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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 7:10:24 PM
Holly, I think I have enough info. I'll see what I can do. A jacket will take longer to find and upcycle than a top. I'll probably know it when I see it. I'm not a seamstress per se. I'm more of a Frankenstein sewer. I was thinking to make something that you could wear around the house or a day in town. What are your three favorite colors.
Anyway, time for dinner.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 10:19:14 PM
I had a doctor appointment today and a large amount of other stuff to do today so last night I called the second grade teacher I work with and told her I would not be there today. School has been suspended for most of the week because of conferences and the teacher's convention. I am glad to have the extra time. So now I WILL be able to get the two swap items out in the mail tomorrow. So happy!!!
I studied the ASL material for one whole hour today. I signed up for an online class at one of the websites. It looks very comprehensive and I know I can benefit from it. The second level class starts next Monday and will last four weeks. I plan to study continue my ASL studies online and with members of the hearing impaired community. I would love to translate music lyrics at concerts.
Gypsy - A fully trained and functional guy!? Lucky you!!! Yes, I am really enjoying this time. Once when I was 50, I was waiting at a bus stop at 3:00 PM with a bunch of rowdy high school kids. I was ignoring them when one girl said "Hey! Watch your language around your elders." I thought, Wow! I'm an elder. What a compliment.
Janie - Lowell leaves the bathroom door open when he's using it while guests are over too. I asked him once if he was born in a barn. He said, "Probably."
Holly - Let's see if I can find some links.
This is the site for Lowell's former band. The Incredible Shrinking Man is the only Lowell original. He plays lead and rhythm guitar and sings on most of the songs. He has the high male voice.
Secret Aliens On The Town is a peppy instrumental he wrote and recorded. All the instruments are played by himself.
Enjoy all!
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 06:45:23 AM
Hello Ladies,
I had a long post about a week ago but apparently something happened to it. You didn't get to see my tomato curtains. Since I'm at work, I don't have my pics with me. I am constantly busy trying to get ready for winter. Like Holly said you have four seasons and they are all about winter! Because of David's shoulder surgery my garden got planted late so I now have 19 tomato plants in my house in front of all three picture windows and two side windows hoping to get tomato's yet! A few are already up to the ceiling. Needless to say, I don't have to shut curtains, lol!
This past weekend was a three day weekend for me but sadly it was all about wood. David had cut tree length wood earlier and this weekend we rented a wood splitter and he split it while I hauled it up the dooryard in a wheelbarrow into the garage and stacked all three cords in there. It took about 10 hrs. both Sat. and Sun. and yesterday I barely made it out of bed. Thank God for pain pills! I feel like I need one right now and it's 9:30 in the morning at work I'm so sore! Even my toes hurt, lol.
The weekend before was spent moving concrete blocks and bricks and stapling hardware cloth around the bottom of the inside and outside of the two chicken pens and building a new door step in front of the coop door. I am so proud of it, doing it myself with pressure treated wood and a real frame! It's 5' by 5' and not one inch was I helped by hubby. I still have to put hardware cloth around the pallets one of the smaller coops sits on and also around one of the pallets that holds up an inside "pole" to keep the roof up. Blah, blah, blah. Boring! But I hate seeing rats, mice, or other animal holes into the pens. I never see the animals, just holes.
I have also put my gardens to bed except the beets, carrots, and cabbages. I have about 20 pots of herbs I was hoping to bury and turn into another herb garden but I don't think I have the strength to do more hard labor so they may just go into the shed and hope they survive until next spring. We cut back huge sections of alders to turn back into blueberry fields and are trying to get them all burned or chipped as well. We have a logger taking stumpage and hopefully he will cut a wide "road" for us from the yard to our pond. Don't need gravel and all, just an open space.
This week one day we are going to Portland and secure Alana's apartment. Someone tried to break in and she's all freaked out now that Zak is over in Afghanistan. We will drive her back up here in her car and she will stay with us for a week or two. She's having a lot of anxiety issues. Lost her job, Zak left, this break in, living alone for the first time, so now she's relying on Mom and Dad again. Of course I don't mind, I miss her so it will be fun to have her around while she figures out what she is doing.
No other news. Hope you all are having a great time and everything is good with you. Now, I'll go read the posts that I will never catch up on.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 06:52:41 AM
P.S. I think it was Marie who asked me why my name is Oggie on here. At least I got to that post! Anyway, when Alana was in college she got herself a pet rabbit and named it Ogden. She then moved back into the dorms and Ogden had to be brought to our house. He lived with us for 8 years and during that time while I learned all about indoor pet bunnies he helped me start The Dew Hop Inn which is my small business of selling natural treats to bunny owners and other small animal owners. The treats all come from our land and I've been doing a constant business selling dried fruits, herbs, sticks, etc... to people for their bunnies, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc... Hence the name, Oggie, which is what I called him. He died a year ago this past August. I miss him terribly and still haven't brought myself to getting another pet bunny but hope to soon. I'm waiting for Alana's visit though since with her will come two cats. I need to know they will get along with our cat Pewter before I bring rabbits into the house. Pewter was great friends with Oggie but I don't know how he will fair with new rabbits or other cats since he's getting old now too at 15.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 10:30:03 AM
hello all! kathy, good gravy girlfriend! over a hundred hats? i have add too bad to come up with that amount. wooo.... bunny, i just love to sew tops - not too much into the quilting. with the 1952 singer that i got from mom, i now have 5 sewing machines. one of them i bought from a friend who used it mainly to quilt with so i am thinking of maybe learning how to do that on it. yes, the carpet has to go, i cannot take it anymore! hahaha
oggie, just reading what you did made me tire ...good grief, i have got to do something to get more energy or all of you gals will keep on passing me by. i hope your daughter is able to deal with everything soon. when they are young it is so hard on them. marie, my husband and i studied asl for years. he lost a lot of his hearing in both ears and hearing aids didn't help that much. i use to translate the church services for him and we always had captions on the television. it really is a different language and they think like another culture. i find it so fascinating. unfortunantly i broke some fingers at work and they didn't heal correctly so i cannot fingerspell at all anymore. besides pulling up carpet next week, i am hoping to at least cut out one quilt top - it was a bom and has piecing and applique in it. looks like simple applique and i really want to learn how to do that. and work on one of bonnie hunter's quiltville free patterns. i already have two boxes full of 2 1/2" strips so i think i could get a lot done on at least 4 patches , 9 patches, 16 patches...that is if i can get to one of my sewing machines. well, lunch is almost over so i had better go... hugs to all! janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 4:35:39 PM
Holy cow, Ginny. You are working too hard for an "over 50." We barely tolerate that Holly is that busy, but she often gets to smell little boy sweaty head after playing in the sun and everyone knows that revives any mom. Three cords of wood is a tremendous amount of work. Dh and I did two and we didn't do it all at once. Advil to the rescue for sure! I hope your daughter will get a good dose of confidence from a quick trip home.
Janie, hope you get to your sewing machine. It sounds like you are itching to.
Marie, you and Janie make me think I need to learn ASL. I remember a little bit from school. I have always found it beautiful to watch. I had my doctor's appt. today. Did you have your annual exam? I did! As everyone else on this forum knows, we call it "The Peek and Poke." Glad to cross it off my To Do List. Next week is the mammogram... Glad you have this week off from "school" to catch up on your swaps. Looking forward to finding a moment to check out Lowell's links.
Holly, Did you used to get teased about wearing "high waters?" My mom could never find pants long enough in my size when I was a kid, so I was always taunted ... "Expecting a flood?" Kids can be so nice. I loved The Camels Hump story. GPS has let us down now and again...or maybe it was just the cell signal. It sounds like C was lucky to not have any carsick passengers with the road she was navigating!
Gypsy, hope you are having a grand adventure on Route 66 (or whatever Interstate you are on)!
Janet, please post.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 7:08:01 PM
Hi Mar, I did post last night. It is on page 83. I go to the surgeon next Tuesday for a consult. Well, Bob has been sick with a cold over the weekend, and did not work yesterday. He felt somewhat better today, so he did work. His last day of work is Nov. 22nd. He is counting the days. Now, today, I got up to find out that I have caught his cold. It hits me harder because of my bad lungs, so am drinking a lot of green tea with honey. I am hoping it is better by morning, as I want to go out for breakfast with my sister. We missed the last 2 Wed, because she has been sick. Today is has been rainy and only in the 40s. They are talking SNOW this weekend!!!! Today was the first day I had to turn on the heat though, almost a month later than normal. Oggie, it was nice hearing from you. You sure are a busy gal. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter. Gypsy, Hope you are having the time of your life. You two waited a long time for this. Marie, That instrumental was so lovely. Lowell sure does have talent in the music world. Bunny, glad you are liking your classes so far. At least it gives you more time to sew now. Do you only have this one semester left, or do you have to go the whole year? Holly, You are always a busy one getting ready for winter. Hope you are able to have some nice fall weather for awhile yet. We are supposed to have rain all week, then snow this weekend. It won't add up to much just yet, but it really is late for us this year. Janie, Hope you are able to start that quilt. It was me that made all those hats. I am still putting the accessories on them. I like to make at least a dozen of each kind at a time. I did sell very well last year at craft sale Thanksgiving weekend. I just sent my money in for my space, am hoping I get the same one as last year. Hope I did not leave anyone out. I am going to go use my nebulizer and go to bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 7:09:02 PM
Hi Ladies :) Well just lost one post so I'm going to make this rather short as I need to head off to bed soon. Was rainy and gloomy here today. I made a big pot of beef stew and it certainly hit the spot. Hubby really enjoyed it and we had garlic texas toast with it. I ate very little earlier in the day so I could enjoy some too and stay within my dietary guidelines. Managed to walk 4 miles this past week. Not much for anyone who runs/walks regularly and is in good health but for me this is nothing short of a miracle. It was so nice out and I really enjoyed the walks. Marie and Holly I literally busted out laughing at your posts. Hubby thought I was losing it till I told him why I was laughing. Made him smile too. I think he sympathized with Lowell's pajama problem. DH has had infrequent issues with incontinence @ night. Usually is he's over tired. He would neverrrr ever use our iron in such a manner though. He was 20 yrs. Canadian military. He knows how to iron and when we first met he ironed my blue jeans. I have the sharpest creases in my jeans you've ever seen. He used to iron all my nurses uniforms for me. He has relaxed over the years realizing I'm a pretty relaxed soul. I don't like wrinkles and some things have to be ironed but not my blue jeans LOL. Holly your bag of marbles bra description had me rolling. I was so glad I didn't have anything in my mouth when I read that or my screen would have gotten blasted. Gypsy I sure hope you and B are having a wonderful time. It sounds like Vegas was a blast. Let us know how your spray tan holds up. I've never had that done either but can imagine some of the positions you had to get in to have no tan lines anywhere. You brave woman, you. Way to go! I bet B loved seeing you all tan commando ;) Ginny so nice to see you posting again. Girl no wonder you don't have time. You wear me out with all you do. I know there are a few of you here who just work like 20 yr olds. I have no idea how you gals do it. Mar, I'm glad your DH is home with you again and I agree pics of you 2 in your hats would be cute! I can imagine he had a great time with his former co-workers. I bet it was really odd being alone. I think time alone makes us appreciate our spouse or significant other all the more when they return. The old saying, "distance makes the heart grow fonder," is so true. Bunny, I'm so glad you've had some sales. Your business will continue to grow with outside sales. I think other Etsy shop owners just come by for a look to check out the competition. Hope your mom gets things settled soon so you get some alone time that you're craving. Janie, I agree with posts from the other gals about your mom's house. Hang in there and don't let anyone rush you folks into accepting an offer you all don't find acceptable. Settling estates can be so difficult. My youngest son came over and ripped up all the carpeting on our hardwood floors for me a couple yrs. ago. I'm so glad to be rid of it. You can never keep carpeting clean enough if you have pets or kids. Our hardwood floors have various marks and dings that I quite love. Our house was built in 1905 and to me those marks and dings tell of a house well lived in. They all have a story. Janet, I hope things are going okay for you. Life gets so busy sometimes that it's hard to sit down and post. I know it certainly does here. I would guess it's pretty chilly up North by now. We're cooling down here. To be in the 40's for a high by this coming weekend. I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did please forgive me. Getting a bit tired. Also see it's not a short post either. I can't escape writing novellas. Take care everyone and have a wonderful week! Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 7:24:46 PM
Cheryl, I left you out. Good going on the walking!!!! That is great!!! I love to walk, but most days it is way too windy here, and in the winter, the cold burns my lungs. I need to start mall walking again, just don't have the time right now. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2013 : 11:35:34 PM
I have three swaps I HAVE to send out tomorrow. One is a dishcloth I am swiping from the ones I need to send to my nephew for his wedding which was in August. One is an Amigurumi which just needs the arms and legs attached. The last is an art piece which just needs to be finished. I am cutting back on the swaps. My intentions are larger than my amount of time.
I will be going out to lunch with a friend on Thursday to celebrate her getting another part-time job. She told me this evening that they give her many hours and they trust her with a company credit card to buy her supplies for the demos she does at three different stores. I am so happy for her because she has had such a struggle. I have helped her and her son out many times and she is always so grateful.
Ginny - Wow! How do you do it?! I get tired walking to the store for pop and chips. I was curious where that name Oggie came from. It is not everyday (actually never) that I see my names nickname on a screen.
Janie - I've always wanted to learn ASL. When Canae, who is hearing impaired moved in the building, I noticed that she was left out of the conversation when another hearing person showed up and her partner wasn't there to translate. I want to be able to communicate with her and to help her communicate with others better. She does a really good job already but . . . I know three other spoken languages and I am intrigued by the grammatical structure of ASL. The closest other spoken language to ASL is Japanese which leaves out the articles and has much which is implied.
Marianne - Didn't do the peek and poke yet. I did the happy pill update this time. I have to get a peek and poke soon. I haven't had one for almost ten years because of the lack of health insurance and time. A new clinic has opened up three blocks away from my home which is affiliated with the hospital where all my records are so now I have no excuses. Insurance is covered by Medicare. I have to get a mammogram, colonoscopy and some diabetes education. Remind me to get on that.
Janet - To take care of the cold, eat a raw clove of garlic twice a day. I do that when I have the flu and it fixes me up in no time. I like to fall asleep with the garlic aroma in my nostrils. It just gives me such comfort. Lowell is happy that you like his music. I invite anyone on this thread to check the links.
Cheryl - Lowell is something isn't he. I'll have to make him another pair of pajama bottoms. My little brother's wife told me that she knew she would marry him when she learned he could iron. He learned it in the US Marine Corp.
It is 1:30 AM and Lowell is begging me to come to bed and the computer is putting this up much slower than I type. Odd. See you all tomorrow . . .er . . . after the sun rises.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 16 2013 : 4:52:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
Bunny I like green, red and brown although with my coloring I look best in blues and greens. Probably pink is the best but you do not need to go there for me. I was dressed in pink as a child and did not appreciate my mother's efforts at all. Bunny what ever you choose to make will be wonderful because you made it for me with me in mind. My mother made all of my clothes except my shirts and t shirts for most of my life. I remember being in junior high school and there was a new shop in town owned by the family of a friend of mine. I begged for a pair of jeans with an embroidered pocket. They were so fashionable. I wore them and after the first washing could not wear them again they had shrunk up so much. They were the last pair of store bought pants I had until I went to college.
Ginny you must have legs to die for rolling a wheel barrow up a hill loaded with wood over and over. I remember those days of powerhouse wood splitting and moving. We have neighbors now who have a wood splitter and we trade tractor use for splitter accessibility. I am glad that David was able to help by splitting the wood. It is good that some of his health has returned. I hope your visit with dd is wonderful. I hope she remembers how important you are.
Jan I had been hoping that you were off camping for the three day weekend when you had not posted. I did not want to say something and have someone scope out your house for illicit purposes. So, it was you working instead. I hope sales were good while you were there. You have a far better attention span than I do. I would have been bored after five of each style.
My peek and poke is scheduled for January. I do not have to do the bend over this won't hurt a bit for another four years because mine was clean at 50 I have done the squish the boobs every year since I was forty. You'd think they'd have enough pictures of me by now. At least they put the pad on the metal plate now so it is not so cold as it was.
Marie tell Lowell all is fair since he stays up all night playing his games on the computer. At least we are live people you write too. Do you have movies to practice ASL with. We used to have movies I found them good to learn with but difficult because the people who signed were hearing impaired and signed at a talking rate for them which was fast for me. I am jealous that you speak other languages besides American English.
Cheryl. I have a friend who needs to loose a lot of weight. She said today that walking in the grocery store was a work out for her. I must stop threatening and send my dd over to her house to clean off the stationary bicycle she has in her living room and make her ride for ten minutes. I figure some exercise is better than no exercise. Good for you walking four miles. That is no distance to sneeze at. I am glad you are proud of this accomplishment so you could tell us.
Janiee five machines WOW I guess each is good at something different.
We have had wonderful fall weather for this time of year. I fear it will all plummet away in the course of a few days but I am happy we have been so lucky so far.
Last night at 12:20 the dog started to bark. This is not very unusual since one or the other barks every night. So, I rolled out of bed and went to let them out the front door. Joey the big gallumph hound dog mix ran toward the back of the house. I followed in my long cotton nightie, bare feet and no glasses to see him jump on a grayish moving animal. I knew we did not have any cats that color but maybe a stray came in. It screamed. K yelled stop him he has a cat. I yelled it might not be a cat it might be a raccoon. J (19) yelled from just outside his bedroom door on the upstairs level. Don't worry we will take care of it Mama. It was a raccoon. Joey injured it quite badly. At that time both C and I were wishing for our dear friends who are not ballistically challenged (Gypsy, Mar, Ginny) to come to our rescue and put this animal out of its misery. The boys T (16) and J did put a clothes basket over it and move it to the back door. T hit it with a shovel and ended its misery. They put it on the back porch. C took it out into the woods this morning. The littles wanted to go down and see it last night but we did not allow them too. The raccoon had come in the cat door. It had climbed in one of the barn windows walked up a flight of stairs and come into the house. I hope it does not have a family to come looking as well. It is the first that has come into the house in all of the years we have lived here. We were glad it was not a skunk.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 16 2013 : 10:30:39 PM
I mailed out two of my swaps. I thought I had lost the address for the third but I found it later. I will mail that one tomorrow. Mailing at the closest post office is such a chore. This post office serves and area with a large population the majority of which are non-natives. There are always at least 10 people ahead of me and two of them are mailing overseas which means at least 10 minutes of paperwork. The office rarely has more than one clerk on duty at a time. My wait today was 25 minutes. Everyone is unhappy with the situation.
Holly - I am taking a free online course and I haven't started it yet. The course is pretty comprehensive with units on vocabulary, conversation, conversation explained, conversation practice, grammar, grammar practice, numbers, number practice fingerspelling practice readings, vocabulary quiz, comprehension and deaf event attendance. This is the link
My grandmother was a linguist. She taught Latin and Sanskrit in Latvia. I grew up listening to Latvian on my mom's side and Czechoslovakian on my dad's side. I am able to make the German "ch" sound and the Spanish rolled r. I am so good at imitating people that I can fool the unaware but I don't. Just a gift and lots of practice.
Tomorrow, I will be taking a friend out to lunch to celebrate her new second job. We will be going to a restaurant where Matthew, the neighbor whose dogs I take care of, works so I might get a discount. I DO plan to tip him well.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2013 : 06:04:40 AM
Wow, everyone has been so busy. Walking, working, swapping. Holly, the raccoon story had me on the edge of my seat. You really must have been relieved it wasn't a skunk.
Marie, I don't know if I could handle eating raw garlic for a cold. I don't think I get the same comfort from the smell that you do. But, in the midst of a cold, I bet I could be convinced to try it!
Jan, sorry I missed you post. So glad to know you have been busy. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday.
Just wanted to touch base with you gals. Have a wonderful day. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2013 : 06:28:19 AM
Well, I do have a full blown cold in my chest, thanks to Bob!!! A little fever, but Tylenol has been keeping that under control. I will be making chicken soup today, that, I know will help. I hope I am better so I can work tomorrow. I am getting cabin fever way too early here. It is only 24 degrees right now. I looked out the window, and all the roofs are white with frost. BUT<<< this is normal for this time of the year, it is just that we had such a late summer. We did have some beautiful fall weather though, so I am not complaining, yet. The weatherman says we are in for a very snowy cold winter this year. We shall see. One day at a time. Well, off to get dressed and get my day started. Have a great day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2013 : 09:30:23 AM
Janet, bummer you are sick. Hope you get over it soon. We have had some frost here too. There was ice on the garbage can lid yesterday morning. Holly, the raccoon story brought back memories for me. I had a dog that hated raccoons and got a hold of a baby one by the nap of its neck. Shook the poor thing crazy. Same running and yelling, it was night time. Scooby was 125lbs and shaking the poor thing like a rag doll. When we got it away from him, it didn't look damaged so my son put it in the crawl space under our house and we shut the access door. There were plenty of openings for it to get out. I figured it would be safe in there. It was gone the next morning. Poor little things just can't keep the curiosity in check. Sorry yours didn't make it. I love your colors. Aren't you a redhead? Redheads should not wear pink. I promise not to do that to you. Just a note for your yard sale searches, I'm in desperate need of men's button down the front shirts. Anything would be great. Stripes and patterns are preferable and long sleeves. Any colors, blends are ok as long as it isn't really icky polyester. It just needs to feel nice. I also need wool sweaters. I just can't find enough of them here. They can have holes...any color or size. I have a project I want to do and one outfit needs 20 sweaters. I'll be happy to send you money for your finds.
Anyway, today is Business English. I tried to sew yesterday, but was just too tired. I did get a pot of chile made though.
I think I would pass on the garlic too.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2013 : 10:46:42 AM
Hi Ladies, Well I did it again. Lost another post. Grrrr @ myself. LOL Janet, I sure hope you feel better soon. Keep us updated and you know we're all rooting for you and wishing you all the best on Tues. Lots of prayers coming your way too. Bunny, you might try for sweaters. Would be additional cost for you but I do know they have 2 pages of them right now. Some are awfully expensive though! It is a thought anyway. Holly, Gotta love those sneaky little bandit raccoons. The curious little rascals will sneak in anywhere they think they might find a snack. I agree you're incredibly lucky it wasn't a skunk. Do you know a skunk will stomp it's feet to warn off other animals and people before they spray? Too bad most dogs aren't aware of that subtle warning and venture too close anyway. So if you ever see a stomping skunk grab your dog and run! LOL Ginny, what a cute name for your business. I've always wanted a lop earred rabbit but with a dog and 2 cats in my tiny house I think I'm pet filled. Did have a large white buck as a kid on the farm. He wasn't especially cuddly though. I think us kids didn't spend enough time playing with him. Mar, hope all is well in your area of the world. Always happy to see you on the boards :) Marie, Yep gotta love our military men. I've been wanting to try my hand at making pjs at least for my grandson. Maybe some lounge jammies for hubby and myself. Let us know how yours turn out. Janie, I would love to make a real honest to goodness quilt one day. What is a bom quilt? I'd like to make a crazy quilt. I love all the embroidery and the way the patches are all different sizes. Hope I got everyone. Time to get something done around here. Huggz to all. Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2013 : 3:45:51 PM
Holly, I got your package today! Lots of cool stuff! I really needed the men's shirts. I love the brown dress! It will most likely get cut up to upcycle some brown jackets I have. I also love the little lavender pouch. Thank you so much. Lots of inspiration there.
I've decided its time to start getting rid of my many quilting books and patterns. I have another Etsy store that was quilting related so will start putting things on there. Lots of work ahead!
Cheryl, a bom is "block of the month" quilt pattern. Stores like mine would package up complex quilt patterns one block directions and all the fabric needed for that one block each month. Customers would purchase the whole package and be charged a little each month. As far as sweaters because I need so many, they need to be cheap. Even at $5.00 each for one of these garments that would be $100.00 just in sweaters. Then add the labor. I've never made one of these garments before so the first one will probably be a wash anyway.
Off to bake some raspberry rolls for bunco tonight. Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2013 : 11:51:17 PM
I had a good day. I packaged up the last of the stuff I have to mail out. I will do that tomorrow. Because the wait in the post office line is so long, I couldn't go this morning before my lunch with my friend Annette.
I take Annette out when our schedules allow. She works two part-time jobs. One job is as a PCA housekeeper. The other job is as a supermarket demo clerk and she goes to three different places to do this. I was so glad to see her. We really yuck it up and have fun with wait staff. We ate at a new restaurant called Nico's where one of my neighbors works. They serve Mexican tacos which are way better than the tacos at Taco Bell. The area we were in has a great many nice little restaurants and shops. It is easy to walk around in but a congested drive. We walked to the coop grocery store where Annette had to get some provisions. We then walked to my place and had a rest before she went home. She was running low of funds on her bus card so I put some on it. I like helping her out and although she tells me not to, I know she is grateful.
We have raccoons in Minneapolis. They especially like the Kenwood area which has all kinds of beautiful mansions and is near a lake with a small wildlife preserve. They lay on the manicured lawns all stuffed with good eats from the high end garbage cans in the neighborhood. Some are so fat they cannot squeeze into the sewer grates to get away.
<sarcasm alert> No garlic? Well okay then, be sick and miserable then. I'm just saying that it eases all kinds of inflammation and clears the sinuses. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
Oh, it late. Luckily, I have no appointments tomorrow.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 02:13:57 AM
Marie, it sounds like you had a great day yesterday. Walking around an interesting neighborhood sounds like a great fall day activity. Especially when you have great company!
Bunny, I have a tough time finding wool sweaters at Goodwill, too. With so many people felting, they have gotten to be a popular item to pick up. Will it make you sad to get rid of your patterns and quilt supplies?
Jan, good luck shaking that cold. It sounds miserable. Don't take it out of Bob too badly, but I know how you feel when you know someone "gave" you a cold!
Cheryl, deep breath! Losing a post can make you crazy, right? Thanks for taking the time to post again. So many of just say, "I lost my post and I don't have the patience to type it out again!"
All these raccoon stories! I have only seen a raccoon once. We had a trap out for skunks that had made their home under our wraparound porch in Kansas. Found a raccoon in the trap one morning. Good Lord, they are feisty. I can't imagine having one in the house!
Yesterday, dh and I went out and cut up some wood we had stacked from a dead tree that we cut down last year. We loaded it in the trailer of the ATV and brought it in and stacked it. I have always liked bringing in wood. It just makes me feel like I am really doing something worthwhile. We have two more trees that we took down last year to finish up and bring in. It doesn't take much time at all. I have also been tying my lavendar bunches for firestarters. So, definitely looking forward to fire season. It won't be long now.
So, we had listed our home for ninety days with the realtor. And it didn't sell. We decided to not relist through the winter. Instead, we are trying to sell it ourselves at a lower price, since we won't have to pay the commission for the selling realtor. We would work with a buyer's realtor and pay their commission if they bring us a buyer, though. We had a metal sign made for the end of the driveway. Set up a gmail acct for the "house." Are listed on Craig's List. Have a flyer holder with flyers attached to the two foot by three foot sign on the driveway. Are listed on zillow. I guess that is about all we can do at this point...
The Neighbor bought a new horse. I think I mentioned it. Usually, people take great care to introduce new horses to "the herd." (In this case, Larry the LLama and the pregnant mare she already had.) The Neighbor turned everyone out together to let them work it out on their own. The new horse is also a mare. Female horses need to establish dominance. Dominance was established by way of a vet's visit and a three inch gash to the pregnant mare's shoulder that wasn't noticed for several days and an infection had already set in. Sigh... Larry the LLama (AKA Larry Houdini because of his ability to escape from a slack electric fence that isn't electrified) has been taken to the ground twice that I have seen. I know it is Nature's Way, but I just don't like seeing it and it seems to always happen right in front of me! Dh tells me to just stop gardening and go in the house. I know I am too soft about those things, it is just natural. Still ...
Happy Friday, all!
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 5:13:55 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am not a red head. I am a blond that is reverting to the color of my toddlerhood, white blond. lol Now I have more brown than blond but people still call it blond.
Bunny I am glad you received the box and you already see things you can use. I know you have a great imagination. To tell the truth I went around the tables and the hang ups and just picked up what I thought you would be able to use so I do not have any kind of idea in any detail what is in the box. lol It must be like the catalogs that say send us $10 and we will send you a box of yarn. You never know what you are getting. I will keep looking at the sales. The season is rapidly coming to an end.
If The Neighbor isn't careful she is going to find that her pregnant mare is pregnant no longer I know they are sturdy but a good swift kick will cause a miscarriage. I understand about nature establishing dominance but that is in the wild and not in a wired fence. MMMMmmm tell PETA.
I do like the idea of finishing the wood pile as many of you know. It is a finite job and you can tell right away whether you have done a good job or not. Instant gratification.
Last night was Moonlight Madness in Montpelier. Many of the stores had 20% to 25% off their prices. I had a good time shopping and visiting people. There were many people shopping so that is good for the downtown. There had been construction in the road so a month or more this summer and fall it was harder on the shops because people didn't shop. I hope this sale helps the shop owners make ends meet.
I think here in the USA we rip off ourselves and our children by demanding American English all the time. I know there is a token effort to teach our children a second language. I envy those people who can speak more than one fluently. That said, I studied French in school and can read some still. But, when I worked in Philadelphia we worked with translators. I had a woman translating for me into Italian. I said to her that is not what I meant. The recipient of the translation said. I speak some English as well but how did you know that what she said was not right. I told her I could not answer that question because I didn't know how. It did not feel right.
Today was overcast and chilly all day. Tonight there is supposed to be a lunar eclipse. Figures something exciting happens astrologically and we have cloud cover.
A friend told me that the longer the middle stripe on a wooly bear is the more snow we will have. The orange stripe is longer than the two end stripes put together so we should have lots of snow. I like snow. It is the really really cold weather I have a hard time dealing with except that if we have below zero weather then there will be fewer ticks next year.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 6:12:10 PM
Holly, I don't know why I thought you had red hair. Silly me.
I had attempted to post earlier and everything disappeared. I didn't have the patience to do it again.
My mom paid off the second on her house. It was a requirement for the reverse mortgage. So to celebrate she bought a bottle of wine. I'm not thrilled. She had a terrible drinking problem when I was growing up. Her boyfriend in California has drinks every night before dinner. He also drinks hard alcohol so that's even worse. She won't have the church to answer to down there. I'm a bit worried she will slip into her old ways. I really need to get out of here next year.
My oldest son is looking at another career change. He wanted to work as a sheriff's deputy years ago but the county we were living in at the time was not hiring. He just did a dive class with another local county sheriff's department and they told him they were hiring and were desperate for new guys. So it looks like he is going to apply. He has a perfect personally and temperament for the job. I hope he gets it.
Not much else going on in my world. Just homework. Didn't get it all done so I'll be at it again tomorrow. Sigh.....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 6:51:04 PM
Hi ladies, Cold, dreary day here again. Plodding around in my sweats. Took Dickens for a short walk to get out of the house but neither of us had the inclination to go further. Bit achy and just needing a hot cup of cappuccino. Paid some bills and did up a few dishes. Nothing exciting going on here at all. Mar, I so wish I had a bigger house with a fire place some days. This is one of them. Stacking wood would either build me up some muscles or kill me LOL. Here's hoping your house sells before the snow flies. It is not fun moving in Winter. Grrrr @ your goofy neighbors. That is pure laziness not to introduce the animals. It's a wonder the vet didn't chew them out. Bunny, I hope your mom's age will be enough to deter her from drinking. It sounds like the boyfriend may not be the best influence though. I can understand your concerns. You'll be so happy to be on your own one day soon. Thank you for explaining what a bom was. Makes perfect sense. I hope your son is hired soon. Sounds like it will be his dream job. Holly and Marie, It is such fun to go shopping in quaint little shops and visit with friends and just have a fun day. Everyone needs those days. They make life worth living. Holly, I hadn't thought about wooly bears in a long time. We have them here in town but I've not seen a one so far this Summer or Autumn. The same with fireflies. We just don't see many in town. I think it's because they spray for mosquitoes. I had forgotten exactly how their stripes were to be to predict the weather. Thank you for sharing that. I knew it when I was a kid. It was one of those things passed down generation to generation. Now they tend to put all the old knowledge down to old wives tales or fables but farmer's and their wives knew a lot as did the Natives they learned from. Watch Nature enough and you do learn things. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2013 : 7:41:46 PM
Animals' natural habits do indeed look nasty. I remember the time my cat, Lotus, brought a mouse to the bed to kill it. She would let it try to escape then drag it back a few times. Then she picked it up and tossed it down hard basically beating it to death. Next, she ate it. I was shocked that my sweet little kitty could do something like that. She is dead now but I have good memories.

I worked on a sweater I promised to make for a farm girl sister. Some of the yarn is the very devil to work with. It will look really neat though. I also made an appointment for a peek and poke for next week.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 19 2013 : 4:41:35 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast and chilly most of the day. I went to town child free shoping. I went to the shoe outlet and bought a pair of barn boots to replace the ones that have a hole in the sole from dd stepping on a nail and the other has a slit in the side from I do not know how. I went to the hardware store to get C a few items for her birthday and a couple of cans of spray snow. The split pea sized brains in the chickens do not allow them to understand that they can not go through the windows to get outside. So, I am going to spray the snow on the windows and hope that it will let light in but discourage the chickens from trying to fly through. I went to the home maker's fair up at the Town Auditorium. My favorite jelly makers were there, I bought a pair of earrings for K for winter holiday and some items for C for her birthday. Her birthday is Halloween and we will celebrate it the Sunday after. I wanted to do it before but other events were in the way.
I wanted to ask all of you who live with fibro if you live in fear of an episode. I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with fibro or maybe fibro. she seems to have a number of ailments but none are definitive. She is very overweight and does not want to exercise at all because she might have an episode and then be unable to move for a while. I told her about some of you just getting on with life and living as well as you can until you have an episode. I want to understand this more.
I think there is nothing like the sound of a cat chasing a mouse or other rodent around in the night while I am sleeping and then hearing the crunch of little bones as it is devoured. We had a cat who used to leave just the head on the floor for us to find. One of the cats would leave the spleen and tail. I have not had any pieces left in my slippers for a while. Ah the joys of sharing a home with a favorite feline. We once had an altered male cat who would jump up onto the kitchen counter and piss into the GFI outlet. One time it ;made a loud buzz and he took off. It must have been like peeing on a hot electric fence for him
Living with an alcoholic is nerve wracking. I hope your mother does not fall off the wagon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Oct 19 2013 4:48:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 19 2013 : 6:28:58 PM
Holly, I have what I have been told is fibro. I don't fear episodes because I try hard to stay below the pain threshold. I understand your friends issue with exercise though. I'm afraid I feel the same. I tried yoga and was in pain for two days. I went three times before I gave up. If I do too much lifting or housework, I can be down for two or three days. Pain and exhaustion are the main issues. I know I have about 4 or 5 hours of working before I will pay the price. I helped my mom move furniture and put her new computer desk together and it took three days to feel normal. Don't be too hard on her. When it hits, it's like having a really bad flu where you are really tired and every inch of your body hurts. Even your skin.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
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