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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 07:18:06 AM
Oh man, we hardly cooled off last night. Only hit the 60s. Must be Indian Summer, but I thought that came later in the year.
I will be closing the house up tight here in a few minutes. Trying to trap some of the cool air inside! Hope everyone is looking forward to a great Thursday. I forgot to remind you that yesterday was Hump Day. Saw my camel commercial last night. Still makes me smile.
It has been a quiet week with all the neighbor animals staying put. Yay!
I am about to make the change from circular needles to the double-pointed needles on the hat I am knitting. you guys said I could do it. I guess I will find out this afternoon.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 09:01:17 AM
Holly, I love to hunt crawdads! In college we use to go down to the river with bacon scraps and catch a bunch of them. Took them home and had a party. We would tie the bacon onto a string and stick. When the crawdad took hold we would gently bring him in and put a colander underneath him and transfer them to a small garbage can full of water. Good times at the river!
Janet, good job on the hats. I'm assuming you sell them on your etsy site. Nice to bring in a little extra cash while you are on the road. My goal is to be able to make enough money sewing I can live anywhere too. With 4 cats I'm not sure RV life is for me just yet. I'll e happy with a spot on somebody's back 40. I just need water and power.
Yesterday was not so good. I took too long to have lunch and when I did, I ate too fast and didn't chew well. Food got stuck and I ended up losing it all. Fibro kicked in and I spent the rest of the day in bed. I did get some good stuff at the thrift store. I feel better today. My sewing machine is getting cold and lonely.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 09:23:18 AM
hello gals! thought i would drop in for a minute. mom's house is still on market and being looked at so I am very hopeful to sell it soon. my hands are feeling much better, thanks for all of the prayers and well wishes! Holly thank you for sharing about rosh hashana - i think it is wonderful that you all share so much with your children. haven't read far enough back to see but hope the hogs are staying where they should! :) realized last night that it has almost been 1 year since i really had an oven to cook in. i am starting to really miss it bigtime! however, when i did have an oven i always cooked too much food. even after 3 years of being alone, i still find it hard to cut down recipes. my mom's sewing machine has renewed an old love for me - quilting. I know i talked about it before but it was more of a crush then - now its love. I am hoping to go thru her handiwork and use some of those items on aprons. i know i could sell a lot of those to relatives in lampasas. I have an on and off relationship with travel trailers and rv's. somedays i love them, somdays i am just plain scared of them. but i found a blg (camp girl) and she has so much practical information on them--like toilet solutions and backing up that today i am enamored with them again. I really want to decorate one...hehehehe. i think a large part of that is all of the stuff that i took from my mom's house is making my house look like a hoarder's and i just want a place to start over without having to throw it all out first (hahahahaha) until i can afford one, i have decided to take everything i can out of the "sewing room" and repaint it ( a nice shade of pale pink) and put up new curtains ( it faces a busy street) and then maybe start putting stuff back in....just going into that room makes me feel like i am drowing (and i did almost drown as a small child and I do remember the feeling) and panic sets in--but i need to do it. it's like i cannot move forward with my life until i do. i don't have the excuse of cleaning mom's house anymore so i just need to pull up my big girl boots and do something..its just the other extra bedroom i have is full of my dh stuff that i have not gotten rid of yet and have been avoiding it as well. any suggestions??? would appreciate any and all, really. I am so tired of being in this "rut". well, better get to work, my boss is finally in a good mood after 4 months of absolute temper tantrums and i want to keep him that way. hugs to all of you! janie sister #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 12:26:58 PM
Janie! So very nice to hear from you. I don't blame you for wanting a trailer. They look so cute the way some gals have done them up. The idea of only having the necessities is nice when you feel you are surrounded by too much stuff. I hope you find the courage to face one of the rooms that is bugging you. It is very scary having a big project staring at you like that. And especially since you just got through all that work with your mom's place. But, you sure do deserve that clean slate/fresh start. And it would be so lovely to have all that room to indulge your love of quilting now. I hope you can find the time to join us often again, we have all missed you so much. Fingers are crossed that your mom's house sells shortly.
Are crawdads and crayfish the same? We used to have a crawdad festival where I grew up (Isleton, CA). I have never tried one! I think they caught them in traps...does that sound right? I am surprised to hear you use bacon for bait, Bunny!
Shame on you, Bunny. Get back to that sewing room. Your fans are waiting for your next creation. Glad to hear you scored at the thrift store. When is it $5 bag day?
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 12:59:17 PM
Mar, crawdads and crawfish are the same thing. Different parts of the country terminology. I use to live in Oakley across the bridge from you. (I hated that bridge). Where I use to live in the mountains (crawdad fishing place ) we had an old time butcher. He would give us the bacon trimmings for free. Back in the day when store owners could afford to be generous with a bunch of college kids.
Janie, so nice to hear from you!! I sure hope your mom's house sells soon. I have never had to deal with all the sorting issues you are faced with. But you know what they say about eating an elephant.... one bite at a time. Just start with one box. Put a garbage can with a big trash bag in it, a rubbermaid box and a regular box. Garbage is ...garbage, Rubbermaid is for stuff to keep and the regular box is good will. Hang in there you can do it! We are there with you in spirit. I'll make some tea and bring some chocolate banana bread.
Feeling much better today. Just having some lunch and.... chewing slowly this time. No more events! I'm working on another jacket today. They seem to be very popular on my site. This one is a light brown and is large! I had a hard time finding decent large jackets. All the cool ones were size 6 to 8. Bunch of skinny minnies.
Anyway, back to work.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 1:39:53 PM
Bunny, you must be talking about the Antioch bridge over the San Joaquin. Remember when it was hit by a freighter in 1970 and got stuck open? The bridgetender was stuck on the bridge for three days. When they got him out, he quit. That was a rickety old bridge. The new one was up when I was in high school - late seventies/early 1980? It was terrifying as a new driver. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 5:28:02 PM
I'd quit, too! Funny story.
Just popping in to wish everyone a good night's sleep.
Wish Ginny would post and let us know how she is. I'm exhausted. See you gals tomorrow.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 6:12:37 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a hot overcast day. It rained here last night. Some areas of the eastern part of the state received 7 inches of rain over night. We saw that some schools were closed and there were flash flood warnings. We are glad we live on a hill.
The meat chickens are all in the freezer There were 44 of them final count. Now for the pigs at the end of October. We do have one more batch of turkeys. We were at the feed store a month or so ago and they had some turkeys that someone ordered and did not pick up. We took twelve of the poults and there were still some left. I think they will go in the freezer just before Thanksgiving.
When I was a child we caught crayfish and boiled them in an old can on the banks of the pond we lived on. We just caught them with our hands. I think we never thought to use bait. It was like being Huck Finn for us.
Don't bot flies burrow into the skin of the horse and form bumps?
Janiee glad to see you. I do not have any good suggestions about your dh's belongings. My fathers widow got rid of all of his clothes Maybe keep a few of the special outfits or treasures and gift the rest. I think painting your sewing room would be a good cleansing of the area and a way to make it yours. I hope your mom's house sells soon.
Bunny glad you are feeling better.
I took the littles to their first swimming lesson in the pool. All three did very well. I was concerned that Ross would have a tantrum and not go in the water but, he did everything the teacher asked him without complaining and with a smile. G was nervous. He is not really daring. I could tell by how stiff he was trying to do a back float. C was right in there relaxed and willing. He did have a little wandering but the teacher was good and kept him on task. There was a little girl there also and she just smiled and smiled. I think she is an only child and was glad to be with other children.
Gypsy I hope life settles down some soon.
Jan you do set high goals for yourself in the creation department. Good luck to you. We are having the same type of weather you are. Last night was hard to sleep from the heat and the noise of the fan. I turned the fan off and finally dozed again.
I want to know why hormone swings bring bouts of sadness or anger but never seem to bring acute moments of joy. I am through the hormone swings but I started to wonder this living with a perimenopausal woman and a menarche teen. lol
Sweet dreams.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Sep 12 2013 : 7:13:24 PM
Good to hear from you, Janie, I do hope your mom's house sells fast and you have all of that behind you. Holly, we are now in a cold spell. We hit 59 degrees today, and very windy. We had a few sprinkles too. Now it is42 degrees, might get close to freezing again. Our normal high and low for this time of year is 68 and 50. We are below average a lot, especially in the winter. The leaves are just starting to change, the maples, anyway. We have mostly oak trees in our yard, and they are the last to fall, and last to get leaves in the spring. The acorns start falling in mid August, our yard is loaded with them. My brother in law came yesterday and got 2 5lb. pails full to feed the deer, he will be back for more before deer season. Gypsy, take one day at a time and do what you can. It all gets done in the end, one way or another. Mar, Good thing you have ac. We do not here, not enough hot days to pay off, usually. Bet it feels good not to be rounding up the neighbors animals. Maybe they figured out how to turn the electric fence on!! LOL!!!! Bunny, glad your company is gone and you feel better. Now you can sew up a storm again before school takes up a lot of your time. Looking forward to seeing another jacket done up. Well, it is getting late and I have to work tomorrow. They have the whole block in front of my son's store broken up for at least another week. They removed all the cobblestone brick and trees and are replacing it with cement and putting in new curbs. They are doing one block each summer downtown. So, my son decided to open the back of his store and have a rummage sale in the back, and make it easier for people to get to the front through the back. He will work the back section, and me the front. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 13 2013 : 5:06:33 PM
Happy Friday the Thirteenth, Everyone! I have always considered it my personal lucky day. Why not?
Holly, I am not really smart about alot of horse issues, but my understanding was that the bot eggs could be ingested and then they were a parasite within the horse. Other than that, I don't know what other problems they cause. Most people use wormers on horses and as long as your horse is healthy and eating well, I don't think bots in any form are too much of a nuisance.
94 degrees and cooler temps coming. Our long range forecast is for mild weather through the middle of next month. And then we flip the switch. So prepare for my complaints to change! I do love fall and am ready for it.
A few months back, dh broke a sugar bowl that I used daily (I know, I should cut out the sugar) and really enjoyed having on our kitchen counter. One of those little pleasures. I have been looking on etsy to try to find one that makes me as happy. Well, 44 pages of sugar and creamers later, still not too excited about anything else. So, the tupperware will continue to suffice.
Janet, your son sounds like he makes the best of any situation. I think the rummage sale is a grand idea and I hope you do well. I was so excited last week because I saw my first acorn ever. Good luck keeping up with your acorns. I thought pine needles made a mess, but I won't turn my ankle walking on them. And they don't get quite as slippery as leaves on the ground. They make a lovely cushion for the animals under the trees. It is like walking on the most luxurious carpeting you have ever imagined. But, they will go right through a gardening glove.
Happy Weekend! Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2013 : 5:26:34 PM
Good evening everyone,
So, many acorns. Years ago most of the oak trees were logged out of the woods in our area. We have the most oak of any property around. A man came more than five years ago to dig up and plant on his place three trees . Two have survived. He has chased the deer away from them so the branches would not be eaten when they were young. I will have to ask him how they are doing when I see him. We do not have any real close to the house so they do not fall on the roof and roll down. I think if they did and hit someone from the eave of the roof it would knock them out. The eave is three stories off the ground. It is interesting to walk through the woods and see the size of the oak trees get smaller the further away from the main group of oak trees that started them growing.
I do not know enough about bot flies or any parasites for horses to have a reasonably intelligent conversation about them. I know that when Kethry took riding lessons her teacher was wiggy about bot flies and her horses. But, then again she was wiggy about a lot of things with her horses like coring each apple before she gave it to any of them because she read that the seeds contained arsenic and would poison her horses.. I thought the horse would have to eat pounds of apples to have a traceable amount of arsenic in its system. Maybe I am just lacadasical when it comes to animal care. lol
This afternoon I gave blood at the Red Cross blood drive. I used to give regularly and then just got out of the habit. Time to do it regularly again. It only hurts a little.
It has rained a cold rain off and on most of the day. I almost lit a fire in the wood stove to take the chill out of the air but knew as soon as I had the house warm I would have a power surge. So, I put on long pants an a sweatshirt instead.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 13 2013 : 6:28:07 PM
Well, Holly, you know how you watch all the horses walk up to the apple trees and carefully core those apples before they chow down on them. I do take the pits out of the peaches, but that's as far as I go. I agree it would take a lot of apple seeds to get enough arsenic to do in a half ton animal!
Good for you for donating blood. Dh used to do it regularly and then he couldn't because of being in the UK and the fear of madcow. That was a few years ago, maybe it is no longer a worry. But, they do keep their cattle around longer than we do before they eat them, which gives madcow a chance to fully develop.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2013 : 7:10:26 PM
Well, it was 35 degrees when I got up this morning. It warmed up to 62 this afternoon. I guess it is to be expected for this time of the year, it's just that we got gyped on most of the summer this year. Way too short. The rummage sale went well today without an ad in the paper, he is going to run it all next week. The front of the downtown looks so nice now that they got all the trees gone and the sidewalks in, just have to finish up the curbing. I am guessing they should be done by Tuesday or Wednesday. With the trees gone, now you can see everyone's signs. Before, the trees were blocking them. I am tired, so off to bed I go. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Sep 13 2013 : 7:35:28 PM
Hi girls :) Been a busy week here in Wisconsin. Had a couple lovely days with Jak. He's such a little snuggle bunny. Love the days he just wants to be doing with gramma and I actually feel well enough to do something. Yesterday I had a nice afternoon with a friend I used to work with. She's also a nurse (LPN) and is working on getting her RN. She's originally from Ghana Africa. She immigrated with her family here years ago. We went out for lunch, a bit of shopping and then hopped in the jacuzzi at the Y. Picked up some pretty things from a shop downtown that has lots of primitives. Love, love, love the shop. I walk in and want to stay for hours. It always smells so good there LOL. Spent today doing some Autumn decorating inside and outside the house. I so love everything Autumn :) So far my change in eating/lifestyle is going well. I'm tracking everything I eat in an online journal and still find my muscles are responding well to very few carbs. It's really nice to have less pain and actually feel well. Will try to catch up individually over the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone! Huggz to all :) Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 08:41:04 AM
Oh my God!!! You will never guess who just bought something from me!!!! The one and only MaryJane Butters! Now I'm scared! It was one of my first creations...before I knew what I was doing! It is a skirt all tattered and messy. So excited!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 11:34:27 AM
You are on your way, Bunny. I'd love to see ya in the Sisterhood Issue at the very least. Why not one of the magazines? You can do it. Obviously, everyone else thinks so, too. Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Sep 14 2013 11:35:10 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 12:25:21 PM
Mar, I sure hope so. I just wish she hadn't picked the skirt. It least represents what I am sewing right now and was a total hack job. I'm sewing an inner skirt onto it right now because there are too many places where it goes up too far. Bunny
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 1:06:08 PM
Trust yourself, Bunny. I don't blame you for gussying it up, so to speak. Naturally, you want to send something you feel represents you well. It will all be just fine.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 3:07:22 PM
Well it's all boxed up ready for the mail man. Can't change anything now. I did make a really sweet pouch from the dress scraps for her. I have been trying to come up with something cool as an added gift for anyone that makes a purchase. The little pouch is perfect. It at least got me to get that done. I also was good and sewed my brand tag in side the dress and the pouch. I'll get this down eventually. Just so honored she actually bought something.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 3:22:41 PM
Sounds perfect. You are evolving with each order. At this rate you will have trouble keeping up your inventory! What a wonderful problem!
very happy for you and proud to know you, Bunny
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 4:53:33 PM
I am so excited for you Bunny!!!! We all knew you could do it. I am sure Mary Jane will love the skirt. She looks so lovely in that type of clothes. I am so glad you are now getting sales and on the road to a career in what you really enjoy doing. So proud of you, girlfriend!!!! It was 30 degrees this morning!!!! I though for sure my tomatoes were done with, but they are still thriving for awhile, anyway. It did manage to get up to 66, but it is so windy, it takes your breath away. We were hoping the wind would have died down so we could make a fire in the fire pit, but no such luck. Supposed to rain tomorrow, so it will be an indoor day for sure. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 5:15:56 PM
I almost forgot to tell you. This afternoon I was walking into the livingroom when all of a sudden I get this pain on my right shin. I pull up my pant leg and there was a wasp stinging me!!!! I guess I got it walking outside, but I did stay on the sidewalk, so don't know how it got up my pant leg. I am just so thankful that I am not allergic to them. It is sore, but I will survive!!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 14 2013 : 5:23:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
WOW, Bunny! another sale and to the one who brought us altogether too. Great for you. We are so proud to know you. I guess even in the beginning you were creating fashion even when you were finding your way.
We had a overcast day here in the Greens. It did not rain but I sure thought it was going to when I had the back of the truck filled with grain bags for the critters. C and I went to the church yard sale down in Montpelier this morning. It is a great sale and is the best one of the season. I think the two best buys I found were a pitchback for $10. If you are not invested in the world of baseball it is a metal frame with cord netted across it so when a young man throws a ball it returns to him in some wild manner for him to catch it. I have not been able to catch the rebound even once but T can do it every time. I also nabbed a bike to fit T . It is huge but then so is he and growing more.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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