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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 : 4:58:08 PM
Mar I left you out. I am wondering how the neighbor is doing with the new addition. I'm wondering g what do you do with the lavender once you have harvested it.
My mom came home from the hospital and is getting around with a walker. She was very sweet on the phone but she's still really upset with my sister so I guess I'm safe for now. I'm on the right list.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 09:05:06 AM
Gypsy, I am so glad that your mom is home and ambulatory. And it is kinda cool that she is being nice to you, too!
I didn't cut my lavendar at peak this year since we had the house up for sale. I decided it would look prettiest to leave the flowers. So, I just cut it back and the flowers are faded and not as fragrant, naturally. So, for those cuttings, I just strip the buds for carpet use. I sprinkle them, walk on them and then vacuum them up. It freshens the carpet, vacuum bag and air. I tie up the stems for firestarters. They smell SO good burning. But, I do miss the "good" lavendar buds for my sachets!
It is overcast and cool today. So, I am giving myself the day off from preparing the garden for winter. Yay. My butt muscles are happy. Too much squatting and stooping.
I'll check in on you all later. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 4:32:58 PM
Hi everybody. Today was just more of the same. Thought I'd take a peek to see who posted today and, Mar, you are holding up the fort by yourself today. Unless someone is writing as I am. Glad you took a day off to rest your weary bones. I will be doing that soon. But not today. The closets are all cleaned out and the area that was my art craft room and huge closet all whittled down to a few boxes. That area is separate from the house and is about the size of a two car garage and a bathroomBoth bedroom s in the main house and one bathroom cleaned. Tomorrow the hall bath kitchen and living room I hope, then I will be done. When I get back up here again I will be able to get on the mower one last time until next spring. Then all the deep cleaning will be done till spring too.
Janet today I'm leaning toward an estate sale for the whole works except for a few essentials. I want to be unburdened with all the stuff. This is ridiculous. I've hung on to clothes and shoes for years for no other reason than they are too good to throw away.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 4:50:13 PM
Oh, and Mar, it's hard to confess this, but I have found not one, but three grocery bags full of bags!!
Mirror, mirror on the wall I am my mother after all.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 5:00:13 PM
It's embarrassing, isn't it... Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 6:34:49 PM
Yeah........even more embarrassing is all the dust I find I've been oblivious to, once I start really looking under things and high things that a six foot tall person could see.
Is it "hold down the fort"or "hold up the fort"? Think its "down". I just hate these senior moments. Well, Mar, looks like its you and me. When it gets quiet like this I like to go look at the numbers to see how many lurkers we have who don't say anything.
I leave in four days. Serious anxiety here. Do I really want a man around 24/7 again? The odds of me being in a good mood all the time are nil. And having to put on mascara every single day? Oh, dear!! Why am I thinking of this now?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 8:15:18 PM
I think an estate sale is a great way to go, Gypsy. That way you could kind of "shop" your own items and keep what is most important. You end up with a check at the end and everyone is happy. I would definitely consider it.
Getting rid of excess is supposed to be so good for your soul. Living these last three months in an immaculate house has really made me LESS stressed. I always hate things just laying around, not picked up as they should be... And even dh has noticed how much calmer he has felt, too. He always thought I was uptight because I wanted everything picked up every night. OK, maybe I am a bit uptight...
Hope everyone is healthy and back on the thread soon!!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 9:30:51 PM
Bunny you asked about buttons. I have a jar somewhere(in a box now) of old buttons but small and ordinary I think. I've never collected many buttons. Have a nice little marble collection though, which im keeping. I love marbles. Isn't that silly
Mar, I too, just love the feeling when everything is immaculate. I keep my apartment tidy and neat but the house is so big and it gets dusty every single day because I'm out in the open where the wind blows and the climate is dusty. This is the absolute hardest house to keep clean that I have ever had. Partly because there is so much glass and light and every speck shows. Also there is a lot of room to collect stuff
Another weird thing is I'm tired of all the furniture I have loved for years. I have some very good pieces that I can not just give away. Several I paid up to $2500 for. I have a $5000 sofa. I don't know how to sell those. I have a red lacquered hand painted lovely oriental piece that I paid $600 for. How do I sell that? Does anyone reading this know how to go about getting things appraised? I just do not know where to start. I want clean simple lines now. Our grandmothers went through this and stored priceless antiques in old barns. Maybe the people who do estate sales know what to price things at. Speaking of that I have my great grandmothers dresser which probably came from England to new york and then to Texas by wagon train. There is no one to pass it down to. Mom says sell it. Well, good night all. Hope every one is well. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 08 2013 9:33:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 9:35:15 PM
Thank you for all the compliments. I am so pleased to see a fellow sci-fi nerd on this thread.
I taught my first crochet class today. I have four students. One was having all kinds of trouble so I will have to work with her closely. One had understood and made the two stitches I taught so I just need to reinforce the lesson and make sure she makes the stitches even. The other two understood the concepts and just need to perfect and refine the single crochet. I know that once all of them know how to do the single crochet, all the other stitches will come easy. All the other yarn craft instructors are grateful to me for getting all the donations together. I had the equivalent of three large, plastic shopping bags of donated yarn, a couple crochet hooks and some knitting needles. There is a foundation I am trying to contact which can be enormously helpful and another place someone told me about. I also have some record keeping to do documenting the lesson plan results, student progress, cost of materials and donors. I guess I really have made a commitment to this.
Janie - The Cherokee are interesting. They wholeheartedly adopted the white man's ways and some of them became quite wealthy. Some had plantations and slaves. Even though they had an elected government and a constitution, the government forced them off their land. Many who had stayed behind hoping they would be allowed to stay were sent packing with just the clothes on their backs and whatever they could carry. They had to walk from North Carolina to Oklahoma during a terrible winter. Many died of exposure, disease and starvation along the way. Many African American slaves and freemen also participated in the removal. It is quite possible to find out which of your ancestors was from that area by going to the head of Trail of Tears National Historic Trail which starts in Tennessee. There are numerous documents pertaining to that time and maybe someone can identify a picture or find a name. Just a thought.
Marianne - You don't know the half of it. I was on a Star Trek ship (club) and we had three Next Generation look-a-likes on board. One guy looked like Commander Riker, another looked like Captain Picard and I looked like Counselor Troi. Now that was a great deal of fun.
Gypsy - The skirt in the Klingon lady is an old plaid skirt altered to fit. That same piece had also been used as a skirt for a Celtic warrior maiden. Yes, I even recycle my costumes. Sorry about the pictures. They were early scans and did not turn out completely well.
Good night ladies.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 10:19:46 PM
Gypsy, you are now beginning to understand my feelings about dealing with a relationship. I'm just not sure if I want to deal with the trouble. I tend to do all the work in a relationship and I just don't want to anymore. I like being alone. I wouldn't mind a man friend who does not live with me. I just don't want to be a caregiver anymore. I hope you and B can find some common ground and he can understand your need to have time for yourself. Communication of course is the key.
My log house was always very dusty. I lived in the woods. There was a very small window of time in the morning when the sun shone just right and I could see all the dust and cobwebs. Then it would rise just a bit more and everything would disappear. I learned to live with the dust.
I think an estate sale would be great. As far as pricing things, that just takes research. You might take some pictures of your antiques and go to a nice antique store and see if they are interested in buying any of it. You won't get top dollar, but they will pay cash and come and get it themselves. Otherwise just put price tags on things, advertise in the local paper and see what happens. You can get a paypal account and a card reader so you can accept credit cards for payment. Too bad a bunch of us didn't live closer so we could help.
Today was just a boring homework day. Then a nap and finally bunco with my mom's group.
Night all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 08 2013 : 10:30:41 PM
Good morning ladies, I bet I'm the first one to post today LOL. Obviously I'm still awake although not for long. I had a brief nap in my recliner after dinner tonight. Even though my little Jak is always a joy I am worn out after having him 2 days. We made some cute dragonflies out of sticks and leaves then glued them to our Mountain Ash in front of the house. We added little rhinestones to them also for some sparkle. They came out rather cute. Also took him to the park to play yesterday so he could run off some energy. He is such a precious little light in my life. Do I sound like an adoring gramma? LOL It's absolutely gorgeous here in Northeastern Wisconsin this week. Mild 70's for highs and no rain. Gotta love it! I'm still getting tomatoes from the garden so putting off pulling them up till I hear we'll get a hard frost. Gypsy I think your thoughts on an estate sale sound great. The only downside might be the fee for the auctioneer as some of them charge a hefty fee. I bet you're so excited you can barely sit still till you and B can be together again. If he truly loves you he's not going to run if you forego the mascara now and then :) Mar, I hope you're doing well and the crazy neighbors aren't driving you too nuts. Lavender sachets smell soooo wonderful. I can only guess how tossing some in the fire would smell. Janet, hoping things are going okay for you. Sending you warm loving thoughts to help you through your day. Marie, your costumes are the bomb! Very creative! Janie, I understand completely how those moments of realization after losing your mom feel. I still have them. I have a couple of my mom's phone calls saved and when I miss her really bad I play them back just so I can hear her voice. I hope everything is settled with the house soon so you can begin to move forward. Sending you warm loving thoughts too as I'm sure you need them. Holly, I love your writing. You are so descriptive and your posts are a joy to read. Yes I would say the photo I have is most likely from around 1900. One day I'll hop on again to see if I can find a bit more info. Bunny, I hope things work out so you do get to have some alone time in the house for 6 months. I bet your creative side will be off the charts if you get that kind of privacy. I do hope I got a hello in to everyone. So sorry if I missed anyone. Starting to tired again here. Have a fantastic day sisters! Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 04:36:35 AM
Bunny. Taking the pictures and going to the dealers is a great idea. I live too far out in the sticks for anyone to drive all the way out here.
If you know you don't want a relationship then at least you know what you do and do not want and that is a good thing. Right now all your energy is tied up in launching your new career anyway.
It's early. More later. Glad to see some of you back.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 05:59:34 AM
hello gals, my we have some early birds! gypsy, i hope you are able to sell everything and make a lot of money. mar, i am so glad you are teaching crochet. i am a certified one stroke instructor and tried teaching but just don't have the patience for it. after breaking my hand at work, i don't have the hands for the painting anymore either. my dh and i were sci fi nuts. voyager, next generation, enterprise, babylon five, deep space nine, farscape, all of them. we never had any costumes though..... i need all the good thoughts i can get with my mom's house. the first offer was for almost $20,000 less than we had listed. we wanted to counter with almost $10,000 less but our relator thought that was too high for these people(investors) and took it down another $2,000. well, that made my brothers angry and they now don't want to come down at all (and my sister agrees with them) well, i had told the relator that she could because at first my brothers agreed with it and then changed their minds (arrrrghhhh) and i found out this morning that she had already countered with the lower offer (arrgh) but if i understand everything correctly, i don't have to accept it nor do they. my brothers looked these people up on line and discovered they were millionaires....what am i supposed to think? after six phone calls and 3 texts later from my brother last night my stomach hurt so bad. felt like it was on fire...this stress is really beginning to get to me... ok, 'nuf complaining...i am seriously considering turning my front "living" room into my sewing room - how crazy is that? my living room and kitchen area are separated by a small partition and when i watch tv it is in the kitchen area. I would have to move the table and chairs into a different room but i would have space!!! i have been trying to organize that back room but it just isn't comfortable to be in because it is so crowded. am trying to work it out before i actually move anything.. bunny i agree with you, a man friend might be ok but he would have to go to his own home at night. i took care of my dh for years and then my mom and this time is for me... hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 07:09:05 AM
Cheryl, it is so nice to hear from you! Jak sounds like a lovebug. You are so fortunate to have such a special time with him.
Janie, I am sorry to hear that the counteroffer caused so much upset. It will work out. It does kind of chap your bottom to find out someone with plenty of money is dickering for a few thousand that would mean a lot to you and your siblings. Hope it works out well and very quickly. And I think it makes sense to use the space in your house to your best advantage no matter what the names of the rooms are!
bunny, the photo idea was a stroke of genius. How are your mom's plans going for the Reverse Mortgage and her winter getaway? My house here is always dusty, too. I blame it on the gravel driveway. Gotta blame it on something!
I get to pick up dh today. He has been spending a few days in Las Vegas with some ex-coworkers. There was a baking convention there so it was a great time to catch up with all the chocolate people he knows from across the US. He seems to have enjoyed himself. It will be nice to have him back. This house just seems to keep getting emptier and emptier. First dd, this dear ol' Mollie died, then Sammie (yellow dog) went to live with her person, and dh went on a trip. That left me here with just one itty bitty dog ... and two horses.
I'll check on you all later. I hope Holly pops on soon. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 09:50:23 AM
Janie, if you are not happy with the offer, let it go. Don't let your realtor push you either. They are suppose to be on your side. It may take a little longer to sell, but you will know the right offer when you get it. Follow your instincts.
Mar, DH just couldn't stay away from the chocolate huh. Nice that he got to see old working buddies though. It is sad to realize your family is downsizing. However, the universe could be rearranging things for a reason. You never know.
I've decided to sew today. I was really good and got home work for two classes done. I only have one more this week. Lots of ideas. I'm running out of good men's shirts though. I may have to take a trip to Portland myself.
Until later......
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 11:50:11 AM
The season is definitely changing. Last night was a warm, dark night full of the smell of dried leaves. If I am ever in a coma, I an certain that this smell will bring me out of it.
Our backyard garden is just about done. There are still a few green cherry tomatoes left. I'll watch the forecast and snag them before the frost comes and fry them up.
I will have a completely free day tomorrow so I will sit in the tub with a glass of wine and some chocolate enjoying my new bath salts. Don't expect a post here either.
Gypsy - I used to work for a small antique shop. I can tell that people will drive quite a distance to get good stuff. An auction house might be a good option. They can promote the sale and set up the financial logistics. I believe that any dealer in the surrounding 100 miles will come.
Janie - I dislike property investors. They are part of the reason for the housing bubble. Housing is shelter, period. I recommend that you and your siblings get together and agree on the lowest price to accept and appoint one of you to research the buyers. The realtor just wants their commission and no one except she knows her financial goals. And of course do not accept an offer you do not like. Please be patient. Our family went through a long selling period once when we moved so I can understand this. It is not crazy to turn your living room into a sewing room. Go for it! I lived in a one bedroom apartment and turned my living room into a sewing room by getting rid of the TV and all the furniture I wasn't using. It looked like a studio.
Marianne - A husband into chocolate - how lucky. I want one of those.
Bunny - What kind of men's shirts are needed? I might be able to get some on sale at some of the thrift stores in the area and send them to you.
It is a beautiful autumn day. I am going out to enjoy it.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 12:45:25 PM
Cheryl it is so nice to hear you talk about little jak. I have missed most of that. Its such an important part of your life. I did have it with one out of 5 grands.
Janiee, I agree with Bunny. Investors are greedy and often unscrupulous. I hate to see your agent trying to get you to take a low ball offer like that. It's how investors operate. Sooner or later they find someone desperate enough to give them a house.
As far as your sewing room, hey, it's your house. I think you should do exactly as you please. I almost took my entire sun room addition and turned it into a studio but then I realized I'd have to keep it neat and clean all the time because everybody would see it.
And Mar, ya know our gal Bunny is a pretty wise chick. She may be right on that too. Who knows how our worlds will turn. Life is such an adventure, isn't it?
My weather is just perfect t today. I'm on the porch kicked back In my rocker for a bit. The breeze is intoxicating.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 6:18:55 PM
OK, Bunny, I will be open to anything new the universe is sending my way. And try to be really excited about it, too.
We had such a great fall day after the fog cleared here. I had to laugh when dh said he was freezing. I guess a lovely fall day in the Inland NW isn't as warm as the last few days have been in Las Vegas.
I finished my (second!) knitted hat and dh was very happy to model it when he got home. I, of course, returned the favor by modeling the lovely(!) Pillbury Dough Boy cap he brought home for me from the show. I wish he could have brought me the freshly made doughnuts that everyone was enjoying. Gosh, that sounds yummy, doesn't it?
Gypsy, enjoy that porch!
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 6:39:18 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am getting a late visit on here so I am going to post and catch up on the reading another time.
Talie registered for school today. I am glad he has made a decision and I hope he is happy with his decision overtime. I think the structure of the school may make him crazy but he does well at sports and that is structured so who knows. He should do well in most of his classes. He has a hard time putting down thoughts on paper but he is signed up for help table three times a week so he should do ok. He wants to be with his friends. He is lonely and his friends do not return phone calls and are unable to organize themselves to make a playdate. it is not just with T it seems from talking to the mothers that once they get home they have no interest in going anywhere. I hope this choice he has made is everything he thinks it will be. This decision certainly eases my work load a little.
Today was a lovely day. Temperatures were in the forties all day which sounds cold but the sun was shining and it was comfortable to be outside
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 6:52:13 PM
Holly, This will be a huge change for T. It will be so exciting at first. If he can stay organized and get good help at the help table, he may have a very good experience. It will make his sports life much easier in some ways and that is such a big deal at his age. Sending good thoughts your way. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 7:34:55 PM
Marie I didn't see your post when I posted earlier. I drove back to Austin tonight so I have the fast Internet and IPad instead of the little dinky phone. So now I can actually see everybody's posts. So tomorrow your going to take a pretty long bath, Marie. That may justify more than one glass of wine. We will be thinking of you.
That's interesting about the antique dealers, Marie. I sure hope you are right because I'm only about 45 minutes from a town with lots of antique shops. I appreciate everyone's input. I like getting everyone's opinion, there are always things I don't think about. The housing bubble was because of the banks lending money to people who could not afford the houses. Of course greedy investors were at the bottom of the whole scheme for sure.
Mar I think you should post pics of you and DH in your hats. That would be fun. I remember those cute dough boy commercials.
Holly I'm glad you posted before we had to send out the posse. I too, hope T is happy with his new arrangement. Socializing is such an important part of growing up and teenagers have so many insecurities anyway. So Holly will you be homeschooling K and the three littles?
Bunny, what did you make today? How's your mom's loan coming along? Are you sure you are such a loner to want to live alone for six months?
I shared yours and Janiee's views on men in general and that I didn't want another one to take care of. Then I met the B. it changed everything. I am more surprised than anyone.
Cheryl , I went to Appleton, Wisconsin once and stayed at a beautiful inn on a lake and I can not now think of the name of it. One of the most beautiful places I have seen. I'll bet it is like a picture postcard at Christmas.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 09 2013 : 10:51:56 PM
Got one dress done, a jacket pinned up and another dress pinned up. Tomorrow is homework so everything will have to wait until Friday to get finished. I'll be putting the new dress on my store tomorrow. I haven't had any more sales. I'm up to 64 items and with the three in the basement I'll be at 67. Now that I have two dress forms I can pin two dresses up at a time. I like to have a day to leave them I case I think of something else or decide I don't like them the next day. I'm still getting lots of lookers but no buyers.
Gypsy, 45 minutes from town is no big deal for antique hunters. When I lived in the mountains, the town we all went to for supplies was 45 minutes away. People came to my yard sales from there no problem. Especially if you put in the advertisement there are antiques. People will show up hours before you want them to hoping to get the deals first.
Holly, I hope Talie likes school. Lots of social opportunities but school work will be very different.
My mom is suppose to be painting the kitchen but other than having everything torn apart and a big mess, nothing is getting done. The appraiser is coming next week. I think she has talked a friend in to coming and helping. I really don't expect it to get done and I'll have a big mess to live with. I want out of here so bad. I'm reliving my childhood and it isn't pretty.
Anyway, time for bed. Marie have a glass for me!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 10 2013 : 12:14:25 PM
I know what you mean, Bunny
Here's a funny story to cheer you up.
I found a groupon for a spray tan for $19. Since I can't be in the sun at all, I decided to do this plus I thought B might like it They said wear loose dark clothing. So I put on black bra and panties and dark workout clothes
I don't like tan lines and I'm long past being shy about my body so I went for the full body tan. You stand on a mat buck naked under bright lights and she sprays everything. You lean back, bend over, raise your arms etc. so nothing gets missed and there are no lines. Picture me doing that wearing nothing but a hairnet and nose plugs. Are you laughing yet?
When she was done she said it would be better if I didn't put the panties and bra back on or it might streak
So I'm at the counter paying and it came out before my brain could control my mouth, "wow, this is the first time I've gone home with my underwear in my purse in years!!" The 20 something year old behind the counter didn't blink, she laughed and said "Welcome to Austin". God I love this place.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 10 2013 : 2:34:32 PM
Gypsy, You're gonna have to learn to just leave them in the drawer at home!! Congratulations for trying something new, you are my hero. Love it.
mar |
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