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True Blue Farmgirl

1223 Posts

1223 Posts

Posted - Aug 14 2013 :  02:33:12 AM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
I'm so sorry Gypsy as I can tell how frustrating and nerve wracking this is for you. I have a great deal of difficulty understanding people who have ruined their health with cigarettes and yet continue to smoke like chimneys. I'm married to such a person. He coughs horribly and was treated for prostate cancer. Next it will be another organ. I had hoped hearing the big "C" word would scare him enough to make him stop but no such luck. I do understand it's an addiction as I used to be a smoker for many yrs. I know how tough it is to quit and I know you have to want to quit to have any success. I just don't get how can someone who has cancer or another serious illness can NOT want to quit? As long as your brother has all his mental faculties the nurses can teach him to do his own feedings via a PEG feeding tube and how to operate the pump for it. If this is forever a PEG is the best way to go IMHO. You don't have to mess with nasal irritation or the nasal tube slipping out and winding up in his lung drowning him with feeding liquid. PEG tubes are quite nice actually. It's not difficult. It will also allow him to just tape the tube over on his tummy and he can dress and go about his daily life. People won't be staring at a nasal tube that way so he can maintain some level of normalcy in his life. If he's able to go home to live they'll be training him very soon what to do. Hope I'm not stepping out of line telling these things. Hoping maybe it will give you some peace of mind that you can get home sooner and away from unpleasantness. Huggzz to you

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

1266 Posts

Washington GA
1266 Posts

Posted - Aug 14 2013 :  12:31:13 PM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
I'm sorry Gypsy, hope you get some rest and feel better soon...stress is tough on us all and I can tell from you post you are stressed out...I will keep you in my prayers

If any of my MJF girls that live in or around Colorado Springs know of a place or a website where we might be able to find a temp place for my son while he searches for a perm place...please email me. He will be arriving in CO this weekend as he has to register on the 22nd and start school on the 26th, We are trusting God to provide.

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 14 2013 :  5:36:31 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, everyone is sending energy and patience to you. Penny, Your spirit and strength in your religion must show through in your son.

Had a great day with my guy. Although, as usual, we found ourselves sort of forced inside this afternoon because of the heat. We are beginning to look forward to fall. But, we have no sight of it yet. Temperatures are still in the high nineties.

Not much news right now. Dh is going to help The Neighbor's Husband fix something he messed up on his tractor in the morning. Hope it doesn't take a great deal of time. I have started a new project - a Halloween-themed wreath for Dd. She has always loved halloween and decorating for it, so she will enjoy having it. I hope.

Well, everyone take care. Oh almost forgot to tell you that we saw a mama turkey and seven babies come by the back of the house. So cute.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Aug 14 2013 :  6:06:11 PM  Show Profile
Marianne, please send some of that heat this way!!!!! It has been so cold in the early mornings, yesterday it hit 37, today, 35. Soon it will be cold enough for frost. It gets in the high 60s, but we sure can feel autumn in the air. I feel so gyped out of summer this year, did not even get to go swimming.
I hated to have to put on long pants already, but I refuse to wear a jacket just yet. Most people are now though.
It is fair week here, the state fair is in out town, so that brings in a lot of extra people. The store has been busy. Tomorrow should be my last day of work until next week. I am looking forward to being home, except then it is catch up time on garden and laundry.
Gypsy, so sorry you have to go through all of this. I know it is not easy. Sending hugs your way.
Penny, it is so good to see you posting again. We have missed you dearly.
Bunny, how are the dresses coming along? When do you go back to school?
Cheryl, How are you feeling now? Better, I hope. I have a bone disease, AVN, so I know what kind of pain you must be feeling. What do you take for fibro? Bunny also has fibro.
Ginny, Hope things are getting better for you. We miss hearing from you.
Holly, you are very smart to be preparing for the colder months. The acorns are falling out of the trees now. We have a metal roof on our house and the acorns make a big bang when they land on the roof. We have to be careful when we are outside, the acorns bounce off the roof in all directions.
Denise, I think you are with your GD, if I remember correctly. Hope you are enjoying your visit with her.
Well ladies, I am beat again tonight. Going to bed very soon. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 14 2013 :  6:37:26 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Here in the fine state of Vermont we have a few seasons, winter, recovering from winter, getting ready for winter and gearing up for winter. I have told the children that putting in wood when it is cold is not a fun time at all. Some of the now bigger children remember doing that and have no wish to do it again. One year we had all out wood in by the beginning of June. That was a treat. I hope to have it all split by the end of Friday. The garage is full of wood waiting to be put into the barn. If all of the children help we are able to put in a cord in a half hour. That is on high speed. I just want it done. I have other projects I want to do.

Penny, there are so many churches in Colorado Springs I would hope that one of them would have some sort of outreach for young men such as your son. I would not like for him to have to park his car in the Walmart parking lot each evening to camp. I do believe that Walmart does allow RV's to park in their lot overnight. Sorry I am not much more help.

Janet I am glad you had surprises for supper. Praise your dh and maybe he will cook again. I hope it was tasty.

Cheryl I know several people who are dear to me who promise themselves they will quit smoking and don't. I do not understand either. I do not understand addictions.

Gypsy I hear your frustrations. I hope you can go home soon. I don't get it either. I hope there was one moment of visiting with your mother that might be a moment of joy. I remember how rock like she can be.

Mar do the night temperatures plummet in the high desert? Your flowers are beautiful I bet.

I looked on my list and Thelma's anniversary is coming up on the 19th. I popped a card in the mail today. I hope both she and Dar are well enough to enjoy it. I worry some about her in her absences.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Aug 15 2013 :  07:31:22 AM  Show Profile
Yea, Holly, we have been "plummeting" to the low and mid 60s at night! Very warm still for us. We aren't getting our usual cool down over night. And we miss it.

I have missed Thelma, too. She deals with her health issues so well, too. Such an inspiration.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Aug 15 2013 :  08:18:24 AM  Show Profile
Good morning friends

I am back at my apartment in Austin. There was nothing more I could do there

I leave them all to their own demons and try to get back to my own reality. It takes a few days to feel sane again.

I've taken the very long shower to try to wash it all away, used the neti pot to rid the nicotine stench, had a good long cry, and tried to sleep.

Cheryl, thank you for your words - they installed the little plug in his stomach where he can just insert a short tube and pour the formula in.
I don't know whether he will choose to live his life or end it. Right now he wants to be left alone. My mother checks on him and makes sure he doesn't run out of cigarettes.

No, Holly, my mother and I continue to do that awkward dance there is no place for us to meet. I can not be who she wants me to be. I can only be who I am. Five years ago when I was going through divorce I went to counseling for a while. After a couple of sessions, she said. " stay away from your mother".

I'm going to go for my dance lesson tonight and practice some of the jewelry wire technique today before I forget it. The time is passing quickly and soon B will be here. He sent me encouraging little love notes while I was gone. I read one of them to my mother and she said he's a romantic but he's not a Christian and proceeded to go on one of her rants. I told her to stop or I would leave. She stopped. I wish someone in my family would be happy for me.

Penny, your crochet is beautiful. Your son is so blessed to have such a loving and supportive mother.

Have a good day everybody.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Aug 15 2013 :  9:09:53 PM  Show Profile
Gee whiz did I run everybody off?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 15 2013 9:10:49 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 15 2013 :  10:30:00 PM  Show Profile
I'm here. Just not much to say. My kids sewing class is over. I'm in pain. But I can't wait to get back to the basement sewing.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 16 2013 :  02:20:17 AM  Show Profile
No, Gypsy,you didn't run everyone off!

It did seem like we farmgirls had an unusually quiet day, didn't it? I am glad to hear that you have shaken the dust of the hospital off you, Gypsy. I know you will feel whole again soon. It is so difficult to always hope for a different experience with family and to be disappointed time and time again.

Bunny, I hope your pain subsides soon. A good day in the basement is such good medicine, isn't it? I took a bit of time off from heavy duty gardening, too. Just watered some yesterday, and dead headed oh and picked vegetables. Maybe I didn't really take that much of a break.

This weekend our highs are only supposed to be in the eighties. I am really looking forward to an earlier cooldown. I just hate listening to the airconditioning droning on and on. But, at the same time, thank goodness for the comfort. I am also excited to be planning a visit to Dd's new place in Portland. It will be my first visit to Portland, OR. Alaska Airlines had a great deal of less than 150 dollars roundtrip fare, so I decided to take a quick visit. We plan on visiting Cannon Beach which has tide pools with great sealife. Also, the public market on Saturday. Take in some shopping and who knows what else? Dh will stay home and hold down the fort. Maybe even sell the house! There will be about ten degrees difference in weather and that seems like heaven right now to me.

Dh's boyfriend has a distinct dislike of bugs. Last night when I went to water my potted flowers, I saw the biggest bug - dead - that I have ever seen. So, Dh and I picked "her" up, tied a blue bow around her neck and posed her for a picture to text Dd saying I found her boyfriend's birthday present. Dd has the same bad sense of humour we have and said, 'You have to bring her to Portland." I told her she would tip my suitcase over the weight limit. Such craziness at poor Boyfriend's expense, he has a good sense of humor, too, and took the ribbing in stride. But, I imagine on the side he asked Dd if I was actually going to bring a bug to Portland. He is still a bit uncertain about the level of my zaniness. (I am uncertain about the level of my zaniness as well.)

So, obviously, it is a "slow news day" if I am reciting a bug story. That just goes to show you girls that you need to post or this is what you will be subjected to. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Aug 16 2013 :  05:20:38 AM  Show Profile
I am still here, just had a hard week of working. I have today off, son is finally home!!! It was a busy week, so he will be happy about that. It does seem funny being home on a Friday though. Maybe hubby and I can go to the fair tonight. We will see.
Still got up early though. AND a nice weekend is in store!!!! I think I can get back into my shorts. It is now 42 degrees, but will warm up fast with the sun out.
I am going to go look for one of those blenders to blend all those veggies and fruits for smoothies. Maybe with that I can start to lose some weight. I just have no time to think of a good diet.
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Aug 16 2013 :  09:30:52 AM  Show Profile
Mar, I like your stories, they keep us cheered up. DD's boyfriend doesn't get a break between you guys and Mom.

Bunny I hate that you are feeling bad again. I'm so much better today except for the sinus headache. A sinus infection usually sends me to the doctor. I think my family is going to have to do without me from now on. It is a hard thing but I think I'm finally done.

Janet I really like my nutriBullet. I don't know that I've lost any more weight but I'm certainly healthier and have peace of mind that I'm getting all the proper nutrition.
They are very tasty too. I'd rather make a smoothie than cook a meal.

There's a new movie in town called The Butler. I'm a huge Oprah fan and I think she did a great job of acting in this one.

We got rain last night. So it's not just hot today, it's steamy hot.

Yesterday I ran errands to five different stores and every one had a help wanted sign in the window. Austin is booming.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Aug 16 2013 :  10:40:34 AM  Show Profile

I have been here just not posting. I am so tired lately and believe it or not my 87 year old dad is wearing me out. I would have thought it the other way around. :/ Don't get me wrong I love having him here but there is so much to do cleaning up. :( Dh and son help out with clearing the table and loading dishes at night but that is about it.

Sorry for the vent but it's nice to know I have some place to vent a little.

I have my daughter and her family coming in a week from tomorrow and I have tons to do. I told my husband last night I was going to go off and get my hair done to get some time to myself. I don't need my hair done nor do I really need to leave it is just that we have a ton of projects around here to finish before my daughter gets here so that there will be places for them to sleep.
I can't seem to get enough awake hours to do it all. I suppose it won't really matter. But it would be nice to have things semi normal when they get here.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 16 2013 :  11:06:06 AM  Show Profile
Mar, I think glueing your bug to the front of a really nice greeting card would be fun. I know you will work it.
I think my main issue other than just being worn out teaching kids is the weather. It is humid and muggy. It will pass.

Gypsy, I totally agree with removing yourself from your family drama. I think you just need to be out of reach a bit. Just tell them you are in Canada, they will never know the difference.

Janet, glad you son is home. Good luck with the blender. Sounds like a great idea.

Denise, sorry your dad has increased your work load. Men tend to do that. You just vent away.

Off to the basement! Yea!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Aug 16 2013 :  6:01:22 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

My computer was out of commission last night. I could get opening pages but not go on from there. It was very frustrating for me. Today C took it to the Computer Barn and they fixed it. Said Google Chrome which is my access to the internet was corrupted. They uninstalled and then reinstalled it.

Yesterday we finished splitting the wood. It was a marathon job in the end. One of the people we share it with wanted it and we had had it for a long time. I had told the children a situation like this was going to come up and we needed to get it done. The phone call did the trick. Now to get it all in to the barn. We have finished one ark of wood. I thought it would take six rows but it was really five. With that section we have enough for the winter if it is a regular winter. We have almost two rows left in the the other section so we will finish those and then put in three more rows. it is much better to store the wood in the barn than in the yard. K told me that we could not leave the wood where it is outside because it would block the sledding hill. Always thinking ahead she is. lol

K told me today that the army man she has been conversing with started to talk army to her and be rude and disrespectful. He said you know why women want to talk to army men. She said for the benefits. That is not me I do not need your benefits. she told him that if he wanted to talk that way then not to call her. She hung up. He called her back later and apologized. Her language is far more colorful than I am relating.

K went to our community college today to take the Accuplacer test in Language Arts. It is multiple choice and I think hard. She lives with dyslexia. Although she was very bright when she was very little and great with patterns when she began to write she did so upside down and backwards, We called it spy writing. She is getting better at her reading and even likes to read but I am not sure how much she really understands. She really likes to read smut. Anyway she flunked the test resoundingly. The CC advisor told her that there is a class that will teach her what she needs to know to pass the class and she could take the class and they will provide a tutor for her. The advisor was very positive and encouraging. K would like to take the classes to gain a certificate in Child Care so she could run a day care. She is very excited to think she could go to college.
I am excited that they are willing to take the time to teach her what she needs to know. She has been refusing my help for a while now in her adolescent attitude. Keep your fingers crossed for her success. She will talk to the advisor on Monday to confirm her choice to attend classes.

A lovely day here. The temperatures started out just below forty degrees but rose into the high seventies with a lot of sunshine.

I took the littles to the ball park to practice while K had her meeting. G was the only one really interested in catching. G and C both hit the ball. R just had one of his temper tantrums. Baseball practice lasted about ten minutes. Playing in the bushes lasted an hour or so. They found six more baseballs in the bushes and were so excited. It sure was a cheap way to acquire more practice balls.

We are having a problem with our Subaru having a charge sometimes in the morning. I had it tested and the mechanic could find nothing wrong. I now think that the inside dome light might stay on for no apparent reason and wear down the battery. So today Jarrett (19) and Kethry (17) decided that they could jump the car themselves since pushing it to get it started down the hill to pop the clutch was too hard. J told Cheri that there were sparks and fire when they tried to start it and the small jumper cables broke. So, now the car will not start. I could not start it by popping the clutch and I could not start it by jumping it. The lights came on. There was no click click click when I turned the key. I called our mechanic and asked him to come and tow it to his garage. New started maybe? I think it might have jumped if it were the alternator.

Gypsy it sure does s*** to have families of origin in which a person just can not be appreciated. Do what you need to do for you so that if one of them dies you can live with your self without regrets. I am glad that B sends you love messages so you know in the times of mental turmoil that you are treasured. We certainly do that but not in the same way. sniggering quietly

Mar I think a glass covered gift box with pin on the underside of the insect would be a lovely winter holiday stocking stuffer. That is a great deal on the airline ticket. Have a great time.

I read in the Sunday Parade magazine an interview about the movie the Butler. I think it is an important movie to see and to take the children to see. The interview said children today do not understand the struggles that people of color went through to gain any sort of equality and I agree. Mine do not believe me when I tell them about the marches and the fights and the hurts.

Denise it might be time to make a chore chart so the others in your household understand what jobs need to be done. They just might not know. I have a notebook I write down chores in everyday and leave on the table. It is understood in my house that everyone will do something. I have an easier time with my dd who helps willingly now and even asks to help. My d sons do not have the same attitude. I to not know if it is maleness or entitlement. It seems they need the "I need help" statement given more directly. I am glad you popped in.

Penny have you heard about a place for your son to stay yet?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  09:09:36 AM  Show Profile
Holly, it sounds like the boys crossed the jumper cables. Not good. Also, I was having problems with my truck starting. It turned out it was the sensor to the seat belts. My mechanic new what it was because he had another truck earlier in the week with the same problem. Also, I did it to my moms Subaru. When I shut the door, the seat belt was caught in the door and it didn't close all the way. I hope you can figure it out.

Nothing going on here. Just sewing. Woke up with some weird chest congestion. There must be something in the air. I feel pretty worn down today. I did get my floor mat and it worked great.
I took a chance and emailed the lady who bought 3 of my dresses to see how the one I had to enlarge fit. I sure hope it did. If not I will have her send it back and I will fix it.
I have decided to move my mattress ask to where it was. My pillows block the in the wi Dow kitty door. Ill be more careful this time.

Later all! Have a wonderful weekend.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  11:40:13 AM  Show Profile
Yes, Bunny be careful with the mattress. For both your and kitty's sake!

Janet hope you are running around in your shorts. Maybe even giving that swimsuit its trial run!

I have seen quite a bit about The Butler, too. Looks like a great movie for many of us. It must have really been something to be in the White House through so many administrations. Let alone living through the Civil Rights movement. The horror of that time is fading. Many younger people truly don't know the atrocities. It is our Holocaust.

Holly I have been meaning to comment on the term you use - Family of Origin. I suppose it comes from yours being such a beautifully blended family, but it is so descriptive. You can't really ever "get away" from your origin, but the choices you make as an adult can change your life.

Gypsy, I hope you are back to feeling yourself. Did you make some cool jewelry? Post pictures!

Oh, we are having a quiet day. I am thinking I will start that hat with the double pointed needles that everyone has promised I can manage! I finished the Halloween wreath for my dd, except for the bow. It is covered with 2" x 2" pieces of newspaper and black crepe paper pleated and then pinned into a straw wreath. It looks pretty fun. I was surprised how careful I had to be to only get black and white newsprint. There is a lot of color in our newspaper! My finger is very happy to stop pushing straight pins into straw.

Remember I told you the Dh helped The Neighbor's husband with his tractor? Apparently, he just didn't know how to attach his front bucket, etc. He did share with Dh that they had had the tractor company out to repair their tractor twice already! (It is very new.) He also shared that it was for the same problem ... the tractor was out of fuel... both times. Some things you should just keep to yourself, ya know?

So, the tomato plants have officially won the last two days. They have produced more than we can eat in one day. It is almost time to start making sauce... The peaches are about to turn and they are good size this year. No apples, no pears. The heat we had early in the Spring ruined the blossoms, I think. Not a single apple or pear on any of the trees - 9 or 10 trees. Sad.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  4:58:15 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I agree that the teens probably crossed the jumper cables. I hope the repair is not too expensive.

When C first moved here from Cleveland she drove all the way on one tank of gas. Then she drove around a little more and the truck stopped on our road about half way up. She called the dealer and had it towed to be repaired. It had run out of gas. We still get a good chuckle out of that faux pas. I think if I were the neighbor I would not admit to having run out twice. lol maybe he should sell the tractor and hire out the work it might be more economical for him.

I have started to fill the foundation ditch with stone for my greenhouse. I thought about doing a sliding frame stone wall with cement but it seemed like a lot of work. Also there is water in the ditch and I did not know how that would go with the cement wall being solid. So, today I brought over five loads of rock in the bucket of my tractor. I wonder how the dead farmers would feel about me returning the rock to the field that they had laboriously removed. I am taking the rock from a pile on the edge of the field that must have been made over many years by some hard working farmer and his horses with a stone sled. I think the stone will allow the water to move in and through. I am a little concerned about the water going into the stone wall and freezing and cracking and moving the stone. It will be a good science experiment.

The term that goes with family of origin is family of choice. One we do not have any say in and the other we do.

I have spent some time cutting branches off my tomato plants. Someplace I read that if I do then the plant will think it is dying and ripen the fruit. I have dozens if not hundreds of tomatoes all green. I am hoping they ripen on the vine and not have to be brought in to ripen in a paper bag in the closet. Mar you could dry your tomatoes. If it is hot there I would guess you could slice them and lay them out in the sun if you do not have a drying machine.

I pulled the Jacob's cattle bean plants today. The pods looked yellow and drying so I hung them upside down in the garden to finish drying. Only two bean pods had any mold on them. I hope more beans will be harvested than I planted.

It was a lovely day in the seventies. When I arose it was forty again. I guess if the days are going to be so warm and sunny I can live with cold mornings to do chores.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  5:39:08 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I enjoy the brisk mornings. Especially for chores. I think you might want to keep the rock amount low enough so that you don't get too much heave. I have used a method that helps ripen tomatoes quickly when we knew a frost was coming. Drive your shovel into the soil around the plant enough to disturb the roots, but not really cleaving them off completely. Then strip as many of the leaves off as possible (tideous). Same idea, the plant thinks it is dying and pushes to ripen the fruit.

I laughed when you mentioned the farmers that painstakingly removed the rocks from the field and now you are returning them! I am not familiar with a sliding frame stone wall ...

Thanks for sharing the Family of Choice term with us. Love it.

Oh and you farmgirls must stop encouraging me in my torment of this poor young man and his disgust with bugs ... Where do you think I could get one of those glass covered gift boxes? ;)

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  6:58:14 PM  Show Profile
I think I am finally getting caught up on my rest. I was not as tired today. It felt good to have 2 days off in a row with 5 more before I have to work again!!
We have been cold here at night, but warms up to the high 60s or low 70s. Feels good and is nicer sleeping weather.
I did wear shorts today, but no swim suit, our beach is now closed for the season. Our summer was way too short this year. I do hope we have a milder winter than we had last winter. I am stuck here for one more winter, was hoping we would be gone by then, but we may still be able to go somewhere warm for a couple of weeks maybe.
I helped Bob mow the lawn today, grilled barbequed chicken on the grill, and tonight got the fire pit going and roasted those giant marshmallows. I had a wonderful and relaxing day today. Hope there are more in my future.
Bunny, how are the dresses coming along? When is your mom leaving for California? How long will she be gone?
Marianne, Hope you can sell your home before winter sets in. No fun moving in cold weather.
Gypsy, We are all with you not going to see family. You have to do what you feel is best for you. I cannot imagine your brother still smoking after all that he has gone through, and your sister seeing it. I smoked for 37 years, but quit as soon as I found out that I had emphysema and I was going to smother to death. That was 9 1/2 years ago. Now, I am deathly allergic to smoke.
Holly, you always have a project going. Hope it works the way you want it to.
Denise, My father came to live with us, I know how tiring that can be. I think we try so hard to make them comfortable, we forget about our own needs. Things do tend to work out okay.
Cheryl, hope you are feeling better now. I am sure taking care of a toddler makes for more painful days also.
Penny, how are things going for you? Bet your son is getting very anxious about now.
Ginny, hope things are getting better for you. You have a lot on your plate right now. Remember, we are here for you.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  8:21:46 PM  Show Profile
Holly, your green house project sounds interesting. I hope you will post pictures of the project.

Janet, glad you got some rest. Sorry you have to endure one more winter there. Hope it is a mild one. Doesn't sound like that is possible where you are anyway. Hang in there.

Had a great day sewing. Probably my favorite project so far. I still have some tweaking to do. I'll post pictures when it is done.
I really need to lose weight. I want to wear my creations. The dress is an Xlarge but the jacket I altered to go with is a size 10. S anyone about a size 8 to 10 will look great! I have a long way to go.

Have to go across town to feed my feline charges. Hopefully they want in.

Later all.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Aug 17 2013 :  10:26:11 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everybody,

I went to another good movie tonight, Jobs.
Mar, shame on you. You will start making that kid appreciate his own mom, if you aren't careful.
Bunny, did ya move that mattress yet? If we don't hear from you, we think you've gone and smothered yourself along with the cat, or you've fallen and can't get up.
Denise, of course you are worn out! And yes you do need time for yourself. Take it! And take Holly's suggestion about the chore list.

Cheryl , It sounded like you were familiar with the feeding peg they gave my brother. He said it was making him sick for about 2 hours after a can of the formula because this way it goes right in fast, whereas before he had it hooked up to drip all night while he was sleeping. Any advice or suggestions would be welcolm and appreciated. He's sure a mess. I'm so sorry for him. He has emphysema and so does my sister. And my mom has it real bad just from Dad's secondhand smoke she never smoked but her lungs are destroyed from him smoking in the car, house, bed, all those years. Of course he died from lung cancer.
Janet, how did you quit after so many years. Seems like its just too hard for some people. They say its worse than cocaine.
Holly it would be interesting to watch the greenhouse project if you had time from all the work to bother with taking progress pictures.

B reminded me tonight we will rendezvous in Vegas in 8 weeks now. Since I've been in Austin the time is just flying. Seems like I just got here and it's been a month.
I've got to turn this apartment into a decent living space and get the house and building maintenance done. And keep up with my dance and exercise. What a rough life I have.
I tried to buy some herbs for planting in pots and couldn't find any. I went to lowes and they are getting out--you know what--Christmas Decorations. Can you believe that!

Wow it's nearly one am again so I will say goodnight
hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 17 2013 10:44:40 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Aug 18 2013 :  08:04:52 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, When I found out I had emphysema, I decided it was time to quit smoking. I tried all kinds of ways for years and nothing ever worked. It is really a state of mind. I cut way down until I was down to 2 cigarettes a day. Then for one week I could smoke those 2, but had to do it before noon. That way I had all day without. I kept busy and on the computer a lot. Then after that week, I told myself that if I could go with only 2 cigs a day, I really did not need them anymore, so I quit all together. It was one of the hardest things that I ever did. I sucked on pretzel rods and would not go out of the house for weeks until I had confidence that I would not break down and run to the store and buy some. I kept telling myself that I was stronger than an old cigarette, and it was not going to win this time. It worked for me, but it took a lot of determination. Now every year on January 20th, the day I quit, we go out for a nice steak dinner to celebrate my quitting.
It is another wonderful day here, which is a big surprise this time of the year. It is the last day of the fair and we usually have cold rainy weather during the fair. How nice that they had a whole week of great weather. Hopefully it helped with the revenue for next year.
Well, going to go outdoors and enjoy the day. Have a great day all,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 18 2013 :  5:28:59 PM  Show Profile
Janet, I think it is awesome that you celebrate that important anniversary every year. You did it your way and it worked. My hat is off to you. So glad to hear you had the nice weekend you were hoping for. Now enjoy the next few days off!

Gypsy, what did you think of the movie. I don't care that much for Ashton Kutcher, but I have been impressed with the previews I have seen ... he looks and moves like Steve Jobs! I am sorry your brother is having that discomfort with the feeding. I hope it is something he can adapt to. Cheryl is an invaluable source for us all, isn't she? So glad she has joined us. So glad time is moving along for you until B shows up. You know you will have that place all cozy and welcoming when he arrives. By the way, have you run in to the "gentleman" who made the Pole Dancer remark? Seriously, a compliment? And I think I have some wiggle room before dd's boyfriend gets too fed up with me!

Today, while I was at WalMart a gallon container of Wesson oil burst ... right in front of me ... kinda fell off a shelf ... really near where the container I picked up was. Dh walked around the corner right after it happened and asked, "Did you have anything to do with that?"

I just have to point out, there is a serious design flaw in the Wesson Oil gallon container, especially around the cap which cracks after a very short fall. I mean, this particular container was on the bottom shelf when I first saw it. And that's all I'm saying. Except, I did have to stain stick my keds when I got home ...

The day went a bit more smoothly as the afternoon progressed.

Hope everyone is happy.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 18 2013 :  6:10:24 PM  Show Profile
I survived the mattress move.
Gypsy, I hope your brother can get back a decent routine.
Janet, so proud of you for your amazing effort to stop smoking.

Not much to talk about. Just wanted to check in.


Farmgirl number 3738
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