01:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I wore silk long johns under my clothes today. It never got above 38 degrees but with the wind chill it felt like 20's. It drizzled all day but at 38 it did not freeze. We went out and about because B is homebound all day Monday through Thursday with his job and the days are so short he hardly sees daylight. We went out to breakfast, to the mall, then grocery shopping and it was dark by the time we got home. Tomorrow we will go to my daughters house. She is very active in two community theaters and has a lead role in a play going on now and sings several songs in it as well. I have not heard her sing in several years so I'm looking forward to hearing her.
Both my children are musically talented and I am not.

Holly, I feel so bad for T but I know he will work through this. Sounds like he is handling feelings of rejection and self esteem issues but if he can get through it successfully now it will serve him well for the rest of his life, for rejection is a part of life. A tough lesson, to be sure.

Kids don't seem to get cold. Remember the old joke, " my mom is cold so I have to put a sweater on".

I have procrastinated as long as I can so today I told B to expect to eat on a TV tray from now till Christmas as I have to make stuff on the dining table. He does not care.

The movie last night was an excellent movie for all that it was R rated and probably should have been X if they had held some of the shots more than a second. It was based on a true story of a man from Texas who contracted HIV and all he did to outsmart the system to get the meds he needed. And sell them to other aids victims.

Mar, I sure hope you are feeling better.

Marie, you have a very interesting story as well, and it has made you an interesting person too. As long as L still wants his cuddle at night, things can't be too bad. Cuddling is very under rated.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 23 2013 8:14:56 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  09:47:37 AM  Show Profile
Another miserable day. Looks like the entire US is having cold wet weather. It is supposed to be sleeting and snowing at my farm which is 100 miles farther west/northwest from here.

We decided not to drive out to see my dd s play due to the bad weather. So I'm trapped in the apartment with b's bad TV. I managed to wrestle the remote away from him to put it on a channel I liked but then made the mistake of going to the bathroom and when I got back we are back watching aliens and ancient crap. I do not understand how an intelligent person can watch this nonsense. Getting earphones.

Have a warm safe day.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  10:45:28 AM  Show Profile
I hope you mean the earphones are for him...

Dh loves Star Trek, History Channel, Military Channel. Sigh. When he is watching something about WW1, or WW2, I feel like, "I know how the story ends..." But, oh well. We pretty much agree politically. His views have changed.

Our weather is very nice. The cold front that is causing havoc passed through here days ago and really didn't do much. We are cool, but sunny and are expected to stay that way throughout the week. I am happy with the sunshine.

The cold is lingering, but manageable. Dh is still coughing...

Holly, I hope some support has come T's way. I remembering thinking how invaluable a true best friend would be for my kids. I don't know if I had one that I completely trusted like I am envisioning, but gosh wouldn't it make the world of difference for anyone who is a teenager. Just that one contemporary that you can trust implicitly. Anyway, I wish that would happen for T.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  3:13:03 PM  Show Profile

Lowell and I took Annette grocery shopping yesterday. She was so happy and pleased by all the help people are giving her.

Lowell met with a bass player yesterday who was amazing. He can play anything and is a really nice guy. I approve of him. Lowell said that he would be easy to work with.

I went to the fabric store and bought enough fleece to make replacements for the blankets, pillows and hats I had made for Annette and her son which were lost in the fire. I also bought her a couple of Christmas ornaments.

Janet - Oh, okay. I like your pattern. I try it.

Gypsy - I will have to get some silk long johns. I know you are correct about the cuddling. He does apologize and I am happy he now does that. He didn't always. It is me that needs time to cool down. He doesn't understand that . . . yet.

The weather here has been cold but not abominable. I haven't heard when the big snow will come. I can guess it will probably whip up about the time we are coming back from Fergus Falls next week.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  3:19:12 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 9:26:00 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  4:32:10 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was cold, cold , cold. Woke to 4 degrees F. I think it did not raise much all day. The wind blew and still is. I was hoping to clean up a little outside but did not go out at all except to do chores.

I made an insulated blanket to cover the door to the silo. We use that door rarely and if we need to escape that way in a fire it is up only with staples. It does keep that hallway several degrees warmer.

It is good to hear that Lowell is slowly gathering people he likes for his band.I hope he has a great time creating music with these people.

Annette sure is lucky to have a friend like you, Marie. Even if you did not help her acquire some that she has lost (which you are) you are a good listener.

Football has been on most of the afternoon. The sound of the crowd causes me to have sensory overload after a while. It does keep the teens quiet and that is a good thing.

We had beef stew with dumplings for dinner. It was very tasty.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  5:18:58 PM  Show Profile
Very bitterly cold here the last 2 days, after rain and wind before that. It was 5 degrees here this morning when I got up. It only warmed up to 15 degrees and it is yet another very windy day, so the wind chills have been below zero.

Gypsy, I agree, the wet and cold is terrible. I prefer snow to the rain this time of the year. I am sure we are done with the rain now. Our ground is frozen now too. I was cold yesterday and last night, I could not warm up at all, so I warmed up my rice bags and put them on my legs, had to warm them up twice. Still could not warm up, so I went to bed and snuggled under the quilts, finally to warm up an hour later.

Marie, When do they think they will have a band all assembled and ready to go? I am glad your friend will at least have a warm place for the holidays. You are a good friend to help her out like that. I am sure she is very thankful for that.

Where is everyone else? Been quiet all weekend. I got all of my Thanksgiving grocery items bought today, so that is now out of the way. We set up for craft sale on Wednesday, so it will be all set for Friday morning. I am still working on leg warmers, on my 3rd pair, want to make one more pair before Wednesday. Then I will have 8 pair anyway. I will hopefully be taking a break from knitting and crocheting after this sale and start doing some sewing for a change of pace. I have a lot of different things cut out and ready to sew together.

Well, Just got out of the shower and am taping a new Hallmark movie. Then I am going to bed.
Have a wonderful evening,

Holly, you are cold there also. Your beef stew and dumplings sound yummy. A real comfort food on a cold day.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  5:27:16 PM  Show Profile
Janet when I get that cold the only thing that gets me warm is a long soak in a hot bath.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  6:57:57 PM  Show Profile
Holly, 4 degrees? !!!! OMG, that's COLD

seems like your lungs would freeze if you went outside. I can't even imagine what that would be like !

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  7:28:52 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, sounds like you need a bigger place to live. Nothing like a bit of cabin fever. Sorry about the tv and the cold. I saw on the news you guys were getting hit pretty hard.

Marie, I hope you can help your friend feel a little more comfortable with the new fleece items. Fleece is so soft and warm.
Glad Lowell is getting his group together.

Holly and Janet, I think it is just way too cold where you are. Hang in there. Spring will be here before you know it.

I spent the day sewing. Yesterday I wasn't inspired so didn't get much done. I did get a jacket finished. Today I was able to get two dresses done. One is really cute. I appliquéd an owl on the front. Thankfully I got a picture of one of them. We got some sunshine today. But it is still really cold. Not as cold as Holly and Janet are dealing with though.

I'm doing terrible with my diet. I have fallen off the wagon too many times. I'm giving up for this week. I figure there isn't much hope with Thanksgiving anyway. I'll try again next week.

Later all...


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 24 2013 :  10:50:49 PM  Show Profile
Bunny I wish I had the focus and discipline you have for sewing. I can't seem to stay with anything before I lose interest. I'm making jewelry and hats for Christmas presents if it kills me. I'm hoping having a deadline and a reason will keep me going.

If you really want to lose weight, just take up dancing. You can eat anything and be thin if you dance a few nights a week. It's fun too, after about three weeks you start seeing your strength improve and weight turn to muscle but until then it is hard, Just like everything else.

All this rain is really needed. It means the lakes will fill up and we will have beautiful flowers in the spring. I have a lot of nerve complaining about temps in the 30's-- that would be a warm spell for Janet and Holly.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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