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Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 10 2013 : 5:42:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have a friend who has been in a relationship with a man for years maybe like 25. He comes for the weekend and goes home on Sunday afternoon. He kids that she has his bag packed and at the door first thing in the morning so he does not get any ideas about staying longer. It works for them.
Janiee investors say, they do not buy depressed houses they buy houses from depressed people. Sure they can afford more but why bother since they are the first offer and while it would be good for them to buy it now if you all do not accept the offer they can wait and come back in the future if it is still on the market and maybe you all will be more depressed and they will get a better deal still. I think if you are the only one in the house the only person you have to please is yourself so move the sewing room anywhere you want. Disregard convention to make yourself happy.
I do like the costumes. I have made cute ones for the children. When K was two or three I made her a Hershey kiss. She was adorable with her chocolate colored skin in a silver lame like dress. I made her a princess gown one year. I made the boys teddy bear costumes on year. I do not like the really scary outfits but did allow the boys to wear them one year. The small children on the streets were afraid and I thought that might not be good.
Laughing Gypsy. Commando is there another term for top and bottom. I bet you walked sedately to your car, no skipping for you.
K and the littles will still be homeschooled. K is still taking her massage classes. She is there tonight. She is learning the muscle groups now and their functions. She says she has a handle on it for now. Muscles can pull and relax but never push.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 4:02:15 PM
Happy Friday, Farmgirls!
We are enjoying Fall! We are expecting our first freeze on Monday. And the pool is "asleep." So, I guess all is well! I got some new yarn yesterday for a new project. It is a cute little slouchy hat with a button on the brim. Of course, only I would spend more on the button than the yarn! gosh, I found a button I loved.
Bunny, I think you would understand the button issue...
Gypsy, Did you streak? Wait, let me rephrase that so as to not make anyone think you have taken to running around in the nude ... Did your spray tan streak?
Holly, It sounds like your friends' relationship works for them...we know a couple that lives together only half the year. I guess it works for them.
I'll check on all my gals later. Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 4:39:23 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have been meaning to tell you for a few weeks now that I took my foot out of my barn boot one morning and a dead, flat toad fell off the bottom of my sock. I do not know how it came to be in my boot. I do not walk around in my socks either inside or out. K sometimes wears my boots. Someone suggested that G put it there when he was angry with me. The wonders of having sons.
Today was a wonderful fall day. Temperatures were in the sixties. The sky had a few puffy clouds but mostly clear. Many of the colorful leaves have fallen. The hills are mostly a dark red now. The oaks have not changed color. The leaves are off the hard maples. People are looking for a good hunting place. I think bow season for deer starts soon. Rifle season is in November.
T likes going to school so far. He likes eating lunch with his baseball buddies. He was nervous about not being able to find his way to class but a childhood friend whom he has not visited in a year or so showed him where to go. He was happy to have a guide.
We have a sliding door on the back of the barn. The rail is in two pieces and it kept slipping apart because the brackets that held it up spread. Steve came and helped me squeeze the brackets.I was going to take them off the wall and squeeze them with a vice. S just reached up with his huge hands and squeezed them to the right spacing. I was amazed at his strength.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 5:48:26 PM
Today was picture day at the school. The kids had to be lined up from tallest to shortest and marched down to the gym for the group picture, made to stand in line for singles and made to wait until everyone was done. One little boy called another "gay". The name caller was defensive and the accuser seemed to be adding more faults on him. I finally said "Okay, I don't care who said what to whom. Is it wrong to be gay?" Both shook their heads. I told the teacher.
I would love to be able to kick Lowell out of the house sometimes but then I wouldn't have stories to tell about the silly things he does. For instance:
He frequently takes a bowl of cereal in his car when he goes to work and eats it while he drives to his first pick up. This week he dropped the bowl and it broke into many pieces. He didn't save them which is too bad because I could have done an art project with them. He has started to use MY bowl for this purpose. I told him that if he broke it, the world of hurt he will be in hasn't been named yet.
And another:
He gets up in the middle of the night as many men in their 60's do and wet on his only pair of pajama pants. He wanted to get the iron out and use it to dry the pants. I was incensed. I told him that I use that iron and the iron board for our clean clothes and how dare he sully either. This is the same guy who can't use a dish towel that has just been dropped on the floor and who washes his toothbrush before he uses it.
Gypsy - LMAO I frequently go braless in the summer. I call that half-commando.
Holly - Boys at least grow up to be strong men who can squeeze hinges together with their bare hands.
Lots to do this weekend.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 5:54:10 PM
Marianne, I just bought a bunch of vintage buttons for my creations. I am unfortunately visually challenged when it comes to measurements. They were beautiful and....small. I will still find uses for them.
I had a sale yesterday...finally. I'm getting more non-store owner visitors to my shop. Maybe I'll start getting more sales. Thinking positive. Someone was interested in one of my jackets. Fingers crossed!
Holly, dead frogs....ewwwwuuuu. Kids are wonderful aren't they. Poor frog.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 5:54:45 PM
Aaaahhhh Marie we just blew our ice cream through our noses as Lowell's antics. Thanks for sharing.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 11 2013 : 8:33:10 PM
Hello and good night friends
Marie you really cracked me up. No don't kick the poor guy out.
But, eating a bowl of cereal while driving?? Now that takes some skill!
Tomorrow morning I leave for my rendezvous in Vegas. I will look in when I can to make sure all you girls are behaving yourselves. My sweetie just called to say he is in Utah and is "quite knackered" that means tired. He is about 6 hours from Vegas.
I'm wondering about Janet. Seems like it's been a couple of days since we've heard from her.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 12:12:14 PM
I don't adapt to the change in weather well or rather, quickly. I am so chilled that I put on long underwear. (Always a good look!) But, I am lot warmer with the extra layer under my yoga pants.
I have been working on my computer all morning. Apparently, I am hopelessly behind the times since I don't use Google Chrome and Google Driver, or maybe that's just Drive. so, I am trying my best to upgrade and incorporate these tools into my email and browser. (If you don't hear from me.... I am lost in cyberspace with the absolute latest in technology at my fingertips.)
Well, it finally occured to me that it would be the perfect day to bake my sweet potatoes. I haven't had a sweet potato for lunch in months. It is just too hot to bake something at 400 degrees for over an hour during the summer. Sweet potatoes are high enough in fiber that I can usually tolerate one or maybe two a week and they are really a treat.
Gypsy, hope you are having a great time, can find a place to dine and dance, have time to people watch because there is no place better than Vegas for that activity and have a great drive home.
Bunny, do vintage buttons command a high price or do people say, "I have a jar full of buttons for $5." I think you are smart to snatch them up and incorporate them in your designs. I love how they look.
Holly, I've stepped on those tiny frogs in my bare feet. It's gross. And the garage door will come down on them and crunch them. They don't have much will to live, it seems. They just kind of fling themselves this way and that. I tried to sweep one out of the garage (and harm's way) but, that was the wrong thing to do. Kinda like salt with a snail. It is sad.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 3:39:26 PM
Lowell is pleased that he is so amusing. He has told me many times that the only reason women put up with men is because they amuse us.
I have Ein and Oswald, my neighbor's two dogs, staying over again. Oswald already peed in the house but he did poop outside.
Lowell is trying to organize a musical event for Halloween for friends and acquaintances. He wants to have it here but we do not have enough room.
This is our living room.

This is our dining room.

We really don't have room for a five piece band. Lowell does not want to play in the backyard, the window in the living room looks out that way, because he thinks it will be too cold. However, this is Minnesota. Halloween can be warm and balmy or we could have a blizzard which actually happened in 1992. (I kid you not! Several feet of snow and 60 mph winds.) Anyway it is his project.
So now, I have three pumpkins to carve, two swaps to finish and one large load of laundry to process. I will be having a good night.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 4:15:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
I guess by now Gypsy is in the arms of her precious love muffin. I hope the reunion is sweet and warm.
Today I put on shorts. It must be temperatures in the seventies. I went to a couple of yard sales. I bought a box of children's books. Maybe fifty or so learn to read books. The owner was very organized and had all of the same characters books tied together with yarn. The littles were thrilled to have them.
Today was the clothing swap here in town. I found three pair of slim pants for the boys and a couple of sweaters for T. I have a box of shirts for Bunny and if you like them well and good and if you have no use for them pass them on.
I brush hogged part of the field across the pond. it is about 2/3 done.
K and I had lobster for supper everyone else had cod fish and spinach.
I could join you, Mar, for sweet potatoes for lunch. I really like them with a lot of butter and a little brown sugar.
I have space for Lowell to have his dance party with a five piece band, We do live in a barn. The house has an open floor plan downstairs.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 4:45:07 PM
Holly, You have room for a 35 piece orchestra! And room for us all to dance. And that is exactly how I like my sweet potato. A box full of books is a grand thing for the littles to be excited about. Lucky Ducks. And Bunny will have a ball, too.
Marie, I remember the "never know" aspect of Halloween - and Easter - and Mother's Day when you live in the northern states east of the Continental Divide. Good luck to Lowell with his plans.
We rented the series "House of Cards" for the rest of this rainy afternoon. We spent a bunch of time of projects outside and in the garage so the sofa looks really welcoming for the rest of the afternoon.
Marianne |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Oct 12 2013 4:45:44 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 4:47:34 PM
Oh I forgot to tell Marie that I think she has gorgeous floors. I wonder if they are loud, though... So pretty and shiny. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
17167 Posts
17167 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 4:53:04 PM
Oh Marianne,,, how's life treating you? You are gonna hate me,,, but... it is lovely weather over here... still running around in 'clam-digger' pants, short sleeve shirts and a big goofy grin on my face! It does get cold over night but by 10am I am outside (when I should be in the house unpacking)puttering...
How's our friend 'Larry'? I sure miss him! Hugz
>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 12 2013 : 5:22:02 PM
Holly, I can't wait to see what you send me! You must let me make you something!! The shipping alone is worth me making you something. What size are you? I know you are skinny and tall. Maybe a jacket? Colors?
Mar, vintage buttons are expensive! I paid way too much. Anywhere from $4.00 and up. I won't pay more than $5.00 for a large vintage button. Some of the buttons I bought were a "lot". Around 5 to 9 buttons for $5.00. They were smaller, but would look cool on a blouse redo.
Sold a jacket today... Yea!!! However, I spent the same as my sale in purchasing more clothing today. At least it balanced out.
Holly, I love your love muffin comment. I don't think we will hear from her for a few days.
I second Mar's comments about Marie's floors. Very nice.
Well, I'm pooped for today. Got one dress done, a bunch of thrift store purchases washed and dried. The sold jacket packed up for the mail man and I made a little pouch for her from the leftover fabrics as a added tuck in. Time for a nap!
Later all...
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 5:27:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
I wear flannel lined pants to deal with the cold. I used to wear long underwear and still do when it is frigid but I do not like the way the waistbands slide up and down and bunch. I am long waisted so it is hard to pull them up enough. So, flannel lineds are my best choice. Sometimes I put snow pants over them to stay toasty. Lucky for us we are not the cold yet. We have had a phenomenally warm fall.
Mmmmm what sizes am I? Well, all the time I was a teenager until my mother died and stopped making my clothes I was a size 12. But, that is not right any more. I wear 31 X 35 pants. If I wore a bra it would be a 36 maybe B was the last one I bought but now I think they are smaller bags of marbles. I am long from the shoulder down to where the cup might have been. Does that give you enough information, Bunny? or too much? lol
Today was a lovely day. I took the littles for a walk up to the base of the mountain. It took about an hour to get there. It is a gradual incline. We saw many trees that had been blown over and had big root bases sideways to the earth. I tried to explain that here in New England we have so much ledge ;and not much top soil that the roots spread out instead of going down into the ground.
They found some beech nuts and were fascinated that they could actually eat something from the wild. I am so glad we live where we do because if we lived someplace where noise mattered we would have to duct tape their mouths shut. They laugh and call so loud when we are outside I am glad we are. They would hide behind trees or lay on the ground behind logs waiting for me to walk by so they could jump up and scare me but they giggles so loud I always knew where they were. They are all asleep now.
In the afternoon I brush hogged some more of the field. The littles played in the woods on the edge of the field. C and G would run out and put sticks in the path of the brush hog to see if the blades would chop them up. I tried to explain about the sharp pieces shooting out from under the brush hog and if they were too close they would get speared but the concept was not imminent enough. Luckily they did not get hurt.
We had beef wellington for supper. It is the first time C has ever tried to make it. She found the right cut of meat in the freezer. It was a long cylinder of beef. She cooked mushrooms, wrapped the meat in the mushrooms. proscuitto and puff pastry and cooked it. She may have done other bits to it as well. It was tasty.
C drove over to the other side of the mountains to pick up a freezer. On the way back they decided to not go the high way. They found a road called Camel's Hump Road and knew on the other side of the mountain called Camel's hump that there was another road called Camel's Hump road. The bright stars thought the roads would join each other. The road became narrower and narrower and there were more and more cars parked on the side of the road and then it dead ended. They were at the trail head. lol She and her co pilot are so geographically challenged. There are only a few ways across the mountains if you do not go around and they are called Gaps. Camel's Hump is a one humped camel not a two humped camel. If she had wanted to cut across the mountains she would have had to find the Appalacian Gap and taken it. lol She said they had a lovely drive and the scenery was gorgeous. K sat in the back of the truck and laughed and laughed as C and her co pilot became more lost. They could not use the GPS on their phones because there was not service. C and her co pilot regularly become misdirected.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 7:57:49 PM
Holly, if you were to buy yourself a coat, what size would you buy? On a coat that fits you, what is the measurement from the shoulder seam to the cuff. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I'll have to find a coat that fits you first and then go from there.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 10:00:52 PM
I got out of bed way before Lowell did this morning. I started doing that quite recently. In fact it all started about the time I began to regularly stay up past midnight. I am going through the change and have noticed several alterations in my behaviour, energy and attitude. I am a lot nicer than I used to be. Some things that used to make me go ape s*** now do not even bother me. I am less defensive about my ideas and opinions. I do not require so much attention nor do I wish to be in a spot light. I feel calm and happy for the first time in my life. I have heard that women after menopause become more assertive and are able to take calculated risks to realise their goals. I feel as if I am on the brink of a new start. Anyway . . .
Lowell had his daughter over to rehearse some songs. He admitted to her that he wants to have the music party so he can play all his solos that he used to play with this old band, The Very Idea. He is please that Holly offered such an accomodating venue for his party; however, we will have to decline because of transportation problems.
Kids are so great. Just when I want to scream at one of the second graders, the one I want to scream at comes up and says something surprising to me. This one kid in the class, for instance, can't focus, won't stay in line and is mildly disruptive. I have to correct him over and over again. Just when I was about to lose my patience, he grabbed my hand and asked me to eat lunch with him in the cafeteria. I wonder if he will remember me.
House of Cards is an amazing show. I just love Kevin Spacey's portrayal of Representative Francis Underwood. It can be a little unsettling. My brother says he doesn't want to know if this is how things are really done in Washington DC.
The floors are not loud just a little squeaky. This building was erected in the early part of the 20th century as are many others in this area of Minneapolis. This is the fourth building of this vintage I have lived in. Our previous residence had carpeting which we could not keep clean. For some reason, everytime I tried to vaccum the machine would break. We were specifically looking for an apartment with hardwood floors this time. Lowell picked out that cool-looking rug. He has such good taste. Tee Hee!
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 13 2013 : 11:31:22 PM
Hello everybody, Checking In to see what you girls have been up to. B has showered me with so much attention but finally he feels he can watch a few minutes of TV. He knows I don't care for TV so he is hesitant to turn it on although he likes to watch it. He keeps it real low.
I owe some woman a huge debt of gratitude because this one comes to me already perfectly trained. I don't need to change a thing.
Bunny if you made Holly a top like that first one I bought from you she would love it because it fits loosely and you can wear it everywhere. I'm annoyed with myself I forgot to bring it on my trip because the weather here is cool enough to wear it.
We've walked miles today. The entire strip from one end to the other. We amazed ourselves. I'm drinking lots of water and it sure makes a difference.
Marie, I'm glad to see you are embracing the good things that the change is bringing about. Life really can get better and better with age. People lament the loss of youth but maturity is so much better. You are already realizing this.
I'm exhausted but just wanted to hop on and say hi to everybody.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 08:55:24 AM
Gypsy, so nice to hear from you. All the jitters gone I hope. I think it will be a short time before you two work out your personal needs. Him watching tv is a great time for you to go off and do something you want to do. The shirt is a great idea. Not sure she is the bustle type though. I'm still trying to find out what size she is. I'm thinking something easy to wear and comfy. Holly, you hear me. I need ideas!
Well my mom finally got one wall painted. It took two weeks Nd we are talking maybe a 6 foot wall. She had to wash it, spackle it, seal it and finally paint it. One small wall. Yesterday she put her computer desk together. I had to help. Trying to talk to her is like Abbot and Costello who's on first skit. She drives me crazy!!! The appraiser told her to not worry about painting. Hopefully she will leave in a week or so. I can't wait!
Today is homework day. Business law. Not a bad class. I'm getting a b so far. I don't care about getting A's anymore. I just want to get it over with.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 11:48:23 AM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:24:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 12:02:55 PM
hello gals! first of all thank you to all of you who told me about investors. it calmed me down quite a bit. holly, dead frog? argh! and eww! funny story about c and the mountain gaps. will have to remember that in a few years when i come up to visit vermont and your measurements made my boss want to know what i was laughing so hard at! i told him it was the frog story...hahahahaha marie, i love your stories about lowell. i use to play the piano (mainly classical) so i understand where his mind is at times. but to break his bowl and then take yours and then want to iron his dirty pj's on your ironing board???? where do men come from? gypsy, i think b needs to have a brother , he sounds like one of a kind! :) marian, my mom use to eat sweet potatoes that way. she was the only one in the family that loved them. i splurged on myself saturday. went by hastings (a book and dvd store for those who have never heard of it) and found a quilt magazine to purchase. on the way to the register i happened to look at the candy aisle (something i don't normally do since i am diabetic) and they had cherry mash! it has been years since i saw that candy! so i bought two of them. ate one sunday and and will have the other one tonight! oh they were sweet and sooooo good! thinking of keeping the back room as my workroom room. the front room would be nice and i would be closer to my dogs BUT it only has one window in it and with my poor old half blind eyes, it would really put a strain on them. i would have to buy several lamps and even then it might still be a strain. however, i am still pulling up the carpet in it next week and if i have time, the carpet in my back room as well. well, boss is coughing so i had better get back to work! hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390
bummy, congrats on your sales! hope many many many more come in! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 3:34:38 PM
Gypsy, I do stress. I want to make things people love to wear! I keep thinking about Holly out bush hogging and thinking about what she would wear to that! She is a working farmgirl so nothing fancy would get worn anyway. But I do like your thinking about a cool tshirt design. Hopefully she will chime in here and give me some measurements and ideas... Colors Please!! Plaids? Solids? Florals?
Got all my homework done for today's class. I'm actually like the business law class. As a past store owner it is very interesting.
Mom got the kitchen all back together finally. Still only one wall painted. Still not sure if she is going to Eureka yet. Her boyfriend had prostate cancer a few years ago and it is supposedly in remission. But he is having some issues and so now she doesn't want to go because she doesn't want to take care of him. Ahh... such love. She says she will go to my sister's in Utah instead. We will see. I'm not holding my breath. But would love to see the back of her car!
Janie, I think you could get some daylight light bulbs and it would be a big help for lighting. Just find some cheap lamps and a second hand store. The lightbulbs of course would be the biggest expense. But they do last a long time. I agree with pulling up the carpet. I drop pins constantly! If I had carpet, I would be in big trouble as I sew barefoot. What kind of quilting do you like to do?
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 6:04:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have read through the posts and am prepared to try to remove the mystery of my body size. I thought oh, I can do this. So, I went into my closet to look at the two dress coats I own. One is a linen off white fitted jacket that is a small. I thought this is not help, what is a small? The other is a loose crushed velvet item that is shorter in the body and it is a large. The former is a little tight through the shoulders and upper arms and the latter is a little loose through the body. Doesn't help much does it? Well, I did buy them off the sales table from a business that was going out of business and they would fit no one but me. I might have the proverbial model's body but no one makes clothes and sells them on the rack to fit one. Did you all detect the little whine there? the little bit of self pity? Anyway, C measured my arms from the spine to the cuff and got 30 1/2 inches. She measured from collar to hip and found 25 inches. What other measurements would you like? I wear a large winter coat because I want the sleeves long enough. Sometimes two of me can fit in those jackets. I do work at getting muscles but I do not work at staying this size it is just the genetics of the family lines.
I am not really into frills. The frilliest clothing I own are my cotton nightgowns. They have lace and ruffles on them. I do like the feel of the cotton but would take it without the ruffles if it was offered.
Marie does Lowell have any recordings of his music? I would like to hear him play. I agree about the moods and feeling lighter. While in peri menopause there was a weight on me most of the time. I almost forgot how to laugh or let the worst run out to the sky. Since I am in true menopause now I am a lot lighter and can laugh again and find the center of a situation without feeling that I am totally responsible for every thing having to do with it. Make any sense?
Gypsy learning each others rhythms will come in time.
I used to have carpeting in some of the rooms. What a mess. Even the carpet that called itself industrial did not clean up well and smelled after a short while. My floors do not look anywhere near as nice as Marie's. Oh, to have nice looking floors might give me incentive to want to keep them clean. The carpets sucked to them every cat hair dog hair, and dust rabbit that existed in the house. I will not do them again.
Today was overcast and rainy. Finally, some rain. I have not kept track of the weather so I do not know whether the rain came from the west or up the coast. I spoke to a friend in Maryland and they have had more than seven inches of rain in one day and three other days of rain. I hope the water table fills up before the ground freezes.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 14 2013 : 6:30:09 PM
Hi all, I am still here, just been sooooo busy. I worked both Friday and Saturday for my son. I have been crocheting animal hats for so long, I finally got burnout. I am done crocheting them, now I am putting them together. Probably will take me another 2 weeks to do that, as I have over a hundred hats made. No wonder I got burnout!!! LOL!!! I will post more tomorrow, have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
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