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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  2:14:30 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, one more thing. Could you go to my etsy site and post a review? I know people look at them.



Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  2:36:21 PM  Show Profile
Oh that sounds like it was a homerun! Gypsy sounds thrilled with it. Bunny, I know you are so happy right now. And I can't tell you what a big smile I had reading your exchanges. I like curious orange cat, but the upcycled by bunny is very good. Tough decisions about branding.

Maybe your camera is good enough and it is just a human figure you need to fill out the clothes ... I have always liked how Coldwater Creek never shows models, though. But, I was wondering if the difference everyone is speaking of is the difference of seeing it on... Like I said, I like no models - it's easier to imagine it as yours!

Dh just went out to check if a bird accidently committed suicide on our windows or escaped with being very stunned. Sometimes the big windows have a big drawback. "Someone" has to clean those feathers off, too.

Hope everyone is doing well. Janie it was so nice to hear from you. I didn'tknow you were thinking of having hand surgery. I considered it last year and decided against it. The pain has subsided as the thumb joint has naturally fused itself. Of course, there is limited movement, but I can knit and sew again.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  3:30:00 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, sounds like you are covering all the bases. I like the cat theme you've got going on a lot too. You know what you are doing.

You know how in some catalogs the clothes look so great, but when you get it, it's really cheap looking? It's like nothing ever really looks as good as the picture. But in your case it Is the opposite. There's nothing wrong with your pictures and the clothes do look really good, it's just that the clothes are such high quality, No one should be thinking thrift shop with your product.

I'm headed out for a bead class. I will try to do the review later tonight though.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  5:32:56 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, did you get the little extra I put in the box?

Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  7:09:32 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I'm back and I went to your shop but I didn't see how to write a review. I will be happy to write one if I can figure out how. I'm a bit tired tonight so maybe in the morning it ill be obvious.

We made two pairs of earrings tonight. One pair with just one bead and a second pair with two beads. Simple stuff but takes a bit of practice to make the loops look professional. Guess what my DD and GD will be getting for Christmas this year. I just enjoy taking classes for some reason. It gets me out of the house and keeps my brain working. There were only two other people, both young women with small children who just needed to get out of the house too. The instructor is a very entertaining and intelligent woman so it was a nice evening.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  7:14:36 PM  Show Profile
Hey, bunny, yes, I did get that very clever pin. I meant to mention it but got sidetracked telling you how to run your business!
Thank you so much!
You always do give a little extra-- something very unusual in this day. You are a wonderful person, Bunny, and I am proud to call you friend.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 03 2013 7:15:37 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  7:54:41 PM  Show Profile
Marianne, your bird story was so funny, but probably not so much for the bird

When I lived up in the mountains in Northeastern Georgia we had big windows and this female cardinal fell in love with her own reflection and would fly into the windows over and over for days. My DH named her Excedrin and she would appear daily and just knock herself silly flying into her own reflection. Every afternoon about the same time, we would start hearing, "thunk,thunk" and he'd say, "Well, Excedrin's back". I don't think she ever killed herself, but she sure made a mess.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  8:03:52 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I think you click at the top right at "your account" and click " purchases" . You might be able to leave a review that way.

Thank you for your kind words. I wish I had friends like you closer to home. Hope you get a good nights sleep.



Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  8:05:42 PM  Show Profile
That is on your etsy page, not mine.

Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

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Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  8:16:18 PM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Evening ladies :)
A short post before bedtime as I have my grandson in the morning early so I need some sleep and didn't get much last night. My stupid brain just refuses to stop talking to itself sometimes LOL.
Routine drs. appt. today and got my butt chewed nicely about my weight and needing to exercise more. So I went into which I'd used in the past but need to get myself back on track. It's such a great site with motivational exercise videos and you can even sign up for your own personal coach. I also love how you can journal your daily intake which even lets you know the vitamins and minerals in your daily intake. Still haven't gotten to the yoga yet as hubby has been home and appt. today but hopefully sometime this wk.
Holly, A bull snake in the nesting box would have scared the crap outta me too! We used to have lots of them at that old farm and every time I'd almost step on one it would make me yelp and jump. I'm not afraid of snakes and will handle them but it's the startle factor that gets me initially.
Gypsy, I don't have your post about your ribs either but gather something has happened and you're in pain. I hope that resolves quickly for you and doesn't mess up your dancing. My folks weren't the hugging or cuddling type either. Dad also drank more than he should have in his younger days and many an argument ensued when he'd get home. I've managed to forgive them for any hurts as I think they did the best they could. Neither of them came from super loving families either. I think people back then were raised differently and being stern was the norm versus the oddity. When I was in nurses training I began learning about "dysfunctional" families and a light bulb went on for me. It helped me realize that I had "refrigerator" parents and I began to realize I didn't need to be like them when I had a family of my own. I was a hugging, kissing, praising mother and have been told I did a great job raising my kids. Actually it was my oldest son who has told me that. I wear that like a badge of honor :)
Bunny, I'm glad Gypsy loves her new top so much. You really need to have more confidence in yourself. Everything you've shown here is just gorgeous. Whatever you choose for your marketing label will be perfect. I like all the names you're tossing about so go with what calls to your heart the most.
Mar, glad the drunken bees got emptied and no one got stung. I'm getting tired and beginning to ramble and can't remember now what else you posted. Grrrrr @ me.
Janet, Hope you're getting some of the less humid and cooler air now. Was 45 here at 7:30 this morning. Just lovely.
I forget now how to spell the lady's name who has been MIA but dropped in to say hi. Think it started with a J....I'm happy to meet you and wish my mind hadn't left me now. I also hope you get some relief from the pain in your hands. Guessing it's most likely arthritis?
Okay ladies.....much more than a short post. I managed to get to the rambling and forgetting stage so time for bed. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Sep 03 2013 :  8:54:01 PM  Show Profile
Cheryl, it seems quite a few of us had dysfunctional families. My parents both had drinking problems. However, my mother also had an issue with going after husbands of other women. My parents would have some pretty knockdown fights too. My mom will tell you she was a battered woman. But I was there. Her and my dad would get really drunk and then my mom would want to go to a bar and my dad would say they had drank too much and try to keep her home. She would fight him and then claim he beat her up. However, despite my dads drinking he was a good father. My mom should not have had children. She didn't have a very loving mother either. I suffered terrible emotional and physical abuse from her. To have to end up here living with her after so many years...I feel like God is punishing me somehow.

As far as having confidence in my creativity, that's a long story. But sales are my measure of success. When someone is willing to part with their money for one of my creations I know I have done well. In the past I get close to success and then mess it up by being obsessed with perfection and usually drive the one person I need crazy with questions and the need to get it right. This time, I allowed myself one email to the magazine for a question and promised myself I would just figure the rest out on my own.

Ok, enough of my insecurities. Right now, I look at my creations and say " damn I'm good! ". I know I'm doing good work.

Off to bed.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  11:04:16 AM  Show Profile
Bunny I can not find how to write a review. I looked every where. I don't see the top I purchased or I would think there might be a space there to comment, but I don't know. Soon as I figure it out I will do it. There might be something you could add to the site that says write a review, I think I've seen that on other sites.

You are right, girl friend, you are damn good!

Cheryl it is always good to hear from you. You are a wise woman. I always appreciate what you have to say. Your words somehow feed my spirit.

This site does somehow seem to be a place for spiritual bonding as most of us have never met and likely never will, we are from every walk of life, yet share so many thoughts and feelings, we come from many different backgrounds, grew up in different places, might not share religious views and don't always agree, but we are all sisters in spirit. and best of all, this seems to me to be the safe place where we can all come and share our stories and know we will receive acceptance and understanding without judgment. Whether you post once a day or once a year, you know you will be welcomed here. Maybe that is what being over 50 is all about.

Gypsy soapbox.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  11:16:01 AM  Show Profile
Ok, a big DUH!! I went back and read your directions again, bunny, and this time it worked..............third time's the charm..........when all else fails read the directions...........

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  11:21:15 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy.... lol. Glad you found it.

Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  11:25:32 AM  Show Profile
I see you've got free shipping for Sept. I'm going to take advantage of that and order that jacket I've been coveting.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  11:25:59 AM  Show Profile
Thank you for a awesome review!

Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  12:24:59 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, your shop looks better and better. It is quite surprising how much more substantial your items appear now that you have 50- oops! 49! You were so right to fill out your inventory. I love the darker "steampunk" items you have started turning out. You are damn good! (Rumor has it.) I can't think of a better representative for your brand in the greater Austin area than our gal, Gypsy! Congratulations, Bunny, your hard work is sure to pay off. You are correct in feeling quite validated when someone will part with their money for one of your creations. But, please believe us when we tell you you have talent and don't give up.

Gypsy, you captured the spirit of our group so well. It perked me up just reading it to know I am not the only one who has come to depend on this thread for a good dose of pats on the back, comforting hugs, a good laugh and sometimes sadness to the pit of my stomach.

We have had a few people through the house, but still no offers. :( The Neighbor situation has me ready to pack up. I don't say anything to dd about what happens here, but I could go for some neighbors that I can just be acquaintances with! I don't feel like I would be selling the house to someone and leaving them with bad neighbors. That isn't the case. These people are just fine as far as being neighbors. It is just that they want to be/assume they are family. And are therefore entitled to all the courtesies and help that goes with being related. Which we aren't.

Cheryl, I hope you are having a great day with your grandson. How young is he? I am assuming younger than schoolage? So many people dread going to the doctor because of their weight and the guilt that goes with the lecture. Good for you for taking care of yourself and keeping the appt. It seems that most of us want to increase or at the very least maintain the level of energy. It is generally always on MY wish list!

Since everyone comes from a dysfunctional family, it is always just shades of dysfunction that separates us all, how freaked out to you gals get when you hear or recognize that you are doing something that just reminds you of the way your parents did things? My folks were hoarders and they always said, "Put it there, for now." I can't even utter that phrase! I will always say, "Put it on the table and then I will move it by dinnertime." or "Just put it where you want to keep it right now." or "Don't just set that down and leave it there!" And NOTHING can be placed on the top of the refrigerator. My folks had a mountain of paperwork on top of theirs. I remember cleaning out their basement before they died and finding paperbags (many!) full of folded paperbags. I can understand that you might want to keep some paperbags handy, but we are talking about hundreds of neatly folded paperbags that were covered with dust and cobwebs and who knows what! Good grief, don't throw those out. We might need them. And then I came home and went deep into the closet that is under the staircase ... pulled out a paperbag and almost died when I saw it was full of folded paperbags! (In my defense, there was only ONE bag full of bags.) Still ...

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True Blue Farmgirl

1266 Posts

Washington GA
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  1:05:36 PM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Oh Bunny that is beautiful!!!

I have been so busy girls, working on my two hats for the crochet hat contest and selling my Wizard of Oz collection on Ebay to raise money for my son for Charis Bible College, he is still looking for a job in CO. But I know God will provide.

I have missed being here but haven't really had anytime to drop by the last couple weeks, now that the hats are finished I think I can continue putting things on EBAY and come by here more often.

I did see when I came on where everyone was saying things to Bunny so I searched to find out what she made. I love it...I plan on going back and reading more then will be back to comment on others.

I have a request, David is having to send out letters asking for prayers for a walk a thon which will give him points for each letter he sends out. NO DONATION is required but maybe ask. BUT what really matters is the prayers and points for each letter. I don't have many friends to ask if he can send a letter too but I do know that I can count on some of you. AGAIN, even if asked DONATIONS aren't required, just him mailing each letter out is. It will go to the points for his MISSION TRIP next year. I have to have them to him by the weekend, I would love to be able to help him I said he gets points just for sending them out not for anything else.

Thank you all so ya'll will be back soon after I read the many pages I need to, to catch up

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  2:33:42 PM  Show Profile
Well, Gypsy you are good luck! I just got an email from
Altered Couture Magazine asking me if I want to submit one of my dresses for their publication. I don't know if this is in response to my red outfit or not. They might not have even seen it yet. I... am... so... JAZZED!! It is my little black dress they like. Not sure if they want the jacket that matches or not. I think I have a picture of it on one of my posts somewhere.

Happy Dance!!!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  3:19:23 PM  Show Profile
Penny, your son can mail me one of his letters. I don't have any money so prayer is the least I can do.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  3:24:14 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, that black dress is my favorite. CONGRATULATIONS! You are famous in my book. I have never known an artist that has been asked by a national publication for a submission. You should be walking on air. I am so happy to celebrate this victory with you, dear friend!
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  3:25:21 PM  Show Profile
Penny, you have my address ... you may pass it on to your son. Hope his campaign for school is going well.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  4:12:59 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I may not have a lot of time this evening because two people are supposed to be coming to help me load the turkeys into the back of the truck to go to the slaughter house tomorrow morning. They are quite big right now. The males should be around 25 pounds or more. The females a little smaller. So, guess what happened tonight? It rained for about a half hour. Just enough to make sure the pen is good and mucky. It is a tradition for the weather to slick up the guano for the morning of the capture.

Bunny I am so glad that your creations are enjoyed. I will try to draw a cat standing on its hind legs reaching up to grab something. I am not so good at 2D art so it may end up comical. Maybe there is a line drawing on line that you could pilfer and adapt.

Gypsy a picture would be in order.

We have not had birds fly into the windows in quite a few years. Maybe it is because the children have mucked them up so much they no longer reflect the clouds and blue sky. I did cut the wings off a partridge that committed suicide and spread the wings to dry in the sun to make fans.

When I was a teenager my mother told me that she was going to curse me by telling me I would have a child that whined. I do not remember whining But, she must have thought I did. She also would tell me to pitch my voice lower. I did not think I spoke in a high pitched voice either. Cheri calls to my mother when she is outside to tell her I have learned my lesson and she can stop the curse anytime. We have a couple of whiners and they are truly obnoxious. I also remember her telling us to stop crying or she would give us something to cry about. I have tried very hard not to say this or do it and thought I had done well until J told me that I had said it when he was young. I thought I said it to E not him. Yes, there are sayings anyway that are carried with me from my youth. My father was a work a holic. My sister said to me, Dad might not have been around much but at least he did not abuse us sexually or physically. I agree Mar. Dysfunction is all in shades.

Penny your son could send a letter to me. I do not understand what points are for. Does he win a prize or a select placement?

Cheryl I hope you had a good time with your grandson. Are your leaves starting to turn yet?

Jan how was the auction. Did you and your ds find any fun items?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  4:21:08 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, Your site looks great!
I have been very busy with family visiting and birthdays going on. Been trying to catch up with everyone here. Have to go read all the posts.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Sep 04 2013 :  4:27:20 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I think I found a vintage drawing I like. I had to pay a little for the rights to use it...not much $15.00. But I like it. It is a cat looking up at a flying bug of some kind. I just sewed a patch on gypsy's new jacket. We will see if she likes it.
Good luck with the turkeys. I have a feeling it will be quite an event to get them in the truck.

Denise, nice to see you here! Rest up. We aren't going anywhere.


Farmgirl number 3738
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