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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 30 2013 : 6:36:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a busy day at home just trying to get all of the apples processed and put into the freezer. I made apple jelly yesterday that seemed to gel. Today's efforts still seem to be liquid so tomorrow I will take the wax off the top and cook them down some more. It is an interesting science experiment.
There are garlic pills on the market that do not taste like garlic and apparently do not burp up any garlic taste. I do not know if they have any healing qualities. I like to take Vitamin A capsules when I am feeling congested.
Mar I am not sure I know about the water wheel with the boots in the buckets. I know about making lists and using pictures in your head to remember items. Other than that I am being a slow thinker tonight.
I would like to see pictures of Gypsy in her ballroom dancing outfits. A friend who is just in her forties did beginner competitions for a while and she had amazing outfits. I bet you looked fabulous.
I remember when we had horses it was exhilarating to watch them race each other on cold winter days through the snow. The Neighbor needs to be more responsible.
The juice mixes look complicated but probably are just routine once you get used to making them. Linda here in town had a raw food restaurant and she made green shakes. I bet they keep you very regular. lol
My colonoscopy was very anticlimactic. I was told how awful it was. The pre poop routine was all done by 6 PM. I waited by the toilet all night for something more to come out. The bend over this won't hurt a bit was a nice nap in the twilight zone. Clean as a whistle I was told. Still glad it is over.
Sweet dreams.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Oct 30 2013 : 7:56:09 PM
Busy, busy day. I wasn't planning to but I worked the book fair today. The kids would bring the book to the register, I would ask how much they had and they would say "I don't know" and then would dump out a bag of change and expect me to count it for them. Rotten kids! LOL I saw a couple books I want to buy: one for myself and one to read and pass on. Plus, I saw a really cool pen.
I had to go straight from there to the dungeons and dragons game. I was so tired so I let the kids at the table run the show. Of the six players at the table, I am the only adult. It makes for lots of banging my head on the table. At least my character has set herself up well.
Gypsy - No problem. I know how busy everyone is. I am too. If anyone else wants a two week Club Pogo guest pass just let me know.
We are taking care of another neighbor's dog, Oliver. He will stay with us tonight. I don't know where his mothers are. He is a lab mix and a really sweet dog.

More obligations tomorrow.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 06:51:37 AM
Gypsy, you staying out of the rain? Just woke to news of your area having lots of rain and flooding... Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 08:27:18 AM
Thanks, Mar,
We are fine. B and I came home about 10:30 and it was really pouring. By 1:00 am the route we travelled home was submerged in water. My dd got 15 inches i and her school was flooded. Everyone along the creeks and rivers were evacuated. The traffic lights when we came home were already messed up and the sirens were going off all over the place. My apartment emergency alarm went off but there is no place for us to go. I think some of the apartments got flooded but ours did not.
So the worst thing for me was the dogs refused to go out in the downpour to do their nighttime business and were terrified in their cage because of all the thunder and lightning, so I slept on the couch with them and cleaned their poop up from the floor when they couldn't hold it any more. Glad for wood laminate floors. B went outside about midnight and said there was a river running down the parking lot toward the creek. He said, my gosh, is this how it rains in Texas!,? Well, not usually.
All is calm this morning.
That's Texas weather for you.
We danced 3 hours last night. My butt muscles are sore and I slept on a heat pad.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:52:56 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 08:40:02 AM
P.S. B thinks it's all a part of the conspiracy. Two days ago when we left to go dancing, he looked out and said" OMG, that's a chem trail. I said, what is a chem trail? He showed me up in the sky dozens of trails like the jets leave when they take off, but these were in a grid pattern covering all of the visible sky, all at the same time and clearly were not normal. Never would you see that many planes taking off at the same time from different directions. I saw it with my own eyes, then he pulled some pics up on line and that is exactly what I saw. He said, expect something strange and allergies to get worse. It's hard to refute what I saw with my own eyes. Google chem trails.
In the same area where the chem trails were, we got the most rain in recorded history two days later. And it was completely unexpected and unpredicted. Coincidence?
I won't go into why he believes this. There are two camps, those who believe the conspiracy theory and those who don't. The list of believers is getting longer.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6864 Posts

Debbie L.
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 09:03:38 AM
Welcome back, Debbie. We are a talkative group here. Hope you hop right in and stay. It is raining hard here, but not like you had Gypsy. Maybe by 5 it will stop for the little trick or treaters. We usually get over 100 kids, big and little here. I have lots of candy, and don't want a lot left over to eat ourselves. We too eat too many sweets and need to cut down. Have a great day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6864 Posts

Debbie L.
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 09:36:36 AM
Gypsy, I wonder if they were seeding the clouds for some reason. My son is a believer in the conspiracy theory himself.
Debbie, nice to have you back! I wish we could drag a few more of our lost sisters back. We miss them.
Holly, glad the colonoscopy went well. I have never had one. Are the littles excited about halloween?
Mom says she is leaving next Wednesday. I'm holding my breath. She bought a new phone and a tablet so she could do her banking and games while she is away. I think it helped her want to go. She wants to show off her new toys to her bf.
I'm not big into Halloween this year. I think I'm going to hide in the basement and sew. I got a small dress and a plus size dress done yesterday. Today I'm going to work on a custom order. I sure hope she doesn't flake on me. I'm just not ready to ask for money up front yet. I figure if she changes her mind, it will just be one more addition to my store.
The weather has been decent, but a storm is coming. It has been frosty at night. I got good sunshine yesterday for taking pictures of my dresses for my shop.
Off to the basement! Until later.....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 4:57:09 PM
Gypsy, I got my frog today. What a beautiful frog!!! No problems kissing this one.
My juicer came today. I need to head to the store for my new meals.
Got three dresses finished today. I'm pooped. I think three is my limit for now. My idol /competition has sold 29 dresses since Sunday. I can't even sell one a day.....what the-$&@.
I sure hope this all pays off. I made two 2x dresses and a funky boyfriends hoodie shirt for the younger crowd.
Anyway, time for a rest.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 5:54:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
Hello Debbie welcome back. I agree there are not enough hours in the day and visiting online still seems decadent to me.
I took the littles Trick or Treating tonight to about a dozen houses including the town hall. Some people who live up in the hills like me wanted to see the children in their costumes so they set up a nice display at the town hall and gave out candy and drinks. My boys were overwhelmed by their pumpkins being filled with candy. We were home by 7:30 and they are asleep in bed shortly after.
It did rain all day and all night so far. Nothing to accumulate like Gypsy's piece of the flat lands but steady never the less. The only good piece about it is the weather is warmer with all the rain. Someone was complaining tonight about the rain and I said we could be out here in the snow. Be happy.
I am down to a half a barrel of apples to cook up. I took the three jars of apple jelly that did not set and reboiled them today to one jar's worth and it did set. Well, I imagine it set I guess I really will not know until I take the wax off the top to eat it later on. Science experiments make life a little more exciting. lol
We had no one come to our house.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 6:08:02 PM
Gypsy the chem trail info is scary.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 7:10:53 PM
It rained most of the day, then stopped just before trick or treating and got foggy. Right after the start of trick or treating, it started to rain again, and it is still raining. We only had 41 kids this year, where we usually have over a hundred. Yes, Holly, at least it is warmer with the rain. Snow is coming soon enough. I keep telling Bob, less than 6 months until April!!! LOL!!! I have to work tomorrow and Saturday again, hope it is busier than it was last week. I do take my knitting with me, so I do have something to do when it is slow. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 31 2013 : 7:26:48 PM
I got two books and a cool pen at the book fair today.

I will read them and give them to the teacher with whom I volunteer. I want to get one other book tomorrow.
I had much to do after I got home. I carved two pumpkins and set them up outside. I then lighted other candles and put a chair out with the candy. I got all dressed up and was ready for the kids by 7 PM. I ran out of candy by 8 PM. WAH!!! It was cold anyway. Here are my pumpkins.

I got quite a few kids. I will need more candy next year. The candy I had was organic and very good tasting. I had a really cool look.

Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2013 : 07:15:47 AM
Good morning everyone,
Halloween was a non-event here. We left at 8:00 for the dance studio and there had not been a single child, nothing going on in the apartment community at all. It isn't safe for the kids anymore so I think that is a dying tradition.
We did the Rumba and Samba classes and I don't think my legs and butt (B calls it my bum) can take any more. One hour of Samba will will give you buns of steel like nothing else. Butt, bum,buns, whatever, it feels like it's been run over by a truck
Bunny, I'm so glad you like froggy. Glad you are starting the juicer routine. That alone will improve your health. I'm making fruit smoothies for my night time snack and just about to kick the sugar except for using in coffee or tea. I have tea most mornings and it is much kinder to my stomach. I use one bag of earl grey and one of green, so I can get the benefits of green tea and get a strong cup of tea. b taught me to use cream in it so it feels like I'm drinking coffee but so much milder and healthier. Something is working because we are more active than people half our age. We eat whatever we want but we no longer want the bad stuff. But there is no painful dieting.
I have scanned a few of my old dance pics but they are in the old computer that I have recently replaced and I haven't figured how to move them over yet. The elaborate costumes were over a thousand dollars or more so I didn't have but a couple.
B isn't usually a clothes horse. He was unusually nervous the first night but he has since settled in (loosely translated: doing things my way). Actually his wardrobe coululd use a little sprucing up. It's interesting how nice clothes improve a mans appearance. He isn't tuned in to other women at all, I've been paying close attention, having been married to a good looking ladies man. Now he holds my hand and hugs me at the studio every chance he gets so there's no mistaking we are together. He gets very stressed out when he thinks I am upset. Neither of us wants this to go wrong as we both know how hard it is to find the right person.
I'm off to a fun weekend. Hope all of you are doing the same.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6864 Posts

Debbie L.
6864 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2013 : 12:43:11 PM
Debbie I would love to hear about the art retreat. I've never gone to one but always wanted to. Was it in a specific medium?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2013 : 4:31:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
Temperatures rose to fifty today. It rained a good share the day. This afternoon the sun came out for an hour through the paths of the clouds. Tonight the wind is blowing hard enough to shake the house.
Marie you did a great job on your face makeup. Steady hands and very good work in the mirror. I did the little boys but I just put mustaches and spiders on their cheeks. you are fast at posting pictures. I need to upload them and then put them online and then resize them to post. I would like to be able to post them faster.
I am glad you are having a good time at dance class. I am really glad that your health concerns from the past few years have resolved themselves and you are feeling well, Gypsy.
It is so hard to pick two pieces of candy out of a bowl of so many different types. It can take the littles many minutes to choose their two pieces. It is sort of funny seeing them agonize over the little bars.
Jan glad to hear you are feeling well enough to work.
I would like to hear about the art retreat. Did you visit with friends as well in Atlanta? How is your ds? did he go with you?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2013 : 9:51:59 PM
I am so tired today from standing outside last night and working the book fair this morning. It is a good kind of tired resulting from hard work done well. I took a short nap in the afternoon with Mitzi.
I bought more stuff at the book fair. I just couldn't help it.

These are for my nephew who is really into Minecraft and Phineas and Ferb.

These are for me to read and keep or give away. I am definitely keeping Substitute Creature. It is a cautionary tale. When I go back to substitute teaching, I will only choose grade 4 and below and I will read this book to them. Should scare them straight.
Gypsy - I can definitely agree that finding a good man is difficult and for him to also be "right" is close to miraculous. Lowell is trainable despite his age.
Holly - Thank you for the compliment about the makeup. I just took an eyeliner and drew the web on. I had to do it in a hurry. I have acted in kabuki theatre productions and I got used to drawing on my face after putting on a layer of wax and then the white paint made from oyster shells (oishiroi). Let me see if I have a picture. Nope, at least not online. My printer won't scan the pictures I have. It took me some time and harsh words to figure out how to download the pictures from my camera and cell phone. I keep them all nice and neat in my computer folders so I can find them any time. Just how I work.
After we took Mitzi out for her evening walk, Lowell wanted to go to Famous Dave's to hear some blues. When we got there, the music was so loud it hurt my ears at the door and the cover was $10 each. (I try not to keep a lot of cash on me for this very reason.) We decided not to go in and to just come home and watch The Fellowship of the Ring again.
OOOPs! Lowell saw what I said about him and made me take it out.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2013 : 5:01:32 PM
Good evening ladies :) I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. It rained buckets here all evening and so put a big damper on the kids trick or treating. Usually we have somewhere between 100-150 kids and this year I bet we didn't have 60. I had bought enough candy for the usual crowd so I was handing out handfuls as I didn't want it left in the house. Still had some to send with hubby to work to hand out to co-workers.
Gypsy, I'd not heard of chemtrails before and the reading of various articles on google was interesting. Conspiracy theories abound. Actually, these days in this world, nothing would surprise me. I'd love to see pics of your former dancing competitions. I bet you were gorgeous!
Bunny, the chat site my hubby and I met on is no longer around but yes there are lots of others. is the one site the other gals mentioned. There are others some of which there is a fee and others are free but I agree just google online chat sites or online dating sites. I also agree don't go hurrying off to meet anyone. They should be willing to come to you and meet you in a public place such as a coffee shop. Chat with them several months first or you could actually "see" them online free for your first "date" by using skype, yahoo messenger or Lots of free video options so you can see each other from the safety of your home. DO NOT give anyone enough personal info about yourself that they could find you if they're some sort of nut case. Do not give out your last name, home phone, address or anything else that might give them locating type info. If you want to speak on the phone suggest voicing via yahoo, skype or msn. Or you could buy a tracfone and some minutes and save that phone for chatting so as not to end up with rude calls on your "real" phone if things don't work out. Your safety is paramount but have fun. Gee, I hope I haven't scared you. Just use good sense and you'll be fine :)
Debbie, welcome back and I know everyone understands how hard it can be to find time to sit and type when there are always things needing done at home or work.
Janet, is very chilly here today too with a real bite in the wind. I'm about as novice a knitter as you can get. I've only ever made dish cloths, slippers, Christmas bells and scarves. I'm so slow at it but I like the sound of the needles clicking. I have a neighbor lady who knits the most beautiful mittens, sweaters and shawls. She recently sold one to a friend of her mother made from alpaca yarn for $400. It was gorgeous!
Mar, I don't blame you for running to avoid watching the horses brutalize the llama. I think maybe it's time for an anonymous call to the humane society. When they begin an investigation they'll perhaps hear from the vet about previous injuries the poor llama has suffered while in your neighbor's care. I'm afraid I'd have said something to them long ago but I'm not always known for my subtlety LOL.
Marie, your Halloween makeup looked great! Looks like you got some fun books and things at the book fair. Hoping your peek and poke results are normal.
Holly, I bet your home has smelled fantastic with all the apple goodies you've been making. I love apples so it makes my mouth water just thinking about your tasty treats. You have to feel good about having a full larder and lots of firewood for all of your hard work this summer and autumn. I'm glad the littles had a fun Halloween. They'll be on a sugar high for the next week.
Hope I got a quick hello in to all. Sir Dickens is having fits because I'm not paying enough attention to him so I must say good night and hope everyone has a lovely Sunday and upcoming week.
Huggz to all, Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2013 : 5:48:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
This morning was a treat. I went to a craft fair child free! I walked around the tables and took my time. I talked with people without being interrupted. I had a good time.
I think Ross must be getting his six year molars because he is over the top cranky and whiny. I hope it cuts through soon.
This evening C and I went to a fund raiser for the Community Kitchen. It was called a Taste of Worcester. Six of the caterers who live in Worcester donated food for a buffet of sorts. It was very yummy. We visited with people we know and some we just met. I did talk to a young woman in town about giving art lessons to the littles. she was very excited and can start after the new year. I tried to explain about all over the place boys and she said not a problem I have sisters.
This afternoon I finally planted the garlic. We are supposed to plant in October.... so I am a little late. I put up a new roosting pole in the barn for the chickens and put a hook and eye on the inside of the cow stall door so I can keep it closed from the inside. No big jobs but ideas that have been waiting to be finished.
One of my favorite genres to read is young adult science fantasy. No intense plot line to follow and nothing like my real life to cause night mares or to keep me ruminating while I am supposed to be sleeping. I am glad you had a good time at the book fair.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2013 : 6:09:51 PM
I have had an email from Darlys. She is overwhelmed with renovations to the home she and dh have retired too. She has had guests too often. Her dh believes that now that he is retired they should be together all the time. She sends her best and hopes to return to regale us with laughter some time soon.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2013 : 6:14:06 PM
It finally quit raining, it rained every day this week. It is cold and windy, but it is November. Winter will be here in no time. I worked yesterday and today, son went to an auction today, but did not get too much this time. His store is jam packed with stuff. It was a little busier today, so that made the day go by faster. Bob helped him haul his loot home, so I made supper when I got home. I was glad to get home, it is so cold outside, I got a chill I cannot seem to get rid of. At least my cold is almost gone. That feels good not to be coughing all the time. I am too tired to address each of you personally, but I did read all the posts and you are all in my thoughts. No I just need to get better sleep. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2013 : 9:23:25 PM
Holly, how nice for you to have time to yourself. Sounds like you and C had a nice dinner together with grown ups. I love young adult fantasy and science fiction too. I use to have a gift and children's book store. I read almost every children's book I ordered so I could tell kids and parents what the story was about. "A wrinkle in time " is one of my favorites.
So glad you heard from Darlys. Nice to know she is still thinking about us.
It was cold and windy here today. It rained for a while. I got my custom order done and packaged up for the mailman on Monday. I have two other dresses pinned and ready for sewing. My juicer came the other day. I'm waiting for my mom to leave so I can clean out all the really old stuff from the fridge. I'll then head to the grocery store to load up on veggies and fruits for a 3 day cleanse. If I can do it for 3 days I'll try to continue for another two days. I'm hoping it will help me feel better.
Janet, I think winter is kinda here already. Maybe not quite as cold as it's going to be....but it's here.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2013 : 9:31:57 PM
Had a good day but got too little done. Lowell placed another ad for band members and has been hovering around my email inbox (he doesn't have an email address) waiting for answers. When they come in, he wants ME to type the replies. He can't type and doesn't know how to send pictures, links, etc.
Mitzi hurt her foot chasing after a cat. Whenever she gets close to a cat, if the cat hisses, she stops and backs off. Some of those scars on her nose must have been from close encounters of the cat kind. She's fine now.
Cheryl - My peek and poke was all normal. I was really uncomfortable because that area hasn't been used recreationally for about ten years. <sigh>
Holly - AH!!! If only I could have a trip to the fabric store Lowell free, I would be in absolute heaven. You are soooooo lucky.
I will not go out to breakfast tomorrow. I have to cook, clean, read, crochet, knit and watch a movie. Too bad I can't do all this at once.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |