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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 21 2013 :  2:51:10 PM  Show Profile
Mar, you have narrowly escaped the posse knocking on your door.
Guess we will hear from Cheryl after the weekend is over. If not, it's the posse for her.

I know you will be so glad to get the house sold and be able to relax.
Interesting about the UTI causing mental issues. She was really upset with my sister, I thought a little extreme. Maybe that's why.
It can't be easy for her.
BTW, Bunny I said age 65 for Medicare, it may be 62. I know you can start drawing SSI at 62.

I am house sitting at my daughters and thought it would be nice to watch TV for a change. Not. It's just amazing to flip through 200 channels and not a darn thing interesting.

So, Marie, I should probably point out that our sister Marianne, affectionately known as Mar, takes no prisoners. I personally did not notice that you posted a picture of the dog before the DH. This is a tough crowd. Tisk, tisk. Cheryl, aren't you glad we've got a new freshman sister?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Sep 21 2013 :  5:14:48 PM  Show Profile
It has been a cold windy fall day here today, only in the 40s. Too cold to do much outdoors. I did finally get the rest of my tomatoes picked and the plants pulled. I am going to plant all of my herbs in pots and bring them in. I am going to try to grow my lavender indoors also. I have 2 big pots full and I do not want to lose them to the cold again this year. We will see what happens. Tomorrow should be the last time we have to mow, unless we get some more warmer weather, which I doubt very much.
I will post pictures of the hats when I get them done. Right now I am crocheting all of the pieces, then will sew them together later. I am trying to get a dozen of each animal done, but like I said, I am designing my own, so taking some time. I am hoping to have at least 10 different animal hats all together.
I am hoping to start working on jewelry right after the crafts show in November. The only show I do is Thanksgiving weekend. I usually do very well there, and am hoping to do well again this year. Fingers crossed.
Had to turn on our little electric fireplace to get the chill out tonight. I am not ready to turn the big furnace on yet. Still have the bedroom window open, I like the cool air at night. Last night I had night sweats so bad, I was wringing wet!!!! I know I get that way when I am dehydrated, and I was too darn lazy to get up and get a drink of water.
Gypsy, I know what you mean, all those channels and nothing worth watching on tv. My family knows that I am one that will watch Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons over and over.
Bunny must be busy sewing up a storm.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Sep 21 2013 :  6:51:16 PM  Show Profile

Thank you all for the nice welcome. Our weekend, so far, has been exhausting. More later.

Janet - Correct. . . almost. Diabetes Type II, also known a adult onset diabetes, used to afflict people not until they were 40 years old or older. Now, because of our abysmal diets and inactivity, people are getting it at a younger age. Some are as young as 9 years old. I have been going to the same diabetes clinic for 20 years. Used to be the majority of patients had Type I and the Type II were all elderly. Now, over 90% of the patients are Type II. At one time, I could find Type I clinical trials to participate in and was handsomely paid for it. Now all the clinical research is for Type II. <sigh>

Gypsy - Thank you for the compliment about Lowell. I think he looks like Fred Astair. He thinks he looks like Don Knots. I wish I was on the other computer to I could show a picture of him in his fedora. We have not had cable for over 8 years. We got Netflix and have found everything we want to watch when we want to watch it by streaming it onto the TV. It costs a whole lot less and is less frustrating. The full retirement age had been 65 for many years. Now that age is increasing for those born in 1938 or later and that age increases to 67 for those born after 1959. To learn a retirement age, check out this link:

One may retire earlier but the amount of benefit would be lower. For instance, I retire at age 67. If I retire at age 62, I woould only receive 70% of the monthly benefit. At age 65, I would receive 86.7%. If I waited until 67, I would receive 100%. Medicare is available to those who are 65 or older (although I do not know if this will change with the higher retirement ages) or to those under 65 with certain disabilities or to those with end stage renal disease. Medicare has two parts, A and B. Part A is for inpatient hospital care. Part B is for doctor's services, outpatient care and preventative care. Part B is voluntary however one must have Part B before one can get Part A. If all this isn't confusing enough, Medicare Supplimental Insurance and Part D (for drugs) must be considered also. I have been to this valley of the shadow of death.

Marieanne - Of course I put the dog first. She doesn't argue or tell me what to east and is ALWAYS happy to see me. Who doesn't like that? Lowell tells me that advising people what to eat is a dicey situation. For most of us, food is a very personal pleasure and we become quite attached to it. He received a great deal of criticism as an early proponent of macrobiotics.

Janet - I would like to see the pictures of the animal hats. I myself crochet and especially to make stuffed animal toys. I'll get some pictures up.

I am too tired right now to write about the great animal adventure we all had this morning. Later.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Sep 21 2013 :  8:21:30 PM  Show Profile
Janet, sorry your winter is arriving already. Our weather is wonderful finally. It was so hot this summer I could open windows at all. Good going on your animal hats. I hope you sell them all.

Gypsy, I think I have the same problem with TV as you. I have a few shows I like and I just record them so I can watch whenever I want. My favorites are Elementary, a modern day Sherlock Holmes. Watson is a Asian woman ex doctor. The other is Perception. About a college professor with schizophrenia.

I designed the sweetest top today. I can't wait to get back to it tomorrow. It needs some more work. I wish I could just start making some good sales. It is hard to keep making stuff but little money coming in. I have almost 100 views a day. Many are other store owners from some networking I tried. It's not bringing sales as yet. I am learning what items attract the most attention though. Its helpful in designing other outfits. It's been a week since MaryJane made her purchase. I didn't hear anything either way. I just know it was not my best product.

I know I'm whining... I just need this to work so bad. My mom is driving me over the edge today.

Anyway, time for dinner.

Later all.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  11:25:58 AM  Show Profile
Btw, looks like the red outfit is coming back. They cashed the return postage check. I'm ok with it. They still have the brown outfit that they asked for.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  12:29:42 PM  Show Profile

We are having a fall day! It was brisk this morning and the horses were a bit frisky coming in. Fun to watch. My bright fuschia/purple mums are fully in bloom. It smelled like someone was burning this morning. It still isn't wet enough for that to smell good yet -- instead it incited fear! We are in a fairly heavily forested area and fire isn't our friend. Our gutters are clean which is really important this time of year because around here houses catch fire because of the pine needles, etc in the gutters.

Bunny, keep your chin up. Like you said, they still have the dress they asked for.

Janet,don't ya just hate being so hot you sweat through everything and then you end up freezing cold? Hope your "thermometer" stabilizes. Your electric fireplace sounds cozy. Is your Thanksgiving craft show there in your hometown? I remember you going last year.

Marie, Fred Astaire is a great comparison! So cool that he rocks a fedora, too. Waiting for the Great Animal Adventure tale you have promised us.

Gypsy, had to laugh at your "takes no prisoners" comment. May have heard that before... How's the house sitting going?

I think I will enjoy a lowkey day today. I may make Dh his favorite PB cookies. I absolutely abhor making these darn cookies, so naturally they are the favorite. Maybe I will procrastinate.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  4:50:53 PM  Show Profile

I had a wonderful, long post explaining all the stuff I had done this weekend BUT Lowell interrupted my editing because he said he felt too badly to walk the dog by himself. When we got back in, he wanted to see what I had written about him and the post disappeared. I am so mad at him that I yelled and I didn't call him anything rude. I'll have to do it again later, maybe after he has gone to bed. He is completely IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  5:14:58 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I had a wonderful time in Southern New Hampshire at camp. Friday and yesterday's weather was fine and today's was passing. The nights were relatively warm. Sometimes they are so cold I can not get warm in my sleeping bag with blankets and winter pjs. so, this year was a treat. I saw people I see once a year and we catch up.

I taught single and double crochet at my workshop to make washcloths. The women were happy to learn.. One woman had learned to chain with her grandma when she was little. She had some yarn that was left to her when her grandma died so she was happy to go on from the chain. One woman had trouble turning the corner to go back and made lovely scallops along the sides of hers. One was a teenager who ripped hers out several times because it was not even enough for her. It was a little tight be quite nice for a first time.

I went to a workshop called Cheeseburgers in Paradise that was a series of games. We had half of the women stand around a box with swimming noodles in their hand trying to keep the rest us from throwing little fly packages into the box on top of the plastic hamburgers. It could have been brutal.

We had to move a tennis ball through three wickets to hit the pole with a nylon that was tied to our waist at one end and had a tennis ball in it hanging down to the ground. Our team had fishnet instead of nylon so it bounced a lot so we put a piece of the noodle inside the hose with the ball at the bottom. I kept telling Skip not to ask qualifying questions about the rules because it is far easier to bend them. But, she grew up in Catholic schools and has an ingrained need to toe the line. We did end up coming in last even with using our hands and feet to move the ball through the wickets.

Then there was a scavenger hunt to get the salt shakers for the margaritas (pretend) and they were in a kayak tied between two docks. Now some of hte women do this workshop every year and while the activities are not the same we know to expect the more difficult tasks to win. Some of tus are very competitive in these games. Chris took off her shoes as she was approaching the dock and dove fully clothed into the water to beat the other team. One team thought they would us a kayak to get to the tied boat but as the woman who was to paddle it out stepped into the kayak it tipped over, in she went, out of her pocket came her cell phone and under the dock it went. She stood up horrified that she had tipped. The other team waded into the water to the kayak. My team was the one who tipped the boat. The phone was retrieved.

Bunny It is nice to hear the enthusiasm for your sewing . Everyone should have something to look forward to in their day.

Marie, nice to meet you.

I remember Jan going to the sale last year with all of the rubbermaid containers full of goods. I hope you sell well this year too.

Mar if a fire came it would come from the road side? It could not come up the canyon could it?

Gypsy when the feeling is right for you to hoe out you will be able to do it. I have not seriously watched tv in years. We turned it off at 9/11 because it scared the children so. Now they are older and watch the shows at night I have not joined them.. They like to watch scary shows and I do not.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  5:24:03 PM  Show Profile
I forgot to tell you about a saying C found online. It said, What if when you die the light at the end of the tunnel you see is actually you being pushed out of another vagina.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  6:28:15 PM  Show Profile
Holly, oh my gosh, what a saying that C found!!! I found myself laughing out loud with that one. Glad you had a great weekend. Bet it felt good to get away too. Yes, I have all those crates full again and hoping for a good sale again. The craft show is in town here, it has been going every year for 29 years now. I was in it years ago, then I had my own craft store for almost 20 years. This will be the 4th year that I have been back to this show. I try to add new items each year.
Mar, I can see where you would want the gutters clear of pine needles. Pine trees go up in flames so fast.
Gypsy, Hope you are enjoying your house sitting. Do you still have your little trailer there?
Marie, We all end up losing our post at one time or another. It gets so frustrating. Now to remember what you wrote in the first place!!!
Bunny, I am sure the red dress will sell fast on your Etsy site. It is so beautiful!!!!!! I hope they let you know what they expect next time.
I just peeled and sliced a load of apples and have it cooking in my crockpot for apple butter. It needs to cook all night, so when we get up in the morning, the house will smell like apple pies baking. I will get that canned tomorrow afternoon. Then another batch for apple sauce!!!!
I got all of my herbs dug up and repotted and now in the house to keep going all winter. I brought in my lavender also, it smells so good, hope it keeps growing all winter.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  6:28:48 PM  Show Profile
Hi, everybody

Holly, sounds like you got to be a kid again, just for a weekend. How fun!!
Um, tell C Im hoping we at least get a nice long nap in the fluffy clouds before we have to come back. If we do. I've learned some pretty tough lessons in this life
So I'm hoping to graduate this time. But thanks for my laugh for the day.

Bunny I am anxious to see pics of your next creation. I agree with Holly it is great to have a passion for something. I'm hoping jewelry will do it for me because that's something there is a market for and I can wear it myself. I quilted for a few years and then did the doll sculpting and some glass work, but I just don't need more stuff and its very hard to sell stuff for even what you' ve got in it. So it sort of takes the fun out of it. Years ago I knitted and crocheted. Jewelry was about the only thing left that I hadn't tried. I want to go back to charcoal drawing too I think. Trying to simplify.
Janet it will be fun to make all your handcrafted items and travel around in your RV to craft shows all over the country. Just follow the sun.

Marie that is so aggravating to lose a post. It's always the long ones that disappear. I'm wondering how I will do with someone around all the time. B works from home and only works four days a week. I told him I'd probably go out to the house and do chores while he was working and then we'd have weekends in the city to play but he didn't like that idea. He wants Internet at the farm so he can come with me. I'm thinking about that. Not sure I want to lose all my privacy. On the other hand I do need a handy man. Once he sees how much work is involved in keeping a country place up he will probably decide he'd rather stay in town.

We are down from six months waiting time to just three more weeks.

Mar I know exactly what you mean about the smell of a fire. It can be comforting or scary depending on the circumstances. It has been a terribly dry year and we have been under a burn ban most of the year. I lost several trees to the drought this year. Now it has started to rain again. Almost 5 inches on Friday.
The house sitting is fine. I made sure all pets had food and water this morning and me and fur babies drove to the farmhouse and we will go back tomorrow

Well it is almost time for my Sunday night call so I will bid you lovely gals good night.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  6:35:46 PM  Show Profile
Janet you posted while I was doing mine. I just have my iPhone and it is so tedious.
My gosh, girl, how do you do so much work!! It will be absolutely wonderful to have those plants inside to enjoy in the dead of winter. I hope they all make it. The thought of apples cooking away and big pots of lavender-- your house must be heavenly right now.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

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Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  7:15:48 PM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Hi ladies,
No Gypsy I'm sorry but not enough info about the area of the pelvic injury to make a good guess. But if you're on the records to be given information you can just phone her dr. and ask. I do know pelvic fractures are very painful.. I hope she heals well and that she makes a speedy and complete recover.
Oh goodness, I'd write more but my eyes keep falling closed and I'm having trouble finding the right keys. So I will wish you all a good night and hope to post more tomorrow.
Hugggxx to all

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

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Posted - Sep 22 2013 :  7:16:28 PM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Hi ladies,
No Gypsy I'm sorry but not enough info about the area of the pelvic injury to make a good guess. But if you're on the records to be given information you can just phone her dr. and ask. I do know pelvic fractures are very painful.. I hope she heals well and that she makes a speedy and complete recover.
Oh goodness, I'd write more but my eyes keep falling closed and I'm having trouble finding the right keys. So I will wish you all a good night and hope to post more tomorrow.
Hugggxx to all

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

1223 Posts

Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  11:03:39 AM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Good afternoon ladies :)
My goodness everyone must have had a busy weekend! No posts since my last one tells me everyone is very busy. Harvest time seems to do that even if you're not busy putting up gardens or crops. It just seems to be the time everyone starts gathering in for the winter to come.
I see we have a new sister among us. Welcome Marie and it's nice to meet you. I hope we'll hear a lot from you. This is a fun board. These gals here are all sharp as tacks and keep me in stitches.
Holly, it sounds like you had a wonderful time at camp. That just sounds like it would have been a blast. I've never gone to any kind of camp where it's just a bunch of gals. I think it would be a super good time. Glad you had fun.
Janet, Wow, it sure got cool here the past couple of days so I see why you're garden is done for the season. I still have tomatoes producing and hope to get at least one more picking before I have to yank them and put the garden to bed. I can almost smell your apple butter cooking. Love the stuff but not on my diet this year.
Mar, I can smell your peanut butter cookies too. I made some diet ones this past week but after giving my grandson a sample he told me they were, "horrible gramma". LOL They only have 3 ingredients but I doubt your hubby would care for them. I think the next batch I'll alter so they taste a bit better but are still healthy. The original recipe calls for 1 C peanut butter, 1 lg. egg, 1 C sugar. I substituted truvia for the sugar. It worked but had a bit of an after taste that wasn't too thrilling. Think I'll add some vanilla and maybe some oatmeal to the next batch I bake and see if that makes them a bit more palatable. I liked that they were flour free as I'm avoiding white flour and sugar.
Bunny, I think I hear your sewing machine whirring away. When I lose more weight I think I'm going to get brave and try altering some of my clothes and see if I can figure out a way to make something new from them. You've inspired me!
Gypsy, I hope things are going well for you and mom's doing better? Saw the UTI comment and guessing your mom had one? Yes they can cause mental issues in elderly folks making them a bit "not themselves" as UTI's can really make a person ill to the point of dying if not treated. People can become septic if it goes into the kidneys. I've had patients who while they didn't have an allergy to an antibiotic they'd get goofy acting while taking them. Such is life I guess.
Hey guess what girls? I've lost 12 pounds!! I've reactivated my local team for and have 152 members but many gave up on the group yrs ago when I had to leave due to my mom's being ill with cancer, dad's heart attack and my DH getting prostate cancer. That was not a good couple of years...sigh. I had a woman who had graciously offered to take over the team and then she had a family emergency and had to leave so it became inactive. So I'm working on trying to round everyone up again which will be a slow process as many have dropped off boards completely. It is such a supportive site though.
Also I had the most fun dumpster diving this weekend at our Goodwill bulk site. It's new and I love thrifting but this is a different concept than most Goodwill stores. They have these huge shallow bins they wheel out and you paw through and take what you want. Then when you check out they charge you by the pound. I came home with a couple old books, one from 1854 and the other was 1887. Also a big old cast iron spider and some green depression glass saucers. Got some bins for my craft room too. I felt like a kid in a candy store LOL.
Time to check some more boards here.
Huggzz to all,

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  3:39:52 PM  Show Profile
Sounds like Fall is happening! I would love to wake up to apple butter! Yummy!

Holly, your weekend sounds like a great time to put your mind to rest and concentrate on other activities. How fun to catch up with friends that you have had for years. The games sounded very inventive. And as a "good" catholic, I know it is always easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

Cheryl, I bet those cookies didn't pass your grandson's test! They are used to some pretty tasty items when they are young!

I got a slow start today due to a headache. It always feels so nice to have them end!!

Marie, add me to the list of having lost a long post, too. It is aggravating and almost no one feels like re-posting when it happens! Love reading your posts, though, so I do hope you post often.

Gypsy, glad you are so close to your countdown conclusion. Why would that man let you out of his sight? Did you really think he was gonna let you go to the farm for four days while he stayed in the city? You Goof.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  3:54:56 PM  Show Profile
I figured out how MaryJane found me. I commented on one of her posts on "Raising Jane". I always put my website when it allows and she found me that way. She commented back that her daughter LOVED the skirt. thankful. I commented back a thank you and how much I loved making my clothing...and that Altered Couture was putting me in their magazine. How's that for a little marketing myself.

Cheryl, good for you on the weight loss. I'm afraid I would turn my nose up at the cookies made with truvia too. Sorry.

Holly, so glad you enjoyed your weekend away at camp.

Having a bit of a down day. Got tired a little too fast. I did get my next dress basted. Signed in to all my online classes this morning and checked in. Tomorrow I start working my assignments.

Nap time is calling.

Later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  5:21:02 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was overcast and cold. I lit the woodstove early and have been keeping it simmering all day long. The house is toasty.

K went to the orthodontist this morning. He told her she may get her braces off in December or January instead of June or July. She is thrilled. whining to say how come she had hers on for such a short time when I had mine on for years. lol the answer technology.

We did school work this afternoon and watched a Reader's Digest dvd on Carthage, the Romans and the Incas. I think it is not simplistic enough for the littles but T and K understand it enough to compliment their history reading. Although K is reading historical fiction and is stunned by how awful slaves were treated her in the US. She has heard it before but now she is mature enough to understand

An elderly friend of mine has an apartment attached to her son's house. He thought she was settled for the day and went to work. She has one of those emergency necklace buttons that she wears. She fell down and laid there all day because she could not get up. She at that point had an undiagnosed urinary tract infection that caused her to be disoriented and she could not remember to press the help button. She recovered from that and returned home.

Bunny so glad you are getting more word of mouth advertising.

I do not have a crock pot but making apple butter over night would be inspirational to get one. Some years we make gallons of applesauce and freeze it. I guess we should go up to the apple orchard and pick up the drops to make cider and sauce. Does any one know if freezing cider in plastic gallon jugs is safe with the plastic? One year we used half gallon mason jars but the glass broke even with leaving a head room.

Gypsy if you get back to the country house and decide that you could part with the gourd doll of the black woman I have been coveting it since you first put up the picture. Name a price.

Cheryl I bet the cast iron spider raised the price at the good will store. It is a pot right? not an arachnid. Years ago we would go to the LL Bean store in Kennebunkport, ME and it would have bins of clothes and we would root through them to find bargains. The same with Filene's basement in Boston. We had the best time discovering treasures.

Mar I hope you are well and that soon there is a wonderful offer for your house.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  5:23:23 PM  Show Profile
Marie the trick I use to not lose a post is to type it into an email document, copy and paste and after I am sure that it has posted then I delete the email draft.

I have been frustrated more than once. The learning curve is sometimes not slanted.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 23 2013 :  7:19:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening friends,

The delightful cool weather is gone and the oppressive heat is back

Janet, I failed to answer your question about the travel trailer. I still have it. It has started leaking badly and I'm wondering if the insurance will pay.
It's hard to read all the posts and respond on this phone but when I get back to my iPad I will go back and see what I've missed.
Mar, so sorry about the headache, wonder if you have the allergy problem there like we have here in the fall. It seems to trigger the bad headaches.

Oh, Holly, I wish I had known you liked the doll. That would have been all the incentive I needed to finish it. I'll finish it yet and give it to you. My pleasure.

Cheryl or Marie. I think Cheryl - I had totally forgotten about that peanut butter cookie recipe. It doesn't have flour. I'm going to make some for myself. I have not given up sugar.
I never knew about UTI and all the problems. I took the weekend off from calling mom and forgot to call her today. Even though it is Monday it has felt like Sunday all day.

Last night B and I got into a discussion about Texas history. He's kind of a smart aleck so I had to look up some stuff today about Texas' involvement in the Civil war. When the war started Texas seceded from the union and fought with the confederacy. This book states "thousands of able bodied men were left in the charge of women because the men went off to war. There was not one recorded incident The fact that the slaves labored mightily and peacefully through the war was never adequately explained. But certainly more humane treatment helped. "

Then I googled population at the beginning of the war and there were just over 400000 citizens and about 185000 slaves. Texas was still fighting Indians at that time. My house overlooks Todd Mountain where the Indians massacred a white woman and a. 12 year old slave girl and kidnapped the daughter, Alice Todd. The John Wayne movie, The Searchers was based on this story. I have only found one arrow head on my property and what looks to be a cannon ball.

Humans have not evolved all that much. There is still much suffering in the world that we turn our backs on.

Ok. I digress. Good night everyone.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  02:59:43 AM  Show Profile
I am not sleeping tonight. I've finally figured out that, for me, when I don't eat properly and I skip the vitamins, I do not sleep. So it is caused by something in the diet. Maybe B vitamins? I need to research that. And when you don't sleep your body does not heal.

I did a lot of research about this extreme dry skin issue and finally found that getting off grains had depleted my body of ceramides which you get mostly in wheat. So I found a relatively cheap product called CereVe at Target and, instant improvement. After trying some ridiculously expensive stuff that did nothing. It's also a primary ingredient in Elizabeth Arden, which is pricy.
I'm Sharing this in case others might have the same issues. I never knew that being dehydrated could cause severe hot flashes until I read it on this thread. Now after many years of thinking it was hormones, to think drinking water has solved the problem.

The other big thing I've learned the hard way lately is that it is too easy to hurt yourself while exercising when you get older. It is critical to make sure you do it right.
It seems that bone can repair/replace but cartilage can not. Torn cartilage is very painful and takes a long time to heal.

So what are YOU thinking about at 4 in the morning?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  04:04:05 AM  Show Profile
This is what happens when I don't sleep

Cheryl congratulations. That is a big weight loss. They say 10 pounds is one dress size.

Bunny I'm so glad you had the contact with MJ and now maybe you can relax about the skirt. I hope you will feel good today
And get your new creation done.

Mar it's so funny early on B said I should get rid of the property because it is a maintenance
Nightmare. Now he says it will be a wonderful weekend getaway and he really enjoys fixing things.
Hmmm.....I think what he enjoys is the idea of sleeping under the stars. Hope your headache is gone. I'll have one today for lack of sleep. My ladies lunch is today and last bead class is tonight.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  09:07:38 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, sorry you couldn't sleep. I've had my share of that lately. Interesting about the wheat and dry skin. Glad you were able to find something reasonably priced to deal with it.
I think it will be an adventure with you and B. After the honeymoon is over, real life sets in. You will both learn to adjust. He needs a wake up call on the country property. But he might just surprise you and help you get all kinds of things done. I stopped looking for a man that would support me and care about my interested as my as I was suppose to care about his. It is so much easier.
Every want to read a really good book. Read "bad girl creek" by Jo-Ann Mapson. One of my favorites about a small group of women that end up living together after life kicks them a little too hard. It's a wonderful read. There are actually 3 books I think in the series.

Anyway, enough of my man hating. I hope only the best for you.

Today is a school day. No sewing. Plus my mom has projects lined up for this afternoon. She is trying to rearrange the house to hopefully paint the kitchen and I need an area in the basement for a photo shoot space (hopefully). I still need the photo lamps and a new camera of course. But it will come.

I am so glad my skirt was well received. I need all the exposure I can get.

She got men from the church to come this week and paint the window frames outside the house. They are also trimming the roses and pulling weeds. She needs a good appraisal for her reverse mortgage. I'm so proud of her. She has gotten rid of so much stuff! She still has way too much stuff but it is getting better. (you can't walk in her room for all the piles of junk though).

Later everyone. I'm enjoying a rainy day today.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  09:10:54 AM  Show Profile
Ok, spell check ran amok with my post. Sorry, I hope you can get the gist of what I was trying to say!

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 24 2013 :  09:37:09 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 7:41:58 PM
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