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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  1:55:17 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I agree with you on Halloween. I have never been a fan of the colors and decorations. I do miss how we did it in my little town in the mountains. All the towns people would buy candy and drop it off at my store. A community member would divide it all up for the store owners. The town was so small only a few blocks so all the kids and their parents would go to all the stores and we would pass candy out. You saw all your friends, someone could easily tell you where your kid was. The fire department would have a big bonfire and the Lions club would have hot chocolate. Different shops would offer free stuff to the parents too. Next door, the coffee shop offered free regular coffee to parents. It was a wonderful social event for our small town. I miss it.

Sewing today. Already ripped out one dress. It wouldn't fit back on the dress form after I sewed it. Almost have it fixed again. Just needed a break!

Later all. Hope your weekend is productive and safe!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  3:08:52 PM  Show Profile
Ok everybody. Tell your favorite Halloweenie story.

Bunny I know you miss that little town. I'm wondering if you want to go back to the same place or somewhere else in Ca.

I'm working away. I feel overwhelmed. Every hobby seems to require huge amounts of stuff. I've had a lot of hobbies. It's shocking how much crap can be stuffed into a closet isn't it. I mean when you pull it all out, you go, what WAS I thinking!!

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  5:09:51 PM  Show Profile

Ah! How I remember Halloween in the small rural towns in which we lived. My favorite year was when I was in sixth grade. I and two of my friends had decided to go to every house in our town of Plymouth, IA. We dressed like hippies because that was the cool costume at the time. We went to every house and business in town even the bar! I had one of those wool woven bags with a rope shoulder cord which were so popular back then. We had enough candy to last us until after the New Year. The next year we moved to Mitchell, SD and suddenly trick or treating was getting dangerous. That was one of the first years in which razor blades and pins were found in the treats. Mitchell was a rough town. Gangs of kids roamed the streets being menacing. I had to go out with my younger sister and brother for protection.

Apartments usually do not get much traffic especially from the kids who don't live there. So, Gypsy, if you stay in, at least have enough candy for the kids in the building and let the parents know you have it. At the last place I lived, I put a sign on the railing by the sidewalk saying, "Candy Here at #1" to let them know which bell to ring. I would dress up in a witch outfit and have some fun with the kids. Good times!

The skeleton bride and groom were given to a co-worker when he got married. His wife is a crafty sort who just loved them and she put them together in a wine glass for the reception. She told me that the groom keeps tipping over and that makes her laugh.

Oh Gypsy, don't forget to put some of your stuff up for barter on the site. I may be willing to pay postage for the right stuff.

Lowell had me help him drag his mixer and a speaker up from the basement. He was trying to play the guitar along with the recording of one of his songs with the intention of possibly using the recording to back up a live act. He sets it up in the dining room which is the pass thru to the bathroom and the bedroom and the space is narrow.

Still, it is so nice to hear him sing.

So much to do and so little time.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  5:31:35 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

When I was very small my mother made a cow costume for me. It was raining so I had to carry my tail. I think my younger brother was a lion that year.
One year I was the headless horseman. I wore my father's big flannel shirt with the top buttoned over my head and looked out through the space inbetween the buttons.
Here there is some trick or treating between houses. In our town it is mostly on the main street. We do not have children come to our house. too far out. We take the littles into Montpelier to the stores. They get a small amount of candy. Then we go to the Rec center that has a magic show by Marco the Magician.

Today was warm. The leaves were brilliant. The clouds covered the sky like a blanket but they were very high up so it was not gloomy.

I took G and R yard sale-ing. It was like being pecked by ducks. Can I have..... over and over. The free piles were big but so much junk caught their eyes. I was happy to get home. They were happy to have their stashes.

Tomorrow is Ross' birthday. He will be six. He is so very excited that it is finally happening and so very nervous that it will not happen. I am not sure why because it is the same routine each year and each person.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  5:53:20 PM  Show Profile
Marie, good advice about the Halloween candy. I'll take it.

Doesn't barter mean trade? That means I'd be trading my stuff for some body else's stuff? The idea is to downsize. But I will go over to the bartering thread and see what it's about so thanks for that tip too.

Today was kinda hard. Went through a bunch of old photo albums and picked out a few to scan and tossed the rest. They were pretty faded. We didn't know for a long time that black and white was permanent and color was not.

I got three closets cleaned out. Isn't that exciting.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  6:35:17 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I use to live in a little town called Twain Harte. I would love to move back to that area. My son would be more likely to share a house with me there.

Good luck getting rid of stuff. I'm in the same boat. Trying to let go so many useful things. I'm filling boxes for the senior center and thrift stores. Maybe if you can find a senior center or some other organization like that, you won't feel so bad getting rid of stuff.

Got two dresses done today. I have one more I finished yesterday. Tomorrow I'll take pictures and get them on my Etsy store.

Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  6:47:05 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, my, you have been busy. I need to go through all my photos too. I have boxes and boxes of them from my grandmother, mother, father, and my family. It will take me 6 months to go through them. I downsized when we moved here 4 years ago, now I have just as much stuff. Yes, crafts take up a lot of room, and makes for a lot of stuff. You should see my stash!!! LOL!!! It will be my turn to downsize again when we move into our motorhome
Holly, Happy Birthday to Ross!!!!!I can just see the kids at the sales.
Mar, thank you for the advice on the insurance. I will look into it this coming week.
It rained all day today. We are supposed to get 3 inches of rain. Sure am glad it is not snow yet. That is coming soon enough.
My best Halloween was when my mother made me a clown costume. I think I was around 10 then. It was the best costume, and lasted all of us kids for years. There were 10 children in my family, so we all had lots of hand me downs. We trick or treated until around 10 at night back then. We would come home with big shopping bags full of candy. I was one of the older ones, so I would end up taking the little ones. There are 6 younger than me.
We get a lot of trick or treaters here, usually around 100!!! Lots of older ones, but oh well, that keeps them out of mischief. Here the kids have been using pillowcases for a treat bag.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2013 :  9:36:39 PM  Show Profile

One does not have to trade for stuff. If it was me, I would trade for the cost of postage. That way the stuff is gone and a net zero money is spent.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  09:39:06 AM  Show Profile
Or I could pile it all up on tables with a big FREE COME AND GET IT sign and it would all be gone in a day without all the packing and mailing nuisance

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 06 2013 1:59:27 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  3:01:04 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I do that when I want to get rid of stuff, just put it out by our alley with a free sign on it, and it gets swept up in no time.
It rained real hard this morning, then this afternoon it cleared up and is now sunny, but supposed to rain again tomorrow. We got a lot of rain, so it is pretty soggy out there. Only 60 degrees though, but we still have the bedroom window open, and no heat on yet. That is very unusual for this time of the year. I am not complaining, though, our winters are way too long here, as you all know.
Bunny, hope you had a good time in Portland yesterday. Glad you were able to get more sewing done.
More later,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  4:30:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Ross had a wonderful birthday. He had a friend come and some families who have come every year since he was born. The present that is outstanding for him are the spiderman walkie talkies. He does not really talk to other people with them he prefers to sing into one and listen with the other.

I brush hogged the field for an hour and then K did some. I need to cut down the apple trees that spring up in the field every year. If I cut the field in the fall then the grasses have an easier time coming up in the spring. Slowly we are reclaiming the field to grass. It would be better if we could plow and re seed the field but that is more expensive.

WOW Jan nine siblings. Your mother must have been exhausted. I am glad that you have a good relationship with your sister. Is she older or younger?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  5:24:03 PM  Show Profile
Janet, my friend baled on me again for Portland and I didn't want to go fun that way.

Gypsy, do you have any cool old buttons in your collection. I would be happy to pay. I'm always looking for interesting buttons for my jacket upcycles.

Sewed at little today but started to feel bad. Now I feel like I've been hit by a bus.

Anyway, not much energy for even typing.. Later.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  8:12:44 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, You have accomplished alot! And I think your For Free table is a great idea. Time-saving even.

Bunny, that's a bummer that you missed your Portland trip. It seemed like it was great weather this weekend.

Holly, what a fun present. Walkie Talkies are such treasures when you are a kid. Brush-hogging can really wear you out, can't it? Our tractor isn't exactly luxurious - no cab or anything like that, a pretty stiff seat, so you get banged about a bit.

Janet and Gypsy, I think going through photos is the most time consuming activity there is! It feels good to have the chore done, but good grief it takes SO long.

bunny, I keep forgetting to congratulate you on your news that both garments may be featured!

Marie, Iloved your skeleton bride and groom. They look straight out of a Nightmare Before Christmas. You did a great job!

Hope everyone had a great weekend,
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  9:45:58 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Marie! Plymouth, IA!!! Really? I drive through there every couple of days on my way to Manly! I can just picture you girls trick or treating there. I always loved Halloween! I would make a costume for my younger sister. When I was about 12 I took her around the neighborhood T&T. It was the first year I could take her out alone. We used paper bags to put the candy in. When we were finished and crossing the street in front of our house my bag broke. Candy everywhere on the street. I ran into the house for another sack. When I got back to the street to pick up the candy It was all gone. Trick or Treat. Whaaa! But, it sure was fun up until then.

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  10:10:20 PM  Show Profile

I had a good day. I got out of bed early and started working on getting the materials for my first crochet class on Tuesday. I made all the journals. I will post pictures when Lowell finally gets off the desk top. So looks as if I am good for a week. I didn't study for the ASL class. I will do it tomorrow.

I am eating the last of the summer ice cream. It is chocolate orange confetti by Three Twins. YUM!

I have two books of amigurumi: Creepy Cute and Crobots. They are all so much fun to make. I will post pictures as SOON AS LOWELL GETS OFF THE DESKTOP. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRR! I am making some amigurumi for one of the swaps I am in.

I am pleased with how generous two of the yarn shops I visited have been. I called and they gave. So easy. I called a couple other places which used to be yarn stores and they were happy to get rid of some stuff that had been left there. Two other places have not been so easy. They want all kinds of information and want to research the program for which I am teaching. Maybe they'll want a resume, credit report, criminal record and FBI file too. I guess I can see the point. I could be just a greedy or poor crafter trying to score free yarn. Shame on me!

He still isn't off the desktop. Lowell plays chess to calm his anxiety. Sometimes he is at it until 3 AM. I have noticed that I am staying up later also. This morning I realized that I am not totally out of menopause. The last monthly I had was in June. I feel pretty good. May emotions have evened out and I actually feel happy for the first time in my life. My mother and younger sister never went through it because they got, well, operated on for various reasons. I've had to go it alone. Luckily, I have a couple friends who have been very informative. I had one or two hot flashes and a bunch of night sweats and now all that is done. I believe that I have been lucky.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2013 :  10:14:39 PM  Show Profile

We lived in the green house right next to the building which used to be St. Michael's Catholic Church. We went to Manly often to visit that business and amusement place with the ice cream parlor, mechanical robots and the furniture store. I believe there was also some kind of discount store too.

I loved being in Iowa. If we had stayed, I would have gone to high school in Manly.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

1223 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  11:59:08 AM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Hi ladies,
Is lovely to see all the posts. Took me awhile to read them all.
Gypsy you pretty thing you! You and B make a very cute couple. Your furry babies are very cute too. I think some breeds tend to have more anxiety than others. I know there are days Dickens is a wreck. I blame it on the Yorkie part of him. He turns into a little barking maniac and about drives me crazy on those days. I have to tell him to "settle" to get him to calm down.
It sounds like many of us are starting our fall house cleaning. I worked in my craft room yesterday bagging some things up. Lots more to do in that room. Over the summer it seemed to become the catch all room for anything we didn't know what to do with at any given moment. I'll get things loaded up soon and take them to the bulk Goodwill. That way I can snoop for new treasures while getting rid of things I don't really want or need. Please Lord don't let me see some of my old stuff and bring it back home with me. LOL.
Several of you mentioned pictures and going through them. I will have to do that at my parents and gosh I know that will be a huge chore when I start. So many just ended up in boxes. I hope the mice haven't gotten into them and destroyed them. I have a copy of an 8x10 of a woman with waist long black hair and dressed in an Indian blanket skirt sitting in a fringed chair for her picture. I've always been told this woman is native American and was my paternal great great and maybe one more great grandmother. Supposedly Cherokee. I've done some geneology on my paternal side and I find no evidence that we had Native ancestors and I've gone back at least 5 generations. So I'm rather lost. Maybe one day I'll solve the riddle as I'd love to know who she is.
Marie and Judith, I was born in Grinnell, Iowa and spent my adult life in Marshalltown until moving to Wisconsin in 1987. I still go back often as all of my family still lives there scattered about. I still call Iowa home unless we're there visiting and then I refer to Wisconsin as home LOL.
Bunny, I'm so happy for you!! I just knew you'd get in a magazine of some kind with your cute clothing. I still think MJ needs to do a story on you in her magazine.
Janet, I will keep u in my prayers and hope that your surgery (if you have to have it) can be put off until you can get on medicare. Otherwise, I join the other girls in wishes that your hubby will work a few months extra for the insurance. If you have to have chemo that can add up in a hurry. I know there were multiple months for my mom that the chemo bill was over $100,000. They had private insurance as well as medicare thank God or it would have broken them. My hubby's radiation treatment for his prostate cancer came to $104,000. He had twice the treatments they give most guys though as he was much younger than the "normal" age for getting that disease and they were a bit worried it might be aggressive. Keep us updated please.
Holly, I'm glad Ross had a wonderful birthday :) Oh to be young again and be as excited for that special day as I was for Christmas. Now they just seem to be another day.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I think it's because I can fly my broom and no one notices. Justtt kiddinggggg LOL. I do enjoy seeing all of the kids dressed up. I live in a quiet neighborhood and is pretty safe in this section of town so we usually have lots of kids. Usually have a hundred or more here. I decorate the front porch every year and try to do something a little different each time. Just looked at a craft site this morning that told how to make floating ghosts using styrafoam wig heads and glue cheesecloth over the faces and press in good. Then you put a screw eye in the top of the head and hang using fishing line. Makes them look like floating heads. Looks great so a trip to Sally's beauty shop might be in order this weekend and picking up some Elmer's glue, screw eye, clear thread, and cheesecloth so I can whip some up for the front porch. I enjoy hearing the oohs and ahhs from the kids.
Okay, that's enough of a novella for today. I'm still busy with weight loss team and busy with home things so drop in when I can. Huggz to all :)

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  12:24:27 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

The littles are watching their afternoon show on PBS so I am here. It is overcast and gloomy out but rather warm outside. I do have the woodstove simmering so the house is toasty. It finally started to rain last night. It is more like we are sitting in a cloud right now than raining. The wind has picked up so the leaves are on their way to winter slumber to create soil for next year's plants.

Sometimes in past times there may have been a native woman or a black woman in our genetic line but she was not acknowledged as such. A white woman was the acceptable wife and the other was hidden. You can't go back too many generations with photos because photography has not been around all that long. Maybe the 1860's or so and then the plates would be too fragile.

My work room has also become the repository for anything without a specific place. I need to sort the main part of the house and then the bedrooms before I can do my work room.

Have a good day and sweet dreams I do not get back on.

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  12:48:57 PM  Show Profile
Wow, Iowa was a central starting point for three of you! That is fun to hear you all remember landmarks and such.

Bunny and I have some connection like that since we both used to live in California. Twain Harte was east of where I grew up in the Sacramento Delta, but I used to work at a Dude Ranch in the Sierras and all those towns remind you of one another. Now, Bunny and I live several hours away from one another, but experience a lot of the same weather patterns.

I think we are always looking for connections with one another, aren't we? Of course, we are all connected with our propensity to stack odd items in our craft areas "for now." And now that the weather is changing, we are all wishing we hadn't so that we could get to our crafts more easily.

Marie, glad you got some good donations. Who will be the students for your crochet class?

Looks like the predicted rainstorm is arriving.

Have a great day!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  1:58:44 PM  Show Profile

I love Halloween especially making my own costumes and props. I always have to have a prop because it adds to the character. My first grade ghost carried an old book for atmosphere. I had been part of a community of costumers in the Twin Cities. We mostly went to science fiction and fantasy conventions all dressed up and sometimes brought more than one costume. It is kind of a weekend long Halloween costume ball.

This is my favorite. It is of a Minbari from the show Babylon 5. I partnered with a makeup artist to create this one.

This one is a fantasy Renaissance dress made from blue satin given to me by a friend. Each sleeve is made from 2 yards of fabric.

And this is my Klingon outfit I wore for a charity event at a convention. Enough said about that one.

Cheryl - Don't bring home more than you dropped off.

Marianne - I will be teaching grades one to five who sign up. I will have one of the classes and have asked to take the youngest kids.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  2:17:56 PM  Show Profile
oh i love the halloween stories and pictures!
when we were little, we lived 10 miles from the nearest town so we never went trick or treating in town. my mom would buy us those plastic masks and we would go out the back door and say trick or treat at the front door and she would give us candy. we thought that was really neat at the time. i love the little groom and bride - too cute. my sweet dh was crazy about halloween and i was not. so now, in his memory i try to do something like this year i am wear black and orange silicone bracelets for the month of october. when the month is over they are going into the trash.

my brothers are finally finished painting my mom's house so i told my sister that we were ready to transfer the pickup to her son. after that i shook so badly my boss was wanting to drive me home. i guess it just really hit me that mom isn't going to be around anymore. we are all still going thru pictures of our family as well. the oldest one we have is 1912, one of my father sitting in a chair under an apple tree.
my mom always told me (and her mother too) that we were part cherokee but we could never prove it either. the pictures of my great grandparents sure look like they are but who knows??
got an offer on the house but will need to counter offer (my brothers and sisters) so please think good thoughts!
and marie, i know about klingons and minbari (giggle giggle)
and i was told at one time that we had some "black dutch" in our line as well..sounds interesting.
well, my work is calling!
hugs to all
farmgirl #390
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  3:26:41 PM  Show Profile
Janie, best wishes on making a fair deal on your mom's house. I'm hoping then you will be able to grieve for your mom and move on to concentrating on those pleasant memories that bring you comfort. It seems to take so long, doesn't it? They are so important in our lives they leave a large hole.

Marie, you are much better at costuming than I could ever hope to be. I did make a Star Trek officer's outfit for my son when he was in high school. That turned out pretty well. His dad dared him to shave his head so that he would look like Jean Luc, but teenage nerves won out and he kept his hair.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  3:31:30 PM  Show Profile
Janiee, sorry you had a stressful moment thinking about closure with your mom. I think you have had too much on your plate and now it is coming due. Good luck on selling the house! Hope your brothers and sisters can all agree with the offer.

Marie, love the costumes!

Today was homework day. Not much else. My mom is so stressed about this reverse mortgage. She is trying get the house appraised at the minimum value so it will go through. Of course she has bitten off more than she can do. She wants to paint the kitchen and ended up getting side tracked with her little office alcove. Next thing I knew she was buying a new computer desk, kitchen island and God knows what else is going to show up. So far, no painting has been done. Today she has a headache. Which is exactly what I said she would do. We will see if it gets done. I offered to help but she says she doesn't need me yet.

When it is all finished and the appraisal is done, she is headed to Eureka, California for the winter. Yea!!! I would get the whole house to myself for close to 6 months. Can't wait.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  3:44:11 PM  Show Profile
Fingers-crossed for you, Bunny. That would be a lovely winter for you. Are there any obstacles standing in the way? Anything that might derail the plan?
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2013 :  4:48:04 PM  Show Profile
Hi everybody

My Internet connection is a little iffy today. Half the time it says no service

Holly I'm glad Ross had a happy birthday. I guess he's grown a lot since the last pics you posted. Hard to believe he was just 4 when I got on this thread
Cheryl it is so good to hear from you. I was beginning to worry we had lost you. Thank you for the compliments. But remember we only post the flattering shots that don't show the wrinkles. I know you are a busy lady. It I sure do enjoy your posts
Janiee good luck with the house sale. Better to take a little less and get it over with. I hope you get a new stove out of it at least.
Bunny, six months!! I hope that happens. You are getting some good stuff happening girlfriend s d don't forget the frog will be arriving with Santa so you better be sending some really good thoughts out to the universe on that one. Get the wish list ready cause it will happen.
Marie I'm on my little phone and can't see the pics very well but you must be a really good seamstress to make those costumes. And very creative. You and DH could have some fun with that last one. Just kidding. Janet I hope you are feeling good today. Well I did this in a hurry so forgive the errors.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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