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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 29 2013 : 2:55:07 PM
Bunny, it is lovely. I think I would be beyond proud if I produced something that elegant. Fingers crossed,, hon. Your time will come!! Mar
Janet, I hope your weather is better and your comfort and energy level is back. You are such a trooper and so rarely mention your challenges.
Holly, you have a great plan for the school year! Your children are very fortunate to have such a curious and intelligent mother to lead them through their studies.
mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2013 : 4:20:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
The barn areas are full of wood. I am finished putting it in for this year. I will need to pile up the extra out of the sledding paths but that will not take more than an afternoon. We have the hay in, the wood in and we are set for the winter. By the end of October all of the meat will be done and in the freezers. All of the other jobs are gravy now.
I parked the two cars and truck in a row along the edge of the road. K practiced her parallel parking. It is her one worry in taking the driving test. She will do fine and we will both feel better when it is finally over.
Sirloin steak and zucchini fries for supper. They were both delicious..
Bunny you have outdone yourself on that red outfit. It is stunning.
Mar I think your dh has too long of a memory when it comes to oopses. You could dump the bucket in the night when the bees are gone or asleep. If your dh is worried about your doing the job he could be encouraged I am sure in some flattering way of which you are a subtle expert. Anyway. He could put elastics around his long sleeves and long pants so the lovelies could not crawl up them. If one does happen to die in the process save it for your dd's love. Create a nice short story and glue it in a shadow box in a home made book.
Jan I hope breathing is easier for you soon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 29 2013 : 4:44:46 PM
Holly, Thanks for the smile. A short story with shadow box is such a good idea! The bucket o' bees has been dumped. I wonder what critter will challenge the bees/wasps for the lovely peaches.
Time to think about dinner! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 29 2013 : 8:05:35 PM
Hi, girlfriends, it's late and I'm tired - so just a quick check in and I'll catch up tomorrow
Want to mention that I subscribe to an online newsletter called mindbodygreen. That has about 4 short articles a day about health and I've learned some surprising things by reading this. Some of you with chronic pain might be interested. I know we are always looking for answers or anything that might bring some relief.
I am finally going to an acupuncturist. Next week to see if he can help me with my sleep issues. He is also a chiropractor and takes Medicare.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 30 2013 : 5:57:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am trying to think what I have done today. I guess I puttered in the kitchen a good share of the morning. I made bread yesterday but I forgot about it too many times so it did not rise right. The loaves ended up being short and heavy so I made another set today. I had thought to use yesterdays loaves to make bread crumbs and was cutting it into slices that would fit into the food processor when it dawned on me that I could make garlic bread sticks. So, I did. They were a big hit with the children. Except G who asked what they were and I told him spider legs. He said he would not want any.
Cheri is healing although I took her on a hot date to the grain store and creemee stand and she is wiped out now. She says who would have thought sitting in the truck would cause her to be so tired and in so much pain? She is taking her dilaudid regularly this afternoon and evening after all that excitement. She had been weaning herself off.
We had cod, cucumber slices and garlic bread sticks for supper.
I was telling C late in the night that we had not heard any coyote howls or owl calls all summer. She said she had heard the owls. I was out at dusk tonight bringing in the cows when the coyotes set up their bone chilling yipping and way off to the right I hear an owl.
All of the tomatoes are ripening now. The small sunflowers are flowering and two of the ten foot tall sunflowers are in bloom. They are pretty but they do signal that the end of the hot weather is on its way.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
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Posted - Aug 30 2013 : 6:29:50 PM
Hi Ladies :) Mar, Have you ever seen the Time Traveler's Wife? There is a scene in that movie where the slightly older version of the couple's daughter comes back in time to tell her younger self about her father's death. It's a rather touching scene but beautifully envisions your thoughts. I would imagine all of us have moments in our lives where we wish we could journey back in time to help our younger selves through a tough time. I can only imagine how scared your younger self must have been @ the time of your spine surgery. I'm so happy that your surgery was a success and you're able to be with us here today :) Holly, My goodness you are one very busy lady. With so much violence in our schools I think more and more families are choosing to home school. Quality time spent as a family learning together is wonderful. I wish it had been an option available to me when my sons were younger. I worry about my little grandson who will start kindergarten next year. I'm sure his mother will send him to public school and all I can do is pray he'll be safe. Life is so much different now and not for the better. I know with your garden producing so wonderfully and turkeys to fill your new freezer there will be no hungry tummies at your house this winter :) Bunny, You've done it again! Another gorgeous outfit. I'm amazed at how fast you whip out such gorgeous clothing pieces. I hope that you get chosen for the magazine. Everything you've shown here is oozing talent and creativity. You definitely deserve it. Janet, I hear you on the weather. It is a bit cooler here tonight so hoping you're benefiting too. I know from Labor Day on it looks like we'll be in much better shape with temps in the 70's and humidity much lower. I can't cope with the humidity either and stay inside in the AC when it's like this. I wish I could say I love summer but I honestly don't. I have to spend so much of it inside as I just can't take the heat/humidity. It's probably a good thing my garden is now just a small one as I'd not be able to keep up otherwise. Gypsy, I hope you know that many of us are living vicariously through you whenever you post about your dancing nights. Gosh I miss getting out and dancing. Maybe I need to just turn on the TV to CMT or something and shake a leg. It would be good exercise for me as long as I don't kill myself LOL. I did receive my Yoga CDS but have yet to have time to pop them in and try them out. Hopefully Monday since hubby has to work that day. I'd prefer to see how uncoordinated I am when no one is around to witness my awkwardness. Me wallowing around on the floor isn't anyone's idea of pretty. LOL. I don't have my grandson till Wed. this coming week so I can play a bit. Think I'll load up Netflix and watch some old seasons of Vampire Diaries. I have a mega crush on Ian Somerhalder. Tall, dark and handsome Ian floats my boat. Don't tell hubby on me please...big grin. Have a safe holiday weekend girls. Huggz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 30 2013 : 7:04:21 PM
It rained almost all night, then today it was windy and only got up to 75, so much more pleasant, except it was hot in the store today. Right now it is getting real windy and it is only 59 degrees. It feels so good. Better sleeping weather for sure. A note about home schooling. We did not have that when my children were young either. And they do have school of choice here, so they can go to a school out of town, if that is their choice. There was a woman and her boyfriend here that were supposedly homeschooling her 8 year old son. They never did check up to see how he was doing. 7 years later, this past April, a family member called the police because they were concerned for the boy, they have not seen him in years. The police found him in the attic tied to a chair, only in his underwear. The poor boy was locked up in the attic for 7 years, sexually abused and tortured. He was given one meal a day and he was tied up to a chair inside a bathtub, so when he had to go to the bathroom, he had to go right in the tub. His hair and nails were that long since cut. The boy now has very bad psychological and social problems and will probably never be normal again. The mother and boyfriend both pleaded guilty and were just sentenced last week. They both got 25-50 years in prison. They are now 47 and 48 years old. I don't know why they do not monitor homeschooling here, but this is an example of what could happen and nobody even know that the kid was not in school. What a tragedy for that poor boy. Cheryl, Hope the yoga CD's are going to work for you. Gypsy, you sure are on the right track for staying healthy and fit. What a great example you are for the rest of us. We are all dancing through you. Bunny, I too think that last dress is a winner. I do hope they select you for their magazine. Mar, glad you got the pail of fruit empty and the bees are hopefully gone. Holly, how fortunate for you to have a lot of your fall chores done and out of the way. You and your family will be warm with full tummies this winter, that is good. My sunflowers did not grow this year. We were too cold for too long for a lot of things to not grow this year. I need to get my herbs transplanted and into the house before the frost hits. I bring them in and grow them on a windowsill. They go a little dormant, but pick up in the spring when we have more sun again. I do not have to work tomorrow, but Sunday my son is going to a big auction and Bob and I will go there to help haul all the goodies. I am glad it is right in town. Hope all have a great holiday weekend.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 31 2013 : 08:38:32 AM
Thank you everyone for your encouraging comments. A note though, I only take something already made and just fidget with it a bit. Today is $5.00 bag day at the Salvation Army. The highlight of my month. I also was invited to my old coworker's house from the college library. We are going to photograph rescue kittens for the website and I believe do some canning. It will be nice to get out and do something with a new person. I don't have too many friends here. I'm looking forward to some socialization.
Cheryl, I think we all wish we could go back and talk to your younger selves. I have made so many mistakes in my life! Basically surrounded around money issues. I feel you with the yoga. I want to do yoga in our living room but don't need my mother watching.
Janet, glad your weather has cooled off. I would love the cooler temps myself. I saw it was suppose to get in the 90's here this coming week. I pretty much live in the basement.
Gypsy, are you out there?
Later all. Have a great weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 31 2013 : 10:45:08 AM
Hi everybody I am here but a bit under the weather. Hopefully better in a few days. It is so dreadfully hot except for early in the morning Bunny I hope the top will be there when I go back on Monday It most likely arrived yesterday and I left late Thursday. If it was mailed in a soft pkg it will fit in the apt mailbox but if it was in a box I don't know what they do. Maybe they will leave it at the office. I am looking for a favorite pair of jeans to wear with it but can't find them. I don't know how I misplace clothes but somehow I do. The red outfit is absolutely stunning. You were smart to submit such an eye catcher. Don't stop no matter what. You are on your path.
I'm already thinking about missing my privacy when my roommate arrives. I do my exercises in private too. And often wander about in the middle of the night. It will be so wonderful to have him that it will be worth it.
Wishing all of you a great holiday weekend.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 31 2013 : 6:14:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am not sure how the homeschool people here would check up on a child who was being abused like the one in the story. I guess a parent could submit a portfolio in the child's name and that would keep the authorities from looking for the child. There is a young woman who lives up the road who was not abused but her mother did not let her away from her to play with other children. I know that one time she tried a GS troop but hid crying under the table the whole meeting and did not return to another meeting. Now as an adult she worked at a local homebase business a few hours a day. I am not sure how she functions in public generally I do not see her that often to chat. I think the mother and father of that boy should be ....... well I do not know because if they were put in a jail cell and made to listen to children scream they would probably get off on it. Killing them would be too quick. castration, female circumcision by one of those African people who use cut glass. I could go on but you all do not need to be left with nasty visions. I have no patience or understanding.
I like to do my Tai Ch'i in private which limits my practice opportunities to very early in the mornings and I do not always wake up that early.
Bunny I hope the time with a new friend will work out to be repeated. I think if I were photographing rescue kittens I would have more than one to bring home. I used to have 12 cats but we are down to four. One mostly inside cat named Birdseed. She is a dark tortoise shell. Three mostly barn cats. One is Triscuit. he is orange. One is Skittles. She is orange and white. and Nuisance is a tortoise shell that is mostly black. she likes to bite faces at night while you are trying to sleep.
Gypsy I am sure that room mate is not an entirely accurate term for B. It sounds so platonic.
There used to be an auction every Saturday night up in Cabot. He sold some bulk lot junk and some very nice pieces. It was a fun time in the community. He must have been very disappointed when his son was not bright enough to continue and his grandson could not follow the patter. He did not spend any time on his grand daughter and she would have been the one to continue it. I hope you have a good time at the auction, Jan.
I have read the book called the Time Traveler's wife but I have not seen the movie. I liked the book. I thought the ending was sad.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 31 2013 : 10:23:51 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 6:43:25 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 01 2013 : 02:34:23 AM
The wonderful memories you gals have shared of bringing in water and eggs and the subsequent joy of having the new plumbing that got rid of the bucketing really made me smile. True farmgirls, that for sure. I certainly earned my farmgirl stripes differently! I was lucky enough to have always had the convenience of indoor plumbling, electric washers and dryers. I thought we were light ages behind everyone because we didn't have a dishwasher. Spoiled brat that I was!
I would have died reaching into a nest with a bull snake. And I'm not afraid of snakes! We didn't have any livestock growing up. My dad was a farmer not a rancher. He spent the day in the shop fixing tractors during the off season and on tractors during the season. He worked hard and started when his father died when my father was only 16. My father took over farming the land to support his mother and sister. Didn't finish high school. College education was a very important goal for my sister and I due to his circumstance.
The human touch is so healing. Gypsy you are very fortunate to have a big ol' touchy feely roommate coming to town soon! I hope the accupuncture is beneficial. I had a primary care physician in NY who also practiced accupuncture. He was very good, had studied for years in China. There was no denying that my body responded to it.
When my mom's ribs separated from the rib wall, she wore a "corset" that was prescribed by the doctor. Do you have something like that to support your ribs while they heal, Gypsy? I have heard it is much more painful than a broken rib. So sorry this will set you back.
My God, the atrocities people visit on children. Where do they even get such ideas to hold a child prisoner like that? I am with ya, Holly, death is too good for them. It just sickens me. Talk about being starved for human touch.
We had someone through to see the house on Saturday. Didn't expect anyone on the long holiday weekend. So, we really scrambled to finish up the cleaning up from the storm. It was a lot of work. So many pine needles. You couldn't look around and see that you had done anything. You had to look at how many bucketfuls you had already raked up to feel like you were getting anywhere.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 01 2013 : 08:10:16 AM
That's weird. Where did my post go? I know it posted because Mar commented on it and now I don't see it anywhere. The one about my roommate and my ribs. I came on here this morning and corrected a few mispellings from last night and I don't see the other stuff. Am I going nuts? I know this IPad does have a mind of its own.
I also said we carried buckets of water from the cistern that held water pumped from the windmill which is all we had. Now where the heck did that go.  
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 01 2013 08:13:49 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Sep 01 2013 : 2:46:27 PM
Either you posted it, G, or we are sharing hallucinations! I will never claim to understand technology. mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 01 2013 : 5:34:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
I also would have been very shocked to find a snake in my chicken boxes especially when I was younger. I would not have finished collecting the eggs that night. Now I am much better about surprises by the wild critters. We do not have poisonous snakes around here and I generally like to have the snakes around it shows me we have a healthy ecology. None the less a few days ago I was going out to feed the pigs when a black racer slithered by my feet into the tall grass. I jumped and my first thought was to get away from there my delayed second thought was to catch it to see what it was. it was the biggest snake I have seen here at all.
I do not have the post about the windmill bringing up the water or the sore ribs. It sounds like your parents were overwhelmed by all their responsibilities to have had enough energy to be compassionate parents. To some it comes easily to others not at all. Not excusing their lack of kindness just thinking. Now your mom is in that pattern and does not know how to get out even if she wanted too. and who knows if she even recognizes that it would be a choice for her life to be kind. Now I feel like I am rambling and making no sense at all.
I guess it would be too good to be true, Mar, that the first people to look at your house would snatch it up. But, it would be nice. I bet your house was lovely and the yard gorgeous with all the flowers.
Today, we stacked the wood that was left in the yard and would not fit in the barn. It was only two ten foot rows six feet high but it took B and I several hours. I had tried to stack the wood in a circle like a rising donut but one side fell down when it was about waist high. I have seen wood stacked like this at a couple of houses and the wood on top was made like a pointed roof. I thought it would be fun. Split wood is not tapered at one end so the layers would not lie flat, it kept tilting out and I tried to make it even but I was not successful. Oh, well. The job is done.
K took the littles and two of her friends swimming in the pond this afternoon. They had to pull one of the kayaks that the littles had put in the pond out. The littles always look so surprised when I catch them having done something they should not have like put the kayak in the pond and turn it upside down like how did I know it was them. They are funny sometimes.
C is healing. She over did her activity again today. She was putting little rings on this year's laying hens legs. Why was she doing this I do not know. It was something she decided needed to be done. So, she straightened her leg too much and is now regretting it. She has her ice and her pain killers on board.
I picked two gallons of cherry tomatoes this afternoon. There are more out there. Now what am I going to do with so many? Is it enough to make it worth boiling them down?
It was a lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the high seventies and moderate humidity. The morning was cloudy but by 10 or so the sky was clear and a brilliant fall blue.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 01 2013 : 9:22:17 PM
Holly, cut the tomatoes in half, drizzle with a little olive oil and sea salt spread them out on baking sheets and dry them in the oven. I did that one year. they were like having sun dried tomatoes all winter. Fabulous in soups and in pasta dishes.
Holly I try not to be too hard on my parents but my father was a mean drunk. Period. There is no excuse for hurting children and there is no excuse for failure to protect. I have forgiven them even though I would have respected them more had they asked for forgiveness which they never did. Mom figures they got Gods forgiveness so they don't need ours but we all four carry the scars each in our own way. I discovered self help books when I was in my early 30s which helped me cope more than my siblings. I think. My oldest brother harbors anger and bitterness, and I've already told about the two younger ones trying to self destruct.
I am reading a very interesting book by David Wilcock called The Source Field Investigations. I can't put it down. Mar it explains why you know when your DD is about to call.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 01 2013 9:29:35 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Sep 02 2013 : 5:40:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
Gypsy I will try the tomato drying that you suggest. I have a food dryer that my brother gave to me so it should work well. I will have to get some cheese cloth to put in the dryer on the shelves. I tried parchment paper when I did the blue berries and I think that obstructed the air flow so it took a long time for them to dry.
Today it rained off and on all day. It was overcast. The thermometer read 71 degrees but it felt chilly. When the sun is out 71 degrees is very warm.
C and G want to make applesauce but they are only picking the scrawny apples and less than a dozen. Tomorrow we will make and effort to get them some sizable apples and enough to fill their bowls.
I hope everyone had a nice day and weekend.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Sep 02 2013 : 8:15:50 PM
Gypsy, I requested that book from my library. And I hope to try your tomato recipe when we get too many tomatoes ... soon. Everyone just has to try to make different mistakes than their parents. You are lucky to be at a place that you have forgiven. I have been able to accept that my parents were flawed people, just like me, but somethings are still so bothersome to me...
Holly, good luck finding sizable apples so you aren't spending all day just coring and peeling! And hooray for you that you can still outsmart those youngsters. Why would you think it was The Littles who set the kayak adrift? We also had an overcast day and are forecasted for seven days of unsettled weather. The tomatoes may stall out on the ripening for a bit.
Has anyone taken a look at The Sister Issue? I was just strolling through and clicked on the link for Magnolia Pearl, who I guess supplied the clothes for MJ's photo on page 6.It was a very difficult website to navigate, but what I found so surprising is the fact that a tattered shirt goes for about 250 to 300 dollars. That seems well outside of most farmgirls' budget. And that is why Bunny needs to be featured at some point.
Just sayin' Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Sep 03 2013 : 09:01:11 AM
Mar, I have seen the magnolia pearl clothes. I'm not sure I like them. a little too baggy for my taste, and yes they are very expensive. I would love Maryjane to feature me. I think though I don't have a definitive style yet. I'm kinda all over the place right now. Maybe some day.
Gypsy, did you get your top? Does it fit? Do you like it?
Hope everyone had a good weekend. I spent it sewing of course. I'm finally up to 50 items. No more sales though. Trying to hold the course. Having a hard time finding room for everything.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2013 : 10:35:43 AM
hello gals! sorry for being away for so long but the summer is the busy time at work and this summer has been the worst. finally putting mom's house on the market...still have a few things to do but that is ok, just cannot keep paying the utilities and insurance payments and the taxes are coming..sigh. and my hands are getting worse--hopefully will have the surgery this year on at least one of them. cannot play the piano, sew, crochet, even hold a book for very long and you would not believe how long this is taking me to type...but you know what? GOD is so good to me, HE is so faithful and true and i love HIM so to rest my hands so see ya later gals! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2013 : 1:03:06 PM
Janiee, good to hear from you. Sorry your hands are giving you trouble. Wishing the best for you
Bunny, I got back to my apartment last night and there was a note in the mailbox that the package was left at the office. So I just got it on my way out this morning and just now got to try it on.
Bunny, I don't like it---- I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!!!!!! It fits like it was custom made for me. It is such nice quality and the workmanship is the BEST! And, it's a one of a kind! The picture does not do it justice. You are way too modest about your work. Also, it was wrapped and presented like something you would get from an upscale chic boutique. I don't feel like I paid enough for something this special.
I will put your cards in the pocket so when someone comments on it I can just pull out a card. BTW, your cards and every thing you do says classy chic.
It definitely will be my favorite go to for jeans and I'm going to figure out a skirt or two to wear with it. I'm not good at figuring out what goes with what.
Hope everyone is having a great day.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2013 : 1:27:05 PM
Now I'm thinking that Gloria Vanderbilt jacket might fit. There will come a time I won't be able to afford your clothes.
Bunny, Bunny, Bunny, You don't have your personal tag in this garment. Nothing to identify yourself as the creator.
You know the cute little bird you put on the back? Think about doing a little bunny like that -- you know like the izod or even Gloria Vanderbilt had a swan didn't she? Some way to identify it as your art. Maybe that would copyright it too. "An upcycled Bunny Original".
Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 03 2013 1:37:47 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2013 : 1:53:05 PM
Gypsy, .... happy dance!! I'm so glad you like it. I was a bit worried. I do want to do a little tag. But with a name like curious orange cat, I want a cat. I can't find any artwork I like yet and I'm terrible at drawing. I just need a basic line drawing of a cat I can cut out in fabric. I have a patch all thought out, just need the stupid little cat! It will come. I'm even thinking I might change everything over to the bird. I have an etsy store I named "sweet red bird". I'm just not sure I want to change everything over. I really like curious orange cat too. But branding is important. I'm working on it.
Thank you for your wonderful comments. I'm soooo glad you liked your top.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 03 2013 : 1:55:30 PM
oh, and I had a friend who's daughter tried on the jacket and said it looked awesome on. It seems my pictures do not do the clothes justice. I'm waiting for my mom to pay me back for the money I gave her for her car repairs and I'm going to buy a good camera.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |