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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 05 2013 : 07:06:39 AM
I think it may have been May that The Cluck changed to The Sister Issue. It is still delivered to me through email... Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 05 2013 : 12:19:56 PM
I got an email on the first of the month, as usual, introducing the new Sister Issue that replaces the Cluck. I think it was May, maybe April. It happened automatically for me, so I think this is a glitch in the system. Brian usually handles these types of things I believe ... Do you know how to email him?
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

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True Blue Farmgirl
111 Posts
111 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2013 : 4:32:00 PM
are these issues mailed or emailed?
I only just got my farmgirl certificate in the mail-but no magazine, etc.
Farmgirl Sister #5348 City Girl Country Heart |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2013 : 5:27:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
I woke up to forty degrees this morning. It is the first time in 6 weeks that I have worn long pants to do chores. The sky was clear and I knew it would warm up but 40 degrees at the beginning of August? I hope this is not an indication of how long winter will be or that it will set in early.
I forgot to tell all of you that three nights ago the stars were shining and there was thunder and lightning. Not heat lightning because it was too cool but loud thunder. I do not know where the clouds were but they were not out my bathroom window.
I was talking to a friend today and she was telling me that her 13 yo d has a cyst in her ear lobe near her pieced earring hole. She said they were going to the doctor because she has had it for three months or so and hot compresses and boiled egg had not cleared it up. I knew about the hot compresses but the boiled egg baffled me. So, Mar, your mom does not have the corner on folk remedies or warnings. lol This friend also ties fat back onto a splinter site to help draw out the splinter.
The sister issue comes in the email if you are a member. I think it comes every month.
It gives me great peace of mind that K is not actually dating any of these men in person. I am so glad that I do not need to sleep with a shot gun by my bedside. She has a number of men she talks to and gives advice to about their exercise and eating habits. Some she asks me about and I tell her the truth about their ailments and whether they are possible. I try not to tell her they are full of sh** she does not listen to me when I give that kind of reality opinion. Although she had one guy that she told me was wealthy. He was 27 and owned a lot of apartment buildings that he had bought cheap renovated and now rented. I told her in that short period of time it was not really possible. She told me to buzz off I did not know what I was talking about. Then she must have asked him and he said his dad had started the business and he learned from him and worked in the business. There was another man who told her he had cerebral palsy. Have I told you this story? He said he played football and soccer in high school and had graduated from college the year before. He said he was on disability and that he paid his mom's rent for her. I explained what the characteristics of cp are. She got on the phone to him and told him to get himself a new doctor because he had been misdiagnosed. Later she told me she did not talk to him any more because he had too much drama. I am really glad she does not have face to face contact with them. She said a man from (some African country) wanted her to give him her phone number and address. She told him no phone calls from Africa were too expensive. They are on some social networking site. I hope with all of my heart that she is reality based. cautious and safe.
We keep the house at 50 degrees in the winter with the oil and then use the wood to bring it up to comfortable temperature. I do not like to be cold. Six cord seems to be average use for the winter around here. We may use more because the house is to big.
What does and oxygen concentrator do? allow more oxygen to be stored in a tank?
I have two gallons of beans downstairs to snap and freeze. I guess I should think about bidding you all good night and get them done.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Aug 05 2013 : 6:39:09 PM
Holly, an oxygen concentrator pulls the air from the room and concentrates it into 90% pure oxygen and it is used with a nasal cannula to the person that needs oxygen. What we breath with the air alone is only 22% concentrated. Hope that helps explain it. When I used wood in a 3 bedroom house, we burned 10 full cords of wood, and some winters it would not be enough. I think our winters are harsher and longer here though. I worked today, and it was quite steady, which made the day go by fast. I am off for 2 days now, hope to catch up on my laundry and pick the rest of my beans and peas. Although, it rained today an in the forecast for tomorrow and Wednesday. It was jacket weather here today, every person that came in the store today had either a hooded sweatshirt on, or a jacket. Tomorrow is only supposed to be in the lower 50s for the high. I think our summer is done. Very short and sweet. I did not even get a chance to wear my new swimsuit. Oh well. Hope everyone is doing well and having a good start to the week. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Aug 05 2013 : 9:12:04 PM
Good evening girlfriends,
Mar, I emailed Brian and he said I had opted out of all emails last May. I don't remember doing that. Anyway, he's got me back in the system. A very fast response.
Holly, I am really, really glad I'm not trying to raise a teenage girl in this day and age. It's a whole new world with all the social networking. Gone is the day when you knew if you did anything wrong, your dad would kill you. Plain and simple.
Seems like my city is getting more crime. I guess I need to buy a little mace spray to keep on my keychain just in case. I haven't felt the need for that for a really long time, but I don't think they would take kindly to me totin a gun around town here.
Tonight I went to two dance classes. First was an hour of Blues, or nightclub dancing, which was pretty simple, then an hour of Lindy Hop, which was similar to the East Coast Swing which I had done before, so it was fairly easy. My foot held up just fine. wednesday will be the acid test, four one hour classes back to back.
Janet I hope you get to enjoy your garden a little longer before the cold sets in again. I left my house in the country and came back to my city apartment today. It was nice and cool out on the porch this morning and I sort of hated to leave it. We always get an early morning dry cool breeze, then as the day wears on, it gets hotter and hotter. I watered some of the trees and bigger plants and the poor birds were everywhere after the water. I have left pans of water out but the #%*!! Raccoons get into it and turn it over. This time I took a concrete bird bath, set it in a big pot up under an outside faucet, wedged it good with rocks, and left the faucet dripping. Now next week when I go back, we I'll see if I have outsmarted them. Probably not. The poor little birds sit with their wings open and their little beaks open when it gets this hot. I know there is the river not too far away but I think most of the stock tanks have dried up for lack of rain and high heat. Janet I wish I could share some of my summer with you.
Some of those folk remedy s sound pretty far out. When I first came on here someone was talking about elderberry syrup and I started taking it at the first sign of a cold, and I've not had a cold since. Soon be two years.
Well, good night all. I join Holly in wishing you sweet dreams.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 05 2013 : 9:47:38 PM
Good evening ladies :) Was a quiet weekend here and also today. I see my tomatoes are finally turning red so I may have some to slice which I love. Nothing better in the whole world than garden fresh maters. Janet--so sorry that you drove around Appleton for an hour and a half before you found the house you were looking for. I live in Appleton and should give you my phone # so if you ever have to come looking for an address again you can phone me and I'll help you find it. We have a nice Hobby Lobby here too which I love but wish it was on my side of town. Or maybe it's a good thing it's not as I usually spend too much money when I go there. Bunny--I figured you'd know what kind of sweater coat I meant and yes I bet it is harder to find decent wool sweaters as so many crafts have told about upcycling and felting them to make things so there's probably been a run on them in most thrift shops. I'm so happy for you that you're selling your dresses. They really are lovely. Holly--I've never heard of using egg on a cyst either. That's a new one to me. The only chemical element I can think of with egg yolk is sulfur so maybe it has some antibacterial properties?? I'm stumped. LOL I'm glad your dd is being careful about contact with these guys. You just never know anymore who you're talking to. My sister had a guy from Africa that was chatting with her and she took pity on him and sent him a box of clothing and dry foods like Ramen that she felt would travel well. I was so worried for her because of course she had to post it and send as International mail. I gave her a good scolding which she pooh-poohed but I've never heard anything bad came of it although she did admit that he finally told her he was a scammer and trying to get women to send him money. I'm sure he finally figured out she wasn't what he was looking for. Awfully hard to get water from a dry well. Now I have to rely on my brain to remember other posters from previous pages since I posted last and woe is me cuz my short term memory truly stinks. I think I will just say I am enjoying being here again and think Pinterest is a wonderful place but I do enjoy the interaction here with sisters who have similar likes. You can't really talk to people there but I sure do love looking at the pictures and seeing all the ideas. I'll never ever make everything I've pinned. But it's nice to know if I'm wanting to work on a project I don't have far to look for free patterns and ideas. So if anyone needs a recipe or idea hit me up and I'll search my boards for something for you. Also if you're on Pinterest my addy is pasted at the end of my posts so add me please. I should use my own boards to help me with merit badges..Slaps myself on the forehead HARD...duhhhhh. Also I think it was Oggie who has Fibro. I feel your pain dear. PM me anytime u want to vent or shoot me an email. They say God never gives us more than we can handle so we're TOUGH chicks. Some days we're just tougher than others. If I've left anyone out here please forgive me. As I said my memory really needs an overhaul. I hate to think what I'll be like at 70. If I'm bonkers I hope I'm a fun bonkers LOL. Huggz to all and have a terrific Tuesday sisters!
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 07:16:40 AM
I was thinking of Mel and her granddaughter's visit. I hope they are having a great time. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 08:10:29 AM
Cheryl, I am 70 and bonkers, and it is fun. Don't worry, you'll like it when you get there.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 12:00:19 PM
Well, I didn't wait, I have been bonkers for a while! Hit me mid-thirties, maybe? Like you said, Gypsy, it is fun. So, why wait? Give in! Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 12:27:31 PM
Janet, I hope you get some more warm days. I love fall, but I'm not quite ready for it, yet! It does feel so nice to have a nice cool night, though! Hope you are taking some time to rest in between your loads of laundry today. What are you crocheting these days?
An egg on a cyst? I can't figure that out either. Of course, I imagined holding an intact raw egg against the gal's ear...
Holly, I can't blame you for being both happy and worried about the internet relationships. I hope K stays ahead of the goofs. Sounds like she is doing ok for herself so far!
Here's another weird, wives' tale type thing. My MIL told me that calico cats are always female. Is she right? When I think of the calicos I have known, they have all been female. Is it a genetic anomaly that is carried on the X chromosome for cats?
Of course, I have been in the garden this morning. Catching up around the house for a bit and then most of the afternoon is free!
Gypsy, four hours of dance class?
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 1:41:30 PM
I have never heard of an egg for a cyst either, but hey who I am to figure that all out. I get those cysts too but they always go away on their own. I have had them since I got my ears pierced when I was 12 many, many moons ago.
Gypsy~ Sounds like the dance classes are going well. Hope you hold up for the other four classes.
Hope everyone is having a day they can enjoy.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 1:43:44 PM
Yep, and three hours tonight. I just noticed he put me down for a one hour private lesson on west coast swing at 7 tonight, then a 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock group class. Is it any wonder I just took a long nap.
It is true, all calico cats are female.
I am having trouble sleeping at night for some reason I think it is some vitamin or mineral. When I went home his last time I didn't lug all these vitamins with me and forgot to take them last night. That's the biggest problem with aging, Cheryl, you have to really work to keep yourself where you used to be naturally. I have to pay strict attention to diet, exercise, and taking supplements or I will start to lose ground. Same with B. we can attribute some to good genes but its mostly lifestyle.
Today I took myself out to a good healthy lunch and worked on getting (dare I say it?) my craft space set up. Soon I will run out of excuses.
Holly and Mar, the "goofs" are always out there. They just get to be old goofs. I ran across my share. Heck, I even married one of them. 
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 06 2013 1:46:59 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 4:30:31 PM
Man o man, Gypsy. You come up with so many quotes that I find suitable for embroidering on a throw pillow. Today's gem: "The goofs are always out there." love it! mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 5:06:34 PM
Hi gals, I just finished a days worth of laundry, 1 load tomorrow and I will be caught up again. I also tore my living room apart and rearranged a bit. Took me all afternoon. Now I am a bit sore, but I will be good as new when I get up in the morning. Gypsy, that is a lot of dancing. You must have very good leg muscles. Yes, I agree with Marianne. You do come up with a lot of funny sayings. Marianne, good you can get out in the garden. I did not today. It was supposed to rain, but it did not. It will tonight though, and looks like a big rain day tomorrow. Denise, good that you popped in today. Bunny must be busy sewing up a storm. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 6:52:48 PM
Evenin' ladies :) I get the biggest kick out of reading your posts. Gypsy-- I sure hope when I'm 70 I'm still able to have as much fun as you do. I try to get out a bit everyday for at least a short walk with the 4 legged boss of the house. He usually likes to check out the neighborhood a few times a day to make sure no new dog has walked on "his" sidewalk. Sassy little thing anyway. I used to love to go dancing. I'm thinking I need to see if I can find a zumba dance exercise on tv and record it. Have you ever watched any u tube videos of zumba. Ohhhhh my goodness but those gals move. I would love to give it a try. I bet that would make my grandson laugh. Janet--I got tired just reading your post. You were a busy lady today! It always feels good though to feel productive. I managed to get the vacuuming all done and bedding changed. I meant to get the bedding done on Monday but just was having an achy day so it had to wait till I felt up to it. Hubby won't let me do the laundry anymore as it's in the basement and he fears I'll fall on the steps and break my neck. Let's just say we've been married long enough he knows my middle name isn't Grace. I am so thankful for his selfless love. He helps so much with the household chores and does all the grocery shopping. `I've learned if there is something I want to do I have to sneak it in while he's at work or he wouldn't let me do it. Having health issues can be a bummer. He worries more about me than I do. Marianne--I love how you pick up on funny little sayings and want to embroider them on pillows. That would be so danged cute! Also yep it's true on all Calico cats being females. One of life's little oddities. Denise--thank you for wishing us all a nice day and I do hope you had a wonderful day yourself! Here's wishing everyone sweet dreams and a beautiful Wednesday. Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 8:43:21 PM
I left the last class early. My feet didn't give out, but my brain did. I just didn't feel like thinking any more today. Cheryl , I have the Zumba DVD but I haven't tried it. I'm not very good at line dancing.
Well, I might get kicked off the forum for telling this story, but.......I'm always pushing my luck. Besides, you gals are encouraging me.
I am 70 and B will be 69 next month. At my house, I have a big open deck over the garage and the only way to get to it is through the house. The house sits out on a flat hill, and so the garage is below the house. Anyway, I've spent many a sad night out there on the deck alone, it's perfectly safe because nothing can get to it. And in the winter it is especially beautiful under the stars. So I told B about a particular fantasy I had that has to do with me and him and an air mattress and a warm sleeping bag for two. Out there on that deck, under the stars. All night. It's on the east side, so the sunrises are beautiful, too.
So now, it's his fantasy, too. He says he can't quit thinking about it. He says don't sell that house.
Good night, ladies. I definitely am tired.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 06 2013 : 11:20:07 PM
Gypsy, you crack me up. My first husband and I had a waterbed on the back lawn. Just the water bed mattress part. Don't stop fantasizing. Good thing you don't have a caretaker yet.
Well I kind a over did it the other day. I decided to flip and move my myself. I was doing pretty good until my moms cat decided to help. I had the mattress on its end and was pushing up the box spring. He was walking up the box spring when the mattress fell on him and I had a kitty sandwich. It was all I could do to hold up the box springs and try to lift the mattress of him. It was pretty comical. But today...not so much. Boy I hurt. I couldn't even sew.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 06:05:46 AM
Gypsy, Don't sell the house. |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 06:58:33 AM
Mar, I particularly liked the end of Gypsy's "goof line". I did too!
Cheryl, a friend teaches Zumba here and so I went to her class once. I was so exhausted but more important was how I had a hard time doing it in my tennis shoes so I ended up taking the shoes and socks off, it worked much better for me. I couldn't even figure out what some of the moves were! But I somehow hurt my shoulder doing something so that ended that! Good luck! I have a video made for people with Fibro. When I get home, I'll see what it's called and let you know.
Gypsy, you kill me! Like Mar said don't see the house. In my younger years, sleeping outdoors was the best! And so was the other outdoors!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 09:16:57 AM
You gals sure brighten my days!
OMG, I will be giggling for most the day now. I thought it was funny Gypsy you were thinking you'd get thrown off the forum. Oh man, that made me laugh so I snorted. My family doesn't wonder what I'm doing on here anymore they know when I do this I am on this site.
Bunny, I hope you recover from your kitty incident so you can get sewing again.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 11:13:00 AM
Well, I hope the kitty recovered, too.
Yeah, Ginny, we know first hand about those "goofs" don't we. Holly, where were you when we needed you? My ex had been to Vietnam and I put up with a lot because of that. He eventually did seriously become mentally disabled. So now he has taken his misery some place else and I'm having the best time of my life. You listening, Ginny? It's been a tough road, though. It's just the Yin and the Yang. I think having been to the depths of despair is what enables me to squeeze every drop of joy out of my life now.
Somewhere back on the thread someone asked about food trailers or food trucks? I thought I remembered that but couldn't find it again. Maybe I dreamed it. At any rate, food trailers are a big deal here in Austin. Out on South Congress, there are a bunch of them, mostly renovated Airstreams, and you can get all kinds of good stuff, from ice cream to tacos. It's fun. They are trying to get one started in North Austin too.
My last relationship was with a gentleman who needed to go first class all the way, and that was a great experience, but now with B, we will have such great fun just "arsing about" like a couple of old hippies. Austin is a great city for that.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |