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Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 4:28:59 PM
P.S. Thank you so much Janet for the birthday card!! I loved it!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 6:00:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was another lovely day here on the hill farm. Temperatures must have been in the high sixties low seventies. The sky was that lovely autumn blue. I was out in my t shirt part of the day. C woke up this morning and put on his long sleeve fleece shirt, then his long sleeve t shirt and then his t shirt and stayed in all of them all day long. He is learning to dress for the weather and we are not telling him how to do it. I think it is the first time he has been allowed to make those decisions in his eight years of living.
K and I have had the discussion about sending pictures across the internet that she would not like everyone to see and especially not me. She was highly insulted and informed me in a commanding voice that she knew better and I should not insult her by thinking she would do that. I hope that is indeed true. She is trusting in that she will not believe me that older men will pose as someone they are not to hook along young women. She believes she is aware enough to catch them if they lie. I do know she has blocked numbers and we have had her number changed when she felt uncomfortable with what ever conversation was going on. I continue to hope she is safe.
Gypsy thank you for the short geological lesson. I think that sort of information is very interesting. I believe that on the continental divide the water runs east on the east side and west on the west side. I always thought that water ran south to get to the ocean but here the water from Lake Champlain empties north into the St Lawrence River and on to the sea. Frank Howard Mosher wrote a book called Where the Rivers Flow North and then it was made into a movie. I just traded manure for a bat house and a bird house. I hope that bats come and settle in it once I get it up.
Ginny so glad to hear from you. See what happens when I don't pay attention to the birthday list I missed yours and I have a card I have been saving just for you. Maybe I will send it along late.... Glad your dd is back in your life giving you joy. That is a nice looking tractor I hope David gets it fixed for you. It will make your farm life so much easier just bu being able to pull even a small wagon. I am so glad for my tractor.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
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Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 6:12:40 PM
Well, Ginny, so nice to hear from you. So sorry to have missed your birthday. I hope it was a happy day and it sure sounds like it was. Good news that you are back in contact with your daughter. She sure will enjoy having your close relationship back with her husband gone. Your birthday present is pretty snazzy! Good luck in getting it out into the field next spring. It will be a blast to have once David finishes the restoration.
Janie, how nice of your brother to give you some "walking around" money. Hope you had some fun with it. I do like the idea of a checkered floor. Will you be painting hardwood? The bad part is that it sounds like a lot of time on your knees...take pictures! Hope you can get that paint soon.
Gypsy, I bet you slept in this morning after being on the phone for four hours!! You are like two teenagers. Lucky Duck. What a wonderful feeling to have that much to explore with one another. I know the flip side of having so much history with someone is also pretty great, too. Enjoy every stage of your relationship.
Today we did some grocery shopping. So much fun to have my buddy with me all the time. Loving this retirement stuff. Almost all the time. Certainly better than the alternative! I was at WalMart (yes, the bane of America's Main Street)and I checked out the clearance aisle. I found yoga socks, which I had wanted for an exercise class I took a while back, on 50% off the clearance price. So cool, I picked up three pairs. One for me, two for dd, who actually does yoga regularly. Funny how getting a great deal can put a spring in your step. It's like finding a great goodie at Good Will or a garage sale.
since our house hasn't sold, we will have to get some things ready for winter pretty quickly. I think we are pretty set for wood, but we will have to bring in some more hay for the ponies.
Yellow dog, who now wears a yellow slicker on walks, is fitting in very nicely in her new home with her real owner. Portland has broken records on rainfall since Sammie moved there. I think they had almost seven inches this weekend. But, it has been really nice for dd and the dog is quite devoted to her.
I think my garden is a goner. We have only been in the 50s and into the 40s at night.
hope everyone has a nice night, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 8:11:38 PM
Another busy day. I volunteer at a grade school one half block away from my home every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 - 12. After I came home, I had to do laundry because Lowell wants to use his nice, new, expensive, 100% cotton sheets TONITE. I needed to do a second load but I saw that one of the neighbors had a ton of laundry to be done so I just stopped at one load. I asked Lowell to do the second load if he wanted. Apparently, the neighbor was still doing laundry so he just let the hamper in the basement. I went down to check it and no one was doing laundry so I put the last load in. Great! That means I have to stay up until after 11 to see it through. Lowell was watching videos on YouTube while I was at class. <sigh>
I am signed up for too many swaps and will have to use my time very wisely to complete them.
Gypsy - My soup starts with a crockpot into which I pour 32 oz of broth. Any kind is good. Have a 2 cup measure out and available because that is where all the extra liquids are collected. Next I put in a bag of frozen vegetables, a bullion cube and a couple cloves of garlic chopped or smashed if it is dry. Turn the pot on to high. I then like to add a can of beans. Drain the water from the can into the 2 cup measure and set aside. Next goes chopped onions. After this goes in anything that is past its prime in the refrigerator: half a bell pepper slightly wrinkled, a peeled broccoli stem or two, leftover potatoes, the last of the cabbage with slightly browned leaves. Just clean out the frig. Some fresh vegies I like to include are squash, turnips, kohlrabi, celeriac, leeks. Sometimes I put in cooked rice. Remember to save any of the juices from canned goods put into the mixture in the 2 cup measure. When the pot is filled to the top with stuff, fill the 2 cup measure with plain water or juices saved from cooking or other jarred or canned goods. I save pickle and olive juice, water left after steaming vegetables, leftover gravy, etc. Pour the liquids in until the vegetables are covered. Season to taste. I put in salt and pepper and maybe 7 other herbs and spices. Try the baking spices such as allspice, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon especially if pumpkin is in the pot. Cover and let cook for 6 hours. It is done when the vegetables are tender and it smells wonderful. We do not eat meat in our house but you can do that also. Cook the meat first. That's it.
Janie - LOL. Lowell IS a bald, skinny, goofy-looking dude.
Ginny - How was the screen name "Oggie" selected? Oggie is my family's nickname for me. It is based on the first word sounding noise I made after the age of 1.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 07:44:07 AM
Janet, hope your ultrasound went well. Please let us know. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 09:05:31 AM
Ginny, glad you are back. Love the tractor! Wonderful you are back with dd. Sad that her husband deployed and may have been the reason your relationship is back on track. Could he be the reason you have been apart for so long? Anyway happy belated birthday!
Janie, ditto Mar's comment on the ultrasound.
Mar, sorry you have to deal with another winter in your house. I'm sure when the time is right it will all happen so fast.
Well, sounds like my mom might spend the whole winter in Calif with boyfriend. I'll probably be spending the holidays alone but I prefer that to spending them with her. If the weather holds, my sons will come for Thanksgiving.
Not much else going on. Just homework. Hoping to get to Portland this weekend if the weather is decent.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 11:22:22 AM
Hi girls :) Gosh you've all been busy! I tried to catch up reading posts last night but I was so tired I don't think I retained much. Here goes nothing :) Ginny, glad to hear from you and ooh what a wonderful birthday gift! I hope your DH is able to get her in good shape for you by Spring. Bunny, hang in there! Good things come to she who waits. It's only failure if you quit. Your outfits are killer! We all know it and so do you. Yes, being in the magazine could bring you tons more orders but it might also make you sick trying to keep up with them all. You will build a clientele of Bunny fans. One day I hope to be skinny enough to be one of them :) Mar, I loved reading your post. You make me feel the rain on your pony's wet back. I can picture them all huddling under the pines. How unfortunate for you that the nutty neighbors happen to be your dd's bf's parents. Ugh...that does put a bit of a snag in things. Hopefully, the bf hasn't gotten any of the slightly odd genes. Holly, I get a kick out of your posts too. It's fun yet scary watching our kids grow up in the internet world. You were perfectly right to caution K about these men. The police have been doing stings here for online predators. They've had 2 of them so far and the first netted them 28 men trying to make contact with minors and the second 16. Even the police were astounded. They expected to bust a couple guys but they said it was very disturbing that there were this many men in our community eager to hook up with minors. Some even sent nude pics of their genitalia to who they thought were young girls. So you're very very correct in your warnings. Feel free to tell K what I am telling you here if it helps. Men lie when they're online. So do women but the men seem to be of a more creepy nature when they do it. Marie, what a nice pic of your DH! My oldest son plays guitar too. He'd love holding a strat in his hands. He's had a few guitars over the years and even made one himself out of walnut. He did some elaborate carving on it and it truly was a thing of beauty. I just don't think it played extremely well. It was a hard body and he electrified it. I think he still has it but I don't get to hear him play much anymore. He's a grown man and lives his own life. The flea market you went to sounds like so much fun! I have an old high school chum who lives in Brooklyn Park, MN. I know she loves Minneapolis. Janet, I sure hope you feel better soon and your aches and pains go away. Sometimes we just have to say no to doing things that we used to do. Moving furniture would be one of them for me. I just can't do that stuff anymore. My mind says yes. My body says NOOOOOOO LOL. I'll say a prayer for you that the cyst is nothing but just that. I've had 4 aspirated/biopsied and all were benign. I was frightened but the anesthesiologist who did the procedure was very gentle and knew his stuff. I was grateful and it wasn't bad after all. I will pray that if you need a biopsy yours will go well too. Gypsy, I had no idea Texas has such varied geography. I think lots of folks think of Texas as we see it on old movies. I'm glad B will be with you soon. Maybe one day you can do Summers in Canada and Winter in Texas. That would be ideal. Although people don't always realize it can get plenty hot in Canada in the Summer too. I know there are parts of Canada that get even hotter than we do here in the Northern U.S. I'm glad your mom is doing better. I did something this past Saturday I haven't done in over 5 yrs. I walked 2.11 miles with my DH. We walked from our house downtown to Octoberfest. It was a gorgeous day and we had a nice time. I stuck to my diet and didn't have any food while I was there. Just grabbed a couple bottles of water. YAY me! I'm on the verge of dropping another pound so staying on track. Hope I said hi to everyone. If not, I'll catch you twice next time. :) Huggz to all! Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 4:13:02 PM
I got some good news today regarding my submissions to Altered Couture! They have not been rejected yet. The art director said they cash the checks within a week of receiving them and my submissions could held for up to 12 months for possible use. Relieved my stuff isn't lost and relieved it may still get in another issue.
Got my business English class work done today.....HATE it. I wS never good at English and grammar stuff.
Anyway, just had to share.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 4:58:35 PM
Bunny, I'm so glad about the dresses.
Janet, please know we are thinking about you
Ginny, love the red tractor, and a belated happy birthday to you.
Cheryl, I made those PB cookies and also bought some organic milk because even I know you can not have cookies without milk Guess what--none of it tasted good to me. It has been so long that my taste has changed. I just baked one small pan of them and guess I'll throw the rest of the dough out. Maybe that is a good thing. I still like ice cream and there is a Thai dessert that is sweet sticky rice and fresh mango that I dearly love, but most desserts seems sickeningly sweet now. Even creme brûlée which is my all time favorite dessert.
The days are getting so short. We are having some cooler weather but not much. B says he is getting so excited. I am, too, but also nervous. He does not admit to being nervous but I know he must be. Our lives are about to change forever. I feel something similar to panic. Kind of like what if the parachute doesn't open. Yea, that panic.
Mar, did you make the PB cookies for your guy? Do you help him eat them? Marie, sounds like you put everything but the kitchen sink in that soup. I like mixing unusual and unexpected things together. Sure a good way to use up leftovers.
Seems like everybody was just talking about starting the gardens and here you are putting them to bed for the winter. This has been the fastest year of my life. Holly, wonder if the pigs are enjoying their last days before they become ham and bacon.
I did not sleep last night so spent today in a fog. Hope tonight will be a good deep sleep for me and for all of you.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 01 2013 5:02:58 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 5:43:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
K and I went grocery shopping this morning. It was uneventful. We still have one more store to go to.
Mar putting in hay is not my idea of a good time. At least it is cooler now than on hay baling day in the summer. I think your dd should take a picture of that yellow dog in its rain slicker so we can all have a good chuckle. I think she might be the only yellow lab to have every worn one. I thought labs loved the water.
Bunny is your step dad affected by the government closing down. We heard that VA hospitals were closing and the staff going out on furlough if the Feds wrote their checks. I hope your mom has a good time in California with her boyfriend. I am glad that the cashed checks were explained so there is still hope. I guess only so many articles can go in the magazine each month and maybe there are themes. I guess if there are then you could get them and send something theme specific.
The pigs are having a good life. their pen is more than two acres. they have not dug it all up yet. They have a small stream of water and more food than they can eat in a day. the children throw them apples to munch on. I think a good life.
Cheryl good for you on your stroll. One step at a time.
Jan, I hope the ultra sound went well.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 5:51:48 PM
Cheryl, so happy to hear from you and so glad to share in your good news about such a substantial walk. Those pounds will be melting off now. It is hard to resist fair or carnival type food because it all smells so good.
Bunny happy to know your work hasn't been lost and even better news to know it is still being considered. English wasn't my favorite class, either. I always liked math. (should I duck now to avoid all the tomatoes that are being thrown at me through cyberspace?)
Gypsy, sorry about your rough night. Tonight ought to go better. Don't let the nerves get to you too badly about your next chapter in life. Our days seem so short here, too. By midwinter, will start to have sunset in the four o'clock hour and sunup will be after 6 am. That's when we pay for our long summer days. Although, maybe we pay for those long days while we have them considering sunrise comes around 4 am!
Yes, I did make the Peanut Butter cookies for my dh. These cookies fit only six to a sheet, so you just have one. And, no, I don't help him eat them. Peanut butter isn't my favorite cookie and I really stay away from that as much flour as possible. Although, I do make very high fiber bran muffins and I haven't been able to figure out how to do that without some flour. That's the closest I come to bread these days.
We did a bunch of fall clipping today. It was nice to have dh's help and company. I also ripped out almost all my zucchini plants - moment of silence - and cut back the tomatoes. There sure are a lot of green tomatoes, like always. But, we really enjoyed the fruits of our labor this year with the vegetables and fruit. Dh has frozen peaches for his oatmeal every morning. Of course, I have to remember to take them out of the freezer the day before, but that isn't too hard. It sure beats raisins in the oatmeal! I prefer mine plain.
I still haven't started that new hat (knitting). I feel like the days slip through my fingers sometimes. God knows the summer has slipped by. Spent all my time keeping the house immaculate trying to sell it... sigh. Oh well. Sorry, slipped into a mild doldrum. I am looking forward to tomorrow. I am gonna run into town to mail off those yoga socks to dd and pick up a library book I requested! A favorite author just in time for the weather change.
Holly, I am coveting your woodpile right now!! We need to take inventory of what we have and I think I will start making my lavendar firestarters. Those smell SO good when they burn!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 6:13:56 PM
Mar, i made the kind Cheryl mentioned that is PB, sugar, and egg. thats it. no flour. I had forgotten about them. maybe thats why they were so sweet, no flour. I know what you mean, the days and even weeks slipping through my fingers. I have been under strict orders from my son to do nothing until the ribs heal and it wasn't too hard to follow his advice.
Cheryl, I would not be strong enough to avoid all the goodies if they didn't make me sick. So kudos to you for being able to hang tough.
I am quite envious of anyone who has lavender. I used to grow it and I think it is the most wonderful plant on earth.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 6:40:24 PM
I have saved 647 emails from B. In just over 9 months. my new computer just gave me that information. I think thats a novel
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 7:28:43 PM
Holly, my stepfather is totally unable to take care of himself. He can't walk, talk or feed himself. I would not think the VA hospital would walk out on patients like that. If the passport office can stay open, I think the VA hospitals will too. The magazine I submitted to only publishes four copies a year. They do have specific requests for submissions and I did my outfits to fit those guidelines. They also allow any submission for outfits that cost less than $20.00 bought from thrift stores and reworked. So I'm good on all counts.
Mar, my squash plants are limping along. It has been raining and I see a few still out there trying to grow big enough for my cooking pot. We will see if they make it or I'll be eating baby squash. I'm jealous for your lavender too.
Gypsy, sounds like a good meditation session is in order. It's one of my main stress relievers. I can imagine how hard it must be to wait. The anticipation is probably driving him nuts too. A year from now everything will be routine and comfortable.
Nite all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 7:57:30 PM
Oggie, good to have you back with us. We missed you. I am so sorry you have so much work to do on your own. What a great birthday gift you received!!!! I do hope hubby gets it in good running order for you. I know you are busy, but please try to pop in once in awhile so we know you are okay. Marie, good to hear from you too. I can smell your soup cooking. Yum!!!! I love almost any kind of soup. Janie, your floor does sound wonderful. Would love to see a picture of it when you get it done. Cheryl, you are doing so well on your diet. It takes a lot of willpower not to eat fair food. Good going on the walk too. Mar, sorry you did not sell your home right away. Maybe when you least expect it, it will sell. I would not want to have to make sure it is squeaky clean all the time in case of a showing. Yes, I agree, summer just flew by. Here, we did not have very nice weather most of the time. Bunny, glad there is still hope for your creations to be printed. Never give up hope. I am another one who is not a fan of English. You will be glad when you are all done with school. Is this your last term? Gypsy, I am sure you are counting the days when you and B are finally together again. I can imagine you both are getting nervous and excited. Holly, You must have very happy pigs being spoiled with all that food just to fatten them up for slaughter!!! LOL!!! I am sure you will be glad when that job is done and they are in the freezer. Went Monday for my ultrasound, I was pretty upset. I got a letter from the hospital saying that everything appears to be normal, went in for the ultrasound demanding to know what, if anything was found. They told me I should not have gotten that letter in the mail. The note she had from the reading was that I had a benign syst that has not changed since the last mammogram. I never heard that I had a syst last year. I think it is just because the hospital here pushes the doctors to order as many tests as they can each month. They push so much, most doctors do not end up staying here for very long. The thing is, we have crappy insurance, so this will cost me a few hundred dollars copay. My blood work every time I go, they charge the insurance company $1078.00, I have to pay $216.00. I think that is ridiculous. I may or may not hear from the dr. office about the results. I am not worried, I think it is just a big racket. We hit record highs for today, it got up to 79 degrees!!!! Was very windy most of the day, but this evening it died down, so we took Olivia for a walk down to the park. We walked about a mile or more, it was just beautiful out. It is still 53 degrees now. It has been getting down to 39 degrees every night. We are in for a few days of rain after tomorrow, and a lot cooler, low 50s, so that will be it for the nice weather, I am sure. Won't be long for the snow to start. I do not like the dark so early now either. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 8:02:45 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention, my hip is feeling a lot better. I have been taking it easier and not doing as much as I have been. I did get all of my summer clothes packed today, and all the winter clothes unpacked. I am not ready for big bulky sweaters yet though, but it is coming. Still working on animal hats. Pictures soon, I hope.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 8:18:48 PM
Janet I'm so relieved about the cyst. Medicine sure seems to be a big racket. Now don't all the nurses get mad at me. I just got a notice that since I've moved to a new age bracket my cost is going way up, yet I just had my physical and my doctor reported all my labs, tests, everything came back Excellent. Not just good but excellent. Age discrimination!! Boo hiss.
So we were right that you just needed to rest that hip. Save ur money just Check with ur sisters here. We give good advice.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 9:00:26 PM
Janet, I am so glad your results were ok, but man would I be mad about those charges and the unnecessary test and worry. I think I would try to have the charge reversed since it wasn't needed. Did I understand that correctly, you did n't the ultrasound? Of course, the important thing is that you are ok, but still!
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2013 : 10:38:14 PM
I and DH stayed up too late almost watching a movie. While it was on I was reading these messages and he was playing guitar. I'll have to watch it myself when I am alone to get the story. I don't even know the title of the movie. I do know that it was really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really scary. 
I had to take Mitzi to the vet today. She has been favoring her back right leg and DH insisted I take her. Of course, he had to work and couldn't come. She possibly has a little arthritis and/or an injury in/to her hip which is causing pain. The ex-rays have to be interpreted by an expert for a definitive diagnosis. For now, she is taking doggy ibuprofen and I am giving her some glucosamine to help with the inflammation. She is in a great deal of pain. I try to take a 90 minute nap with her everyday. I think it calms her.
I also had an appointment with my vet today. I had some elevated blood sugars which were notice right away. However, my blood pressure was where it should be.
I'll explain it all later. I am up waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy too late.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 12:11:06 PM
hello gals, hoping jan's ultrasound turns out good. i had a cyst several years ago and it was cut out of me (no i wasn't asleep) and i will never do that again! i had the nurses and doctor all worrying about my reaction to that :) i finally went to the doctor yesterday - it was time for my 6 month exam (i am diabetic with lupus) and i asked my my left hand in particular. he decided it was "mommy's hand" -there is another name for it but i couldn't spell it if i had to. basically carpal tunnel upped a bit. got a shot in the wrist (tendon) and it doesn't hurt as much today. I am ready to do some work so i need to get this healed! (hehehe) the brothers were able to replace the door at my mom's house and now all they have left to do is some priming and painting. so glad when all of this is over. holly, so glad you could talk to k. i never had those talks with either of my parents and i was so unprepared. i am glad the hogs have room to roam but i know you will be glad to finally have them in the freezer. growing up we raised cattle but my parents bought "hog meat" from another local farmer--we loved it. am having some problems at work. every start of the school year our system for the warehouse is supposed to be rolled over. well, this year the lady was new and didn't know to do it and didn't catch it until the 3rd week of september. so we have been going backwards trying to get to a place where we should have been. very confusing, very time consuming and very bleh. we are switching to a totally different system this coming january so this information has to be correct at this time. for all you computer geeks, its like having a dozen spreadsheets that is supposed to link to each other and only one or two are linking. i can see information in one area but it is not in another area where it should also be. but enough of that! if i don't have to spend a lot of time at mom's this weekend, i am going to start pulling up carpet. so excited about that. i am planning to take a couple of trips out of town before the new year and i was wanting to leave enough food and water for the dogs to stay in the house. would save me almost $300 in they could. but they are my "kids" so i have to be confident that they will be ok then too. bunny, so glad to hear that they have not rejected your submissions yet! i went and bought an alter coutre (?) magazine to check it out. your stuff fits right in with the rest of those articles. I just love looking at it, i might even get inspired to sew some clothing for me (yea right) gypsy, i love the fact that you have so many emails from B - when my dh first passed, i found over 365 love notes from him. that gave me the strength to continue on. i carry several of them in my purse every day. my favorite one says " i don't regret one second of marrying you". well, boss came in and is bothering me, i don't know why he thinks i should be working (hahahahaha) hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 4:14:40 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 8:01:15 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 4:18:55 PM
Oh, Holly, I could not open that link you sent about the picture. Said I have to sign into AOL and I don't have an account with them. So you will just have to tell us what it was.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Oct 02 2013 : 4:44:20 PM
Gypsy, sounds like you have one of those days. I've had them and have had to be satisfied that the animals in my care are still alive. And you know, you just kind of go "check" and realize you can do things differently tomorrow. Or not! Love letters, poems, and songs. Enjoy every minute of it!
I don't envy either Janie or B with spreadsheet problems. It would be difficult to truly trust your numbers after several problems like that.
I gave up completely on the vegetable garden today and ripped it all out. Next will have to be the petunias. The marigolds and the geraniums are doing really well, still. I picked up a huge sunflower head from my neighbor (and farmgirl) Julia. We put it out for the turkeys. Maybe turkeys don't eat seeds like that? So far, it has been ignored. I will keep you posted.
marianne |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |