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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 1:09:51 PM
Ok, so I was thinking about Bunny in the shower this morning ... well, THAT doesn't sound right... but, anyway, what I was gonna say is I can't stop thinking of Slip 'n Slides! And I think it has to do with Bunny's waterbed story. My brain makes some decidedly weird connections!
I mentioned that DD and boyfriend went on a food truck tour in Portland. I think you have to be somewhat adventuresome to try some of those places.
How is the kitty, BTW, Bunny? And you?
I think I explained to you all how our dogs "talk." I know I mentioned that poor ol' Mollie had a terrible lisp ... Well, Gracie, the chihuahua has a mouth like a sewer with a pronounced spanish accent. I do miss Mollie still. Yellow dog, Samantha, hasn't really "found" her voice, but she is a master of the looks. Anyway, yesterday afternoon Dh was busy and I was feeling like I wasn't getting enough attention. (Imagine, ME being needy!) So, I asked Dh which dog voice he liked the best. Without looking up or missing a beat, he replied, "I like all the voices in your head." That's why I stay with this guy! He just rolls with my mania.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 5:50:44 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day. Mostly clear. Temperatures began at 40 and ended in the high seventies. The humidity was not noticeable. A lovely September day.
I used to help run a Girl Scout day camp. We had a trip of girls go to the Allagash River in Maine for a week. the policeman told the trip leader that they should carry a can of spray paint in case there was an intruder. The paint would make the intruder's eyes sting something fierce and the paint would mark him for a while. Also the caps are often made so it is easy to get a grip into the spray button.
I believe that calicos are all female. As I think all orange cats are all male. If there is white on them then it could be female as well.
I hope I did not offend you Mar when I said your mother did not have the corner on weird adages. I thought I was being funny and then after I posted I thought is that metaphor used in a different way and did I misuse it.
Ahhhh a good time out under the stars creates a memory at a time. Do you have biting bugs this time of year? Don't sell the house.
Cheryl I am glad your dh is helpful and considerate without slinging any guilt. Yours may be right up there with Mar's and Sherone's. They all seem like keepers.
I used the tractor to move the split wood into the garage today. Now why didn't I think of that sooner. I had been using the back of the truck which held more but then I had to handle the wood twice. Using the tractor bucket I could dump it in the garage. Tonight we moved in another row into the barn. K loaded the children and I unloaded them. It sure is a good way to wear out young boys just before bedtime.
When we were teenagers our mothers could listen in at least to the tones of our phone conversations. I can not even do that now. K does have time restrictions on her phone which galls her to no end. The phone turns off at 11 and on at 8. She wants the restrictions lifted. I told her no one needs to talk to her during the off times. She is resigned and not happy about them. I could take away her phone or turn it off if she were excessively irresponsible but she has not been.
I have pallets in my garden screwed together in a square with hay and soil in them to make raised beds for the vegetables. Pallets are two layers and I have a zucchini growing in between two of the layers of wood. I missed a day checking on them and this one erupted. I am going to leave it as a domestic science experiment to see how it grows when it is more than a foot long.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 6:23:50 PM
Holly, The pallets sound like a great idea. I am having trouble picturing how you have them screwed together. It is probably just me but is there any chance you could post a picture of them? And I got lost all together when you said you have the zucchini growing between two of the layers. Just can't get a clear understanding of how that is done. :( Would love to know as we have tons of pallets from my husband's business. They are just sitting out there stacked up so when you mentioned pallets I was happy to hear of a way to use them.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 7:35:15 PM
Mar, you hubby sounds like a one if a kind guy. I'm so jealous.
Kitty is just fine. I however spent most of the day in bed yesterday. I'm back to normal today. I got my new "altered couture" magazine a few days ago. I found the lady that is doing so well on etsy has been featured in three different issues. Now I know why she is doing so well. Soooo my next challenge is to be featured in this magazine. They have an area in the back that has submission guidelines and what the issues they need stuff for are about. My only problem is you have to remember to take pictures of the clothing before you alter it and I keep forgetting. So I'm going to take a day and photograph all my supply clothes. It may take a while....but I know I can do this!
Anyway, I'm done in for today. Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 9:33:16 PM
Oh Holly, you didn't offend me. Ever. But, I am so relieved to know I haven't been messing up in the garden and kitchen... I have just been conducting domestic science experiments! Why didn't I meet you earlier in life? I could have gotten a lot of mileage out of that phrase, let me tell ya!
Bunny, it does sound like you better get those photos done. And don't let that gal corner the market on snagging all the magazine features! Fingers crossed for you!
So,Gypsy, what is the hour count on dancing today? You are just dancing through life right now!
Denise, I am so jealous. Unlimited pallets sounds almost as fun as having owned a fabric store, like Bunny.
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 07:33:47 AM
Marianne, If you saw the bolts in my sewing room you would think I had owned a fabric shop but I only worked at one.
As soon as I saw pallets in Holly's post all I could think was, "at last a way to get them off that ugly pile and into something useful".
Bunny~ Glad you are back up and around again. Glad Kitty is ok.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 11:05:48 AM
Denise go to Pinterest and look at about a million things you can do with pallets. I have a board just for pallets
Holly the spray paint is a good idea. I can't carry one in my purse but it wouldn't hurt to have one in the house and car.
I'm seriously thinking of skipping tonight. It's Rumba and Samba which I am not all that interested in, and I need a break to do some other things. I will go to a jewelry making class Sunday afternoon to follow up on the wire wrapping I got interested in while I was in Arizona back in March.
Bunny, that's exactly how the doll makers get their name out there, and all aspiring artists now, I think. They submit their work to magazines, donate to causes, teach classes in how to do it, do craft shows, all that. So then you get so busy marketing, you don't get to do the art or craft. It makes me crazy. Even in the dance, there is soon pressure to compete. I just want to have fun for the rest of my journey and not be judged about it. . I dropped out of the doll makers group because there was always some challenge to make a doll for this or that, that really wasn't what I wanted to do.
Mar, your dog stories are so funny! Keep it up. You should become a short story writer. You would get published. Actually all your stories are funny. Maybe it's those voices in your head. I agree with Bunny, your guy is definitely a keeper.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 12:18:20 PM
so,I got scared away from Pinterest because someone on another thread warned that you pick up a lot of viruses from the site. It may be a very good thing that I haven't gotten bitten by the Pinterest bug, but seriously... all I need is one of you gals to tell me that that is just a vicious rumor! I suppose any very used site like that would be a good "breeding ground" for a virus? (I have looked at it a few times. It IS fascinating!)
We are gonna hit 90 degrees again today. I shouldn't complain since a few of you are looking at the potential of 6 inches of rain and perhaps some flooding! Weather! All you can do is talk about it.
I had my eye on a lovely home in the area that we are hoping to call home sometime soon. And yesterday it posted that it had an offer pending (insert Mar's pouty lip here). Not meant to be, I guess. (Insert Mar's stiff upper lip here.) OK, I guess I've given you guys enough lip for a while. I am off to see about some lunch! Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 12:19:38 PM
Holly, The spray paint is a great suggestion. Nothing illegal about carrying that around! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 2:09:54 PM
Hi sistas :) I was so bummed I couldn't get on here last night. We lost power night before last at 1 AM. We had a terrible storm popped up out of nowhere and knocked the power out. We were lucky. No damage here other than a few leaves blown about but there were 2 confirmed tornadoes. One F1 and one F2. The F2 hit a town called New London and destroyed a church there then moved on down the highway and about leveled the little town of Hortonville. From there it moved onto a town called Grand Chute and up the North side of my town of Appleton. The F1 tornado hit the town of Kaukauna. We're on the South side of Appleton and just caught straight line outflow winds from the F1. Huge tree went down on a neighbor's house but everyone is okay. Was a crazy night. The wea ther report at 10 that night said few rain storms, gusty winds and maybe a little hail here and there but nothing significant. HA! The worst part was no warning sirens went off anywhere. No idea why not as I'm sure the NOAA radar had to have shown rotations inside those storms. Thankfully no injuries. I feel pretty blessed today. Gypsy--You wild child you! LOL Nope don't sell that house. I can just imagine 2 sexy senior citizens flouncing around in their birthday suits outdoors....You have me rollin' here. If you'd get kicked off for what you said I'm a goner for sure...LOL. Ginny-- that would be great on the video....tyvm! My brain likes thinking about doing zumba but my body may tell me something else again. Walked a block with my grandson today to a neighbor's house so her grandson and mine could have play time and I've had cramps in my butt ever since. Can you imagine? It hurts! One stinking block. Now I've given you all another wild image to think about LOL You also have me wondering...What is the "other outdoors"? Bunny-- and here I thought you were the quiet one! Waterbed mattress in the back yard...wooooohoooooo! Are you gals sure this group isn't called The Wild Bunch? I hope your kitty is okay and your back stops hurting. Mar--You said soooooo much in one line. Don't sell the house. It spoke volumes. You gals are going to corrupt me! When I start acting up at home I'm going to tell my DH it's all Gypsy, Mar, Janet,Holly, Ginny, Bunny, Denise and Mel's fault and I've only talked to them a short time so you can see how they've influenced me ;) I'm sure he'll just shake his head knowingly. Denise--I understand your snorting completely. I sure hope you didn't have a big swig of coffee in your mouth when you did it. It really smarts when that stuff comes out your nose. Not that I'd know anything about that of course. I think I feel a nap coming on. Didn't sleep so well last night even though I was dog tired. Missed the A/C. What a wimp I am! Have a wonderful evening ladies! Huggzz Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
Edited by - Tapestry on Aug 08 2013 2:30:28 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 3:01:37 PM
Wow I entered my post and a whole new page of posts came up that I hadn't seen before. So now I must catch up. Hurries but tries to avoid anymore unnecessary cramping. Mar--I wouldn't worry about viruses on Pinterest as long as you keep your antivirus and firewall current. I've not picked up a thing in the 2 yrs I've used it daily except for followers. I have noticed that sometimes spammers will take over someone's board and then I just unfollow that person so I stop the spread of diet pills, viagra and other stupid stuff from being passed along. I've not had any of my boards taken over so I must be doing something right. Go for know you want to....evil grin. Holly--great idea about the spray paint although with my luck the cap would come off and I'd spray the inside of my purse. I'm lucky that way. I loved your lovely September day comment. We've had several of those days here lately but I love cooler weather so except for the recent scary weather I'll take those kinda days :) I never thought about orange cats being male. I'll be checking those cats from now on LOL. Run cats run! I also love domestic science experiments. After 2 days without electricity I'm pretty sure I'm growing some now. Bunny--I'm so sorry you ended up in bed after your mattress/kitty sandwich. I hope you slugged the mattress a couple times for hurting you. It sounds like an awfully lot of work trying to get into a magazine. Who knew? I take awful pictures so that lets me out of ever becoming famous. That and things like the cross stitch in my basement that's only half finished and I started it like 20 yrs ago LOL. Gypsy you make me tired just reading your posts. It sure sounds like you have a fun life :) I make jewelry too now and then. Nothing super fancy but I do enjoy it. I'm not very good at wire wrapping. Pinterest sure has lots of tutorials on it though. I've saved a few. I plan to watch them in a couple years when I'm done making the gazillion other things I've pinned. Denise--I would probably slobber all over myself looking at your craft room. I love having lots of fabric and yarn around me even if they do gather dust. I did find that stashing them in totes stops that problem though. It just feels good knowing when I want to start a project I usually have what I need on hand. No I swear I'm not a hoarder....yet. :) Later girls :)
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 4:51:31 PM
The only difference between a collector and a hoarder is organization.
Mar, it's a vicious rumor. It is addictive, however. I see Bunny and Mel on there all the time when I know they should be doing something.
I'm not going to dance practice tonight. I'm going to go see a movie and take a load off my feet.
Good night all.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 08 2013 : 5:52:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was very warm. It started out at 56 and now it is 60. It was a lot warmer and the humidity was fairly high. The sweat was rolling down unseen crevices and seen flat surfaces. I spent most of the day running the roads and appointments.
I will try to take a picture of the pallets and post them. That is more problematic the posting part. So, take the pallets and stand them up so the open ends are up and down. Then take three more and make a square with them. Some of them I was able to screw right to each other. Most of them I had to take a piece of lath and screw it to both pallets on the top and then along the side somewhere near the bottom. Then I put bales of hay in the bottom. The first two I filled them up with composted manure then it dawned on me that was using a lot of manure so the next few I used bales of hay in the bottom with 8 or so inches of soil on top. We have had a wet summer so the hay has sunk down but that does not seem to have affected the growth of the plants.
i am so unfocused tonight. I am so glad to have read all of your posts and am so glad you are all here.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 09:31:57 AM
I would really like to make a statement to all women and men that 50 is not an impending death announcement. Most of our problems can be overcome with some effort and self control. The doctors are quick to give us a scary diagnosis and send us home with a few prescriptions. A little education about what we are giving our bodies as fuel, a little determination to get off our butts and exercise especially when we don't feel like it, and a refusal to accept age as a limitation will work miracles. Most people assume I am around 50. Same with B. So lose the senior image. My point is NOT " oh, look at me, look what I can do as a goofy old lady". My message IS: " there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to limit yourself in any way just because the calendar says you have lived a certain number of years." Also, your mind is a powerful thing. It will believe whatever you tell it. I am currently reading (again) The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Granted it is an old book, but in it he says the human body is designed to last approximately 120 years. It's the things we do to it that cause it to deteriorate early. You must choose happiness and make it a habit. Most people I know choose unhappiness. Here is one of his quotes: " Wisdom is an awareness of the tremendous spiritual powers in your subconscious mind and the knowledge of how to apply these powers to lead a full and happy life. Get it out of your head once and for all that 65, 75, or 85 years of age is synonymous with the end of you or anybody else. It can be the beginning of a glorious, fruitful,active, ,and most productive life pattern, better than you have ever experienced. Believe this, expect this, and your subconscious will bring it to pass". "Old age is not a tragic occurrence. What we call the aging process is really change. It is to be welcomed joyfully and gladly as each phase of human life is a step forward on the path which has no end.
George Bernard Shaw was active at 90 and the artistic quality of his mind had not relaxed from active duty Marcus Porcius Cato, the Roman patriot, learned Greek at 80 Socrates learned to play musical instruments when he was 80 Johann Von Goethe finished FAUST and Leopoldo Von Ranke commenced his History of the World, which he finished at 92. Alfred Tennyson wrote "Crossing the Bar" at 83 Issac Newton was still working at 85 John Wesley was still directing, teaching Methodism at 88.
"The secret of youth is love, joy, inner peace, and laughter."
Maybe this is what we should say when people come to this thread and think its an old folks home.
When I was in my 20's 30's and 40's I fought against prejudices against women in the work place. Just by default, because that is where I found myself Now I find myself as one of a handful of women fighting this absurd notion that if we are past a certain chronological age, then we must be "old and therefore subject to ridicule.
My next sermon will be -------funny. Because I'm not usually serious.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 6:16:28 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 09:37:36 AM
I have a lot to say about the spiritual realm but I'm afraid that would encroach on the subject of religion. But we tried a thread on that, didn't we, Mar, and we got the fanatics and the kooks so we gave it up.
Here's an example: last week I asked B what is he reading right now, because he had just finished Sitchin's last book. He said, I'm reviewing The Power of your Subconscious mind. Refer to my email above. I had just pulled it from my bookshelf and started reading it for no particular reason. We re spiritual partners.
Well, maybe the next one will be funny.  hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 09 2013 09:55:50 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 10:12:15 AM
Gypsy, So is it a collector or a hoarder if it is organized? I like to think I am a collector as I have a collection of sewing/craft things that I enjoy but do not use. My dad is living with us now and he is 87 soon to be 88. I keep telling him he can do whatever he wants to do. Problem is he doesn't enjoy good health and when he tries to do the things he wants to do his body tells him he can't/ shouldn't not sure which. I want him to do all the things he talks about doing and not just talk about them. Maybe I should see if I can find a copy of that book.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
Edited by - levisgrammy on Aug 09 2013 10:16:16 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 3:06:15 PM
Denise if its organized you are a collector. If its all in piles and boxes like mine you are a hoarder. So they say.
The book is a good read for any age. The thing is that if your dad has been sick or inactive it is hard to take the steps to get back out there. But it can be done if he believes it can be done. This book has been around so long you might be able to download it free or only a few dollars.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 3:35:39 PM
I have been lucky to have my MIL as a very good example of how to grow old. She is still very active, lives by herself and tries to stay active. I don't think I am the type to "go quietly into the good night" - definitely a fighter.
And I want to add to Gypsy's Soapbox Narrative that to stay young you have to KEEP LEARNING. Actually, I guess we aren't trying to stay young, we are trying to not be so old!
I wanted to weigh in on my own spirtually connected story. I have always said that I pick up my phone to have it "beep" in my hand with a msg from DD. Well, Dh has actually been noticing it, too. Last night, he commented that he can't believe how often I pick up my phone out of the blue to answer a msg that hasn't arrived yet! It made me smile. marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 4:13:18 PM
Okay Gypsy so some of it is collectible and some of it is hoarded. It is not totally organized.
I think that is cool Marianne. I have connections like that with one of my daughters. When my FIL passed his sister fell out of bed. She said she knew something was wrong and that it was something to do with him but she didn't know what.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 4:57:02 PM
Reading and oh my goodness it appears I have offended you Gypsy with my joking around. I do sincerely apologize as I meant no offense. Age is a number. That's it. I was trying to get into the jovial kidding around that I've been reading but obviously my attempt at joining in on the fun was poorly done. Please forgive me. I envy you your health and ability to get out and do things of a fun nature. Unfortunately, my health does not allow me to participate in many physical activities any longer. I have had to learn to adjust my personal expectations. People who do not have fibromyalgia rarely understand this condition and those of us affected frequently have to battle the impression of others that we are lazy or faking our illness. Humor is my best friend in coping but as is frequently the case with social networking sites not everyone reads a post in the way in which it was intended. My career in geriatrics taught me many things; the most important being no one ages the same. I've worked with and known people of all ages who are very bright and articulate. One of the sharpest people I have known was 103 when she passed. She remained an active and sharp minded woman until shortly before her death. Her son, on the other hand, also became my patient and while he'd spent his life as an architect and had a great love of classical music Alzheimer's disease robbed him of his life. I agree Mar, that everyone should keep learning no matter what their age. I'm an avid reader and try to keep abreast of current events as well as being a history buff. I find many many things interesting and I love learning. Suffice it to say ladies I meant no disrespect to any of you. I was simply trying to join in the fun. My mistake.
Please enjoy your weekend and once again my apologies to anyone I have offended. Very sincerely, Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 5:17:16 PM
Cheryl, let me chime in...I don't believe you hurt anyone's feelings and as soon as Gypsy sees your post she will be on here reassuring you herself. You were well "spoken" and not misunderstood. Your humor is appreciated and as we have a number of gals suffering from fibro, I think we are a fairly well-educated group about the ups and downs of the disease. Good days and bad. Spurts of energy and days in bed.
So, relax and know you are an integral part of the group. Now you can't leave us, you know. You make a good point about the woman who was 103 and then her son had the bad luck of contracting alzheimer's...I guess some of it is the luck of the draw. The "over 50s" all seem to have that important spark that makes us so dynamic and interesting to know!
Well, out to pick some tomatoes for dinner salad! It is still hot! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 7:11:10 PM
Marianne, how nice that you have tomatoes to pick. Mine won't be ready for at least a couple of weeks yet. I love fresh tomatoes. My favorite is tomatoes on toast. I have been busy working, day 4 tomorrow, then all of next week. So far, it has not been too bad, but it is supposed to be picture perfect days outdoors all the days that I am working. Go figure!!! Next week is our state fair here, so that would be nice if the weather was nice for that. Don't know if we will be going or not, we did not go at all last year. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 7:18:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
I had a good laugh visioning the old folks having a raucous time on the veranda. .... and then an UFO drops by. I believe the veranda in question is somewhat protected by remoteness from unwanted spectators. I was not however picturing old folks as in wrinkles and sags. Having seen the pictures of the bodies that will be enjoying the stars. mmmm star burn anyone in any of those tender places. I am considered by my children and the friends parents as old to have the children and I do not think of my self. as old. But, the couple in question are child free, they can have a raucous time without having to worry about the children dropping in, or having to go to sleep early because the children need to get up in the morning and will need their breakfast. or have to get up and do the commute to work or have to have a traditional supper because it is what is expected. oh, to be old and not have any of those concerns. do not go away Cheryl you are great.
It rained today most of the day. I puttered around then a friend came over and we fixed the boy's bicycle tires. Ross hopped on a rode away. He had only been riding with the broken training wheels and was adamant that he could not ride a two wheeler yet. He was so proud he had the biggest smile. The other two boys have not yet tried out the other two wheel bikes.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2013 : 8:18:41 PM
Oh, good heavens, Cheryl, you didn't offend me or anybody else. This is the thread where we don't take offense, and we are free to say what we are thinking without worrying about it. You know, like sisters do. I definitely and truly apologize to you because I have obviously hurt your feelings. The gypsy often takes to her soapbox with or without reason or cause. Has nothing to do with you or anything you might have said. She just goes off on a tangent all by herself. Now if you leave, all the other sisters will be mad at me and I will have to leave. So please please don't do that.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 6:20:54 PM |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |