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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 08:52:29 AM
Nope. That's b's creation. He loved the class.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 25 2013 08:54:48 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 09:21:31 AM
Gypsy, I can't tell the difference. I know you want to have time to yourself, but this could be something fun to do together. You never know, maybe you could do craft fairs in Arizona with your combined creations.
Truthfully, I always wanted a partner that was interested in what I did as far as producing my creativity. I use to see so many husbands at quilt shows helping their wives in their booths. They seemed to enjoy it as much as their wives. I want one of those.
You guys have such a nice picture of me. But even here on MJ it is like online dating. You only see my words and are all women. Lol. I still need a good picture. I've learned it doesn't matter how wonderful I am, it's all about the bedroom, and that's my least important interest.
Mom keeps flip flopping about her trip. It is getting me down. She thinks bf might have pneumonia so won't go down until after his doctors appointment on Monday. Even if it is good, she wants to wait until after the third when she pays the bills. It's like she keeps putting up things to do before she will leave. If she waits long enough it will snow and then she will use that as a reason she can't go.
Anyway, today is my dreaded English homework. Better get to it!
Later all....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 12:07:00 PM
I could not get on to update you last night. SOMEONE was using the computer to look up YouTubes of bands that some of the guys he is interviewing were in. He had me listen to one guitar player and he was really good. Darn right I'm not helping him with this. He is always asking me, should I do this or that. I say do what you want or I just say "yes." I was joking about getting paid. Only bands that do a large number of house or private parties get decent money. Bars won't pay a band unless they bring in 50 people and they all buy a drink. I found a website called Gig Salad which is an online venue for bands doing private parties. I would love to put Lowell on the Minnesota Composer's Forum so that he could be commissioned to write music for someone. I have a plan for the guy get together if it is here.
I have one and a half divorces. I got married at 27 because I panicked and thought I would never find someone. He asked me after I tried him out a few times (?!) and said yes without thinking about it. We bought a house and got a dog and settled in. After two years, I became unhappy. My father noticed that he was disrespectful of my ideas and opinions. I had other interests I wanted to pursue which lead to two simultaneous affairs. I had more energy back then. One night, I just left and went to the house of one of my lovers who took me in. A few months later I divorced him and took the dog. He worked at a photo processing company. The company later went under taking the ESOP with it and closing down. He had a job for a while with a chain photo processor but that ended with the advance in photo technology. Last I heard, he was having heart problems and lost the house. I feel really bad about all this.
I lived with that lover for 8 years. We had a quasi-open relationship which ended when he got jealous because I was more successful than he was. I became a mess: in and out of jobs, being angry and sometimes violent. I was diagnosed with a mental illness and was committed for a time. Sometime while I was in the hospital getting shock treatments, he told me not to come home. I had to stay in the hospital until a place could be found for me to live. I spent about 6 months in a half-way house. It was okay, I learned a lot. During this time, I learned that he was having gentlemen over to the house where we lived for alternative lifestyle activities. This was actually a relief because now I knew he hadn't left because of me. He said that he didn't tell me because he thought I would hurt myself. I thought that was an arrogant statement and told him that if he had told me the truth and promised that I would have a place to stay, I would have handled it. I realize what a liar he had been throughout most of our relationship. He would frequently ask for money from me pleading poverty and then go out and buy computer games and would kite checks. When I left the half-way house, I struck out on my own and three years later met Lowell. Last I heard, he had met this guy whom he was in love with and had altered his will to make him the primary inheritor and the guy's family blocked it. I am skeptical about the veracity of the story.
Marianne - I think you can stay if only to learn from our mistakes and thank those lucky stars.
Bunny - Congratulations on the high profile sale. I believe you have much to offer. Consider that you have started your own business and are working hard to make it successful. This shows anyone that you consider your skills and abilities carefully and plan a path which will get you to the place you want to be. A great guy would be inspired by this and want to help out. What Gypsy and others have said is true: Know what you don't want and articulate what you do want. For instance, I didn't want a really handsome guy but I did want a well-groomed guy. And it sounds as if it is time for you to leave your mother's presence.
One big thing I have learned about men is that they need to do projects themselves without any advice or help from us. I know how difficult it is not to tell someone how to do something the "right" way. I have all kinds of ideas and solutions which I now only dole out when, and if, I am asked. A book I can recommend is Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. It makes a lot of sense.
The rot in my pumpkin has returned as have the fruit flies. I had to take him out to the garden. I have two other pumpkins to carve which I will do soon. I should have a quart of pumpkin seeds to roast. YUM!
This is where Lowell is every morning.

Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 1:19:21 PM
So, Gypsy. I thought ... Well, the turquoise is more style conscious and the wire work follows the stone more "femininely" and so thought, That must be Gypsy's. Then I looked at the tiger's eye, a more masculine stone in my opinion and thought, That has to be B's. And then I thought, well that's too easy so I must be wrong.
How's that for talking yourself out of the right answer? I score really low on intuitive tests. Want to know why?
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 1:23:53 PM
Marie, you have had some adventures in your life. Mine has been much more straight forward but with a lot of moving and new friends and locations. So, adventures of a different sort, I guess. And I don't know who will learn from whose mistakes, but that's the fun of this group.
Bunny, good grief. Can you believe any of your mom's plans? It sounds like she gets a kick out of yanking everyone all over the place. Exhausting. And impossible to ignore or to get your hopes up. Hang in there.
We are still fogged in here. It still seems like morning. It messes with your internal clock. I need to have lunch, but it seems wrong! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 2:40:32 PM
I have barely touched the surface of my life adventures. Keep reading. I know everyone wants to know.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 4:33:45 PM
Well it looks like my mom's reverse mortgage isn't going to go through. She got caught up in some FHA red tape and they won't budge. Her application had to be in by Sept 30 and it was, but a certain code wasn't attached until the 2 of October and the program she was trying to qualify for doesn't exist anymore. It's the underweight eras fault but they are saying FHA didn't tell them it had to also be coded by the 30th. Her congressman has sent a form for her to fill out to get an exception but there is no guarantee it will work. She is 10000.00 short to qualify for the next program. I'm so upset. I feel helpless at this point. She is thinking of just putting the house up for sale and buying a mobile home in a mobile home park. The government always seems to figure out how to screw the people that need the help the most.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 5:43:53 PM
Good evening everyone,
I thought the turquoise was Gypsy's creation because it has more flare. It is less linear it that is a term one can use with jewelry.
I was telling C about our choosing a partner dialogue and Mar's contracts. She said, remember we have, You sold me a false bill of goods. Ah yes, I remember now. C said she liked to keep a neat house. I have yet to see her work at keeping a neat house. She says now that when she did keep a neat house there were no children to mess it up. I still think she sold me a false bill of goods. lol
I have a friend who is older. I think she must be close to eighty now. She lives with her husband who has not always been kind to her. She thought about leaving him but understood that unless she did a lot of work to change who she is she would choose someone who was just like him. Since she already knew what his issues were she has stayed. She works at what she needs to do to be happy for herself and with herself.
Bunny congratulations on the sale of the little black dress.
I remembered while I was ruminating and milking the cow this morning that my friend, Janet, who has been dead sixteen years now used to say if you have a mean cat then you need to love them up that much more. Marie, do you think the girl in crocheting needs to be given extra kindness to see that someone thinks she is worth being kind too?
I heard on NPR yesterday that MySpace is trying to become a forum for artists to share their work and get feed back from other artists. Maybe this is someplace that could get Lowell contacts or something.
Bunny I would be crazy living with the drama that is going on in your house. I know that I spin up easily if there is too much going on. So, I work at making sure that there are not too many appointments booked too close together. or that the children's work is spaced so I am not doing too many tasks at the same time. I have learned to let go of caring about a job done perfectly or a job done up to someone else's standards so I can have more calmness around me. I think living with the uncertainty of all you are currently living with would make me have high blood pressure and crying jags on a too regular basis. You have more emotional fortitude than I do.
I agree with you on the government being out to get those that need it most. I have a friend whose husband has been declared disabled in the last five years. He has school loans that they asked to be forgiven because they could not pay them from his disablility income and support the family. The IRS says they need to pay tax on the amount that was forgiven because it now considered income. They tried to get help to figure out the mess from the community action council but the woman did not file on time or correctly so then they had fines. I finally convinced her to send the information to our tax attorney and that she could send us the bill. She did not want to burden us with the bill. I told her it would be a small price to pay for her to have peace of mind. (this is the same woman who has fibro hmmm think she has stress?) I have not heard if our tax attorney has figured it out yet. She thinks these types of issues are fun to solve. I hope something works out with your mother soon.
I think the life you have lived would be fascinating to hear about. I am not sure about the hospital commitment piece. I have several friends who have been that route. Voluntary and involuntary. Non monogamy would be an interesting discussion to have. We are so conditioned to be monogamous. Are we as individuals within a species truly monogamous or is it a societal construct?
I hope Lowell has a well developed sense of humor.
I dated a man when I was in college and he was into competition. Unfortunately for him he should not have competed with me. I am not particularly athletic except in swimming. He raced me once and lost by more than a body length. He played chess with me and I was not really paying attention because I only understood how the pieces moved and he had been practicing. I won. We went bowling and I won. I had great luck when competing with him. I learned quite quickly not to compete with him. I think that must be along the same lines as don't do some thing for him that he should do himself.
I wondered about Marie being paid by the band to help. I thought maybe $350 for a gig divided by the number of band players minus expenses. Maybe $10? I thought it might be the principle of the thing.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 8:31:16 PM
Good evening everybody,
Marie I enjoy your posts. you have a sharp wit and sassy attitude. I also would like to hear more about your adventures.
Bunny your mom is one mixed up chick. I think she should go live with Mar's neighbor and let you have the house to yourself.
My life has been relatively boring.
Tonight we are at the country house and B is rocking out on his keyboard. Finally nobody to disturb but the raccoons and coyotes so he's got the volume up full blast. He writes some of his own stuff, influenced by Medwyn Goodall. With his own Celtic twist. The dogs have crawled under their covers where I'm pretty sure they've got their paws over their ears.
Mar, that's funny about the guessing. It was not a trick question. I'm supposed to be the artist but I thought B's wrapped stone showed more creativity and adventure. While mine was predictable.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 8:32:53 PM
Marie your photo of Lowell is hilarious.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 01:00:01 AM
My life has changed drastically. By Mon. we realized David didn't have the flu when I tried to help him put on a sock and saw his foot about 4 times it's normal size. Got him to the Dr. on Tues. & then into our local hospital, but by Wed. they air lifted him to Portland where we still are. Long story short for now, his foot's bones are have an infection in them, already destroying his big toe and he will probably be going home without his foot. We will know more Monday when the surgeon sees him. They are stabilizing him since this weekend.
I am staying at a place called Gary's House rather then Alana's for some alone time, it's cleaner, and I love it. It's an old Victorian house filled will antiques. Like a B & B but only $15.00 a night! A community kitch
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 01:03:57 AM
I hate this laptop! My typing goes back to the cursor and skips around. So I won't type more right now. Also, It is 4 am and I am still awake.
Please keep us in your prayers!!! I try to explain better later when I can type with my keyboard. At least I have Alana back in my life! WOW, I didn't see this coming.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 06:30:34 AM
Ginny, I am so sorry to hear of your situation. I hope David can deal with such a loss. I am concerned about how this will complicate your already complicated life. He is so dependent on you for so many things and you don't have an unlimited amount of energy or time. Please take care of yourself, too. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 1:42:19 PM
I wish I lived closer to come and be with you, Ginny. This infection is different than his diabetes? Thinking of you often.
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 4:43:55 PM
Ginny, I hope David is more stable having spent some time under the care of the medical personnel. We will be thinking of you on Monday. I imagine they will move quickly once they make a plan. Looks like you have some long days ahead. Do your best to be good to yourself.
Did more raking today. I feel like I have gotten somewhere and then I look up. The apple, peach and maple trees still have most of their leaves. In fact, the apple and peach trees are still green. The quaking aspen leaves are brown and two other types of trees have red and yellow rugs under them before I rake. Decided to not rake under the peach or apple trees although there are a few leaves anyway. Might as well wait for the majority of the leaves to fall and do it once. Of course, then they will be wet and heavier...
The fog didn't burn off until after 3pm today. We had a lot of fog last year. I hope it doesn't repeat this year because people, including me, get kinda depressed going days without the sun. It is different from rainy weather.
I hate when I come in in the afternoon, check my email and have an email that says I have materials waiting at the library. They send out these notices about half an hour before closing the library for three days. (In our small town the library is open only a few days a week.)
Holly, are you celebrating C's birthday this weekend? I think you said it was the 30th or 31st... Hope the celebration is joyful. Are you going into town for Halloween? Didn't your town have a children's event for the holiday? What are the favored costumes this year?
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 5:20:26 PM
Good evening everyone,
I guess it might be cruel to cook bacon while B is visiting. I know several people who say they do not eat pork but succumb when tempted with good bacon. Can you tell I am a slow thinker? Gypsy must have posted about dietary preferences several days ago.
We will do C's birthday next weekend. I had wanted to do it tomorrow but a neighbor was supposed to be having a purse party so C said to have it next weekend. I was not going to the purse party but C and K were to go. Now it is cancelled because not enough people wanted to attend to buy a purse, I guess. Her birthday is the 31st.
I think the littles will go into Montpelier and go to the stores trick or treating. There is usually a magic show at the Rec. Dept and it is a favorite of mine. I do not know if we will stay long enough for it or not. This year there is supposed to be more going on in our fair town so we shall see. Some of the people who live where there are not so many children are feeling sad that they do not get to see the children in their costumes so there is talk of setting up at the Town Hall with their buckets.
The pigs and one cow are in the cooler. I did not spend much time in the slaughter area. That is C and K's job. This year K did all of the tractor driving. She likes to visit with the Hit Man and his brother in law. She says the BIL has beautiful blue eyes and is quite good to look at for a white guy.
I put pine chips around the blueberry bushes. Last year I put grain bags and manure around them to keep down the weeds. The weeds did not grow through the bags but seeded on top of the manure. It looked good anyway.
Temperatures were in the thirties all day. It flurried and rained most of the day. Yesterday we woke to a half inch of snow on the porch. The littles were out on the porch in their barefeet collecting the snow and tossing it at each other.
I do not rake the leaves. We do have a few oak trees on the edge of the back yard. I do not know what happens to the leaves whether they decompose into the yard or blow away. I guess if I mowed the back yard they would be easier to see. Do you drop the leaves over the edge of the canyon? What is below you in the canyon? How deep is it? I hope your dh rubs your shoulders nicely after all of that raking. Good call on not doing under the fruit trees. It would be like doing laundry there is never an end in sight. lol
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 6:58:02 PM
Holly, my grandmother's birthday was on the 31 too. I miss her very much. Hope C has a fun birthday.
Mar, good exercise with the raking. We had an icky day today too. But it got up to almost 60 and pretty nice.
Today was bag day. I discovered it is also half off day at St.Vincent De Paul. I needed men's shirts big time and did pretty well today. I met a lady and her daughter and when they heard me talking about my clothes, they asked about my website. The daughter has already checked it out. I also got another email from a lady that wants something made for her. I'll be busy for a while.
Watching lord of the rings. Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 7:11:51 PM
I ended up working yesterday and today. It was so slow, so that made for a couple of very long days. Good thing I bring my knitting with me. It has been so windy here, last night we had gusts to 57MPH!!!!! Wish it would blow all the leaves out of our yard. It is too windy and rainy to go out and rake. Besides, I still have my cold. It just keeps lingering. Holly, I bet the littles are getting excited for Halloween. I am sure they will have a lot of fun. How fun it is to throw snow at each other, but bare feet??? BRRRR!!!!! Ginny, Am thinking of you and David. Praying all turns out well. Please try to take time for yourself also. If anything, a nice long soak in the tub to relax. Please keep us posted when you can. We have had some snow, but nothing is sticking yet. It is only 26 degrees right now. Marianne, I know what you mean about not seeing much sun. This time of the year is usually rainy and gloomy, then in the winter, when the sun is out, it is below zero!!!!! I think I need a flowering plant to make things more cheerful. Bunny, hopefully your mom will decide to go for the winter and you can have some peace. Gypsy, How does B like the farm? Is he still willing to help there? Marie, I can imagine, being in Mn. that it is getting to be winter like there also. Cheryl, How are things going for you? Miss your posts. Well, I am off to bed. I am tired. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 7:50:28 PM
Ginny if you are looking in, please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Janet I hope you are ok and kicking that cold and getting some rest
Mar, I worked outside most of the day too but not raking leaves. I used the weedeater around the house and then B got the mower started for me and he used the weedeater while I ran the riding mower until I broke it. Then he worked on it the rest of the day. I made a perfectly horrible supper but he ate it and praised me. What a guy.
Now we are kicked back and I'm playing with the dogs while he plays the keyboard. He sang a couple of songs but he is still a bit shy about his singing. He has a beautiful voice. He lacks confidence, like most of us. Women don't have the corner on that market.
Tomorrow we will go back to the apartment. We are having a beautiful weekend.
I was hoping for another chapter from Marie's "misspent youth" but Lowell must be hogging the computer again.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 7:53:49 PM
Janet we posted sat the same time. "Only 26 degrees" ??? Holy cow!
B is helping so much and he's falling in love with the dogs. He seems very happy.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 7:59:17 PM
Lowell is having a guy over tomorrow to see how he plays. So, of course, I had to clean the bathroom. I wanted to clean the living room but he had his music stuff out and was using the computer to learn songs so I didn't get much done. Mitzi and I took a nap. When I got up to go pee, Lowell said, "Are you still here?" Apparently, he hadn't seen me for three hours and went out to see if Mitzi and I were on a walk. He can back and continued playing and NEVER checked the bedroom. Another hilarious story courtesy of Lowell.
Holly - The problem girl in my class has very strange parents. They think it is cute that she acts out. She tends to take advantage of other's kindness. The only way to get to her is to put her in an uncomfortable position until she shapes up. I don't really want to dwell on my relationship with Dave. He was there when I needed him and then he was gone. I will answer any questions anyone has about that part of my life. Lowell is already on MySpace but he hasn't downloaded any more music. His daughter had some of his old vinyl recordings re-mastered and downloaded but I do not know how to do this and his daughter is very busy. Yes, Lowell has a sense of humor. He has to around me. My whole family is like me. I do have to explain jokes to him ALL THE TIME. I don't worry about the band paying me. I want to keep my distance until they ask for my help. A guy in the last band Lowell was in thought I would become a Yoko Ono so I want to avoid any kind of similar perception with this new group. My hands do itch to get in there and organize stuff though. <sigh> Besides, the band personnel hasn't even been picked yet.
Ginny - Oh no! This is very serious and can happen to Diabetics all too frequently. I have had Type 1 Diabetes for 38 years and have been ever so careful with my feet. David will have to keep his blood sugars stable and try to get some exercise. Luckily, these days the options are many. Good luck. I am thinking of you.
Marianne - I also say good call on the raking. The maples on 27th Street have the most amazing colors. I have stashed several in one of my dinosaur books.
Janet - Try the raw garlic.
I am so hoping that when Lowell gets this band together, he can have a good time and feel good about himself. I am so tired of his self-pity. "No one wants me anymore." "I am not relevant anymore." "I have nothing to give anymore." "Everyone wants me dead." Well BOO effing HOO!! What BS!!!
Sorry about that. I think I will play some games now.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 26 2013 : 8:06:29 PM
Well, Marie, I am wanting to hear about your experience in managing two lovers at once. I did that briefly during my single days between husbands but found it just too stressful so mostly was serially monogamous.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 5:07:24 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast and chilly. Temperatures were in the high twenties but it did not feel what I think that temperature is in my head. We went apple picking. Well, picking up drops off the ground but many of them were unmarred and quite nice looking. The littles and I made 1 1/2 gallons of cider so far and we made 1 1/2 gallons of applesauce as well. I will freeze the applesauce. It is an easy healthy snack. I have tried to freeze apple cider but the jars split. A neighbor freezes hers but she uses quart jars I used half gallon jars. I thought I had left enough head room but maybe I need to leave more. We have many more apples to process. I think we will be working on them for the rest of the week.
Parents who do not teach their children well, or care about them enough to teach them to be kind annoy the snot out of me.
Gypsy how were the stars from the porch? Did B appreciate the view at night?
Sorry the cold is lingering, Jan.
The pigs came in heavier than last year. The runt was 194 pounds hanging weight and the biggest was 211 pounds hanging weight. Hanging weight is dead pig with no guts or head or hide or feet. All six pigs together were 1260 pounds and last year the combined weight was 1080 pounds. They will hang and come home in nice packages in a couple of weeks.
Does Lowell have a name for his group or should we think of one for him? lol
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 27 2013 : 6:14:40 PM
Holly, glad your efforts have come to fruition as far as the pigs. That will feed your family well! The apples will be great for everyone, too. But, I have to admit I am used to warmer "apple" weather than you put up.
We are just about to start freezing at night. A bit late, but the extra time was welcome.
I learned that dd will has had her holiday time off approved. We will celebrate our Christmas in the New Year. Dd has a seasonal job at Pier One and her dear one is going to be working, too. So, we will look forward to having our celebration a bit later than some of you. I will be looking for a slightly skewed Advent Calendar!
Heading towards dinner. Hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Marianne |
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