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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 19 2013 : 9:09:03 PM
I did go out to breakfast with Lowell this morning. He is low on cash and I will not transfer anymore to his account. He will just have to figure it out. He had to take some days off work because of his "symptoms". He believes he may have a form of chronic fatigue or fibro. I believe he has unacknowledged anxiety which cause panic attacks. Whatever diagnosis he is given, I plan to help him as best I can.
Because I stayed at home, I got some housework done. I find housework so much easier to accomplish when Lowell is not around. He always seems to want my help with finding things, typing emails, shopping online, etc. I should stop complaining. He had his daughter over tonight for music playing and movie watching. I sat in the bedroom with my laptop watching the finale of Project Runway.
The windows in this building are poor quality combination windows. The storm window in the bedroom refuses to close the last inch and the sash is swollen so that I cannot close it. This is the last window which must be closed up before the snow comes. That could be tomorrow.
I have more to do tonight but I am going to play a game instead.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 19 2013 : 9:09:37 PM
Good evening friends,
B and I have returned to Austin. We got here yesterday, slept in today and then went out and about for a while, then went to see Gravity tonight, in 3D. I thought it was one of Sandra Bullock's better performances. And George Clooney is just cool to watch even though I don't consider him a great actor. The story was interesting if not plausible.
I see we are on the subject of cats. Funny stories. I love cats.
Mar, I feel so bad about the neighbor's animals. Up to now I have found her amusing if not annoying but now I think she is stupid bordering on animal cruelty. She can't be an animal lover and knowingly subject them to such misery. I would not be able to keep quiet about that.
Marie, I am now living with a musician too. Not quite as entertaining as your Lowell. B was a drummer in a rock band during his misspent youth and then abandoned music for a long time but now he has a guitar, a keyboard and several flutes, including a pan flute. He has bagpipes but has forgotten how to play them. He took three years of accordion lessons long ago, so he's a pretty good all around musician and sings beautifully as well. My son is a songwriter and a musician. My daughter sings. I personally have no ability to carry a tune in a bucket. But I like being around such talented people.
Holly please tell C I wish her a happy birthday.
The weather here today was absolutely perfect. 70's and crisp and clear. The deer are out roaming the neighborhood and B is pleased with the apartment. He is serenading me (and the neighbors) on his keyboard now. He can make that thing sound like a full orchestra. He's playing a very melancholy rendition of The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lohman because he knows I like it.
I will say good night and catch up with you all later. I join Holly in wishing all of you sweet dreams.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 19 2013 : 9:16:30 PM
Marie, we posted at the same time. Your comments about L remind me of that old joke, "What do you call an unmarried musician? Homeless. "
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 09:31:15 AM
Gypsy, so glad to have you back. Sounds like you two are settling in well. I'm glad he liked the apartment.
Got back to sewing yesterday. Sometimes I just need a few days off. I found some really pretty sweater dresses and have upcycled them. So wish I could lose about 50 lbs. I might be able to wear them. I have been wearing one of my dresses. It is so comfortable I will be sad when it sells. I don't feel bad wearing my creations that are for sale. I figure they are all thrift store used clothes and washable.
My mom has everything in order for her mortgage to go through. Just holding my breath. When it funds, I'm praying she will pack up and be gone for the winter. I can't wait!! The house to myself.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 1:01:11 PM
Hi ladies,
Gypsy, I'm so glad you and B are home safe and sound and that he likes the apartment. I would guess even though you had fun in Vegas it is nice to be home. I love music and singing. I was in choir in high school and still enjoy singing. I got asked to sing with a band at a Christmas party one year after they heard me singing with the karaoke machine during their break. I tried but it is very different and I messed it up badly. Still it was a highlight of my life to actually sing with a band. Fun!
Holly, I was diagnosed with fibro by a rheumatologist in 1995. Fibro is usually diagnosed by noticeable pain in the areas of the body known as trigger points. There has very recently been a new diagnostic test developed that is supposed to be accurate but not sure how available it is yet. Bunny covered symptoms pretty well. Chronic wide spread pain with acute episodes of debilitating pain that can lay you low for days or weeks at a time. It affects your mood, sleep and overall health. There are secondary conditions that seem to go hand in hand with fibro. Some of them are, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety and or panic attacks, neuropathy, gastroesophageal reflux disease and the list goes on. There are many treatments but for many of us none of them seem to work over the long term. I have been on dozens of different medications over the yrs I've had this condition. I've tried about everything there is lessen the pain from light therapy to accupuncture. I've had the best relief from a TENS unit which applies bursts of low voltage stimulation to the most painful areas. Sometimes heat or cold helps. It's most trial and error. There are natural aromas that seem to give me some relief. Eucalyptus, menthol and lavender seem to help. There are many theories about the cause of fibro ranging from disease to stress. Studies continue to be done. Drs. all say that exercise is helpful but that's because none of them have it. LOL. However, I will say that if your friend doesn't get some activity she will gain weight and lose her agility and balance. I am fighting now to try and regain mine. I have decided that while I can be easily injured it is counter intuitive to not get some exercise. If your friend is on Facebook tell her to check out some of the groups for fibro on facebook. Fibro Colors is a good one. There are others. This disease steals a person's life. Your friend will lose friends who aren't willing to hang with someone who can't do the things they like to do. Family members get tired of hearing the words, "I'm sick," when they see nothing wrong with the person. They don't understand that most of our lives are spent feeling like we have a flu we can't recover from. There are times even my skin hurts like I should be covered with bruises and you can't see a thing wrong with me. My ex husband and kids couldn't understand why I had panic attacks riding in a car at night. That was something that began to be a joke to them but terrifying to me. It was something new that happened after I got fibro. The ex would get upset if I didn't get the laundry or housework done and had to ask for help with things. Needless to say, there is a reason he's my EX. It reached a point I no longer found humiliation and verbal abuse to be something I needed in my life. Fibro was more than enough sh** to put up with. Excuse my language. I am spending a lot of time talking about this condition but it is so important for your friend to know she is not alone and she will need all the support she can get. The number one cause of death for people with fibromyalgia is suicide. Constant chronic pain can drive a person over the edge if they don't learn some coping mechanisms. It is wonderful of you, Holly, that you want to learn about this condition and be there for your friend. She will need you.
Bunny, I'm glad you were able to find some sweater dresses to upcycle. I just saw a gorgeous one in Roaman's catalog that I think I have to have. I like their catalog as they carry clothing for tall women and such a variety of sixes that I will be able to find something no matter where I am on the scale. Wish I was small enough to wear your pretty things. Hopefully, one day :) Make sure you get enough rest young lady. Does the weather affect you as it does me? I think its the barometric pressure changes that do me in sometimes.
Marie, tell Lowell to see a rheumatologist if he can. He will get a definitive answer to his health problems if it is CFS or FMS. You and Gypsy are so lucky to have musical loves in your lives. A world without music would be a dull one indeed.
I better quit before this post disappears. Have a wonderful week ahead sisters! Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 4:24:24 PM
Hi girls!!! I worked Friday, even though I was still coughing. I am now starting to feel better. If only I could cough up this gunk. Last weekend and this past Friday, I have been very busy in the store and selling like crazy. My son is so pleased. He will want me to start working daily for him if I keep it up!!!! I get along so well with people and they feel comfortable with me, so they seem to spend more money then. My first husband and I have been divorced for 36 years. His aunt and uncle came in the store to see me. Gave me hugs, and it was so nice. She is going to bring me yarn that she no longer uses. I must have done something right in my life to have both my ex's relatives still consider me family. Makes me feel like I was not a failure because I divorced. I am finishing up on the hats, should be done by mid week. I will take pictures when I finish them all. Just those, I made 108 hats!!!! No wonder I was getting burnout!!!!! They are turning out so cute. Hopefully they will be a good seller. Bunny, I too hope that you will have the house to yourself all winter. Maybe then you could sell enough to move out when she returns. Wouldn't that be nice!!! Gypsy, glad you made it back safe and sound and that B likes the apartment. Cheryl, Are you able to get out much in the winter with your fibro? I cannot go out much because my lungs burn. One more winter here, then we will be on the road and follow the sun!!! Holly, Yes, wish C a happy birthday from all of us. How are her knees doing now that she has had surgery on both? Better, I hope. Mar, What a fiasco with your neighbor there. Hope you sell your house soon so you do not have to put up with them much longer. I also think it is animal cruelty. What are they thinking, if anything!!! Marie, I am sure you will be getting snow very soon, we are supposed to in a day or 2. It is raining right now and only 41 degrees out. Hope you get your window sealed very soon. Our furnace is now kicking in a lot, but at least we are warm. Janie, Hope things are going well for you. Ginny, Hope you are enjoying your time with your daughter. I am sure it must feel so good after being apart for so long. Hope you have more time to yourself and less work in the winter months. I am hoping to finally feel good enough tomorrow to get my house cleaned. Everything is piling up here, except the laundry. I do that regularly. Hope I did not miss anyone. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 4:53:53 PM
I went out to breakfast today because I had errands to run and Lowell is my ride. But . . .
We went to Target. He dislikes going there because of some of their corporate practices and because he always loses me in the store. I had asked him to bring his work phone with him so that we could stay in contact with each other but he didn't. He wanted us to stick together but I like to browse a bit and he frequently urges me on. We discussed how we were going to handle being split up. I told him I needed to get batteries and an ink cartridge. He asked me if this stuff was in in office supply section and I said yes because I just wanted him on his way to get his underwear. I knew where he would be. I told him that when I was done, I would look for him in men's clothing and if he wasn't there, I would wait for him in the front aisle by the cash registers. The stuff I wanted was in electronics at the back of the store adjacent to the men's department. I found him there still agonizing over which pattern of 100% cotton boxer shorts to get. On our way to the registers, he wanted to look at clothes hampers. We disagreed on the type to get. He wanted a wicker-type basket ($25) and I wanted a canvas bag on a light-weight metal folding frame ($10.50). He said that the hamper is furniture and he wanted it to look nice. I said the it is a container and it doesn't have to look nice just efficient. (Guess who does the wash.) We left that as it was. I went to the register and he went to the bathroom. Since Target started selling groceries, the lines have gotten longer and check out times had increased so it took me a little while to check out. As I was waiting outside the bathroom for him, I sneezed and peed my pants. I went into the bathroom to take care of this and was out in no time at all. I again waited for Lowell. After a while I started to walk around the exit aisle between the registers and door. No Lowell. I went outside. I couldn't see the car so I decided I would stay next to the building and not go looking for the car. I went back in and came out. I decided that I would stay outside and if he didn't show up in 30 minutes, I would take the bus home. Well, he showed up and was hopping mad. He didn't like me being somewhere he didn't expect. I am ashamed to say that, in the relative privacy of the car, I lost it in a very angry, unflattering manner. He now says that he will never again go to Target with me. I said I would get him a cell phone just for this purpose but he won't hear of it. "People have been finding each other in stores for decades. I don't want to get a cell phone." I believe I will get him a track phone, keep it with me and hand it to him when we are in this situation again.
I had to carve one of the pumpkins Lowell bought because it had a wound and had started to rot.

I had to make the mouth big because of the rot. I like to have a lighted pumpkin in the window so our neighbors can see it when they come in.
Gypsy - I like having musical people around. Lowell's daughter is a cellist with a Master's in cello performance. She performs in three different groups for no pay and teaches privately. His ex-wife plays stand-up bass in a couple blue-grass bands. Lowell is about to put an ad on Craig's List looking for musicians to join him for a band. Check this link for a sample of his original music.
What's the difference between a large pizza and a musician? The pizza can feed a family of four.
Cheryl - Lowell has been offered a referral to a rheumatologist but has not gone yet.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 5:10:04 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was chilly and very windy. I fixed the tall chicken house so I could put the new batch of guineas in there. A friend whose husband (he raised guineas) was killed by a falling branch when they were sawing down the tree gave a clutch of eggs to a neighbor for his broody hen to raise. He did not want them so I volunteered to take them. The tall guinea house has sliding glass door glass in the wall. There are three panes On the side is an old house window with four panes. I had stapled sheets to cover the windows because the birds did not know what glass was. That did not work because the would scoot around the sheets. So, I bought a can of spray snow and covered the windows. The heat from the sun can still get in but I am hoping the guineas will not be able to see out well enough to want to fly through the glass. I put the birds in tonight in the dark so tomorrow I will listen to hear how they are doing.
It took a while to fix the house so I was outside for a couple of hours. I am very tired from the wind and cold.
Thank you for the info on fibro. I told my friend that I would come over and sit with her while she rode her stationary bike for ten minutes each day. I figured some movement was better than no movement. She is in a catch 22 right now. it hurts to move but if she does not move she will gain more weight and it will hurt more to move. I think that she is not in constant pain I think she has times when she is in pain.
I finished brush hogging all of the fields today. Then I took the brush hog down to the welder's to have to have the two plates in the front fixed. I could have waited until next year but I did not want to have to remember to have them fixed before I needed it again.
Thank you for the birthday wishes for C.
Gypsy glad B is settling in. I think that even though you chose the apartment with care it was a relief to have B be happy with the choice. I hope you and he can adjust to living together in a mutually compatible manner that is not stressful. Lust only lasts so long. lol
Jan I hope you sell everyone of those hats. Your son will miss you when you start traveling.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 5:31:21 PM
Bunny and Cheryl, you did a beautiful job of telling us about fibromyalgia. It is a miserable disease, as they all are, and the lack of outward symptoms makes it difficult for some people to understand.
Marie I agree that housework is easier without an audience or an unhelping hand! And I sympathize with your stubborn window situation. We have one that I always have to ask dh to "get going" for me!
Gypsy, lucky gal getting a serenade. Glad that B likes the apt. So, when you were a teenager, did you ever think your later years would be the "time of your life?" Me, neither!! My dd says, "I'm in my twenties, everyone says this is the best time of my life!" I tell her "everyone" is lying. (She hopes I'm right!)
My gosh, we are supposed to have another week of this picture perfect weather. I am enjoying every second of it. Getting the hay in yesterday felt great. Tomorrow I will do some more Fall cutting/cleaning. Dh helped The Neighbor's Husband (who is "visiting") fix a gate both yesterday and today. And that's all I will bore you with.
I joyfully swung out the garage door this morning, yelling for the horses as I usually do, "TAaaaHoooe!" Looked up to see almost one ton of equine staring at me from about six feet away. I had waited a bit longer than usual to bring out their morning grain and both horses decided to come in on their own and get as close to the house as possible to watch for me. It startles you to see anything (or one) standing statue-still staring at you when you don't expect it, doesn't it? In this case it was four non-blinking eyes that gave me a start! But, then the nickering started up.
Can you believe tomorrow I have to make those darn Peanut Butter Cookies again? Crud I wish this man would get a hankering for something else!
Bunny, did you get any new ideas being away from your sewing room for a day?
Check on you gals soon!
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 5:41:41 PM
Jan, you are going to be difficult to replace to your son's store. He must be thrilled to have such a great run of sales. I do hope you post photos of your hats. I have a picture in my minds eye, but ... Hope you kick that cough!
Marie, I have difficulty having dh stay put or follow directions about meeting up, too. We do tend to stick together more now that we have more time just for sanity's sake! They can be worse than kids ... especially at the doctor's office. I love your pumpkin it looks perfectly welcoming. Nice save.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 7:57:51 PM
Good evening friends,
Holly I don't know how you find time to do all that you do, or how you find the energy - ditto Janet. You gals make me exhausted. Mar, I would have had a heart attack to see two big animals right there unexpectedly. Janet I will be keeping my fingers crossed and sending positive energy your way for your Tuesday meeting with the Doc. Bunny I'm glad you give yourself a break once in a while. You can burn out even doing things you love to do if you push too hard. Cheryl and Bunny I really did not understand about fibro until I read your posts. That's really rough and makes me admire you gals even more for being able to push through the pain and keep going. Was good to see Ginny post. My daughter and I were estranged for a while so I know how tough that can be.
Marie you gave me a huge laugh with your story. B is always the tall skinny guy with a hat on so he's easy to pick out of the crowd. He's busy setting up his work station so he will be ready to start work tomorrow. I'm ready for some time of my own.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2013 : 8:01:51 PM
I'm now having to join several of you who have to put up with cookies, breads, etc in the kitchen when I can't have any. Wonder how my will power will hold up now. Today b told me his very most favorite cookie in all the world is chocolate chip. Hint.
Yes, it will be interesting to see if/how we will do this dance of learning to make room for another person in your life after being alone for a long time. I do not like the TV going all the time, he does. We are about 10 degrees apart on the thermostat, and he tells me I have my own saxophone going during the night. (He says it lovingly) And here I thought I had no musical talent! He eats like a horse and never gains a pound. I don't like having to be in the kitchen always worrying about getting a meal together. Not going there again. So we shall see. He is sweet and kind and just quirky enough. The lust may not last but the communication and emotional connection will have to, because those are non-negotiable. And the lust is pretty exhausting anyway. We have six months now to see how we do, and during that time, the one year anniversary will happen. I want a thrilling adventure or nothing, certainly not another lackluster putting up with each other relationship. Been there, done that. Twice.  hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:29:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 2:56:52 PM
Well, today was Bs first day back to work and I had to drive out to DD's to get the dogs. So I got dressed and left. I'm back now and there is no sign that he fixed himself anything to eat. I'm not in the mood to fix dinner. I'm hoping we will learn how to make this work but these guys seem to immediately forget how to feed and clothe themselves once they get a woman to do it. He's anxious to please, but I'm not giving any hints because I want to see the real B and I want him to see the real me. Bunny it's a long way from Not working. I think it's just a matter of some little adjustments here and there because we have what we call mind body and spirit connection. That makes up for a lot of little everyday annoyances. We are old enough and experienced enough to expect those. But I'm not holding back from the real me, including swearing a blue streak at the other drivers and letting his dirty dishes sit in the sink til he puts them away. No mascara and my big comfy ratty sleep T-shirt. Real life. Keep watching.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 3:22:50 PM
Gypsy, Somehow he managed to find sustenance on his own all these years ...
Dh and I have hit a good stretch, lots of give and take. I make those $(#&% peanut butter cookies and serve him an iced coffee midmorning everyday (one for me, too, of course) and in the evening I lie on the sofa while he jumps up to get me my fudge bars (three total throughout the night). I remember early in our marriage, dh had adjusted the idle on "my" car -- we hadn't been married long enough for it to be "our" car yet -- and it didn't start the next morning. I called him at work and asked him to come home to get my car started or give me his car, whatever! He was a bit annoyed that I needed his help. I snapped, "Did you have clean underwear in your drawer this morning?" He didn't see the connection, so I enlightened him. I had kept my part of the bargain. Fix my car! Since then, we have always "negotiated our contract." Seriously, we are crazy enough to use that term. There have been many times I have yelled over the phone while he is in another time zone, if not country, "This is definitely not in my contract." But, you ladies know how it is. Sometimes you just have to do what has to get done. Especially when the kids are young. Forget "Location, location, location." My mantra is "Renegotiate, Renegotiate, Renegotiate!"
But, dh is pretty good about fixing dinner with me. As some of you know, we don't eat a "normal" meal. I always have salad and he usually has a main course of vegetables with maybe rice or bread. So, it's easy. It has to be because that is my worst time of day. For years we have had our main meal at lunch. So you would find me baking chicken or broiling pork chops then. Dh does his part by taking on the majority of the shopping. Everyone has to find what works for them. And this thread is a testament to that!
Bunny, you have said you aren't ready to have to deal with another man. Stick with that. There is no reason to change what works and is comfortable right now. You are so busy with school and sewing. Wouldn't it annoy you to have to put your energy elsewhere right now?
dd is at an interview for holiday retail help. It will keep her busy and give her some cash. She hasn't found a "real" job in Portland yet.
Hope everyone is doing well. I had to send more photos of our house to some people. But, they are from out of the area and are just starting there search...Doesn't sound promising.
Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Oct 21 2013 3:25:12 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 4:57:39 PM
Good evening everyone,
Marie you posted at the same time I did last night. I ;am always surprised to see a post I have not read when I check to see that mine has posted the right way. Lowell is a character. I guess you either love all of his quirks or you hit him up the side of the head with a two by four. When the teens were little they took violin lessons from a man who had similar illness issues as Lowell seems to have. One day we arrived and he was in a panic because the q tip snapped off while he was cleaning his ear and he could not find the end. He was sure it was stuck in his ear. I looked and told him no, but he said that he was going to the ER after the lesson to have them find it.
We went to get our flu shots today. I saw an across town neighbor there who used to teach in the high school. He usually wears button down shirts. I said, B, I have an on line friend in Oregon who upcycles clothes and she is looking for button up shirts. If you have any you do not need I would be happy to help you clean out your closet by sending them to her. He said, I have so many I mean to wear but I have not worn them, I only wear my favorites. So, we will see if he and his wife L clean out the closet. He asked if my friend only wanted button up and I told him any cotton shirts would probably do.
Today started out two sweatshirt cold. By afternoon it was t shirt warm. G and C helped me to cut down the sunflowers and bring in the two that had not been eaten by the birds already. I composted the rest or left the mostly eaten ones for the chickens. We pulled up the stems to the roots and found some Jerusalem Artichokes. Without trying we dug up a five gallon bucket of them. I am in a barter with two women who want some so they will go in the mail to them.
I told the pigs today that they were going down the road at the end of the week. They wanted to know if there would be carnival rides. I guess I should have told them yes, that they would ride on the tractor bucket. .... am I sick or what?
Hay is in, the horses will have plenty to eat. PIcking hay splinters out of your knuckles and fore arms, or dh's? Talk to the universe everyday and tell it what you want. Someone is out there who wants a lovely house with beautiful gardens and a creative neighbor.
Gypsy I hear you about the wait and see method of personality discovery. It may be that you need to do as Mar does and sit and write expectations down so there are not misunderstandings. The rules can always be changed but then there are fewer disappointments.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 5:38:56 PM
Holly, I can use just about any cotton men's shirts. The only ones I'm not too keen on are polo shirts. But I could probably make them work in something. T-shirts, button down the front work shirts are great. My biggest need right now are black, grey, tan and browns. With or without patterns and stripes. I'm finding my natural colored dresses are getting the most attention right now. I tell the universe every day what I want too. I'm getting close.
Gypsy, what about some easy crockpot meals? I do up a pot of chile, beef stew or lentil soup and freeze half of it for another time. That way you wouldn't have to cook very often. But I think this is a discussion that will have to happen soon.
Worked on making myself a new purse today. I was suppose to do homework but was bad and sewed instead. I wanted to try out this new purse pattern as a possibility for my etsy pshop. So far I'm on day two and just have the binding left. I think I will do another one much with out making as elaborate as mine.
I did too much today so off to nap before dinner.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 6:04:54 PM
Well, it only got up to 39 degrees today, and that was for just a few minutes before it started to drop. Right now it is only 26 degrees. It is very windy, so we do have a wind chill. AND< believe it or not, we had snow flurries this afternoon!!!!! I am not ready for this yet. Up north from here, they are supposed to get up to 5 inches tonight!!! UGGG!!! Mar, Hopefully you will get some good prospects out of sending those pictures. Sometimes things can move fast. Gypsy, I am sure you and B will adjust just fine. You both will figure out each other in no time. How is he doing with the dogs? Holly, poor piggies!!!! Now you tricked them into thinking they are going to the county fair!!! LOL!!! I can taste the pork chops now!!!! Bunny, one nice thing about online classes, you can do your work any time on the day. The purse sounds nice. Marie, I have a hubby that does not like to shop at all, but he wants to be with me when I shop. All except JoAnn Fabrics!!! He lets me go on my own there. I do shop by myself during the day when I want to take time and really look around. We have very limited places to shop here. Love the pumpkin!!! I got all of my hats done, need to take pictures yet, so in the next couple of days you will be bombarded with pictures!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 7:25:09 PM
Janet I am looking forward to the pictures. I'm giving myself this week to regroup and then I've got to get busy with some projects myself.
We went out to a very nice restaurant for dinner tonight. Tomorrow night I will cook. B does not eat pork or shellfish or any bottom feeder fish. I told him the worst bottom feeder fish is cleaner than a commercial chicken. He eats a lot of sweets for someone so thin and health conscious. He will not get vaccinations or flu shots. I worry about him getting shingles. Being a mature senior, I'm waiting for the shiny new to wear off and see what we have left. Marie, maybe all musicians are a little weird? We've gotten through the first accidental burps and farts.
The crock pot is a good idea. He ate a huge bowl of chili and eggs one morning for breakfast.
So Holly, you've reminded me of an old joke about the farmer taking the pig to the county fair.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 21 2013 7:33:34 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 8:51:43 PM
Who starts a joke and doesn't finish it?! Come on Gypsy. We need the rest of it now.
And did the accidental burps and fart follow the breakfast chili?
Janet, I guess it's official. Once the snow flies, you have to admit that winter is knocking on your door. How many months of snow do you have?
Holly, we don't actually write out our "contract" - that would be too confining for when I want to declare something isn't in my contract! Nope, I like to keep it very informal. That way I am always right. It's easiest that way. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2013 : 9:04:05 PM
I went back to the grade school after a week off. The second grade teachers were in a meeting together, I guess. There were quite a few substitutes including in the class with which I volunteer. The sub was so grateful I was there. Drama ensued almost immediately. One of the kids who had a job during morning meeting threw up. The effluent got on one of the other kids. I didn't know what to do. Luckily, the principal was in the room checking on the sub and she called the nurse. They sent a wheel chair and took the kid out. The kid in the line of fire got a clean shirt and an engineer came in to clean the carpet. Whew! The other kids were all really great. They stayed focused on the morning meeting. I feel bad about this episode because the kid had signaled me and I misunderstood why. I am certain I will get over this guilt. The rest of the time I was there went without incident.
I had the maintenance guy in to help me close the windows and storms. I am ready for anything winter can bring now.
Lowell is considering getting a cell phone because his courier company is switching to ipads which do not have voice communication capabilities.
Gypsy - Whoa! Is it hot in here? I know very well about men's selective use of household skills. It is the same with Lowell. His main problem is that he rarely thinks about anyone but himself. It is a good thing I am so self-sufficient.
Marianne - Originally, marriage was a contract between families to increase wealth in the form of animals, land, influence, political alliances or money. Love had nothing to do with it. Of course, they were expected to have at least one child to further the line. I like what you do by laying out the expectations and seeing that promises are kept.
Holly - Lowell gets plenty of dope slaps with the back of my hand. He has a fear of death and this has caused him to be a hypochondriac. Pity me!
Janet - I go to the fabric store and he stands there with his hands in his pockets telling me to hurry up. He goes to the guitar store and I stand there with my hands in my pockets telling him to hurry up. It's a fair trade.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 09:51:04 AM
The farmer went in to town in his pick up with a pig riding in the front seat. Guy comes up and says, what are you doing with a pig riding in the front seat? Farmer says, oh, I'm taking him to the county fair. Next week, same thing, farmer shows up with pig riding in front seat. guy says, what are you doing with that pig in the front seat, I thought you were taking him to the county fair. Farmer, well, I did, and he enjoyed it so much today I'm taking him to the circus. Or something like that.
No, not after the chili,, just out of the blue, like they always happen. He shreaked like a girl. I ignored everything. I mean, what does one do?
I spent over an hour with my hands in my pockets at the guitar store Sunday afternoon. Mentally saying to self, I know he would not do this at Jerry's artarama for me So now I'm in that club too.
So Bunny shall I send this frog to you or someone who really has amnesia and wants to do this again? This morning I'm practicing my yoga, obviously in a deep meditation. He walks up behind me and gives me a hug. Startled me. First sharp words.
But, I love this guy. Last night we were walking arm in arm in a dark parking lot, just having had a lovely evening. I felt safe and happy. Otherwise I would have been sitting home alone. It's all part of the dance. When he reaches for me in the middle of the night, it's all so worth it.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 12:44:47 PM
Gypsy, comfort and joy!!!! Just got back from the surgeons office. It was as I expected. No biopsy or surgery yet, but have to go back in 6 months for another mammogram and ultrasound. He was a very nice gentle doctor, if I need any kind of surgery, I will go to him, if possible. So, now I am god for the next 6 months. Will post more later,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 1:04:29 PM
That's wonderful news, Janet.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2013 : 1:08:52 PM
Bunny if you are still subscribing to mindbodygreen, there is an article on fibro today.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
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