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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 6:56:56 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:03:39 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 7:33:34 PM
. S |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:04:18 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 9:52:30 PM
Tomorrow will be a lovely day with no appointments. I plan to do the dishes, clean out the frig, pick up perscriptions and Diet Coke (for medicinal purposes) and finish one of my swap projects. Oh! I also have to pick up some donations for my crochet class from a yarn store, prepare the lesson plan, gather materials and study for my ASL class. I cannot believe how much I have to do.
My little dog is resting her sore hip. Apparently something is not totally correct in her back but it is not serious and will only cause pain. We will have to curb her enthusiasm in the future so she doesn't become debilitated sooner than necessary. It is nice to have her sleep with us. I believe that it helps her to heal.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 10:03:51 PM
Gypsy, I love all your pictures! I hope B can deal with the little dogs. I would be concerned with your one dog peeing on the apartment floor. I hope it isn't carpet. I had a puppy that could never make it from the kennel outside before she went. It didn't matter how close to the door her kennel was. It was a nightmare potty training her. I love the picture of you btw. I know you two will have a wonderful life together.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 11:35:04 PM
No it's not carpet. I never allow her on the carpeted areas. She will go for months and do fine a d you think she's over it and then we suddenly ha e a day like yesterday. I wonder if she is picking up on my stress.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 01:52:23 AM
Gypsy, I love the photos, too. The puppies are too cute. Love the ugly little sister who looks like a really good nap was just interrupted. You look fantastic as always. And B is very handsome with that shyness that makes him so special (sitting in the world's coolest chair as long as you aren't the one who has to dust it!) The poor little one who has such a need for her schedule to remain unchanged. Good grief, when will she get you trained so that there won't be these accidents! ;-) Our dogs always pick up on my stress, so I wouldn't be surprised if that is what happening. I think you hit the nail on the head there.
Marie, your day without plans sounds pretty filled up already. Hope your dear pup feels better after a few days of being kind to her hip. Where do you teach crochet? Also, I missed the meaning of ASL...
Tonight is my turn to be a bit sleepless. But, after two nights of sleeping soundly and waking up next to dh in the morning, Ikind of figured a tough night might be coming.
Well now I feel like I better refresh myself on posting photos...don't hold you breath for it just yet, though.
Missed hearing from Holly... marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 05:44:58 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:06:24 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 09:33:41 AM
Gypsy, I bet Mar is right about the stress level. It won't be long now. Too bad you have had to be apart for so long. If you were closer, the stress would have been long gone by now.
Well yesterday was a total wash in the sewing room. I pined a whole dress together, hated it and tool it all apart. That was my whole day. I guess I can't be perfect every day. Today is homework day so I just get to create in my head.
The sun is finally shining. So glad for that. My little squash might have a chance to grow a little bigger.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 12:20:01 PM
Bunny everybody has an off day. I have lots of them. Give yourself a break.
Thanks for complimenting my pics, you guys--see what happens when hardly anybody is posting-- I have some compulsion to fill up the space.
Mar, did you sleep? I think that is another thing over 50's have in common.
I looked at a shark floor cleaner and didn't buy one. Does anybody have experience/ opinion about them, if so, which model?
I'm taking a break and have to get going again. Dreading to deal with the insurance co so keep putting off the worst chores til last. Does anybody else do that.?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 2:08:29 PM
Oh, I see the dates now, Mar, it was last night you didn't sleep--here's hoping tonight will be a good night for you. I've been on here so much I thought another day had passed. (I really do need to get TV). I think it's when Holly doesn't wish us sweet dreams, thats the problem. I get up and eat at 3 in the morning many times when I can't sleep. I actually developed a habit of waking up for blueberries or strawberries for a while. With Nutella. I'm too excited to sleep now. And nervous. B always says, nae bother, my love, nae bother. Easy for him to say. Then admits he's not sleeping either.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 3:52:14 PM
Just a bit over a week to go, right Gypsy? I slept, I think. It was one of those nod off/jerk awake nights. Just came in from outside. It is a great fall day here. Absolutely perfect, quite enjoyable. Of course, my hands hurt from too much cutting of dead stalks. Just took some advil, they actually feel hot on the thumb joint. You know, that joint that I was supposed to have replaced and decided against it...I'm still glad I made that decision.
Bunny, you just had one of those creative days. Ripping out seams is part of the process. It'll be better next time.
The Neighbor got a new horse. Stay tuned.
Gypsy, 2 am is my bewitching hour, too. This morning when I took the small dog out to potty it was still dark. It had been a while since I was up before sunrise, so I thought, "Oh,it's been a while since i saw a shooting star." Looked up and saw one streak more than halfway across the sky. Great start to the day.
Marie, How's your dog doing?
Check in with you gals later! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 4:39:35 PM
I just got an official email telling me two of my items will be in an upcoming issue. Both the little black dress and the brown jacquard jacket. Plus, they will be in separate articles. Now for the fun part!! I get to write the articles, 600 to 700 words describing how I made each item, my inspiration etc. I didn't know there was homework!!!
Got my homework done and made a dress to make up for yesterday.
Mar, can't wait to hear about the new horse. You can't sell your property too soon.
Gypsy, it's fun to hear you imitate B. Can't wait to see more!
Off to disassemble a bunch of men's shirts. Tomorrow I need to start writing my articles. I'll probably rewrite them a million times.
I could use a good editor if anyone is game. Preferably someone with a good knowledge of grammar and punctuation.
Later all. I'm excited!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 5:48:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had another very lovely day here in the Green Mountains. The temperatures were in the sixties and it was a Maxfield Parrish sky. brilliant blue with just the right clouds floating by. T shirt weather.
I just futzed around. I am trying to put the PTO drive back on the brush hog. The PTO drive is the long pole that attaches to the brush hog and the tractor to make the blade spin. It is a tight fit slipping the fitting over the knob. It is a little rusty as well. So, maybe tomorrow I will figure out a way to overcome the lack of testosterone and get it on all the way.
Janiee the floor you are describing used to be popular here in New England. Maybe other parts of the country as well but I do not know about them. People could not afford floor coverings so they painted beautiful designs on the wood floors. In those days a plain oak or maple floor was considered run of the mill.
Jan I am glad the results of the tests were negative. I am sorry they jerked you around. I am glad to hear that you are having lovely weather as well. We are to have rain over the weekend and then maybe your weather will move in and we will have unusually warm weather again. Doesn't it figure that we have a frost to kill the garden and then a wonderful indian summer to follow. I am thinking that when the clocks fall back I will be feeding and milking in the dark of the morning. But, then I get to see the sun rise reflected in the trees and that is so pretty.
Mar lavender fire starters, sounds decadent. We use rolled up grain bags, so practical and non romantic. A mind adjustment and a little bit of depression thinking you will still be in the house when you so wanted to have moved. {{{{{Mar}}}}}}}
I do not watch scary movies. Reality and fantasy blend in my dreams and I dream in color. Well, I do not have a definitive line in waking life either so I avoid them. My middle set of children, however, love to watch scary movies and can seen how ludicrous they are.
The link that did not work was a picture of three Asian women. Maybe three women of the same family but different generations. Each one had a scarf around her neck. The ends of the scarf were shaped like breasts with nipples on them.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 6:44:06 PM
Gypsy, wonderful pictures!!!!! Won't be long now, then you will be able to sleep better. I was up all night the night before last. I could not sleep for nothing!!!!! I think we are all taking turns with our sleepless nights. Mar, Oh no!!!! Another horse!!!! Can't wait to hear this one. Bunny, Congratulations!!!!! We all knew you could do it!!!!! How excited you must be. Holly, glad you are having nice weather. It rained here today, cleared up, and now raining again. It is supposed to rain for 4 more days now. At least we are not getting snow like they are out west, at least not yet!!! Marie, hope your dog is feeling better. Must be hard with hip problems. Well, I got a call from the dr. office, they scheduled me to see a surgeon for a consult. I am getting so frustrated. Bob and I just went this morning to sign up for social security, Bob is retiring in 7 more weeks. All that went fine, we both can start to collect in February, so we will have 2 months without an income, and we will not have any insurance, so I will not be able to have any surgery, much less chemo, if needed. Pray that this is nothing to worry about. Bob will not continue to work, so that will leave me with end of life decisions???? I do not see the surgeon until the 22nd, so that gives me almost 3 weeks of worry and wonder. I don't think I will be sleeping much tonight again. Well, back to my crocheting. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 7:01:05 PM
Janet, I'm saying prayers for you. Too much unknown stuff! You should be planning your wonderful retirement. Hopefully hubby will understand the seriousness of all this and hang on to work a little longer. Better than using up every penny for medical expenses. Won't you have Medicare?
Holly you sound like such a farmgirl. Bush hogs and PTO drives... Just get some WD40 and elbow grease. You can do it. I'm the same way with scary movies. My brain is scary enough without added stimulus.
I'm going to have a hard time sleeping. Too excited!
Night all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 9:21:27 PM
Jan, I am so sorry you are faced with such a prolonged time to sit and worry. We are all worrying along side you and praying, thinking good thoughts, sending positive energy out into the universe ... whatever different way we hope to help you by long distance. It seems like a long time for a consult. Will you and dh consider the Affordable Care Act policies? Dh and I entered our info today online to start the sign up process for us. The affordable part is pretty good, our policy will cost us about 10% of what we pay now with less out of pocket and no doctor changes.
Bunny, that is really terrific news. I think writing the article should count as extra credit for your class! Maybe your instructor would be a good proofreader for you! I imagine we are months away from being able to see your creation in print. But, I look forward to it. And which periodical is it that will feature you? I thought you sent off items to a few different magazines.
Feeling sleepy! Tonight might be my night, Gypsy, to sleep deeply. Hope you get to visit dreamland,too.
Holly, your pigs are so lucky to have two acres to explore. My neighbor's pigs - pot-bellied - live in a maybe 10 by 12 foot enclosure. Two of them...
Sweet dreams, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2013 : 10:58:11 PM
Well, here's what I got done today. I picked up my prescriptions but they had the wrong insurance information at the clinic pharmacy which is strange because they are all on the same system. I did pick up the Diet Coke and some Mexican pastries for good measure. I also got the materials ready for the swap which is supposed to go out tomorrow. My problem is that I only do what a want to do or what I know I can finish. Therefore, the dishes, cleaning the frig, the lesson plan and the studying did not get done. It was raining today and I didn't feel good about taking a bus to the yarn store. I will keep this list for tomorrow.
We got an enormous amount of rain last night and some really strange lightning. The weather guy said it was an historic amount of rain but because of the government shutdown, NOAH did not have the data on the amount.
Gypsy - B looks like a real honey. I am a fool for Scottish accents. Has the dog been to a vet or and animal behavior specialist? Perhaps when B is with you she will settle down or, maybe that will be one more thing she has to get used to. Older people do not sleep as well. I am also having trouble getting to sleep mainly because Lowell pulls the covers off me and is in and out of the bed several times during the night. I imagine myself living in an interesting place when I cannot sleep. Lately that place has been in Northern Minnesota which has turned into a savannah because of climate change. I have a small house with and open floor plan, renewable energy generation and a well. There are lions living nearby and Lowell is the guy who drives the supply truck through the area making pick-ups and drop-offs. He only comes by once a week and brings me mail and groceries. Sometimes he sells stuff from the other villages off his truck. Anyway, it's a good place to be when I can't sleep and they all know me there.
Marianne - I will be teaching crocheting at Whittier School, the same place I volunteer, in the after school program. ASL stands for American Sign Language. One of my neighbors is deaf and I want to facilitate communication among all of us in the building when her partner can't be there to do it.
Bunny - I can edit. I've done it before. Send me an email.
Janet - So much is not known in medicine. Lowell has this condition which he cannot get anyone to take seriously. He has combed the internet looking up symptoms and informing doctors but has not been able to get an explanation for why he feels so much pain. He goes to an alternative medical practitioner who keeps suggesting expensive tests. This guy was his friend since high school but I wonder about the financial motives. Lowell has narrowed it down to some kind of immune deficiency syndrome. I am just exhausted listening to him complain.
Mitzi is doing better. It seems as if she doesn't hurt as much. We will take good care of her. Too bad she won't be able to go running down by the creek for a while.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2013 : 08:40:43 AM
Mar, the magazine is "Altered Couture". It should come out sometime in February. I find them in Joann's fabrics.
Marie, I have two friends that agreed to edit for me. One is an English major, the other has written a few how to books herself. So I'm good. Thank you!
Today is errand day. I'm going to see about upgrading my phone. Not to iPhone though. Off to the bank for cash for my day in Portland tomorrow and kitty food. Everyone needs to go on a diet for winter. My girl Sammie is 18lbs. The vet says she needs to lose a few. All my kitties except Twinkle (the old lady) need to lose a few now that they don't have the forest to play in.
Hope everyone had a good nights sleep.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2013 : 09:30:22 AM
hello gals! popping in before the weekend. Marie, hope your dog is doing better. One of my dogs, Sally, had distemper when we got her from the pound and had a lot of hip problems. I don't know exactly what our vet did but she was in the hospital for 4 days and pumped full of steriods and has not had a problem since. Hope yours will do as well. Bunny!!!!!! I am sooo excited for you! congrat's! I just knew your stuff would make it in that magazine. cannot wait for february.... holly, your area of the country sounds so lovely, cannot wait to visit it when i retire in a few years. gypsy, love love love the dog pictures. my two are small dogs as well but they have a big dog attitude so when anyone comes to my door, they think twice about trying to enter in without me asking!! I just have to share how blessed i was yesterday after work. I had one of my neighbors come over and ask if they could help out with yardwork (and i said yes) and they got on my roof and cut off a lot of limbs that were rubbing it, mowed my yard and trimmed up 4 bushes that had become really too large for me to try to trim. i was so surprised and blessed and i wish i could have ideas on how to "thank" them! i would have loved to cook something for them but I don't have an oven still (its on my list when my mom's house sells) ????? janet, hope you are feeling better and all is well. hope everyone else is doing good - got most of my computer problems fixed yipee!
hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2013 : 3:55:58 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:08:59 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2013 : 4:10:14 PM
Holly looks like you are the only one I missed. How could I forget the Asian women whom you wouldn't normally think of having such a wicked sense of humor. Sorry I could t open that link.
And you out fixing the brush hog. I don't know that I could do that but I do have a Gravely mower that I've gotten out of some messes. This place desperately needs to be grazed so I can stop with all the mowing. Once I ran over a huge rock that had nt been there the year before and another time I ran into to a big roll of wire that must have been blown there by high winds. Both times got stuck and had to pull the thing out with chains. I've had to learn as you go and now I ve got a willing volunteer/victim. Little does he know..........
BTW, Marie, I think Holly's pigs could use some therapy, considering her plans for them. I'm pretty sure they must be suspicious by now.  
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 04 2013 4:21:00 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2013 : 5:24:39 PM
Marie, thanks for your compliment about my guy. I like his Scottish accent, though there is some Canadian mixed in there too. He's a very cool guy. A musician like your guy
I see you said behavior specialist, not therapist. I just connected those dots on my own. It's my job to be funny, not accurate :)).
And don't you agree about Holly's pigs? 
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 04 2013 5:27:02 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2013 : 6:22:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
I opened the board and thought where is my last post? I look and there is Gypsy's post with pictures,how did I miss that? Then there are maybe ten more posts and then mine. I think I did not have a lot of time the last time I posted so I just posted. Anyway, sorry to be absent in wishing sweet dreams. I too have some nights when I wake up at 2 what is it about 2 it is not a full bladder. I read an article that said read, get up do something for a while and then go back to bed. Laying in bed ruminating only drives sleep further away. I should listen to this advice more often. Lucky for me I slept last night. The night before I was asleep until the dogs barked at 4:30 and I got up to let them out. I should have gone and sewed or something running old tapes in my head was a waste of good sleep.
I used to take American Sign Language. We got up to level four and then stopped and it has fallen out of usable memory. I have no one deaf to practice with. I liked it, we had a good time in class.
Congratulations, Bunny on being picked to be featured in the magazine. Be your witty self and you will do fine writing the article.
I think the pigs do have some inkling that their days are numbered because they escaped just as we were serving supper. K saw them and came storming down the stairs as only a teenager can do, raving who let the ****pigs out of their pen. We better get them in before they go down the road! We did and I tied a pallet over the bottom of the fence they had lifted to make their escape. While the children were rounding up the pigs I went in the house to get some marshmallows but they were moving towards the pen by the time I arrived back outside so I never found out if we could lead them back more easily with marshmallows. They were particularly miffed to have been chased from the manure pile. All those wonderful smells and worms.
I did get the PTO put back on the brush hog today. A pry bar and a strong hammer did the job. Now to do the fields. I started trimming around the blueberry bushes and then it started to rain and I had to come in and rescue my dry laundry off the line.
Janet I am outraged that you will have to wait so long for a biopsy. I guess the good part might be that if you have to wait so long maybe it is does not have the identifiers of anything nasty.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 04 2013 : 8:43:38 PM
I had a good day. I got snarly at the 2nd graders today. They just don't seem to understand that when I am helping someone else, I do not have time for them. I yelled at them. The teacher is always surprised when I raise my voice because I do it so seldom. I came home and got right at it. I cleaned off my desk, removed everything from the frig and scrubbed it down and washed all the dishes. DH brought some take out home tonight so I didn't have to cook. Woo Hoo!
Tomorrow I plan to pick up some donations from the yarn store and buy tools for the crocheting class. I also want to write the lesson plan and make the journals and project bags for the class. Otherwise, I have two swap items to work on, letters to write, journal to update, monthly financials to calculate and email to read. ACK!!!!!! 
I'll be fine. 
Gypsy - LOL I believe that completely accurate people are annoying. Mistakes are good - we learn from them and have fun explaining why we make them. I believe that all animals perceive our intentions mostly. I know my dog does.
Mitzi is doing better everyday. She takes her pain medication and we are not letting her run around like a wild dog. I love her so much.
Here's something I made that goes well with the season.

A skeleton bride and groom.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 05 2013 : 12:27:32 PM
Good afternoon sisters Marie your little crochet guys are totally cute. What are you going to do with them? Cute chubby little skeletons you made. Those I like.
I actually hate Halloween. It's the one holiday I try to ignore. For one thing orange and black are ugly together and skeletons--as far as I'm concerned they should stay in the closet.
In the country we do not have any trick or treaters. I will have to check with the apartment neighbors and see if we should expect them there. If so we will have to go out that night. So many places now have parties for the kids as an alternative to door to door taking candy from total strangers. When my kids were growing up we were in a close knit neighborhood where everybody knew everybody and it was fun. It only lasted about an hour or two at the most because the kids had to be In bed by 8:30. If your porch light was on it meant you were participating. We decorated the house and put on a scary record and acted like we didn't know who the little guys were when they came up of course the parents were standing at the curb waving at us. One parent would stay home and hand out goodies and the other would go with the kids The children loved getting their cute costumes back then. Now the costumes are horrific. Now there are hoards of large teenagers being driven to as many neighborhoods as possible carrying large garbage bags for the loot. I just do not participate. When I was a child growing up in the country we always had a carnival at school instead of trick or treat. One year someone asked me to go with them to the nearest town and knock on doors and I went but just hated it.
Break time is over. Back to work. Sorting stuff today. What to keep, what to take to the dump, what to put in the big garage sale that B is going to help me with. Poor baby has no idea what a honey do list I am putting together here.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 05 2013 12:31:38 PM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |