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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

1223 Posts

Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  1:54:18 PM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Hi ladies :)
Sorry I've not posted in awhile. I've been pretty busy here. Of course I still have my grandson 2 days a week and he's such a blessing. He's having a fun day today as we purchased a ROKU and hooked it up and this is the first time he's gotten to watch cartoons on it and it comes with the full version of Angry Birds so he's been slingshotting little red birds at green pigs most of the afternoon.
My back is killing me today so I'm happy he's got a quiet diversion. I think the sharp decline in the temp here has taken a slam at me. It's supposed to slowly warm up and be back up in the 50's by the weekend but this drop to the teens overnight and 20's for a high during the day hurts me. I've still managed to get out for a walk most days and took one of my SparkPeople team mates to the YMCA this past Sunday and we had a great time. I didn't burn up any records but found a machine I am able to use without killing myself. I climbed onto an elliptical machine at first and quickly decided I would be dead within seconds if I continued to sent to a recumbent cross trainer and was comfortable and got a good workout without any cardiac incidents. We played in the swimming pool afterwords and it felt sooooo nice. I've lost 22 lbs so far and I can tell the difference. Wish I didn't have so much to lose. but I do. so will continue to be kind to my body and feed it healthy food and exercise as I am able.
Bunny--Congratulations to you on losing 4 lbs!! At first yes, you lose water weight but every little bit helps. I had a craving the other night and headed to the kitchen. But unlike days of old instead of having ice cream or something bad I ate a can of spinach with a bit of apple cider vinegar on it. It was exactly what I wanted and 60 calories for the whole can. I journal everything I eat and the team I lead keeps me very busy as I support others in my team, keep track of everyone's minutes and try to keep up with the site postings. Still the site helps me keep on track and lots of great info so if you're interested it's free and the addy is There are lots of fibro support groups there too.
To all missing their children:--I'm so sorry. I am very lucky both of my sons live close. If I didn't babysit Jak I'm sure I'd not see my oldest as much as I do. My youngest lives about 20 miles away in Neenah which isn't far but he and his new wife usually have house projects or friend gatherings going on so I don't see them nearly often enough. It can be a couple months or more between times we see each other. I am going to see my daughter in law Saturday as I'm treating her to a massage for her birthday which was this past Monday. I'm looking forward to it also.
Janet--maybe the leaves will just keep right on blowing into Lake Michigan. You can always hope. It's blowing like crazy here today. You keep warm and if your son has an online shop link please it. If you have already I missed it.
Holly--It's so much fun seeing the faces of children when the first snow comes. Sheer delight. Sounds like you folks have been through the mill of govt. red tape. It's so ridiculous sometimes. Good luck!
Gypsy--Get ready for the immigration stuff. That sucks that they're thinking of shortening the length of stays to 4 months. That's just another money grab so they can hit people up for fees 3 times a year instead of twice. Money grubbing idiots! They've already raised the immigration fees to outlandishly high amounts. What ticks me off is when Dh and I were doing ours it was us doing all the foot work and sending in all the paperwork and they charged us?? I should have billed them. The first batch I sent in weighed over a pound.
Mar--I'm so happy for your double A's. That one had me rollin'. I've had no line bifocals in the past. My biggest problem was I didn't like how far away from my face I had to hold books and papers to read them as I had gotten used to taking my glasses off to read and so I went with single vision the last time and had them make my reading glasses prescription for when I wear contacts. My biggest problem is I don't wear my contacts very often so I still take my glasses off to read. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Marie--You are a very busy lady. I hope the people you help appreciate your time. I can imagine it can be trying of one's patience teaching children. Their attention spans can be so short sometimes. One day they'll be glad they've taken the time to learn the things you're teaching them.
Penny--welcome back and how wonderful for your stepchildren to be actors. I love NCIS and never miss an episode so I'm sure I would have seen the one your stepson was in. But I'm in the middle of a very tired afternoon and just can't think at the moment so I will look at the picture again another time when I'm less "fuzzy".
If I've missed anyone please forgive me. I don't get in here often enough and by the time I'm done reading what I've missed I forget half of it. LOL
Huggz to all!

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  2:01:55 PM  Show Profile
Bunny I finally got to the Goodwill store today. They had a lot of nice men s shirts but they are all $5.99. I picked up some cheap sweatshirts and sweaters to make caps from. I saw several more I wanted but realized I was getting carried away with the bargains so I stopped. If the ones I bought work for me, I'll go back and get more. I bought myself a beautiful silver crocheted top like new for 7.00. A good brand too.

Marie, I like your Halloween poem a lot.

So today I took my car in because the brakes were making a little sqeeking sound, and the guy said, ok, let me take a peek. I thought I would choke, but I managed not to laugh. What is it with guys and that word? My female docs do not use that expression but both my male docs last year did, and instantly I would think of Mar because that's where I heard it first.

It is in the low 50s and crystal clear here today. Had our first light freeze last night. Perfect weather.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  2:22:17 PM  Show Profile
Cheryl we posted at the same time. Congrats on sticking with the healthy lifestyle. I know you will be rewarded with feeling so much better. I know it is tough and I admire you for staying the course. You definitely can hurt yourself exercising no joke. I popped two ribs by just doing it wrong so I have hired a trainer for a few sessions to make sure it's done without incident too.

We have an appt with an Immigrations lawyer this Friday. I am extremely discouraged with the system. Law abiding citizens don't stand a chance. I was wondering how long it took you to go through the process.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 13 2013 2:26:33 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  3:08:27 PM  Show Profile
Cheryl, good to hear from you. We miss your great posts when you are not here with us that often, but we do know you are a busy gal. Great going with your diet and exercise program. I just cannot get motivated enough right now to start a diet. Maybe after the craft sale I will have more time to concentrate on what I am doing. My son does not have a web site, sorry. I guess you will have to take a ride up here some time. We are only about 140 miles apart.
Gypsy, hope all works out smoothly with the immigration apps. I am sure it can get very frustrating. How is the dancing going?
Mar, I will take pictures of those hats when I dig out all of the crates when I get ready for my sale. I forgot to do that when I priced and packed them.
Bunny, how does it feel to be home alone? Did your mom make it to California okay? Is she still planning on staying for the winter?
Marie, I agree, you are a busy one with all the volunteering that you do. It is not easy teaching young children anything. Their attention spans are very short most of the time.
Penny, you do have such great step children. With lots of talent also. Hope your son is doing well in his journey. Glad he was able to find a job. That will help all around. How does he like Colorado?
Ginny, hope things are starting to calm down a bit for you now. How is hubby doing? Hope you were able to go home for the weekend.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  5:07:13 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I found two 3x tops for my lady. So I'm good. I also spent way too much at the thrift store. I just wish i could get sales. Feeling a little down about that again. I think my tall lady has passed on my two outfits. She messaged me back that she would think about it... that means no to me. I did get three dresses done today though. I need some income coming in pretty soon though.

Janet, my mom made it to California fine. She seems to be happy and I think she will be staying the winter.

Cheryl, good going on your weight loss! I'm having issues with wanting salty things. I'm eating mostly veggies and fruits. I have a long way to go though.

Gypsy, the immigration process sounds terrible. Probably why so many south of the border people sneak over. I really think we should have easier laws that deal with this.

Well, I'm off to veg in front of TV. I've done enough work for today. Feeling pretty good so far. No fibro issues in days.

Later all! Stay warm.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  6:20:25 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I was listening to Q on CBC radio last night. That is Canadian radio. Gian Gomeshi ( I do not know if I spelled it right) interviewed a woman in Sweden who has started a tongue in cheek rating system for movies. She and her group do want to raise awareness of women's roles in movies. They have started the Bechdell Award. It is named after Alison Bechdell who lives here in Vermont. She has created a comic strip called Dykes to Watch out For. She has written a few books as well. Anyway in 1985 a couple of her characters were discussing going to the movies and they said They agreed that they would see movies in which there were at least two female characters who had names and who had a conversation in the movie that did not revolve around men. I guess this is a rarity in movies. There was a critic who said that there are good feminist movies that do not meet the criteria and bad movies that did so one had to take that into account when choosing a movie. They both agreed that there is a significant dearth of good movies with strong women in them. I guess there is a website with a list of movies that meet the criteria called. Bechdell Award. I thought it was an interesting conversation.

It was cold and snowy all day. I did look out the window at one time and it was flurrying and there was a line of blue sky. I think it is fascinating when the clouds make a line across the sky.

Penny, Marie took her ASL class on line so you would not have to travel if you wanted to do a refresher.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2013 :  08:25:48 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I find I am drawn to shows with strong women in them. There are quite a few right now on TV. "Person of interest" has two. Yes, there is a strong male presence but the two women are pretty kickass themselves. I love that the new Sherlock Holmes show "elementary" has a female Watson. And "covert affairs" has two strong women characters. One who is the main character. Both "once upon a time" shows feature women as main characters too. The men are the sidekicks in both.

Woke up to a sale this morning. I was pretty depressed last night as I hadn't had a sale in a while. I think I might have discovered a new way to get noticed. I "follow" a bunch of people I think might like my garments. They then do what I do...they check out whoever followed them. If they like me, they follow me back. Then whenever I add something to my store, they get notified automatically. I did that yesterday and today had a sale.

My son is on his way to take the physical agility test for the sheriffs job he applied for. He doesn't think he will make it, but is committed to trying again. He only had a few weeks notice so no time to buff up. I think if he doesn't pass it will motivate him to join a gym and get into better shape. He is also pretty stressed about the written test. He has to pass the physical part in order to take the written. He is dyslexic and is worried he won't do well. But again, is committed to studying for next time. He has a good personality for the position if he can pass today.

I think I will sew today and do my homework tomorrow. The sale inspired me to keep going. My competitor/ mentor has gone off the deep end with one of her creations. It is a poncho that is just a mess of fabric sewn together. Looks like something a homeless person would wear. Not me at all.

Later for now!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 14 2013 :  1:03:31 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I have my fingers crossed for your son. I hope he passes because it is so easy to get sidetracked while waiting to take a test again. Congratulations on your sale!! I think you are on to something with the following. (I'm kinda dying to see the poncho - but, I know not to ask.) I love Elementary, too. Especially love watching their relationship develop. I love that there is no sexual tension, just admiration. Do you watch The Blacklist? James Spader is wonderful, but the lead female makes me want to hurt her.

Gypsy, I don't blame you and B for maybe wanting to just fly under the radar with immigration. I hope your meeting tomorrow gets some of your questions answered. And I hope you like the answers. I have been nursing a sore/bruised rib or pulled muscle and you have been in my thoughts. This really hurts and I know I haven't done anything near what you suffered through. Lifting a pitcher off the top shelf of the fridge about brought me to my knees. Be gentle on your ribs, I know you have tweaked them twice now.

Cheryl, I am so glad to hear from you! Angry Birds can be a godsend when Grandma is feeling slow. Hearty congratulations on your weight loss. Don't look at how far you have to go. Revel in how far you have come. And by that, I don't just mean the number of pounds the scale is subtracting, but the mindset that let you "enjoy" a spinach treat! You have really made some changes and I know the holidays can be a very difficult time for many people. But, this year, you can do it. We are all so proud of you.

Jan, don't start a diet when you aren't ready to. It is so easy to get down on yourself anyway, just do it when the time is right. And I am absolutely keeping you to the promise of those photos. I got most of our leaves up and tomorrow the snow is supposed to start. I don't think it is going to stay, though. We seem to be kind of easing into winter this year...

Holly, I am definitely going to check out that website.

I made minestrone on Tuesday. It took about an hour and a half and then all the simmer time. But, it made about a gallon. So, there is plenty in the freezer for dd and the rest of the winter. Today I got my haircut and then renewed my driver's license. I was lucky it took only a bit more than an hour at the DOL. Even got my height corrected after ten years with the same driver's license. Somehow I hadn't noticed that they had shortened me by two inches in 2003. So, I told the clerk and he said, "You want to be 5'8"?" I told him, "No. I'd like to be 6 foot. But, I am 5"8"." He agreed he would like to be 6 foot, too. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe he meant that he would like to be 6'2"... Hmmmmm...

hugs to everyone,
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 14 2013 :  4:50:22 PM  Show Profile
Well my son missed the physical agility test by 9 seconds for the running part. He was bummed but they told him they would be doing it again in 6 months. So I'm hoping this will get him fired up to get to work. He says he found a class to help with the written test part.

Mar, sorry you hurt yourself. Bad girl! Hope it mends up soon.

Later for now....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 14 2013 :  5:22:04 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Bunny congratulations on the sale. I do not understand all of this following business. I do not have the time to figure out the intricacies of the internet. I am glad you are figuring out what to do to get noticed. I had a professor once say that in order to teach the teacher had to first get the attention of the learner. I guess you have to first get the attention of the buyers.

Slow day.

Mar I am sorry to hear you have been hurt. I hope it heals soon.

What is ROKU?

The little boys had swimming lessons today. Ross floated on his back all by himself! He was so happy to tell everyone his accomplishment. He is gaining in trust each week he goes.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2013 :  5:42:38 PM  Show Profile
Holly, good for Ross!!!! I am sure he is very proud of himself. How often do they have lessons?
Mar, hope your ribs heal fast. I know it is no fun at all. Take it easy until they feel better.
Bunny, good going on another sale!!!! Sounds like your son is very motivated. That is what he needs to succeed next time. He will do it.
It rained most of the day today. I hate this kind of weather, one day warmer and rain, the next day cold and windy. Looks like snow again on Monday and Tuesday.
Gypsy, good luck tomorrow with the lawyer. Hope things work out for the both of you.
I sewed a dog coat for Olivia today, I could have made it a little longer. Oh well, if I can get to my sewing machine next week, I will make a bigger one. I also finished outlining a quilt piece of the United States that I am making into a quilt. I need to back it yet. I am making it for our travels, then every time we stay somewhere, I plan on putting a button on that area in the state that we are in. Maybe it will get full of buttons.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2013 :  5:54:29 PM  Show Profile

Busy, busy, busy.

Tuesday I had to watch/teach the knitting class at the same time as the crochet class. One of the girls in the knitting class named Princess Ann (who would name their kid that!) was bothering me to teach her crochet. I told her many times that I wanted her to stay with knitting because that is what she signed up for. "Well I wanted knitting but they didn't have enough space." Too bad. She finally stopped bugging me when I told her that I could see that she took her class in the office. HA!!! Two girls wanted to go to the bathroom which is right next to our spot. When they didn't return after a reasonable amount of time and I heard them making noise, I got them out, had them pack up their stuff and took them to the office. These two young ladies are in the same class and are friends. I had a chance to talk to their teacher and she promised to talk to them. The biggest problem is that I am trying to teach them to follow a pattern and I couldn't help as much as I wished to. <sigh> The knitting teacher went to an 11 12 13 wedding.

The female singer which Lowell wishes to have in his band finally reached us. I TOLD him that she had stuff going on in his life. He is overjoyed. She has such a good voice and does her homework. She is also pretty cute.

I have posted the stuffed pumpkin recipe on the Farm Kitchen section. The thread is called Pumpkin Stuffed With Everything Good.

I changed my diet some years ago and I continue to make small incremental changes. I started by weaning myself off pop. Then I found better take out food I could buy downtown during work. Then I went organic and macrobiotic. I just saw my nutritionist and learned that I am making good choices. I only have minor things to change. She is helping me to start losing weight again. I had gone from 200 to 178 in 5 pound increments. I would lose the weight and then keep it off for at least two months. I would then change one small thing in my food or exercise and do it again. Lowell even noticed. My psychiatrist prescribed a new medication for me which removed my feelings of being sated. I felt as if I constantly had to eat and was getting dizzy spells. When I checked my weight, I had gained 15 pounds. I researched the drug and found it to be very bad for diabetics. I got off this drug and onto another which was better. I am ready to begin to lose weight again. I now weigh about 196.

Cheryl - I believe some kids know immediately when they have a good teacher. Others have to grow up a little before they do. I know I was like that too.

Holly - I found a free online class which I am taking. I am also looking for a meet up where people practice signing.

We saw an interesting detective series from Sweden which has an amazing main female character. it is Annika Bengtzon: Crime Reporter.

Look at my pretty Mitzi.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 15 2013 :  07:45:21 AM  Show Profile
Mitzi's Fall Glamour Shot is gorgeous. She looks like she is as soft as a cloud.
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6869 Posts

Debbie L.
6869 Posts

Posted - Nov 15 2013 :  08:11:26 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning Everyone,
Busy here as well in Colorado trying to get some fall and Christmas crafts finished, but there always seems to be something else in the house that has to be done first. But, today and tomorrow I am in my Craft/Sewing all Day. Hubby is gone getting wood so my doggies and I have the house to ourselves.
Holly, congrats to Ross floating on his back all by himself, quite an accomplishment.
Mar, take care of yourself and rest, you need time to heal.
Marie what a sweet picture of your Mitzi among the trees, she looks happy.
Bunny glad to hear your sales are going well. I have restarted my shops on Etsy and Ebay and it has been slow. I need to get some Christmas treasures on I think, everyone loves Christmas!
All of you Gals have a fabulous weekend and I hope everyone gets to relax and so what your heart desires:-)

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 15 2013 :  10:03:35 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I am so happy that Ross has such bragging rights to floating on his back. That is a huge leap of faith for him. I know you all celebrated him.

Marie, It sounds like two needle craft classes at once is bedlam. Pat yourself on the back for getting through it.

Bunny, sorry to hear about the near miss with the physical test for your son. That seems so close... Hope your sales keep up!

I think the cold front is hitting us tonight into tomorrow morning and spreading east and somewhat south to the rest of you (minus Gypsy) by Monday and Tuesday. Hunker down!!

Debbie, thanks for checking in. We love to hear from you. Craft away while hubby gathers wood!

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 15 2013 :  6:18:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The boys have lessons every Thursday for a half hour. The sessions are six weeks in length and then we sign up again. All of the boys are doing well. G and C are having problems paying attention and staying on task. Water is a big stimulant at least for C and G feeds off of him. For where they have come from they are doing very well but it is hard for the teacher to move along in the class. they will get the hang of it. K has been driving them to lessons and likes socializing with the mothers but I may need to go to keep them on task. Ross is in a different level class from them with two boys just around his age and the three of them are doing well together. The teacher has taken a shine to him and he is blossoming.

I met a woman years ago who did long haul trucking with her husband and she embroidered the state flowers on squares and made a quilt. I would barf if I sewed in a moving vehicle. I think a button is a good idea.

There used to be a woman down the road a ways whose name was Princess. She knew she was the only one whose name was not a nickname. Her husband decided he was going to retire and announced that he had purchased property in Montana and they were moving. I never found out her opinion on not having been included in the decision but she went with him. I hope they are happy. Well, Michael Jackson's oldest is Prince Michael. I know a woman whose ex husband's name was Kingman and they named their first son after him. She later said she should have known better than to marry a man who expected to be called.King. I agree it is odd to name a child Princess Anne.

I had to go out and buy size 8 knitting needles tonight to make G and C their Christmas stockings. I know I have several pairs of that size somewhere in my craft room but I did not have the emotional fortitude to search for them. Now to get my act together so I am not doing it last minute. I use an old Mary Maxim pattern that my grandmother used to make all of our stockings when I was little. I change the decoration in the middle for each child so it is personalized for them. I like to do it and they do come out nice if I do say so myself. lol

Today was in the forties. I thought I would saw the slab wood pile into kindling but my saw is dull and I think when I gave it to our logger because he said he would fix it for me I think I sent my bag with my file in it for sharpening. Now I need to get the bag back. I hope tomorrow is warm as well, it is so much easier to keep the house warm when the temperatures are not be low freezing.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 15 2013 :  7:06:21 PM  Show Profile

Mitzi is my pretty little girl. She endures my long talks with people during her walks and I let her chase squirrels and rabbits. That morning was very cold. I wanted her to roll around in the leaves but she wouldn't do it. She has such a look of joy on her face when she rolls around. I was hoping to capture it. Maybe another time.

Yeah, Mar, after that combined class, I needed a drink and not just wine or rum and coke. LOL

I have been taking naps lately. This is not entirely good because I am not getting anything done and then I stay up way too late. Time to make some changes.


Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 16 2013 :  5:10:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a gorgeous day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the high forties low fifties. The sun was out and all was good. I took the littles to the Waldorf school for their Winterfest. They made some crafts. First they painted some ceramic ornaments. They were flat and white. The boys put sparkle paint on them. Then they made paper and decorated it. It was clever that they dipped the screen in the mushed up paper so it made a flat sheet. Then they had to hold the screen until the water dripped off enough to do the next step but I am not sure what that step was because I was trying not to get too close to interfere. Then they put the paper in between sheets and ironed it for a while. Then it was done. then they could glue on sparkles or stamp it. They had a good time.
Later they dipped strings in beeswax to make candles.

A friend was over for supper. She called after she and her family arrived home to tell me that the police were gathered at the bottom of our hill shining lights onto the fields. We do not know why.

I have started to cut the slab wood that has been sitting in the yard for two years now into kindling. I finally have the chainsaw working. I expect to not spend too much time on it. I would like to get that pile out of there.
C finished her first class in her master's program on leadership. It is an 18 month program and she has 16 months left. she does one class at a time. it is pretty intensive. Anyway, she received perfect scores on her last two papers. 125 out of 125. She is so very happy. When she moved in with me she told me she could not read and that she was not smart. Even though she graduated Magna Cum Laude from undergraduate school after she was here for a while I guess her thoughts of not being smart were persisting. Maybe now she will believe in herself.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2013 :  6:01:05 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone

I am checking in to make sure you are all behaving yourselves

We came to the farm this weekend and worked our butts off today. I mowed several acres and B kept the mower running for me and mowed some. He had never run a riding mower so I had the pleasure of teaching him how to drive it and then watching him drive straight into the fence full speed. I tried not to laugh but couldn't help myself. He's lucky I thought to teach him at the bottom of the hill instead of the top.

Then we went in to town for supper and he said we'd try the Mexican food place since there were a lot of cars there. He asked for a beer and they don't serve beer. It's a dry county. Then he asked for hot tea and they don't serve hot tea. So he settled for lemonade. Then when the food was brought, he asked, What's this brown stuff? I said, that's refried beans. He ate everything on his plate because I forgot to feed him today. I'm hoping the beans don't surprise him later.

We are having beautiful weather. The visit with the immigration lawyer went pretty well. We are discussing things and maybe will decide if its really worth all the trouble and bureaucratic bs or just spend six months in each country and keep the gov out of our business. That would work for a few years but at some point we would not want to do it any more. Not to mention the expense of maintaining two residences. On the other hand there is something to be said for having some time off. The trouble with relationships is they are 24/7 with no breaks. Sometimes I just need a bad hair day, wear sloppy clothes and leave the dishes in the sink.

I'm typing on my phone tonight so won't try to read the posts and respond. Hope everyone is doing well.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2013 :  6:11:33 PM  Show Profile

I took a walk with Mitzi this morning. I always pick up any bottles or cans lying around so I can recycle them. As we walked along, I passed a person going the other way. I couldn't help it. I lifted the bottle and said "Breakfast."

Lowell and I had a nice breakfast - at the restaurant. Both of us had papers to read and we quoted interesting stuff out of them.

Lowell went out to look at some guitar stuff which was really good for me. I like the house to myself. I'm not certain what I will do when he retires. I'll probably have to get a job to get away from him. I know that he will not know what to do with all his free time.

I will not be going to breakfast tomorrow so I can get many things done. I have all my financial records on the desk top and I cannot work on them when Lowell is playing chess or watching youtube.

Nothing more tonight.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2013 :  8:02:09 PM  Show Profile
It rained cats and dogs all day today, with very, very high winds. Supposed to be the same tomorrow and then colder and windy on Monday, with snow on the way. I hope it stops raining and dries up before we get the snow. Seems every year we have ice under the snow, and it does not melt until spring. I am always afraid of falling and popping my hips out.
I work yesterday, it was a beautiful day out, but I could not enjoy it working. Oh well!!!! Bob's last day of work is Thursday. The company he works for is having a dinner party for him during working hours. He has been there almost 39 years. A long time to work in a plastic factory. He better find a hobby, or he will be learning how to knit or crochet!!! LOL!!!! We do plan on mall walking every morning, we both need more activity.
Well, going to bed. I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, I could not sleep for some reason.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6869 Posts

Debbie L.
6869 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2013 :  08:02:29 AM  Show Profile
We got snow last night and when the sun came up this morning over the top of Pikes Peak Mountains it just sparkled! It sure was a beautiful sight to see, I do love my early mornings to watch the sun come up.
Today is Football Sunday (GO BRONCOS) so I have things to do and snacks to prepare before we head to our friends house. So, I will catch up with all of you tomorrow.
Have a beautiful, peaceful Sunday and Be Happy Gals.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2013 :  2:32:19 PM  Show Profile

I stayed home this morning while Lowell went out to breakfast. I don't go along unless I have an errand to run. I need the time at home without Lowell there so I can spread out my stuff and work.

Today I finished my ironing and made a small dent in my pile of mending. I had both radios on, one in the living room and one in the bedroom, so that I could move from room to room to get things done. This is how I like to work.

I would put some more pictures of Mitzi up but Lowell is on the desk top learning songs. I will be making another batch of my crock pot soup tonight.

The weather has been in the 40's. It is overcast and rainy. If it were cold, we would have freezing rain and/or snow. I am not quite ready for that yet.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2013 :  3:29:39 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I made a dent in my mending pile and finished up the ironing I had started yesterday, too! I guess I am lucky to not have to share a computer. Dh got me a laptop for my fiftieth birthday. He has his own Apple, as well as an iPad, iPhone and we have a desktop. I mostly keep to my laptop and no one touches it without my permission! So, basically, we are a divided family... PC vs. Apple. I even have an android phone vs. his iPhone.

I got my laundry soap made. It wasn't a good idea with sore ribs. The pouring part. So, I am taking it easier now. And just enjoying being able to catch up with you gals.

Jan, I hope you get your wish on the ice free sidewalks. That layer of ice is the worst!

Debbie, Hope your team wins!

Gypsy, I laughed so hard at the vision of B driving through the fence with an open throttle. Doesn't it feel fun knowing something "they" don't. Especially when it is kinda a "man" thing. I hate the separation of men and women duties, likes, strengths and stereotypes, but I do enjoy showing dh up at backing up a trailer and a few other "manly" things. Know what I mean? My MIL was always talking about doing "Lady things" with my daughter. It made my blood boil. Especially since Grandma's idea of fun with her grandson was to watch him play video games (which he just loved having an appreciative audience) and Grandma's idea of fun with her granddaughter was, "Let's make the beds for Mom." (Well, first of all "Mom" always let the kids keep their doors shut if the beds weren't made/room was thrashed. Secondly, it wouldn't be "for Mom" if the beds were made. Thirdly, Grandma is Crazy Pants.)

Hope you are all healthy and warm.


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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2013 :  5:42:08 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have heard of men doing latch hook rugs. The man who used to own a hardware store in beautiful downtown Montpelier does them. His wife had him start when he retired. Maybe Jan that is something your dh could get into.

If you had made a movie of the B on his first drive on the lawn mower you might have entered it in funniest home videos and won $10,000. Do you think he would be willing to do a retake? lol It is good he has a sense of humor. or doesn't take himself too seriously. Have you seen the stars yet from the porch?

The television has been on since the afternoon with nothing but one football game after another. Lucky for me that even though it was very overcast all day I was able to be outside. I find football boring beyond limits. I hope Debbie that you like football or have something you like to do during that time.

I think it would be wonderful to be able to be at home all by my self to do what I wanted even if it is chores. I can not remember when I have been home alone. Sometimes I am home with my foster women and since they amuse themselves it is like being home alone.

So, today I had three things on my list that I wanted to do and I did all three plus one. I made another pallet raised bed for the garden. Actually, I made it so I would have someplace to put the food garbage this winter that the dogs could not get into. I dug up some Jerusalem Artichokes to send to a woman in Florida for a swap. Third I cut some more slab wood for kindling. The extra was now that my chainsaw is working I cut down the trees that had been growing in on of the blueberry patches. I found these bushes this summer and noticed they were tall. I must have planted them more than ten years ago and thought that since I had not tended them they were gone/dead. I was happy to find them and now that I have cut out the shade maybe they will grow better.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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