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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 17 2013 : 6:29:42 PM
Holly, Hubby watches football, baseball, hockey all day and night, if there is a game on. Otherwise he is on the computer playing slot games. That is the only interests he has. He will not be able to do much of that once we are on the road in our motorhome!!! Then it will be site seeing and picking wild things. I usually sew or knit when he is watching sports. We have 3 tvs, so he has a choice. Depends on what room I am in doing my thing. It rained hard all day again today. Now it is very windy again. At least we are not getting tornadoes like Illinois. It is supposed to freeze tomorrow. I hope not, I have errands to run. Mar, be careful with those ribs. It takes time to heal. Gypsy, hope B is learning more farm chores so he can be your helping hand. Debbie, always good to hear from you. Snow is pretty when it is all sparkly, but you can have it. This will be our last winter here, and I don't care if I ever see another snowflake. I always say, I can decorate a palm tree just as nice as a pine tree!! LOL!!! Marie, It is good to have some time to yourself to do what needs to be done, or just do your own thing. Well, time to get ready for bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Nov 17 2013 : 6:48:04 PM
Evening ladies :) This will be a quick post as I have to get to bed soon. I have my grandson the next couple of days so will be up early in the morning. Gypsy-- It took us over a year for the paperwork. You will be B's sponsor on a K1 visa which is the fiance immigration visa if that is the one you're thinking about doing. You start the paperwork and get ready for it to be a big pile. There is a fee also that you send in per immigration's instructions. There will be more paperwork from both of you along the way. We did it without a lawyer but at the very final step when DH was having his exit interview at the American consulate and was to board his plane a couple days later the idiot who did his interview decided that his military records didn't speak enough to his tour of duty for 4 yrs in Germany. He decided despite the FBI having gone over him with a fine tooth comb that perhaps he could have a conviction of some sort in Germany that might have slipped by his military records. He denied DH's visa. DH phoned me irate and then we were both in tears over the phone. He'd quit his job, gotten rid of all of his things and let his apartment go. He had his plane ticket paid for and our plans were set. I sat crying and in a panic for a couple hours and then decided if millions of people can cross our borders illegally and get away with it by God people doing things legally should not have to go through this and I contacted my Congressman and unloaded on his office. Within minutes I had a return phone call from his office and a gentleman was assigned to be my "caseworker" to help us. Within 48 hrs DH was on a plane, his Visa stamped approved and he flew into our airport. Keep this in mind if you folks have any problems. Don't hesitate to contact your Congressman and raise hell. Pardon my language but to this day it upsets me. On the K1 Visa you have to marry within 90 days or B will have to return to Canada. The biggest problem with that is you won't know exactly when he will have his exit Visa so it makes planning a wedding difficult. We just got married by the Family Court Commissioner aka Justice of the Peace. There are other Visa's but the K1 is the only one I have any real knowledge of. I'm sure the fees have increased. I'm attaching a link to the govt. immigration site that might be of some use. Good luck! To all the other sisters, thinking of you all and wishing you a wonderful week! Huggz, Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Edited by - Tapestry on Nov 17 2013 6:49:19 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 17 2013 : 9:56:29 PM
Cheryl, thanks for the info, I can hear the anger in your voice yet today, and I would feel the same way! I have heard these horror stories but didn't know if they were the exception or the rule. The lawyer we met with said 8 out of 10 would be reasonable but if you get one of the two jerks, you've got a problem. I'm glad you knew what to do. I would never have thought to contact my congressman so I am filing that info away for future reference right now. And I will check out the link you gave me tonight before I sign off. Thanks so much! BTW, This will be #3 for me so a JP ceremony is all I want. We are considering Sedona on our one year anniversary of meeting there on Jan 31st. He's already here. No law against getting married.
Mar, feeling sympathy pains for your ribs. I know how bad that feels. You can hardly move without hurting, and then you forget and do something out of habit----ouch!! My son told me to do absolutely nothing for 8 weeks. It took about 6 to stop hurting and be able to move about normally. Not fun at all.
I also have my own computer that I do not share. Marie if you guys have to share, you need rules of fair play I guess. Your posts always amuse me. Great sense of humor. I love your dog.
Holly, no the stars haven't aligned out on the deck yet. But they will. There was a huge moon rising as we left and we were lamenting the fact that we would miss it.
B worked really hard this weekend. He said on the way back to town that he "quite liked" fixing things and is sure we can get the place in tip top shape by ourselves. He really is such a sweetheart.
Janet, your weather makes me shiver. Today was a shorts day here. Cool nights but warm lovely days. I hope your DH will adjust to retirement without stress. I didn't. It was a surprise to me that what should have made me happy caused a strange kind of uneasy feeling for the longest time. You've got the right idea about the palm trees. I had some lovely Christmases in Florida.
It is late and I need a shower. Tomorrow starts another week. We are taking lessons in Lindy hop on Monday, Salsa on Tuesday, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing and Cha Cha on Wednesday, Rumba and samba on Thursday. Seven hours a week, learning seven different dances. We are thinking of dropping the Samba.
Wishing everyone a great week.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2013 : 12:20:27 PM
I finally got to see the sun for about 20 minutes today, but it was 28 degrees, very windy, and snowing. At least all of the rain we have had dried up overnight. We are just getting snow flurries, nothing sticking on the ground yet. It is now cloudy again. I would rather have snow than rain this time of the year. Our deer hunting season started Friday, it is like a national holiday here, schools are closed, a lot of businesses close for opening day. They had rain and warm weather, so I do not think the hunters were too happy with that, or all the rain we had all weekend. They are hoping for some tracking snow. Gypsy, you and B are two busy beavers, between the farm and dancing class. Never a dull moment for you two. heh?) Cheryl, hope you are having lots of fun with your grandson. Enjoy. Have a great day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2013 : 4:44:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think one can get a satellite dish on an RV and watch TV 24/7 if you have enough batteries. lol I guess, Jan, you just block it out. I found that when the TV was on I did little else so I stopped watching in the evenings. I was never a day time watcher.
Rifle season started this weekend for us as well. The men we allow to stay on the back of the property shot a deer. I think they take turns deciding which nephew will get to shoot. This year R shot a six pointer about 140 pounds. Doesn't seem like there would be much meat on it. He shot the deer and it went down. I am not sure why he shot again but he shot two more times and missed then he hit it with the fourth shot. He was so nervous and so excited.
Today was mostly sunny. I did not have an opportunity to enjoy the weather. I went at lunch time to a show with K at the theater. It was a group that played blues and jazz. They have an album out called Kalenia. I do not remember the names of the people. The lead man played the clarinet. One man played the Djemba, a man played the electric guitar, one man played the drums and another played a tuba. K had a good time and liked the music. The Flynn Center for Performing ARts has a student matinee series and that is what this show was part of.
Then we drove part of the way home and met J at the park and ride with the little boys and picked up C and G to take them to the orthodontist to see how their heads and teeth are growing. Both will be in braces at some point. C's mouth is very crowded and G has an overbite. Time will tell.
We arrived home a little before 4:30.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2013 : 7:10:12 PM
Not much happening today. I'm just here to show you guys another cute picture of Lowell and Mitzi.
The rule in our house is whatever Lowell wants, he gets. I just stay out of his way when he get snarly. I have a laptop but it is old and I don't have it hooked up to the printer. I also cannot download pictures. I also have trouble reading Mary Jane's online magazine and copying patterns from the Lion Brand Yarn site. Plus, all my financial records are on the desktop because they are more secure there. I'll just have to sneak on when he is not around..JPG)
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2013 : 12:19:05 PM
So, yesterday, I spent a good deal of time telling you all hello and commenting all the excitement going on in everyone's life. I also had what I was trying to convince myself was not the body aches. Apparently, I had the beginning of what is now a full-fledge cold (thank you traveling husband who I nursed through this crud last week...) and I didn't hit "Submit Reply" before I exited the site. No post from me!
Marie, I enjoy Lion Brand site, too. And their yarn is nice, reasonably priced and often on sale!
Holly, Dh was so surprised when we lived in WI and he was involved in the union negotiations for the chocolate plant. The first day of hunting season they wanted for a holiday and they wanted to shut the plant down. You NEVER stop the chocolate from flowing because it seizes up in the machinery. I forget how they finally worked it out, but there was a huge amount of absenteeism that day!! Dh said he thought they were playing a joke on him. He came to realize how serious the people are about hunting season.
We are in the 50s today, but bracing for another cold front. Yesterday, dh and I gathered some wood we had left to dry in the woods. We cut it to length and brought it in to stack. A nice combination of hard wood and some pine.
Just went to pick up the paper at the end of the drive. Gave the horses a candy cane. Love those peppermint kisses. Larry the Llama got castrated last week. He is very confused. Vascillating between happy-go-lucky little llama and spitting angry LLAMA. You kind of have to gauge his expressions. Meanwhile, he has stayed put for a week. Officially not my problem.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2013 : 6:22:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a llama years ago. He was big by llama standards, I was told. Anyway he must have lived here in 1990 because he used to like to walk up to women and snorffle they tops of their hair. He did this to the census woman. Between the llama snorfling her hair and the geese attacking her legs she reported us to the town clerk for setting our animals out to get her. We did not she was just available. Anyway, The llama also liked to lllllooooovvvveeee the sheep and they were stupid enough to let him. I finally sold him to a woman in North Carolina who would not use him for breeding because he was so big she was afraid the babies would be too big for her females to birth. We never had a problem with him spitting or any nastiness. She eventually had him gelded.
Today was cold, windy and light snows. I did not go out. I did not make the boys go out either. I made bread and yogurt. Neither of which take a lot of time, just remembering to attend to them on occasion. Like now. I went to take the yogurt out from behind the wood stove. I made a detour to close air intakes ont he front of the wood stove and forgot to go back and pick it up and put it in the refrigerator. So, now I need to remember to post this and go to move the crock of yogurt.
Marie, just remember to back up your files from your desk top. I sound like Bunny who told me it was easy to do when I was whining about having lost photos when someone tried to Help me fix mine.
Mar I hope you feel better soon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 08:54:18 AM
Sunshine!! It is only 25 degrees, but oh what a pretty picture! It just makes you feel so much better to see sunshine.
Fighting this cold. I like to use zinc lozenges to shorten the duration. At least it makes me feel like I am trying. But, when dh is still just makes me think, "Crud, I have another week of this!"
As long as I am healthy by December 3rd, I will be happy. DD and I are spending the week between our birthdays together. I got a great airfare to Portland $79 each way. Fun! I get to see yellow dog, too.
Holly, fresh bread on a snowy day! Heaven on Earth. It is funny how the absence of wind makes all the difference in how cold it is. That wind factor. Sometimes, the wind is very high here. You can see the tree tops swaying, but it is calm here on the ground. It is nice when the boys can get outside. That cold really saps the energy out of them, doesn't it!
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 09:26:53 AM
Quick check in note. I'm reading but not posting. Late nights and busy days. Today is my monthly lunch date with the girls and I've missed the last two. Got here a few minutes early because I wasn't sure I could find the place. An Indian restaurant was chosen for this month. I'm not a fan of this kind of food but will be fun to see everybody
Mar, I hear you about the weather. I get depressed when the sun doesn't shine and suicidal when that horrible wind blows all day and night. Then to have a cold too is just not right!! Then sore ribs-- I say just getting through the days right now is enough of a challenge, never mind trying to be productive. So glad you have the trip with DD to look forward to
Time is up. Catch up with everybody else s
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 09:28:39 AM
I meant soon. Darn cell phone.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 12:11:34 PM
I got dinner ready. So that can be the end of my productivity today. I think knitting is on my schedule for the rest of the day. Dh has been feeding and caring for the animals and it is so nice not to think about bundling up. I do miss their nickers, though. The cold isn't too bad. I am lucky I don't have to work. I am kinda hoping to miss any cough of any sort. That would be miserable now that the ribs are ever so slightly less sore.
I saw a great tabletop lit and decorated faux Christmas tree that would be perfect for my MIL. I have it ordered to arrive the day before Thanksgiving. She will love it. I love that it is battery powered so she doesn't have to plug it in or worry about where she would like to place it. It also has a nice storage box. Seems "they" have thought of everything.
It is always so difficult to think of something appropriate for Dd's significant other. I really like him, but he is a computer guy and I know nothing about what might be interesting to him. SO, he's getting a toaster and flannel sheets. I hope Dd likes them! ;) I will eventually find something fun for him, but in the meanwhile...toaster and sheets it is!
Marie, did you ever catch up with those other needlework groups? My mom used to go to a knit shop and sit and knit. She really enjoyed it. Later on, when I was maybe twelve, she had three other women over weekly to knit and drink coffee. And let's face it, gossip. I remember one Italian woman (my mom was Portuguese and spoke that, English and Italian ... in that order) would call my mom on the telephone and say, "You home?" in broken English. My mom would always say, "Where else could I be and answer the phone, Christina?" My mom would patiently find her mistake, insist she rip out the stitches to the mistake, correct the mistake and then translate the pattern to Italian for her. My mom was a pretty good friend because I don't remember this woman being all that helpful to my mom ... ever.
Neither my mother or father spoke English when they started school. My dad's family spoke only Italian at home. Obviously, my mom's spoke Portuguese. They had little patience for the English as a Second language programs in schools and thought everyone should have been thrown into the fire like they had. My mom did well enough to go on to college in the 1940s. Surprising for a woman. My dad had to drop out of HS when his father died to farm the family's land and support his mother and sister. My father's family's land butted up against my mother's family's land. Both farms are on Poverty Road. My father was best friends with my mother's younger brother... When my dad died and my mother was reminiscing about how many years they had been together - married 54 yrs. - I said, "you were so lucky to have found the love of your life." My mother looked at me like I was daft. Then replied, "He was JUST down the road, Marianne." (My mother never called me Mar...usually "MariaAnna" with a good rolling of the R.)
Well, I have prattled on enough. Sorry if I get going. Maybe I should italicize the ramblings so everyone will know they can just skip it next time! :)
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 2:53:33 PM
Mar, I went down to the local yarn shop today and signed up for a class. With online school and my sewing downstairs, I don't get out very much. I figured it would be a good way to get out of the house. Have you looked on Etsy for computer nerd stuff. You will find some pretty awesome things. You can also buy gift certificates so he can shop anywhere on Etsy he wants. You support a hard working person and he gets a unique one of a kind gift.
Nothing else to report. Until later!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6864 Posts

Debbie L.
6864 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 3:10:01 PM
Oh it is cold here today as well, snow is coming. But, that is alright I love the snow and cold during the holidays, it makes me happy. Just been putzing (?) in my Craft/Sewing Room all day, trying to get some of my Christmas Swaps packed up. Hard to believe Thanksgiving is a week away, where the heck did November go? Take care everyone and stay warm. Thank you again Holly for the wonderful picture of the boys and your most welcome letter, yours should arrive anyday. Have a wonderful evening everyone and Be Happy. Debbie
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 3:16:56 PM
Bunny, you are a genius. Thank you so much. Hopping over to etsy! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 3:49:43 PM
Mar, I love reading about family. Keep the stories coming. I know it must be good for you to reminisce too. Bunny, I thought you knew how to knit. I knit and crochet at least 360 days out of the year. Right now it is cold here, so my fingers are crying for a break, but I am trying to finish a pair of leggings I started yesterday. There will be a total of 12,120 stitches in them. No wonder why my fingers are hurting. Debbie, I bet it is very pretty in Colorado in the winter. The trouble here is that one day it is raining and cold, the next day it is way below freezing. Our winters last way too long here. We did not have warm weather of 70 or higher this year until August!!!! My arthritis and lungs do not like the cold anymore. Can't wait for the warmer climates when we travel next year. Gypsy, you are always such a busy gal. Staying active is keeping you young. Holly, warm bread, yum. Hopefully you are warming up a bit now. It is supposed to get very cold and snowy here by the weekend. I would rather have the snow than the rain this time of the year though. Rain now is so bone chilling, seems like you can never get warm enough. Marie, Being in Minnesota, you must be getting colder there also. Well, off to try to finish knitting those leggings. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 4:19:35 PM
Good evening everyone,
There is a catalog we get called Computer Gear. They have a website as well. They have some pretty funny t shirts and gadgets for the geeks in our lives and those of us who are not geeks but enjoy a good laugh. Mar try there for dd's honey.
I send my father's widow a wreath and a center piece for winter holiday each year. I pay for it and the neighbor's make them and ship them out at the right time. It is a good gift for her because it makes the continuing care home she lives in smell nice and when it is gone by she can dump it with out regrets.
Ah Mar, I do love it when you ramble. It gives me something to think about when I am milking or doing the dishes. Far more interesting than what is for supper. and you speak how many languages?
I think if there are no leaves on the trees we might as well have snow to make looking out the window enjoyable. Today the thermometer seemed to be stuck at 18 degrees F. The wind blew and light flurries went sideways past the window until late afternoon when all the clouds went east. Tonight the stars are brilliant. Venus is in her glory. The air is crisp.
I am at the library. T wanted to go play basketball at the rec tonight, so I brought him into town. It is quiet here and the WIFI is fast and free for me.
Jan you have a far longer attention span than I do. I like to change colors and see progress fast. Are you all packed up for the fair you will sell at next week end? I hope you sell out.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 5:27:54 PM
Janet, I do knit and crochet. But I'm terrible at following instructions. I'm better at learning when someone shows me. Wow, leggings are a big project! They sound kind of fun to make though.
Well, I guess winter is coming down fast. Sounds like the snow is here or soon to be here for a few of you. We don't get snow until December. I'm thankful I don't have to drive in it every day.
Holly, how is T doing in public school. Is he still enjoying it?
I figure Gypsy is out dancing every night. Very busy lady. I would never hold up with a schedule like that.
Mar, I hope your cold is on the mend. Nice to have hubby home to help out though.
Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2013 : 5:28:42 PM
Oh Janet, I don't know how I would do if I knew how many stitches I had to make! Are these legwarmers for your sale? We are all just waiting to hear how fantastic you do at this holiday sale!
Holly, If you find the time at some point, would you share your holiday stocking pattern with me? That sounds so nice. I have never attempted something like that, but I know how to do the general increase and decrease stitches... I am so glad that I have given you some thoughts to get you through milking. I only speak English fluently, but I understand a lot of the romance languages when they are spoken. And my mother said that I always knew when someone was talking about me. Just the other day, I pulled a word out that means "crud" as in, you have a bunch of crud on your glasses. The word I used was Portuguese and my dh thought I had bit my tongue. Portuguese sounds (to me) like you have a bit more spit in your mouth than's that for a romance language. Italian is another story altogether. The cadence and head nods, not to mention the hands and arms involvement all comes together for a performance not to be missed. I remember one great aunt, Bruna (can you imagine?) sister of Bianca Hilda(my grandmother) who felt like a porcupine when you kissed her. And there was no getting around kissing these people (the Italians)and yes, I did ask my mother before visits if I could be excused from kissing Aunt Bruna. I was shushed everytime. I sure understand poor Bruna's predicament now. Tweezing those darn hairs hurts!! She must have shaved for them to be so sharp and all the same length. I remember being happy when I grew tall enough to not be suffocated by these women's breasts for minutes long hugs.
Back to reality. I was able to make a vegetable soup this afternoon. I am assuming I will continue to feel worse throughout the week with this cold, so I pushed through to get it made. I cheated and used some frozen corn and lima beans, but everything else was fresh. I am adding some Acini de pepe to a bit of it for tonight's supper. Dh says if I put it in the soup all at once, it just keeps absorbing the water and ends up the consistency of "snot." Well, we don't want that.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 2:12:46 PM
I have been away for a while. It was a combination of lack of time, lack of energy and lack of access to the desktop so I could post pictures. I'll try to post that cute picture again.
Lowell tends to snarl at me when I come in from my nighttime activities. He is usually playing chess with robots and gets overly competitive with them. This is how he relaxes so I try to understand. He needs to use this computer because the chair puts his body in a position in which he feels less pain from his mystery illness. Lowell is a courier and is out all day delivering stuff in his van. Some of the stuff is really 
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 2:19:42 PM
Good afternoon friends, It is a cloudy day with rain in the forecast for the next three days. It has been drizzling off and on for a few days. At my farm they are expecting sleet and possibly snow starting tomorrow. I just spoke to someone there and he said the temps had dropped 30 degrees this morning as the front reaches the Texas panhandle. It is 81 degrees in Austin right now but that's about to change.
Mar how did the soup turn out? I need to make soup instead of getting it out of a can. B likes Wolfgang Puck soup and I like Amy's organic. I don't like to cook any more. It shows, because the quality of my cooking skills has deteriorated.
Mar add me to the list of those who love to hear the stories. You write so well and have such a wicked sense of humor, it's a great combination. So please ramble on-- we like it. I see why you are always mentioning food ingredients that I've never heard of with your multi- ethnic background.
Holly your wreath gift sounds ideal for any older person who does not have the desire or need to accumulate any more worldly possessions.
Christmas is coming up so fast it is scary. I don't have a clue about gifts this year. Everyone In my family can afford to go buy whatever they want and have such particular tastes that gift giving seems a waste of time and money. We live in a world of such abundance and overindulgence.
Janet I'm glad this is your last winter in the cold. Sounds like you might be a lot healthier in the warmer climates.
Marie what is going on at your house these days? Bunny, I think its a good idea to sign up for a class just for the social aspect of it. I do that sometimes. The daily gym classes and dance classes are keeping me too busy for much else right now. I enjoyed the lunch yesterday with 8 women friends. For December we are going downtown to the Four Seasons for afternoon tea and enjoy their gingerbread house display.
What are all your Thanksgiving plans? It isn't a Canadian holiday so B will have to work that day but we will have Fri-Sun off. He only works Mon thru Thurs.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 21 2013 2:22:43 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 2:26:55 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 9:22:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 3:38:53 PM
Gah! While talking with my husband and I got distracted. Why did I call him before finishing this?! Can't post the cute picture.
Anyway, some of the stuff he delivers is large such as a pallet of stuff and some is small like an envelope. One of the customers is a large healthcare company for which medicine such as home infusion dialysis stuff. The account wasn't that lucrative for drivers but they had a large volume. The healthcare company went with another courier company which has agreed to charge them less. They were a large account for Lowell's employer. He doesn't know what he is going to do yet. I told him to wait and see. He wants to retire next year when he turns 62 and I want him to wait till he's 65 so he can get more money. I guess I'll have to find a better argument.
I had both the crochet and knitting classes again this week. They were better behaved but the girls who don't know me are still trying to test me. Princess Ann started to sing rather loudly and a couple other girls joined her. I told them to keep their voices down but they didn't. One crochet student told them nicely to please stop and they didn't. Finally, I banned singing and said that whoever sings will have their class in the office. HA! Little rottens!
A friend of mine, Annette, who lives in the place we moved from over a year ago called me on Wednesday morning to tell me that the building had been destroyed by an electrical fire. It was a 4-plex and all the people and animals got out okay. I can't imagine how there were 13 people living in that building. When I lived there, a woman and her 95 year old mother living on the second floor. It is a good thing they weren't there. The fire started at 1 AM and it took the fire department 3 hours to put out. Meanwhile, my friend, her son and cat were out in the cold. Neighbors came over to give them hot drinks, coats, a kennel for the cat and one lady opened up her house for them to stay and get warm and go to the bathroom. The fire people went around to the residents asking them if there was anything they should grab while they were inside. Annette asked for the urn that held her dog's ashes. A lady firefighter found Annette's purse. Everything is gone. The fire department had to break holes in the walls and the ceiling/roof (?) and debris was all over the place. Computers and TVs are gone. Clothes in the closet are gone. It was on the news. Explicative Deleted!!! What a nightmare. The Red Cross got everyone a place to stay for a while and will help them find new housing. There had been warnings that something was going on with the electricity: fuses kept going out, smoke detectors were being crazy and the plugs in the outlets were hot. I remember the plugs would sometimes fall out to the outlet when I was there. Lowell and I have helped her in the past and we will be helping her again when she gets a new place. We have a DVD player she can have for sure. We will take her to the big thrift stores and buy what she needs. I want to get them some brand new flannel sheets. I will also make her a fleece bedspread. (She's been wanting me to make this for her for a while.) Annette works so hard and makes so little. Her son should and wants to be out on his own but he believes it is more important to take care of his mom. He has a good job managing a Burger King but has made some poor financial decisions. I will ask you ladies to think of them. Is everyone okay with me asking for specific donations of whatever Annette needs to set up a new household? No money, just stuff.
Mar - Poor Larry! I remember when I was in 2nd grade living in Wisconsin. We had a first year teacher and she was shocked when so many of us said during show and tell that our dad's had shot a deer. She made us say "got" a deer instead. We knew better. She called my mom because my mom had been a teacher and asked her about it. My mom told her that deer hunting was part of the culture and she had better get used to it.
I have to leave all you lovely ladies now to get ready for my class on making snow globes. There will be more later. Lots more.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2013 : 4:28:18 PM
Good evening everyone,
The turkeys are on top of the freezer in plastic bags. Three have gone to their new freezers. So far, one was 14 pounds, one was 18 pounds and the third was 21 pounds. They look good. I figure it is cold enough down stairs that they can sit on top of the freezer until they are picked up.
It was good the turkeys went today because our neighbor has to go to Boston to help his mother who is in the hospital with a clot in her leg. She has some disease that causes them and has one below the knee amputation already. So, we put their seven chickens in the stall where the turkeys were. Then I do not have to worry about going down to his house each morning to let them out and each evening to gather them in. I would not want to miss gathering them in and having one or more eaten. They thought that since I have teen agers one might like to earn some money going down to care for the chickens. I told them if we started spinning fast we might not have an opportunity to let them in and that would be sad. So, the chickens are here.
School for T has been a horrible experience so far. He went for a Thursday, Friday and Monday and was suspended on Tuesday for the rest of the week for having a pot pipe and a little tobacco in his back pack. He was home and then had a big blow out here on Sunday and ran away for five days four of which he did not go to school. Then he came home and two Mondays later he was suspended again for being high. They did not catch him with anything. We are in that suspension now. He is supposed to return to school on Monday. Of the days he has been to school he has only attended full days of classes three days maybe. He skips class on a regular basis. The school now has him pegged as a delinquent. I told him today that he needed to either buy into the school program and attend classes full time or we needed to find another situation for him. He will return to school on Monday and his therapist will go with him to try to help the school figure out ways for T to be successful and for them to support him in being successful instead of only responding to him in negative ways. They have their rules and T needs to abide by them but, they need to help him with his difficulties. I have lost too much sleep spinning about this situation. They are supposed to be skilled at dealing with rebellious adolescents. They deal with enough of them.
I would be glad to look around the house to find items that Annette might need and ship them off to you, Marie. I am glad she has a good friend like you to help her recover and heal.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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