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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 4:10:46 PM
Gypsy, send me the frog. You never know what the universe has in store. I wouldn't want to detour fate. I'm glad you are so happy. I do want to have someone in my life. I just have had enough of one sided relationships.
I got my new camera yesterday. I love it so far. I took pictures of some quilt books today to put them on my bunny rose & co. Etsy store. I'm keeping them cheap at $5.00 each and shipping media mail. I have to actually go to the post office to mail them as opposed to priority mail. The mail man will pick up priority mail off my door step.
Janet, so sorry winter is banging on your door already. I know we are all rooting for your RV life in the sun. So happy for you about the doctors visit! I bet that was a relief!
Mar, I love they way to talk about your marriage relationship. You have obviously worked out all the bugs.
Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 5:26:16 PM
Yay! Janet so glad about your news. And also glad to hear you have a doctor you like if the time comes that you need his services. That is no small thing in the scheme of things. Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 5:40:40 PM
Gypsy, Love the joke. I guess I have heard that one or one like it, just forgot it. Sharp words are necessary, no worries. And Bunny, you made me laugh out loud when you said we've worked out the bugs in our marriage! Just like everyone else, there are new ones everyday...
Today we got our blood work back from our physicals. Dh, who is (in my opinion) slender 6' and 188 pounds, got the word that he is right on the edge of prediabetic. His fasting blood sugar was 109. I don't fast ... no one wants to be around me if I am hungry ... and my blood sugar was 105. (Which didn't make his news any easier to take.) So, I guess he will look to losing about eight pounds and watch his diet a bit more closely, if that's even possible. (And of course, this news arrives the day AFTER I made the dreaded PB cookies.) I will dish those out a bit more slowly. And the Frosted Mini Wheats are out to be replaced with Cheerios. He grumbles but he is very health aware so he will make the necessary changes. And I will see to it that he does. Diabetes is no fun. His family has a history.
My blood work came back fine. Next week is the mammogram. Tomorrow dh gets a mole removed from his lower back, expecting two stitches.
Dd got a job at World Market for the holidays. She will have some spending money and she is dying to get back to working at something!! She is still applying for more challenging positions.
I am knitting a new hat. It was featured in The Sister Issue. Really cute, beige had wooden buttons up the side. I bought the pattern and started it a few days ago. Did any of you notice it?
Hope you are all having a nice night, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 6:25:31 PM
Well, B works til 6 and then we went for a long walk.two hours. Guess what. He is in the kitchen cooking himself an omelette and I'm sitting on the sofa. I did not even have to ask. As we were getting back from the walk he said he was getting hungry, I said, "but there is no one in the kitchen cooking our supper. He said, don't worry, love, I'll fix us an all day breakfast. But I am not hungry so he's cooking for one. He cooked back when we were in Arizona but it was his apartment. So I thought this might be different. He's passing all the tests again.
It's possible, Bunny.
Mar, I'm glad dd has found something that sounds like fun. I think it is great that she has ambition and wants to do well. So many young people today don't make any effort. So now is your chance to get out of making those cookies again. B's father had pancreatic cancer and other members of the family had it as well. So it is a good thing he takes care of his health, although he eats way too much sugar. Glad your numbers were good. That is always a relief. I'm due for a mammogram too. I always dread it but it isn't really that bad now. I guess my magazine will be in the mail when we go to the farm this weekend. I just got notice that my membership to chat is due.
Oh, he's cleaning up as he goes. Another point.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 7:15:16 PM
I had a full day of work planned, but I fell asleep crocheting at 11:30 in the morning. I didn't get as much done as I wanted. I guess there's always tomorrow.
I had another really successful (sarcasm) crocheting class. One of the girls always gets off topic. She was talking about her Wonder Woman Halloween costume. Apparently, she found a place to buy a crocheted Wonder Woman crown. Another girl is boisterous and arrogant. She is always saying inappropriate things. She said she was going to use the boys' bathroom. If she had, I would have reported her. Then she rolled her yarn across the table and it fell on the floor. I took the yarn away and told her she was done. One girl is doing really nice single crochet stitch. The rest are struggling just as I did. I know that once they get the single crochet down, they can make any other stitch. The single crochet stitch is the basis for all the other stitches. It's almost time for them to pick out an easy pattern to work on. I think I will have them do dish cloths.
Gypsy, you and I are guitar widows. I don't go to the guitar store with him anymore. I either have him drop me off at the fabric store and he picks me up when he is done or I stay in the car and listen to the radio. It is a win for both of us.
Anyway, that's it for today.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 9:27:43 PM
Everyone has gotten my inspired to pick up my knitting again. I'm a beginner though. I'm making a cowl for the winter.
Gypsy, glad he is getting the messages. I still think you found one in a million. The universe will have to bring my mate to my door.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 09:51:40 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:37:32 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 5:27:45 PM
Good evening everyone,
I thought you did not have a written contract. You are right they are very confining because who knows what will come up. When C and I got together we wrote a divorce contract for who gets what of the assets and child visitation. It specifically says that C will get a road worthy vehicle that is inspected. We laughed when making it up that she could have one of the boys Big Wheels. It talks about the money and no hidden accounts. I had been through two divorces and had no interest in having the emotional baggage of another breakup. It is now 23 years later. We do not dwell on the divorce contract or think about it too often or bring it up in disagreements.
I tell people the only ones who can not change their minds are people who are dead.
Isn't it amazing how quietly large animals can move sometimes? I might have jumped out of my skin if the horses had snuck up on me. HHHMMMMMM the computer is telling me snuck is not spelled right.
I am glad Jan that the doctor said come back in six months. I am relieved. I think you must be counting down the days until the Thanksgiving fair. and the days until dh retires. Soon,,,,,,
Today was chilly. The weather guessers say snow in the northern hills tonight. I think we are not the northern hills. This morning on the way out to the pigs the moon was still high and a few stars were still shining. The frost on the fields was glittering. A lovely morning.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 6:11:48 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:38:43 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 6:15:41 PM
Yeah, Holly, the contract is mostly a joke and a way to kind of say, "I don't wanna." I think your divorce contract is smart. I also agree with you as far as being in it 'til the end. But, I also know that you and I are with our true loves.
I went out to feed this morning and we were so fogged in I could hardly see the barn, but looking up I could see the stars. It was pretty neat.
Bunny, I love cowls. That is exactly where I feel the cold (on my neck). And take Gypsy's advice. Once she laid out how your business took off after you analyzed what to do, then did it and went after the magazine's really made a lot of sense. That does sound like a good way to get what you want. Make sure you do all the background work before that frog arrives!! Who knows who might show up if you aren't specific.
Marie, good luck with the single crochet gals! They sound like they might be a bit trying. A morning nap is pretty luxurious. But, it can derail you other plans.
Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 6:17:19 PM
BTW, Gypsy, you don't have to be a "sister" to post. Anyone can post. The sisters have the hexagon symbol. Ginny isn't a sister, I guess - no hexagon - but, most of the rest of us have the hexagon. Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Oct 23 2013 6:19:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 7:35:05 PM
Yes, the girls in the crochet class can be pretty trying. I am lucky that only 2 of 6 are problematic. I had the girl who tossed the yarn in the second grade class I volunteered in last year. She was a mean girl bully and her and her posse had three weeks of special lunches with the teacher about it. The teacher also had her group read and discuss "The One Hundred Dresses" in reading. It's a children's story about an intimating young girl.
I go to the doctor tomorrow for a peek and poke. I guess I'll have to tell him about my knees. That part hurts the most. I still have to get the crown and I am not certain where the $1100 is. I am certain it will show up.
That nap was not intentional. I just couldn't stay awake.
Lowell is trying to put together a band. I told him I wasn't helping him unless I got paid. I'm doing as little as possible until he asks me. This is his project and he will have to do it himself. He wants to meet them this weekend. I think I will want to be at a coffee shop. I believe I will go to Glam Doll Donuts. They have donuts, hot chocolate and a comfy couch there. I will bring my crocheting and I will be set. I am looking forward to him spending time with the guys. YES!!!!
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 8:08:51 PM
Oh Mar, I did not know that. I thought you could not post unless you sent the 20 bucks. I thought you could only read.
We went out for a nice walk after supper. I asked B if he wanted carrots or broccoli and he said can we have both. I flattened boneless chicken tenders and dredged them in a gluten free breading mix and sautéed in olive oil then made a lemon butter sauce to put over them, red potatoes with parsley and, yep, more butter, sautéed broccoli in a little olive oil, garlic, onion, and red pepper flakes, and oven roasted carrots, and salad and his cornbread. He loved the food and ate so much he did not have room for his bread and salad.
I told him if I started eating a big dinner at night I would gain weight. He looked aghast.
Holly I did not know you had two divorces behind you. So do I.
I signed up for a wire wrapping class tomorrow night and B said he wants to go too. Marie, I know what you mean about the boys hanging out together. Too much togetherness is not a good thing.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 23 2013 : 8:20:30 PM
I also have problems with my neck getting cold. Seems like I need a scarf worse than a sweater for staying warm
Bunny, let's just all send positive thoughts to get a kind, sweet, sensitive, faithful, loving mate for you. Every thing I've ever heard about European men seems to be true, so I'm going to try to order one of them up for you. They know how to appreciate their woman. Men want to be respected and thrive on encouragement, they don't want or need perfection. But When the criticism starts, it is the beginning of the end. It does help to realize they don't think the way we do.
The weather has been perfect here for days.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 23 2013 8:25:02 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 09:18:41 AM
Gypsy, I started my profile on eharmoney. I still need a decent picture. I take TERRIBLE pictures. I have a double chin and am over weight. The only looks I would ever get were big bubba looking for a broho to go camping, hunting and hanging with the rest of the guys. I'm just not interested. I'm more intellectual and creative. Earthy with a bite. Most of my friends describe me as earthy. I think my biggest fear is I have nothing to offer as far as my own security. I don't even have my own home. No job, no assets. You were your own woman regarding all that and men pay attention. I don't have money to travel, or even drive long distance too often. I'm afraid that will be a big turnoff.
I wouldn't mind a guy with an accent. We will see.
Made the most beautiful upcycled wool jacket yesterday. (Sorry Gypsy, it's a size 12). I haven't had a sale in weeks. I'm hoping this feeds the fire again.
I'm having lunch today with a new friend. I'm excited to have someone new to do things with. She is my age (which is nice) and lives just up the street.
Marie, good that you stick to your guns and make Lowell figure out his band on his own. He sounds very needy. I divorced one of those. Gypsy, I too have been divorced twice. Got hosed both times.
Until later....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 10:50:13 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:41:12 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 4:51:43 PM
Bunny, I'll second that , Gypsy. You aren't looking to offer anyone anything but the pleasure of getting to know you on whatever level is comfortable. Money can complicate things. Knowing someone can't take it away from you takes that worry away.
BTW, there is nothing wrong with your looks, Bunny. You project a kindness and seem approachable, with a hint of shyness? You can turn your thinking around to "Why should I let you get to know me?" Rather than, "What do I have to offer?" We are here to make sure you understand you have plenty to offer. You offer us all a kind word, shoulder if we need it, good advice whether we want it or not and a lot of inspiration creatively.
You better get busy with that book, Bunny. Who knows what is gonna happen when that frog gets there! mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 4:54:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast and cold. We finally we gifted with some snow flurries. It was a gentle reminder to get off our butts and finish up the outside jobs we have been procrastinating about this fall. I spoke to a neighbor who did not enjoy the flurries because she has too many unfinished projects and they worry her. However, this is the neighbor who accepted a credit card deal on the airplane ride home from visiting her birth mother and it came with two airplane tickets. So, she only had to buy two more and she and her family are going to spend five weeks in Puerto Rico camping during January and February. so, once again they will miss the coldest part of the winter here. Can you tell I am more than a little bit jealous? I do not know how with the make up of our family we could pull something like that off. She says she will send me a post card.
Some people are into zoftic women. Although you may not be happy with your weight issues it may not bother a future mate. It would surely be something to talk about if it comes up. I think the most important trait to offer in a relationship is to be satisfied with who you are. If a person does not like herself it is not reasonable to expect someone else to create that satisfaction. I do read Dear Abby and she says do not get involved with someone who thinks once you get involved you can change that person. It's not going to happen. I think the only thing that I have had any say in in C changing since she came to live here is she now believes she is smart. I have always known it but from her childhood she was told she was stupid. Now she is not so afraid to try to learn new things. Other than that I live with all her idiosyncrasies and she lives with mine. off the soapbox now.
K has another new phone. She goes through smart phones every couple of months. This one would not charge. She went in and acted blonde, I don't know what I did that it stopped working. Smiling brightly and looking forlorn. We finally bought insurance on her phone so it would not cost so much to replace each time. This replacement she received for free. Mama shakes head and sighs.
Good for you Marie to not let L take advantage of your skills and good humor. If the rest of the band is to be paid then you should be too for your contributions.
It is my lower back that gets cold on me.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 5:31:31 PM
This cold is still lingering on. Wish I could quit the coughing. It has only been in the 30s here with snow flurries daily, but no snow sticking on the ground yet!!! I am not ready for winter yet, seems like we just got rid of it!!! It lasts too long here. I told Bob that this WILL be our last winter here, if we have to sleep in the car, we are going somewhere warm!!! I cannot wait. I got a letter today saying I will get the same space I had last year for the craft show. I am glad because I did so well there. I too have been divorced twice. Tomorrow is our 27th anniversary, 3rd marriage for me, second for Bob. They say 3 times and you're out. We have never had an argument or harsh word toward each other at all. Don't get me wrong, we are not perfect, and he has a lot of things I do not like, but I just grin and bear it and tell myself that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. I knew a long time ago that I cannot change things, so I live with it and do not let the little things get to me. We are complete opposites, maybe that is why we get along so well. BUT he does need to find something to occupy himself once he retires, besides sports. He has no hobbies at all and is not interested in any. I am the crafty one and have too many hobbies. I did not decorate the yard for Halloween this year, I think we will just put out a couple of plastic pumpkins this weekend. I do not feel like being out there in the cold wind. Will be working tomorrow. I need the day to get away for awhile. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 5:49:34 PM
Mar, you made me smile. Such nice words.
I got an email from the editor of Altered Couture magazine. She loves my "little black dress" so much she wants to buy it. I really needed that today. I feel like just when I have that " what the hell am I doing" feeling, I get a strong message that I'm still on the right track. I finished one dress and have another pinned up ready to sew on Saturday. Tomorrow is homework day.
Gypsy, I bought the book you suggested for my kindle. I'll start reading it tonight. Great....more homework!
Janet, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Your day will come before you know it and you will be out in your bikini in no time! Hang in there.
Holly, I guess having a big family has it's drawbacks. Somehow I don't ever see you and C being empty nesters.
Night all.
P.s. Had a great lunch with my new friend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 8:06:25 PM
That is a huge accomplishment, Bunny. Way bigger than the MJ sale. This editor knows good design, not just what appeals to her (like the rest of us.) And a new friend is an accomplishment at our age. It doesn't happen as easily because the opportunities just don't present themselves as often.
OK, am I the only "regular" (using that term loosely!) who doesn't have a divorce under my belt? And do I get to stay in the group?
Holly, I love that K has mastered the damsel in distress routine. I am familiar with the insurance plan for a teenager's phone, although it was a few years ago. Well spent dollars.
Janet, I hope your coughing subsides so you can get some good rest. I hope you have a big calendar to help you mark off each day of your last winter!!
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 10:37:54 PM
Wow, Bunny, that's quite a coup, selling the dress to the editor! Be prepared for inquiries for more dresses like that! She's going to be seen in it herself, along with how many thousand women will see it in the magazine. You may not have any time to be going out with the guys who will contact you from your profile. Let Mar and me tweak your profile. Actually, there is a line that says, my friends describe me as...................
Everybody wants someone who has honesty and is down to earth. You have both those qualities. High on both gender's list is kindness. You have loads of that. A charming personality, witty, warm, you've got it all. "A Woman of Substance". Add, Must love cats.
Janet it is too early in the year for you to be getting sick. Load up on Vitamin C and Elderberry syrup.
I'm going to start charging you gals for all my sage advice. 
Holly, somehow I never think of you sitting around on your butt with undone chores.
B and I went to the wire wrapping class. I will take a picture of his and mine and see if you can tell which is whose.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 24 2013 10:45:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 24 2013 : 10:44:42 PM
.jpg) .jpg)
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 25 2013 : 07:25:48 AM
Is yours the tiger eye? mar |
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