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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  02:25:48 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, you are doing so great. I think your morning mocha is a MUST. You can be "good" the rest of the time.

Holly, your journey through the State Issued Birth Certificates is a mind blowing tale. I admire your patience in dealing with the lengthy process and your determination in dealing with one crazy set of rules after another. And K sounds like great fun with her POV on male bonding! Short sheeting is a definite possibility, BTW.

Gypsy, you really have to be in the right frame of mind to be able to watch some of these movies. They stay with you, as they should, and hopefully they will help us guard against these events ever taking place again. I saw the trailer for the Redford movie you mentioned, it wasn't my cup o' tea. I think you gave it a "meh" review, didn't you? Hope you are able to shake some of the shock and horror from 12 sounds like a very worthwhile way to spend some time. How's the jewelry coming?

OK, Marie, you are starting to worry me. Are you coming down with a bug? Hope you get your feet back under you are feel 100 percent soon. Meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying your time in the coffeehouse!

Yesterday I made a pot of vegetable soup. A week of travel and eating out meant dh could use some good nourishment. It turned out beautifully and we both enjoyed it immensely.

Monday we get our eyes checked. I may try bifocals! I am a bit tired of switching glasses back and forth. We'll see. I always thought that people complaining about wearing glasses were making a big to=do about nothing. But, I was wrong. It is very inconvenient to have to find, clean, remember your glasses.

Catch you all later,
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  07:57:57 AM  Show Profile
Mar, I have trifocals and they drive me nuts. They take some getting use to. You have different vision depending on what you are looking at. If I try to pin a brooch on a dress, I can't really see what I am doing because of where my classes make me look. You are constantly moving your head up and down tilting to change where you see out of your glasses. I almost wish I could do two sets of glasses.

I was good yesterday. I had my mocha, a juice that I don't believe I will try again, too much red cabbage, and lots of veggie soup. I had strawberries for dessert. It was actually not enough calories. But I felt very full. Going to do it again today with a different juice.

Gypsy, I can't wait to see what you create with your pins! I think hat pins are a great idea!

Holly, I hope your doggy is doing ok. Scary when they eat something like that. I had Scooby, 125lbs of love. I bought 12 foxglove plants and before I could get them planted, he ate 10 of them. Didn't do anything to him. I was worried because of the natural digitalis in them. He ended up eating the last two the next day.

Marie, I ditto Mar's comment. Sounds like you need to slow down and take a rest.

The weather is gloomy again today. I wish we could get some sun. I'm having a hard time getting good pictures of my dresses inside.

Off to the basement....until later.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  08:10:15 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, that is exactly what I am afraid of! I think we might buy our glasses somewhere where you can return them if they don't work out for you so I can give it a try...

I am wishing for some sunshine, too. We had a short bit yesterday and I got more leaves cleaned up. Still trying to keep the place in "sale-able" condition.

Today we might chase into town to buy some things I can't get locally for minestrone, namely pancetta. Asked for it here at a local grocer and the gal told me they didn't have that "cheese." I thought, Okey Dokey!

So, I think I am gonna let my sisterhood number go, too. I really just want to post and keep in touch with you gals. I have never tried to earn badges. I have never taken advantage of my sisterhood discount and I don't think I will particularly miss the sisterhood issue. Does anyone see a big red flag in my plan? Please let me know soon, if you do!

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  4:28:22 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I keep my number as a way to support MJ and her efforts to give us space to get together. I rarely read the in between magazine mostly because I do not have a lot of time and our internet connection gets expensive when we use too much bandwidth.

I have wanted to see both the Butler and 12 years but I did not think of the reprehensible scenes in them. Once I see a movie with awful treatments of a human it stays with me and I have bad dreams. I can imagine as vividly. I will have to think about it now.

I wear graded bifocals. I have sometimes that I have to search for the right piece to look through. when I first got them they were positioned too high on my nose so it was hard to see far away. Now I have no problem I asked my eye doctor how I should thread a needle and he moved his glasses way down his nose and looked over them and said like this.

Joey is fine. He did not try to steal Kar's food off her table so maybe he has a learning curve. I will try to remember about the hydrogen peroxide and barfing.

Marie I hope that you feel up to par soon. I miss your wit. I am glad you have not abandoned us.

I have never liked the taste of coffee. It would not be my vice. Milk is my vice. Nice thick milk with a lot of cream. Do not reach through your screens to choke me. I do watch how much of that I drink now that I am over 50.

Today we moved the turkeys from their outside pen to a stall in the barn. I have never kept turkeys this late in the year and do not know how they fare in the cold. I would guess fine but, I do not want all of the feed going to keep them warm. The pen has about four inches of turkey poo mud in it. It was slippery and I was concerned about falling not because I might get hurt but because I did not want all that nasty smelling poo all over me. But, once a turkey gifted me with a guano leg decoration I did not fret as much. There were only twelve birds so it did not take so long.

There was excitement at our house when we awoke to a white world. The littles were so excited to think they could go sledding. We did not have that much snow. They did fill their gallon buckets heaping with snow and decorate them with food coloring. The joy lasted most of the day.

Bunny a good start on eating healthy. Be happy with your self.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  4:48:53 PM  Show Profile
I forgot to tell you about a nice cute book that C received as a gift. It is called God got a Dog by Cynthia Rylant and Marla Frazee. Good artwork and interesting poems. It is available as an e book too.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  6:03:15 PM  Show Profile
Holly it always makes me smile to think what a good life your littles have because of you and Cheri. sounds like K has got it all together too with a good healthy perspective on life.

I remember as a kid once in a while to wake to snow and how magical it was.

don't go to see 12 years. it is rated R for graphic violence. In all these movies they depict how horrifically the women were treated by the white masters, while the white wife either looked the other way or took it out on the victim I told B as we left that it made me feel ashamed of my own race. In a country that was founded on the principle of liberty, they took away the liberty of an entire race of people.

We went to 3 dance classes tonight to catch up on what we missed during the week when B was feeling under the weather. There was a party but we were too tired to stay after 3 hours on our feet.

We spend half our time trying to find our glasses. B wears short range and long range. but I only have short range readers. I am going to try contacts because I'm so tired of worrying with glasses and can read absolutely nothing without them

Mar, the soup sounds good. I'm currently hooked on Thai red curry, can't get enough of it. Im glad it is finally cool enough to enjoy soups and stews

Janet, please check in. Marie, I miss your posts.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  6:41:42 PM  Show Profile

I am doing okay. I am just tired. Tomorrow is my last ASL class so I will soon have my Monday nights back. Eventhough it took time away from what I needed to do at home, it was very worth it. Now I am able to talk to Canae in a more normal manner. I know she appreciates my efforts.

We have a program in our county called The Fixit Clinic. A bunch of people get together who know how to fix things and have their own tools and fixes whatever comes in and shows the people who come how to do it themselves next time. This is all voluntary and free for people who need stuff fixed. I volunteered for it today from noon to four. As Lowell was handing me my sewing machine box over the gate, it tipped toward me and hit me in the mouth giving me a bloody lip. No he did not take me out to dinner or take care of me. He is now sitting watching Gettysburg for maybe the 20th time.

Gypsy, doesn't everyone dance around the house naked and singing at the top of their lungs. I do. There is no need for anyone on Medicare to worry about losing insurance. Some people are complaining about losing their privately purchased insurance; however, that insurance did not cover many things. The insurance they can get now is, yes, slightly more expensive but it has better coverage. Many of us will get a subsidy to pay for our premiums under the Affordable Care Act and will have access to preventative care, chemical dependency care and mental health parity coverage. Those who get Medicaid will still get care provided they live in one of the states which agreed to expand Medicaid coverage. Texas is not one of those states. In Georgia, there is only one hospital giving cancer treatment to poor individuals. As for me, the everyone's in and everyone pays according to their means just makes sense to me. Much of the complaining about not getting care in countries with socialized medicine is for care which is elective not necessary. Some Americans just do not get it.

Marianne - The elections were city positions. Many turned out as expected. The incumbent city council member in our precinct was soundly defeted. I met her standing on our corner and I sucked up to her a little. She asked me to email her. She is involved in a non-profit so maybe I can snag myself a job. I understand that conservative groups use Oregon and Washington to test the vote laws to see how they may do in other places. I find that TV takes up too much of my attention. Besides, the pictures on the radio are so much better.

Bunny - Dang! No packages. Well maybe after boot camp then. Good job on the diet change. I know you can do it.

Holly - My first dog knew a great many words and she was still learning new ones after she was 10. I could string her commands together in a sentence and she would do them all in order. It's up to you how much to be involved in this. I like the magazine pretty well. Some of it I just don't read but I like the suggestions for making one's own stuff and finding joy in the simple things.

I have a mammogram coming up too. The clinics here were offering a $25 gift card it you got one by a certain date. I missed that but I'll jump on it next time. My peek and poke came out okay. That area hasn't been used recreationally for about 10 years so the procedure was somewhat uncomfortable. I guess I'll have them look at my knees next.

I believe I will take a shower and go to bed. Let Lowell take Mitzi out on his own tonight. I am tired and I don't want to. Humpf!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  6:44:03 PM  Show Profile
Forgot to say, I was one of four sewers there. We mainly helped ladies adjust the tension on their machines. Six sewing machines were brought in and we got them all up and running well except for one.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 10 2013 :  7:10:35 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 9:15:25 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  12:30:20 AM  Show Profile
Oww! There's an Olympics? YAY, count me in....
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  12:36:27 AM  Show Profile
Marie, nice to hear from you. I am so impressed that you got so many machines correctly tensioned. Not an easy task on a machine you are familiar with, let alone someone else's!

My mammogram came back fine while dd was visiting. She took the letter from the doctor and posted it on the fridge saying, "This is like getting an A on a paper." I corrected her, saying, "They're more like Double A's."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Washington GA
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  05:01:40 AM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok, I've been sick for the last 2 weeks, almost all to drop by to ask HOLLY if she got her package? Traking said it should have arrived on the 31st. Hope to check back in soon

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  08:22:19 AM  Show Profile
Penny, so glad you are back! Sorry you were sick.:(
How is the job and hubby?

Marie, what a neat event. I wish they had something like that here. I owned a quilt show for 9 years and fixed the tension on many a machine myself.

Went to the movies yesterday. I thought we were going to see a movie I wanted but got railroaded into seeing what my friend wanted to see. She wanted to see Las Vegas, I wanted to see Enders Game. We usually see what she wants. I tried to diplomatically tell her because I don't have an income, I'm forced to be choosy about what I spend my money on. She tried to tell me she was in the asme boat. Her husband makes over $100,000 a year and she has her own job as a hair stylist. She just doesn't get it. I think next time she asked, I'm going to say no. I'm tired of it always being one way. I have another friendship I need to make an effort with.

It's another overcast and gloomy day. I did get a little sunshine yesterday. I was able to get pictures of my three dresses.
I got an email from a lady interested in one of my dresses but she is 6ft tall. She needed me to lengthen the sleeves and the hem. Plus she wanted the scrappy decoration around the collar removed. It will be a lot of work, but then if I make her happy, maybe she will become a good customer and I will just custom make stuff for her. I also offered to lengthen the sleeves on another dress she liked. Maybe I'll get lucky and she will want both. I'll have to require her to pay up front though. The alterations would make each dress up sellable to anyone else.

Today is homework hoo, I want to sew!

Penny, so nice to have you back!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  08:24:34 AM  Show Profile
I meant unsellable to anyone. Rotten autocorrect.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Washington GA
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  12:23:27 PM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Thanks Bunny, been busy around here trying to keep things on Ebay to have money to help my son David with his Bible College in CO. He finally got a job, but because of school it is only part time but it helps between ebay, crocheting and getting ready for the holidays....well you know how it is.....I pray no one gets what ever I had it was nasty. Had to also be away from home for 9 days because my BF of 30 years Mother passed and it was 2 states away...not fun when you sick but necessary....

Bunny, did you enjoy Last Vegas, I really hope so, my daughter(step)Julie McGee was in it...she was the really pretty dark haired girl named Stacy that was looking up at the 4 guys and asking which one was Sam Harris..anyway here is a pic of her.. My Son (step) Wes McGee was in NCIS on Oct 22....we are so very proud of both of them, Wes was the person that was murdered in the beginning. Ok, done braggin...

I want to see both movies both just like you Bunny I have to chose which one since I'm not working anymore...

I hope everyone else is doing great....

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

My blog:


Edited by - Acelady02 on Nov 11 2013 12:34:17 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  1:43:02 PM  Show Profile
Penny, how awesome for your two step-kids! Good for them! That's a pretty tough career to break in to. I do remember seeing your daughter in the movie.
Bummer you aren't working anymore. Unless of course it is by choice.

Anyway, I need to get back to my homework.

Later all,


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  4:53:32 PM  Show Profile
Hi Ladies, I am still here, just been soooo tired and busy lately. I had to empty out one whole closet to get out all of my crates full of knitted and crocheted items and inventory and put price tags on all of it. It took me from Thursday until 3 this afternoon to finish with that. The craft sale is not until the 29th and 30th, but now I have most of my stuff ready to go, so I will not have to burn the midnight oil to get it all ready. I like to be a step ahead of everything, usually.
I will try to catch up with all of you tomorrow. It is cold and very windy here. Had white on the ground this morning, only got up to 23 degrees today. I hate winter!!! My last one here!!!!
Penny, good to hear from you. We miss your posts on here. Hope you can stick around for awhile.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  5:08:51 PM  Show Profile
Penny what a fun thing to share with us. Your kids are so good looking and probably thrilled to have such exciting roles to add to their resume. So glad you are better. It is always nice to hear from you.

Bunny, I would be irritated to have my movie plans hi-jacked like that, too. Isn't it funny how people decide they are poor when really they just make poor choices? Fingers crossed that your tall lady realizes she should snatch up both those dresses! Back to sewing tomorrow?

Jan, you must have such a great sense of accomplishment looking around at all your handiwork just waiting to be taken home from the craft fair. I hope your totals exceed your expectations this year. You are really getting some serious winter already. But, like you said, the LAST one there! Don't forget you have promised photos of your hats.

Had my eye exam and ordered glasses. I am going to try the progressive bifocals. I can return the glasses if they don't work for me, so I think I am ok.

Marie, what is the meaning of your farmgirl name, Churunga?

Looks like we are in for more rain, just a little at a time, but not a lot of sunshine... But, it is very warm. It was in the 50s today.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  5:57:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was mostly cloudy. I did look out once and saw the sun shining and thought it would be a good time to go out and put together another pallet raised bed. By the time I was out the door the sun was covered and I wondered what I did to miss the sun.

Yes, Penny the mittens arrived and were gifted out. A note went into the mail this morning. Today being a holiday it will not move until tomorrow. The mittens are great. They are thick enough to keep our hands warm.

We laughed at being ready for the Olympics. It must be a child free accomplishment.

We had beef stew for supper. Ross was a little heavy putting the garlic into the flour the meat was dredged in but never the less it was delicious. I think there will be no germs passing by our mouths or noses with all the garlic we are breathing in and out.

I am glad the ASL class went well and gave you the opportunity to increase your skills. How wonderful to be able to help decrease someone's isolation.

Crossing my fingers for two more orders for Bunny. If you could sell two outfits a week that would be a boon. I know it is not anywhere near a livable wage but it is an achievable goal. Good Luck.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Washington GA
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  6:33:10 PM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Thanks Holly, I just wanted to make sure they got to the correct house, sometimes PO around here makes glad you liked them, but really, only was asking to make sure they arrived, a note wasn't necessary but thank you, that is very sweet of you....those being my first try at mittens wasn't bad but hope to get better if I make more, I just wanted to show my appreciation for all the yarn you sent me....I am still using are such a gem, not only for doing that but for the wonderful Mother you are...the love you have given to the children you have brought into your home....I really hope someday if possible to meet you and your's on my list of things to and yours are always in my prayers...

Marianne, thank you for the kind words about my kids, so glad that they get to live their dreams. I am lucky to have married into this family. Glad you are getting glasses, I am in real need of a new pair myself but they are on the back burner until my son gets out of Bible college....I am so proud and honored to be his Mom...he is my youngest...32 yrs old but has found his calling, he wants to be a missionary...a little scare for me since where he wants to go is very dangerous but if that is where GOD leads him then I know he will be protected.

Janet, sounds like you have lots of items ready for the craft fair...I really should do that instead of giving everything away but seems like I just can't hold on to things long enough to sell anything...I hope you do really great at the fair.

Bunny, I had it out with my boss, he ordered me to never ask questions and to only do as told by him and say yes sir....I finally had guess it was my choice....I miss the job and my vendors but not him of course....sorry that you had to see the movie by force but glad you got to see Julie...Jim and his ex sure made 3 purrrrrttttty I took ASL years and years ago and loved it...still know alittle but I can tell ya, if you don't use it you loose it....sure would love to take another class but since we are so far out in the middle of no where there is no where close that offers it....hope you enjoyed it.

Hope everyone has a great evening....

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

My blog:


Edited by - Acelady02 on Nov 11 2013 6:34:57 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 11 2013 :  9:07:57 PM  Show Profile

Today in school the 2nd grade had a presentation on good touch, bad touch. It brought back some painful memories which I really do not wish to talk about. Thank you for understanding. I wish I had had this kind of education when I was that young. <sigh> One kid in the classroom told me that he had gone through something and finally told someone after four years. I told him an abbreviated version of my story and that I didn't tell anyone until I was grown. I praised him for making the right decision and I was happy that he was doing well. I felt as if I would cry.

Tonight was my last night of ASL class. We were asked to sign a poem or a story. I signed a poem I memorized in 2nd grade:

Everything is black and gold/Black and gold tonight/Yellow pumpkins, yellow moon/Yellow candlelight.
Jet black cat with golden eyes/shadows black as ink/Firelight blinking in the dark/With a yellow blink.
Black and gold/Black and gold/Nothing in between/When the world turns black and gold/Then it's Halloween.

Love that poem.

You ladies are so lucky to be so athletic. I rather lost my desire and, well, I won't say anything about Lowell. He has his reasons. I still look but am wise enough not to touch. <sigh>

Mar - Double As! LOL FUNNY!!! A churunga is an Australian aboriginal artifact which each member makes by scoring and painting a rock. It is then hidden in a cave to provide a place for the soul to go until it is called back to inhabit a body again. I was studying these people when I got my first email address 20 years ago. I decided to use a foreign word for the address because all the English ones I wanted to use were taken.

Bunny - I actually just showed them how to do it and talked them through the process. So many just cranked up the tension on the top thread without considering the bobbin thread tension. Lowell totally agree on the movies we see in the theatre and they are very few. At home, HE always selects the movies and he watches the same ones ALL THE TIME. I am a little more adventurous and he disparages me for it. That is just TOO BAD. I love the foreign and independent and decent horror (no blood and guts stuff) and science fiction and documentaries. He likes film noir, World War II and baseball movies. I've seen his so many times that I have memorized the script.

Penny - I give everything away too. I never seem to find time to build up an inventory to post online. Someday.

I have been wearing glasses since 3rd grade. I have had several surgeries in both eyes: Left - detached retina and scleral buckle and cataract, Right - cataract. I have had both eyes drained and had to wait for them to fill up with liquid and now have an artificial lens in both eyes. One more implant and I can claim Borg status. The surgery I had in August cleared out some cataract cells under the lens in my right eye so now I do not need to wear glasses constantly. I am not wearing them now. Before my world looked very hazy and I had to read with a magnifier and would become tired doing it. This new vision I now have is a miracle.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 12 2013 :  9:30:33 PM  Show Profile

So, no one has posted yet today. (Probably all celebrating 11 12 13.) Hey, why was six afraid of seven. Well, seven eight nine.

Can you all tell I am tired. I'll post something more coherent tomorrow.

Good night!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  06:41:32 AM  Show Profile
Im here, just nothing much to say. Imagine me being at a loss for words...............

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  07:40:32 AM  Show Profile
I am here also, just so busy. Getting ready to go out for breakfast with my sister, our tradition on Wednesdays for 24 years now. It is so cold, got down to 14 degrees this morning, warmer now, 26, but still very breezy. The leaves are finally falling form the big old oak tree in the front of our yard. It is just too windy to rake. I hope we can get them cleared out before the snow stays on the ground. I hate the mess it makes when trying to shovel with leaves all over the place. Gotta go, will post more later.
Have a warm cozy day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 13 2013 :  09:04:23 AM  Show Profile
I was rearranging my sewing room. It looks more open now. Easier to see the mess. Did my homework and pinned up a funky dress for sewing today. Then got talked into playing bunco with my mom's group.

More sewing today.

Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
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