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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 18 2013 :  11:32:56 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she can be kept as comfortable as possible so she can heal up. Donuts??? Bad girl.

Holly, my stepfather lives at the VA hospital. He has advanced dementia and years ago had Geon Barre. It is a disease that attacks the nerves in your body. Your body then works to build the nerves back. It takes a long time and some people have lasting damage. He had problems walking and no feeling in his hands. He can't talk and is only able to eat soft foods. The hospital says he wont last much longer. Because they couldn't afford a nursing home, he was able to go into the VA hospital with Medicare or Medicaid...I never can figure out the difference. . But they pretty much leave you with very little income for the surviving spouse at home. So my mom lives only on SSI. When he dies, she will lose her SSI and only get his. So won't have enough for the mortgage. The reverse mortgage will eliminate the monthly payment. This way she will be able to keep the house and won't have any money worries. I give her what I can now, but I hope to go back to California some day.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  06:11:10 AM  Show Profile
Medicare is for anyone over the age of 65 who has paid into the system or had a spouse who did. You are charged for it based on your income.

Medicaid is for those who have less than $3000 in total assets It is basically a welfare program. My mom gets Medicaid. My brother owns the house and my relatives without a conscience relieved her of over $50k of her lifetime savings

Your mother would not qualify for Medicaid if she owns a house.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  09:20:59 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, thank you for the explanation. So it is Medicare that is paying for the VA hospital.
Hope you are feeling better.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  12:15:59 PM  Show Profile
Oh dear, it isn't a great day for us, is it? Lots of worries and aches and pains. So glad we can share them and ease one another's load.

Janet, I am with Gypsy in wondering how you can not realize you are a very busy lady and earn your tiredness the genuine way! You are very busy and as we tell you over and over, your son is one lucky young man to have you at his store! Hope you are feeling more yourself today!

Gypsy, a donut has done me in now and again. Actually, more along the lines of a cinnamon roll. Your adventure will probably keep me "straight" for a while. (We sound like addicts.) I agree with your son. Even when you exercise too much you have the ability to at least feel smug about exercising that much!

I am so sorry to hear you mother is in such a state. I hope you will be able to be her advocate from a distance until it becomes evident that you need to actually be there. Is she ready to fight for the rest of her life or does she seem tired and ready to lay down? I hope she has her advanced directive and end of life plans prepared for you and your siblings. I am so sorry you have these worries to contend with.

Holly, you will have time to make pretty things and you will find that while you do them, you will be thinking of all the time you spent doing all the things you do now and how happy you are that you got to do them.

And by the way, Gypsy, I don't think you can say Holly is doing a better job than you did. We are did our best and when we could do better, we did. That's it. I know you never made a conscious decision to do something that would hurt your kids and any mistakes you made probably hurt you more than them. So, on we go, doing our best.

We all admire Holly and her capacity to give love and "home" to so many. But, you know, we are all here for different reasons and some of us wait longer to have our reason made clear to us. Oh for heaven's sake, who slipped the soap box under me?

The biggest hugs and thoughts of peace and waves of strength are sent to all of you! You all mean the world to me.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  12:23:34 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, is the bone one of the three small bones that fuse when we approach adulthood? (It plays an important part in the treatment of scoliosis, too.) They are the acetabulum, the ischium and the pubis, I think. Cheryl is the one to ask - as you already did - but, I was just thinking about it...and wondered it any of those sounded familiar.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  1:17:19 PM  Show Profile
Yes, Mar, I think she said it started with a p, so that might be it. With your spine issues of course you know those bones. She has very advanced scoliosis. I don't really know what her state of mind is. I haven't gone down there. I'm sure things will hold together until its time for me to fly to Vegas. Murphy's law. I am supposed to house sit for my daughter starting tomorrow for a week.

She has my older brother in charge of everything legally.

I must have put the soap box under you, thinking I had been on it long enough. Mar, you are a true blue friend, even making me feel better about the donut. When I do commit a sin , I try to make sure it is worth it. Sometimes I do get away with straying from the gluten free but not this time. Donuts are pretty hard core.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2013 1:19:14 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  1:22:18 PM  Show Profile
We have not had any cool weather but the clouds are moving in and the entire state is expecting rain all day tomorrow. My dd left for Orlando this afternoon and she said it is supposed to rain there all week too.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  1:34:22 PM  Show Profile
Thanks Mar, I googled treatment for pubis bone fracture and it confirms what I've been told. I was worried about the physical therapy when she is in so much pain but that is confirmed.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  5:36:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A beautiful day here on the hill farm. The day started out a little above freezing. I was surprised we did not have a frost last night because of the clear sky and the near to full moon. It was a one sweatshirt chore morning. I woke the pigs this morning so they were not moving as fast when I went in to feed them.

Growing old is not for sissies. As ornery as your mom is and as disrespectful as she treats you sometimes, Gypsy I can hear in your voice that you care beyond being dutiful. It will be very hard for your mom losing her independence and still in a lot of ways needing to take care of your sister and brother. I hope as Mar has asked that she has advanced directives and that people honor those. I hope your sibs who live close to her allow her to die with her dignity intact and not trying to hang on because they neeedddd her. There is a whine in that last neeeddd. But, then again she may be a miracle and recover. Hugs to you in this uncertain time.

Mar and Gypsy I do enjoy your soapbox diatribes. Is that a word? Thank you all for your kind words.

I do not know what kind of relationship you have with your step father or how long he has been in your life, Bunny, but his journey can not be easy for you to watch and join in. I hope it ends soon.

I am going to Girl Scout camp for the weekend. I go every year. It is an event for adults. I went to this camp when I was a child and then worked as a staff member. It is a fun time. I see people I see only once a year. I do not have to do chores and I do not have to care for the children. I am teaching a beginning crochet class so the women can learn how to make wash cloths. There are only six people signed up for the class. I only know how to do single and double crochet so we can not get too technical. The best part is we can behave outrageously and have a really good time. I usually am in a workshop led by the same to women each year. It is a different game and well, sometimes in order to move the game along a person needs to think out of the box. Some have called it cheating. Me, I wouldn't cheat just bend the rules a little.
One year there was a game in which there were four home bases one on each corner of a tennis court and your team had to get as many balls as they could back to their home base from the other teams without being tagged. Eventually I stood in some one elses home area and threw the balls over the court to our home base. Some of the other women said I was cheating. I thought thinking out of the box. well, maybe you had to be there.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Sep 19 2013 :  6:42:54 PM  Show Profile
Holly, sounds like a fun weekend is in store for you. Enjoy!!!!!
Gypsy, sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she does recoup from this and able to heal. You did a wonderful job on the jewelry. You learn very quickly.
Mar, you always know the best words to use in your posts. I do look forward to reading everyone/s posts. That keeps me going, and you all make me feel like I belong here.
Cheryl, Hope things are going well for you.
Bunny, I do love the brown outfits you just finished. Seems each piece you do is a bit better than the last one. Have you heard anything from Mary Jane yet? I am sure she loved the skirt. I would really love to see a picture of her wearing it.
I had a little bit of ham leftover, so I made scalloped potatoes and ham for supper. It tasted so good. It has been awhile since I made meals in the over, feels good to cook again in the fall weather. It is raining here again, and very windy. I am hoping to be able to put my gardens to rest this weekend, and maybe have a fire in the firepit? A couple more months and we will have snow!!!! Where did the year go?
9 more weeks and Bob retires. He needs to find a hobby, I told him I will not be stopping what I have been doing and just sit around and play on the computer. He likes to play slots on the computer for hours. That would drive me nuts.
Well, almost bed time. Gotta work in the morning. They are still working on the sidewalks in front of the store, hope they finish things up tomorrow. With all the rain we have been having, they are not able to pour cement. Not supposed to rain tomorrow.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  06:32:54 AM  Show Profile
Good rainy morning everyone.
I heard it is supposed to cool off with this front, so that will certainly be welcolme.
We need the rain but it sure makes it hard to drive. And my fur babies start to head out the door for their morning pee and screech to a standstill when they realize it is raining. These spoiled little buggers do not like to get wet.

I went to see The Family starring Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer. Only those two could play cold blooded murderers with a one word vocabulary starting with F and make the characters funny and somehow endearing. They are mobsters who ratted out family members and are in the witness protection program, being looked after by Tommy Lee Jones. He keeps having to relocate them because they can't get along with the neighbors so he finally moves them to France. Well the French are rude, and their way of dealing with rude people is kill them or rough them up or blow them up. Never a dull moment but you find yourself rooting for them when the brotherhood finds them and comes to take them out.

I talked to mom last night and she said she did not need me to come and she said she doesn't want anybody sending flowers. She's mad at my sister now so I may be temporarily off the hook except for just general criticism. She likes her sister's daughter saying she is better to her than her own kids. She's right. She intends to do the therapy and go home with a walker in 2 weeks. Then what? Wait for the next fall I guess. I guess all these wonderful people from her church and the freeloading granddaughter who has moved back in can take care of her. She is a fine Christian woman who never tells a lie but somehow leaves out part of the truth. Our relationship is complicated, but if she doesn't want me to come and I don't want to go, then at last we agree on something. Her church loves her and her neighbors love her and everyone who isn't one of her kids thinks she is a saint. Her heathen uncaring kids are the problem. It's complicated.

She never complains or admits pain but my sister found out from the nurse she is on antibiotics for urinary tract infection. Mom admitted it when I asked her but she wasn't going to tell me. She wondered how we found out. Now what kind of a weird person is that?

Have a good and safe day everybody.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  07:29:48 AM  Show Profile
I have just found this thread and I love having a place to just air our grievances and find support.

I am 52 years old. My biggest health concern is Type I Diabetes which I was diagnosed with when I was 14. Once I have counted the years, first, I cannot believe that I am so healthy after so long a time with this illness and, second, I do not know whom I would be if the diabetes were to be suddenly cured.

I am single and have no children. I have lived with my DH, Lowell, for 10 years. Neither of us are going anywhere else. We had too much trouble finding each other in the first place. He has some kind of un-diagnosable illness which causes him pain, strange feeling in his chest and insomnia. He is 60 and is feeling as if he has nothing left to offer to the world and that if he didn't have me, our dog and his daughter, he might just end his life by his own hand. This whining is a pain in the butt but he is my pain in the butt. I love him very much and I try to understand.

Our dog is a 9 year old Cocker-mix. She is 9 years old. Her previous owner had to give her up to go into

assisted living. She loves all people and is not shy about asking for scratches. She loves her chew bone and eats her vegetables. In fact, she has been known to eat cucumbers right off the plant. She doesn't play with other dogs and can get a little snarly at them. She is the fun police of all the dogs in our building.

Well that's about it. I promise to answer any questions and to provide insight where applicable.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  08:25:34 AM  Show Profile
Welcome , Marie. This is a place with not many taboo subjects. We skirt around religion and politics but everything else is fair game. We have formed a very close bond with each other and always welcome a new sister. But be forewarned, if you join us aNd then disappear we've been known to send out the posse. The posse is busy right now looking for Ginny and Penny. We think they may have escaped.

We've figured out that if we listen to each others problems and make each other laugh we all feel lots better.

So welcome to our crazy over 50s world. It's the only way to go.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  08:37:29 AM  Show Profile
Oh, and don't eat donuts or bunny will get you. That girl has eyes in the back of her head.
Then there's Holly who has just confessed to cheating at games. I would call that just fudging a little bit. Or. Making up your own rules. Who hasn't done that?
I can tell you will fit right in because you have Already posted a picture of your dog. We all do that. Mine are rescues too. They are the best.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  09:44:07 AM  Show Profile
Marie, welcome! We are a loving and diverse group of farmgirls. Gypsy is right, no getting us all interested in your life and then disappearing or we will send out the posse! We do worry about our sisters here.

Gypsy, what is it about mothers that messes us up so much. I have to struggle everyday not to have negative thoughts about mine. But it does give me plenty of motivation for getting out of here. Be thankful you don't have to live with her.
Love the comment about the fur babies and rain. Very descriptive there.

Holly, your Girl Scout camping trip sounds wonderful. You need some serious Holly time! Have fun and tell us all about it when you get back. I'm sure you will have some entertaining stories for us.

Janet, I always said the baine of a retired woman is a retired man. Let him play his computer slots. It will keep him out of your hair. Be thankful it isn't for real somewhere.

Well, I made the coolest dress yesterday. I showed the ladies at bunco pictures....I don't think they got it. I'm making things for the 20+ crowd and this is right up their alley. It is something I haven't seen anyone else do yet. So I'm making one for the magazine and sending it off before I put one on my store so I get credit for creating it. I think it won't be long before others copy it.

Off to work!

Later everyone!

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  09:48:30 AM  Show Profile
Oh and Marie, love the dog pix. She looks like a sweetheart for sure.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  3:18:04 PM  Show Profile
Well Bunny, you have made two things for me. Your clothes appeal to cool groovy women of all ages.

Janet, the jewelry making is addictive. I don't remember if you said you have done it or wanted to. It would be a good fit for your new life in the RV. I have everything in one small chest.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 20 2013 3:18:44 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  5:58:33 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I'm afraid most of us don't have your figure. I don't think I look good in my creations. Lol.
I packaged up another dress to send off for submission. They allow submissions anytime. They will get tired of me for sure. But I will be very surprised is they don't like it. It is very cool and quirky. No pictures yet. Hopefully soon. I'll put my first one in my store once I know the magazine gets my package. I have to put a self addressed postcard in and they just send that as acknowledgement.

Off to visit a friend. Later all.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  6:10:40 PM  Show Profile
Well, you probably don't have my wrinkled skin dear bunny girl. Embrace what you do have. I was looking at some of my old dance pictures and I had arms that would make Michelle jealous. Which I would kill for now. But at the time I could do nothing but find fault with myself. Why oh why do we do that to ourselves!

You are smart and savvy to send your creations in like you are doing. I know several doll artists who did that and they were featured with their own articles, one made the cover. Persistence will pay off.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  6:23:00 PM  Show Profile
Welcome Marie!!! Yup, you will fit right in here with the rest of us. Just keep reading and you will figure out what we are all talking about and who each of us are. Love the dog picture too. What a pretty dog. I have a Yorkie, 3 years old.
It was a slow day at work today, they are still working on the sidewalks and curbs out the front door, I do hope they are done soon!!!
We had a big thunderstorm during the night, it was so windy, I thought we were having a tornado. We do not get many tornadoes around here, it is usually too cold for them. I was surprised that there were no trees down that I know of.
Gypsy, I have tons of jewelry making supplies and beads. I have everything I need to make jewelry, even a metal stamping kit, a soldering kit, even a hundred dog tags to stamp on. When I start working on jewelry, I will take a picture of all my supplies, I have enough for a whole store!!!! You should see my yarn stash!!!!! And I had to buy 3 colors of yarn tonight, because I needed them for the hats I am working on now. I have at least 8 big bins of yarn. I will not even get into my fabric stash!!! And we live in a 4 room house!!! LOL!!!! I do have to downsize before we move into a small motorhome, for sure!!! I have one year to get things done, then we will have to go to craft shows and markets all over the country.
Bunny, I am anxious to see your new creations. I love your outfits, but I am like you, I do not think I would look very good wearing them. I am too short, too short waisted, and too round in the tummy area.
Hope the rest of you are all doing well. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  8:47:45 PM  Show Profile

Thank you for the warm welcome. I will heed the warning about a possible posse action. Just to let you know, I sometimes take myself offline to decompress and to relive the old days without the advantage (?) of constant connection. When I do that, I will let everyone here know so no one has to worry.

Oh no! Last night I took a drop spinning class at Crafty Geek and they had donut holes with sugar and cinnamon on them. My DH is a food policeman and I rarely get to eat such decadent pastries. I ate several. By that I mean that I lost count of how many. I just couldn't help it. <Sigh>

Nothing is so entertaining as making up rules. In gaming parlance it is known as "home rules" as in this is how we play the game at home with friends and family. I had to settle a dispute in the 2nd grade in which I volunteer so I had the two individuals play rock/paper/scissors. One boy did scissors and the other made a circle with his two hands and said "void". I asked him what that was all about and he said it was a black hole that swallowed everything. I realized this kid is really competitive and dislikes losing especially if he really wants it and this was his way of assuring victory. I told him that was not the fair way to play the game and the other kid won the dispute. He started to argue and I said that my judgment is final because I am the adult. Now he knows that he cannot play me.

Gypsy, my birth sister (Vanessa aka Audra Rose) and I used to hatch plots to murder our mother when we were in grade school. We got over that. Now I laugh when I hear myself saying something that my mother would.

Bunny, as a fellow and design beginner I can really appreciate the sense of style and proportion in the creations. I'll have to make certain I post pictures of the stuff I have made.

Janet, there is a thread in Barter which might be of interest. It is called Craft Supply Clean Out. Sisters post a list or a picture of the stuff they want to downsize and the sisters post or email with an offer. The other thread is in Always Looking For Barter in Swap. Sisters post the official list of what they always want or need and communicate about what would be a fair exchange - an excellent stash buster. I have already passed along 14 skeins of yarn I bought 20 years ago and never used. When ready to tackle the fabric stash, let me know.

My poor Mitzi has to share her apartment with two neighbor boy dogs tonight because their daddy is out of town. She puts up with them. The younger one follows her around and tries to be her friend. I noticed that for a brief moment all three drank from the water dish at the same time. She went to DH for support.

Handsome guy, isn't he?

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  8:56:42 PM  Show Profile
Janet you make me feel much better. I have a building full of Arts and crap stuff and B is a minimalist. He's like my son, material things are not very important and he hates clutter. I'm starting to worry about that. It's hard to get rid of good stuff.

Isn't it funny that no matter how much stuff you have, with every project there's something you need that you have to go buy.

Marie, diabetes is a tough one--you will find here almost everyone is struggling with some type of health issues so you are in good company. Several have fibro and Mar has a lot of pain to deal with but l will let them tell their stories. With me, I'm just wearing out. But I'm having a good time at it. Diabetes actually runs in my family but its the kind you get later in life. Is that type 2? Blood sugar is such a critical thing.

Speaking of Mar........where are you?

Penny, it would be nice to get updates on your son. Ginny if you are there stick your head in and let us know you are ok

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 20 2013 :  8:58:07 PM  Show Profile
I guess we have lost Thelma and Kathy? Anybody heard from them?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 21 2013 :  11:55:49 AM  Show Profile
Marie I swear your post was not there when I posted

Yes your dh is a handsome guy.

My ex was a clingy needy 24/7 type guy.

Today is a rare day when no a/c is needed and the windows and doors are open. The fresh cool air is wonderful.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 21 2013 :  12:31:23 PM  Show Profile
Hi Everyone! What excitement to welcome Marie! Thanks for posting photos of all the significant others in your life - and none of us will point out the order in which they were posted!! ;) We can't find fault with anyone ever posting the cutest puppy photos! She is a doll and how nice that she will share her humans with those neighbor dogs. Your husband looks like a great guy and shows how much he loves you by being the food police! Having to live with diabetes for your entire life is definitely a challenge. I completely understand when you mentioned that you are unsure who you would be without the disease at this point. When I think of what would I do, if I could ... it boggles the mind in how much your health/disabilities play into who you are.

Janet, I bet you are ready for that sidewalk to be done. Has the rummage sale concluded or is it going through the entire next week? I hope you will post some of your animal hats. I am a strictly "by the pattern" gal. Unless it is sewing, then I can deviate, but not like Bunny. Not quite that creative.

Gypsy, I think it makes perfect sense for you to stay where you are, especially if that is what you mother's wishes are, too. But, I have the same "Murphy's Law" feeling you have that everything might go to Hades in a Handbasket by the middle of October. Sigh. Keep us posted. BTW, UTIs in the elderly can change their mentation process wildly. For most, it makes them quite cantankerous. For you mom, maybe the change is her being reasonable about you staying where you are? Don't worry about your collection of supplies, B is so head over heels for ya, there won't be any problems.

Bunny, we are all waiting anxiously to see your new creation. I saw something on a site today that I wanted to pass on to you: It was a shorty cardigan that was finished off around the bottom with flowy pieces, like you use. You would have to put in a plackard with buttons (boo-hiss!) but, it was really cute. Gotta pass these things on to the gal that could actually do it!

Holly, boy it sounded like you were getting ready for winter SO early and now it seems like you are looking it in the eye. The trees are starting to change around here, but you must be well into the start of the fall color. You must feel good to have so much in your freezer and all that wood ready to go!

We are expecting rain in the next few days. Then we will probably warm up for a bit longer. Today I have a long sleeve tshirt and leggings on and I feel so cozy. I love that first taste of cool. Dh is still in short sleeves and shorts, but he just doesn't feel the cold. And on the brighter side, everytime we have had nasty weather, someone has toured our house, so I am expecting a realtor to call any minute!

Poor Yellow Dog is battling depression. Wet ground means less tennis ball chasing...

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