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Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 17 2012 : 3:38:04 PM
Hi all, I have been in a slump since I was sick. It put me a couple of weeks behind everything. I am catching up now, just have cleaning and finish my baking. I'm getting there. Still have a slight cough, but getting better. We have had rain again yesterday, so almost all of our snow is gone again. Today it was cold and gloomy. We may get a snowstorm on Thursday. Holly, Yes, we will keep Cheri in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping her father recovers fully. Gypsy, be sure not to overdo. You don't need a relapse. Kathy, so glad your surgery went well. Praying that you get full use back of your hand. It will take time, but I am sure you will be satisfied when all in done.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 17 2012 : 5:02:31 PM
Good evening everyone,
We woke up to the front yard covered in about four inches of clean white snow. This afternoon it was sprinkling out so the snow was compacting. I put ashes from the woodstove on the ice out back so Coco would have a chance of better footing. I think she stayed close to the barn all day.
Ross has a cold and while he is not miserable he did spend a quieter day than usual. He watched all of his shows on Public television. So, I stayed near him puttering around.
I will tell Cheri that you all send kind thoughts her way for her father. He is feeling better. I thought she said they were going to send him home if his white cell count kept falling but now I think there was a change . Maybe some tests on the blood in the hematoma or something and IV antibiotics. I am not sure. She came home, had supper and left for the Selectboard meeting and we did not have much adult time to talk.
Well,Marianne might have a lot of winter holiday prep going on but not so much that she could not sit down and send me a beautiful card. Thank you so much.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2012 : 5:36:22 PM
Hello everyone,
I am going to jump into the Over 50 Farmgirls chat. I'm in the Southwest Henhouse (waves to our Mother Hen, the Birthday Girl, CJ) and I have I so appreciate the chance to get to know other Farmgirls. I am living in Phoenix, AZ, and it is cold here tonight...probably in the 50's now, and that is cold for us. I am a student and in a few minutes I am going to sit down and study for my last final of the semester. My youngest will be coming home for winter break from college on Wednesday and I am so excited to see him and hug the stuffing out him! He is in school in Hoboken, NJ, and I haven't seen him since the hurricane and I think that he needs a few extra hugs when we see him! Thanks for letting me get into the conversation.
Warmly, Pam
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 01:29:50 AM
Pam, we are so happy to welcome you to the Over 50s. It is an elite group! Darlys always has a special welcome for new members, too. She has a certain way with words that will make you laugh and be proud to be a member of this squad. A word of caution, saying it is SO cold at weather in the 50s may be "fighting words" to some of us northern gals! :-) I believe you are our first AZ member and we are thrilled to have you. I just celebrated my first anniversary of being an Over 50 and have truly enjoyed the companionship of this topic. I live in the Spokane WA area and am also looking forward to my youngest coming home for the holiday. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Holly, I am so sorry to hear of Cheri's worries about her father. I hope he is recovering and she will have more of the quality time she has been enjoying with him. I am betting Ross is almost over his sniffles. Kids get sick and recover so quickly, don't they? And how is Coco faring now that the snow has a new layer of ice? We are having the same weather here and I am very worried about the black lab slipping and breaking a hip...sigh.
Kathy, I have missed hearing from you so much. I hope Jenny is enjoying the holiday season and I know she is continuing to be your right hand gal. Please keep us posted on your recovery. I apologize that your surgery completely got away from me. I feel terrible for not having sent you get well wishes. But, you sound terrific.
Janiee, is was also a treat to have you catch up with us. Look forward to hearing from you when your life slows down in the New Year.
Jan, I think you have "been in a slump" because you haven't slowed down enough to get over your nasty cold/cough. You give wonderful advice to Gypsy ... listen to yourself, hon! Maybe cut out one type of treat from your baking list? Hoping you shake that nasty cough before Christmas. Thank you for the lovely card, by the way, so nice to get a snail mail greeting!
We had some icky weather. Just when we had a beautiful winter wonderland going, the temps rose to the 40s and it rained. Yuck. Now it has plunged to the 20s and we will have a skating rink. Oh well. Weather, all you can do is talk about it!
Dh has been home for almost a week straight. I get used to having him around so quickly, but every once in a while a get a tummy flip and think, when does he leave again? Fortunately, everything slows down at the holidays in his line of work. So many people get busier at their jobs at the holidays. Like the extra activity at home isn't enough.
Today, I will start getting a few dinners together for the week that the kids are here. We try to do "every man for himself" a few times, so I want to have the fixings for that all ready. Also making a frittata. It is a mainstay in our house. I grew up with them weekly as a fridge clean out dinner. Mom make a mean frittata, nothing was off limits. She got pretty creative. I stay more tried and true...bacon, onion, potato, mushroom, tomato, bell pepper. I have started using "egg beaters" in it and I tell you, you cannot tell the difference.
Well, catch up with you, my friends, a bit later. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 06:41:38 AM
Good morning from cold crisp sunshine in central Texas. 47 years ago today I was living in ft worth TX and I drove myself to the dr because I was having some weird pains and my baby was 3 weeks overdue. DH was at work and he said he was busy and wasn't I well enough to drive. So I did and a few hours later gave birth to my tiny little girl barely 6 pounds. Today is the first time we will get to spend her birthday together in a long time. She works for a wonderful place where they value their employees and give them their birthday off with pay. Have a great day everybody and don't overdo. Take time to put your feet up and have a nice cup of tea
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 06:50:59 AM
Happy "Birth"day, Gypsy! Since I became a mom, I have always remembered my mom and MIL and some of my friends on their children's birthday. You get a different view of birth-day when you become a mom. And the day you give birth becomes much more important than the day you were born. So nice that you get to spend it together. Stay warm and have some fun today! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 09:39:21 AM
Pam, welcome to our group. You will love it here. I'm also a student at 55 years old. What are you studying? I'm working for an AA in accounting.
Marianne, thank you for the beautiful card. I have been having a wonderful time in my sewing room.
Kathy, I am praying big time your arm heals up right this time. Too bad it will take so long. I do hope you notice a difference soon.
Holly, praying for Cheri's dad too. I lost my dad back in 1981 and still miss him to this day. Tell her to hang in there with the "change". It's not much fun and it does last a long time. Just hope everyone in the family can understand and help her deal.
Gypsy, have a wonderful birthday with your daughter. How nice you finally get to spend some quality time with her.
I have been enjoying my sewing room. My serger....not so much. One of the threads keeps breaking. I finally figured out what to do. But then it complained when I tried to sew three layers of fabric. I made a wraparound skirt out of old t-shirts. I'll post a picture when I'm done. I am trying to teach myself to "upcycle" old t-shirts and sweaters into new things to sell on Etsy. Someday I will actually make things people want to buy. I realize I need to stay away from the simple quilts stuff and work on quirky stuff for the younger crowd.
That's all for now. Stay warm and healthy everyone!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 2:42:57 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am at the library for a short while between dropping Talie off at basketball practice and picking him up again. The connection here is a lot faster than at home.
Marianne you are right. Ross is feeling much better today. Vick's vaporub is a miracle cream.
Cheri's father was released from the hospital today. Her sister took him home. I hope that he stays well for a while now.
Bunny you are right about "the change" lasting for a long time. I have been through it and can tell her that the mood swings are what they are but she has always controlled her emotions so tightly that not having control is very difficult for her. I hope she is learning to let go and let others help.
We woke to a beautiful snowstorm. I thought I might take the camera out and get some pictures of the trees clothed in white but it started to rain before it stopped snowing. Now most of the snow has fallen off the limbs. The roads are a bit slippery. the dirt roads are very slushy. A person needs to go slowly so she will not slide off the road unexpectedly.
Gypsy, how far are you from Fort Worth now? Happy Birth day to you.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 4:00:45 PM
Bunny I have a serger and no clue how to use it. I bought it when I bought a new bernina in 2001. I like my old bernina from 1978 better. I also have a little singer featherweight that I am having trouble with the bobbin.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl
1406 Posts
1406 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 4:01:27 PM
Bunny, what kind of serger do you have? I have an Elna 5-spool. I was having that breaking problem with mine when the owner of the store told me to start out slowly turning the handwheel and then slowly work up to speed. I don't know what the machine knows, but it worked for me. I still don't care for serging because it doesn't go around curves well. I don't sew garments, mainly quilt, so I don't use it very often. It sure does a mean wide 3-thread overcast though.
Gypsy, if you can give your Featherweight a tune-up by your local repairman, you will be surprised how well it works. I have bobbin problems with mine, but I know that what I need is a new winder.
Betty in Pasco |
Edited by - Betty J. on Dec 18 2012 4:03:55 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 4:54:03 PM
Betty, I have a Huskylock bought around 1993. I have replaced the motor and used the dickens out of it. I like to sew my pillow cases with it. I'm using it for my "upcycle" clothing attempts and I learned I can't stop sewing and cut the thread. When I get to the end, I just feed something else in. When I want to sew my item, I just butt it up to my dummy fabric and so as long as I don't cut thread and just keep everything continuous, I'm good. Took me all day to figure that out.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 18 2012 : 11:08:54 PM
I agree that sergers can be quite taxing. But, they sure do save time and work when they do what you expect! Clever of you, Bunny, to use the dummy fabric. It isn't hard to see that taking all day to figure out.
Holly, so glad that Ross is feeling better. Vicks brings to mind some memories of childhood for me, too. Let me add my good thoughts and hope for a speedy passage of time as Cheri enters this part of her life. I was fairly lucky, but when I look back, it did take a bit more than ten years start-to-finish for the entire change. A daunting thought at the beginning of the journey...
Gypsy, hope the drive and trip home goes smoothly. And that you have some sweet smelling pups soon. Sounds like you had a nice day with your DD on her/your special day.
Less than twenty-four hours until DD and her beau arrive home for the holiday. Still cooking, got a bed to make up. Dh has said he will do the vaccuming and freshening of the guest house. Good guy.
Until tomorrow! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2012 : 4:22:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have a serger that I use when I make pajama bottoms for everyone, Once I get it hooked up right I zoom zoom along. I have not used it in a while so it takes me a little bit to figure it out. I usually use the machine that my mother bought when I was in high school. It does straight stitch and a little zig zag. Not much imagination there.
Texas is a huge state. Vermont is 2 1/2 hours top to bottom on the high way.
When I lived in the next town over I had old time Vermonters as neighbors. When I was sick once they brought us down skunk oil. It was made from the fat of the skunk. I was told if the stink sac was cut you could not use any of the skunk to make the oil. It did not stink at all. Did it work or did I just get better. So, hard to tell.
I started menopause when I was 35. I thought if I started that young surely I would be done by 45. Nope it lasted until 54 and then the wind down. I am glad it is done.
The new dog we have is a soft coated Wheaton terrier. It is hair not fur apparently. The hair holds the dirt and it falls out when he sneaks up on my bed to have a snooze when I am elsewhere. I am sure he will learn the rules of the house soon enough.
Gypsy I hope your house warms up soon after you arrive home. Ours takes a while if we have been gone and the heat has been down. I think it will be nice to be in your own bed for a little while anyway. I am glad you are feeling well enough to make the trip.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2012 : 4:30:13 PM
Bunny - I love your sewing projects. They are very colorful, modern, and uplifting! Your passion shows, very nice! Idea - I bought the best lap blanket years ago, maybe you can upcycle like it is. This older woman took all of her hubbies old flannel and wool shirts and made the lap blanket with a nice soft flannel all in one color on the other side. I still have it today and use it when I'm on the couch watching TV or reading. It is that time of year and kids have to pay heating bills too! They may sell. I too am upcycling a lot these days! Made old books into Kindle cases, old draws into shelves on a wall where you can put your cell phones and hooks above them for your keys. And my favorite is the Oxen shoes we put on old weathered wood as hooks. Some of it is on or will be soon if you want to check it out.
Annika, Janet, Gypsy, Kathy, Nancy, and Jan - Will keep you all in my prayers that you regain health, hand, eye sight, and energy from the various illnesses/surgery. I hate being under the weather and under the knife more. I feel for all of you!
Marianne - My bunny treats can be seen at I sell a large selection of treats for them and as I advertise, most are safe for humans too! I've sold close to $400.00 worth in the last two weeks. Pretty good when a lot of it is under $5.00!
Holly - I too will keep Cheri's Dad in my prayers. Oh, just read he came home, great! I understand having a relationship with your parents and am happy mine are still with me! I've learned so much from them as one adult to another.
Tell that little guy Ross to get well, Santa's coming soon! So sorry to hear about Coco! You're lucky she didn't break her leg or lose the calf. Is Cheri a selectperson in your town?
Welcome Pam! Jumping in is what you have to do here! Like Bunny you will have a few weeks of relaxation from school, it sounds like. What will you do with your time?
Gypsy - Wish your bundle of joy a Happy Birthday! I had a friend who always sent his Mother flowers on his birthday to thank her for life and I've always thought that was so sweet! My only bundle of joy, 29 years ago, was born on my birthday so we've always celebrated together up until about two years ago. Well, let's face it, the first 13 years I was busy giving parties to her, but at least I was with her! Made a lot of interesting cakes, that's for sure!
Yesterday was hubbies birthday and I took him out to eat. I think I had the biggest chimichanca (spelling) in the world! I could barely get through it let alone everything else on my plate. However, I got the "birthday" present, not David. He took me to buy a 22LR rifle from our local True Value so I will learn to shoot. You'd think given our situation, he wouldn't want to buy me that, but I'm not complaining. And of course it all comes out of his finances, not mine. I'm in control of the checkbook. David's given an "allowance" from his pay check. Without me, I doubt he has a clue what bills we pay and how much they are! In fact, he probably doesn't even know how much he makes! Does that answer some questions? lol
We finally got some snow today but only a dusting. The rest of the State got quite a bit, but being on the coast, it was mostly rain for us.
Other news from Maine is my rooster doesn't like snow and my Aunt in Iowa died. We were not close, I haven't seen her in probably 20 some years, but for Mom it's hard. She has only one sibling left now out of six, and he has cancer. And she's healthy as a horse so far!
Also, I am putting on a pot luck supper fundraiser for a "kid" in town who has been a fireman since he was about 14 (he's 29). He had to have major surgery last week after over a year of being in bed for severe blood clots in his legs. He now has stints in his lower back and will never be able to fight fires or do hazardous emergency actions again, which is what he has lived for until now. He will walk with a limp & cane and always be on blood thinners. His meds before his surgery were about 1700.00 for 8 days and since he's been in bed he hasn't worked and has no insurance. So January 5th I'm hoping everyone turns out and helps him for a change.
Have a good night ladies!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2012 : 4:54:30 PM
Ginny sounds like you've got everything under control--good for you. I made the trip just fine and have rested several hours. The house was not very cold and all the pipes were fine. My daughter did not like me coming back out here alone so I will have to be really careful. Run a few chores tomorrow and go back on Friday I guess although I feel ok unless I over do it or forget and pick something up. I have an old fashioned claw foot tub here and some lavender scented Epsom salts so that is where I am headed and then to bed. Good night everyone.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2012 : 5:31:35 PM
Well, we are have a freeze warning here in Phoenix. This doesn't happen very often, but when it does I scurry around and cover tender plants. I know that so many of you are in places were you are getting lots of snow and my family in IA is in a blizzard. Burrr. Stay warm and safe, everyone.
I just turned 50 last spring, so I am new at this over 50 stuff, but so far so good! I am glad for every birthday.
From all the sewing talk, it sounds like there are some very creative Farmgirls here. I am thinking about having my MIL's old machine tuned up. I can't sew more than an strait line, but there are times when it would be helpful to be able to do that.
Gypsy, I enjoyed hearing about the day you gave birth. What a precious memory.
Aloha, Pam
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2012 : 6:32:44 PM
Gypsy, glad you made it home safe and sound. Be sure to take it easy and not do too much. Pam, welcome!!! We have a great bunch of gals here, and we talk about anything and everything. All are very supportive and send alot of prayers and hugs to all that are in need. We are supposed to have a blizzard tomorrow, glad I will not be going anywhere. I got my baking done, so tomorrow is cleaning and laundry, I work Friday, then can take it easy on the weekend. A new year in 2 weeks, and a new start to getting things in order here. Ginny, glad things are going well for you right now. Holly, I did not know you got a new dog. He will learn his manners soon, I am sure. Bet Ross is getting excited for the new boys to arrive, and for Christmas. Marrianne, Hope you are having a wonderful time with your DD home for the holidays. Sounds like you are pretty well set for Christmas and meals. You are so organized. Betty,bet you have some nice quilts also. Do you have any pictures? Bunny, yes, I agree with the rest, you do such beautiful work and the color selection is so great. Enjoy your time off school. Well, going to bed soon, I was awake almost all night last night. could not sleep and ended up watchinng A Chrismas Carol in 3 different versions. Know them by heart, word for word!!LOL!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2012 : 08:14:50 AM
Good morning farm sisters--I woke up to a very cold windy west texas day. Had to have the furbabies to groomer by 7:30 so it was still really cold to get out and open two gates. they were not happy little campers--i left them shaking and scared. did i say--i hate the wind. not only does it make me so cold i can't get warm. it makes me feel melancholy--the way it whistles and whines and sometimes sounds almost human-like. It usually lasts about 24 hours as it ushers one weather front out and another one in. It is supposed to be in the teens tonight. the landscape is so dreary this time of year. brown and yellow. but glorious sunsets and night skies so we do have that. I did enjoy sleeping in my own bed last night, I call it my princess and the pea bed because it is thick and soft with lots of lovely linens and quilts and pillows. It is lovely to relax in even when sleep eludes me. Particularly after a nice soak in the tub. the camper trailer does leave something to be desired in the luxury dept. so while you all are baking and making and shopping, i am pampering myself. however, i will make that dreaded trip to the post office some time today. better late than never.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2012 : 6:00:38 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast and thirty degrees. I would very much like it to stay cold. I would really like a few feet of snow. Wishful thinking at this point in the winter.
I finally put out my winter holiday cards. Pam if you send Penny your birthday information and address you could be on the list as well. Her email is Penny is very good about making sure we all are on the same page.
Talie has a basketball game tonight about an hour and a half away. the bus takes them and returns them to the school we just need to pick them up. The projected time is 10:30 PM. I do not know how the children who go to school do these late nights and then get up early in the morning. Homeschooled Talie can sleep in if he needs too.
Our friend Timmy's mother is on her way out the door. She is in her eighties and has jaw and throat cancer. She was a sweet woman and waking up dead would have been a more just ending for her life than this painful way she is exiting.
Yes, Ginny, Cheri is on our town's selectboard. She was appointed to fill a term that no one ran for. She is quite good. She has no qualms telling people when they are out of line or asking for something ridiculous. I am not sure if she will run in March or not. I guess it really depends on whether the other stressors in her life smooth out. I do not have the patience to listen to whining adults who are selfish and do not want to compromise.
Sometimes the wind blows here to shake the barn. Usually only in the dead of winter. If the house shakes we know it is a strong wind. We do not have the open spaces of the prairie for the wind to get up any speed. It must be phenomenal when that happens.
We got the new dog from Cheri's father the weekend of Thanksgiving. He had been wanting to give her the dog since his wife died. The dog is named Danny. He is a soft coated Wheaton Terrier. He is dog blond. He is quite a nice dog except he counter surfs and eats anything edible he can reach. I think he figured out how to bark two weekends ago. He seemed surprised when a bark came out and no one punished him. then he barked a good share of he rest of the day. He only barks when he hears something outside. He sleeps with dd and she says he sucks on blankets. She is not impressed. He is five years old. He is beginning to be less wiggy about going outside to do his business alone. I think he may have never been outside without a leash until he moved here. Lucky for him his learning curve is not flat.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2012 : 8:18:42 PM
Good Evening Ladies!
I woke to about 1" of snow and cold! About 17 degrees. Unlike Holly, When I let the girls out of their coop and "Fred" out of his I don't think any of them had a desire to walk in the snow. But the girls in their rush to get out didn't realize there was snow on the ground until it was too late and then they were all trying to push their way back inside, lol. A funny site so early in the morning. Fred is seperated from the girls so he paces back and forth trying to get into their side. He spends all day pacing, poor thing.
I felt like it was one of those days when everything goes right. At the hardware store I found the light parts I need to fix the light in the stairwell; a new motion light for outside the kitchen door; I managed to get the depth of the well water measured so we can get a hand pump in it as a back up; I ran into the used furniture store and found a platform bed for my new memory foam bed and David found a thing to put the newer chickens in. They are too big for the tote they are in, but not big enough for the coop. They live in the garage with a nice lamp over them presently. Managed to get 2 presents ready for tomorrow and two orders packed to ship. Now, time for bed!
Have a great Friday everyone!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2012 : 9:55:38 PM
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome to this group! I am glad to be here : )
It seems like many places are cold and snowy tonight. We did have a freeze here in Phoenix last night, but my plants were covered so that was fine. Today my son and I hiked one of the trails on in the mountains behind our house. At the top we sat and watched 2 pairs of red-tailed hawks in their courtship rituations. It was a perfect, blue day for a mountain-top experience with my son, who is home for the holidays.
For everyone in the snowy places, please stay warm and safe.
Aloha, Pam
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 21 2012 : 10:32:54 AM
Good morning all. One of my favorite things on this thread is everyone describing their weather and their daily activities. It is such a special blessing to know so many of you from all different places and lifestyles and experiences to share It was supposed to be 19 degrees last night when the front came in so I left faucets dripping and everything was fine this morning. I worried that I should have left a heat lamp in the pump house but didn't. The dreaded wind stopped sometime in the night for it is calm this morning. My cousin whose son died in the fire in October is having a hard time and I am trying so hard to help her through it. The holidays are especially hard for all those who have lost loved ones. Holly I'm so sorry for your friend who is dying of throat cancer and I totally agree particularly at her age how much better if only we had the choice to just go peacefully in our sleep. It seems to me that that should be one of our basic human rights is to have a legal way to end our suffering if that is our choice.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 21 2012 : 12:04:45 PM
Hello dear friends ... It is raining and very chilly here in Cupertino -- and we are off to Jackson this evening. The weather outside is frightful. And, it seems the world did not come to an end. Well, duh. However, I did run out of sugar and have to make a run to the store.
I truly have to keep myself in motion but I had to jump in for just a moment to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
Love bunches,
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |