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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 18 2013 : 6:17:05 PM
Marianne, I can just see that oil all over the place. Maybe it had a flaw in it to begin with. Who knows. At least it did not get you all over. We took a ride out to where we camped last year, and took some roads we were never on before. A good 3 hour ride. It was warm and sunny. I made tuna salad when we got home, we had that and the leftover grilled chicken for supper, so it was an easy fix tonight. I need to get this house cleaned, the dust bunnies are taking over again. It is supposed to be nice most of the week, so I am hoping to get my throw rugs washed and hung outdoors. And the floors scrubbed. It did feel so good to have 3 days off now. Feels like I am on vacation!!! Hope everyone is having a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 18 2013 : 7:23:08 PM
Wow, Janet, you are super woman. Seriously, you are one of the hardest working gals I know. I'm glad you enjoyed your time off and sounds like your weather cooperated. My hat is off to you for being able to kick the smoking. I've heard it takes an average of 15 tries before successfully quitting. Good for you for being able to stay off them. I guess it's a good thing my weak stomach keeps me from drinking much at all, and my allergies would keep me from smoking anything.
I went to the dance classes again tonight except I've dropped the class where the lounge lizard was speculating about my past dance career, Mar. I don't think he was trying to be rude, I think maybe he thought he was being funny? I have not met anyone there that I would care to become friends with. But I'm still in the beginner section.
There is no way to save this in draft form so I'm posting and editing. I was thinking Cheryl said she was a smoker and married to a smoker. Congrats to you Cheryl for kicking the habit and hopefully your sweet hubby will see the light before its too late. It's hard for me to believe something that insidious that helps keep our hospitals full could be legal. I've read that the tobacco companies add extra nicotine to make sure people are hooked. The problem is most people start when they are young and then later when they wise up its got such a grip on them.
Bunny I hope you will post pics of your latest creation. There are sure to be ups and downs in sales but I think this is where your heart is. You definitely should make some things up in your size and wear them out and about. Good advertising and fun at the same time. I agree, it's good that cooking oil was on a lower shelf. It could have been worse I guess. Im glad you had nothing to do with it, Mar, just happened to be standing In the wrong place at the wrong time----right?
Denise, I hope you are getting a much deserved break, and Cheryl, I hope you got to spend a good weekend with your little grandson.
Holly, every day is an adventure at your house. I always enjoy reading your posts. Your daily posts would make a great blog. You have a lot of wisdom and wit to share.
Mar, I never have cared for Ashton what's-his-name either, but I think he did a great job with this role. At the end they showed photos of the real guys and next to it the actor who played the part, and the resemblances were amazing.
Good night all. I think my phone is about to ring for my Sunday night phone date.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 18 2013 7:43:36 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 2:34:13 PM
Yea, Gypsy, I was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time pulling the wrong bottle of oil off the wrong shelf next to the other wrong bottle of oil. And oil doesn't come out of Keds. At least I wasn't wearing my cute pair of Keds. Just the plain ol' navy ones. These things happen to me. Gravity behaves funny around me. That's my story, etc.
Hope your Sunday Night Date Call was nice, Gypsy.
Good Grief, Janet, you are a busy woman. My floors get cleaned, but rarely scrubbed. I need to iron a few things that I would like to take with me to Portland. And Dh deserves a decent looking shirt or two, also. Guess what, I will arrive in Portland in time for a rare heat wave. Sigh. I was hoping to get a respite from the heat. It is supposed to be 88. Thank goodness the kids have A/C! Getting excited, leave on Wednesday. Made dh his favorite peanut butter cookies so he won't pout. The are huge. The entire recipe makes 18. He says that way one will do him. Sure.
I will check in on you gals later, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 5:12:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
I hate housecleaning. My dd does most of it. She likes too. I am amazed by people who have the drive to scrub their floors and walls. I guess it is a good reason to live in a barn with so many children maybe people do not expect me to have an immaculate house. Dd says when she has her own place and children she will have them put their belongings in the right place all the time. She will have a clean house all the time. I told her good luck.
Last night we were at the neighbors for their campfire and s'mores when Cheri comes roaring up in the truck yelling you need to come now the pigs are out. Now I had just been by the pigs not ten minutes before and they were happily eating apples in their pen but I obediently went to help coerce the pigs back into their pen. I looked at the pen as I went by and said, they have not gotten out there are two. C says but there are four out. Well, she had been in the house when Chris went back to the house to change his pants and he had running screaming into the house and he can scream like no other in the highest pitched siren wail the pigs are out, the pigs are out and that set off the next set of events. Kethry yelled they are here in the old pig pen. I thought that is fortuitous. Cheri yelled, we have six pigs in the pen they did not get out. Kethry screams as she has since she was about 14 they are so ugly! One is a Boar! They are going to charge! I am not going near them! Someone elses pigs had come to visit. I laughed. Our old pig pen had been compromised by big white pines falling on it so the fence was down in two places. We tried to block them in but they eventually went on their merry way as the sun went down. I am not sure whose pigs they are. The only people close to us whom we know have pigs live a mile and a half through the woods and over a hill. I hope they went home.
Mar I think while you are in Portland you could go to a hobby store and look in the bug collecting section and I bet they have glass covered boxes for budding entymologists.
I will take pictures of the green house as it hopefully progresses. Sliding frame is what Helen and Scott Nearing used to build their stone houses. You take pieces of plywood that are about two feet high and make a two sided frame around the perimeter. Like an inside rectangle and then an outside rectangle so the space between is wide enough to put the rock and cement in to build the wall. I think you put braces on the outsides of the plywood and tie them to each other with wire that feeds through the plywood so when the wall is set you can cut the wire and remove the plywood and slide it up to the next level. I have heard that there is now a kind of rigid insulation that you can put on the inside of the wall and leave it there.
The beach that is on the flood control reservoir will close Labor Day weekend. I believe you Jan that your climate is colder than ours.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 6:47:29 PM
We just got home from the park. They had a concert down there tonight, so we walked there, it is only 3 blocks away. It was real windy when we left, but then the wind died down and was calm. It is almost 10:00, and it is still 68 degrees. First time this summer that is was warm at night!!!! I am loving this weather. Too bad it is so short lived though. I did not get all of my housework done today, but tomorrow is another day. I want to get the house done so I can start doing some sewing and crafting. I have so much I want to do. I do not have to work until Friday, so I still have time to enjoy my days off, but I still get up early and go to bed early. That is okay though, because I am a morning person. I can get more done before 10 a.m. than I can the rest of the day. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 6:56:32 PM
Hello everybody
No news here but I thought I'd check in
Yes those weekly phone calls are worth it., Mar, and by the way you are spoiling that man. Good for you.
Holly, sounds like you guys had the proverbial three ring circus going on. I hate house work too. Mostly I hate doing dishes because my mom made me wash dishes from the time I could stand on a small stool and reach the sink. She has always had a germ phobia so I had to wash them in bleach water so hot I could barely stand it. Sometimes we had rubber gloves but they were so big the dishes would slip out of my hands and break, then there would be real trouble. We had a lot of chores but I hated that one the most. My hands show it today.
I went to only one class tonight. There must have been a wreck because traffic was tied up so long I missed the first class the one I took is called the Lindy Hop. It is a very lively dance but I hung In there.
Hope Bunny is sewing up a storm.
We've got some MIAs again. Hope everybody is ok.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 6:59:15 PM
Janet you posted while I was writing. I'm so glad you are getting the good weather while you are off work to enjoy it.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 7:01:29 PM
Hi Ladies, This is going to be a quick post but will try to get on here tomorrow with more. Was a busy but great weekend. I finally felt well enough to get out and do things. Gypsy, I am very familiar with PEG tube feedings. I don't know how they have told your brother to do them but the ones I have hung for patients we had drs. orders for drip ratios and that was run by IV pump. Your brother should have a feeding bag he pours the feeding into. Tell him to run the feeding down the tube to clear air from the tubing and then use the clamp on the tubing to stop the feeding from running all over and to then connect the tubing to his peg tube. He won't get air with the feeding that way and that should help with the nausea. Also he can slow the feeding rate down so it's not going into his stomach at too fast a rate. Tell him to use the feeding at room temperature instead of refrigerator cold too. If he uses partially used cans he must store in the fridge to set them out ahead of time to warm a bit before doing the feeding. Usually those things will solve the issues. I'm sure he flushes the tube after the feeding to clear the feeding and keep the tube from plugging. Hopefully these things will make a difference and make his feedings more comfortable for him with less nausea. I'm happy you're home now and I totally agree with the other ladies that you must take care of yourself. Dysfunctional families are more the norm in our world than the Ozzie and Harriet families ever were. I have made a promise to myself to care for my parents and so far I've managed to do that fairly well. My siblings are on their own. We're all so very different and opinionated that close proximity or conversation can head the wrong direction quickly and I prefer to distance myself from the drama zone. For my peace of mind it works for me. Will catch up more later girls. I've worn myself out this weekend and then today I baked 3 loaves of cranberry zucchini bread so all I can think about right now is my pillow. YAY ME! I'm going to bed at a decent hour almost like a normal person LOL. Huggzz to all
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 8:43:21 PM
Gypsy, I guess your mom never knew that bleach works best in cold water. All those scalding sinkfuls were a waste.
Janet, I'm with you! I start to fade in the afternoon. But, I get a lot done in the morning just like you!
Cheryl, you are a dear to share your knowledge with everyone. I hear ya about the distance needed between you and your siblings. I feel the same way. It makes you wonder how you were raised by the same people some times. Hope you managed a full night's sleep. (It's like money in the bank, isn't it)
How happy were you to find all your pigs at home, Holly? Yay! Someone else's pigs were misbehaving! And tell K, I also wish her good luck on that immaculate house when she is older!
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 9:38:55 PM
Mar, I did not know bleach works best in cold water! We always washed everything in hot scalding water with bleach. White loads of laundry was one cup of bleach. She put about a half cup in the dishwater. I wash my dishes now in hot water before I put them in the d ishwasher to be scalded again. Good grief!
Cheryl, that is some good information about the feeding tube. I can tell you have been there and done that. I might be bugging you for more information if you don't mind. And you are spot on about family and siblings. I don't argue with my brothers, but mom and sister are a different story. I think the reason mom keeps going at 90 is that she doesn't want to live with any of us! The boys are both old and sick and she is worried she will outlive them, but I'm too bossy to live with and my sister is too lazy she is just gonna have to live forever. Good night all. Hope everybody gets a good nights sleep!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 19 2013 : 9:48:59 PM
One last thought. What do you suppose our children say about us. Hmmm.........
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 09:30:25 AM
Good morning ladies :) Usually when I say that it's 1 or 2 in the morning LOL. I had a wonderful weekend. DH took Friday off work so we were out bumming around and out to dinner for a fish fry. That's one thing I truly love about Wisconsin is our Friday fish fries. Always yummy. Saturday was another day spent bumming and we've been having some trouble with our car so took it over to my son's and he swapped out my battery for a new one so that's fixed and no more worries there. It's so nice to have a son who knows his way around a car. My little grandson and his half sister were there too so I sat with the kids while Eric fixed the car. Then home and DH had fixed a nice rib dinner. Sunday I headed over a couple towns to see my youngest son, Chris, and his new bride, Kay. They recently adopted a dog so I got to meet my new granddog, Maddie. She's got some whippet in her and is built for speed. Sweet little girl. Hubby had dinner cooking when I got home. He's such a good cook and enjoys doing it. How lucky am I? Monday was spent shredding zucchini and making cranberry zucchini bread and I expect to be shredding more zucchini this afternoon. Gypsy==feel free to rattle my brains anytime you want. I need that to keep my brains from going stale. I happened to think after I posted last night if they just have your brother using a feeding syringe to inject the feeding directly into the tube just tell him to slow it down and not squirt it all in there at once. Slow is the key. It's hard to say what our kids say. I'm sure they have plenty to complain about too....LOL Holly--You're so busy all the time it makes me tired just reading your posts. I'd be happy to have half your energy. I hope when your dd grows up she reconsiders and lets her kids make memories and messes. The housecleaning has never been something that a kid grows up saying, "oh the best thing about my childhood was the clean house my mother made us keep". Never gonna happen :) Mar--you might try pouring degreaser on your tennis shoes and toss them in the wash. Sine they're kind of ruined anyway it couldn't hurt right? Janet--Don't worry about the dust bunnies. Name them and tell everyone they're pets....ha! I'd be happy to send you some of our warm weather we're having right now if it hasn't slid up your way. To be in the upper 80's today and tomorrow and the humidity is climbing. They're saying possible storms Wed. night and I just hope they're nothing like the last storms we had. Final count by the NOAA on the twisters was 6 of the darned things. Thankfully no one was injured and only 1 of them was an F2. Lots of destruction though of trees and property damage so we don't need anymore. Bunny--I think I hear your sewing machine whizzing along. Please do post more pictures. I love seeing your creativity. Just remember to pace yourself. Easier said than done I know. I wrote a novel again. Everyone have a wonderful afternoon/evening. Think I better get to shredding zucchini. Huggzz to all. Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 10:04:38 AM
Good morning everyone. Didn't sleep well last night. Too much pain in my hip. Not sure what's going on. I do last longer in my sewing room on the foam mat though. I think it's just too many years of moving really heavy furniture myself. I always used my hips and behind to move stuff. I had a gift shop before my fabric store and use to totally redo it at least once a year.
Sewing is good. My week of teaching slowed my progress on my Etsy store though. I have to post something almost every day to keep being noticed. I'm trying to do more is I would say " sloppy" designs as that is what my $60,000 year inspiration is doing. Here are two I just finished.

Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 10:07:07 AM
Cheryl, I like your novels. It's great fun to hear about everyone's lives and daily goings on, and their thoughts, etc. I also like hearing about how the weather is in different parts of the country. It did not occur to me when I went to Canada that they are so much farther from the equator that it was still broad daylight at 10:00 P. M. In the summer. I was in Wisconsin only once for two days on business and I thought it was beautiful. It was summertime.
Mar, my washer is humming away, washing my white cotton sheets with cold water and bleach. When do you use hot water? You'll laugh, but I had to pause and decide if it would be hot water and no bleach, or cold water with bleach. Bleach won. I got a little of that germ phobia myself. I'm still a little bummed to learn I got dishpan hands for nothing.
I'm not going out today or tonight so it is a good uninterrupted time to do all the cleaning, and hopefully the dreaded paperwork too. That is one thing I really like about living lone-- I have no one to clean up or pick up after but myself. Although, B is very neat, I paid particular attention to that. I told my daughter it was good to get one already well trained.
Mar, I need to go back in the posts and see when you leave for Portland. Have a wonderful time. I know you will.
I looked. Wednesday. Good. We will hopefully get a few more posts from you before you go.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 10:13:42 AM
Bunny, you posted while I was writing. The new creations are very cool. Sorry about the back pain, that makes it hard to work when you are in misery.
I found a you tube about low back pain and it was exactly what I have. It's the sacroiliac. He gave some exercises to do and they are already helping.
I don't know how you can make something new every day, at least not a whole dress.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 10:14:26 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
Early for me to post but I am sitting in the hospital waiting room waiting for the nurses to call me to tell me Cheri has woken up from the surgery to have visitors. She had her right knee replaced this morning. Last September she had her left knee done. The doctor called me and said there was more arthritis in there than the MRI had shown so now she should have little to no pain. I hope so. Now she has three weeks of intense physical therapy to complete so the bones heal well with maximum flexibility and minimum scar tissue. She is doing better on her first new knee than many people we have spoken to who had theirs done around the same time.
I read in the newspaper last night an article about osteoporosis. It said that swimming is not a good exercise to prevent osteoporosis because there is not jarring of the bones. But, that dancing was the #1 best exercise to prevent it. The article said that if you jumped up and down in the pool that was a good, stair climbing was good as well. I figure with the number of times I go up and down the stairs in a day then I am golden.
I remember at Girl Scout camp that we washed our dishes in hot water and rinsed them in cold water with a capfull of bleach. We were told it would get rid of any nasties that were left on if we had not cleaned the dishes well enough.
The pigs came by again this morning. They were hanging out with the cows. I found out they are the neighbors. I called him about 7:45 AM and he said he would come by and try to get them in the trailer. I told him good luck. Talie called at 10:30 to tell me the neighbor had arrived and where had I seen the pigs last. I laughed.....
K's ideas about "when she grows up and....." are so idealistic and so arrogant teenage. I tell you so you can have a giggle as well.
Enjoy the sunshine,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 3:09:11 PM
Holly, please tell Cheri I am sending her well wishes, Hoping that this one will be easier than the last.
It is nice that K is neat--so many teenagers are not. Mine were not. I'm kind of middle of the road. I like clean and tidy but I think a little clutter is necessary to everyday life.
It is good to know dancing is high on the list of prevention for osteoporosis. I have it, and I am afraid of all the medications for it. Another reason I try to exercise.
It does seem like there is a very slight shift in the weather here toward our version of fall. . At first I thought it was the rain but the rain is gone and when I sit out on my little patio early in the morning with my cup of tea and two fur babies on my lap, I'm noticing a slightly cooler feel to the air.
Today I've been inside all day and no one has called. So I'm thankful I have farm sisters to talk to.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 3:20:27 PM
Holly, You are gonna have to try to keep a closer watch on your neighbor's animals! What took him so long to show up? I would have laughed, too. You hit the nail on the head when you describe K's ideas as being teenage arrogance. We all thought we knew how to do everything and anything better than the way we were watching it being done at that age, didn't we?
I think the key to good bone health is weight-bearing exercise. I have always wondered it that had anything to do with heavier people having less occurence of the disease ... I guess it would make sense. Best wishes for a quick, relatively painfree recovery to C. I hope this joint works as well as its match! I remember that she was very faithful to her therapy so she has herself to thank for much of her success.
Cheryl, I remember the Friday Fish Frys in Wisconsin. We lived in Burlington (SE corner close to Chicago and Milwaukee) in the early 90s. I don't remember hating the humidity so much, but the tornado sirens freaked me the heck out. (We native Californians are not used to advanced warning of impending disaster, those earthquakes just strike. Sort of like it that way...) You are lucky to have such a sweet husband. Mine doesn't cook, but he doesn't ask for much dinner-wise. I, too, love your posts so don't be shortening them any.
Bunny, your new creations look so "back to school." What great timing. I think you are moving into a bit less frills and that will be attractive to another crowd. (I like the frills. But, I'm not sure I carry them off so well...)
Gypsy, your question about wondering what our kids say about us was answered by my daughter on her last visit... We were having a very warm day and dh and I were heading down the driveway with the pups to get the mail. Dd was asked if she would like to join us. She said, "Are you kidding?" We said, "No, the dogs really enjoy the walk and we pick up the mail." She said, "Let the mail burn. And I am sure it is almost hot enough for it to ignite in a minute or so!" We said, "OK, well, we'll be right back." She had a funny look on her face when we left.
While we were gone, she and her boyfriend had a conversation along the lines of: Are they crazy? And later that night, Dd told me about when she was younger and one grandmother or the other was around and saying something that even Dd as a child knew wasn't going to fly with me, she would see a certain "look" on my face. She said she realized she had that "look" on her face earlier when we asked if she wanted to go on a walk through the fires of H*^#.
So, I know what my kid is saying about me .... just the usual questioning of my sanity. Nothing to worry about.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 4:17:39 PM
Holly, sending healing thoughts to Cheri for a quick recovery. I bet she is glad both are done.
Gypsy, what is the link to the YouTube exercises you mentioned. It is actually my hip that is bothering me, but I, know I have other issues too.
I finished two dresses today. I should be able to post later. I have to get them off my phone.
Holly, I think you should have K write down all her thoughts so when she is older she can laugh at her foolishness. We have all been young and foolish too.
Marianne, I'm afraid to know what my older son really thinks of me. I do know we are so much alike it is scary sometimes. I tell him to pay attention to my quirks because he will be there some day too.
There is a few fires going on here. When I went across town to feed the kitties, the smoke from the fire on Mt Hood was so think I had a hard time breathing and I couldn't see the hillsides anymore. Where I use to live is a really bad fire close to my old house. A little part of me hopes it burns down...I know I'm going to hell...but the thought is there.
Anyway, I'm worn out so nap time calls.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 9:02:05 PM
Ok, nap time is over. Here are the projects I finished today.
First... a little black dress. Unfortunatly it fit small to medium. I tried to do it large and it just didn't work.

The back of the dress.
Here is the matching jacket.
And together.
Here is the other dress.
So yes.. my sewing machine has been whizzing along.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 9:23:10 PM
Bunny, I searched: lower back pain and there are several YouTube videos. I clicked on Low Back Pain Relief Sciatica Treatment. I think this is the one. He explains causes of back pain, by Jeff Echols. The sacroiliac pain I have is exactly as he described it. Seems to be very common. I tried to forward that one to you but couldn't make it work. Also go to garycrowley1 for some exercises. Also search SI pain. I think there were about 4 that I looked at The one that gave me some relief was simply lie flat and prop up the hip that hurts so it is elevated for a few minutes. I think it was the third video of Jeff Crowley but I'm not sure. I don't have the skinny butt he has so I didn't even try the first one. There are several videos for exercises, including some yoga stretches that are helpful. Yesterday there was a place on the video to forward it to someone but today I don't see it. I did updates today and now it's different.
Let me know if you can't find them and I will try again to forward.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 20 2013 9:26:20 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 20 2013 : 9:24:44 PM
Bunny, fabulous!!
Mar, have fun in Portland.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 21 2013 : 06:18:43 AM
Mar, yes, have fun in Portland. I am sure you will. Hope it is cooler there than you have had at home. Gypsy, those exercises sound interesting, but I know I cannot do a lot of them because of my hips. I think they would pop them out. I do not get back pain too often though, but I know when you have back pain you hurt all over. No fun at all. Bunny, you sure are going on your dresses. They are so wonderful!!!!! I cannot afford to buy one, otherwise I would probably be your best customer!!! LOL!!!! Keep up the great work that you are doing. Cheryl, sounds like you had a great weekend. Good for you. Holly, Hope all is well with Cheri now. I know she will feel so much better being in less pain. My knees are starting to go on me now, but I am not ready to have any more surgery for awhile. Mine want to give out every once in awhile. I just hope I do not fall again. Looks like I may have to use my cane again soon though. Hope those pigs are now back where they belong. Guess they just wanted to visit their neighbors. Well, today I get to go out for breakfast with my sister, our Wednesday thing. I so am enjoying not working so much. I really needed this break. I was working as much as my son was. Have a great day. It is sunny and 70 right now, but rain in the forcast this afternoon. We need it badly.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 21 2013 : 06:40:54 AM
Bunny, beautiful. Love the fall colors of the jacket!
Thanks for all the bon voyage wishes. Off to the airport in a minute. Supposed to be 90 in Portland today and now we are in the 50s. But, it just doesn't matter. I will miss dh. He is such a doll with all my preparations for my trip. Tell you about it later.
I will probably borrow dd's computer to keep up with your posts...probably won't post myself, but know I am thinking of you all! love, mar |
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