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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 21 2013 : 09:28:23 AM
Mar, hope you have a wonderful time in Portland. See you when you get BA k. Maybe one of these days when you go there and I have extra cash I'll meet you and DD for a girls day out. I don't know Portland very well but I'm only 1 1/2 hours away.
Janet, I feel your pain with the knees. Mine are getting pretty noisy themselves. No cane for me yet. Not fun when parts start wearing out. Glad you are enjoying your days off and the warmer weather. Living in a warmer climate in your RV will be so different for you.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 21 2013 : 3:18:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am writing a little early so I can go to the hospital and bring Cheri home. The nurse practioner told her that if she needed too she could stay another night. That is not on her agenda at all. It will be hard for her to climb the stairs but once she is up she does not have to go down for a while. I will tell her all of your kind healing thoughts.
K likes to keep the public areas of the house picked up. Her bedroom, well........... it is often hard to walk from the door to the window.
So, yesterday I posted while I was at the hospital. Bunny's post was not there nor Gypsy's. Now they are. It is interesting how the chronology of hte ostings work.
I was at Tai Ch'i last night and the others were talking about Utube videos that were funny. They spoke about some called Drunken History. Some history grad students were recorded drunk giving their versions of historical happenings. I have not seen it.
A sad funny story. My friend L and her family were driving on the two lane pave road today. They were following a state truck that was painting two yello lines down the middle. Along came a dead squirrel with two yellow lines along its poor squished body. It was not bed enough for the squirrel to have been killed by the truck but then to have been painted.
So, I asked L about the boiled egg and the cyst in her daughter's ear lobe. She said you boil the egg to get it hot and then wrap the hot egg in a wet cloth and hold it on the cyst. It holds the heat and takes down the swelling. She said the cyst reduced in size each time but by morning it was back. they eventually had the doctor remove it and the dd is recovering.
We had the children's favorite meatloaf for supper. I spread the meatloaf in the bottom of the baking dish and up the sides. Then I put in a generous amount of cheddar cheese and put a cover of meatloaf on the top. K said J will be so mad when he gets home from work if there are no leftovers it is his favorite. We had cucumbers from the garden as well. So, we grew all of supper ourselves.
Time to go to the hospital.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 21 2013 : 5:53:48 PM
Good evening all
Janet with all the surgery you have had I would think you will most likely want to check with your doc before starting any exercise. Like they always warn at the start of the tape. Which I have always ignored.
Holly I'm glad C is coming home and everything is ok. I have heard it is a very painful process My left knee is a bit of a problem but manageable.
I felt really good today and thought I had kicked this cold but got to feeling bad tonight. I wonder why everything gets worse at night.
Just checking g in. Hope everybody is doing well and I wish for all of you A good deep sleep tonight
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 22 2013 : 06:02:09 AM
Just a quick note for now. Gotta run and get daughter a birthday card and gift and bring it to her at the radio station where she works. We had bad thunderstorms and wind last night, so I shut the computer down early for fear of power surges or outages. Did not have any though. The brunt of the storms were either south or north of us. We did get some rain, we needed it. About 9:30, it was raining lightly and I looked out the window and there was a rainbow!!!! Pretty, but weird. I will post more later. Have a great day!!!!
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 22 2013 : 07:49:54 AM
Holly, the poor painted squirrel! You are right, sad but funny. We still have armadillos here. They are sort of a Texas icon. also a beer called Lone Star Beer. Years ago my daughter and I were driving out to the farm from Houston and as we went over a curve, there on the side of the road was a dead armadillo upside down and some prankster had stuck an empty lone star beer bottle in its mouth and stiff little front legs. We both burst out laughing and I wished for a camera. No cell phone cameras back then.
Janet those rainbows while its still raining are really beautiful aren't they. I've tried to capture that with the camera too but they never come out as striking as the real thing.
Have a great day every one
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
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Posted - Aug 22 2013 : 11:29:28 AM
Hi Ladies :) Bunny--I LOVE LOVE LOVE the black dress and jacket. It's so steampunk and current that I'm sure it will be snapped up in a heartbeat. It so makes me wish I was slim and younger. I watched a yoga video I'd recorded off PBS about Yoga for easing pain and I really liked the teacher's focus on helping those with chronic pain become more flexible and have a better quality of life. I searched and found a good price for the video and a couple others for folks who are older and not so flexible and ordered them all. Years ago I used to do yoga and loved it. So I'm up for a go at it again to try and lessen fibro pain and improve my flexibility. They should get here tomorrow so I'll let you know what I think once I try them. Holly--I also send well wishes to Cheri and I'm sure she's going to be so grateful to have both knees done and be able to walk without pain. What a blessing that will be for her. Glad the neighbor finally got his pigs. Do you like bacon? Wink. Maybe one of his pigs needs to go in your freezer if they keep visiting LOL. Just kidding :) Mar--Hoping you have a lovely trip and enjoy your time with your dd. I bet your DH is going to miss you lots. Sometimes you don't know how much you are appreciated till you spend a bit of time apart. I remember when I'd be gone a month or two taking care of mom I'd come home to lots of hugs and kisses. I think the best compliment my DH gave me was to tell me home just wasn't home unless I was there. Made my heart smile. Gypsy--that totally makes sense about arthritis and jarring bones making them stronger. I know when a person breaks a bone the point where the fracture occurred usually is stronger after healing. I love hearing about your dance classes and I so wish I had someone like you to hang out with here in Wi. I need someone to kick me in the caboose sometimes to get me moving. I am really looking forward to getting my yoga cds and see if I can get myself moving again. I miss the old me (prior to Fibro) so much. I should have thought about looking on you tube for yoga videos..duh but I know watching the cds will give me a nice big image to take special note of how poses are done. We had a thunder storm here again last night and a bit of wind but nothing like a couple wks ago. This time just lots of rain and leaves scattered about by the wind. I took my dog for a walk and noticed several trees beginning to turn shades of orange, rust and gold. Also my neighbor's burning bush is beginning to turn the lovely crimson of it's Autumn coat. Fall is my favorite time of the year. It reminds me of all of my favorite things. Warm sweaters, crocheting, hot chocolate, Pumpkin cappuccino, fire pit smoke from crackling logs and the smell of a good bowl of chili. It also makes me want to "nest" in preparation for the long winter ahead. I load up on books and start making Christmas gifts and doing a bit of shopping. I learned long ago that I can't stand fighting the traffic and crowds so I do all of my Christmas shopping online for things I don't make. I rather enjoy that also as I put on a pair of warm flannel jammies, grab a mug of something hot and delicious and shop in the comfort of home. No stress shopping. Gotta love it. Okay girls I'm off to get something done around here :) Have a wonderful weekend if I don't make it back before Monday. Hubby has Friday and the wkend off again so hoping to enjoy it. Huggzz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 22 2013 : 2:55:45 PM
Cheryl, you are such a good writer. You made me feel so nostalgic for the real fall weather we enjoyed when we lived up in northeast Georgia in the mountains. It was exactly as you described it, chili and all. And the smell of smoke from the fireplaces in the air. Gosh, I didn't realize how much I missed it. In Texas our fall is just less hot, some years we have a little fall color.
You will be glad you got the yoga CDs. You tube is just little clips usually not long enough for a full workout. I exercise to Pilates and yoga CDs but mine are several years old so I'm interested in your report on what you got. Yeah, wouldn't that be fun to go out dancing. I don't like going alone but don't have anyone to go with. I hope the fibro will let you do the exercises because the benefits of exercise are amazing. I was sick nearly all of last year and got so weak and out of shape. It happens so fast when you don't feel good.
I'm wanting to find another tai chi class. I took one in January at the Y and really liked it.
Holly, I hope C is home and comfortable. There are a lot of kids around to wait on her hand and foot. I would seize the opportunity.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Aug 23 2013 : 6:04:36 PM
WOW!!!! There has been nobody so far today. Where is everybody? I worked today, and it was so slow. A lot different from last week. People are getting ready for school right now, and it is the end of the month. Labor Day weekend next week already!!!! Time is just flying by!!!! I have been ordering a lot of stuff over the internet and almost every day a package is waiting for me at the door. Like Christmastime!!!!!! I am ordering things I want now, because in a year we will be on the road and won't be getting our mail very often. No place to send packages until we figure something out. I can still send things out though using Etsy. Holly, Hope Cheri is starting to feel less pain now. Soon she will feel like a new person. I am finally getting some ripe tomatoes. Need to go out and pick them tomorrow. Hope all are fine and enjoying the start to the weekend. Have a wonderful evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 23 2013 : 6:42:17 PM
Janet, I'm here lurking. I have been sewing. I am working on a submission to a magazine. I have the jacket done and almost finished with the skirt. I have it pinned up. I just need to wait until tomorrow to see if I still like it. I always walk away for a night if I'm unsure.
Good idea to order all the things you want now. You are planning ahead.
My son is applying o the Marines. Not too sure how I feel. Part of me doesn't think he he will make it. But I don't want him to be disappointed. He is trying to escape a negative home life. I totally understand. Part of me hopes he does make it because it would be good for him. He has to pass the written test first.
Anyway, later for now. I guess everyone is busy.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 23 2013 : 7:26:36 PM
Janet you are smart to get what you want now. I love all my stuff and I know I'll get back to it eventually. I sort of feel like there is no point in making stuff if there is no place for it to go. Marketing is such hard Work. I've got more than enough stuff sitting around. I want to quilt a quilt top I made several years ago and give it to my 9 year old grandson for Christmas. He's old enough to appreciate it and take care of it.
Bunny you amaze me with how fast you can put these outfits together. You are really doing some serious marketing and I know your hard work will pay off.
Tonight I had an hour of salsa and an hour of swing. Both were good and two hours is a good amount of exercise. More than that is too much for me and one hour isn't really enough. I will continue to go as much as I can through this last week of August, then in September I will need to be out at the farm a lot more. It has been really good for me to just take a month and dance as if I had nothing else to do. I'm sorry my brothers surgery was not successful even though it allowed me to come right back home and resume my life. I talked to him today and he seems a little more accepting of the way things are. He says it is what it is and there is nothing anyone can do. Maybe he will try to start exercising a little and get his strength back so at least he can drive himself around. There's nothing wrong with his arms or legs or his mind so he's going to have to learn to live with what he's got. I think if he was going to end it all he would have done it. He sounded a little less depressed today.
Seems like its been a while since we've heard from Ginny. We've stopped hearing from Kathy and Thelma. I sure hope they are okay.
Suddenly the days seem shorter. I took the fur babies for their walk about 8:20 and it was almost dark.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 23 2013 : 10:41:39 PM
I'm a sap. I cried watching Project Runway.
Gypsy, I wish I could have the energy you do. I tried yoga and spent two days in bed. I can just imagine what salsa dancing for an hour would do to me. I hope your brother can improve his life. I bet he appreciates being able to talk to you at least.
I do miss all our missing farmgirls. Hope everyone is OK.
Time for bed.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 4:44:44 PM
Just finished this for my etsy store.

Check out the back. I thought this was really sweet.

The weather has been making me a bit achy so I'm done for today. I was really hoping to get two dresses done. Almost done with the second. My cat Alex was so demanding of attention I finally had to just stop.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Sad note. Some friends of mine live close to the fire by Yosemite. They let their little dog out in the morning and she never came back. I think with all the wildlife running from the fire, she became a meal on the run. My son was very attached to her. I think the wildlife in that area will be upset for quite a while.
Anyway, time for a rest.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 5:19:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today and the last few have been better than lovely. Little humidity to speak of. Blue skies and temperatures in the high seventies and eighties. Summer is finally here. Although it is like fall as well because the nights are cool as are the mornings. So, I do chores in my long pants and sweatshirt and then about 10 I change to my shorts again.
I am on the last row of wood to put into the barn. A relief it will be when it is all done.
One of our hens has hatched one chick. It is three days old now. The hen took it out into the yard for the first time this afternoon. It has a very loud peep. She does her chicken cooing to it. This evening she brought it back into the garage for the night.
Cheri is feeling better. The pain is fairly constant at a low level managed by the drugs. She pooped today and was so happy and relieved. She is glad she did not need to stay in the hospital until it happened. She is on a passive motion machine that bends her knee, she is up to 70 degrees.
A neighbor is collecting apple drops from is yard for us for the pigs. some of them have sat there for a while so maybe the pigs will get a little tipsy from eating them.
Where has Denise gone?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 5:20:36 PM
Is Darlys' new house near Yosemite? I hope she is safe.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 6:14:32 PM
Here is the zucchini growing in the pallet. Let me see if this works to post.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 6:17:08 PM
Here are the raised beds I made out of pallets.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 6:19:28 PM
A nice picture
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 6:22:30 PM
A slightly blurry picture
of the hen and her chick but you can see the size difference.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 24 2013 : 8:27:34 PM
Holly the pics are great. I finally understand how you did the pallets. Everything looks so green and lush. I think the shot of baby chick and mom is quite artistic.
Glad C is doing better. They usually won't let you leave hospital until you pass gas so they know your tummy woke up too. Apparently sometimes it doesn't. At least that was my experience twice last year. The thought of surgery makes me feel an anxiety attack threaten. My hair and nails and skin are finally recovering fom all that anesthesia.
We seem to have lost Sherone too.
Bunny. your creativity just gets better and better. You will be discovered sooner or later and you won't be able to keep up with the demand. That is quite a talent to do what you do.
So sorry about the little dog. I don't ever let my little ones out alone but I found out that my dd does when she keeps them. I i don't like that at all. I don't have TV so haven't been keeping up with the fires. We had huge fires here 2 years ago and it was horrible. So I sure feel empathy for those who are suffering now.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 25 2013 : 08:44:28 AM
Holly, I love your pictures and what a garden! So much green! Hope Cheri is doing well. Darlys is far away from the fire. She is actually way south of it. It is moving east and north of Yosemite.
Gypsy, I sure hope you are right about my sewing. I get lots of lookie loos but no more buyers at this point. I know I just have to be persistent. I know it may even take many times submitting to the magazine before they pick me. I just love doing this too much. It's almost like a calling. I'm probably being tested for my perseverance.
I got the quilt I made for my friend back from the quilters and sewed the binding on yesterday. I just have to finish up the hand sewing part. I'll try to remember to take a picture before I send it off.
Hope everyone is doing well. The weather here is cloudy but no rain yet.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 25 2013 : 10:13:58 AM
Bunny it looks from the pics that some of the short outfits you make would be just fabulous with tights and that is such a popular look this year. Your tops also camaflouge a muffin top so beautifully that I think the gals would jump on them for that reason if nothing else. I always heard that success was 20 percent knowledge and 80 percent preservence.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 25 2013 : 10:21:45 AM
Bunny, I want that last one. I'm going to get on my computer and order it. I like the long sleeved and the neck isn't too scooped for me. If it gaps a bit at the shoulders I've found a very thin shoulder pad at Joann's I can use and I've also figured out how to use a little elastic to gently draw up the back neck. I. Just tried it on another top and it worked. When you send it, include some cards so I can give them to people who ask where I got it.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 25 2013 : 4:08:13 PM
Bunny, those are beautiful. Gypsy, I think you picked the perfect one for you. Can't wait to see the next one you create. And Bunny, I was having those same thoughts of meeting up with you. I sure hope we can manage it! It would be such fun.
Holly, The double yellow line squirrel is a hoot. I would have died laughing. If I had made it through the squirrel, the armadillo with the beer can would have done me in. Hope C continues to improve. Your pictures are great. Your squash looks really happy planted in your raised bed. And I loved the chick and mama. Flowers always make me smile, so a beautiful bunch of yellow ones was a nice addition to my day.
Janet, glad you had some time off and a slower day at work. How are you doing weather wise? Is it completely Fall now? I read that the Farmers Almanac predicts a very cold winter for 2/3 of the country with more snow than normal. I don't know what our third of the nation is supposed to get! I guess you will just have to keep chanting, "Last winter here. Last winter here."
Cheryl, hope you had a fun weekend with your dh. I was very happy to come home to a dh who had missed me so much. And the appreciation was high as you predicted. I try to do all my shopping online or I sometimes enjoy having QVC on while I'm fussing around the house. I used to have it on for the noise because I was alone so much. Since dh is home now, I don't ever watch it. But, they do have some things that I order from them for convenience. Malls can be the devil at the holidays!
missed you all. I will bore you with Portland tales tomorrow. Too tired right now! mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 25 2013 : 5:13:03 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think I puttered most of the day. Did animal chores. Washed sheets and hung them on the line. I do like the smell of line dried linen. Weeded some in the garden. It looks like I may have many nice buttercup squash and a few butternut squash. We had rice and steamed vegetables from the garden. The children thought it was delicious so I guess I did something right.
I try to do all of my holiday shopping in our downtown. There are somethings now that are only available through the box stores. Some of the clothes we get on line because they are not available around here. There is a concerted effort around here to keep our downtowns alive. sometimes a group of people get together and all agree they will spend a certain amount of money and they all go to the store at the same time and spend. I think it is called a cash mob. I have not been part of one of these yet but I do read about them in the paper.
Bunny does school start soon? K is going to take one class this semester. She met with the advisor at Community College and will have a tutor as well. they are committed to having her succeed.
I planted a package of Jacob's cattle beans this spring. C shelled them today and I grew a cup of beans for the effort. Hardly a meal but they are pretty and I will try to save some for next summer and maybe enlarge the bed.
Mar I am glad you had a great time with dd. I am also glad that your dh handled everything at home so well that you could still enjoy your time with dd even after you arrived home.
Front porch forum which is an online place for community members to swap information and trade goods and services had a free 20 cubic foot freezer on it. I will go on Wednesday to pick it up. I have delayed doing in the turkeys because I had no freezer space to store them. My old chest freezer died early this spring. I have a date to have them put in plastic bags in two Thursdays.
The day was again lovely. Temperatures rose to the seventies and low humidity. A nice breeze.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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