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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 25 2013 : 5:45:07 PM
Welcolme home Mar, we missed you. hope you had a great time in Portland. I'm anxious to hear about it. Portland and Seattle are on the bucket list.
I had East Coast swing class at 3:00, Salsa. at 4, and West Coast Swing at 5. They have more, plus a party on Sunday night but 3 hours wipes me out. Then I realized I have not eaten properly today so I splurged and went to a very nice restaurant and had delicious grilled fish covered with rock shrimp and a lovely lemon butter sauce, served with a large side of sautéed fresh spinach. So I had a wonderful meal without blowing my diet. Blew the budget but not the diet then I came home and put on loose pants.
Still can not dance well in heels so I'm using jazz sneakers and they don't look sexy but they are kind to my feet. I need some type of padding under the ball of my left foot where I had the surgery. I can't quite figure out what to do.
I'm sure missing Ginny and wondering if she is ok. Also it has been a while since we have heard from Jainee. Janet I hope you aren't working too hard, but I'm bettin you are. Cheryl I looked at your Pinterest boards and repinned some of your aprons. You have some of the prettiest aprons pinned that I have ever seen. Holly a free freezer is a heck of a deal. It sounds like your home town is a wonderful place full of caring people.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 25 2013 5:46:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Aug 25 2013 : 6:06:51 PM
Welcome back Mar. We all missed you. Holly, great to get a free freezer just in time for harvesting turkeys. It was so hot here today, 86 and very humid. It was supposed to rain, but it went right by us. Supposed be hot and humid again tomorrow. I cannot breath very well in this weather, that is why I am not supposed to live around here. Good thing we only get a few days of it. We do not have air conditioning. Next week will probably be jacket weather again. I did not do much this weekend, we went grocery shopping this morning, then I browsed through a bunch of magazine I have just gotten. I have been hurting all day. Just got some glucosamine chondroitin to see if that helps with my joint pain that I have been having lately. My hands are so sore, even more since I have not knit in 2 days. This humid weather is making me ache all over. Gypsy, you sure have been doing a lot of dancing lately, do you have a dance partner there? Your dinner sounded wonderful. Bunny, that was, in my opinion, the best outfit yet. Glad gypsy will have it. Hope to see a picture of it on her. You are getting better with each piece you make. I am sure it will pay off for you very soon. Glad it is something that you are enjoying doing. Cheryl, You were supposed to be hot and humid today also, but with rain. Did you get any? It is going to be a sticky night for sleeping tonight. Well, think I will get ready for bed and see how well I sleep in this heat. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 26 2013 : 3:58:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a slow day here on the hill. I think the weather guessers said it was to rain all day. It didn't but the threat was enough that I did not hang any laundry out. The clothes that were on the line from yesterday did not dry all day either. oh, well.
I have been thinking as I do on occasion that someone who used to type on this board once said that they lived 8 or ten miles from the north gate of Yosemite. I believe Bunny that it is not Darlys, so who could it be? Any one remember?
I think in your sage years it is perfectly kosher to wear jazz shoes for dancing. Why would anyone want to stamp and slide in heels is beyond me. Maybe a corn pad would help pad your foot or some mole skin if they make it anymore. You know the tan suede like stuff that has adhesive on one side that people would wear to go hiking to prevent blisters.
I am trying to get the children's school work organized so we can begin. I have all that we need to do. I just have to organize myself.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 26 2013 : 5:00:33 PM
We had rain very early this morning, but that just made it more humid today. I did not do much today, too hot to even do the dishes!!!! I did some shopping, then sat here and crocheted. Tomorrow is another day. I just cannot handle the heavy air that we have here when it is humid or very cold. Holly, sounds like it was humid there too if your clothes did not dry. It is hard to believe that it is school time again already. Seems like the kids just got out for the summer!!!! Do you homeschool them all at once? Hope the rest of you are doing well today.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 26 2013 : 5:30:58 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 6:38:28 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 26 2013 : 6:49:20 PM
Hi Ladies! I am sorry I haven't been here, I've been super busy and just haven't had chance to get on here. But I'm alive and doing fine, just extremely sore, tired, and busy. Will go into details another time, like when I finish reading all the posts!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 26 2013 : 8:19:29 PM
Holly, I'm sure if you had hung your laundry out, it would have rained for sure. Like when you wash your car. I was the one that lived by Yosemite. The fire is pretty bad.
Mar!!!! Where are you?
Gypsy, dancing sounds like a bit of a challenge but a tough Texas lady like you figured it out for sure. I sure hope your top fits just right.
Janet, sounds like you need to move west young lady. We don't have as much humidity as the Midwest and Eastern part of the country.
Ginny, glad to get a shout out to let us know you are still here.
I've been hurting bad the few days. Today I spent pretty much in bed. I hope I feel better tomorrow. I'm behind in my sewing!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 07:19:23 AM
Bunny, I hope you woke up feeling more like yourself today! I hate "those" days. You feel like you are being punished.
Ginny, just jump in! No need to read the older posts...we just want to visit with you.
My "worldly travels" caught up to me yesterday. As did the fact that we had a ferocious wind, rain and thunderstorm the night before. We had a mess to clean up. LOTS of pine needles everywhere. Lost a tree in my circle garden - moment of silence - and a big chunk off another on the perimeter of the yard. So dh and I were very busy all day trying to restore the yard to a low roar. We both hurt last night. Raking, sweeping, those types of movement always set me into a sciatica type pain. And I think dh was having something similar.
So all the catch up - laundry, bills, food prep - that I was gonna do yesterday, will be done today. I guess.
I'll catch up with you later. Thanks for the shout outs. It feels wonderful to matter to you gals. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 3:56:20 PM
I had such a great time with dd and boyfriend. They, as I said, made me feel welcome everytime. It was wonderful weather. We drove to the ocean the day after I arrived and the scenery was so pretty. Really enjoyed it. The surf was so nice and there was a bit of mist in the air, just perfect. It was warm when we left Portland and we drove with the air conditioning on the entire way there.
Remember how I was hoping for some coolness? Got it! I FROZE at Cannon Beach. We didn't time it right for the tide pool and I will have to return to see the jelly fish (alive, anyway) and starfish. Dd and I walked up and down by Haystack Rock huddled in our sweatshirts. I asked her what that lump in the surf was and she walked over to investigate. Then she said, "Oh, advert your eyes, Mom." She knows I am a wimp when it comes to dead things. So, I put my hand up like a horse blinder and continued walking. (Childish, I know, but it made me feel safer.) So, then, we another dead seagull, and then another and another. The carnage! Our beach stroll turned into a zigzagging-hand-blinder wearing-dd eagle-eyeing for more dead things stumbling flee back to the car. WHY???!! How did we hit the death of seagull day at Cannon Beach? One seagull was eviscerating another and this young father was filming it with his two children ... Those kids will probably grow up much better adjusted than I!
Anyway, after that (!), we checked out the stores and had a great time. It is a very nice place to spend time. I look forward to making another trip there again.
One day we were shopping at the "muckity-muck" stores ($$$) and I was wearing a crossbody purse that my daughter found for me (at WalMart) and which dd swore looked like a very good knock off of a famous brand. It "fit" me and my lifestyle (not to mention the $12 price tag was pretty cool) and that was all I cared about. So, as we were looking at makeup at this high-priced store, one of the salespeople came up and said to me, "I love your bag. Is it Fossill?" As I opened my mouth to confess the truth, dd loudly proclaimed, "Yes. Yes it is a Fossill." I was left with my mouth hanging open. The salesperson made a few more comments along the lines of "you can always tell because they are such good quality..." and then moved along. My dd whispered, "You weren't going to tell her you got it at WalMart, were you?" We just laughed and laughed after that.
On Saturday, we went to Saturday Market, which apparently is also held on Sunday. It was huge. So many artists! Bunny, you are on the right track. There were many booths with upcycled clothing. I think yours looked like they had much more work put into them. Keep it up!! Many booths had pull on skirts with wide ribbing waistbands. I guess it would be very forgiving sizewise. Bunny was so in my thoughts throughout the entire trip just being so close geographically!
Gypsy, I wonder if there is such a thing as a prosthesis for a missing toe to help your balance and comfort in dancing? If there isn't, there should be. How is the countdown to October going? It went fast so far, hasn't it? I am excited for you two lovebirds to reunite!
Janet, humid days are meant for crocheting. As long as you aren't crocheting an afghan!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 4:59:14 PM
Bunny, I hope you are feeling better. Seems like when the weather changes is the worst time. I subscribe to a newsletter called mind body green and they keep giving such encouraging news about proper nutrition. I try but still haven't given up sugar.
Mar it's so good to have you back posting again. I've always wanted to go up and down that coastline and see all the lighthouses. Wonder what killed all those birds, a storm? I'll bet DH was so happy to have you back home. Fossil has an outlet store in a giant outlet mall between here and San Antonio. When my DIL was here we went in there. I got sunglasses and a case which I left in B's car. I did not know it was a muckity- muck brand I should take better care of those sunglasses now. I told B to put the case in his suitcase to be sure it gets back to me. I paid a whopping 8$ for it at the outlet store. I've never been big on name brands. I always said I would not pay extra money to wear sonebody's name on my butt, if They wanted that they'd have to pay me. I remember when Gloria Vanderbilt jeans were all the rage.
Ginny thanks for popping in to let us know you are still with us. Hope everything is ok with you.
Mar I have wanted to have a silver toe made with a ruby toenail but still haven't figured out how to attach it I have crepe paper skin and most anything I can think of would rub my skin raw. . In winter I just wear closed toe shoes but I refuse to give up my summer sandals. I really can't complain. For dancing I just haven't come up with a solution yet. There was only one dance class I was interested in tonight and I didn't want to drive all the way over there for one class. So now I'm wishing I had gone. I have not had TV since last year. I just got tired of it. I've seen every movie in town that is worth seeing. So I guess it will be a Netflix night. Yes October approaches. I bought my airline ticket Sunday night while we were talking. We are going to meet in Vegas on October 12 and ride back to Texas together. It will be another grand adventure.
Good night all.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 27 2013 : 6:47:33 PM
We are missing Denise and Mel again, too.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 28 2013 : 1:48:12 PM
It makes me want to switch to Geico! They do have the coolest commercials. Mar, how did you get that link on here? I wanted to do that for Bunny but didn't know how. On a computer you can copy and paste but I don't know how to do it on IPad. Janet I'm sorry the air is getting you down but at least it made you slow down. Did you get to pick tomatoes yet? I thought they had to have hot weather but now there are varieties for any climate. I sure miss gardening. There is just nothing like homegrown tomatoes. Oh, you asked about my dance partner. He's still in Canada. We just show up at class and dance with everybody. We have leaders and followers and we rotate every couple of minutes so you work on each step with each partner. Some couples come who prefer not to rotate and thats ok too. There is every age and every type person there. Each week we practice what we have learned so far and add one new step. If we are short on leaders or followers they will send staff members in to help out. Surprisingly there are usually more men than women.
Holly, I like the term, Sage Years. I'm in my sage years. Yes, that works for me.
Bunny I'm excited about getting the top. I think it might come tomorrow. Because of course I'm leaving for mason tomorrow. I should have had it sent there.
Now we are missing Cheryl. I think each time the seasons start to change everybody has a busy spell getting ready for what's coming. School has started and next week is Labor Day then it seems like Christmas is just right around the corner. How is it that every year goes faster than the one before.
Holly how many youngsters will you be home schooling? How is Ross these days? Seems like he's about kindergarten age? Are the newest family members excited about school?
Hope everyone is having a great day.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2013 : 4:43:00 PM
Hi Ladies :) I'm here :) I've just been MIA enjoying last weekend although hubby was not feeling great and the weather had me a bit off but we still managed a night out for dinner. Had grandson Mon. and Tues. so that keeps me busy. Bunny I continue to be mesmerized by your wonderful designs. I agree you will garner a following soon. Perseverance is definitely the key. Mar, I'm so glad you had a good time but sorry you saw so many dead creatures. I wonder what on earth happened to so many of them? So happy you're back with us. Ginny, Glad to see a post from you and hope lots of good things are coming to fruition in your life. You are missed here. Janet, yep it's been hot and humid here. We finally got some rain last night. Still warm and sticky today but they say Labor Day will end it and we'll go back to the 70's and low humidity. Hard to believe summer is almost over. Holly, Your pictures of your garden and baby chick were so nice. Your garden is fruitful and nice to see how you did your pallets. Don't you just love baby animals? All of them are so precious. We had chickens when I was a kid and while I hated the twice daily drudge of hauling buckets of water from the pump by the house out to the chicken coop I still have golden memories of the gentle clucks and my pet chicken, Henny Penny, hopping into my lap for her scratches and cuddles. I so loved living on that farm. I had no idea how dirt poor we were at the time. The rent for that house was only $25.00 a month. The main reason why was there was no indoor plumbing. Hard to imagine these days and I remember many long trips with a flashlight out back before bed to the lonely outhouse parked beneath mulberry trees. During the winter months we had a chamber pot in our bedroom for overnight emergencies. There was a big mudroom at the back door with a dry sink and hand pump. There was a sink in the kitchen for dishes but no bath tub, shower or toilet. We took our baths in a big galvanized tub in front of the fuel oil stove in the living room during the winter months. I still bear a scar on my left elbow from getting too close to the stove while drying off. Once a week on Sundays we'd go to town to my gramma's house for a real bath. We spent our summers riding our bikes around the cornfield and in the fall we'd play King of the Hill on huge piles of corn cobs after harvest. It was a working farm and our landlord used the barn to store his farm implements and even held a big graduation party and barn dance there for his daughter when she graduated High School. We kids got told to come on in for soda pop, food and to listen to the band. All of my best childhood memories are of that farm. We only lived there 4 years but that is by far my favorite home of my entire life. Dad got hired on as a machinest for a large factory in a town 25 miles away while we lived there and my folks saved until they had a down payment for the home my dad still lives in to this day. Gosh I just tripped the light fantastic down memory lane again LOL. Hope you all enjoyed being held hostage on that trip LOL.
Huggzz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 28 2013 : 6:17:45 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was hot and humid. I think as the days become shorter and the sun is not on that side of the house as long sometimes the clothes take longer to dry. But, today just as the clothes dried twice the rain beat me to them. So, they are still on the line tonight. Rain water fresh.
I thought Gypsy, that your little toe was missing. Now I will reimagine your foot with the ring toe missing. I will have to ruminate on how to fill in the space.
Bunny are you now near the entrance to Yosemite or that was before. I am showing my geographical ignorance here. I bet it was before since the news talks about it being in California and you are not right now. The three little boys and K and T will be homeschooling. K will take her massage class on Wednesday nights. She will be in the intermediate class this year. She is very excited because she will be able to get some sort of license so she can start working in a spa. She will still have one more year of it. She will also take a reading and writing class through community college. They will have a tutor for her. She is gifted with dyslexia and has the accompanying writing and understanding issues. She is very excited about CCV. So, she will do math, history and literature at home. Although the CCV reading will count towards literature as well. The massage has a lot of anatomy and physiology in it so that will be her science. I did get her a lab kit for forensic science that has experiments for identifying bodies because she really likes that stuff. T is being a problem. He is smart but is having hormonal. growing up attitude. He does have more options than doing his learning at home but he has to be motivated to participate and I am not willing to fork out the bucks if he is going to laze along. So time will tell. The little boys are very excited about their learning. It does not take very long to do and they are learning a lot on their own especially in science. Yesterday, two of them fed the barn spiders different insects they caught and put in their web. They watched them cover them with silk. They are also fascinated by the growing and harvesting in the garden. They have done math all summer. Their reading we started today. I started their history yesterday. We will do geography and cultures with the little girls down the road switching off their mom and I each week or two. C wants to play the flute so I need to arrange lessons. I bought a flute from the neighbor girl who gave it up after three lessons.
I have friends who are a little older than me who grew up on farms like the one you lived on Cheryl. My friend, is one of 12. He was one of the younger ones. He used to shoot the rats in the outhouse. He and five of his brothers shared a bed in the attic. They slept head to toe. He said they would wake up in the mornings in the winter with snow that had sifted through the ceiling on their blanket. They were poor as well, but he said being on the farm they had milk for their cereal but their cousin ate his with water on it because they could not afford milk. He always counts himself lucky to have lived on a farm.
I hope all of you who are living in pain for one reason or another have days of ease.
The new freezer came home tonight. It is not new an may indeed be thirty years old. It was a good price. It is smaller than our last freezer but will work great for a while. It is a heavy one. The two guys I had move it for me will be lucky if they do not have hernias in the morning. It was much heavier than the one we took out. The turkeys go next Thursday and the chickens the following. We did not get a plucker so I will be paying to have them done in.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 28 2013 : 6:38:21 PM
Great memories, Cheryl. Loved reading it and thank you so much for sharing! I can't imagine having chamber pots. I bet the chickens were a lot fun. Sounds like an ideal childhood!
Gypsy, I don't know how to cut and paste on an IPad, either. When in doubt, Google?
Just got in from picking tomatoes, zucchini and trying to wrestle a few peaches away from the bees and wasps. Dh had picked up the peaches that had fallen during the wind storm a few days ago and put them in a bucket, but failed to dump them. So the bees, wasps and ants found them in record time and settled in. Now we can't get close to the bucket. I had a tomato that had fallen off the vine and went to throw it off the canyon edge so it would be a welcome surprise for some critter down there. I cocked my arm back to throw it as hard as I could and I did, right against the bucket o' bees. Holy Cow did that make them mad! We had to run for our lives. Dh just shook his head and said, "This is how oil bottles "fall" off shelves when you are around."
Had a busy day running errands. Picked up my prescription, got groceries, some tool at Home Depot, gas, horse feed, shopped at Costco and returned a movie (Pain & Gain - ehh, not so great). The pups were so glad to see us when we got home. So we had a late lunch and then took the pups for a stroll around the neighborhood, which took about 45 minutes. Some days really zoom by.
Today marks thirty-five years ago I had my spine surgery. Gosh, I was only 16. Do you ever look back at yourself at a certain time in your life and just want to give yourself a hug? Wouldn't it be wonderful if our "future selves" could make a quick trip to a particularly tough time in our lives to reassure ourselves that it really will turn out just fine? If you could have made that trip in time to reassure yourself, when would it have been? I don't know if my surgery and the nine months of body cast that followed actually is the time I would have needed the self-pep-talk. I think I would have chosen when I was 20 years old and in college. I really was just lost there for a while. Trying too many "new" things that were not so great and dangerous. That was probably when I needed a peptalk or maybe just a commonsense, be yourself type talk. Yep, that is when I would have most benefitted from my future self giving myself a good kick in the rear, while embracing the scared mixed up person I was! I needed that "Everything will turn out just fine" message pretty badly.
I have taken a tangent again...
Have a nice night! Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 28 2013 : 6:39:19 PM
Ring toe?
Love it! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2013 : 6:47:33 PM
It is so hot and humid here. Today is the first day all year that we did not have any wind at all. It got to 89 degrees with high humidity. I am so miserable, had to use oxygen the last 2 days while home. I managed to get my dishes and laundry done, but that is about it. By Monday we are supposed to be back in the 60s for the highs, so it is almost over. I do need to be out west where it is not so humid and the air is lighter. I will post more tomorrow.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 29 2013 : 02:30:17 AM
Cheryl, loved reading about your farm life. You were a true farmgirl. I remember my mom and dad bought a little house in a small mill town when I was about 12. It had no electricity or hot water when we stayed there one summer. It had a wonderful wood burning kitchen stove. My mom would heat pots of water and dump them into a big claw foot tub. I think we might have had two or three inches of water for a bath. My dad and I redid the electricity together and I cut wood most of the summer for our winter stays.
Holly, I live in Oregon now. But did live about 25 miles from the Yosemite gate before moving here. Sounds like you have your hands full with homeschooling. I would never have had the patience for it. You are super mom in my book. Gypsy have you seen the movie "the piano" . The main character ended up with a silver finger so she could keep playing her piano. I hope you get your top before you leave.
Janet, sorry you are having such a hard time with the weather. You really need a change of scenery! Hope you get it soon.
It's 2:30 am and I can't sleep. Hoping a glass of milk and a granola bar will help.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 29 2013 : 07:47:19 AM
Bummer, Bunny. Hope the milk and granola bar worked. You need your rest for your creative streak. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 29 2013 : 2:31:46 PM
Ok, here is what I accomplished today. This is my red power suit redo I submitted to Altered Couture magazine. I had to send pictures of all three pieces of clothing I used. ( one was a red linen dress with daisies), a self addressed stamped postcard, instructions and descriptions of both items, a check for return postage and sewed labels inside with my name and address. I sure hope I didn't forget anything!!
 I'm expecting the worst but hoping for the best.
I'm too wound up to do anything else. I think I'll take a nap.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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