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True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 06 2013 : 7:01:31 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 9:06:24 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 06 2013 : 9:13:31 PM
I had to be away from the house from 10 AM to 8:30 PM tonight. I had my 2nd grade volunteering this morning then had to hop on the bus right away to get to the appointment with the diabetic nurse. That was a the Hennepin County Medical Center which is close to downtown. I was on the bus again going south to 48th Street where the game store is to play Dungeons & Dragons. One young girl player just doesn't seem to want to pay attention to the game. She is always off doing other things instead of working with the group. My character has given up on her character's reliability. I'll just bet she's like that in school too.
I've been watching birds stuffing themselves on anything they can get to eat this week. Squirrels have been hopping around the neighbor's yard looking for places to bury nuts. I haven't heard many geese leaving yet. We had a little snow sticking to the ground this morning from the mix of rain and snow last night. Most of it was gone by this evening. I saw a few small patches in the alley. I do not having any way of knowing how the winter will be this year. It is always a surprise.
Bunny - Isn't it strange when the "normal" changes to something we think we might like and we don't like it? I agree with Gypsy. Try to enjoy every minute of alone time.
Marianne - Yes, making this sweater for myself will help my attitude about the process. Normally, I would not make such an elaborate and expensive sweater for myself. Well, I guess it is about time I make myself something as nice as I am willing to make for someone else.
Gypsy - These yarn sizes are a load of fun. The smallest one is as thin as thread and likes to sneak off the hook. We'll see what happens when I try to knit with two strands of THAT held together.
Tomorrow I have no place I need to be. I want to take a chair to a furniture restoration place. One of the horizontal supports has fallen out making it unstable. I also want to get it stained and varnished because it is bare wood. I have pictures of an antique dresser I need fixed (one of the glove boxes is coming off) and my leaf top desk which needs to be finished (it is also bare wood). I have a couple packages to mail and make a trip to the Office Max also. I might take a nice hot bath in my bath salts when I get home. Can't wait for tomorrow!
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 06 2013 : 9:50:06 PM
I am happy to be here by my self. I went to the store and bought all my veggies and fruits for my new juicer. I also bought a new bright shower curtain and some new hand towels for the bathroom. My mom likes everything very muted. I'm very bright and colorful! I'm feeling a little better tonight. She did get a call from the broker on her loan and said that our congressman got FHA to allow her loan. So it looks like we will be OK and she won't have to sell. The only thing that will probably bring her back early is if my stepfather passes. He is going downhill pretty steady.
Gypsy, sorry your guy likes the TV so much. I love a quiet house. I record all my favorite shows and have a certain day I watch. Otherwise, it is usually off.
Mar, glad to have you back. I miss you too.
Marie, the hot bath sounds nice. It is nice to make yourself something every once in a while. I have been making all these crazy dresses and needed one for myself. I wear it all the time now.
Time for bed... later all
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 06 2013 : 10:23:08 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 9:07:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 08:58:46 AM
Gypsy, sounds like maybe a woman cave for yourself might help. When he realizes you are in your cave more than out, he will be willing to do some adjusting on the TV. Otherwise it sounds like you will do fine. Sad that immigration has become such and issue that it will hurt the people trying to abide by the laws. I hope you two can work through it. Otherwise you might have to move to a northern state. I always loved living with my older son. We are so much alike it is scary. Our minds are linked and we behave the same way. My second husband hated it. He was jealous of how well we got along. My younger son is a sweet heart too. He is more like his dad in temperament. Very easy to get along with.
I slept very well last night. The weather is gloomy again today. It hard to spend too much time in the basement on days like this. I have good lighting, but it can be a bit oppressive as well. Today is a sewing day. I got an email from my custom order lady. She had asked for her dress to be a 30" hem. I made it 35" because I didn't know if she would like it. I figured I could hem it if necessary. I explained to her that I wear a 35" hem and felt 30" would be too short for her. But she insisted. So I hemmed it and guess what? When she got it...she apologized and said I was right. It was too short. But she appreciated my efforts enough to ask me to make her something else. Problem is she wants a long sleeved 3x in dark brown, gray or black. Very hard to come by these days. But I'll keep looking.
Anyway, feeling a little better today....until later.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 12:23:56 PM
just poppin' in for a quick hello. am back at work, didn't get much done during vacation - got too depressed and just slept instead. am so sorry for all the problems everyone is having. my father has a large part of his leg amputated when he was a young man and no one could ever tell because he walked so normally and loved to dance. He and my mom use to go dancing every weekend for years. bunny, don't give up! someone will love your stuff and they will share with others and you will get a following - i just know it. your stuff is so good looking and reasonable price. gypsy, i think you need a woman cave too. my sweet dh loved some of that tv crap too and once i started spending more time in the back in my "workroom" he changed and asked me what i wanted to spend time with him. of course, now that he is gone, i wish i had spent more time with him but that is what it is. my friend who i will visit in december prior to going to the textbook convention is telling me that we are going to an Indian rest. this time. I have never had Indian food so i don't have a clue what i am in for but he will make it fun and spending time with him and his boys are what counts. i have decided (just now) that i am going to put everything that is not quilt related in the garage and then start cleaning and re arranging and organizing my two rooms. since my mom's sewing machine is in a cabinet, i will keep it in the back room and use a portable one up front. i am so excited. I did lay 2 rows of tile and it is just gorgous~! my little dogs avoid it and that makes me happy. i know they say that dogs cannot tell colors but i have to disagree. i usually wear dark clothes ( i just like them) and last weekend i put on a pair of very bright orange capri pants. my smallest dog who usually jumps in my lap the second i sit, came running from the back when he heard me sit down and jumped in my lap. he looked at my pants, looked at me and then ran back to the back of the house! he never would sit in my lap while i had those orange pants on--it was a hoot! i almost made myself cry from laughing so much at him. got to go! will be praying for all of you! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 12:43:33 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking if I have to I'll move up north near Mar when he has to be in Canada. Vancouver is an easy commute from there. It looks like they are trying to change it from 6 months to 4 and if you file for citizenship you are in for a very long rough time. We actually want to keep our own citizenship in our own country but the gov is so out of control there is no telling what they will do If you stick your head up. So we are doing nothing.
Did you try the men's clothes for those dark colors? I will start looking at goodwill here when I happen by one. Do you have texting on your phone? If so, send me your number in a private email and I can text you from the store to see if you want something I find. I can even take a photo with my phone and send it from the store. We have lots of large people in the south so I might have better luck finding stuff here.
The dentist appt was not too bad. They deadened everything including my nose. So it was pain free. It only took between two and three hours and the temporary piece is no different from my real teeth. It is amazing, really. It is completely locked in place so it's no different from usual. It is only one piece so I can't floss. Looks good, though.
I'm going to set up the jewelry on the dining room table for a while until I get my Christmas presents done. B is so easy going he doesn't care if it's a bit messy. He seems to get sweeter all the time as he relaxes in to our new life. Although this morning I let loose about the f#%**g toaster burning the toast and he said he began to wonder if he was going to have to leave! since the toast was his idea. I said, well I warned you from the beginning that I like to swear, he said, that's okay, if we never sinned then Jesus would have died in vain.
I will try a couple of those scarf pins, Bunny--thanks for the idea.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 12:50:57 PM
Hi Janiee, you posted at the same time.
Dogs are so much smarter than we give them credit for. Mine dream all the time. So funny to watch but once in a while they cry in their sleep and I pet them gently til they stop. They had a very rough time before I got them from the shelter. Little Lola was almost starved to death and Penny had been so full of burrs and fleas her skin was a mess. I didn't know she was blonde and white for several months. They had shaved her down to bare skin and put some kind of brownish salve all over her.
Glad you are making some progress on house projects and liking the results. Sometimes mine don't turn out like I thought they would. Always nice when they do.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 1:16:05 PM
Hi gals,
Gypsy, let me beat Bunny to telling you that we have our fair share of large people in the NW, too. But, having eyes out for the larger sizes will be welcomed, I am sure.
I think many of us are struggling right now. I know I am. Maybe it is the weather. Lack of daylight, like we always whine about. Seems to take me by surprise every time.
Gypsy, I think it would be a superficial or tiptoeing type relationship if you two don't struggle with your boundaries. Whether they are space, decibel, or political or religious views. I know you aren't worrying about it , but I thought I would chime in - as usual.
Janie, congrats on your new tile! I think your idea of getting everything else out of your way for your quilting is a great idea. Maybe some of those things won't come back in, I find it easier to part with things I haven't seen in a while. I think dogs see colors, but differently than we do. I know we had a "hunter caution orange" training toy for our lab that we would throw for her when the ground was covered in snow. She couldn't see it against the snow. It was hilarious. She would be sniffing in concentric circles looking for this neon orange eyesore. She always found it, that sense of smell makes up for the color blindness. I think they can differentiate nature colors better than we can -- browns and greens.
Bunny, I am so glad your custom lady is wanting more. Sounds like you have a true fan and long term customer. Are you enjoying yourself now that you have the run of the house. Love hearing that you have spruced up the bath to your liking. It will make you smile everytime you go in there. good for you.
Gypsy, you are so brave to make it through such a dental ordeal. I am like most people. Not happy about the dentist ever. I don't think I would have slept well either. But, a nice smile is important to me, too.
Thanks for the welcome back. I miss my sense of humor, too. It seems to be on vacation ... Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 5:51:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
We did not have elections this November in our fair town. Maybe some of the other places in Vermont did. We usually do most of our town elections in March on Town Meeting Day and only deal with national and state elections in November. We elect all of our state officials on a two year cycle. There is a group of women who run the poling booth and I do not know how they are chosen. I think it would be fun to see everyone as they come to vote.
I took the little boys to see The Baobab Tree at the Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center this past Monday morning. It was a nice folk tale show about the baobab tree who loved the earth and the sun got jealous and tried to burn the earth. So, the baobab tree turned itself upside down and buried its head to save the water. Doesn't make much sense does it. A boy was hatched from an egg given to a village by the baobab tree. The women of the village nourished the boy and the men of the village sang him to sleep every night. The boy was to fulfill the prophecy of returning the water to the village. The show was done with people in costume, a puppet and shadow puppets. One of the costumes was a man in a baboon mask with a costume down his back that ended in a baboon behind. That is the part of the show the little boys remember. They laugh and laugh.
One of my son's lives in the midwest.. I think he has not been home for six years. I miss him and regret that he does not know his brothers and sister at all but he is being a success where he is. He talks about coming home to visit but when he has time or a ticket he makes other choices.
When some to the children have gone to camp I have sent them many postcards. Maybe Bunny you should start buying postcards so you can send him a note every few days so he gets mail. My father did the marines at the end of WW II. I hope your son will be happy with his choice.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 8:39:58 PM
I ran an errand today which I have been meaning to for a while. I took a chair to a furniture restoration company close to where I live. I had to have the chair glued becasue it is falling apart. I also want it stained. It is the chair which accompanies my leaf top desk. I got them when I was 30 and they have been unfinished bare wood all this time. I left the chair there to be worked on. It is a nicely sized work space and has a total of 3 employees. In addition to getting my desk and chair finished, I want to bring in an antique dresser and have them reattach a glove drawer which has become lose. All this is going to cost a bit but it is about time I had it done.
I also have to arrange to get a crown. I now need a watch. The one I had been wearing conked out on me and while I was setting the backup, a watch on a ring, the knob fell off. So frustrating. GAH!!!
Bunny - So many people like the stuff I make and want it. I end up giving so much away. I have been trying to get an inventory of stuff to sell on Etsy and other things get in the way. In regard to your customer remember: The customer is always right until they are not. When my brother was in the Marines, we sent him bottles of tabasco sauce because the food in boot camp is so bland. He had so many that he was able to make a tidy profit selling them to other guys. I sent him all the free independent newspapers I could find from Minneapolis and we all wrote to him and sent him treats and necessities. This makes them all so happy.
Gypsy - As we get older, we make compromises. Look at me. I have a goofy-looking, electric guitar-playing hypochondriac ranter and raver who hogs the desk top computer playing chess with robots. At least he supports all my volunteer and craft activities. He says that he feels calm just watching me knit and crochet. I just got to love this accomplished snuggler.
Janie - Indian food is pretty good. It has lots of rice and vegetables. The sauces are either sweet chutney or spicy curry. I recommend getting your curry mild. They can get really carried away with the spices. The tastes which I like in Indian foods are tumeric, cumin and cinnamon.
My dog Mitzi is quite a character. She knows our schedules very well. When I put on my outdoor shoes at particular times of the day, she knows she is going outside. (She knows that word and we use it carefully.) When we come home, she goes to get her chew bone and brings it to us to get her scatches. She always lounges on Lowell's spot on the couch. Tee Hee! She really likes to lay on the thick rug which was handmade by the Amish in Wisconsin. We have a little song we sing to her as we walk down the hall of the building. She hears it and is waiting at the door for us. She doesn't like it when we bark at each other so we try not to do that. I just love this dog.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2013 : 9:47:24 PM
Marie, well put. B is also an accomplished snuggler. That is worth a lot. My two little furbabies know the word walk,as well. They are very smaRt little critters. Even though B has never owned a dog, he watches the Dog Whisperer so he is teaching Lola and Penny some manners. They love him.
Holly I'm sorry you have a son who doesn't seem to realize the value of family. Sometimes they come around when they mature a little. I hope he does. He's missing something that can not be regained and will probably live to regret it.
Bunny is having so much fun in the house by herself she didn't post tonight. She's probably dancing naked through the house singing at the top of her lungs.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 09:41:58 AM
Happy Friday, everyone. No sunshine yet, but I can at least ascertain the star is still in the sky today. Dh comes home tonight after a week on the road. Yep, Mr Retired has unretired. It was very short lived in my opinion. One of those "too good to pass up opportunities" in his words. We will see. Of course, God Bless Southwest Airlines. Somehow they know their flight out of Oakland will be delayed a half hour - just got a msg on my phone. The flight leaves in a little over eleven hours from now. The fact that they are already notifying me of a delay does not reassure me this will be the last message from them today...
Since he rode back to Portland with dd, I have to pick him up at the airport tonight. It will be a very late night. This all tempers my anticipation somewhat, ya know?
He has been eating out for one week so I am making soup today. He will be on a fairly strict diet, not calorie wise, but carb/sugar wise. He needs to get his blood sugar into a very good range. This borderline nonsense will not be tolerated. (That's a lot of bluster. But, I do hope we can control it by diet alone.)
Bunny, your shop looks wonderful. You have many new items since I last looked. Good for you. Will you see your son before he heads to boot camp? I am sorry, but I have forgotten his timeline...
Gypsy, isn't it fun to see someone who hasn't had pets train your pets. Sometimes they seem to think, "I do A. And the dog reacts with B." And when it doesn't work immediately, they wonder what is wrong with the dog. But, Cesar Milan has an understanding of canines that is remarkable. One of the biggest things I have learned from him is about the tail going up. It is a sign of the dog being "on." Ready to go aggressive, if necessary. And if you don't control the situation you might have a dogfight on your hands. It really helps when strange dogs approach your dog. Gives you a hint anyway.
Marie, did the vote go the way you hoped for your district? WA state defeated the labeling law about GMO. There was SO many commercials and literature against it. It was the most money thrown at our state for legislation ever. Tells ya something. It was narrowly defeated -- something like 46/54%. I was disappointed.
We have been successful in signing up for Health care through our state's website. It went very smoothly, actually.
Dd, who lives in OR, had to wait a while because of the difficulties with their site. But, she did sign up online this week and to be safe, sent in a hardcopy, too. (She never got a notification that her application had been received online.) So, I think, as a whole, we have nothing to complain about. The savings is significant and the coverage very good, no need to switch doctors... I know we may not be the norm, though.
We have to spell WALK and MAIL and with the yellow lab I had to watch when I started a sentence with "Want to go ..." Dogs are fun.
Later, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 10:03:42 AM
Mar, I wonder who, if anybody, actually understands the new healthcare. I'm very glad to hear it is working for some. I am on Medicare so don't know if it will affect my part b secondary insurance or not. I haven't received any notice. Each side blows it up out of proportion to favor their side and I've given up any hope of knowing the full truth about anything. All I know is I can not stand Fox News. To the point where it is going to cause issues. Here in a little apartment there is no place to go. I get up and walk out of the room. Sometimes that works. Last night I said, sorry, I can not stand another night of Megan Kelly as I got up and walked out. Next thing I knew the tv was off.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 3:20:38 PM
Gypsy, It won't affect your medicare part b, except that it will close the donut hole. I believe healthcare is a right, not a luxury. Maybe we should change our Bill of Rights to include it. Hard to go after that Pursuit of Happiness without health...Anywho...Hope that makes you happy about your insurance. Just good news for you.
I can't stand loud TV. It isn't just political views that I may not want to hear, but anything so loud that you can't hear yourself think. It is a habit of a lot of people who spend time alone, and I understand how comforting some background noise can be.
mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 4:26:11 PM
Holly, I think it is just terrific that the boys are exposed to so many artistic events. The plays you take them to may be a bit convoluted in plot, but it sure seems to ignite their imaginations.
Are you starting to think about your holiday dinner? How many are you expecting this year? Will Thanksgiving and Hannukah on the same day make it more special or do you think you will feel short-changed? mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 6:13:09 PM
Gypsy, glad the dentist visit went OK. I think everyone hates the dentist. I'm not dancing around naked....sorry to disappoint you. I'll send my phone number. I could use help looking for some good 3x tops.
I'm doing a 3 day juice cleanse. Not fun....just saying. I'm on my second day and I feel terrible. I tried to do my English homework. I got a C on my quiz. I hope I feel better tomorrow. I can't believe how often there are pizza commercials on TV, and I don't even like pizza!! But it is looking pretty good right now.
Both my son's are coming to Thanksgiving. I'm so glad. Marie, I'm not allowed to send anything to my son while he is boot camp. Just letters. I'm going to save up so if he graduates I can fly to San Diego.
Mar, sorry DH couldn't stay retired. Usually I say the bane of a retired women is a retired man, but you guys seem to get along too well for that. I guess he just needed to keep busy. Sorry about that.
Well, I'm trying to not think of food. I have a terrible headache. I didn't get my mocha this morning.
Until tomorrow.......
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 8:46:52 PM
Bunny, the cleanse sounds brutal. I've never done one.
Mar, I tried to google the health care and Medicare but didn't understand what they said. Somehow it isn't good for Texas. It would be nice if I could stop having to pay for that second insurance. My prescriptions are so small that the cost is not much. I take a thyroid pill and a bp pill and vit D, that's it. For some reason a three month supply of the BP med costs me .01. Yep, a Penny!
I think we probably all agree in principle what is needed but how to go about it is where the issues are. Now will people like our Bunny who cannot afford to pay, be forced to pay? That's what I've heard.
The trip to the dentist went ok except for the cost. That's where we could sure use some help. I have no dental insurance and the expense is just outrageous.
We went to see the new Robert Redford movie tonight. B is feeling better. He just had a bug of some kind for a couple of days. He's not used to our germs here yet. I feel fine. The movie was not my thing but it wasn't too bad. Merle Streep has another one coming out. I never miss hers.
Hope Janet is okay.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 8:57:12 PM
Gypsy, I have so little income I qualify for Medicaid. I haven't needed to go to the dr for years. I hope having insurance won't jinx me. I'm trying the cleanse to see if eliminating grains and dairy will help me feel better. I'm only going to do it for a few days. I'll bring back my morning mocha most likely but try to leave out the bread stuff. I'm doing ok with juice for lunch. If I eat healthy for dinner I think I can live with this diet change.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2013 : 9:13:08 PM
Too tired for a full post tonight. I promise a full one tomorrow which will include information on the medical insurance stuff.
Lowell is meeting with a drummer at a Starbucks tomorrow morning and I have to be there because I have places to go and things to do. The drummer's name is Vlad and Lowell says he has a Russian accent. Maybe I can practice some Russian I know but maybe I'll just sit there and read or crochet.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2013 : 6:23:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
You are right Gypsy that my son in the Midwest is missing out. He voices it and bemoans the fact that he misses us but when he is presented with an opportunity to travel he chooses elsewhere. He is so ADHD that he can only focus on the moment and not the bigger picture. Some day he will figure it out.
There was a newspaper article about some man who has taught his dog to recognize 1200 words or so. It has taken him almost four years. I guess he has a lot of time on his hands. Joey,our tall hound dog is a counter / table surfer. We were all in the dining area choosing our two pieces of candy and then I went to put the bowl away. Joey stood on the chair and ate Kar's supper.. We put Kar's night time pills in her pill cup on her plate Joey must have tipped the cup and ate her seizure pill. It was missing when I tried to find the pills from the tipped over cup on the table. He is passed out on the clean clothes in the laundry area. I hope he is alright. It was not an appreciably powerful pill and he does weigh about seventy pounds. By the time I would have found an available vet it would have digested so I hope he will be ok. ........Well, I just heard Joey bark at the cat so I guess he is on the mend.
I went to the ACLU VT annual meeting today. It was good to see some long time friends. I sat on the local board in the nineties and did one term on the National Board. At the annual meeting there is an auction. It was fun.
We will have two guests for Thanksgiving that I know of besides the family. There may be a third but she is not sure yet. Since Hannukah is eight days we will probably do the latkas and blintzes on another night. We will sing the songs and light the candles.
We finalized C and G's adoption back in September. It is the protocol that our state now request from the fine state of Texas an amended birth certificate. We received a letter today telling us that we must designate one mother to be listed on the birth certificate and not both of us. We have many amended birth certificates. New York lists Cheri and the father. Florida listed me on the back. Louisianan refused to list both of us and had a little tantrum on the phone when they figured out is was a transracial adoption because they list the races of the parents making assumptions then about the race of the child. Missouri listed both of us. We sued the state of Mississippi and won to have both our names on the certificate. So much for recognizing state's rights and reciprocity of rights across state borders. I do not know what we will do. Each boy needs a birth certificate if he wants to play little league. Their birth fathers were not any sort of stellar beings.
Mar, do I hear a bit of depression about dh being back at work. You seemed to have enjoyed having him home. Short sheet his bed, sew the legs of his boxers closed.
Dentists and mammograms the two times we submit our selves to pain voluntarily.
We were sitting at supper tonight talking about hunters and hunting camp. K was saying that all of the guys at the hunting camp on the back of our property were too fat to walk in the woods and all they did was drive out to the camp and do man bonding rituals. She laughed loudly and said. Yah! male bonding on Lesbian Hill. lol
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2013 : 6:28:29 PM
Where is everyone!
I had a very productive day. I got 3 dresses finished. But I broke down and had my mocha this morning. I was feeling terrible and decided I will never give up this one vice. I can still be healthy with everything else. I was good the rest of the day. I have lost 4 pounds so far. I know it is probably water but 4 pounds is good anyway.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2013 : 6:58:17 PM
I am here. I am just too tired to write. Congratulations Bunny.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2013 : 8:07:22 PM
Holly, I thought my little dogs had eaten some mouse bait a while back and of course it was a Sunday but I reached my vet at home and he said give them a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to make them throw up. Said every 5 minutes so, and on the third teaspoon Penny threw up. I could never get Lola to take it but she didn't get sick. Vet said one teaspoon at a time for small dog and two if 25 pounds or over. Mine weigh 8 and 10 pounds.
Yeah, the mammogram is next on the list.
Bunny the big payoff for what you are doing is that about the third week you will lose your cravings for the processed stuff, and then when you do eat it you won't like it. I have not given up ice cream but other sweets now are too sweet. You will probably find that soon you can eat All the whole foods you want and not gain weight. And you won't really want the other stuff so it is a win win. So hard at first I know, but you are doing great!! The morning mocha will help you stay on track with the rest of it.
We went to see 12 Years a Slave tonight. It was so hard to watch. I could not watch some of the more horrific scenes. It made The Butler look like a walk in the park. At the end the theater was silent for several minutes before people could recover and begin to move about and collect themselves enough to leave. It's hard to believe the human race is or ever was capable of such brutality.
Well it's getting late and we are tired tonight.
Bunny I think some of the scarf pins would look good on hats too. I got some square and half round wire today to do more wire wrapping before I forget how to do it.
Holly, it sounds like you've dealt with a lot of bureaucratic BS on your journey. Speaking of which, we are ready to see an immigration lawyer and see what torturous hoops we would be expected to jump through. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 09 2013 8:33:15 PM |
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