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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 6:48:45 PM
We had another picture perfect day, except it was very windy when I got done with work again, so no fire in the fire pit tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be windier. I hope not, my marshmallows are waiting for the fire. Bunny, how are your classes going so far? What classes are you taking? Love that new skirt you posted on your Etsy site. Hope you sell more very soon. Mar, Hopefully you will sell your home soon and be able to visit with daughter and dog more often. Or, get your own in a new home. Bet it feels good to just take it easy. Glad you are having cooler weather now. Gypsy, Sorry you had to get a new computer. Hope you have no problems with it. My laptop top cracked, so I cannot close it, but it still works okay. The big computer Bob is on playing games all the time, so I do not like to put much on that one. I have most of my stuff on my laptop. I am sure when we are on the road, I will need a new one, not sure what to get yet. Won't be long now for your B to be with you. Will he be there for 6 months? I went for a mammogram on Monday, the dr. office called and there was a syst, so now on Monday I have to go for an ultrasound. I am hoping it was nothing. My sister has breast cancer, so it does run in the family. I do not need this now. My right hip has been giving me trouble lately. That was the last one I had replaced 4 years ago. I am going to apply heat to it and see if that helps. Hopefully it is just from being on my feet too much lately. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 10:11:28 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 7:53:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 10:25:22 PM
Janet, I think your body is telling you to ease up a bit. I also think your son needs to understand you need to stop working so much. I know my older son is in total denial about any of my health issues. He just doesn't want to admit his mom isn't as strong and energetic as I use to be. Your son might now be thinking about how work effects you.
Holly, glad K has moved on from the soldier. However, I think she is a little too eager for marriage. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
Mar, sorry about your empty nest. At least the little dog is still there for you. I wonder if she misses Sammie.
Looks like the magazine is sending back my last submission. They must have really not liked it. They just got it the other day and already the check for the postage cleared the bank. So it is coming back. I still don't have my red outfit back yet. I'm getting worried about it. I'll give it one more week and then send an email. I think my dress might have looked too much like someone else's design. I'll keep trying. But I'm bummed. I haven't had anymore sales. Lots of lookers though.
My friend I was going to Portland with tomorrow isn't feeling well so we are putting it off to next weekend. So off to bag day at Salvation Army instead.
Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 10:43:53 PM
Holly, I am reading an online book about Abraham Lincoln and the atrocities he witnessed about slavery in this country and how he resolved at an early age to try to do something about it. My people were early settlers in Texas but mostly too poor to own slaves. There was one great,great grandfather ( maybe 3 greats, i dont knfow now. who was wealthy and owned 40 slaves. Our family genealogy says they were well treated and in fact he married a slave and they raised 14 children together. Once back in the 50s they did a documentary or actually it ended up being a book and my great aunt Florence was on the cover of it, and her chapter started with "earth has no sorrow" and that is what they named the book. They went out in what is called the piney woods and interviewed the few old folks who had been around during that time. My dear Aunt Florence was quoted as saying she loved the negroes. They were her friends. At that time they were not called blacks yet. But for so many years they were treated so badly even though they were free. Aunt Florence was a wonderful woman who lived on a farm all her life, was still workin the fields and canning all their winter food, living off the land, out fixing fence in her 90s and always would walk up to you and tell you what's movie star you looked like. She flew to New York by herself to see one of her daughters when she was mid to late 90s I think, then shortly thereafter got sick and died. No lingering but thats exactly how I want to go. She died when I was a child but I remember her fondly and recognized her as an extraordinary woman for that time
More rambling just for you, Holly.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 10:49:46 PM
You just have to play the numbers, Bunny. you have to get a lot of nos to get a yes. So consider every no a step forward to getting a yes.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 07:48:07 AM
Janet, I hope a few days of taking it easier helps your hip calm down. I know you certainly don't want to be faced with complications! Try to baby yourself! I am so sorry to hear you have the worry of the cyst. I hope your mind will be set at ease very quickly about it. Please keep us posted. Thinking of you.
Holly, K really puts her suitors through the wringer! Most men would turn green talking about that. I think she gets a kick out of pushing to see how far she can push!
Bunny, sorry that you are getting the other submission back. I could see your label on one of your new pieces and I really think it looks great. Hope the rainy weather isn't keeping you from feeling well enough to sew up those new treasures from bag day!
Gypsy, I not gonna be upset by anything you say about my pets...thanks for giving a care, though. We love Gracie, even though we aren't small dog people. I mean, she needs us, can be cute and snuggly, all that. But, the personality...
It is rainy today and supposed to be all day and all day tomorrow. I just fed and let the horses out so they can get into the trees. Their backs were wet, but no shivering. Sunny, the palomino, isn't as protected by a layer of adipose tissue as Tahoe, the mare. Funny how that extra layer is apparent even in the animal kingdom. So, Sunny is the one I have to take a look at and he was hanging out with me in rain after eating, so he was not cold. Once I turned to go back towards the house, he trotted off towards the pines.
Today I might start another hat. The first one went really quickly, so this one should be even faster to finish up, right?
The Neighbor called yesterday to see if we were shooting. I told her no, so she was setting off into the canyon to see who was out there with a gun. Via con Dios. She called back to let me know she hadn't found anyone and then started screaming and crying. It rather alarmed me and she said, I have to go. I said, "No! What's wrong?" She had found one of their cats dead.
I called back later to tell her I was sorry they had lost their pet and to ask if everything was ok...she had composed herself. Then she said, "Aren't you excited?" I asked why and she said because the kids were coming home. I asked when the kids were coming home and she said she was expecting them tonight (Friday). Well, since dh and I had seen our daughter on Thursday, I thought she might be mistaken. So I said I didn't know anything about it, but maybe it was a surprise. I hate being in the middle of my daughter, her boyfriend and his mother.
After hanging up with The Neighbor, I called my dd and told her of the confusion. While we were on the phone, she asked her significant other about it and he said he had called his mother on Wednesday to tell her they were definitely not visiting this weekend. OK. Whatever. My part is done.
Have a nice day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 09:10:34 AM
Gypsy, I see my rejection as a sign I need to work harder at doing original work for them. I also need to make what sells. Two different things for sure. My heart is a little hurt but I know I just need to work harder. It's getting harder to find stuff I need here in town though. Portland is an hour and a half away and I hate driving it in the rain. I just don't see as well as I use to. Especially at night. Really scary! Plus the roads here have large troughs of water when it rains. The trucks wear big ruts in the road. When my truck hits one, I slide around a bit. Don't like puddles!! I'll get there next weekend. It's not suppose to rain and my friend has a Prius. I'll buy lunch! I'm looking online for places to buy bulk. The only issue is cost. Shirts will cost me about $5 to $6 each. I can use up to 5 shirts for a dress plus my labor. But I may get what I want that way.
Mar, sorry about your neighbor. I bet you are chomping at the bit to sell your place. Unfortunately, winter usually slows everything down real estate wise. So sad about your neighbor's cat. I wonder if someone shot it. I would be devastated.
Janet, I'm taking business law 1, business editing and the fun one, business English. It's all about grammar and punctuation. This week was pretty easy but I know it will get harder and more time consuming as the weeks progress. The grammar class teacher said it will take me 10 hours a week to do the assignments. Fun! As long as I can have 2 or 3 days to sew, I'll get by.
Off to bag day! Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 10:29:36 AM
Oh, I should have let you all know that my neighbor said it looked like the cat died of natural causes. (It's natural when a llama kicks a cat, right?) Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 6:08:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day. Temperatures were in the sixties and the sky was a gorgeous autumn blue. We have had three or four days of cold weather and the rest have been very late summer. The guy on the weather said that this weekend should be peak foliage for the leaf peepers. It is rare that we have the leaves without the rain. The rain knocks the leaves off the trees and shortens the color on the hills. The gray does make the colors appear more brilliant.I am just as happy to have the clear blue sky and the oranges and reds a little less brilliant.
Last night at 2:16 AM a truck without a muffler came up our road. We live at the end of a half mile dirt road. It is not a through way to anywhere. This morning I noticed that the basketball hoop that is on a metal post was laying on the ground. The truck must have hit it and broke it off at ground level. T told me that it had been rusted anyway. I would guess the driver of the truck was drunk and could not negotiate the turn around and hit the post. I wonder how much damage was done to the truck. The pole is buried four feet in the ground with fins welded on so it would not budge in the ground when the boys hung on the rim. It would be nice if the drunk showed up and helped to dig up the post out of the ground. Then I could take it to be welded again.
It is worrisome to have to go back and have a sonogram after the mammogram. Been there done that and we do not have breast cancer in our family. I hope your sonogram comes back clean.
Mar you should write a book of short stories called, Living Next Door. Your neighbor sure does give you plenty of material. Now am I figuring this out correctly, your neighbor is the mother of your dd's love?
K does go on and on. She behaves as if she knows everything and in her mind she does. I figure it is practice. I know she is on a rave about getting married. I think there have been 6 or 8 guys she has explored the idea with. All but two she has not met in person. She does not see anything odd about making plans with a virtual person. Actually, she tells me she is going to have children and then when they are older she will get married. She wants a big wedding with a big party. She wants a big ring. She wants a husband who will have a sizable income. She is a great dreamer. I listen and add comments carefully. I do not want her to shut me out. I do not want her to have children or get married anytime soon but I think I do not have a lot of control over that.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 6:09:02 PM
We had a cow kick a chicken once and send her to a new realm of existence.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 6:19:50 PM
Yea, Mar, sounds right to me. Kicking a cat is perfectly natural thing for a llama, or is it spit in their eye-- I forget.
I don't think you should move--these stories are far too entertaining. I for one will miss them
It has rained cats and dogs here today and will tomorrow as well. The good news is that when we get fall rain, we have just a riot of wild flowers the following spring. When B was here last March it was all brown and ugly and he didn't care so much for it. Now this spring he will see the hill country in all its splendor. I've told him to study the Balcones Fault, for we are sitting right on top of it. It unofficially divides the state of Texas east from the west. He has such an inquiring mind, he will love all the natural springs and caverns and caves of the hill country and the Edwards Plateau. Not many cowboys and Indians left. One of the largest bat caves is a short distance from my property and I see flights of bats swarming at dusk. Also I'm near the llano river where eagles nest. Texas is so different from what most people think. And many of the people are as well. We have the marshlands along the coast, tropical along the south, piney woods in east Texas, the beautiful hill country in central Texas, then the flat bald plains of west Texas. Hardly any mountains, only in far west Texas and then nothing much more than 8 thousand feet. Nothing like the movies portray it. The word Texas is a derivative of the Caddo Indian word for friend. I do find north Texas uninteresting. Never spent much time there, although my daughter was born in Fort Worth.
Personally, I think K is a wise young woman to get all those things straight early on. She will separate the men from the boys right from the get go.
Bunny, you definitely have your challenges but you are a strong and determined woman.
Well, I've just realized I'm hungry and there's nothing in the fridge that appeals to me so its either cook or go out in the rain. Janet I hope you are feeling better today.
Good night all,
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 7:56:48 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 6:24:45 PM
Holly you posted while I was writing
You have more control than you think you do, not by lecturing or controlling, but a well placed comment here and there directed at no one in particular sometimes plants the right seed.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 6:50:50 PM
Yeah, Holly, Mar's goofy neighbor is her daughter's significant other's Mom!
I would call that being between a rock and a hard place.
I've told her I think there's a movie in there someplace.    
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 28 2013 6:58:21 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 7:59:31 PM
I hope no one has sent the posse out to find me. I have been very busy with everything I have been doing. The DH has also been hogging the desk top to play chess. This is not okay because that is were I have all the household accounts, pictures and patterns, which I sometimes want to send out.
Last Saturday, I was taking care of our neighbor's two dogs: a Pembrooke corgie/rottweiler mix named Ein and a miniature white poodle named Oswald. They are both sweet little boy dogs. Ein is seven and is very calm and cuddly. Oswald is just over one and is a hyper little guy who pees and poops in the house. I had them in the mostly fenced backyard waiting for their dad to return. Oswald was playing with the neighbor dog Katy, a female Rottweiler, through the wood slat fence. I decided to let him play with her in the next yard. Ein and Mitzi tagged along. Oswald was ready to go but when I put him down, all three dogs started chasing him and he was yelping in fear. He ran out the opened gate and down the alley. None of the other dogs followed him. Lowell, the neighbor Joann and I started searching for him. Luckily, someone got him on a lead and was bringing him our way. WHEW! They said he was heading for the part on half bloke away. I was so relieved he was not hurt. The neighbor Matt told me he had run away from him before. He also said that he was giving Oswald to his ex-girlfriend whose mom had a daycare where he could play with the kids. Matt is tired of Oswald messing in his apartment and barking and causing other problems.
That is the big animal adventure story promised last week.
Also last Saturday, Lowell decided to rent a canoe and take it out on Lake Calhoun. That was all well and good except that I was wearing tights, dress shoes, a dress, necklace and earrings. HE didn't think this would be a problem. I should have put my foot down hard. My dress got its hem dunked in the lake and it ripped on one of the tiers. THIS kind of cluelessness is common with Lowell.
Oh, well. More later. It sounds as if someone may be building a fire outside and I want to take Mitzi out there to brush her and dispose of her hair in the fire.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 8:22:03 PM
No fire yet.
Last Sunday was a good day. It was sunny and warm with a hint of fall in the air. I live in an eleven unit apartment building. One of our neighbors, Elliot, arranged a gig at a farmers market at which he, Lowell and a couple others would play from 10 to 1. Lowell brought his daughter along and while they were playing, I went shopping.
This market takes EBT, debit and credit cards and gives out $5 tokens which are accepted by all the vendors. I bought $40 worth and combined it with $10 cash and SPENT IT ALL!
There were an amazing variety of vendors. I bought a jar of pickled mixed vegetables, a jar of bath salts, beautiful bunches of kale and basil, a 27 inch stalk of brussells sprouts, some broccoli, some cucumber pickles (which I fed to Mitzi because she had to stay in the car) and a beautiful chunk of cave aged cheese. I also bought myself lunch from a restaurant which had set up a portable wok heated with propane. They even had a coffee stand there. It was an amazing market. Now I have to blanch and freeze the brussels sprouts and fry the kale into chips. I will do all that tomorrow. In addition, I will make some of my famous crockpot soup.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2013 : 11:27:40 PM
These is a fire but Mitzi got into it with Hugo a young Australian shepherd in the building. His parents don't like me so they keep their dog away from Mitzi and now the two of them do not know how to get along with each other. Around the fire were the young people from the bicycle scene in Minneapolis and their friends. These people will not talk to you unless you can speak bicycle. It is very sad to be excluded in this way.
Here is a picture of Lowell rocking his summer fedora and holding his favorite guitar, the Gretsch. He has three guitars.
Holly - The outing sounds better than Girl Scout camp. I thought about word processing; however, Lowell tends to hog the desk top to play chess sometimes until early morning so I have no access to my pictures or patterns. I am almost sorry I taught him how to use the thing.
Cheryl - I love dumpster diving. I'm rather a professional and prefer real dumpsters. The different neighborhoods in Minneapolis vary in quality and quantity. When I lived in Stephen's Square, within walking distance of downtown, there were lots of apartments and every month it was like an open-air market. I found 3 nice silk shirts and a designer comforter. I also furnished my apartment with furniture from the alley. I once told someone at work exactly where I got the nice suit I was wearing and I was labeled as a deviant. Now, repurposing and reusing is on trend. Glad I was ahead of it.
Gypsy - I was pretty much on my own at the age of 17. I was a senior in high school and had some positions of responsibility and some power. My father was being transferred again. This happened about every 3 years. We would be residing in Nebraska just south of the South Dakota border. I decided that I wanted to stay and finish high school. So I lived with another family and paid rent. In retrospect, it may have been better for me if I had gone with my family. I was under a great deal of stress and was not handling it well. But if I had gone, my sister would not have had the chance to be the big sister and not be compared to me in school.
Bunny - I was 42 when I found Lowell. I had been looking for quite some time and it was disappointing. I had done the online dating and the phone dating. Most guys were looking for an extremely shallow relationship. Other's just didn't read my profile and didn't see that they would not fit my criteria. I answered Lowell's ad on a telepersonals line. How happy I was to find him sound attractive and he only lived three blocks from me. That is what I call geographically attractive. We dated for three weeks and he broke up with me three times. Finally, he said that he could not deal with my - ahem - substantial body size at 175 lbs. So we broke up for about a year. I couldn't worry about him. I was trying to find employment. After about a year he called me and said he needed a girlfriend and that he knew I loved him and could we go out again. I said that he would have to win me back and that after our history, that may be difficult. Well, we are still together after 10 years. We have had good and bad times and now we both realize that neither of us could do much better than we have. Good luck in your search. Do not set the standards so high that no one can meet them and expect to find that special someone in the most unexpected way.
For some reason, the process of typing this is going extremely slowly. I will quit for now. Also, the party outside is getting a bit loud. I believe I may find some beer spilled in the stairwell in the morning.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 5:06:23 PM
Holly your kickin chicken comment made me snort my tea! Too funny.
I'm feeling terribly homesick for my mountain home. I loved winters there. It was so quiet. Especially when it snowed. I feel so out of place here. I contacted another Etsy seller doing upcycled clothing. She was also featured in Altered Couture magazine. I wanted to know if her sales went up and if she submitted things to them or did they find her. She told me her views and sales went up considerably and they found her both times. I'm thinking submitting things is a waste of time. They know where to find me now and I can't afford the $23.00 it costs to submit something and have it rejected. I just need to keep producing and hope they like something.
It has been raining for days. I don't mind it but my mom is trying to have the window panes painted so the house will appraise for enough money. Hopefully some sun is in the works for next week.
It's nap time. Later for now..
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 5:07:45 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a very lovely day here in the Central Vermont. Temperatures were in the seventies. I think, and the sun was shining to make the sky so blue and clear. It was one sweat shirt weather when I went out to do animal chores. The pigs behaved themselves and did not knock into me when I opened the grain bag and carried through the mud to put in their troughs. We put the extra milk from the cow in a five gallon bucket for several days to sour and curdle up. They think it is the best treat and it keeps them occupied slurping it up while I pour the water into the other buckets. When their bellies are filled they mosey over to their hay so I can pour the grain unattended. One more month to go for their happy little lives.
This afternoon I took the littles to the farm that grows potatoes. One day each year they open up one of the fields to the public to pick potatoes for .25 a pound. The man drives his potato digger across two rows of planted potatoes at a time. That wonderful machine digs them and rolls them into a nice neat row. We picked 286 pounds. Most of them were small because other people were intent on getting the big ones. I figure we could be picky and mash big potatoes or we could pick up the smaller ones and still mash them. The littles had a good time. G and C were fascinated that potatoes grew under the ground. Ross had been before. At the end the boys had french fries and juice.
Marie it is nice to hear from you. A welsh corgi and rottweiler mix. MMMMMM who was the mother? Did you cook marshmallows at the bonfire? Lowell seems like an interesting character. When he goes for a pee break put his game on hold and catch us up. I have a friend who makes pesto and she puts kale in it. She says her family does not notice the difference in taste. I have tried to grow kale two years now and have failed both times. LIke the plants do not get more than three inches tall. I do not know what I am doing wrong but am thinking it may not be worth the garden space to try again.
The fault that runs near your property is that the one that the water runs west on one side and east on the other. Here the brown bats have a fungal disease I think called white nose. It is killing off the bat population at an alarmingly fast rate. The scientists do not know what has caused it. and I am not sure that they have figured out how to cure it either. Sometimes we sit beside the picture window that has the spotlight outside of it and watch the bats catch the flying bugs. K is coming along in her thinking to a more reality based existence. I do find sometimes that what I tell her in small doses does sink in. She did say she likes to jerk the chains of the young men she has an interest in. She also is figuring out that what is important to her is important to find out if the young man agrees or not. This phone dating has opened her eyes some to the drama that some people like to live The interesting piece is she talks to some of these young men's mothers and grandmothers.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 5:59:01 PM
Holly, It sounds like you had a lovely end of summer day. Picking up the potatoes sounds like a fun activity when you have young short people willing to do all the bending! Do you keep the potatoes in a cellar throughout the winter? I have never been around bats that I know of. I don't think I would like them as I don't like rodents at all and they seem like flying rodents. I know they eat the mosquitoes and that is a wonderful thing in anyone's book. In high school, I had a friend who always raised pigs for 4H. His dad was the "milkman" who delivered dairy goods to all the stores. So any of the out of date dairy products, Dad brought home for the pigs. My friend had very happy pigs. I think K should keep up exploring these relationships over the phone. She will learn a lot about herself that way. And isn't it very satisfying to see some of your wisdom sink in and parrot back to you? I bet your basketball pole did get the better end of the event with the pick up without the muffler. Funny, how you just kind of naturally figure that alcohol is involved, isn't it? How else does someone end up so off course?
Bunny,hope you can find something to make you feel cozy in your basement retreat and recapture your love of your mountain home. I think when you have something you want to submit to the magazines, you ought to.
Marie, thanks for getting us up to speed on what your life is like and how you got to where you are! I hope this Sunday was a good day for you.
Gypsy, I hope you will take some photos of the wildflowers this year.
We had a quiet day. Kind of like a Sunday is supposed to be, know what I mean? I got a couple washcloths that I had knitted for my MIL finished up. That is her usual Christmas gift. I found some great boots on QVC a few days ago. Clarks brand. So, I am looking forward to their arrival. I had bought some great winter shoes last year. Really cute and also comfy at Macy's. I wore them a half dozen times when one of my friends pointed out that they were coming apart. The sewing on the outside of the shoe hadn't actually caught the footbed of the shoe. I guess if I had worn them in the rain I wouldn't have needed someone to point that out to me. So, those went back and of course, they didn't have my size so no replacements... But, now it doesn't matter!! (Hopefully)
Tonight is the last episode of Breaking Bad and dh and I have watched the entire series since the first episode was broadcast. We are looking forward to watching it, but we will miss having entertainment of this caliber.
Have a lovely evening, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 6:42:07 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 7:59:32 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 6:42:58 PM
I had a productive day. We went to breakfast at our usual spot today. We didn't go yesterday because Lowell was collecting saliva for a test of his andrenal system. He has convinced himself that he had Addison's Disease. <sigh> We bought a new set of 100% cotton sheets for $40. We could have purchased perfectly fine used sheets at Saver's and Lowell rejected them all because none was 100% cotton. We could have gotten five sets of used sheets for what we paid for this one new set. When I returned home, I blanched the brussels sprouts and put them in the freezer. I am letting the stalk dry because I do believe that it will make a nice hanger for some macreme art. I also made some of my famous (at least to me) crockpot soup. It will be done in three hours. I brushed Mitzi while Lowell went trapsing off to one of the guitar places he haunts to buy and then retun some head phones. Elliot, our musician neighbor, came over and he and Lowell cranked up the amps and played their Stratocasters. I cleaned the toilet in case Elliot needed to use it. I didn't want him to know how very apathetic I am about house cleaning.
Holly - When love or lust is involved, the way is always discovered and adjustments are made just as it is which humans. We never have marshmellows in our house. Mitzi got into it with the neighbor dog and I had to take her in. Hugo is alone a great deal and he just wants to play and Mitzi doesn't, so they tend to have disagreements. These individuals are part of the bicycling clique in Minneapolis and the members will not speak to someone who isn't a professional or serious amatuer cyclist. Lowell never takes pee breaks when he is playing computer chess. I used to beg him to come to bed when he was up past ten. I got tired of being that way so I just let him stay up all night if he wants to. He is a big boy and knows the consequences.
Mar - Bats are indeed rodents. Their name in German is fledermaus which means flying mouse. Many are frightened of them and will slaughter them. However, I have heard that the largest bat urban colony in North America lives under a bridge in Austin, Texas and eats 10,000 to 20,000pounds of insects every night and help to pollinate the sugar cane. The world would be more uncomfortable and much less sweet without them. My parents put up bat houses on their land in Wisconsin. Sitting on their deck is enjoyable because of the lack of insects.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2013 : 11:12:11 PM
Marie how do you make your soup? I guess I will have to start cooking again. My man is skinny, but he has a big Appetite I eat good food really cheap because the portions are so big I take half home.
It's 1:00 am and we just hung up. He calls at 9. Less than two weeks now before we Meet in Vegas.
There are 3 large bat caves in Texas but I Didn't realize that the one under the Congress bridge was the largest. There's a large one near my house and there's one other one in this area that is supposed to be larger than that one.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 09:12:52 AM
Holly I agree with Mar and Gypsy regarding K and relationships via technology. Just make sure she isn't sending any questionable pictures. Apparently there is a group that poses as someone their age or a soldier, gets kids like K to send compromising pictures and then blackmails them into online sex slaves by threatening to tell family about the pictures sent. You might have that talk just in case.
Gypsy, me being stuck here is all about the money. I figured out if I had a decent livable trailer, I could live in a park on $2000.00 a month. That's before taxes. So that's my goal for my sewing. I would need one sale a day to pull that off. If I could get to that point, buy a trailer I could live and work in, have money in the bank for slow times ( I want at least $5000 ), all would be good. I figure once I got back to California I would also look for a part time job. Even if sales do that now, it will take me at least a year to save up enough money. But at least I have a solid plan now. Just need to see it start to fall into place. I haven't had a sale since MaryJanes. Lots of lookers though.
Anyway, today is a homework day. I did get two outfits done yesterday but the rain kept me from getting good pictures. I'm working on setting up a photo area inside. Just need to decide on a good backdrop and buy some good lights.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 1:21:28 PM
hello gals! i don't have access to the computer during the weekend so i have to wait until i get back to work. i took off early on friday to go by mom's and cut up 2 limbs that had fallen and took them to my house to set out by the curb. the city won't pick them up at mom's house and they will at mine. so anyway, i had saturday off which is good because it rained a lot. however, the brothers said that they got the door replaced so i am going by after work today to vacuum and see the door. I was really shocked saturday - my oldest brother knew i was short on money before payday so he came by my house to give me $20 to go play with. I haven't had money to play with in probably a year or more so that was really a blessing. i have decided to pull up the carpet in the front room. i saw an article in a magazine - romantic home and the woman did hers and then painted it pink and white checks. sounds lovely to me. might be a while before i could buy the paint but........ Bunny, your work is wonderfully individual and please don't give up on it. Just be sure that you put it out so people do know where to find you to help with sales. I would keep sending to magazines though if you can afford it - i always follow the old saying - the squeeky wheel gets the grease! Holly, it sounds like you have an interesting household with K. I hope she finds who she wants (and you like). marie, glad you and lloyd get along - i would have had a problem with the comment about weight. my dh said something to me once and i responded with " if you look in the mirror, you will see a balding, too skinny, goofy looking dude" and he never mentioned it again. hahahaha well, better get back to work...hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Sep 30 2013 : 4:25:08 PM
Howdy Ladies!
I know, I've been MIA for a long time again and I'm sorry. I have been wicked busy but with winter soon here it will slow down hopefully. David isn't any help other than cooking so I'm straight out with the harvesting, canning, cleaning up gardens, getting ready for winter, etc... We already have fires going at night and we don't have the wood chopped or split yet, it's still tree length. Still trying to get the roof redone too and I've been helping with the library who had a huge yard sale this past weekend of stuff the auctioneer didn't take from an estate that was left to the library. It was the librarian and I doing all the work. We made over 1000.00 and I got a lot of great stuff. The estate was right out of the 1930's - 40's and everything was in mint condition. I've been working with a forester and lumberman too and am presently surprised we will have a nice road to the pond when they are done. And I'm selling more on eBay and Etsy to stay economically sound since David was laid off.
The best news from Maine is my daughter is talking to us again and back in our lives so I've been having a great time with her!! David said I should do what I would normally do or want to do for my b-day and I realized I normally spend it with her (she was born on my birthday 30 years ago)so I called her the day before and said I would be there and take her to lunch. At first it was tense but by the time we left she was crying and realizing how much she missed us and it's been like nothing happened. She's now on the phone with me all the time or even coming to visit. So I'm one happy happy happy Mother!
But what I wanted to show you all was my birthday present from a month ago. It will be interesting to see if my husband actually has it ready to use in the spring but I am excited! He promises me it will be complete. A gentleman died that was restoring it so we bought it from his family and David said he'd finish it this winter since he's not working. It's a 1949 Farm-all Cub Tractor.

I don't know if I will ever get caught up reading all your posts but I will try.
Missed you all and sorry it takes me forever to get back on here. The longer the time goes by, the harder it is for me until I just have to take the plunge like I did with my daughter! Her husband just deployed last night for Afganistan so I think that is one more reason she needs us around which I will be for her.
Hope you are all doing well!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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