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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 : 5:42:14 PM
Well, this was suppose to happen. I just got an email from the managing editor. She just now opened up my red outfit. So they found me before opening it up. Pretty cool. Now if I can just stay calm and not screw it all up!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 : 7:27:40 PM
Wow thank you all so much, I don't understand the points either, all I really know is that each letter helps towards points, which help toward his mission trip next year...which will be his second year in school. Everyday ya'll bless me..even when I'm not here. I think of ya'll. Bless each of you.
Bunny, I love that rainbow skirt and the black velvet dress the are so very talented.
Holly, it seems from what I can remember, you always seem to get rain when you have stuff outside like that to do....those are some BIG turkeys....I hope everything works out and you don't get to
Thank you Bunny, Marianne and Holly, it really means alot to me.
David is doing well out there, but as a Mommy, I really miss him. I have talked to him alot and enjoy hearing his stories and how beautiful Pikes Peak is. He has finally found a place to live that will allow him to have his puppy. I love Drake alot but will be glad for him to go there.
We lost one of our other dogs since Sara, her name was Maley, she passed right after David left. He was a golden retriever...around 15, she was Jim's daughters dog. She has lived with us for the last 4 years. I can't remember if I told everyone about the new addition to the family, besides Drake that is. His name is Oreo a sweet little chihuahua pup. He was 15 months old when he came here. Here he is helping me driver the
I hope everyone has a great evening and thank you again...I will check back in tomorrow....
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 : 7:59:19 PM
You are, Bunny. You are going places. Submit the dress and the jacket. The jacket makes the dress so they should see it both ways. You are on your way, kiddo.
Penny, ditto from me. You have the old birthday list good luck to your son.
Denise, I've been wondering how you are, I know you must be beyond tired.
Cheryl I know exactly how's it is to try to diet, exercise or anything else when you have got other people in the house who have other needs you have to deal with. My stomach got so bad I was forced to get off the grains and that did it for me.
I'm only temporarily grounded fom the dancing. When i was exercising the other night I pulled the cartilage at my sternum - you know that dreadful little " pop". Then you say " oh, &!|#%**" because you know what you are in for. I did it a couple of years ago leaning over the back seat trying to pull something heavy. I do stupid things.
Holly I'm going to model Bunny's creations when I get the jacket and I can get my daughter or granddaughter to take the pics. Maybe she will hire me when she becomes rich and famous. Good luck with the turkeys I know what you mean about the rain. I've got a mover lined up for Friday to bring some big pieces to the apartment and don't you know it will be raining Never fails. Mar, my mom hoards food. She has a small kitchen but a big eating area that was intended to be a combination sitting room and she has it filled with 2 refrigerators, a big freezer and a bunch of cabinets. I counted 14 boxes of cereal on top of the fridges and freezer. There are canned goods everywhere and the fridges are stuffed till stuff falls out when you open the doors. There is food piled up on the table. Mind you she lives alone. They say people who lived through the Great Depression tend to do these things. My ex in laws were so tight and stingy and you ate leftovers at their house until every scrap was gone. They never got out of the depression mentality.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 : 8:08:49 PM
Penny and Bunny posted while I was writing. Penny that is a cute picture. I love my little fur babies so much I don't think I could live without them
Bunny, it just keeps getting better and better. Program positive. Don't let your subconscious hear you so much as think a negative thought. Your sisters have been telling you this was going to happen, so now that it has, don't doubt it. We all get good and bad to deal with. You've had the bad. Now it's good. Its time. Embrace it. Love it. Enjoy it. Don't doubt it believe it. You are smart, capable, talented, and you've worked your butt off. Tell yourself you deserve it because you do.
Man, I'm good on the soapbox today, aren't I.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 08:28:54 AM
You know despite being pretty excited at all this, I'm surprisingly calm at the same time. No big schemes being worked out in my head. Just the thought I get to keep doing this and it might be it. The thing I was brought here to do. I'm not even afraid of getting too busy. A little concerned about custom orders... I'm not too keen on those but it is part of the game and I need to buck up. The other thing that I keep realizing is that I did this all by my self. I have had some great opportunities before, but they were all through someone else getting it for me. And it never worked out. But this is all me. That makes it so much more real.
Thank you all for supporting me. I hope you can deal with me being a spazz for a while. I don't have another outlet for my excitement. I did sleep well last night too.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 09:00:58 AM
Bunny, I am so happy for you! I really hope this works out for you and your dreams of moving back to California come faster than you thought. I am having problems with my computer, the space button does not work correctly, it is driving me crazy. It is my laptop and I cannot afford to get a new one until next year. Hope it does not die on me before then. Guess I will have to connect a keyboard to it for now. The auction was a big one. My son got 5 truckloads of stuff. We were busy hauling back and forth for hours. Good thing the auction was in town. Penny, You can also include my address for your son. Praying that it all works out well for him. I gotta get off here for now, this thing is driving me nuts!!!! Have a great day!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 2:52:39 PM
Spazz all you want to, Bunny, you earned it! In fact, we'll all spazz with you, right, gals?
Janet, bummer about the computer, we like hearing from you.
Penny, dear heart, if you would, please ask your DS to make sure my name won't go on any solicitation list. I had to tell my mom to stop sending my name in for free magazines, etc because there goes my name on a bunch more mailing lists. One time I bought a book put out by Billy Graham. It was free or you could send a donation. I sent $20 because I didn't need a free book. I then received requests for donations at least weekly, if not more often, and I finally sat down and wrote a letter to Billy Graham personally and told him shame on him. I got off their list. I know he didn't read it but someone on his staff got the message. Same thing happened with PBS. I sent them one donation and then they would not leave me alone. I don't donate any more. I gave a lot when I could and now feel like I'm paid up.
I'm getting ready for the nice mover guys to show up and haul the same stuff back to Austin that they hauled out here from Austin a couple of years ago. They will be saying "yes, mam", and thinking "bats in her belfry".
I went to this acupuncturist/chiropractor not really expecting anything, had a session yesterday and one the day before. My complaints were the sacroiliac pain in the right hip and the insomnia. Then i popped the rib cartilage between the time i made the appointment and the time i was to see him. I was in a good bit of pain when i arrived and told him i was in too much pain for an adjustment. He said, don't worry, we don't do that anyway.
The first night I slept some better, but last night I got sleepy like a normal person and slept all night without waking up. Coincidence? He said once he got me sleeping my body would heal, that your body heals while you sleep. Interesting. He does not do the normal chiropractor thing, he just very gently presses up and down my spine, doesn't even really push, and his hands are real warm, almost hot through my clothes. Then he takes this thing that sends a vibration that I can not even feel, at various places around and in my right ear, my neck, and lower back. Says he does not use needles. He doesn't advertise, and has a poor location. Says people find him. I did, by turning in the wrong driveway looking for the hallmark store to buy B. a birthday card. I told B this and he said it was no accident. B has been spending 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening focusing on my pain and sending healing energy. He quizzed me very specifically about the exact location and I figured out that's why.
Normally a popped cartilage like this is extremely painful and takes weeks to recover. I can only describe this as speed healing. Almost well. It was a much bigger pop and much more excruciating pain than the one I popped two years ago, that one put me down, and wearing a corset for weeks. And, last July my then chiropractor busted two ribs loose while doing an adjustment, the corset again, and i hurt for months, really.
All I've done for this is take Aleve and see that dr, and of course have B doing his thing.
B will be 69 on the 12th. Exactly one month before we rendezvous in Vegas. I'm spazzing about that, Bunny. The rendezvous, not the birthday.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 4:00:32 PM
Talking about hoarding is making me want to go on a serious cleaning spree. Finally.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 5:29:51 PM
Penny, what a cute little dog! smart too... learning to drive even.
Gypsy, I sure hope you are all up to speed before your rendezvous! Interesting about B and his healing feelings. I was looking for the book you said you were reading and ended up buying a different book called "frequency". It totally called to me. I think what B is doing is based on this subject manner. We are all connected by electric energy. I talked to my son last night and had a terrible headache. Within minutes of talking to him, he said he had a headache coming on. The two of us have always had a strong connection. I felt like he was suffering from my spazz energy. I'm glad your back street guy helped your pains. I had an acupressure for a while. She just pressed on certain areas of my body. It was painful but it did help. Interesting how you found your guy.
Janet, I hope you can fix your computer! I hate it when something you can't afford to replace goes south.
The weather is stormy here. I'm feeling it I'm afraid. I was only able to get one dress done today. My nephew and his wife and son are going to be here tomorrow. He is in an iron man event on Saturday. We are expected to go and root him on. He has so much energy. Major ADHD. His little boy is 2 and my mother isn't very good with kids. Should be fun!
later all, I need to take some Aleve and kick back.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 5:45:42 PM
Gypsy, I have to tell you one more thing. I subscribed to the health newsletter you talked about in another post. Just now there was an article about how do you know when you have found your life's calling. right on. In the last few days, most of the things discussed are happening. ...twilight zone music cue in......
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 6:47:37 PM
Bunny, I was trying to figure out how to forward that article to you I'm glad you saw it! I immediately thought of you when I read it.
Yes, B believes its all about frequency. Time after time we will hit the send button on an email at the exact same moment and neither knew the other was writing. My son and I also have it. Mar and her daughter have it. It is there for all of us. Different ones of us call it by different names. It is the same. I think one of Holly's sons is a healer. I think that is what my back street acupuncturist is but people get so freaked out by what they don't understand so it isn't presented in that way.
But still, what would we do without Aleve.
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind is a good book too, it's been around for a long time. I picked my copy out of my bookshelf not long ago for some reason and took it back to the apartment to read again. This was several weeks ago. On impulse I asked B what he was reading because I knew he had just finished Sitchin's last book. He said, " I'm reviewing an old book called "The power of your subconscious Mind".
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 05 2013 6:49:12 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 7:10:35 PM
Good evening everyone,
Sending thoughts to the universe will get you what you ask for. So, you must be careful what you ask for and be ready to handle whatever comes from the asking. There is a shamanic healer in Montpelier. She is the granddaughter of a native healer who taught her when she was young. She grew up on a reservation in Oklahoma. If you google her name Susan Grimaldi she has a number of writings out. Anyway, she can heal from a distance. She asks her spirit animals to guide her and she does it. When she does a healing she does soul retrieval. I think it is a belief that when sad/bad things happen to a person a piece of your soul breaks off and hides to keep that piece from being hurt again. She tells the pieces it is ok to go back. It does not take away the remembering of the situation but it does insulate against the pain so it is not so intense and the soul can heal. I take my new children to see her so she can work her healing on them. It seems to take about six months for the healing to integrate itself. She does other healing as well but I am not familiar with them.
I once told a woman who was distraught because her son died in the care of her ex husband and he had the son cremated and then scattered the ashes without inviting her to the funeral, that eventually some of the ashes would come into her house because the wind blew them all over and the energy that was her son was still alive just transformed. It gave the woman comfort to know that her son would be with her.
Congratulations, Bunny. it will be exciting to know someone who has been featured in a magazine. You are an artist and an entrepreneur.
We did manage to catch all of the turkeys last night. The ground was slicker than snail snot. Today while I was up at the Poultry Processor a man asked me how did I know the Toms from the hens. I told him the little piece of noodle that was sticking out of the top of its beak told that it was a male. When the turkey was excited or strutting to get the female's attention then the noodle grew to hang over the beak and the head turned blue. I told him I did not know what it was really called but we called them nose dicks. He laughed and we all had a good time making more lude comments. The turkeys are all in the freezer now.
Jan I am glad the auction was a success for your son. I would guess it is interesting seeing what your son thinks is a re-sellable item. What is he going to do when you go journeying? He will surely regret losing a valuable helper.
So, Mar you need to put out to the universe that you want to sell your house and what offer would make you happiest. I think the hand in hand thought might be what kind of home you wish to acquire when the house sells. But, that might make the wish two sided and more difficult to coordinate the two to come to fruition at the same time. make any sense?
Denise, glad you popped in to let us know you are well.
Cheryl hope you had a good time with your grandson.
Penny- David seems to give you times for missing. Didn't he move north for a while and then back close? and now he is gone again. How did you garden do this year? do you put in hay for the horses. First cut was very late up here unless you were really quick in the beginning of June. some one said we had two rain storms this summer, one that lasted 28 days and one for 32 days. Some people did not get their first cut until the third week of July.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 7:17:20 PM
So, Bunny, I'm thinking MJ is going to see Altered Couture scooped you right out of her back yard. She could have gotten the scoop first.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 05 2013 : 8:44:43 PM
Janet I was thinking about your son and how he buys stuff like I have in my building. I wonder if he would have a suggestion of where I would find someone to just come get my stuff and sell it at auction. Would I just look up Auctioneers? Or Auctioneer Houses. I'd appreciate any information he might have.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 06 2013 : 4:53:05 PM
Gypsy, You would need to find an auctioneer to sell your things. Here they charge 25% of what they sell. If you go to, put in your zip code, there will show all the auctions in a radius of where you live. Look up the auctioneers and give one a call and see what they say. Good luck to you. Too bad you live so far away, or my son would be on your doorstep in a blink of an eye to buy it all outright!! LOL!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 06 2013 : 5:39:16 PM
Janet, thanks so much! I'll do that.
Bunny, I'm still so jazzed up about your big happenin's you'd think it was happening to me.
Holly, you gave me my belly laugh for last night. Bad enough you are murdering those poor dumb turkeys, do you have to discuss their nose dicks, too? And here's Penny teaching her dog to drive, what is this over 50 bunch coming to!!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 06 2013 : 5:46:30 PM
Holly, It is so funny that you told me to put out my thought about what would make us happy as far as an offer on our house. We just lowered the price, significantly, because we have been looking to see how much $$ we need to get what we need at this point in our life. Although, our realtor was somewhat surprised, he wholeheartedly agreed it would make the property "move." Dh has a saying that we try to keep in mind at times like this: Pigs get fat, hogs go to slaughter. Our interpretation in this instance is that although we deserve to get market value on our home, we would be happiest to have what we need and be able to move on. We don't need to make a killing on this sale.
Gypsy, I am working the energy/thought process as much as possible. I love that you have a Hands On Healer. The human touch is SO important. Just a touch makes you feel better, don't you think. In accupressure, it is common to just warm and press. I can't remember which way is which, but clockwise and counterclockwise denote tonify and toxify (?). One brings energy to the area and the other draws it away. So, you don't want to get them confused. Which is why the instructor also gave us the option to just apply pressure. (Thank Goodness! As you can see, I have them very muddled up!) Your and B's connection is going to be palpable when you get geographically close!
Holly, your son who is a healer...does that work for everyone or is it kind of like how some psychics can't really see for themselves/loved ones? That may sound like a crazy question and I don't mean disrespect. Just showing my ignorance about these things. I recognized Susan Grimaldi from reading and I always wondered how a woman with an Italian last name came to be who she is. I guess it is about being who you should be.
Oh, and do you have any idea how many times I have found it appropriate to use the term "nose dick" since reading your post? It's embarrassing really. Dh had a good laugh when I read your turkey tale to him.
Bunny, we are having the stormy weather today...are you sending more? It seems our weather comes directly from your area. I was thinking about your resistance to doing custom work. As I have said before, I don't blame you, it takes all the fun out of a project. But, what if you told certain valued customers that when you have something in their size, you will email them a photo and let them have first chance at it? It would make them feel special...
Long-story-short: Larry the LLama is back home... again.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 06 2013 : 6:30:24 PM
Holly, I'm having a good laugh at the turkeys. I'm glad you got them all without too much drama.
Gypsy, an auction would be the quickest way to get rid of everything. But don't expect to make a ton of money. Auctions are where you get bargains. Then with the house taking 25%, it can be a bit of a let down. I guess it depends on how badly you want to purge.
Marianne, I haven't looked at the weather report yet. It has to be nice tomorrow though because my nephew is in an iron man competition here. I'm not looking forward to the visit. He has ADHD really bad and can be a bit inconsiderate. He doesn't mean to be... But he is. He is very hard to feed also. His wife is on a strict diet and he won't eat so many things. My mom is making something different for everyone. Drives me nuts! I know there is something she could fix that everyone could eat. She just likes to have something to complain about. Her mother was the same way.
Marianne as far as custom work...I'm just going to buck up and do it. I'll get better at it and probably learn along the way.
Oh...they are here...bye.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 06 2013 : 7:10:23 PM
Good evening everyone,
My son.Leo, who is the healer makes people feel good. He does not try to heal everyone. He knows when someone is genuinely hurting and he will help them. If the person is hurting and has no interest in feeling better Leo will avoid them. Leo is non verbal. He was born 29 years ago at 27 weeks gestation. I believe that if he had been born even five later he would be talking because technology was that much better. I do not know how he does what he does. He is five feet tall. He will lean his head on someone's shoulder or he will rub a back a little. He makes headaches go away. he eases emotional pain.
Susan Grimaldi is a native american woman although she is blond and hazel eyed. She says all of her siblings are dark. Grimaldi was her married name. Now that she is divorced from the nasty man she was married too, she wants to take back her maiden name, which I can not remember, but all of her papers and research are published under Grimaldi.
Several years ago now there was, well it is still there. a house on the other side of town. Two families wanted it badly. The asking price was $275,000 when it finally sold the buyers had bid it up to $410,000. The sellers were very happy. Needless to say that bidding war helped raise the property values in town.
K and I have been cooking all day. Tomorrow is Rosh Hashanna in our house. Cheri usually does all the cooking but having limited standing time puts a crimp in her preparation ability. I made the Challah bread. One plain loaf and one with raisins. The difference between Challah and the bread I usually make is that it has eggs in it. Do you think a double yolked egg should be counted as one egg or two? They turned out very nice if I do say so myself. We also made mock chopped liver. I sauteed onions and mushrooms and then added garlic. Then I ground up walnuts and stirred them all together, salt and pepper to taste. It is for those people who can not abide gefilte fish.
K an I made pate as well from the turkey livers. We had five pounds of turkey livers. We will not use it for Rosh Hashanna. it has cream in it and we are doing a meat meal. Anyway, it made a lot of pate. We had never made anything like it before. I have three containers in the freezer and one in the fridge. I thought it was quite tasty and I am not fond of liver.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Sep 06 2013 7:11:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 07 2013 : 09:40:21 AM
I actually am one of seemingly few people who like liver. I like a good pâté but its so rich that a little dab 'ill do ya. They say goose liver makes the best pâté. My daughter has made some from chicken livers that was really good. I love fried chicken liver. When I was growing up and through my early adult years when we had our own beef, we fried bacon, then fried onions in the bacon drippings, then dredged the liver in flour after it had been soaked in buttermilk, and fried it in the remaining grease, then served it up with the fried onions and crumbled bacon on top. It was delicious. That was real country cookin. Aka stroke in a bowl. Maybe the turnip greens cooked in hog jowls balanced it out. People seemed to be fitter and live longer back then.
Have a good celebration or holiday, Holly. I know nothing about that particular tradition. I always counted double yolk as one and made it extra rich.
I know a number of people who are so emotionally invested in their ailments/weight/issues that they don't want to get better because then they'd have nothing to talk about. It's sad. I now realize when I can not help someone so I am strong enough to distance myself from them without guilt.
I'm resting today at my apartment and trying to figure out how my furniture grew bigger in that moving van. I didn't bring many pieces but its still too crowded. At least I can sell on Craig's list from here.
Hope everybody is having a great weekend.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 07 2013 09:53:08 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Sep 07 2013 : 5:16:58 PM
I like liver also, but do not get to eat it too often. Bob does not like it, or even the smell of it cooking, so I only have it once in a great while when we go out to eat and it is a special that day. We have really had some crazy weather here. The other day, Thursday, it got down to 33 degrees!!! Almost freezing. It warmed up to 62 degrees. Friday was 44 and 68, today it rained this morning, got up to 61 degrees, and it warmed up to 80 degrees and very humid and windy. This kind of drastic change is hard on the old body. I could hardly walk this morning. Seems like it is getting worse since I started taking glucosamine chondroitin almost a month ago. I worked yesterday, and it was busy. My son made about half the amount of money he spent at the auction 4 days earlier, so it is paying off for him to but that much, it is just so much for us old folks to have to help haul the stuff. He knows I will only be here for another year to help him, then he is on his own. I will miss it, but will am really looking forward to be on the road. We plan on doing craft shows and flea markets at different stops along our travels. I have one year to finish all of my projects on my to do list and get it ready for sales. Bunny, have you been able to keep busy sewing more items for your shop? I do hope you hear from the magazine very soon. I am thinking that the red dress will be a great one for their Valentine issue. Did they give you any hint as to when they will notify you, if at all? Gypsy, hope you will manage to arrange all of your furnishings to make a cozy apartment. Sometimes it looks like too much, until you move things around in a different position. If not, like you said, Craig's list. Holly, Glad you got the turkeys all taken care of and put in the freezer. I too had a big laugh over the nose dick comment. Penny, hope you were able to send your son a lot of addresses. Hope he meets his goal. Your puppy is so cute. He does look like he is enjoying his driving lesson. So funny. I have been picking a lot of tomatoes from the garden. Tonight I had a fresh tomato sandwich, one of my favorites. Can't beat a tomato fresh from the garden. Looks like I will be able to freeze a lot for sauces, etc. The rest of my garden did not faire too well this year. We had such a cold and dreary summer this year. I do not think I will be planting one next summer, with Bob retired then, I am sure we will be on the go a lot more than we are now. Mar, I do hope you sell your house fast and will be able to move before the cold weather approaches. How wonderful would that be to have Christmas close to your daughter!!!! Denise and Cheryl, hope things are going well for the both of you and you are enjoying your weekend. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 07 2013 : 5:55:26 PM
Janet, your weather is crazy! Too cold for me for sure.
The magazine only does 4 issues a year. I have no idea when I'll hear from them. The deadline for submissions is sept. 15. I assume if they are interested in either of the outfits I'll know by the end of September. They just send the ones they don't want back. If they want them, they will let me know because I'll have to write an article for them too.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 07 2013 : 7:49:53 PM
Hi Ladies, I really hate Windows 7!! I had typed a whole novel again and was almost done and hit a key and poof. The whole thing vanished! This has happened to me more times than I want to count. I wonder if Win8 does this too? Anyone know because I am ready to upgrade if they've fixed that little quirk.
Holly, I hope you had a wonderful holiday! I laughed my butt off at turkey nose dicks. It's really called a snood but I like nose dick much better. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation LOL. How fantastic that your brother is a healer. The human touch is truly a wonderful gift and we're hot wired to need it. When it's used to make another feel comfort it is magical.
Bunny, of course you're damned talented! WE keep telling you that woman. One of these days some famous person will see your stuff and the next thing you know you'll be so in demand you'll have to hire help. That happened to one gal who sold purses on Etsy. The actress Susan St. James saw them and bought 5 of them just before Christmas one year. Her business literally exploded. Just you wait, Bunny, your Susan St. James is coming!
Mar, I think we're related. My mom was a hoarder too. Of EVERYTHING! She filled up every room of the house, garage and several outbuildings. After she passed I stayed on an extra month and my sisses and I cleaned out 5 truckloads of nothing but junk that went to the dump. We also donated dozens of bags full of clothing to Goodwill as well as donating bags of old linens to the Animal Shelter for their bedding uses. One of my sisters filled her car with clothing she could wear as well as afghans. She also took a small clothes dryer. This was all from a small bedroom. One room. So I totally understand. Also flip your laptop over and give it a good smack. Might just be a crumb stuck under the spacebar. Don't ask me how I know this...LOL You can also try using a q tip and some rubbing alcohol to clean the keys.
Janet, I hear you about the silly weather. Was hot and humid here today too. We're to have storms overnight and lower 70's with no humidity tomorrow. I stayed in today but hope to get out of the house tomorrow and maybe do a little shopping. I'm glad you had a good time at the auction with your son. They're so much fun to go to. I love listening to the Auctioneers.
Gypsy, I'm glad you're getting some relief from acupressure. I totally agree that the human touch can be very healing. There is very much a mind-body connection and gentle healing touch soothes and reassures our minds that all will be well. I got my YMCA membership over the weekend and found out that as a member I can have a full body massage for $37 so I plan on treating myself a few times. They also have a wonderful heated jacuzzi in the women's area that I can hardly wait to sink into....awwwwwwww.
Penny, I think you said your son needed the letters sent by this weekend? If not you can have him send to me too. Just let me know and I'll give you my address. He's so lucky to be living in Colorado. Such beautiful country. You definitely can feel God's presence in those mountains. Simply breathtaking.
Denise, I hope you're having a lovely September. I'm sure you're busy as a bee. It was lovely to see you'd posted. You're missed :)
Okay, retyped my least as much as I can remember. Have a lovely Sunday sisters.
Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |