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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 7:24:52 PM
Well I decided to go for it and write a longer post in this bleeping phone and lost the whole thing. Will try again tomorrow
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2012 : 09:27:53 AM
Marianne .... Side dishes for ham? We like scalloped potatoes, baked beans, creamed peas -- that sort of saucy midwesterny kind of thing.
I have a doctor appointment this morning so I gotta scoot. Be back later.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2012 : 10:30:17 AM
Sweet potatoes for ham, just baked or boiled with butter. you can do the "Candied" version if you are so inclined, but i find them to be too sweet. Green beans, "greens"-kale, turnips, collards, chard, spinach. Sliced tomatoes, cornbread or muffins. we have a blended menu: DH is from Iowa, and I am from SC. have to have my veggies. :-)
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2012 : 4:13:35 PM
Mac and cheese goes good with ham. Martha Stewart has a good recipe for it as does barefoot contessa. And I like fresh green beans with it. Tonight I made meat loaf potatoes and carrots all baked in the oven together. Will be ready in about 30 min. I need to go put together a salad
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2012 : 6:20:27 PM
Welcome back Darlys I don't know how you did it but I got a card from you today. Thank you so much.
It is freezing here down to 21 tonight. We are not prepared for that kind of cold here. I am running just a ceramic heater in my trailer It has gas heat but I don't want to fool with it. I brought a down comforter that I have had for years but never use because it doesn't get cold enough so it will get put to good use tonight. Have to leave the faucets dripping so they won't freeze. I hope I winterized my house properly. Last year I did not and the pipe broke in the pump house and ran for several days before I got home. This time I tried to turn the pump off and drain the pipes. Holly I always enjoy your posts. They are interesting and I miss when you don't post You used to sign us off but now we have a couple of night owls who post after you. I have read two good books this week. The Snow Child and Cold Mountain. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 11 2012 6:25:15 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 11 2012 : 8:59:43 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions for side dishes. I used to make candied sweet potatoes ... not too sweet for me ... I think that is a good idea, thanks for the reminder, Charlotte. Darlys, scalloped potatoes sound great, but so does macaroni and cheese, Gypsy. Do you think I would overdose on carbs?? What a way to go!
You are colder in TX than we are in the Great White North!! We are having a mix of rain and snow, but we might see 21 degrees next week. Gypsy, you are going to be cozy under your down.
I visited with a gal I used to work with. She lives in NY and we have children the same ages. It was so fun to catch up. Dh also caught up with a fellow he used to work with today in CA. It is odd to note that both of our friends, although on opposite coasts are spending about three and a half hours commuting everyday. I can't imagine. My friend is doing it with sheer distance in upstate NY and Dh's friend is doing it at a snail's pace on the CA Bay Area freeway system. I feel they have lost their way. They are spending so much time away from their loved ones. But, neither Dh nor I mentioned our feelings to our repective friends. I hope things get better for them. They both seem stressed.
I set up a new humidifier tonight since our other one broke when I washed it. I have a habit of cleaning things to the point they no longer function. Anyway, I succeeded in flooding the countertop and cabinetry and floor. I didn't have the cap screwed on tightly enough and the water just kept coming out without my taking notice of it. I did notice that there was no mist coming out, though. And getting my feet wet prompted me to notice the leak ... just an annoyance. It is working correctly now.
Kathy, thank you for the card and goodie. It was so pleasant to have personal mail to pick up at the mailbox!! And a nice bumpy envelope, too! It made my day.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 08:36:13 AM
WOW! You guys have moved the forum, I couldn't remember my password or email to get on MJF, so I guess I better start getting in here on a regular basis. I'm hoping I can do just that! You've all been in my thoughts for weeks/months but I've either been super busy, super depressed, or moving my parents. In a nut shell my family has fallen apart and I'm left wondering what the heck happened!
Before I go into it, THANK YOU HOLLY for the great book!!! I love Vermont and loved reading about your neck of the woods! Maybe one day I can come and meet you. I can't believe I didn't even Thank You until now, I am so ashamed of my inability to function normally right now. But know it was greatly appreciated!
I had to go to Virginia 5 times this year to get my parents downsized and moved to PA to a retirement community. Well first I had to go there and take care of her from surgery but it was botched so we had to move them quickly. They are now at the retirement community but my Mom is very depressed being there. Well, who are we kidding, she hates it. It's a wonderful place, but it's not home, doesn't have her friends or her church and she is having a very hard time adjusting. I'm having a hard time adjusting too because it was my "home" for over 45 years. And to try and get your parents to give up things that they don't want to give up, is very difficult! It's been a hard road for all of us.
My daughter, who has always been very close to me and we have gotten along wonderfully with no secrets at all, got married without that wedding we were planning and isn't speaking to me right now. And mostly because of what her father did to me! That makes me very depressed. I just don't get how you can go from being so close and then just cut off your Mother like that? My sister in law says she's learning boundries and how to live without being dependent on her parents. I think she's just rude and thoughtless.
Everyone is angry at my husband, who out of the blue asked me for a divorce and then preceeded to have me take care of him when his foot was rebuilt for six months (a year ago), and yet still hasn't left!!! He kept telling me he was moving out and I could keep the house since my hobby is my garden and remodeling my house. Besides, where the heck would I go? Now he has to have roto-cuff surgery early next year, so guess who gets to take care of him again! I try and talk to him about moving, our marriage, etc... but he just walks away and acts like nothing ever happened. Seriously, you would think he never asked me for a divorce! Is it a midlife thing? I don't know. I do know his ex-wife tracked us down after not seeing him for 33 years (we've been married 30 and dating before that) and called him from Germany! I think that was very strange. They lived together for only 4 months when he left her because she was having an affair or something. And of course this was all 30+ years ago for God's sake. No kids were involved so why is she calling him now?? Anyway, after that, this started and I wish to God I'd never answered the phone that day and handed it to him!
His family is furious with him and won't come and visit me either because of how he's treating me. So I think I am a victim here but I sure don't feel like it. I feel like everyone has abandoned me for something I did. My daughter tells me I should be very angry and yell and scream and force him out but I can't physically make him go, I can't call his boss (the Sheriff) and have him removed or he'd lose his job (running the County Jail) which wouldn't be good for either of us, and since I don't have the money to just leave, I can't do that either. She wants me to keep my part time job, sell everything in my house, and move but there is no way I can afford to do that with a part-time job and most everything now in my home that might be considered expendable, are cherished family heirlooms that I have no desire to sell.
So, I accept all of it, without being angry all the time because what is that going to accomplish for me? Can you imagine living 24/7 angry? Don't get me wrong, I am hurt and angry but I'm also realistic.
And that, is why you haven't seen me on here and why I had such a huge garden this summer. I'm embarassed to even tell people what's going on because it's so unbelievable to me, let alone them. Our family was always so together and close that this just blind sided me. Then I realized many of you probably had something similar happen so maybe you have sound advice for me. Am I nuts? What the heck does one do? When someone asks me where would you like to live or what would you like to do in your life, I have no answers. I thought this was what I wanted to do. Live in a small town, have a great garden, some chickens, friends, be a Mom and a wife. Now I'm suppose to come up with a different dream because of everyone else around me. So, now you know my story.
I promise, I will come back soon. Not that you want to hear about this saga, heck I sure don't! Thanks for listening. I hope you are all doing better. Guess I should go read the last nine pages.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 09:07:59 AM
Ginny, so glad you have come back to us. You go a head and yell, scream and vent to us. We get it. You do what ever you feel you need to do to survive. I wish I had done the same in my marriage. I am now living with my 75 year old mother with nothing to show for all my years of marriage, house. I lost it all. I personally think you are smart to put up with him right now. However, start planning for the future. Put any money you can away in an account in only your name. Get a credit card in only your name. This won't last forever. Eventually you will be forced to make a big change when he doesn't need you anymore. Think about downsizing. How would you feel if you lost your house. It is happening to so many people. Create a mind set now of what you will do. But make it fun. If you could do what ever you wanted and live where ever you wanted, what would you do? When you lose everything, your perspective on what is important and what you can live with changes drastically. Just know we are here and won't judge you what ever your decisions are.
Gypsy, I suggest you figure out your gas heat. That ceramic heater may get expensive to use and the gas may do a better job. Heating those RV's has always been an issue. Once you learn how to hook up the gas it's not that big a deal. Your daughter should be able to carry the tank....don't you dare lift it!
Holly, so sorry it is taking so long to get your boys. What is wrong with these people.
Oh, time to get ready for school. Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 09:20:57 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 21 2019 6:11:28 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 10:24:53 AM
Good morning! I'm so glad you made it to the new digs Ginny it's safe to rant and throw things here. I'd say stay calm, extend a neutral but friendly hand of friendship to your daughter. A bunch of flower sent is hard not enjoy. let you daughter know that you accept her in a non parental way. She likely is trying to stand a bit apart and divorce is an awful thing to a child no matter how old they are, this is a lot of pain for her to try to sort out. Your husband is an unmitigated insensitive ass. Stay calm, tuck away as much money and resources as possible, perhaps get legal advice? Garner your resources and know who YOUR friends are. I've been through a wretched divorce from a horrible man and lived to tell the tale by staying sharp and planning ahead. I am in a similar situation with my dad needing a 24 hour care community and him not wanting to go. I'm so sorry that you've been hit with all of this at once. I hope that you are being good to yourself and not feeling like this is somehow all your fault? It's not. I think that I can safely say that we are all here for you ((HUGS))
On my part, I've been trying to make a pine cone garland and the darned things are so sharp my fingers are sore. I think I'll just go on a nature jaunt and make a big swag from whatever pretty branches and boughs I can find. It's being one of THOSE months of half finished projects for me. I've got 5!! Christmas parties to go too in the next week and a half and I've been in a tizzy trying to think what to bring to the table. This morning I've decided on my great aunt Kaleta's tropical ambrosia for all of them. With everyone's dietary restrictions and food taboos anymore I just make what I like and put up a list of ingredients on a pretty card.
Marianne, I have a lot of deep south and Texan in my family and a big bowl of whipped sweet potatoes with brown sugar is a good side with ham, some greens with bacon crumbles goes well, a nice rice pilaf goes well too and my Texan grandma would have all of that plus whipped white potatoes with cream and cornbread! Death by carbs! And don't forget dessert!
Hugs n' cookies =}
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 11:56:27 AM
Ginny, hugs to you!!!! Always remember, we are here for you, good or bad!!!! Wish you lived closer, I would be there to help you. Take one day at a time, and remember, you are a good person, nobody can take that away from you!!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 12:40:19 PM
Yea, done with algebra! Didn't do great on the test but I really don't care. No matter what, I'll still get a B. Two more days working in the library and off for three weeks. I CAN'T WAIT! Please say a prayer for my nephew. He found out he has testicle cancer. He is scared and is having surgery this next week. My mother is telling everyone it is no big deal, happens all the time and my sister is obsessing and everything is about her. Thankfully, he has great support from his in-laws. He is one of the sweetest,caring people I know.
Later, off to work.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 12:56:55 PM
Hear- hear. Ginny, we're here. We hear. And we care. I agree with Gypsy. Your husband IS an ass. And I agree with Bunny. Take care of yourelf and make plans. Plan A. Plan B. And plan C - even a plan D. We are with you no matter what .
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 2:05:44 PM
Ginny! So glad to hear from you. So sad that your news is not good. You have had a heck of a time and for heaven's sake girl, why are you shouldering it alone? We are here for you. And good grief, don't go reading the last however many pages! You belong here, just pick up where you left off! We know you. We have missed you. And we are thrilled you are back.
So, Gypsy has nailed it with the husband issue. Bunny has the going forward plan. Darlys has seconded it all. Jan and Annika have delivered hugs. What can I do? Maybe encourage you to only look at one problem at a time. It seems your parents situation was the most emergent and you have that covered. I know it makes you feel guilty to have your mother so upset, but there is no other choice. Many GOOD children have had to do the same. No guilt allowed. Did your daughter forgo the wedding because of the issue between you and your husband? At a certain point, a child has to accept their parent with all the parent's flaws. You don't get to always be a kid thinking mom and dad can do no wrong. We are all messed up! Well, we are here to listen as everyone else as already said.
So glad you are here, Ginny. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
60 Posts
Park City
60 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 2:42:08 PM
Oh here you are!!!! Thought you could hide did you...HAHA Just read all to catch up and lots going on. Ginny you just heed all our advice... Some of have been there done that and have the shirt to prove it. Right now my oldest dd has decided her family is the reason she has high blood pressure and has decided she needs to keep contact to a minimum. We have all been very close. Nothing has happened. This came about when her son graduated from high school. Boy how some people think they have to react.
But yes Ginny get a plan going. As I always say Be prepared. I have been married 45 yrs. But have always had my own little nestegg incase I feel the need "to get the Hell out of Dodge" Had to get out of my first marriage and learned from that to always be ready for anything..
Love to all here. Glad I found you again.
May your bobbins always be full!!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 3:31:30 PM
Bunny I think your mom and Mar's MIL should get together We should wrap them both up and send them to Ginny's DH for Christmas I'm talking punishment here.
Sorry about your nephew. Wow sometimes life just does nt want to give us a break but anyway congrats on getting through another semester with flying colors. Mar I actually managed to get you a birthday card but its going to be a little late. I've been doing so well but today my body told my to take a step back. First time I have needed a pain pill during the day so I think there's a messg there Annika I hear you about those taters. I could eat mashed potatoes every day and never get tired of them. Diana so glad you found us. Hope you stay and laugh and cry and cook and journey with us hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 12 2012 3:36:40 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 5:19:04 PM
Good evening everyone,
The bad and good news. The paper work cleared ICPC yesterday but it was not soon enough to have the boys here by Christmas. We are working on the beginning of January. So, the wait will not be too much longer. The nervous part is I need to fly into Fort Worth, Texas and spend a few days meet and entertain the boys, sign some paperwork and then we can fly home. I can either fly home after two days or wait until the boys fly with the social worker and come then. Although now that I have thought about it I am not sure how we would all get on the same departing flight if both of us are making arrangements independently. Well, we will figure it out.
Annika, I am with you on the smell of feeding in the winter. We do not have a lot of alfalfa but some clover comes in the bales and that is nice. I little baled sunshine.
Side dishes for ham. I am with Darlys on scalloped potatoes. I also like creamed corn. A person can not have too many carbs on these supposed to be cold winter days. They are my staple and often my comfort food.
Gypsy Sounds to me like you are feeling pretty good if you can bleep at your Iphone and cook a wonderful sounding supper. Well, and now I read your last post and find you have done to much.
I can imagine commuting three and a half hours to work and back. It is not any kind of my thought of a good time. I know some people enjoy the quiet of a long commute but , I would rather be home.
((((((((((((((Ginny))))))))))))))) I had been wondering how you are doing and if your parents had made it through. I will tell you that I have extra rooms here if you want to abandon there. I could find places for your treasures. We are certainly not a quiet household but we are safe. Maybe you would just like to come for the few months that the dick will be recovering from surgery. Just know that I will help if I am able.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 5:51:53 PM
We are missing Phyliss, Dorinda, Kathy, Thelma. Who else? Haven't heard from Patty in a long time. Penny either. Nancy must be busy Holly sorry you won't have the boys for Christmas. But at least the wait will soon be over. I must have overdone it yesterday and am paying for it today. The problem is you don't know until its too late. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 12 2012 5:56:21 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 6:07:30 PM
Holly, sorry to hear you will not have the boys for Christmas, but sounds like you will have them soon. I can imagine it is very frustrating playing the waiting game. Gypsy, I know how hard it is not to overdo when you are feeling good, but then it hits you like a brick. Take it easy and do something that you can do sitting, like sewing, embroidery, knitting, crochet, etc. Hope you did not get too cold there. We had 1 degree above zero this morning. Bunny, so sorry about your nephew. Sending prayers his way. I hope you get to play in your sewing room all the while you are off on break. You are so creative, I am sure you will get alot of things done. Have a wonderful evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 7:55:22 PM
Bunny, congratulations on completing Algebra. So exciting to have your countdown almost done and then it is Sew Sew Sew! Enjoy, you have certainly earned it. And what do you think of Gypsy's idea of putting your mom and my MIL in a room together! I sorry about your worries for your nephew. I am glad he has the support you mentioned. What an awful assault on a young man's identity. I hope his surgery is successful and the recovery complete.
Gypsy, I guess if you don't overdo it sometimes you just will never know how much you can do. I hope you recover quickly from the strain. We have had a couple of "touches" from Thelma and Kathy here and there. Patty said she was going to post "on the porch" but I don't know if she has been ...
Janet, One Degree! We are still hovering around freezing. So we have an ugly rainy, snowy, freezing mess. But, we aren't too cold. Take care to stay healthy is such severe cold.
Holly, I am sorry about the disappointment your family is shouldering about the wait for your new members. Getting on the same flight home should not be that difficult as long as the SW will share the travel info with you. You are such a generous friend. We are all sharing our opinions and thoughts with Ginny and you step right up and offer to share your home. Thank you for your example. It is a good reminder of what is important.
You have all convinced me to stock up on potatoes of all colors for the holiday meal!!
Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 7:56:54 PM
Diana I forgot to welcome you back. And Gypsy relax about getting the card in the mail, but thank you so much I will look forward to it.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 12 2012 : 9:31:51 PM
Marianne, I love the idea of putting the old biddies together. Maybe they will learn to appreciate the rest of us.....or not. I am excited to be done for a little while. I have so many projects in my mind. I did get an order today for some fat quarters from my Etsy site. Very happy about that. If only my pictures were better.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 02:00:01 AM
Bunny, You know each of the old gals will just think the other one is slightly crazy and entirely impossible ... it's not THEM! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 03:20:06 AM
Good morning, gfs from my little corner of the Ozarks. The weather is in the 20's this morning....brrrrr. We have had a couple of big frosts this week, I am not sure about this morning since it is still dark...but it was a clear night so I would imagine the frost is heavy this morning. Sorry, for my silence again...I caught myself reading and not responding again! Ooopppsss!
Holly, I am so sorry about your boys not making it for Christmas. The government is supposed to be so concerned for their welfare, yet Christmas is no longer a priority. Sad in a way...but, heck leave the tree up and celebrate when they get there and the Jewish one as well!
Ginny, I would have to agree with Holly, about you husband...guess, I was waiting for someone else to say it...when he goes in for surgery you need to tell him that you want a divorce and while he is in the hospital move all of your precious belongings to a storage unit and tuck yourself away and take a well deserved break! I'm just sayin'....but take care of yourself and remember...if you don't love and take care of one else will. Choose to be is there right inside of you just waiting. (((((((((((Ginny)))))))))))
Gypsy, I am so glad to hear you are recovering so well. Those setbacks are just rest : )))
Marianne, I would have to go with the candied yams with ham....I think I am cooking a big pot of beans and fixin' cornbread!
Well, friends, I have to make my rounds here at work...will go home in about 3 hours...y'all have a great day!
Where is Thelma?
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 13 2012 : 04:35:09 AM
Actually Ginny I read somewhere if you move out you could be charged with abandonment and lose your house. This is where a little legal advice comes in. The laws do not always make common sense. I have been where you are dear friend and the feelings of loss and betrayal are so overwhelming that there isn't room for anything else for a while. You are doing right so far I think not to jump off and make decisions not easily undone. It will help you to have a place to vent as you can see all your sisters are here for you .
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 13 2012 04:45:21 AM |
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