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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 09:42:19 AM
*comes sidling in after months on the loose* Hi girlies! Thought I'd better check in and let you know what's been up in this little corner of the world. We sent DS to North Dakota to work in the oilfield. DD went to Central Wyoming to finish her nursing school. We are finallllllly empty nesters! It is so nice. The garden is all done, as we had a hard freeze on the 19th. I have everything put up and put away. We finished the haying last weekend. Now we need to get the equipment cleaned, serviced and put to bed for the winter. We are tearing down 2 miles of fence, so that we can put in a new one. That has kept us busy.
My bff and I had a girls weekend in Salt Lake City this last weekend. We had massages, went shopping in the new City Creek Mall, ate really yummy, greasy hamburgers, and attended the What a Woman Wants expo in South Jordan, UT. We spent way too money, but it was a nice getaway.
I am busy getting ready for a craft fair I am doing in November. Also, my son has requested a jean quilt for Christmas, so I have been working on that too.
Farmgirl life is exhausting! I love it!!!!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 09:50:52 AM
hello everyone! just miss a day or two and look at all the conversation! First, welcome to the newbie, so glad you could join us! Love the pics of the dog and the hubby , they both look sweet. bunny, so glad that mary jane's daughter loved the skirt, i just knew they had to because all of your stuff is so darling. holly, love the games and thinking outside of the box - pretty cool. gypsy, the love of your life gives me hope for the future. right now, not too interested in finding someone but maybe later on..who knows? my mother had alzehimers and there were days she was very mean but you love them anyway because they are your mother. had a talk with one of my brothers and explained to him that if he could take care of the other brother for 9 years (without a thank you from him, mind you) that we all could be a little nicer to little sister. they are almost finished with the house and maybe we will get an offer then for it...keep praying please! had one of my old friends (male) come to waco this past weekend and asked me to meet him for a coffee. i don't drink coffee but there were other things to drink, enjoyed the visit with him. our friendship is over 40 years and we both know that no matter what, we will continue to love each other and be friends. i was friends with his wife for years but when she left him she told me that our friendship was over too. hurt like the dickens for awhile but no longer. he still calls himself her husband and that is ok - don't want any emotional baggage like that, i still say that i am larry's wife although i know otherwise (he died 3 years ago for anyone new)and i miss him so much still. still have trouble going into some stores because i know he loved going to them...oh well, my hands are going to sleep again...see you guys later hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 11:21:13 AM
Gypsy, send me the frog. It will be interesting to see if anything happens. I'm off the dating sites though. I can't afford it and the guys interested in me are backwoods scary!
I finally have a picture of one of the dresses I just finished. I decided to put it on my site. I need sales!!

Here is my Glamping version. The top has all kinds of camping stuff like boots, fishing poles, a moose.. thought it would be fun. It isn't on my site yet. In a few days I'll add it.

I really need to get to my homework..
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 3:16:11 PM
Sherone, so glad to hear from you. Your getaway weekend sounds like it was very fun. Congratulations on being empty nesters. And for getting all your winter chores lined up and out of the way.
Janie, glad you are still making forward progress on your mom's house. It is great to have such long standing friendships. That is a long one - 40 years.
Holly , K must be ecstatic about getting her braces off. That seemed really fast.
Bunny, love your new creations. Be careful with that frog!!
Gypsy, so sorry that you had to miss your ladies' lunch. It always sounds like a fun time.
I just wanted to pop on and say hello. I'll post more later!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 6:58:48 PM
Tonight I am pooped beyond pooped. It took me all day yesterday and today to make my apple butter and applesauce. My hands are so sore from all the cutting up apples. Also got 3 big pies out of it, one for Bob, one for my son, and one for my daughter. I am not too fond of apple pie, but love the apple butter. I use a lot of that in the winter months on my toast. Sherone, being an empty nester eventually feels good, after you get used to the quietness. More time for yourself. Hope you are enjoying it. Janie, good to hear from you. You will feel so much better once your mom's house sells and you no longer have to take care of all of that. Mar, Is it fall there yet? We were 28 this morning, but it warmed up to 62. I was in the house canning all day, so did not get to feel the fresh air. Maybe tomorrow. Bunny, So glad Mary Jane loved the skirt. All that worrying for nothing. Love the new outfits. Holly, do the kids go trick or treating, or make costumes for Halloween? We get over a hundred kids here living on a corner, we get from all over. Gotta start stocking up on candy. Gypsy, I get those kind of sleepless nights quite often too. Hope you are able to sleep through the night tonight. Won't be long when you and B are back together. How long do you plan on being in Las Vegas? Cheryl, I am sure you are having weather a tad warmer than we are, hope you are able to get out and enjoy it. Well, I am off to bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 7:59:01 PM
Sherone, so glad so have you back! I'm jealous of your girls trip away. Sounds like you did all the right things after all the farm work was done.
Janie, posse dragged you back too. Selling your mom's house will be such a relief. I hope it happens soon for your sake. Your numb arm doesn't sound good. I hope it isn't anything serious. Take care of yourself. I have a feeling your stress is getting the best of you. Have you ever tried meditation. Glad to see you back!
Marianne, I'll let you know how life with the frog goes. Not holding my breath. I sometimes think there can't possibly be someone in this world for me. If there is, don't know if I'll ever find him. I'm pretty happy on my own right now anyway. That took years to do.
Anyway, got some homework done today. Lots more to do.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 : 10:16:18 PM
Evening ladies :) Gypsy you've taught me something I didn't know about wheat. Sometimes my skin itches badly and I've been told it's part of menopause and fibromyalgia. When it drives me crazy I shower with a coffee scrub that has nice oils in it then baste myself in body lotion. I never seem to remember when I'm in Walgreens to pick up some Sarna which is an OTC anti-itch body lotion. I do know B vitamins are good for muscles. I've been drinking Sparkling Ice flavored waters with zero calories and B vitamins and antioxidants. I do know dehydration can make your skin itch and your muscles hurt. I have to force myself to drink tap water. I just don't like it. But I do much better with the flavored waters. I know you can make your own but I'm lazy LOL. I hope you sleep better tonight. Holly, I used the term spider and I used to think that was a pot till I heard a chef call the thing I bought a spider and thought gee have I been misusing the word all this time? I think I should call it what it looks like to me. A huge commercial straining ladle. One day I'd love to have a cook stove that was all set to burn gas. I know you can get them, I just can't afford the $6,000+ price tag. My folks used to have a wood burning stove in their living room and when they'd light it they could heat their whole house. I was usually sweating if they had it going. Bunny, good for you on promoting yourself! Your clothing is lovely and that's a great way to drum up more business. I hope Mary Jane decides to feature you in her magazine too. You definitely deserve it! I hope you'll feel better today when you wake. I don't think you're a man hater. I just think you're realistic. I believe as we women age we become more confident. We don't really feel the need to have a man tell us how or what to think. Some men can certainly be off putting and not the best examples of the male species. Some women can be just catty and horrid too so maybe it's just humans as a species. I know it seems for the last several years we see more of the bad and not enough of the good in people. I blame the media. I wish they'd not turn mass murderers and other criminals into celebrities. Mar, I hope your headache stays gone and you feel better. I'll also lend my wishes for an offer on your house soon. Autumn is a great time for people to move and get settled in before winter so hopefully that will happen soon for you. Janet and Marie I hope both of you are doing well. Tuckered out here. Time to call it a night. Huggz to you all :) Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 03:10:35 AM
Thanks everyone for all the wishes about an offer on our house. The scary part is we have found a house that we have fallen in love with. It would be move-in perfect for us and we have been watching it for over a month. That is why we went ahead and drastically lowered the price on our house. We knew what we needed to get from the sale to cover the purchase of that house, so we took a chance. So far, still no takers. But, I do appreciate having you gals on our side. I get so nervous about it all that dh has to check to see if the dream house is still for sale - I just can't do it.
My night for not sleeping! It is almost like one of us has to have sentry duty. :)
Janet, I bet your hands are screaming after all that peeling. Paring apples is tough. Getting back to your crocheting will help loosen them up. And who doesn't love apple pie??? Oh well, how nice for everyone that you shared your talents, though.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 06:34:16 AM
Good morning friends,
I slept well last night. Because I fed myself properly, took my vitamins, and drank water. I do not drink city tap water because I know fluoride is very bad for you and I cannot tolerate chlorine. I know the B vitamins have to be taken every day but I don't always do it. Cheryl you might want to try the CeraVe and see if it helps. Everybody is different. I showered with the hydrating cleanser and then slathered with the cream and my skin feels wonderful this morning. I saw it at the grocery store yesterday so I guess it has been around and I didn't know about it. It's always on the bottom shelf. I now know, for me, I need to look for products with ceramide. And commercial soaps are a no no for me, even ivory.
Mar, I will have the same problem with selling my place. Because it is unique and will appeal to a smaller segment of buyers. It also will be in the price range where many people like to custom build what they want. But the property is one of a kind beautiful so hopefully that will work in my favor. B told me again last night stop worrying about anything he will pitch in as soon as he gets here and we will get everything done. The man is a jewel.
Well, I have a really busy day today so I need to get started on it. I too will write again tonight if I'm not totally wiped out.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 11:43:19 AM
Hi Ladies! Welcome back Sherone and Janiee! Not sure how I missed both of you last night but think I was about half asleep when I posted. Sherone, your weekend sounded lovely and ooh who couldn't use some fun time with a bff? Janiee what a great friend you have to last for 40 yrs. Not many people can say they've a friend they've had that long. I'm so sorry for your loss of your husband. Time gentles the hurt a bit but never completely. Thank God for our memories and I hope all of yours are blessed ones. Was a busy and tiring day yesterday but I got a lot accomplished. Going to take it a bit easier today and relax. It's gorgeous here today so I want a bit of porch time with the pooch. I am making plans with my weight loss team for a food drive for the holidays so I'll be contacting businesses to see if I can leave donation boxes after Halloween to get started. I'm hoping we're able to help our food pantries get stocked up for the coming winter months. It just seemed a good fit for our team since we struggle with food to give it away to others in a way that will make everyone feel good. Gypsy thank you for the CeraVe tip and hope I can remember the next time I'm out to look for it. I'd forget my name if it wasn't written inside my clothes...just kidding ;) I really need to make myself notes though. No wonder I don't like tap water. I should have realized it's the additives that make it taste icky to me. Bunny, more cute outfits! You have such an eye for color and details. Love the droopy pockets on the 2nd dress. Just too cute! Janet, yes it's lovely here today and oh gosh I love apple pie. Hit's self in the head and remembers I'm supposed to be making healthier food choices. But bet if I used puff pastry or philo and made a tart and made a few substitutions I could have something similar that tasted yummy too :) Puts on thinking cap. Okay time for me to scoot. Huggz to all, Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 3:29:38 PM
Well, Cheryl, now they are saying the plastic water bottles are bad, so what is a person to do!! I buy the gallon jugs of water when I'm in town and I love my well water when I'm at home in the country. But I know it has radon in it. It's really just a matter of avoiding what you can and hoping your immune system will do the rest of it for you. Something has to get us sooner or later.
I must have been asleep too, I could swear I commented to Sherone and Janiee, but looking back I can't find it. Sometimes on the cell phone it does do weird things. Not me-- I don't do anything weird, do I , girls? I swear, it's the phone, honest, it is. Truthfully, sometimes I get to going on and then decide, that's silly, and I erase the whole thing. I often talk too much in real life, too. And then sometimes I don't erase when I should.
Bunny, I'll send you the frog for Christmas. D sent it to me for Christmas last year. It worked like magic, but you do have to kiss it. Then go on the dating site and search 5000 miles. Then be careful because you might get what you wish for. There are some free dating sites I'm told.
Janiee, I am still friends with most of my classmates. There have been deaths above our class and below it but we are all still here. I graduated in 1960 at the age of 16. I was put out on my own immediately. Bunny, I previewed the book you mentioned and will probably download it to read. I like stories about strong women. I'm told I am one. My son in law says I'm a character straight out of Larry McMurtrie's novels. Not completely sure he meant it as a compliment. But Janiee I don't know that I have a friendship as strong as the one you describe. I think that would be a nice feeling.
Once that frog does its job for Bunny, I think she should send it to Janiee. I think Darlys would be very happy to know her frog lives on.
And, Sherone, welcome back. Don't stay away so long. We love hearing about your adventures and any mis-adventures, too. Where the heck did Penny go now! I swear I can't keep up with you girls!
Holly, could you simmer the apples on the back of your wood stove that you use to heat the house? May not get hot enough I have very fond memories of my grandmother cooking on her wood stove. One of my uncles bought her an electric stove and she used it to pile stuff up on and went back to the wood stove. She could make the finest cornbread and gravy you ever tasted on that stove.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 4:26:28 PM
Note to my post above. I was not thrown out of the house. I wanted to leave as soon as I could. So it was mutual. But being on my own before 17 years old was brutal.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 25 2013 4:27:35 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 6:17:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
We do cook on the woodstove when it is going all day long. I also raise bread by it and make yogurt behind it in the winter. There is not enough room in front or on the sides for the crock for the yogurt. In 1999 when people were freaked out about the impending Y2K crash on New Year's we knew we would be fine because we have the wood stove. We keep pots of water on top of the stove to humidify the air. I have a dragon my sister gave me that holds water and the steam comes out its nose. Anyway, at some of the crafts fairs there are booths with scents that claim the scent is calming or soothing. I put a couple of drops in the water on the wood stove so it diffuses through the air and help to make people calmer. I like to believe it works.
Sherone it is nice to know when the crops are in and winter is coming that we are prepared, I am relieved that we only have the pigs to do in and all will be ready for winter. Well, I still have a couple of pairs of boots and snowpants for the littles to acquire and then we are good to go.
Janiee I am glad the hurt of your dh's passing is not as intense as it was. I remember when you first started posting the pain was incredibly raw.
Mar any good stories about dh or the pups? Life can not possibly be this quiet at your house. Are you feeling ok?
Bunny, your posts seem less frantic. Hope is a wonderful emotion. I hope school is all you expect it to be, holiday sales are exceptional for your creations and life with your mother is mutually supportive.
Jan you are so very kind to make three apple pies. I usually peel my apples for pie but have this mill like pan for squishing cooked apples through to make applesauce that keeps back the seeds and skins. I would like to see pictures of the animal hats.
Gypsy do you hear from your big sis, D any more? Sure do miss her posts. I am glad that B is willing to try to help with the country house. It takes some of the pressure to make an immediate decision about its fate and the contents off your shoulders. I would like to read your crazy rants.
Cheryl, I hope your food collection goes well, I think it is a great idea.
I took G and C walking in the woods down to the stream then along the stream to the second field and home. G kept asking if we were going home soon. I think he thought we were lost. He found a deer skull towards the beginning of the walk and carried it the whole rest of the way. C led the way and had a great time playing in the water and on the rocks.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 25 2013 : 10:14:22 PM
No, Holly, I have not heard from her in a long time. You are right, Mar is too quiet. She keeps this thread interesting so she is only allowed one day off, I say. Seems like apple butter cooking on that wood stove would be wonderful, Holly. C and G have found themselves in a picture postcard life. Like Curriur and Ives or Norman Rockwell. They w ill have wonderful memories to reflect back on all their adult lives. Nothing can take that away from them.
We did not hear from Marie today either.
We were talking about slavery. It has gone on since the beginning of civilization so perhaps some credit should be given to America for ending it. Except that human trafficking is alive and well, second only to the illegal drug trade, yet it is rarely discussed.
We don't grow many apples in my area. We grow Lots of peaches, grapes and pecans. When we lived up in the northeast Georgia mountains, we went o the apple orchards and picked lots of apples. I made apple jelly. Also apple butter, fried apple pies, but the jelly was so good. I realized we had been buying gelled flavored water at the grocery store. For some reason I started cooking garlic cheese sausage grits and served them with thick toast spread with the apple jelly and the combination of favors was so good. I gained weight that winter. Most likely will again when I start cooking for a man again.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 7:47:34 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 26 2013 : 09:36:20 AM
Gypsy, from what you have said about Bruce, I don't think you will have to worry about losing weight. His smoothies, dance classes and all around exercise will probably keep you in shape. He sounds like he lives a pretty healthy lifestyle. It will be good for you. I have a friend who is very over weight. Her husband is a wonderful chef and they decided to go vegan. He cooks for her and she has lost 20 lbs. it is nice when you have someone to help you stay healthy as a team effort.
Did too much yesterday and paid for it dearly. I lifted two heavy items to my mom' scar and I shouldn't have. Then some men came to take an old tv and freezer we wanted to get rid of. I ended up having to help with the freezer. Plus moving my whole sewing area out of the way so they could get it out. Was in pain all night. I feel better today and will just be doing homework. I need to be rested for Saturday. I'm going to Portland with a young friend and there will be miles of walking. I'm not sure how I'm going to hold up. Coffee and Aleve for sure.
I better stop before I do something stupid and this all disappears.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 26 2013 : 11:51:38 AM
Bunny, do you know about arnica? It comes in a Jel and a cream for massaging into sore muscles and also little pills that you dissolve under your tongue. No side effects and it does help. Also helps with bruising. Not very expensive. Sometimes a ail able At grocery store but mostly health food stores.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 26 2013 : 4:28:42 PM
Good evening everyone,
When the middle children were junior high age we went to the library to look for a book on slavery through the ages and only found one that referred to one time. There was no book talking about slavery in prehistory or in Roman and Greek times or in the golden age of Africa or in South America or pre European North America. Times when people created slaves from conquered people and not by skin color. Here in the US and countries taken over by the Europeans in the Caribbean and South America were the only documented times of skin color slavery. Slavery continues now but is called other names like undocumented immigrants, sex workers and sweat shop workers. There was an article on NPR today about Dubai and the workers from Nepal who are not fed well or given time off or paid in order to keep them working and dozens have died. MMMMMMMMM is this what you were talking about?
If I remember correctly dear Gypsy you went looking for light on line entertainment and found the B. chuckling quietly. be careful whom you ask for.
Bunny my doctor did tell me several years ago when I whined to her about hurting for a long time after I put in wood that I was not as young as I used to be. I think dear one that you fall into that category even though I believe you are several years younger than me. lol
I do hope all of the children have good memories of growing up. These littles sure do seem to have a very different life here than when they were in the fine state of Texas.
The littles went to swimming lessons this afternoon. C being fearless has a few more skills than the others. Ross is doing very well considering he does not like new people and does not like to try new things. He gets in the water and does what the teacher asks. G wants so to do what C does but he has a tremendous fear of failing. Never the less he is learning the skills.
I feed the pigs early in the morning now so they are not awake enough to knock me down. Only one more month until they go into the freezer. I look forward to fall because chore time decreases significantly as the animals go in the freezer.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 26 2013 : 5:47:19 PM
Holly, that is great that your chores decrease during the cold months, with meat in the freezer. That is a lot of work to do all summer long, but rewarding when finished, heh? It has been beautiful here so far this week. In the lower 60s with sun during the day, lower 30s at night. Great for sleeping. We still have the bedroom window open, and no heat on yet. I am sure hoping we can have a bonfire this weekend. It has been either too windy, or too cold. We shall see. Bunny, how are the online classes going? I do not know if I would like that. I think I would rather go to class and learn in person. Gypsy, too bad we do not hear from Darlys, and the others, like Patty, Nancy, Thelma, etc. If I remember correctly, tomorrow is Darlys' birthday. I do not have her new address. Sure do miss all those fine gals. All the virtual travels we did together for awhile. Cheryl, Sherone, Janie, hope your day went well and you are able to enjoy the autumn weather. I am still recouping from all that canning. I am so sore from being on my feet so much. I am back to my crocheting hats. I will post pictures when I get them all done, probably in a couple of weeks. I'm getting there. I takes time to make up my own patterns from looking at pictures. Well, gotta work in the morning, off to shower and go to bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 26 2013 : 6:04:24 PM
Hi everyone. WOW. It is nice to be missed. And it makes me feel a bit guilty ... have I mentioned I was raised Catholic??
Holly, Your way of summing things up gives me a chuckle now and again. I love the fact that the animals take less work when they are in the freezer! Can't argue with that, that's for sure. Sounds like the littles are coming along with the swim lessons. Water is pretty scary stuff, especially if you are young and have had some frights in your short lifetime. A deer skull was probably quite the treasure.
Slavery is a practice that certainly isn't new. I find it frightening how much sex trafficing is happening in the US. Especially those young runaways...
So, when did we start referring to B as "light online entertainment?" Well, now my dh needs a "handle." LOL
Gypsy, I laughed about you editting your posts and erasing some of it sometimes! I do wish we could do that in real life, too! Dd and I refer to it as an etch-a-sketch moment. Then we do the motion of shaking the etch-a-sketch and say, "never happened." Sometimes, she'll tell me about something that happened and I'll text back, "etch-a-sketch it." Try it, you'll find many times it is quite applicable in daily life. (Or maybe just my daily life...)
The last time we lived in NY, we lived in a small town named, Warwick. Our front yard looked towards an apple orchard and in the Fall the tourists came from NYC by the busload, literally. It was fine, mostly. The one drawback was that they had a band playing on the weekends and this was in 1999. The big hit that summer was ...The Macarena. And somehow, this band could make every song sound like The Macarena. It really invaded your head when you had it playing for six hours two days a week. But, it was a lovely place to live.
Today, dh and I drove 2-1/2 hours to a city named Kennewick, WA. We met our dd there. She drove almost four hours and left before 5 am. The purpose of the meet was to bring her her dog. She and her Dear One recently moved to Portland and have a great place that she can have her dog live with her. She has missed this animal fiercely and the dog is now six years old and has slowed down enough to tolerate living in an apt. When dd moved to the Seattle area, her dog was just a bit older than 4 and still ran the fields here for the simple joy of running. The dog I am talking about is Sammie. I sometimes call her Yellow Dog. (And infrequently, The Dumb Blonde.)
I had gotten this dog for myself. I had always wanted an almost white labrador and one day when dh and I took a break from sitting with a friend who was battling brain cancer, we happened across this adorable bundle. Dh said, "Let's go look." And I said, "If I go over there, I'm getting a dog." Well, watching our friend dying slowly made us think, "If not now, when." And we brought her home. She was good for Mollie - the black lab that died in March - and her temperment was pure Lab. But, when DD moved into the cubby to pursue her MBA, Sammie, who was a young pup, fell in love. She became devoted to Dd and vice versa. Funny, our dogs have always chosen their owners. But, at the same time, they are still Family Dogs. Just with a very special someone.
So, for the first time in 20 years, Dh and I find ourselves without a Labrador. Somehow these two big dog people are now empty nesters with a (freaking) Chihuahua. Who, as a matter of fact, turned 10 years old today. So, make that a geriatric Chihuahua.
Missed you gals. Sorry for prattling on...Etch-a-sketch it!
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 26 2013 : 8:36:38 PM
That's what I'm talking about, Mar!, that's what I miss when you are not on here.
Now what are you going to do without a dog. Well, really, you have about half a dog. Maybe with your new home in the near future you will get a new puppy, too. I love the yellow labs and the golden retriever. If I were to have a big dog, it would be one of those. B is not a dog person, per se, but he loves all animals. When I asked him how he felt about my having dogs, he said, well, they will get used to me. B being B, he was more concerned about how the dogs would put up with him.
Speaking of etch-a-sketch, I'm worried about eventually speaking harshly to this gentle soul. Bound to happen, me being me. So I have to hope he is forgiving.
The human trafficking I was referring to is mostly women and children sex slaves. It happens all over the world. It is hideous. I have seen one or two documentaries about it.
I don't have the birthday list anymore and don't receive reminders from Penny any more. I see there is a thread for birthdays. I do not have Darlys new address either. Or I would send her a card. She and Nancy sent me lots of cards and small gifts and I was so poor at reciprocating its no wonder they have dropped me. I am totally post office challenged and I'm not very good with long phone conversations either. Email is my thing. I can do it at any time without fear of interrupting anyone and I can edit when my mouth speaks without brain engaged. Usually but not always.
Janet, you push yourself entirely too hard. You remind me of Patty who used to post here. Holly, I think she was the one who powdered the tomatoes. I had never heard of it.
I went to a movie tonight called "Still Mine". It was a great movie, sad but true to life and so well done. I believe it was based on a true story.
Good night everyone. I feel like I can sleep tonight. Hope all of you get a good sleep as well.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 5:13:46 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 7:50:08 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 5:39:23 PM
I'm here! Just did some sewing, put two new things in my etsy store. Had to dodge the rain drops to get photos outside. Other than that nothing else to say...unless I complain about my mother!! And that doesn't change a thing.
So there. I'm boring today that's all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 5:58:14 PM
I am here, too. It was a chilly day, only a bit of sunshine. Talked with dd a bunch today. She is so happy to have her partner in crime (Sammie) with her again. And Sammie looked over the moon when she saw her master yesterday. So it feels like all is right in the world on that subject.
We were going to get some trees trimmed up a bit today, but didn't feel like being outside for that long, so we had a pretty relaxing day. Dh ran into town to pick up a few things and I got some baking done - yes, those darn PB cookies. I didn't procrastinate long enough, didn't I? And also some bran muffins. It felt so nice to not have to bake at the break of dawn to keep the heat in the house down.
We don't have any firm plans for the weekend. And that always feels kind of nice! Well, maybe not always.
Hope you are all well, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 27 2013 : 6:46:24 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a very exciting day! K passed her driving test! She took the test last week and did not pass. It was weird, K said the examiner told her last week that she did not drive a standard so she did not know how to do a hill stop but she marked K off for rolling backwards. K is good with the clutch so it was only a little bit. But, today she passed and we are all very happy and relieved.
She is no longer infatuated with the soldier. He comes and goes in her life now because she says he has training an disappears and does not tell her where he has gone or when he will be back. Now she is onto a young man who is in paralegal school here in Vermont. They text and chat a lot. They are already planning their wedding but then she has on a number of other occasions as well. Anyway, she said, I wanted to see what he would say so I told him that our children would play any sport they wanted. He said, yeah, football and basketball. She said, and boxing. He said, No. they could get concussions. She said, What do you think foot ball would get them? concussions? duh?
Today they had a discussion on circumcision. She said, No doctor is going to cut my baby's penis. He said, who will teach him to clean it of course it needs to be cut. She said, It will not be cut I'll teach him to clean it, it is not that big a deal. Any doctor comes near my baby with a knife and I'll use it on him. You seen A's(4 yo) penis there is nothing there. His mother had him cut twice, he has nothing. He will never make babies there is not enough to poke anyone with. He will have to be a gay man. Well, if he has a male partner then they won't have to worry about having sex he will have to use a dildo. All said in a very excited teen age passionate voice.
K is fun most of the time. She is a good time to talk with. She knows so much as a teen ager I wonder when she will figure out just how much she does not know.
Jan, you always talk about fires and cookouts and bonfires. I would like to be able to stay up late enough to enjoy them. I do like campfires.
Mar, a geriatric chihuahua must be quiet at your house now. I bet dh can keep his pants up now that the pants pulling down pooch has moved away. lol Sweet sorrow to have the pooch go live with dd.
C is on the board of the Sexual Assault Crisis Team here in Central VT. They have recently received funding from the Feds and some foundation to be a safe house for people who have been used as sex slaves. They had to create a space separate from the other victims of sexual violence so the people who had been sex slaves would feel safe.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Sep 27 2013 6:49:40 PM |
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