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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 09 2013 :  8:35:12 PM  Show Profile
And, damit, Holly, we're not old! Aren't you listening? But I do like your version.

I think that's what I did wrong, Cheryl. I usually put these guys in so everybody knows not to take me seriously. I forgot to do that.
hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 09 2013 8:39:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 10 2013 :  09:58:56 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, so sorry your wings are clipped. It won't be forever. Just keep us informed and we are here for the bad days.

The weather changed a bit here, got all cloudy and humid. My fibro bout did me in. I'm not even getting one outfit a day done right now. I should add that I have been very distracted with trying to organize my "inventory" of supplies. I need a whole wall of shelves with room for large baskets so I can organize by colors, fabrics and what ever part of the piece of clothing it is. I'm making flower brooches from the collars. So need a basket for those. I save the top part of skirts to use them another way, sleeves...and of course all the buttons I change out. Amazing how quickly this has gotten away from me. Still really enjoying it though. My son had some great advise " as usual" . He told me I should focus on large sizes because big girls want to dress like the skinny girls but can't find their sizes. The reality is the skinny girls can still where the large sizes of my clothes. So that is my new goal. Larger sizes.
I also finally bought a really nice dress form that goes from small to Xlarge. It should be here next week.
No more sales of come in, but I'm still forging ahead.

Ok, sorry about the book. My coffee kicked in.

Hope everyone has a safe weekend.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Aug 10 2013 :  12:04:27 PM  Show Profile
Sorry to hear about your wings Gypsy, but we are here for ya.
Bunny, hope this bad bout with the fibro doesn't last long. I am only a little familiar with fibro and all that it entails.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 10 2013 :  3:14:51 PM  Show Profile
OH, Holly I love your spin on life...And Cheryl would be crazy to not stick around for the good part!
Gypsy, So sorry your fun is being postponed. I hope it is a short intermission for you and that everything turns out well for your brother. And you. You will be busy.
Bunny, I know that humidity is supposed to be rough for migraines and chronic pain, bet fibro is affected the same way. Hope you are feeling better. I think concentrating on larger sizes makes a lot of sense.

Today, I went with Dh into Spokane to shop and meet up with a guy. I got one of my most favorite magazines -- BH&G's Holiday Crafts. I have purchased this magazine for about seven years and each year I have found several holiday projects to make. I am looking forward to having an iced coffee, putting my feet up and devouring it!! Also found a pullover hooded sweatshirt - a wardrobe staple for me - in a really pretty lavendar/blue. I think it looks nice with my gray hair. I am looking forward to wearing it to Canon Beach later this month when I make my first visit to DD's new apt.

Jan, I totally agree - toasted tomato sandwich with mayonnaise! Such a summertime favorite. I hope you can enjoy one soon. We didn't visit our fair last year either. I think we might this year, though. Hopefully, we will also enjoy nice weather. Ours is in September. Never made a lot of sense to me to hold it once the kids are back in school.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 10 2013 :  5:39:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We are home from Castleton state college where we watched and T participated in a baseball showcase. High school ball players come and have practice sessions in the morning and then college coaches and scouts are supposed to come and watch them play. I think only the Castleton coaches were there. They score the boys and tell them where they have good skills and in which area they need to practice. K drove us there and back. She is a great chauffeur. However, coming home I did ask her if she wanted to donate $200 to the state of Vermont for going 80 mph. The second time I just touched her arm and she laughed and slowed down. When we arrived back in Montpelier she said smiled and said see Mama we made it home in record time. Castleton is a two hour drive from home and the showcase was five hours long. I did talk to a nice dad from New York state somewhere that is about an hour out of the city by train. He knew how to analyze the boy's skills which I found interesting. His son will be 18 in September and wants to attend Castleton or Lyndon. He would like to play ball if it does not interfere with his ski season.

Our house guests are nice and are good at entertaining themselves so it is not laborious having them here. They help around the house. It is interesting having women in the house whose mother did not teach them some basic skills like how to wash dishes and they did not acquire efficient skills as adults to make up for the lack of teaching. One of the women's six yo daughter is having a great time and sleeps very well each night she is here. The two women are sisters. Their parents adopted each of them and did not treat them as treasures but treated them as not good enough and bothers. Why? The control issues both parents have are infinite.

I picked my first four cherry tomatoes from the garden today. Ross was happy. He ate two of them. I picked three huge zucchini as well. I do not know how I missed them several days ago when they should have been picked. I have been told I am making zucchini fries again tomorrow night and they do not matter whether the fries come from big ones or small.

The sky is a lovely clear gray blue now that the sun has set. The moon is soon to be gone as well. I wonder if the meteor shower that happens at the beginning of August has gone by yet. Maybe it is called the Pleides.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 10 2013 :  8:30:51 PM  Show Profile
Holly the meteor showers start tomorrow night. Good timing on your part, you haven't missed them! Hope you have clear skies so you can enjoy them. I am hoping for the same here.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 11 2013 :  12:26:24 AM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Good morning ladies :)
Gypsy I am so very sorry about your brother and hope the Drs. are able to help him and you're able to get back home soon. I'll keep you both in my prayers. Thank you for your kind words to me and I'm still here. If you guys think you can get rid of me that easily you don't know me very well. :D
Mar now has me wondering what the good part is??? Does it involve.....well never mind, I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later. LOL You have me wanting to go find that magazine. I love curling up with decorating or craft magazines and gazing at all the pretties. Some I manage to make and some I decide are beyond my capabilities and I just ogle them.
Holly yes the meteor shower is tonight and it's quite late here and obviously I'm still awake so think I'll slip outside and see if I can see anything in the city. Sometimes I'll roll up a magazine like binoculars and it helps block the street lights so I can see the stars :) I'm glad you're enjoying your visitors.
Bunny, I feel your pain. Flares are so frustrating. I've not been sleeping well at all lately and it's pushing my pain up. Lately it seems to be happening every weekend. I think I overdo on the days I have my grandson and the weekends come and I pay for it. I can't say no. I have tried but I feel so guilty and I love having him with me so much I just keep on. I know how you feel when you want to do a project and just can't get up the energy to do it. Marjean has a post I saw tonight you might want to look at. She may have some interesting info to share soon on fibro. Just look under the general forum headings and I think you'll spot it.
Denise I see you popping in too. Hope you had a nice weekend :)
My tomatoes are coming on nicely. I picked a plastic bag full Friday afternoon and have already been wolfing them down. I love, love, love tomatoes fresh from the garden and ooohh yes I want a toasted mater and bacon sandwich with mayo. I also have zucchini coming out of my ears and they've gotten out of control. It looks like I'm trying to grow weapons out there in the garden. Some of the ones I picked on Friday were huge. So I'll either make zucchini bread, cake or coins out of them. The coins I just slice out nice round slices and dip in beaten egg, dredge in flour and fry them up. I've done fries too but seem to like the coins a bit better. Guess because that's how my mom always made them. I also love to chunk them and add maters and toss with a nice Greek olive oil dressing with feta cheese. Let it marinate for a few hours and oh gosh it's yummy.
Well ladies I think I must really try to find a way to sleep a bit. Hoping my sons will stop over today so I'd like to be presentable and somewhat rested if I can.
Huggz to you all and enjoy your Sunday.

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 11 2013 :  02:21:04 AM  Show Profile
Cheryl, Feeling your pain...not sleeping tonight either. I tend to overdo it in the garden. Kind of the same story as you, I enjoy it so much, feel good while I am out there, but sheesh!, I pay for it later. Hope you did manage to drift off for a few solid hours. I imagine you love the fact that the Over 50s are always here for you no matter what time it is. It is one of the things I love most about belonging to the group.

We are having a downpour like I have never seen before. I mean for this area of the country. It isn't midwest quality downpour, but a serious storm for the inland northwest for certain. So, no watering tomorrow! I won't miss lugging around the hose! I am so glad that Dh took the time to re-stake the tomatoes yesterday for me.

I picked up some yarn to attempt a hat for my daughter. It is rated "beginner" by Lions Brand, but it involves doublepointed needles. Kind of spooky to me, but I'm gonna give it a go!

I have never heard of using the rolled up magazine to help block light while looking at the sky. What a great idea. We don't have a lot of city light being so far out here, but we do have a fixture on our barn that can be disturbing when you are trying to catch falling stars. You know, I want as many wishes as I can get! Thanks for sharing that hint, Cheryl.

Holly, K is gonna save you so much time on the road! I had a chuckle about the tap on the arm. I hope T was satisfied with his performance at the baseball showcase. He is fortunate to have such support from his family at these events.

Oh, yay, my eyelids are starting to get heavy ... until, well, later today, girls!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 11 2013 :  10:32:22 AM  Show Profile
Mar, hope the storm didn't do too much damage. We were suppose to get it too but we are in a hole and it always seems to be all around us but never quite reaches us.

Holly, I sure hope K learns to slow down. My son has a bit of a lead foot and has had a few tickets himself. He has had to pay for them himself too.

My strawbale garden is limping along. I have a few Roma tomatoes and I get a few zucchini. My yellow squash has lots of flowers but isn't producing squash. Of course it's my favorite of the two.

I have been working on two plus size outfits. I should have them done today. I ordered a child's foam interlocking play mat to stand on while I work. It was a good price. My legs and hips have been in lots of pain. I'm sure this will help. Can't wait to get my new dress form. I feel like a big girl now. Just need more sales. My niece who is 28 has a ton of friends and is going to start helping me by likening me on Facebook and posting on Pinterest. She is LDS and the network is enormous.

Anyway, I have to put kits together for my class tomorrow and finish up my dresses.

Later all.

Oh, Cheryl, I have been drinking camomile tea every night. It has helped a bit

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 11 2013 :  3:10:34 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, you are gonna love your mat. I use one in the kitchen and if I am ironing. So helpful.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 11 2013 :  5:26:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was another lovely day here on the hill farm.

This morning K, one of our guests and I went to the annual book sale here in town. I bought $40 worth of books and if you figure .25 for a child's book and I bought $19 worth of them and the rest adult books at .50 a book for hard covers or 3 for a dollar for soft books you know I brought home a lot of books. K brought home more than me. She has picked out some books for her history this year and a lot of smut. she was tickled to have found so many interesting books. I was amused by her choices.

The rest of the day I moved split wood in the tractor bucket from the pile up to the garage. After supper we move in a half row so now we have three rows in the ark. Three more for that section.

The men who have a hunting camp on the back side of our property finished blocking up the logs that the logger had cut for us last winter. I told them thank you. One told me that it was a small price to pay for the amount of enjoyment they get from the use of the camp.

I am not fond of raw tomatoes. A couple of the children like them. Have I told you why I think I do not like them. I have an older sister who loves fresh tomatoes. When we were little and she would babysit us at night she would send me into the kitchen to get her a tomato and a shaker of salt. If I bruised her tomato she would sit on me. She says this is absolutely not true. I rarely bruised her tomato so maybe it was only a threat.

I hope Gypsy is alright in Dallas. It is fortitude she needs to deal with her family of origin. hugs to you when you read this.

I like knitting on four needles to make socks. You will do fine Mar don't be intimidated.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2013 :  5:46:12 PM  Show Profile
Today we went to where my son is camping. It is his birthday today, so we brought him a cake. He made us supper. We had grilled chicken and steak, green beans and potato salad. It was a treat not to have to cook myself for a change.
We have been having cold nights in the low 40s but nice days in the low 70s with low humidity and a bit of a breeze. We are still below our normal highs and lows, but at least it is pleasant out. Summer is just going by way too fast. I have not had a chance to enjoy it this year, between all the bad weather we had, and working so much.
Gypsy, Sorry to hear about your brother again. Praying that things go well all around. You will be in my thoughts.
Holly, that is a lot of books, but a good deal. It will keep everyone occupied for a long while by the sounds of it.
Hope some of you will be able to see the meteor showers tonight. I will not, am going to bed early again tonight. I have just been so tired lately.
Bunny, I am sure you will be selling your creations soon. Good that you are making bigger sizes.
Hope the rest of you are doing well and the fibro is not acting up to bad.
Have a wonderful evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 11 2013 :  10:52:03 PM  Show Profile
Helo to other night owl sisters

It's almost 1:00 am in Austin. I noticed there is a two hour time difference between my central standard time and the forum posted time.

I decided not to leave for Houston until tomorrow. Tuesday we will spend the day at MD Anderson. If my brother decides this is his return ticket home, that is what it will be. He is very tired.

Today I danced. I did the Salsa, and finally conquered the left hand turn, which had me stumped last week. I also did the Swing, both triple step and single step. I decided to forgo the country dances for now, so it was only 2 hours, then I went to the beading class from 5 to 8:30 which was loads of fun, once I got my brain to switch gears from the dancing. Then I went to get some supper, and by the time I got home it was 10:00 pm. Immediately my B called and I just got off the phone with him. He said he ran 5 times this week and is feeling really good. I told him he ain't gonna believe my butt muscles after all this dancing.

I don't have fibro but there is something that gets hold of me some days and I just don't feel like doing anything, feel achy all day. I was having a little bit of arthritis and I quit all red meat and it has left me. I started eating quinoa and adding maca powder to my smoothies and it is stabilizing my blood sugar, which may be the culprit.
Well, I have a rough day tomorrow so I'm going to try to get some sleep.

I have a funny dance story but I'm too tired to tell it tonight. Well, here it is anyway. The short version. Yesterday I was in the beginner Texas triple step class and this goober asked me if I had ever danced before and I said yes, but 25 years ago. He said what were you a pole dancer, and I could tell he meant it as a compliment. I gave him my cold icy stare and said no I've never been a pole dancer, but I bet you've always been an a*****e.

Sorry I'm not responding to your posts tonight. I got the new 5g phone this week so I should be able to keep up while I'm gone. I'll read up and catch up in a couple of days.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 11 2013 11:03:48 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  12:52:44 AM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Good morning ladies :)
Rough day here. For some unknown reason I had an upset tummy last night before I went to bed and ended up sick all day. Ruined my weekend completely. Had to beg off babysitting for today (Monday) and maybe tomorrow. We'll see how things go.
Bunny, I love chamomile tea. I must remember to have DH pick me up some. I drink it any time of day not just to help me sleep although I wish I had a mug right now :) I bet your new mat will help your hips and legs a lot. I'm also happy for you that you may have a whole new market for your beautiful dresses. Just don't stress....big smile.
Mar, it is wonderful to be able to post whenever I'm able and I do love reading and seeing what everyone is up to. We had rain here today too and yes the weather does affect me. DH calls me his walking barometer LOL. Is very foggy here tonight too. I'm not much at knitting either. I do very simple things. I tend to be a bit better with crochet. I think because it seems faster to me. I want to try crocheting some socks. The idea of using more than 2 needles terrifies me LOL. I have a neighbor down the street who knits the most beautiful things and I'm sure she'd help me but I kinda love being a hooker...laughing.
Holly I hope your son gets noticed by a scout if that is his dream. How amazing that would be! I think your older sister was related to my younger sister. She wouldn't send me after tomatoes for her but I remember her getting mad and getting me down on the couch one time and sitting on my head. She was overweight and I thought I was going to die right then. I couldn't breathe! I remember pounding on the couch and mumbling she was suffocating me. Nothing fazed her till I began crying I was dying and she finally moved. She still remembers she did that to me the big meanie so I understand completely why you wouldn't like tomatoes. Worse, to this day she still thinks it was funny. I can see you're going to have a lot of fun reading this winter. What a great deal you 2 got on the books! I've not made it out to many rummage sales this summer and my supply has dwindled. I have found a couple online sites for books too so that helps. I read all of Jane Austen's books through iGoogle and loved them all. I'm going to miss that site when it closes this Fall. I hope you were able to see some meteors. None for me tonight because of the rain and fog :(
Janet, your dinner sounded lovely and yes, food always tastes better when someone else cooks it. I think it's the love they add for seasoning. Our weather sounds much like yours. Lows in the 50's though so a bit warmer but highs mid 70's.
Gypsy, I laughed out loud at your dance story. I would loved to have seen the look on the guy's face when you said that. I bet it was priceless. Try to find one thing to smile about every day while you're dealing with difficult times. It helps reduce the stress a bit. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
Has anyone heard from Ginny? Was thinking of her tonight and hoping her road is smoothing out a bit.
Have a magnificent Monday :)

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

1266 Posts

Washington GA
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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  12:18:20 PM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Hey everyone, so sorry it has been a week or so for me to get back on here. I have been so busy with EBAY trying to get the money to help my son. We trust God will provide so the money is trickling have had a couple friends that have donated to help...and my ebay items are selling, and hopefully my motorcycle will sell. Time is running out as school starts on Aug 26 and as of today, we still don't have what is needed for a place to live, but we KNOW GOD will provide.

Now what else is going on in my life, I came across a page on FB that was doing a contest for designing a hat with their FREE yarn arrived today, it is beautiful and so soft, so that is what I've been working on today...I have never designed or wrote a pattern for anything before and have to have it done by the end of Augusta. But I'm super excited about it....I will post a pic when I get it done...

I've also been making dish towels, dish cloths and crochet are a few pics.

This next two have a crochet sponge instead of dish cloth

Holly, I have a bag of mittens that I have made for you from the yarn that you sent to me....I've just been so bad about not getting them mailed, maybe soon I will get it mailed. I hope you will like them, they are my first mittens ever so they aren't perfect but

I see where some of you have been eating tomatoes, our garden didn't do well this year but I did plant tomatoes and some peppers in buckets and they have done pretty good. I really hope that next year will do better.

Ok, I'm off here to get back to this hat...I hope everyone has a great day...

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  1:56:17 PM  Show Profile
Penny, love the dish towels and dish cloths. Have you tried etsy for selling your dish towels? It only costs .20 to list something and you don't pay anymore until you sell something. 3% to Etsy and about the same for credit card charges. Just one more place to put your things. Only handmade, vintage or supplies. No motorcycle
I hope you raise the money you need!

Just got home from my kids sewing class....I'm pooped. Nap time.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  3:01:29 PM  Show Profile
Penny, Nice to hear from you. Hope everything falls into place for you and your family. Your crocheting is beautiful.

Bunny, I would be very tired after a class with kids. Enjoy your nap!

It is still about 90 degrees here today. But, a pretty nice breeze is going and the skies are as usual such a blue that it almost hurts your eyes. So, even though it is warm, what a beautiful day.

Dh did some site adjusting on his new handgun and I putzed around outside for a bit. Managed to get a bee to sting me. Not too terrible, it wasn't a wasp, but I sure noticed it and it is still burning some. Went to get the paper this morning and returned The Neighbor's dog to her again - a regular occurence to be frank.

So, after running aroung for three days straight, I am so happy to have a full day at home!

Hope all is well,
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  5:37:14 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was another lovely day. I thought it was going to be cloudy because when I was up to pee in the night I could not see the stars. It has been cloudy off and on all day but not overcast. Temperatures are in the seventies and low humidity.

We put in the fourth row of wood. I am almost caught up to the splitters so they have better get splitting longer than a tank of gas at a time.

I have a leak in a piece of copper in my workroom I do not know what water supply the pipe goes too. It is certainly annoying but is not draining the holding tank enough to worry. I called the plumber last night and he will be here tomorrow.

Jan that was a big meal to prepare on a camping trip. I guess you taught him well while he was growing up.

Penny we will be glad for the mittens when they arrive. A family can never have enough mittens.

Some man that we have met will bring us his two year old hens tomorrow night. Some people do not like to keep older hens. I do. They lay some and the wild things eat some and it is not so bad for me because we still have enough hens to give us eggs.

A cat brought in an ermine in its summer colors is it called a weasel then?

Talie hopes to play professional baseball some day. It is a dream of many boys. I think he has a better chance of being hit by lightning but I am not telling him that.

Safe drive to Houston. I hope your brother makes a decision he can live with or die with and be at peace regardless of what happens. Strength to you Gypsy. If you talk to Darlys tell her we miss her.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  6:23:37 PM  Show Profile
Oh my!!! I got home from work and dinner was made!!! Hubby made a meatloaf. He has not cooked in over 8 years!!!!! That was another treat today. Yesterday was my son doing the cooking. I could get used to this, but I know better than to hold my breath and wait for it to happen. It may be years before this ever happens again!! LOL!!!
It is now only 48 degrees!!!! And very windy, coming from the north. I just hope we do not get frost tonight.
Holly, you are really getting ready for the cold season. That is great that you are preparing early.
Penny, it was good to hear from you. Hope you do well on Ebay. Things usually have a way of working out.
Cheryl, sorry you had such a bad day today. Hope things start to look up and you feel better tomorrow. Do the winter months make your fibro worse?
Sending prayers and good wishes gypsy's way. Glad you will be able to keep us posted. Sounds like you are enjoying your dance classes. What did you make in the beading class? Was it a one time class, or is it continuous?
Bunny, How did the class go with the kids? How many were there? What did they make?
Marianne, You sure have been having some hot weather there. You are having iced tea weather, and here it is hot tea time. Our trees are starting to turn, and the nights are getting pretty cool. I am hoping we do not get an early winter and a long one like it was last year.
Denise, Hope your day went well.
Did anyone see the stars last night? It was cloudy here too, so could not see them from here.
Well I am off to bed. Gotta work again tomorrow. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  6:58:10 PM  Show Profile
Hi, everyone,

Thanks so much for all your kind words and well wishes. It means the world to me. Cheryl, I hope the stomach bug is gone and maybe next weekend you will have enough fun to make up for this one. Mom said a lot of people are getting sick on something from Olive Garden.

I am at my moms house and tomorrow is the big day. My brother seems cheerful. I hope he is not nervous. Mom is worried.

Janet and Holly I can not believe you are already getting ready for winter. We just had winter. Mar, is it the same where you live, that is, fall already?

We are running fans to help with the air conditioning.

We haven't heard from Jamiee or Thelma in quite a while. Or Sherone.

Janet, it was a stand alone class to teach basic beading with wire. I can actually make quite a few different pieces with the techniques she taught. She was excellent and when I have some time I will enjoy it because I won't need a big space or a bunch of stuff. I do want to take more classes with her when I can. As much as you like working with your hands, and being in a smaller (RV) space soon, it might be something you would like to do. Of course you can learn most anything on YouTube now but I really like the camaraderie of a group class.

Good night all.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 12 2013 :  10:47:48 PM  Show Profile  Send Tapestry a Yahoo! Message
Evening ladies :)
Try to make a short note this time instead of a novel.
Gypsy, thank you and I am on the mend. Better days ahead. You and your family are in everyone's thoughts and prayers.
Janet, Weather in all seasons does bother me. It's the pressure changes mostly versus storms.
Holly, I hope the plumber comes early for you and nothing is harmed in your work room.
Penny, It's nice meeting you and you make lovely towels and dish cloths. I hope things fall into place for you. It's so expensive getting children ready for school each year.
Bunny, You earned that nap :) I hope you enjoyed it and woke refreshed.
Mar, I hope your day at home was wonderful and productive for you.
Sweet dreams to all and I hope you all have a wonderful day when you wake.

Happy farmgirl sister #353

Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles
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True Blue Farmgirl

1266 Posts

Washington GA
1266 Posts

Posted - Aug 13 2013 :  01:35:11 AM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Hi all,
Well up way to early this morning, but Grandpup Drake has me up with his baying...he is an 8 month old black and tan hound...sweet pup but This is pic of him and my new baby Oreo. Some of you knew of my old girl Sara...we had to put her down in May and my girlfriend brought me Oreo in April, funny how he came to me...will tell that story in next post, that is if I remember...

For the ones that don't know, my son that is going to Bible College is 32. He got laid off last year and hasn't been able to find a job, But while being off work he has been studying his Bible and watching some of the preacher/teachers on TV. He also has been reading alot of Christian books this last year. Anyway about 2 or so years ago he went on a mission trip to a 3rd world county to help build drinking wells for a town. He enjoyed it so much that he wanted to be a missionary but everywhere he looked they stated he needed a Bible College degree. So he started saving and then boom got laid off. So of course there went his savings. So when GOD kept putting on his heart to go to this Bible college, he applied got excepted on in a short time, hence, us trying to get the money for him to go. Neither of my boys went to college and now to have one that is being called by the Lord is that is where we are at with that...Oh and he is trying to find a place in Colorado Springs, CO so he can take the Grandpup with him, but hasn't had success yet...he is sad thinking he may have to leave him here for awhile, I told him that if he did it would be ok and that after he got out there maybe he could find a place that he could have him. Prayers needed please that everything works out.

Bunny, thank you so much for the info on etsy and kind words. I might give it a shot. I crochet for fun but if I could sell things too that would be great.

Marrianne, thank you, crocheting is my relaxation along with my Bible study time.

Holly, with every mitten I thought of you and your wonderful family, You are such a generous, caring person, I wanted to do something with all that wonderful yarn you sent have always been so kind. I know you will be able to use them for sure. Tell Talie that my (step)daughter is dating a young man that use to play professional ball, I know he played for a couple of teams but the only one I can think of this time of the morning is the team here in GA The Atlanta Brave. My Momma was a big Braves fan...I wasn't and still not...but I knew his name just because when he played back then she talked of him often. He is still young in his 30's...his name is John Rocker...anyway...after hearing Johns story maybe it will happen for Talie too.

Janet, that is awesome, maybe it want be forever before he cooks

Gypsy, you know my prayers are with you....I have thought of you often

Cheryl, nice to meet you too.

I have thought of all of you a lot, and need my MJF over 50 farmgirl FIX...I have missed ya'll so much and ya'll can't imagine the joy, love and caring, I feel from ya'll every time I'm here. Thank you for welcoming me back...sorry to be gone so long...but I'm like a junkie...need my over 50 FIX.. Love you all.

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...

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Edited by - Acelady02 on Aug 13 2013 01:51:12 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Aug 13 2013 :  8:13:25 PM  Show Profile
Hello from Houston

The surgery was to start at 2 and be over by 4

It finally started at 5:30 and was over in just over an hour. We were surprised when we were called to recovery so soon. Good news we thought. Then the doctor came in and said after an hour they decided not to proceed as it was too dangerous and basically there was too much scar tissue to deal with. The procedure was what they call a rendezvous where one surgeon goes through his mouth and the other goes up through his stomach they rendezvous in his throat. They were to use a balloon type thing to stretch the tissue gently while trying not to tear or puncture anything. His lungs are bad and his EKG did not look good and he was badly dehydrated.

The surgeon said there was not anything they could do. He will never swallow again, he will have to be on a feeding tube for the rest of his life.

He and my sister smoked all the way to the hospital and all the way home. They were courteous enough to roll my window down a little while they puffed away in the front seat and I was in the back. You see I had to be there to push the wheelchair because my sister who is 15 years younger than I am, says she can't push it because it hurts her back. We both have scoliosis but she chose back surgery and pain pills and I did yoga.

I'm tired , i have a horrible headache, my throat hurts and I am screaming inside. Thanks for letting me vent.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Aug 13 2013 :  8:22:10 PM  Show Profile
I need to add it is a very mild form of scoliosis and not the crippling kind that many people have.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 13 2013 :  10:26:15 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I'm sad you are having to deal with all of this. We are here for you. Just remember what you have waiting for you when this is over. You have made a wonderful life for yourself. Tis is all temporary.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Plan to improvise
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