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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 05:09:42 AM
Oh, Gypsy, thank you so much for pointing that out!!! I never thought about anything like that when my marriages dissolved...I just grabbed my kids and a bag of clothes and left happy as a lark and I never even thought about the money or house! Bad marriages are bad stuff, when I left I just wanted gone! My bad...I could have had a small fortune, but when I was done...I was done. I don't think I know anyone who was as dumb about divorce as I was, but I sure was happy and kept my sanity through it all. But, of course, Ginny, you need to consult a lawyer. Sorry....
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 05:27:49 AM
wow!! I haven't been here for 2 days and look at how fast the pages are adding up.
Ginny, I sent love, hugs and prayers to you in you situation. When I was stuggling with my first husband, the ass, I stayed and made plans. I saved money, got myself a storage place and started putting my special things in it. When I decided to leave I had documented all the emotional abuse I had suffered so that I would not be accused of abandonment. My DS and DD have suffered first from his emotional abuse and then from the divorce. I was seperated for 3 years before I had the courage to ask for a divorce.
You hang in there, make plans and listen to these wonderful sisters and their advice. I am sorry to hear that your year has been so bad. I am sure that your DD will come back into your life in time. Just be there for her and let her know you love her no matter what. She is probably going through her own problems. You are not guilty.
I am sorry to hear that the boys will not be there for Christmas, Holly. What a grand way, though, to start the new year. I know that all the travel plans will work out and that you will have a great time with the boys when you are there.
Darlys, you just got unpacked and now you are getting ready to go to Oathurst this weekend. Busy...busy...busy.
I will be sending out some special Christmas cards to all of you lovlies and hope they will get there by Christmas.
Bunny, good for you, girl, getting past the Algerbra test. Getting a B is really good. I think I always got C's in my math classes. Skipping 3rd grade did not help me one bit as far as math is concerned. I missed something important there. No wonder I still have problems doing division.
Marilyn, are you going to be doing the Secret Sisters swap? I just signed up for it. I am making some Dotee dolls right now and am anxious to send them out.
Thelma, where are you? You must be traveling around with Santa doing all the Christmas things. We miss you and love you.
Got to go and do some walking with Snuggles and DH. He is still sleeping. Am I the only early bird? I seem to surround myself with night owls. :)))
Hugs and prayers for you all,
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 05:40:47 AM
Nancy you are the most organized person I know. Wish I could be more like you Marilyn that's what I did the first time around against legal advice I just wanted out. The second time I put my emotions aside and looked out for myself the difference being the first time I had a job and was young enough to make it back. And I didn't thi k he would put the screws to me but of course he did. Men are usually not as emotionally invested as women. When we are older and we don't have a solid financial foundation we absolutely must stay calm and protect ourselves as best we can.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 3:39:37 PM
Auntie M, Nice to hear from you! How is your work going? You always sound so upbeat! Don't worry about how often you post ... but, we do love it when you find time!
Nancy, you will have me checking my mailbox for that Christmas card! By the way, was DH asleep, Snuggles, or both! I am an early bird, too. But, so is DH. Unfortunately, we could embarass ourselves if we confessed to some of the early bedtimes we have posted now that winter is here!
Gypsy, are you feeling more yourself? Over the setback?
I have three ruffles left to finish an apron for Christmas. Should be a cakewalk to get it done tomorrow ... Everything looks like a winter wonderland today. Days like this make winter worthwhile. A little sun would enhance the snow ... just saying, it would look even better ...
I haven't taken a ride around to see the holiday lights and decorations at night. I do enjoy that. I don't enjoy being cold. Gonna have to work the two out to get the job done though. Finally, the ground has frozen. Maybe the bugs will "go on vacation." It is a bit late in the year to have so many crawlie things still. I got all my "business" Christmas cards out. The cards to Dh's business friends and people we have known through work over the years. Those are the ones that feel most "obligatory" so it is nice to have them done. We got our thank you for your service through the year gifts done. You know, vet, paper carrier, etc. Winding down to just the fun stuff left to do.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 6:59:30 PM
Marianne I am over the setback, thanks. Tomorrow I go to the dr to see how I am doing and I hope he will be pleased. It has warmed back up to our normal temps 40's to 60's. so between better health and better weather I hope to start getting out more. Did nearly all my shopping on line this year.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2012 : 05:11:20 AM
It is cold here in the mornings and the weather looks like some more rain today.
Marianne, I too, with the bugs, spiders and those pesky non-poisonous snakes would go away for awhile. The poisonous snakes seem to hide most of the time but yesterday I came upon a garden snake and and to tap him on the head with my walking stick to get him to retreat into the bushes.
I am not that organized. If you saw my sewing room you would agree. This year it just seems that I managed to get everything finished a bit early. My DH is a paper/magazine stacker and I find the longer we are together the more I am getting to be like that.
Yes, that Snuggles sleeps late with DH. I will say though that I like the time alone in the mornings. I can do my computer thingy and then sew a bit.
Gypsy I am so glad everything is going well for you. You will be back to your old self soon, I know. Have you sent the pool boys away yet?
Darlys, do you have a recipe for hot, apple cider with a special ingredient? We sure could use it on these cold days.
Hugs to you all,
Make everyday a celebration of the heart.
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2012 : 10:26:11 AM
I've been trying to keep up with reading the posts ... but I've just been overwhelmed with "stuff" to do. So, please know I'm thinking of all of you.
Ginny, things won't be easy - but do listen to Gypsy. She is very wise (and the idea of sending the MILs to your DH is inspired!) Holly is generous beyond belief! Maybe a few days away to think things over would be helpful. All the women here have your best interests at heart. What you are going through is different from what each of us has already experienced. We do know though, that it is painful, to say the least. We know that and we do care. Please use us for as much as you need.
Holly, bummer that you won't have the boys as you ring in the New Year .... but they are "on the way" and will be with you soon. I'm sure the anticipation will bring you happiness knowing that the gift of an even bigger family will be opened in January.
Nancy -- talk to you later today, I hope. Meanwhile my recipe for cider is: 1/2 gallon of apple cider 12-16 oz. bottle of ginger ale any package of cider spices (or cloves and cinnamon) 1 cup or more of red hots Heat to almost boiling - but don't boil, and stir occasionally until the red hots are dissolved.
The red hots are my favorite "spice"
Well, I'm off to start getting ready to go to Oakhurst tonight. I did get some Christmas shopping done in Maui and I am almost finished. I went to TJMaxx/Home Goods yesterday (they have a big new store which is about 2 miles from us)and did, happily, find a few more gifts. I stopped at Whole Foods (which is just across the street from TJMaxx)and picked up a few groceries on my way home. I have yet to finish my "homemade" gifts but I'm working on them. I hope I'll get cards and presents in the mail next week. I have to get some more baking done. My grandson in Beijing is expecting cookies.
Gypsy, I'm not going to admonish you to not overdo it. You will do what you will do. Just sayin' -- I had 4 or 5 of those little set-backs. Usually, as I recall, because I felt perfectly fine and didn't think I was overdoing it. We will talk soon, sweetheart.
I guess everybody knows that Nancy, Gypsy and I are, age-wise, within 16 months of each other - 69-70 range. Somehow living in that era has created a bond with us even though we grew up thousands of miles apart. We are soooo chronologically gifted. We have been through hell and we just kept going. It isn't forever even though it felt like it at the time. Now we are becoming childlike again in a new and improved way. I believe in Santa because special friends are among the best gifts I ever received.
Joy is Peace Dancing Peace is Joy Resting
Peace and Joy to all of you this Holiday Season
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2012 : 11:10:36 AM
What big sister is saying is we are three wise old crones who want to keep you young'uns from making the same mistakes we made. You should make different mistakes. I am sitting at the doctors office waiting for the "poke and peek" to commence.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2012 : 12:56:07 PM
What a special connection for you three. I have had the sense of a special connection, of course, it is apparent how much you care for one another ... and the rest of us mistake makers! I appreciate everyone's two cents on anything I post. PLEASE help me sidestep a mistake or two.
Gypsy, I hadn't really thought about your post-op check-ups. Whee! Hope it went well.
I am finished decorating. I know this by the fact that I shoved everything else into a box and out of sight until it is time to put this stuff away again ... In what, two weeks? Sigh.
Started on the grocery list. My holiday is "officially" starting Wednesday when Dd and her guy get here. So, I am certainly running out of time! Costco trip Monday. ...
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2012 : 2:37:56 PM
Dr said I should not be having pain. Turns out to be a bladder infection. Antibiotics and more water. I have no room for food with all the liquids I am supposed to consume. Everything else is fine. Marianne and all you gals I don't know how you do so much. Seems I have been tired for so long My sweet daughter has taken over most all the cooking and decorating.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2012 : 3:19:51 PM
Gypsy, I am out flat on the sofa where I usually spend an hour or more each afternoon. You are not alone in wishing you had a bit more energy, etc. But, you are alone in the fact that you just had surgery. And you have every right to be a bit less energetic. I bet your daughter is not necessarily "enjoying" taking care of you, but "enjoying" the chance to honor you by taking care of you. Of course, she wishes you didn't need the procedure and felt 100%, but I hope you know what I mean. I am sorry you are in pain, but so glad that it is something fairly benign and easy to treat. Twenty-four hours on your antibiotics and you should feel better.
I promise not to feel like I'm not doing enough (don't forget I confessed to shoving a lot of the decorations back into the box and putting the entire lot away) if you promise to do the same. We are all such workers. Maybe we need to start a 12 step program.
Marianne Oh, and P.S. There is always room for chocolate. I promise. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2012 : 4:24:24 PM
Good evening everyone,
A long day of house hold chores. Folding laundry, making bread, checking school work and washing dishes. Of course the washing dishes is an everyday chore. The children usually do but, they have been lethargic recently over this chore.
The stars were fabulous last night. So many and so bright. I could see some of them without my glasses.
Temperatures were in the low thirties all day. Low enough for the dirt roads to freeze so we can take the shorter routes to basketball practice. Talie is not happy with me he blew off his school work on Wednesday and did not catch up yesterday and did not finish today so he could not go to the Varsity basketball games yesterday or today and he could not go to the Rec tonight to play ball. it is not that he is overwhelmed with the amount of work it is that he likes to do everything but what he should. He is so disorganized.. But, he needs to be able to manage himself so now is the time to practice.
Marianne if you have given up decorating I havenot yet started. I like to have greens up for solstice in the house. That is my goal starting date.
I wear the apron Nancy made me for my birthday each time i make bread. My dd asked where I had gotten it and if the sender had made the fabric herself. Consider yourself complimented by a teenager. She actually thinks all of you are very talented and I think she is envious of the cards and such that I receive because someone cares.
I was milking this morning with my head resting on Coco's side and I felt a tap tap tap and then a pause and another tap and then another pause and then a whomp. I think Coco's calf was moving around, kindof exciting.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2012 : 10:11:12 AM
Darlys, glad to have you home again. Don't over do it. You'll ruin all that relaxing you did on you trip. I'm afraid at 55 I've made my very large share of mistakes and bad decisions myself. I'm ready to head in the other direction and be child like again....only with no more screw ups please.
Holly, kids will be kids. I let my kids suffer the consequences of their actions many times. I always helped them get back on track when they were ready though. I think it was what made my older son so capable of doing anything he put his mind to. I also never forced him to keep doing something he didn't enjoy. So now I have a son that has many different interests and capabilities. My younger son, still a work in progress, unfortunately I'm not with him to guide him anymore. I do worry about him. I miss the stars myself. I remember when I was looking at losing my house, praying to God not to take the stars away. He had other plans I'm afraid.
Marianne, I live for my one hour nap when I can get it. Good for you taking a rest.
Gypsy, glad the doctor was able to fix you up. Bladder infections are so painful. Let your daughter take care of you for a while. I'm sure before long you'll be back on your feet and busy as ever.
Having some issues with my moms church. We have two of the missionary boys for dinner once a month. I usually excuse myself after dinner while they read from the Book of Mormon. Last night they brought an adult missionary for dinner and he tried pretty hard to get me evolved. He asked if I was a member and when I told him no.. He replied, " you will be". . I respect their view but have been pretty clear I'm not interested. I finally just had to go in my room and shut the door.
On a happier note, I sewed all day yesterday and plan on more today. So happy to be back in my sewing room.
Stay healthy all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2012 : 1:09:01 PM
Well, I'm not much for chatting today. I'm about to give in and see a doctor before this cold becomes bronchitis, getting something for this cough would really help. I've been trying to keep up and get things done, but I'm coughing too much and need to rest a lot, which is very annoying! Anyway, I hope you are all well and having some fun today with Christmas right around the corner, it's time to relax and get in the spirit!
Be back later after I get something to stop this stupid cough 
Hugs n' cookies =}
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2012 : 1:47:50 PM
These "sticky pads" work well, I just opened it to respond and found the responses I was going to send to all of you months ago!!
Thank you ALL for the tips, advice, & support. I really do appreciate it all! Bunny is right, make a plan and save money! I already have a savings in my name and I've been selling stuff on Etsy and Facebook and sticking it in there! What happens, happens, but I would love to keep my house if possible!
The ham dinner sounds yummy Annika! We have beets with ham a lot, either pickled or just cooked up. And squash, lots of various squashes. Ambrosia, I love it! GET WELL & get to a Dr.! I lost a friend this year who had been walking abour with anmonia for 6 months. His wife came home one day and found him ded on the couch.He was 55!
Janet, thank you for the Christmas card! Got it in the mail today! Really appreciate it. Lifted my spirits, thank you.
Bunny, will keep your nephew in my prayers. That is so sad. The worst things happen to the nicest people! Congratulations on finishing one more semester! Now enjoy 3 weeks of sewing and doing what YOU WANT.
So Holly is going to be a Mother to two more boys? Congratulations!! Where are they coming from? Good luck, I'm sure you are very anxious and it's certainly frustrating! Having a family full of non-birth members, I know it can be very aggravating. But it sounds like they will be there soon! I think it's wonderful for all of you!
And thanks for the offer of a room Holly! You must have one huge house woman! I love having people around, grew up in a huge family so quiet I don't need a lot of. Some, but not a lot!
I'm all for two women to step in and take David down a couple of notches! That's exactly what he needs and I'm sick of being his Mother! Half of our problems are just that, he never had a real Mother! She was a Manic Depressive without medication for years. She treated him horribly I hear.
Darlys I can't wait to try your cider! Sounds great! I have a few recipes I have to dig out I think you girls will like.
And Gypsy - I don't know what surgery you had, but please take care of yourself! I respect all of you and your advice. I've made plenty mistakes too but would rather not anymore. So you all give me any advice you want!
My SIL & BIL stopped by today and it was WONDERFUL! I miss having them around. They brought their grandson's new puppy with them as they are babysitting while he and my niece are at Disney World. What a cutie that dog is! When ever David walked in the room he started to growl. Does that mean something or what!
Off to make cookies for rabbits. Been selling a lot of my bunny treats and need to replenish my supply! Thanks ladies! Have a great weekend!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2012 : 6:06:34 PM
Annika, you take care of yourself. No getting sick before Christmas allowed!
Ginny, sounds like you had a wonderful visit with SIL and BIL. Funny about their puppy. My dog Scooby hated my old roommate too. They just know.
Spent a wonderful day in my sewing room. Here is what I finished.
 It is about 14" by 17".
This is a little postcard I'm almost done with.
 Can't wait for more projects to work on tomorrow.
It snowed a bit today. Not enough to stick, but it's here.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2012 : 7:24:13 PM
Beautiful work, bunny!! Annika I sure hope you get better soon. Jan hope you are over your flu also. My sister got a flu shot but still got the flu and was really sick. I am sure hoping to avoid that this year. I take elderberry syrup at the first sign of a cold and so far so good. Since holly missed posting tonight I will wish everybody sweet dreams
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2012 : 10:46:20 PM
Ginny, You sound well. And I love the bunny treats! What do you call them? Years ago, my dd sold horse treats she made at horse shows she competed in. She made a few bucks, that's for sure. Everyone likes the idea of spending a few $$ and getting a treat for their beloved animals.A visit with a puppy sure is a nice way to spend a day and since it was paired with a visit with two people you enjoy, it sounds like you really enjoyed yourself.
Bunny, I know you had a good day. That postcard really appeals to me. Such pretty stitch work and colors.
Annika, hope you get into the doc soon. Do you need to wait until Monday or are you going to an urgent care?
Gypsy, are you more comfortable?
I am getting ready to have some neighbors over tomorrow morning. Just coffee and pumpkin bread (again) and a small exchange of gifts. We may get 3 to 6 inches of snow tonight. "Tis the season"
I , too will extend my wish that everyone has sweet dreams.
Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 16 2012 : 05:41:38 AM
Thank you all for the birthday cards! The tuck ins and special wishes really made my day bright and I appreciate you remembering. Not only was it my birthday, it was my anniversary. I have been an official member of our group for a year. YAY.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Dec 16 2012 : 06:29:52 AM
Just checking in here. Arm surgery went well. Dr pushed everything away from my ulnar nerve that was smushing it. Think 'funny bone' only not so funny when it hurts all the time and no feeling in fingers and can't use right hand much. But I know it will take 18 months to 2 years to really heal the nerve. I manage ok with dh & Jenny of course. Oh, and thank you all for the get well cards and prayers. Really much appreciated.
My heart cries out for those whose sweet children rest with God now. This trauma will take a lot of healing. I wish hugs and prayers to all those affected. I wish the world were a whole lot safer and softer than it is. Horrible.
Bunny, you do beautiful work. I love it when you post pictures of your projects.
Holly, Marianne, Nancy, Darlys and the rest of you - I think of you as my 'virtual' sisters and welcome all your posts and comments. Being able to open up and rant when necessary is the most important and comfortable place to be. Thank you all for being there. I feel I really need this forum. I may not always post - hard to type left handed-but I'm always here.
Do take care of yourselves. We need each other more than ever now. I mean the world ends next week, right?!?!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Dec 16 2012 : 3:21:42 PM
Darlys, I forgot to call you Friday. Hope your weekend up at Oakhurst is going well. How cold is it up there now? I will call you tomorrow....I wrote myself a note. Now if I just don't lose the note!
Kathy I am praying for a full recovery for you. I know it will take some time and I am glad to hear that DH and DD are helping you.
Bunny, you are a true artist. Your work is beautiful and I love the colors. You certainly have a gift. I am glad you are finding the time to do your creative work.
Marianne, I am glad to hear that your birthday was a really special one. It is fun sending out the birthday cards to you, my sisters
If you have not sent your birth date to Penny try to get it in to her. The birthday list is missing some of the new sisters birthdays.
I went to the eye doctor who did my cataract surgery and he zapped my eyes with a lazer to get rid of some wrinkly membrane in the back of my lens. My glare problem is pretty much cleared up and now I don't have to wear sunglasses at the movies or in the house. I still wonder and laugh if anyone at the movies seeing me thought that maybe I was blind and going to the movies just to listen to the dialogue. Probably not.
My DH is still looking for a house to rent or maybe to buy up north in MA so we can visit and help out with his mother. It will be for only 2 months and I am kind of looking forward to the "adventure" of living up there. I don't know when it will be as DH is very, very thorough in most all things. It took us 2 years to decide to move here. I finally had to put my foot down and make him decide on what town he wanted to live in. I am glad that he is diligent about purchasing things even if it takes a while.
Pray for the folks in Sandy Hook, CT. The pain must be overwhelming for the families and for the towns people also.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 16 2012 : 3:52:43 PM
Yes Nancy right now I am glad to be tucked away in my little nest listening to Mozart rather than the news. I am feeling much better today but I now know better than to start doing a lot. Learned my lesson. So glad your eye problems are all fixed. The people who saw you inside with dark glasses probably thought you were a celebrity trying to go incognito I got a card out to Marrianne but late and i think there are 2 or 3 more on the list for Dec? Christmas cards aren't likely to happen this year tho. I get so annoyed standing in line T the post office while the clerk moves in slow motion and chats for a while with the customer she knows while the line grows out the door. Bah humbug!! Bunny have you tried online tutorials for a small fee or free if they buy the fabric from you? The patterns and fabrics you put together are so pretty together. Some might buy as a kit. Kathy I am glad you had the surgery and it is over with and hope the relief is immediate.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 16 2012 4:02:32 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 16 2012 : 4:00:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was in the low twenties and teens. It began to snow in the afternoon and is continuing into the evening. I hope it stays for a while now.
Coco, the cow has slipped on the ice and hurt her hind leg, She is limping some. I put her food close to the barn this morning so she would not have to walk on the ice to get to it. I hope she heals soon, I am only milking every other day now in an effort to dry her off for her two months of rest before she gives birth again.
I spent most of the day doing school work. I have decided that I need to make sure the teens understand how their bodies work and how conception works. They tell me they know but, I am making sure. So, I found a copy of Changing Bodies, Changing lives and have made questions for each of the topics. My children are not compulsive readers. I believe that it is hard for them still. I know one has significant dyslexia and the other I am not sure. So, I make questions so I know they have read it. The book is by the group who wrote Our Bodies Ourselves back in the seventies.
I remember my grandmother telling me that she thought she was dying when she got her period for the first time. she spent the day in the outhouse bleeding until someone came to find her and told her she was not dying.
I am so overwhelmingly sad about the children in the school being killed by a very hurt man. I hope the parents and relatives are allowed to grieve without any nasty people protesting in the area. We read that Fred Phelp's family was on its way. they protest at funerals of dead soldiers stating that the soldiers deserved to die because the country is not following the word of Jesus. They send their members to law school so they know just how far to push the law to make themselves heard, ENOUGH
Thank you Gypsy for saying Sweet dreams last night.
Bunny those are very pretty quilts. You are so good at bright and cheery. I do not like people who believe it is their way or the highway and do not respect other people's beliefs. I am glad you stood up for yourself by leaving. Maybe next time go to the movies so you do not have to be there at all.
Marianne thank you for carrying the conversations along. It is an important job in keeping a board flowing.
I received cards from Kathy and Jenny , and Jan yesterday. I was happy to be remembered.
My partner's father is back in the hospital. he is 75 years old,. He had a colostomy a year or so ago. He was in the hospital for the month of November having a hernia fixed but they also moved the colostomy to the other side and put mesh in his abdomen so he would not get anymore hernias. It took him a long time to recover. He was out about a week and is now back in with a hematoma on his side, a lot of pain and now an infection. She is not ready for him to die. Remember her mother died last year and her Grandmother the year before. She said she has waited 48 1/2 years to have a good relationship with him and now that she is having one he is so sick he might die. She is also doing the mood swings of perimenopause which do not help the situation at all. She said, I do not ever remember being so high maintenance. I know this all will pass and she will be feeling better again.
Nancy, a house in Massachusetts? that would give you another perspective on life. Seasons that change. I really like the changing seasons.
Ginny I am glad you popped in . I have been thinking that if not dh says you can have the house to get it in writing and then figure out your expenses and start charging rent. I have no idea how your expenses work now but at least the work you do in the garden to grow the food and cooking the meals should be compensated.
Annika I hope you feel better soon.
Darlys snow in Oakhurst? Is it cold enough for it there? How is that lemon tree growing?
Where are Jan and Diana?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2012 : 11:55:27 AM
well gals, i have been out of town for business for awhile and was behind reading almost 9 pages! think i finally caught up but will nto try to answer everyone. am praying for those that are sick and those that are hurting. am hoping for a good holiday season for all of you and hopefully will be able to talk more after the first of the year. love you all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2012 : 12:35:25 PM
Holly please tell Cheri I am so sorry about her father. Hoping for recovery for him and lots more good times for them to share.
I had wondered how the animals manage on the ice and I guess about like humans--sometimes they slip and fall like we do. Hope the cow and her unborn calf are okay.
My daughter left instructions to put a cut up chicken in the crockpot and pour a bottle of BBQ sauce over it. Hope it turns out ok. I am going to make that frozen hash brown casserole that has sour cream and cream of chicken soup and crushed cornflakes on top. Fruit salad. Quick and easy. Doing one load of clothes only. They leave in the dark and come home in the dark. Tough to do much else. Janiee it is good to hear from you.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
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