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rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 5:39:19 PM
I remember pitch-backs. Glad T enjoyed it. Sounds like his reflexes are pretty sharp. I bet he enjoys being better at it than you are, Holly.
It sounds like the entire country is getting ready for rain. It will be welcomed here. I do hope Colorado gets a break. Since tomorrow is supposed to be cool, it will be time to make sauce from all those tomatoes. I have two huge colanders of romas waiting to be made into one small pot of sauce! Dh enjoys it so much that it is still worth it.
I have been on here so much today! With all the excitement about Bunny's sale to Mary Jane, I had to keep checking back! Such great news. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 8:01:17 PM
Ok, I have a feeling someone told MaryJane to find me on Etsy. She didn't have an account until this morning. Or at least she has never bought anything on Etsy before. Who ever it was...... big time thank you. I have another forum I'm on so it could have been one of them too. But something tells me it came from here.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 8:20:24 PM
Holly, sounds like a score at the yard sale.
Janet, I just can't believe your weather! It was 96 degrees here today. I think we both could use something in between. Sooo glad you are not allergic to bee stings! Bad Bee!!! He was just cold and wanted to warm up.
Well, it's been a day. Lots of excitement and a bit of work for me! Kind a wore myself out emotionally. Can't wait to get back to sewing tomorrow. Unfortunately, school starts soon and my mom was nice enough to point out a job in the paper for me to apply for. I told her I would... but also told her what kind of money I could be making if this takes off. So much more than working in some dead end job in front of a computer and not having any energy left for sewing. Not the life I want. But I'll apply to shut her up. I haven't been even getting interviews anyway. I'm not going to let anything get in the way of me making this work.
Anyway, time for dinner and vegging in front of TV. Tomorrow is a Work Day!! By the way I have a wonderful work uniform of sweat pants and a t-shirt. No bra of course. I'm so professional in the sewing room.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 15 2013 : 11:23:07 AM
Good afternoon ladies :) Very chilly, rainy morning in Northeastern Wisconsin. Sat on my front porch snuggled in my new boyfriend cardigan (minus the boyfriend LOL) with a couple magazines, a mug of sugar free cappuccino, a fleece throw and my pup on my lap. It was perfect! Bunny--Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! See, you really are extremely talented and we've been telling you it's only a matter of time till you're off and running with your business. How very cool that Mary Jane made a purchase! Holly--don't you just love it when you go rummaging or thrifting and find a great deal? I think that's what has me addicted. I'm always looking for treasures. Have found some wonderful goodies over the years. I think my most favorite was a matching Heyward Wakefield chest and dresser made in 1958. Both in great condition and only $25 each. Mar--your tomato sauce sounds yummy! It has me dreaming of homemade spaghetti sauce or a bit pot of chili. My tomatoes still are producing although smaller fruit now and fewer. Still so yummy. There is just nothing better than a home grown tomato. Janet--I'm sure glad you're not allergic to wasp or bee stings. If it bothers you meat tenderizer with a bit of water made into a paste and applied neutralizes the poison and should relieve the pain and itching. Gypsy--hope your weekend is going well. Always love hearing about what you're up to. Loved it that you called us 50 somethings babies...LOL 
Have a wonderful Sunday girls! Huggz Cheryl Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Edited by - Tapestry on Sep 15 2013 11:34:53 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 15 2013 : 12:42:13 PM
Hi everybody
First things first--WAY TO GO, BUNNY!!!!!!!
Second: I am completely green to the gills with jealousy for you all who are experiencing gorgeous autumn weather. Cheryl, you make it sound so wonderful, and I know it is. I would love to spend Sept and October where the seasons really change and then get back home before the cold really sets in. I told B I would like to be in Canada in the fall. The winters are great for those who love winter sports. We spent one Christmas in Aspen when the kids were teenagers. The boys liked to ski. And we did go on a sleigh ride just like in the movies. I was so cold I thought I'd die and the horses stank. Not so glamorous.
Janet I'm glad the wasp didn't do too much damage. He was just hitchhiking and accidently stung you. I'm allergic so I have to pop some Benadryl as soon as I get stung or I'll swell up and run a fever.
I'm typing on my phone and making lots of errors so will keep this short Having a lot of family issues right now. My mom fell and broke her wrist and a pelvic bone but did not break a hip so I guess it could have been worse. She will be in hospital for one to three weeks for pain management and physical therapy. I just talked to her on the phone and she is as argumentative as ever so she probably ei be fine.
Wishing everyone a good weekend.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 15 2013 : 4:59:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today started out cold and overcast. As the sun rose higher so did the temperature and the clouds moved on. It was a lovely day her in the Greens. We took the littles to the Tunbridge World's Fair today. You can Google it and there is a web site. I think it is the longest running fair here in Vermont. It has livestock shows and contests. We saw the oxen, pigs, sheep and oh so many different breeds of chickens. We saw part of a gymkhana (barrel racing on horses). The Floral building is full of art work like quilts, photos, paintings, rugs, food all with ribbons. If you enter it seems you receive a ribbon. There is a section for children to display their crafts as well. Then the littles went on the carnival rides. They had a great time. I am very tired.
Bunny it is a drag that you might have to get a desk job. I truly hope your design wear takes off. It will be more than a full time job but working for passion is such a different stress than working for labor.
I think about making tomato sauce and wonder how many dozens of plants I must grow to get any amount of produce. It overwhelms me. Then I see Mar making only one pot and being happy and think I could do that. This year I tried the drying tomatoes. I want to hear from the person who said she dried the tomatoes and crushed them into powder because as long as I dried them they were still bendy and more like leather then boards to crush. So, what did I do wrong?
I learned long ago that some times people with brittle bones have their bones break and then they fall instead of the other way around. I hope the mother unit in Texas heals so she can continue to live independently and just drop dead in her sleep. Even crotchety people should die well.
I think snuggled in a nice warm blanket watching the rain fall and reading a book would be lovely. The non demanding sound of the activity would be welcome. I am glad you have that peace in your life.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 15 2013 : 5:54:34 PM
Holly, I am quite satisfied with one little pot of sauce. Because I am at a point in my life that a) that's all I need or want b)that's all the energy I want to devote to this activity and c) I don't have a number of people of different ages depending on me to help them accomplish so many different things during the day. So, for criminy's sake, Holly, buy yourself some marinara and call it good!
I am also quite enamoured with the idea of snuggling under a blanket with a book and a puppy. Sigh. Cheryl, you paint beautiful pictures with your words.
Gypsy, I hope your mom and family all settle down. There seems to be very little that you could add to the situation, so I hope you can support them all from a distance. Enjoy your Sunday night date/call.
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 16 2013 : 5:08:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was cold, cold, cold. I have been told that we are to have a frost tonight. I picked the rest of the beans out of the garden. K has been snapping them ans she says for hours. I think only one or so and that is with many interruptions. I think she has two one gallon ice cream containers full of snapped beans. She says she will finish snapping while she watches her shows.
A friend bought a book called something like What you should buy and what you should make. I think for us buying the cans of crushed tomatoes 10/$10 is what we should do. I do not aspire to create all of the food we eat from scratch. I do know my limitations. I think while I am fascinated with the thought of making my own tomato sauce I know I do not have the attention span. Maybe when we are child free like many of you I will make some sauce. But, more likely I will just go out to eat. lol
Today was a big day for our family. We finalized the adoptions of Chris and Gabe. The judge was very nice and gave them certificates she had made commemorating the event. Everyone who was a party to the adoption signed the certificate. The boys are both happy they will not be returning to Texas. We talked about Texas said we could finalize the boys there but if we had it would have been one parent adoption. We are interested to see how the birth certificates are worded when they arrive.
I hope the snow holds off for a while.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 : 5:43:01 PM
Holly, congratulations to your family! I hope the certificates are correct. Your family is making history here! I hope your two boys realize how fortunate they are.
The weather turned cooler here too. Not cold. It will be in the 50's tonight and 70's during the day. So glad the hot weather is gone. I would be happy with these temps almost year round.
Had a wonderful day in the sewing room. I finished one dress and have two more ready for sewing tomorrow. Today was the first day in many where I didn't have to go somewhere or end up sick to keep me from getting sewing done.
I'm still only good for about 5 hours and then I'm just too tired and in too much pain to continue. I did go back yesterday and work more until almost 9pm.
My mom signed papers today to do a reverse mortgage. It was thankfully after a few questionable companies with a good one here in town instead of a traveling salesman. I kept at her to ask the right questions and research as much as possible. So as long as the house appraises at the minimum amount, we will be safe from her losing the house when my stepfather passes. It is a big stress off of me for getting a job. I'm really praying what I'm doing picks up so much I can support myself with it.
Soooo, where is everyone else! Do I have to send a posse out?
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 : 6:12:27 PM
Yes, Bunny, assemble the posse. There are too many missing at this point!
Holly, congratulations. You are so fortunate to have those boys. What a nice feeling to have it all completed. The birth certificates will be interesting, but so unimportant in the big scheme of things. Too many archaic laws. What a huge day for all of you. Tell K that she is gonna ruin her manicure doing all that manual labor with the beans! lol I would have decided to watch some tv while doing that chore, too!
We had a dust storm last night. Not nice. Dh heard it first and as he crossed the kitchen to close the door, he got a face full of sand. Everything was covered with dirt this morning. Following the dust storm, we had a light rain that made everything look that much worse. So, we spent a lot of time cleaning up today.
I finished my hat! That was the knitting project that required double point needles. It took me about 16 days. Two weeks to look at it nervously from across the room and about two days to actually knit it! I am feeling very triumphant.
Bunny, I am glad you have some breathing room with your living situation. Uncertainty can weigh on us very heavily.
Everyone enjoy yourselves! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 16 2013 : 6:44:43 PM
Holly, congratulations to both you and Cheri!!! Bet you are glad that is done with. I love beans, and have quite a bit in the freezer right now. They taste so good in the winter. Bunny, glad you are getting in some sewing. Glad things are looking more stable for you and your mom's living situation. Mar, I can not imagine a dust storm, and then rain on top of that. Must have been a mess. Not good when you are trying to sell your house. Gypsy, hope things are going well for you. Cheryl, Hope your day went well. It was 28 degrees this morning!!!! BRRRR!!! I am so not ready for winter. It only got up to 57 degrees today. I had a dr. appointment today, just a 6 month checkup. Had blood work done the other day, everything was better than last time, except I gained 2 lb. Mammogram next week, then I am done for another 6 months there, lung dr. I see every 6 months, go there in November. For awhile I was at either dr. 2 or 3 times a week!!!! I gotta get out and pick the rest of my tomatoes before they freeze on the vines. It is only39 degrees right now. I started to move things around in the bedroom, my dresser was blocking the heat vent, so had to move it before the furnace kicks on. I did not finish everything, but tomorrow is another day. I still need to get my apple butter and apple sauce made. So much to do, so little time. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
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Posted - Sep 16 2013 : 7:29:39 PM
Evening ladies :)
It was another chilly day in Northeastern Wisconsin. I made a big pot of chili and have plenty left over to send with hubby for lunch tomorrow. A bit achy today so didn't get much done other than vacuuming and the usual daily chores.
Holly, for sure just buy some marinara. I didn't plant as many tomato plants this year so no canning here at all this harvest. Had just enough to keep us in a steady supply of eating tomatoes and I guess I'm okay with that. Our grape vines were fairly fruitful but I really think I'll just let the birds have them. I just don't really feel up to making jelly when I won't be able to eat it on my diet. Congratulations to your family!! How wonderful for all of you! I'm sure your sons know how special they are.
Jan, Yikes you are getting chilly up North. Was only in the low 60's here today for our high. I sat out on the porch with Dickens again but didn't stay long. Even in my heavy sweatshirt and a throw over me it was a bit too cool with the breeze blowing on us.
Bunny, so happy financial matters are getting settled for your mom. The stress of worry about our folks does wear on us fibromites. So happy to hear you felt up to more sewing today. You just amaze me.
Mar, that dust storm sounds nasty. I would hate to have to dust afterwards. I bet it gets in even with the doors and windows closed. I had no idea Wa. had dust storms. Shows you what I know or rather don't know.
Gypsy, so sorry to hear about your mom's fall but, you're right, if she's cantankerous she'll probably be fine. Gosh your family and even yourself have sure had bad things happen lately. I hope you're healing and feeling better. I would think Canada in the Autumn would be a sight to behold.
Have a wonderful Tuesday and laugh out loud as often as possible. Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 17 2013 : 10:40:48 AM
hello gals, just popping in for a moment during lunchtime. mom's house is still on market but the brothers are finally getting to the finalization part of painting and repair so hopefully it will sell soon. my oldest brother's attitude is just make an offer! and i am so with him..:) my sister is still dwelling in deep depression re: mom's house selling and her not having a home anymore (although she didn't come visit but at most 2 times a year for the past 15 or so years)sorry to be grumpy, it just they act like mom's passing doesn't bother me as much and it does. not a day has passed that i haven't thought of picking up the phone and calling her about something several times and each time have to remember that i cannot do it anymore and it does hurt. it will for awhile i know that since i am still in mourning for my dh oh i don't remember telling you all that 2 weeks after i found my mom, i found one of my cats dead in the neighbor's yard. that was a really hard time. so let's completely change the subject! i made it into my workroom and cleaned off the top shelf of the walk in closet. am going to put everything crochet in it. then am going to move all of the quilting books into the front room where i am a lot of the time with the dogs and that will clear out one bookshelf that i can move out of the room. then have decided to take down the quilted window covering and replace it with sheers to open the room up to more light and by that time maybe i will have my washing machine fixed and i can buy some pretty pale pink paint to paint at least one wall. (all the walls are light tan now) and am thinking about painting one bookshelf white and putting doilies on the shelf before filling them back up. i think a large part of my problem was that i thought i had to do it all at once and i don't. little by little, step by step, eating an elephant bite by bite. that really helps. bunny, i know your nervousness about mary jane buying a skirt but girlfriend, you know mary jane - she will love it because you did it! your style and technique are improving everytime you sew something and it is so impressive! holly, congrats on the finalization of the adoption (and to your partner too) - that is soo exciting and i am glad that the boys do not have to come back to Texas. i let my sister borrow my dehydrator this year - she and her husband had a huge garden and could use it. i only get bits and pieces so i didn't need it - i also still don't have a stove so i am not canning anything soon. sorry for the book! hugs and love to all! janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 17 2013 : 4:24:22 PM
Janie, I am so sorry about the loss of your cat, too. Sometimes, it all adds up to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Still hope you get your mom's house sold quickly. So proud of you for taking the first steps towards claiming that room as your own again. The sheers will be nice and a fresh coat of paint sounds nice, too. I had the same problem about remembering I couldn't call my mom when she passed. It was such a habit. It is difficult to learn your new reality when you lose someone, as you know.
Most of the farmgirls must be pretty busy. Everyone must be getting ready for the change of weather. We are expecting rain tonight and it has finally cooled down! Getting a bit of a taste of Fall.
Gypsy, wondering if you had to go help with your mom or are busy taking care of business at home...
Cheryl, hope you are bad to feeling 100 percent today. Although, vaccuuming and daily chores is still getting quite a bit done! It is nice to have some leftover energy to do something a bit more fun, isn't it?
Mailed the knitted cap off to dd. She had requested the project in the first place. Now dh says he would like one - different color. So, I am quite pleased to have him want one. And I badgered him into promising he isn't asking for a hat just to make me feel good. He claims he isn't. I choose to believe him. I mean, it isn't an awful hat by any means!
Janet, I will be thinking of you next week for your mammogram...
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 17 2013 : 6:27:57 PM
Got 3 Dresses ready for my store today. I get lots of response with brown outfits for some reason.

I made this one for me, but then changed my mind. I know it will sell and I need the money... as usual.

I was good and put my store patch on each one.
MaryJane will get her skirt tomorrow. Trying not to feel stressed about what she will think. I just wish she had bought something different.
Marianne, our weather turned cold too. Glad the heat is gone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 17 2013 : 8:11:18 PM
I am just insanely busy. And not feeling good
Went to jewelry class tonight. We learned to make bracelets. I'll try to post a pic. .jpg)
Not a very good pic but I'm tired. Have to get up at 6 in the morning I'll try to catch up with everybody soon.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 17 2013 : 8:14:34 PM
Earrings. .jpg) No idea why it's upside down. Oh. Well.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 17 2013 : 8:32:32 PM
Gypsy, looks like you have been busy. Maybe you held your camera upside down. I discovered I had been holding my camera phone long wise and no matter what I did, my pictures came out sideways. Sorry you are feeling bad. Whaaaaat did you eat that was bad for you?
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 17 2013 : 8:48:08 PM
A donut
Now I'm in bed but of course since I have to get up I won't get sleepy. Gripe, gripe. Mar, you should 't a rattled my cage.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 18 2013 : 3:05:26 PM
OK...learned my lesson, Gypsy! ;)
Bunny, love the two new tops. It won't be easy letting the one you made for yourself go, but understand why it's a good idea.
Gypsy, love your jewels! They look perfectly put together. Love the juxapostion of the perfect pearls with the organic shaped pink stones. And I noticed the irridescence to the red stones in the earrings. So pretty.
We finally have a lovely cool day! It feels so nice. Completely enjoying the freshness. marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 18 2013 : 5:45:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
A gorgeous day here in the Green Mountains. Temperature at six this morning was a chilly 30 degrees and a lovely predawn clear blue gray sky. It stayed clear all day and temperatures rose into the high fifties. Who could ask for a more lovely day?
If I get to the pigs to feed them before they wake up they do not run into my legs so much. I can not remember if I told you that three days ago one knocked me down in the mud and sludge and I let out a very loud expletive which startled the poor delicate creatures so much that not a one nudged or bumped my legs for the rest of the time I was there putting out grain or giving them water. They are taller than my knees now and for someone of my height that is no small feat. I would guess they are each more than two hundred pounds.
Mar congrats on finishing your knitting project. The fear of four needles is conquered.
I think five hours on the sewing machine would give anyone pain even if part is standing and cutting and even if one loves to create. Bunny, I am not clear, does your step father live with you or elsewhere? Does your mother have a relationship with him of any worth. I read sometimes about him and thought he was alive and then dead and then alive....... and then wealthy and now mom is doing a reverse mortgage so his settlement is not hers?
Jan I am glad your health is improving or stable so the dr visits have lessened in frequency. There are only so many People magazines a person can read while waiting. lol
After reading that Cheryl had Chili for supper I thought we should too but we had stir fry with pork instead. When I make the chili it cooks all day and I made bread instead.... and folded laundry. I think I might have preferred to make chili. I am not fond of folding laundry.
{{{{{{Janiee}}}}} I am glad you are having some joy in redecorating amid the grief of loss.
I am more than a little jealous of you who have time to be creative and make something so pretty that you can hold in your hands. Someday, I will have some time too.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 18 2013 : 6:27:45 PM
This will be a short post tonight, I am so tired tonight for some reason. Holly, you are having the same kind of weather that we are having, but today it rained all day. I can live with the colder nights and warm days, if only they would stay longer. We always try to not turn the heat on until October 1st. We just might make it this year if the weather stays like this. I made a big batch of boiled dinner for supper, and enough for the freezer also. A very healthy warm meal. I am in the mood to make chili also. Well, off for the night. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 18 2013 : 7:00:25 PM
Good evening friends,
I'm going to try to read the past couple of pages on my iPhone and respond on the IPad. Savvy electronics genius that I am. I think last time I did this it somehow posted and then disappeared.
Janet, girlfriend, "for some reason" you are tired? I can think of a lot of reasons why you would be tired! No way could I keep up with you!
Holly, some day you will have all the time in the world to make pretty things. The house will be quiet and the kitchen will be clean. And there will be no loads of laundry to fold. Do not hurry that along. Do not wish for that time.
Mar, thanks for liking the jewelry. I never know what I will do until I get there. I bought some things from the bead shop but also took apart some old jewelry from long ago. The pearls (fake of course) and the pink stones are from two different necklaces I had back in the 80's when I was a high powered career gal. I'm not wanting to invest in expensive stones until I know what I'm doing. I must say it is really appealing because there is instant gratification. It takes no time at all to complete something. Perfect for the queen of procrastination. (That would be me) I really want to work in more rustic themes such as copper and turquoise.
The bead shop was robbed yesterday morning. They broke the glass door and grabbed a bunch of silver rings and fled. Everything was all cleaned up and repaired by the time class started. The silver is now displayed away from the front view.
Holly those pigs are big enough to do some real damage. Be careful getting in the pen with them.
Mar I did a little knitting years ago but I don't think I ever conquered the double needle. I crocheted for a while and then learned to knit. I think in the late 70's. I know the class was held at Sears and several of us in the neighborhood went. I don't know if we really wanted to knit or if we just took advantage of the opportunity to leave the kids with their dads and get a break for ourselves.
Really, bunny, it was a big donut for a meal while on the go that did me in. Lecture from son today. He said your diet can transform your body more than anything else including exercise. I can pretty much feel today how I ate yesterday. Bunny I love the two outfits you posted. I'm not a huge fan of just brown but I like off whites and creams and beiges together. The way you blended the shades of brown worked nicely I thought. I'm going to post this before it disappears and continue by editing.
Holly, congratulations to all of your big happy family. You and Cheri are two amazing people. Those two little guys must feel very safe and happy at long last. You know that is worth all the pretty things in this world. Much more. I watched a documentary a few years back that I think was part of the training for the CASA program. And the thing that stuck with me is one of the kids who never got adopted and aged out of the system said the worst thing about it was there is no place to go home for the holidays.
I've run out of steam for this night. Hello to everyone else I've missed. Janiee I too am glad to see you are able to make peace with your losses and hope that cleaning and painting and reorganizing a little at a time will be meditative and cleansing for your spirit as well.
Cheryl your words continue to inspire me. You are such a great addition to this thread as well. You have a very nurturing spirit. Wish I was close enough to join you on the porch and spend some time with a good cup of hot tea.  
Once I taught a time management seminar and the first of my speech was that we are all equal in that every one of us has exactly 24 hours in every day to decide how to spend. I looked them square in the eye and said, you have exactly the same amount of time every day as the president of the United States. Then I proceeded with my sage time spending/saving pearls of wisdom. I want to add here Holly my dear you are spending your time so very wisely. I wish I had done as well.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2013 7:51:33 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 18 2013 : 10:11:24 PM
Another note from blabber mouth tonight.
My mom is in a lot of pain. There is fractured a tiny bone in the pelvic area that is extremely painful and the on ly way to heal it is to exercise it. But it hurts to move. So she's been getting the bedpan. Now today they said she is getting either a kidney or bladder Infection so they Re making her get up and walk to the bathroom . She has very low kidney function and she has very bad lungs so pneumonia is a concern. She is almost 91. My point is it seems inhumane to make her suffer when she is so far along on her path through that door. She told me several times that she does not want to outlive her children. It seems today they can keep any body alive for a long time but is it the right thing to do
Cheryl. Would you happen to know what bone they might be talking about so I can google it. She also will lose her car keys now and that will be a blow.
Clearly we are at the end and I don't like the options.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |