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Posted - Sep 08 2013 : 5:17:25 PM
Evenin' gals :) Yep Bunny a snood is also a lady hair net. Which is why I think nose dick makes way more sense LOL I have Jak tomorrow and Tues. so should keep me out of mischief. Got some exercise in today. I did 15 minutes of Qi Dong and 20 minutes of Yogilates. Both easy and good for balance and stretching which I need. Have lost 7 lbs since last Tues. so I feel I'm on track. I know that it's probably mostly water right now but even so I can tell the change in diet is helping the fibromyalgia. I feel less inflamed. My feet don't hurt today which is soooo wonderful. My hands don't feel as swollen either and just less generalized muscle pain. Anytime I cut back on carbs I can tell the difference. You'd think I'd have learned long ago to keep my diet on track just to help this horrid condition but it can be so hard sometimes as I also crave carbs as part of the condition. I'm trying to make better choices in my eating habits though and I think I've finally realized that a bowl of grapes can be just as sweet and nice as a dish of cookie dough ice cream. The consequences of eating grapes doesn't hurt so much either. Have a great Monday and Tuesday everyone in case I don't make it on till Wed. or so. Huggz to all my sistas. Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Sep 08 2013 : 6:44:36 PM
Good evening everyone,
I ma not a fan of liver really, I do not like the smell of cooking liver and onions at all but then I did not know to dredgeint in flour and cook it in bacon grease. I really like bacon. The turkey livers did not have that nasty smell. I divided the 5 pounds into four containers. A friend came over and really liked it so I gave her one of the containers to take home. She was going to hide it from her sons. She said it tasted like liverwurst.
I will have hog jowls available at the end of October. Maybe Gypsy and B should make a road trip to visit us and cook them up for a treat. lol
Jan sounds like you are getting excited at the prospect of Bob retiring. It is so nice to have something to look forward too. You have worked a long time to be able to have a relaxing retirement of your own choosing.
Cheryl, I write the posts in the email section and then copy and paste it to the MJF block at the bottom of the page. It sure saves losing the post just after having typed something witty. I do not know about windows 7 or 8. I can also go back and forth from the email to the forum without losing anything. some people used to use the note pad section on their computers to type the posts but I am not sure how that works anymore.
Rosh Hashanna is the Jewish New Year. It moves around some but usually is in September. I was not raised Jewish so I can only tell you what I have learned. On Rosh Hashanna we eat sweet foods to remind us to have a sweet New Year. We do the blessings of the wine (sparkling cider), bread and apples dipped in honey. We had sweet potatoes and a sweet relish platter. We had a lot of non sweet foods too. We started the meal with gefilte fish and/or mock chepped liver. We added the mocked chopped liver for the vegetarians who attend. The next course is either matzo ball chicken soup or beet soup. Then the main part is brisket, roast turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and the pickle platter. I do not usually eat much of the main part because I have filled up on the previous courses. We had honey cake and harvest cake for dessert.
Between Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur you are supposed to atone for any wrongs you have done to any one. You must make it up to them seven fold. Yom Kippur is a fasting day that ends at sundown. The book of life is opened on Rosh Hasshana and closed on Yom Kippur. During that time it is decided whose names will be written int he book for the next year. If your name is not written in the book it means you will die during the next year. Kind of morbid, huh? Some traditions have a rite called Tashlich in which the person goes to a moving body of water and empties their pockets to symbolize washing away all of the old wrongs. If one is strict about it then anything in the pockets should be tossed. mmmm car keys anyone? We do a modified version of this. We had good company and I think I sat everyone near others they could talk to during the meal. It was a good time.
We bought K a computer program called Dragon naturally speaking. She is a horrid speller and we are hoping this will help her write her papers for her schooling. So, she had to start creating the voice files. It is tedious and we had good laughs over the computer telling her she was not speaking clearly. She is a good speaker. My brother said that over time the dragon recognizes your voice and works smoothly. K said she could see Uncle J getting frustrated with dragon and throwing it through the wall.
I have started to put the garden to bed. We have had colder weather but Lawrence the eye on the sky guy tells us it will warm up by the middle of the week. Some of the vegetables have gone by. I have brought in three different types of pod beans to dry by the wood stove and shell. I pulled up the zucchini. The leaves looked like they had a white covering on them and there were no new zucchini forming. The butternut squash made five fruits. They buttercups did better.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 08 2013 : 7:54:07 PM
Today was a beautiful fall day, sunny and 66 degrees. We went to a local county park here and walked up a steep hill to an old burial site where there are 6 graves from the early 1800's. There is supposed to be an Indian cemetery there also, but we could not find it. I had to use a long stick for a walking stick, but it really helped me to walk the path and make it up the steps on the hill. We took the stick home so I can debark it and varnish it to use for more adventures. Then I grill brats on the grill for supper. Did some sewing while Bob watched the football games. That is when I get most of my sewing projects done, during football season. Holly, thank you for explaining some of the holidays for us. I too have dug up most of my garden. Only the tomatoes are left. I picked a lot and gave some to our neighbors and there are still a lot of green ones on the vines. I hope they have time to grow before we have frost. Cheryl, congrats on losing weight and getting in some exercise!!!! I know that if I could cut out the carbs, I could also lose weight and feel better, but it is so hard to do, especially if you have to make 2 different meals because hubby will not live without his carbs, or eat fish, or most things that are good for you!! LOL!!! Have fun with grandson. Bunny, Are you getting more sewing done? Gypsy, how are the dance lessons going? Mar, How are things going for you? Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 08:50:27 AM
Woke up to the most wonderful sound. I installed the Etsy app to my phone and now when I get a sale, it makes a "Cha Ching" sound. That's the sound that woke me up this morning. Very cool!
Janet, good for you getting out for a nice walk. I bet your new walking stick will look great after you are finished with it.
My yellow squash has all of a sudden taken off and I'm getting lots of them. I'm also getting the white stuff on the leaves. We got a bit of rain the other day and I think that might have done it. My little tomato plant is doing its best to give us little grape tomatoes.
I'm still sewing everyday. I'm working on the next submission for the magazine. It is a slip upcycled into something more wearable as a dress. I'm really enjoying this one.
Well, sounds like our company is up. Probably should look into making some breakfast for them. Hasn't been much fun. They have a very whiny cranky 2 year old. He seems very insecure. They are leaving today.
Holly, hope your celebration was wonderful.
Gypsy, hope you are feeling better. You should get your jacket today or tomorrow. If you don't like the placement of my patch, it is sewn so you can just use a seam ripper and take it off. I'm still working on it.
Mar, how do llama's taste?
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 12:27:53 PM
Good afternoon friends,
I started to type good morning and then looked at the clock. My sleep pattern is way off again and I end up sleeping late and then the day is gone before anything gets done
I didn't know anything about Jewish religious practices though I once had a very good friend who was Jewish by birth and practiced the faith as well. I don't remember much about her except she taught me how to make good tuna fish salad. She took it to work every single day. My friend Jill, who died last year was a Jewish princess from New York but I don't think she practiced the faith. She never talked about it. It just broke my heart to lose her.
I'm not dancing this month. My schedule is too messed up. Probably won't start back until B gets here and we will go together. I'm taking the beading class on Tuesday nights, trying to get the apartment set up, trying o get the farm cleaned up and ready for winter, and trying to get my building cleared out and cleaned up. That's about all I can manage.
Bunny, congrats on another sale and for dealing with the relatives with humor. It helps. My hospitality days are over too.
Cheryl congrats to you too for taking charge of your health. It is not an easy thing to do. The person who told me if I would get off grains my stomach issues would go away, also said in about three weeks your cravings will go away. I didn't believe any of it but was willing to try anything. She was right. The cravings go away for the most part. I do have some sugar when I feel like it and I have not completely given up ice cream, but all the cravings for breads, cookies and the like have really backed off. I never would have guessed it was the grains making me fat and not the sugar. The green smoothies with maca powder and adding quinoa to my diet have helped my blood sugar stay in balance which helps tremendously with the energy level.
Janet you are right, I could never do much about diet when I was married to my ex because he just made it impossible, but B and I are on exactly the same page with that too. He brought his nutribullet and made us green smoothies when I went to see him in Canada. He hauled everything up to the rooms and always made sure we had a room with a small fridge. That guy is a real keeper. He does love his fish and chips and Guinness, though. The thing is, you really do not have to give up everything, every small change in diet helps.
Janet enjoy those tomatoes for me. What I wouldn't give for a home grown tomato. I used to make a salad by slicing the big beefsteak tomatoes and arranging on a plate with every other slice fresh mozzarella, then sprinkle fresh basil over that and a good drizzle of olive oil over that. It was a pretty presentation and so delicious.
Hope everyone is having a good day and good weather
Cheryl I sometimes lose a post in my IPad for no reason, it just happens. Sometimes I'll go ahead and post a part of it and then go in and edit the rest. I usually only post responses from the current page because I've learned the hard way if you go back a page it wipes out your post
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 09 2013 12:29:10 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 12:35:00 PM
Mar, hm........llama steak on the grill? And you know pigs are delicious. I can see where with the right moves on your part, that neighbor would be over there helping you pack. Think Bunny's got something there.........
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 2:25:01 PM
Hi girls :) Jak's napping so I'm having a break. We walked to the park a few blocks away early this morning before the heat and humidity set in and I'm sure glad we did. It's like a furnace outside right now. I think I'm about to start putting my garden to bed for the season also. My zucchinis are pretty much done and yes I have the white coating on the leaves too this year. Probably some sort of fungus but I have all we'll ever want frozen so I won't worry about it. Just my tomatoes left and they're still producing a few more small fruits yet and I so love my maters I'll let them go as long as they will. Holly, my hubby professes to be Jewish although I've seen no evidence of it. LOL He converted when he still lived in Canada and says he lights an online Menorrah but he follows no dietary restrictions and when you posted the other day about it I asked if he was observing it this year and he said in his own way. I learned more reading your post than I have from him in 9 years of marriage. He was raised Catholic and I tend to think his choosing to be Jewish was just a way to rile his dad whom he struggled to get along with as a child. Whatever he is I do know he's a good man. Always helpful to others and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed one. I'm not a huge fan of liver either but I do love pate. Something that won't be on my diet menu for quite some time I'm afraid. Janet, I'm glad you had a lovely walk with your hubby. I have a beautiful walking stick I bought at Octoberfest a few yrs ago. It leans against the chimney in my kitchen as I don't really use it. There is a duck's head carved on one end and symbols carved along the stick. I saw them and had to have one. It was only $25 and so pretty. Guess I need to find some beautiful hills to climb so I can use it. Mar, somehow I missed the llama steak on the grill. I'm not sure I could eat a llama. They're so darned cute. My nutritionist did tell me to try elk, buffalo and other wild meats though as they're very lean and good for you. I've had buffalo burgers and they are good. I wish I liked venison but other than sausage I find it too gamey. Hubby had someone give him a bear steak once and he cooked it up and gave me a bite. A bit fatty but not too bad. Gypsy, your B is from Canada? Not sure if I've mentioned my hubby is Canadian. Not too many women can say their man gave up a country for them. Polishes nails on my t shirt LOL> He's French Canadian although he doesn't have a French accent. His father didn't speak English till he was 18 and went into the military. Dennis was a military brat and then went into it himself when he was 17. He was in the CAF for 20 yrs. We're a mutt and jeff couple as I'm about 3 inches taller than he is. The man is an amazing cook which is part of the reason I have weight issues :) Every now and then I order Tim Horton's coffee for him so he can have a taste of Canada. I also found a recipe for Beaver Tails but I'm afraid if I make any I'll eat them all LOL. Speaking of hubby he just walked in the door so I'll wish you all a great evening. Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 4:27:30 PM
Ok, It is everyday that I laugh out loud while resting on the sofa checking to see what my farmgirls have been up to.
Cheryl, relax, we aren't eating llamas. I have a neighbor with a erstwhile llama. I have told of several adventures lately of retrieving said llama, but the last breakout I just summed up with,"Larry the Llama is back." The same neighbors pigs have also broken out. But two days ago dh loaned the neighbor's husband our fence tightening tool. Now if someone will just show them the switch that electrifies the durn thing!
Bunny, cha-ching might be a very nice sound to wake up to indeed!
Gypsy, you sound like you are running yourself ragged. You are right when you told Cheryl that you don't have to give up everything to see some advantages.
Cheryl, congratulations from me, too. That first step is so hard and you have gotten well past the first step now! Sounds like you are a pretty fun grandma...trips to the park are really special times. Is a beaver tail a pastry?
Our zucchini is still growing really well. We had some rain, but are going to hit the 90s again this week. Dh was talking about putting the pool to sleep in about three weeks. That really means Fall is here. We haven't heated the pool at all this summer it has been so warm.
Someone did a driveby of our house. Not exactly stealth-like considering we live at the end of a 1/3mile private drive. I mean, it's not like we didn't notice! Dh went out to see if it was someone we knew and they just turned around and cruised out. HMMMM... I want to hear cha-ching, too.
Jan, your walk did sound nice. You are so active. Your community always had something going. Sounds like a place Debbie Maccomber would write about.
Holly, I love hearing about your feasts and traditions, too. Liver I will pass on. I don't eat a whole lot of meat. And I don't think liver is something I would like. Since my mom didn't like it , we never had it.
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 4:44:04 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 7:13:49 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 5:37:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
I understand that in Kentucky where my father's people are from there are two 'family" cemeteries. There is a fence around the one that has the white relatives and the cemetery that has the black relatives and slaves in it was left outside the boundary. My brother said that the fence was put up maybe ten years ago and still the black relatives/slaves were left out. We who were raised in the north were amazed that the sentiments that must have existed still did. I would guess Jan that the cemetery that you visited was along the same lines. The whites were deemed important ant the Native people were not. I am glad you had a nice walk.I have a friend who always carries a walking stick on jaunts especially ones with uneven ground.
Bunny what a great way of finding out a sale. Are you taking those last two classes this semester?
I have been drying the cherry tomatoes as Gypsy suggested. Cutting them in half, drizzling with olive oil and then sprinkling ith sea salt. they are delicious. I like them better done in the oven than in the dehydrator. I think the oven may have cooked them just a little. I have been drying sliced tomatoes in the dehydrator as well. Someone on here said she dried hers and then ground them up. I have been trying to get them that dry but they seem to be stuck at the fruit leather stage and will not move on so I am not sure what I am going to do.
Ahh Cheryl a French Canadian in Wisconsin who would have thought. We have many around here. Many moved down here to work the Barre Granite' Quarries. I have two friends who did not speak English until their mother's enrolled them in Catholic school. One of them the nuns thought was slow because she did not do anything until she saw the other children do it. When the nun told her mother, her mother said, she does not know what you are saying of course she waits. We are only one hour 45 minutes from Quebec. It is closer to us than Boston so, if we want big city shopping we to Montreal. We have beavers on the back side of our property. I think one would not like to give up its tail to you. lol
When I was little the children had hot dogs when my mother served liver.
I think I had a hum drum day. When I woke up the temperatures were near freezing. The house was cold. It took most of the day to warm up to the high in the seventies. I did the little boys school work with them. I did animal chores and laundry.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 7:14:04 PM
Holly, I'm signed up,for my classes but the college has messed up my file so badly, I'm registered as an out of state alien and they are charging me the out of state rates. The charges are more than my financial aide. I'm trying to resolve it with the enrollment department. They are not very helpful.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
582 Posts

582 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2013 : 9:55:32 PM
What sewing machinee do you sew with? I love your clothes!
quote: Originally posted by Bearclover
Woke up to the most wonderful sound. I installed the Etsy app to my phone and now when I get a sale, it makes a "Cha Ching" sound. That's the sound that woke me up this morning. Very cool!
Janet, good for you getting out for a nice walk. I bet your new walking stick will look great after you are finished with it.
My yellow squash has all of a sudden taken off and I'm getting lots of them. I'm also getting the white stuff on the leaves. We got a bit of rain the other day and I think that might have done it. My little tomato plant is doing its best to give us little grape tomatoes.
I'm still sewing everyday. I'm working on the next submission for the magazine. It is a slip upcycled into something more wearable as a dress. I'm really enjoying this one.
Well, sounds like our company is up. Probably should look into making some breakfast for them. Hasn't been much fun. They have a very whiny cranky 2 year old. He seems very insecure. They are leaving today.
Holly, hope your celebration was wonderful.
Gypsy, hope you are feeling better. You should get your jacket today or tomorrow. If you don't like the placement of my patch, it is sewn so you can just use a seam ripper and take it off. I'm still working on it.
Mar, how do llama's taste?
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Sylvia Kent, WA Farm Girl #5389 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 10 2013 : 08:44:51 AM
Sylvia, thank you for the compliment. I sew with a Bernina sewing machine. I use to have a Husqvarna but I sent that to my son.
I didn't do any sewing yesterday. No inspiration. I think having company wore me out. Today I'm getting a much needed haircut and coloring. Hopefully I can jump back in tomorrow.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2013 : 2:10:58 PM
Bunny, I just opened my package, the jacket is just wonderful. A snug fit, but it fits. It's nice to have something fitted in the waist that works for me and this does. I have only had time to try it on over my shirt but couldn't wait to jump on and let you know I got it and I love it. Pictures later. I'm not sure what to wear it with--- any suggestions? Skirt or pants. Wait a minute. Somewhere in my stuff I have some pants that are off white, about the color of the lace you used. I'll try that first.
And, yes, the curious orange cat tag is great!
The hand sewn and crocheted post card that you included is a little treasure! My amazingly talented friend!
Thank you so much! I'll get on your site and do another review. I have jewelry class tonight so have to get ready for that.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 10 2013 2:12:24 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 10 2013 : 4:34:53 PM
Bunny, you are kicking butt with your creations! I don't envy your trying to straighten out a misunderstanding such as what is going on at your college. That can be a monumental undertaking.
I had a zen time stripping lavendar buds with my pups today. It was lovely weather. They were happily panting following our rounds around the property. A huge hawk started circling the chihuahua, so she went inside...
I am rather boring today. Hope everyone else had a fun day. I will try to seem more interesting tomorrow! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2013 : 6:33:43 PM
Got everything worked out with the college thankfully. Ordered my books and......sold another dress today. I really need to get sewing. I didn't get anything done today. Went and got my hair cut and colored. Plus dealing the the college. Tomorrow I will hit the sewing machine.
Gypsy, so glad you love the jacket. I was thinking just a pair of jeans.
I had a friend that wanted to buy my brown jacquard jacket. But when I told her I didn't have it she was bummed. So I told her I would look for something for her. She asked if I found a jacket she liked could she send it to me to alter. I thought that was a great idea. I almost have a formula down for the bustle jacket so custom for them would be pretty easy. We will see if she comes up with anything. She is small like Gypsy.
Mar, glad your little one is safe. Boring days are not so bad. Better than bad days.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2013 : 7:07:33 PM
Bunny you deserve a day off, for goodness sake. Glad you got the college thing taken care of.
I am back from my jewelry class we didn't actually make anything but just Practiced technique. The instructor agreed with me that really the thing is to practice the technique not create finished product. She said you need to do it about a hundred times. Same with the dance lessons. Repetition is the key to getting good at anything
Bunny does it look fashionably correct to mix denim colors? Or rather different shades of blue denim? I am fashion challenged. From the three piece suit days. Tomorrow I will have time to try the jacket with what's in my closet. I thi k I have the cap for it. It's green. I'm wanting to think outside the box fashion wise and Bunny your creations are helping me do that. Now I need to see if I can come up with some cool looking jewelry to go with my new rags. Become a trendsetter so you babies in your 50's will have the bar raised when you get here. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 10 2013 7:16:09 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2013 : 1:26:44 PM
Bunny I found 2 pairs pants in my closet that work well with the jacket. My daughter is supposed to come help me move furniture soon so ill try to get her to take a couple of pics then.
Mar, you doing ok today?
I'm trying to do laundry and bathe the fur babies and practice the wire technique we learned last night and still have the energy to do my exercise today. If I don't do it when I first get up I'm usually screwed. Tomorrow I need to take the car in and get the tires rotated and alignment. And see the acupuncturist again And get to dermatology appt then go to the house to work out there Friday, then get back to my daughters Saturday morni g to spend the day with her then come back to Apartment Sunday. Tomorrow is B's birthday which means it is exactly one month before I go to meet him in Vegas. I do not know where the last two weeks have gone. This is crazy. Does it seem to you that after Labor Day everything moves to fast forward and it's Christmas?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2013 : 3:06:58 PM
Hey farmgirls!
We are having yet another heat wave. 95 so far. What the heck? Got all my outside chores done early enough to not be bothered. And I have kept the house cool enough that I haven't had to listen to the drone of the air conditioner. It is the timeof year that all the bugs are on the screens in the morning trying to get the warmth. So a lot of them are slipping inside and that is so annoying.
Gypsy, the wire technique sounds fun. Makes sense that it would take many times to get it right. I like the idea of a contrast pant with denim - black, dark brown, whatever picks up the trim on the jacket. I'm sure you always look nice. I find it very hard to believe that you are fashion challenged.
Lovely to find bot eggs on the horse' legs this morning. Holly, you asked about bots didn't you? There aren't many and I think I will deal with them tomorrow (next day...). Soon! That's when I'll do it! Definitely, soon.
Well, ladies, enjoy these end of summer, beginning of Fall days to the fullest. No, it isn't the holidays yet! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2013 : 6:29:01 PM
Good evening everyone,
A lovely hot humid July day here in the Green Mountains. Something to scare off the impending frost. I spent the morning with two of the littles at the river behind the ball park catching crayfish. They were catching I was sitting enjoying the shade and flowering bushes. They had never done it before. I wanted crayfish for our pond. I want to create an ecosystem that may be sustainable. I put brown trout in last spring. I still need to get minnows and perch and sunfish.
This evening we put the chickens in crates to go to the slaughter tomorrow morning. Guess what the sky did this afternoon.............yup, it rained. The chicken pen was as slippery as snail snot. Lucky for us the chickens have been sleeping inside their house so it was very easy to catch them. We only had to chase five around the yard. It will be so much quieter in the mornings without those roosters competing for best lungs starting at 3:45AM.
I am glad the college figures out your place of residence, Bunny. I am very glad your sales are picking up. One out fit a week would be great. Two or more would be fabulous.
I think having a hawk circle to pounce on a chihuahua would be enough excitement for one day. My sister lived in a suburb in Columbia, MO and a hawk came and took a puppy of some small breed out of her neighbor.s yard while she had a sitter there. Wjild animals are opportunists. too.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2013 : 6:34:21 PM
Mar, we hit 88 degrees yesterday, that is almost 20 degrees above normal. Today was 82, tomorrow it is supposed to be 64, then 56 on Friday. Our weather has been up and down lately with rain almost daily. It does look like the temps will be in the 60s for next week, so it is time to put the summer clothes away for the year. What are bot eggs? Never had a horse, and never heard of bot eggs. Bunny, glad you are getting sales now. I am sure you will do very well if you can keep up making those great outfits. Gypsy, the jewelry classes do sound interesting. I have tons of jewelry parts to start making jewelry very soon. That is something I can do while we are on the road travelling. I bet you and B are both getting excited for next month. Then he will be there for 6 month? Cheryl, Hope you are enjoying your time with your grandson. I never had that chance. My grandson lives and was born in Texas, I only saw him 4 times and he is now almost 20!!!! He was 8 1/2 the last time I have seen him. He is my only grandchild, and I miss being a grandma to little ones. My son just retired from the army and has been in Texas for 22 years. Holly, How are the little ones doing with home schooling? I bet they just want to be outdoors all the time. I am going to try those cherry tomatoes too. I bet they are tasty. I have been busy designing crocheted animal hats. I am making a basic crocheted hat and modifying it to make all different animals. Right now I am making owl hats, hoping to get 40 of them made this week. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2013 : 6:41:16 PM
Holly, you posted while I was. The little ones sure are learning a lot being there with you. The will grow up to be very knowledgeable about farm life. It is good for them to get all that fresh air. I bet they will really enjoy the snow again this year, now that they know what it is. How many chickens will you have in the freezer? I am sure it will be very peaceful in the morning now with the roosters gone.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2013 : 10:05:28 PM
Janet, the owl hats will be really popular. They are so "in" this year. Jewelry does sound like a good RV craft. Bots are flies that lay eggs that can get stuck on animals legs. A nuisance really.
Holly, collecting poultry is better than a rain dance!
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