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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 7:02:05 PM
It was a pretty good day. I washed all the laundry including the rugs while I cleaned the living room. It takes about 45 minutes to wash and 1 hour to dry and one load of wash and dry costs $3.25. It is a rip-off but convenient. I cleared up all the small music stuff (guitar, amp and speaker cords, pedal boxes, drum sticks) that were laying around and stored them neatly and dusted out all the nooks and crannies. It took me over an hour.
The guy came over at about 1:30. I went to a donot shop. When that closed at 3:00 I went to a coffee shop one block away and continued to work on the sweater. When I came home, the guy was gone. Lowell has some reservations about him. He plays one sweet guitar though. husband Gypsy - I had the first lover, Kevin, during the last year of my marriage. Every weekend I would play a fantasy role-playing game. It was like Lord of the Rings. I would go out with him afterwards for an asignation and he would bring me back at 3 AM. I made the excuse that the games just lasted that long eventhough they did not. I have the second lover, Dave, shortly before I left my husband. We were involved with organizing a game convention and he would pick me up and take me home. Again I used the old "these meetings just take this long" excuse for the extra time we used for asignation. When I got together with Dave, he did not want me to see Kevin anymore but that did not always work out. I had other lovers while I was with Dave. He knew about them and also knew that I always came home to him. I was pretty exhausted trying to make the timing work and lying about it. I was a mess mentally and had very little in the way of guilty feelings about my duplicity. I am much better now. I would never think of cheating on Lowell. I do flirt outrageously, sometimes in front of Lowell. He just laughs. He knows he has me for keeps.
Holly - Lowell has only personally met one potential band member and will meet another tomorrow. I believe he is still a month away from deciding on the personal. Please make name suggestions. He will find it humorous.
Gotta go before battery dies.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 8:02:53 PM
Hi, everybody, I have just gotten back to the apartment after a hectic afternoon. I'm tired and dirty. We did more yard work today and by the time we got the house closed up and car loaded up and finally left I was driving in the dark which I hate. Still need to get our showers and put things away. So I will catch up with everybody tomorrow. We were all ready to go and B said, where's Lola? I went back and unlocked the kitchen door and there she was shaking by the door thinking she had been left behind. She almost was.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 8:07:59 PM
Good evening ladies :)
Gosh, I didn't realize it had been so long since I'd posted but I've been sitting here reading page after page to catch up. Now I hope I can remember everything I read LOL. Gypsy, I burst out laughing about accidental burps and farts. It made me remember one of my current hubby's first trips back for a visit with me from Canada. He picked me up off the floor and squeezed me so hard I farted. I was so embarrassed! We both started laughing and I told him, "that will teach you for squeezing me so hard!" Whenever my family came to visit us he used to tell them, "don't hug her too hard, bad things happen". Love the jewelry you and B made and they're both lovely. Bunny, start chatting a bit on other online forums. You never know who you might meet. Do beware though, there are some fruitcakes out there. I met my current hubby in a chat room. He is a gem. Sometimes I think meeting someone online gives you a nonjudgmental way to learn a person's heart before you ever see their face. While having a mate that is attractive to you is a plus it's not nearly as important as finding someone with a good and loving heart. Also congrats on your latest impressive sale!! Holly, I hope C has a wonderful birthday and the littles have fun trick or treating. So happy for you that your piggies were nice and fat and filling your freezer. Janet, What a blessing for you that no more drs. for 6 months! Prayers do get answered! I usually don't have breathing problems in the winter unless it is really bitter cold. Having a dog I have to take for a daily walk is a plus as it gets me out in the fresh air every day. Mar, there are a few really good low carb recipe sites online. Maybe you'll find some easy and yet yummy PB cookies for your DH. I know I sure feel better now having cut out bad carbs from my diet. My A1C was at 5.6 so I'm pre-diabetic and am hoping I can steer that train another direction. I've lost 17.8# now and feeling so much better. Marie, I'm happy for you that your life changed directions and you and Lowell hooked up. I think a lot of us have some stories to tell and thank you for sharing yours. It sounds like you had a very traumatic time for awhile but everything that happens to us strengthens us and makes us who we are today. When I was young, single and stupid I went to a boy's house with him. I knew his sister and had really crushed on him for a long time. He could dance on roller skates soooooo great....swoon. Anyway, the next morning I hear a woman's voice yell upstairs, "Dave, you better not have a girl upstairs in your sister's bedroom!" It was his mother and I was mortified. I have no idea how I got out of that house unseen but I did it. Trust me when I say I never saw him again LOL. Ginny, I am so very sorry to hear of your Dh's foot infection and I'm sending prayers of comfort and healing. Hopefully some IV antibiotics might save his foot. Take care of yourself while you are struggling with this. Sleep helps you handle stressful situations. Okay, gonna post this before it all goes poof. Have a wonderful week everyone! Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 06:22:50 AM
Good early morning everyone,
I was so tired last night I basically just passed out after my shower I vaguely remember B trying to get a hug out of me but giving up. My allergies were so bad I took a benedryl and that was like a sleeping pill. Today I go to the dreaded dentist and tomorrow I finally start back at the gym after 8 weeks rest due to back and rib injuries. Also this is the week we start dancing.
Cheryl thanks for sharing your funny story. It happens. I'm glad you are having success with the change in eating habits. I feel a huge difference in my energy level when I skip the green smoothies and the vitamins, especially the B vitamins. It's harder now with B's sweet tooth. But I just read out loud to him an article that sugar feeds cancer so I'm hoping he will back off the sweets. He does not gain weight easily so he gets away with quite a bit of sugar. It seems to be his only food vice so I can't complain too much.
Cheryl, your advice to Bunny was good. You write well. The net allows for a lot more choices and a way to wade through a lot of potential mates with your head before your heart. We all have different needs and different tolerances. I learned that I can not live without affection and kindness so those were two requirements which override looks. I got all that. Many guys do not know how to show affection. I almost think it is a learned skill for them.
Bunny I think you are finally ready for the frog. I got a box for it at the post office so it will go in the mail this afternoon.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 09:49:13 AM
Cheryl, I like your suggestion on other forums. However, I have no idea how to find a forum to join. Do you know of other forums like this with men?
Marie, what kind of band music is Lowell looking to play? I would want to stick around to hear the different musicians. Especially if they join the band...they are going to be hanging around the house for practice and I would want to screen them too.
Gypsy, sounds like you are getting enough exercise taking care of the country house. So glad little Lola didn't get left behind. Poor baby. I will look for your package. I realize after reading some of the book you suggested, one of my biggest problems is complements. I have such low self esteem it is almost painful to get them. It's not that I don't think I do good work, I just have a hard time accepting complements. If anyone complements me on my looks, I think they are just giving lip service. I remember a friends husband telling me I looked good one day. Just an off handed comment. I was so surprised..(by btw he was Italian ) .
Ginny, thinking about you and David. Hope all is going ok.
Got two dresses finished yesterday. Holly, I haven't forgotten you. Still looking for the right combination. My three dress customer is back looking at my site. I was afraid I did something wrong. But she favorited a dress. Keeping my fingers crossed she make another purchase. She buys from everybody.
Business law homework today. If I'm good, I'll get some sewing in later this afternoon. Mom is still talking about going to Calif for the winter. Her bf has a doctors appointment today. If he doesn't have pneumonia , I think she will be headed down in a week. Praying big time. She has started drinking wine again after many years and always had a terrible drinking problem. Not happy about this at all. Only saving grace is that she would drink herself into a stuper and stay in her room for days on end.
Anyway, got work to do...until later.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 12:01:29 PM
Bunny, here is more advice. It worked for me. I first read about it in Julia Cameron's book, The Artists Way. But others have written about it as well. You may already know this but I'll bet you are not doing it.
Every morning first thing, and I do mean first thing, well, maybe go pee first---write in longhand three pages single space whatever you feel. No one ever reads this. Maybe not even you. It's called different things by different writers, but all agree it works. I call it brain drain. Don't think, don't filter, don't judge, just pour it out. No matter how awful it is. It doesn't have to make sense. Maybe somebody hurt your feelings in first grade, or last week. Your childhood hurts, your relationship hurts, whatever is residing in there, pour it out on paper. No typing. Write it out.
It works. I did this for three years. And should still be doing it. It took at least three years to get all the negative crap, hurts, and buried anger out of my system. I forced myself to write three pages. If I got stuck at one and a half pages, I kept right on going. You know, just like those voices in your head that never stop. Then I folded up the pages and never looked at it. I used a spiral notebook first and folded each page vertically on itself as I finished the page. After a few years, I looked back at it and saw all the hurt and anger and grief repeated over and over and I realized that I did not feel those feelings any more. They were just memories without feelings. It's like shedding a heavy coat of armor.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 4:18:09 PM
I do not know how I found someone who is more scatter brained than I am. So far I've been dressed and waiting 30 minutes while he decides which shirt. Jeez!!!
Bunny I've heard of a free site called too many fish in the sea or words to that effect. Google free dating sites
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 5:37:59 PM
Gypsy, I was on that site for a while. Did not have any luck at all! I'm in a bad area. Portland is 1.5 hours away and that's a long drive to check out someone. Most of the pickens around here are good ole boys with beer bellies the size of triplets. I know I'm going to have to drive to Portland... just don't want to this time of year. I don't do well driving in the dark anymore. The weather along the Columbia River can be treacherous at times. We will see. If anything, I can converse online for a while
I was way too lazy today doing my homework. I did one chapter... then a nap... then the other. Didn't get anything else done. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive.
Gypsy, I have heard of that writing exercise. I have tried many times but just can't keep it up. Thinking about buying a juicer. I watched a movie on the green health newsletter today. It seems like a good idea. I'm willing to give it a go at least. I would like to wait until my mom leaves though. I plan on cleaning out the fridge of all her crap. That way I have a clean start with no temptations.
Later all!!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 5:43:55 PM
Gypsy I love the idea of your notebook. Who couldn't benefit from some of that?
I think I've heard of the "fish in the sea" site, too. That sounds like a possiblity. Now we get to live vicariously through Bunny's exploits. Bunny, when someone compliments you, take it at face value. If they are hideous enough to mean anything else, they just look worse when you thank them. And I think it will get easier in time.
So, the nice new fence around the pool traps all the lilac leaves in the pool area. I knew this was gonna be a problem when we put up the fence and mentioned to dh, "We better be out of here before Fall." Now he understands what I mean. The wind has always just pushed those leaves right over the canyon wall. Never to be seen (by me) again!
On our way to get the paper this morning, we passed The Neighbor's drivethrough gate to the barn and noticed the man gate was wide open. (Yesterday and the day before, Larry the LLama was out and about again. Mystery of the breakout is solved.) So, we closed it, continued on our walk, retrieved the paper and headed for our house. On the trip back, The Neighbor's horses were frisky. Not unusual considering the winds we were having, horses get kinda uppity in the wind. But, then the two horses started chasing the llama around and I mean chasing. All the animals were kicking and bucking. I started running home with the (stupid little) dog and dh was wondering what the hurry was. I told him that I just didn't want to see this. It upsets me so much.
Yesterday when I was calling our horses in for dinner, The Neighbor walked up to her fenceline and was yelling at me. I couldn't quite get what she was saying, but I could tell she was asking if "someone" was up here with me. I knew no one was up here with me and I wasn't really in the mood to find out who was missing now (one of her pigs), so I just yelled back, "No."
So excited that I have succeeded in "picking up stitches" to form the crown of my new project hat. OK, all you experienced knitters can stop snickering! I know it isn't a big accomplishment, but you know how it is when you are two-thirds through a project and have a great chance of mucking it up royally, but manage to not! Yay, me.
OK, Gypsy, I didn't know B was such a clothes horse. I know he enjoys his hats, but I would lose patience, too, to have to wait for him to decide on the shirt...
Talk to you all later, marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 5:51:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
I spent the day working the apples into sauce and cider. I now have five gallons of sauce and three gallons and three quarts of cider. Steady with help from the littles. C and G do find it extremely fun to crank the apple chopper on the side of the cider press and then to turn the handle to squish the apples down. Enthusiasm is important.
My first proposal for Lowell's band's name is Boot Mills. My father had his company in Lowell, MA when I was young. It was located in the old woolen mills along the canal. How's that for a tangent? lol
I hope that you are healed enough, Gypsy, to trip the light fantastic. Have you found a pair of elegant shoes that offer support, yet?
I think the writing three pages single spaced is an intriguing idea. It would certainly help purge the feelings. I know that I write most passionately when I am upset. I have written some scathing letters to my father that I have never mailed because it would have done neither of us any good. But. the writing of them made me feel less weighted down. Several years ago now I spent an evening sending all those hurts and more into the wood stove to go up into the ozone and be blown away.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 6:19:35 PM
Not only that, Mar, but he is by far the handsomest (spell check says that is a word) guy here tonight and the best dancer. So I'm sitting out a more advanced class while he is enjoying g a lot of attention. Shameless hussies!!!
It's ways something.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 6:43:43 PM
Mar, good for you on the knitting. I knitted a little but never developed any skills beyond the basics.
Holly I can see you in my minds eye making cider with the littles. So sweet.
Hope Janet is ok and rid of that cold.
Bunny, girl, everything in its own time. Don't worry, be happy. Just have some fun online and relax. That's actually what I thought I was doing. And do not be driving yourself to meet somebody. If they want to meet you they will drive out on a .Sunday afternoon for a coffee on your turf.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 6:46:46 PM
Bunny, don't you worry--I know I can out dance him and everybody in that class. I'm wanting to take my time. Ain't nobody going to take my man.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 6:50:27 PM
Well, I was wrong. There is one guy here better lookin than the B, and he just gave me the look. This might be fun. Did I ever mention that I was once a competition ballroom dancer? Got the pictures to prove it. Yall want to see them?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 8:52:01 PM
Well of course we want to see them! But, not because we don't believe you! And now I suppose we have to wait until morning to find out if you danced with both of the handsome dancers.
Holly, I love Boot Mills. I see a waterwheel dumping boots into a creek... Do you know what I am describing?
I used to love turning the handle for the press that separated the sauce from the skin and seeds of the tomato. My mom always told me to slow down because it made too much of a splash. That really took some of the fun out of it.
I finished the hat. It is exactly like the one in the Sisterhood Issue. My dd loved it and I made it for her as a surprise. I am so happy with how it turned out ... perfectly. No mistakes. I will get to give it to her on Wednesday. She is coming home to change out her tires. She will be able to stay until Monday. Her new job is goinng well. She wasn't on the schedule for this time, so it is working out nicely for an extended visit. I am so excited.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 9:19:29 PM
I had to send a girl in class to break for not participating in a group. She knows the rules. If she doesn't know a word, she is to ask her partner. I gave her three chances and she just smiled at me. She was also not paying attention during sharing time which meant she could not repeat one thing the speaker said about their topic. Her mother came to the classroom and asked me how she was. I said she was fine because it is not my job to make observations. I usually stick to the nice things kids do in the classroom when parents ask me because I am not a teacher. I could have thought of something better to say about her but was distracted and trying to get the kids in line.
I will be volunteering at the Book Fair this week and I see some books I want to read myself. When I am done, I will give them to the class. They also have some cool pens which I might get.
Cheryl - Wow! Nice escape! Don't want a mom telling your mom about that. LOL
Bunny - Lowell and several of the people who answered the ad on Craigslist are very serious about the music of the sixties: Beattles, Hollies, the girl groups and guy groups of Motown, Rolling Stones, soul, pop and folk rock, We Five - stuff that gives all of us of a certain age the warm fuzzies. He will also consider more contemporary songs written in that style such as Elvis Costello, REM, Neil Hannon (check this one out, Neil Young and others. I do meet and greet the guys. I then let them do their thing. I don't want to be in the apartment with two loud amplifiers. Also, I don't want them to think that I will get my hands on the band and be a pest or (horrors) organize things. I have been accused of being a Yoko Ono before. I have had a problem with low self-esteem. I cured myself by saying thank you when someone complimented me. Before, I would tell the complimenter (not a word but oh well) how wrong they were to compliment me which was pretty rude. I found power with saying "thank you" and now I believe all the compliments which come my way and have learned how to compliment others.
Gypsy - Lowell is annoying in a similar way. He has an elaborate toilet and will forget things and have to come back in the house and sometimes drive back to the house. He will bring a long sleeve shirt along with him to the restaurant in the summer so he can change when the air conditioning is too cold in the restaurant. He has me carry his extra shirt in my bag. I think I will switch to a clutch. Completive dancer? Yes, pictures please.
Marianne - YAY! You did it! I practically had to teach myself how to knit. This was before YouTube.
Holly - Boot Mills, got it.
Time for some games. Seeing the gyne tomorrow.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 28 2013 : 10:00:35 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:49:11 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 12:03:00 AM
Well, Gypsy, you got a man who can hear what you are "not" saying. Priceless. The trainer sounds like a very smart move. It is too exhausting to take three steps forward and then two backward.
Marie, it sounds like you have worked out how to deal with the makings of the band. Once you know the individuals I am sure you will feel more like sticking around now and again. The book fair was always so exciting!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 1:04:32 PM
Bunny, froggy is in the mail.
Kick back and have some fun. Don't get serious for a while. We want stories!!
This is still the most fun thread on the MJ Siite. We just keep getting better,eh?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 5:42:38 PM
So, guess where I am right now. Yep, sitting at the studio watching the B dance. He's getting his complimentary evaluation and next we are going to salsa level 1 together. I started to make him bring his own car but decided to lighten up. So as I'm watching him I'm thinking. I'm a much better dancer. Men and their fragile egos. His feet have the steps memorized well but he dances stiff legged like so many guys. His feet dance and his body stumbles along awkwardly. This the first time I've noticed that. Secretly gloating.
Dance studios have mirrors every freaking where.
Hope all you quiet ones are having a good evening.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 6:23:19 PM
Gah! I just spilled tea on myself. Jeez!
I had a peek at the hoohaa today. The gynecologist was a plumb little mommy-type lady who has seen it all and done some of it. If I have a problem with the pap, I will get a call. If not, I will get a letter. Mamogram will be scheduled later. I got an alternative screen for colon cancer. It involves pooping and poking and taking it to the lab. No colonoscopy!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Lowell was so miserable after his.
I had a better crochet class today. The girl who was acting out quit my class. The teacher I volunteer with who knows her well said that is a good thing and that her bratty behavior takes learning away from the others. Lowell said that I should have accepted her written apology. I didn't because I needed to think about it. I have heard heard her fake apologies before so I wanted her to think about it too. I am sad that she did not have the courage to come back to class and complete a project.
Geno, the guitar player, is here now and I am in the bed room with the laptop and Mitzi listening to the forum with the top 6 of the 34 mayoral candidates. The reason there are so many candidates because it only costs $20 to file. On the ballot are a Captain Jack Sparrow of the Pirate Party and a guy who says that he will stop going to strip clubs if he is elected. Crazy!
Gypsy - I play games on and I am a Club Pogo member which means that I pay to play, the games are more challenging and there are no ads. If you set up an account, I can send you a guest pass.
Marianne - I just don't like all the noise of multiple amps and the clutter of PA system, amps, pedals, speakers etc. They can't practice here because this place is too small and the neighbors might object. Interestingly, there are several musicians in this building. One is older than Lowell and a well-known professional in town. One is a rock guitarist who has been in a few different bands. The guy who lives above us is a doctoral student in music theory at the University of Minnesota who plays and ewi (electronic saxophone).
The forum is very polite. The big issue is the route of the second light rail line. It is proposed to go through a natural area near the city's chain of lakes and the question of water quality has not been sufficiently answered.
Time for games.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 6:38:24 PM
Well, I felt better when I got up Sunday morning, then my son called and wanted to take us out for buffet breakfast at the casino. It was cold and windy out. We did not stay and play very long, I do not like losing money, came back to town, 15 miles, and did our grocery shopping. By the time we got home, I was coughing again. Between the smoke at the casino, and the cold air, it set me back. I would never be able to eat garlic. Have not been out of the house since. I am starting to feel a bit better, hope this will be it now. It was only 14 degrees when I got up this morning. It warmed up to a balmy 30 degrees, now it is raining, will probably turn to snow later. I am catching up on my laundry, and finally getting some house cleaning done. Doing a lot of cooking also. Chicken soup was the best for my cold. Hope to catch up with all of you later. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 29 2013 : 7:59:10 PM
Gypsy, you will have to find a way to loosen B up before class. I'll look for the frog in the mail.
Got my homework done so I get to sew tomorrow. I have a custom order so I need to head to the thrift store for two dresses I saw that I can use.
My mom thought something was wrong with her car. She took it to some guys to have it checked out. They just brought it back and said they couldn't find anything wrong. Typical of my mom.
I learned on Facebook a friend of mines dog died today. I cried. He was a sweet dog and was everything to her. He went to the vet Monday morning for a rash, by that night he was really sick and he died later today. I feel so bad for her. He was like her child.
Marie, I'm glad your troublesome student left. I know how hard it is to teach kids. I teach a sewing camp every summer. I always get one.
Janet, sounds like you need to stay indoors a few more days.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 30 2013 : 09:15:20 AM
Bunny, I am sorry for the friend whose dog died. That is a very sad time.
Marie, thanks for the offer on the games but I don't have any free time right now. In fact I am canceling my Netflix account. We will go to three hours of dance classes tonight. At the Salsa class last night I did not think B did so great and after we got home we practiced the steps we learned in class and he did the typical male thing: telling me what I was doing wrong when he is the one who was wrong. I can only turn by taking a forward step, and in order for me to take a step forward, he has to take a step back, but he was stepping forward. But I had to prove it to him carefully because we all know when we start bossing them around is when things start to go sideways. Seems it is ok for them to correct us, tho. I am sore from my workout yesterday and slept too late to get to the yoga class today. But I do believe I'm getting enough exercise to skip one class.
Bunny in my green smoothie I use half a mix of kale,chard,spinach and then add half an apple, half an avocado, a piece of cucumber and a couple of radishes. To that I add a teaspoon each of maca powder, brewers yeast, ground hemp and ground flaxseed. Add juice from one half a lemon, and grate the zest in, also. Then I use coconut water for the liquid. That's my morning smoothie. Then for my night time smoothie I use almond milk for the base, a scoop of yogurt, banana, peaches, mango, berries and grated ginger. Frozen fruits are good for this. I freeze all my over ripe bananas in chunks for this. The apple in the green one keeps it from being so tart, and the creamy one at night is sweet from the sweet fruits. They are tasty. You can use any combination you like. I don't like B's combinations so I make mine and he makes his. I was using protein powder but now they tell us that is wrong. The sweet fruit takes care of night time sweet cravings.
Have a great day, everyone.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |