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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  11:39:00 AM  Show Profile
Hi, everybody, a quick note--bunny, which dress is it you think would suit me? I have a narrow back and a short waist, and I've mentioned the girls before, all together makes me hard to fit. Anything that buttons down the front usually gaps. We know you meant wool. These smart phones and pads do that all the time

DD. and I had a great day together. She understands that I miss her but I have to have my own life. She gets it. It's only about an hour from her house to my apartment so we will see each other often.

Ginny I'm glad to see you taking charge and getting things done. I agree with Holly. If DH doesn't toe the line ship him off to DD. last year was my year for everything to go wrong at once. Maybe it sounds trite but things really do pass, it will get better

Cheryl you are such a welcome addition to this thread. I hope you stay with us. I will tell you ahead of time I get my feelings hurt when someone leaves
We've had so many great gals to come on for a while and then move on. That's life, I guess.
I'm so happy to see Mel back, too. Who was it said they were addicted to Pinterest? I am, too. Somehow it makes me feel good to look at all that stuff I'm never going to actually do.
Janet, good grief, all the work you do and you have breathing problems to the point of needing oxygen at night!, you rock!

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  11:48:27 AM  Show Profile
I just clicked on the link for the sweater dresses and the one featured that says "reserved for GiGi" is one I saw on Pinterest and pinned because it was so pretty, but it looks like a costume. I can't really think how one could wear something like that without burning up in it. Even if you wore it out in the cold, when you came into the heated house I'd be peeling that thing off in a hurry.

Speaking of getting hot-- night sweats, if you've gone through menopause and the sweats have come back I would check the thyroid. That does it too.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  5:31:53 PM  Show Profile
Well she liked one of the dresses I made made and bought it then, asked if I could widen another dress she liked. It looks like I can. So, ...another sale! So wonderful. Now if I can just sell some of the dresses that don't take three days to make. These were hard....( said in a whiny voice).

Still so grateful!!!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  5:39:37 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, of course the dress I was thinking of buttons down the front. Here it is ..probably sideways.

I love to see your pins on Pinterest BTW.

Here is a close up of the top of that dress...sideways.

I figured out my photos are sideways because I hold the camera the long way. I now hold it the wide way and crop like I think Cheryl or Gypsy told me.

Later! Kitties to feed tomorrow and later this week. More money! Have to save up.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  6:02:49 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, the dress is stunning. I can tell you from experience that on me the armholes would gap, and between buttons 2 and 3 you would see my bra. And, darn it, I don't have Michelle Obama arms to show off. I'm thinking our gal Mar has the bod for that one if its her style.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  6:35:38 PM  Show Profile
I would like to see MaryJane model it. I bet it would sell in a second!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  6:58:07 PM  Show Profile
Well, I made it back, it was a long day, but I got my concentrator, actually, I got 2 of them, one for a spare if something goes wrong with the other. They are so much quieter than the one I have now. We ended up driving around Appleton for 1 1/2 hours trying to find the house, seems we kept going around in circles hitting a closed road, but finally we found it, got the concentrators loaded in the car and drove to Green Bay for lunch. Bob let me spend some time and go to Hobby Lobby!!! I found some craft things I cannot find around here. It was fun. He said to buy whatever I wanted. Wait til he finds out I ordered another pair of cowgirl boots!!!! I got a brown pair a couple months ago, now I ordered a black pair, because that is what the line dancers have been wearing with their matching shirts. He won't mind though, but I told him I need to find a cowgirl hat next week at the fair. He thinks I am losing it.
Bunny, so happy for you getting special orders too. Eventually you will get those dresses whipped out in no time with your eyes closed!!!
Gypsy, so glad your daughter understands that you need your space, but will still see her often. I have used oxygen at night for over 9 years now. My levels drop too low when asleep, so need O2 at night. Sometimes when active, but I try not to use it unless I really need it.
Cheryl, Our dog is a yorkie mix also, and I believe their disposition is to protect their masters and they will not let anyone or anything get close. They are very protective. Ours goes crazy if a dog gets close to the house or a squirrel is in the yard. She is so hyper.
I am going to smoke a turkey in the smoker outdoors tomorrow for supper. My son is coming over, then he is going to go camping for a week, and guess who is tending the store for him? I need a vacation!!!! Calgon, take me away!!!! Remember that saying?
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Aug 03 2013 :  9:28:23 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, you are kicking butt! So happy for you.

Gypsy, glad you had so much fun with DD

Janet, You have fun shopping for that hat! I look ridiculous in cowboy hats! Probably any kind of hat, really. Gypsy is our resident hat wearer! You deserve those new boots for all the extra work you are putting in at the shop!

I made a huge batch of cole slaw for a cookout tomorrow and a batch of big ol' peanut butter cookies. Dh's favorite cookies at the moment, so he isn't thrilled about sharing!

With the cool weather we had yesterday, all my lavendar turned from purple to brown. (sad, sad face) I guess I can still use it for lavendar wands, but it just doesn't look as pretty when I look out the window.

DD and boyfriend went on a guided tour of food trucks in Portland yesterday. It was a gift from a friend and they said it was great fun and very tasty. I am NOT that adventurous in food choices. The most interesting offering DD mentioned was Korean-Mexican Food... In general, I haven't really frequented food trucks. Have you gals?

I saw my friends the turkeys today. Haven't seen them in weeks! We don't see much wildlife in the middle of summer. I guess they are out and about more at night?

Holly, I have trouble owning my worries, shortcomings and problems with others. Kind of have always felt no one really wanted to hear my problems... It takes me a long time to open up and admit the obvious -- of course, I have problems, worries and hurt feelings. This group is very helpful to me, too.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  08:50:04 AM  Show Profile
Marianne, I feel your pain with hats. My ears always seem to stick out funny. No ball caps, cowboy hats or garden hats even.

Janet so glad you were able to find two concentrators. You are smart to get the second one. I'm sure it will be tough to find one after you are on the road.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  09:45:25 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, I would like to see Mary Jane feature you in one of her magazines. I used to get emails from them asking which cover, etc, but I never get a thing any more, not even that monthly Cluck magazine to download. Did all that go away, or did I get dropped from the list?

Now that I've cut my hair short I don't look as good in hats and it flattens it down my hair so much, particularly in summer when I sweat, which of course is when I need to wear a hat. And my hair grows so fast it only looks good for about a week. Wish I could cut it myself. Does anybody do that?

I think it's good that this is a place we can share our troubles, it is the only support group I have. Now that I'm using IPad and have to type directly in the box, I'm afraid I don't always respond to everyone like I should. But I'm here, and I care. I don't think it's a good idea to be specific about names because you don't know who is lurking about.

Sometimes I go ahead and post before I lose it, then go back and read, then edit or add another post.

Janet, we need to see a pic of you all decked out in your dance outfit. Il bet you will look really cute.
hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 04 2013 09:49:54 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  09:52:59 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by doll58maker

Bunny, I would like to see Mary Jane feature you in one of her magazines. I used to get emails from them asking which cover, etc, but I never get a thing any more, not even that monthly Cluck magazine to download. Did all that go away, or did I get dropped from the list?

Now that I've cut my hair short I don't look as good in hats and it flattens it down my hair so much, particularly in summer when I sweat, which of course is when I need to wear a hat. And my hair grows so fast it only looks good for about a week. Wish I could cut it myself. Does anybody do that?

I think it's good that this is a place we can share our troubles, it is the only support group I have. Now that I'm using IPad and have to type directly in the box, I'm afraid I don't always respond to everyone like I should. But I'm here, and I care. I don't think it's a good idea to be specific about names because you don't know who is lurking about.

Sometimes I go ahead and post before I lose it, then go back and read, then edit or add another post.

Janet, we need to see a pic of you all decked out in your dance outfit. Il bet you will look really cute.

Mar, I thought all fowl slept at night. If they were prowling at night something must have disturbed them. You must have had a freeze to zap all the color from your lavender overnight. I think it looks pretty dried too. And it still has the fragrance. I really miss having it.
hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  09:54:12 AM  Show Profile
And sometimes the edit double posts. What am I doing wrong.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  11:37:41 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I think the voting for covers has been moved to FB. Don't quote me on that, but I did vote for the next cover on the next magazine.

Betty in Pasco
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  1:24:36 PM  Show Profile
Oh, well, I quit Facebook last year when it got so political. I don't care about what people ate for lunch or who they voted for, plus I could never figure out how to keep my privacy. They kept sending me friends suggestions that let me know they had access to old deleted names in my address book. Like my sons first wife and guys I dated five years ago. I just hate that. So I closed my Facebook account, or at least I think I did. I've heard it stays there forever.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  3:31:49 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I get the cluck and the voting for covers via email. Did you renew your membership this year? You have to do it every year I think.

Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  3:38:39 PM  Show Profile
Yes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to post, but now that you mention it, that's about when I got dropped off everything else. For example, I no longer get email notices to the thread. Oh, well. Pinterest loves me even if MJ doesn't

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Aug 04 2013 3:39:23 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  4:18:33 PM  Show Profile
Pinterest isn't the only one who loves ya, Gypsy! Just keep posting. Who cares how many times it shows up? It just shows how important what you have to say is!

So, Dh and I spent some of yesterday making cole slaw for our the annual Golf Classic at our friends' ranch. The set up about ten holes of golf and everyone plays with a nine iron. It is very tongue in cheek and much fun. This ranch is also an event center where many people get married or hold meetings. Everyone brings a side dish and then the hosts grill hamburgers in their "hamburger wagon" - like ones you see at the fair and such. There is plenty of beer, lemonade, kids and food. We always look forward to it. And left our house for the about fourteen mile drive around three pm. We got to the ranch and it became very clear that the Golf Classic must have been yesterday. Oops. I guess I will call my friend tomorrow and laugh about it. Anyone want some cole slaw? I have plenty! I am embarrassed and disappointed.

Since that was my big highlight of the day, I don't really have anything else to report. Hope everyone's weekend was nice.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  4:58:07 PM  Show Profile
Marianne, sounds like you need a calendar. I actually put everything on my iPad and then tell it to remind me the day before and the morning of. I'm terrible at remembering stuff. I hope your friend is understanding.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  4:59:23 PM  Show Profile
My son went scuba diving in Monterey this weekend and made a little friend.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  5:34:48 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a lovely day here on the farm. The sun shone all day long. The air was in the low sixties. Kind of brisk and someone said feels like a wonderful September day.

T is off to baseball camp until Thursday. This will be his fourth year. He really likes to go. They play baseball for ten hours a day.

Mar asked a while ago how K's romance with her soldier was going. I think it has cooled significantly. She had cleared her phone of data and lost his phone number. I guess a couple of weeks later he contacted her. By then she was onto some guy who works in his grandfather's car dealership who wants to play on a minor league basketball team this winter. She did send the soldier some pictures of herself snail mail so I do not know where it is going now. She tells me we are just friends. He is in Texas now. She does know his first name finally. I do not know if she knows the last name of the mechanic. She is so passionate and committed in these telephone online romances of hers. She does not give out her last name or where she lives so I hope she is safe. Maybe living in the middle of nowhere helps. It is interesting to watch her go from one interest to the next and not appear to have residual angst over any of them. I hope these explorations are helping her learn interpersonal communication skills.

Cheri's sister and niece came to visit from Ohio this weekend. they all seemed to have a good time together.

We put in a row of wood today. A row is about 12 feet long and seven feet high. Only five more to go to be ready for the winter.

I am glad the dresses are starting to sell. I hope they continue too. Then you will need to be self employed again.

I am not on Facebook. I think that if people want information about me they should get off their rumps and call me on the phone or write me a nice letter. I think it would also take time that I do not really have. I think about a blog but that would take a lot more time and if I start it I would need to do a good job. I tried one several years ago but I did not open it up to anyone because I wanted to see if I could do it. I couldn't.

I do receive the vote for the cover and the monthly newsletters. If anyone has not gotten them and would like me to forward them email me.

Jan you are a miracle. I remember some of your other health issues and body part replacements and you sure lead an active life. I think you must have the right attitude to continue to live and not wallow.

Too bad about the golf classic. I hope you had a good laugh and hug. I think maybe cole slaw does not freeze. So, maybe your piggy neighbors would like some after you get sick of it. I wonder if horses liIke mayonaisse? mmmm I do not know how to spell mayonaisse and neither does the computer. Surely they would like cabbage. A new treat for them.

I will try drinking a glass of water before bed. I guess getting up to go pee is the trade off but I should be able to go back to sleep pretty quick if it is only a pee trip and not a sweat and spin episode.

I do look forward to reading all of your lives in the evenings.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  6:13:49 PM  Show Profile
Well, I got my turkey cooked today, 2 ways. My dear hubby decided he does not like smoked turkey. I already invited my son over for smoked turkey, so I ended up cutting the turkey in half and smoking one half, and the other half went into the oven. It was good both ways. Now we have leftovers for tomorrow anyway.
I will be working tomorrow, then 2 days off, and my son will be going to camp on Thursday, so will work on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Then Monday Tuesday and Wednesday next week. At least I will have a little break in between.
Holly, my dr. always says that I am a miracle. She tells me how strong I am and I am this far because of my determination and attitude. I do not have "I can't" in my vocabulary. I am determined to keep going as much as I can. Sometimes I do too much, but I am not giving up yet, not without a fight. Our days are feeling like Autumn in the air too. Nights are in the very low 40s now. At least there is low humidity now.
Gypsy, I will try to get a picture when I start dance class and get my shirt. I cannot go tomorrow, so will have to wait another week to go find out about it. I know it will be fun, and I am sure I will enjoy it, if I can get my hips to work good enough to line dance. I think it may help strengthen them.
Bunny, maybe this gal that bought your dresses will pass the word on to her friends and they all will start buying from you. Word of mouth is the best advertising there is. When do you start school again? I think they go back here at the community college in 2 weeks. That is quite the creature your son found!!!
Marianne, too bad you missed the golf outing. Sounds like you will be eating a lot of cole slaw for awhile!!!
I have never heard of a food truck. I don't think they have them anywhere around here. Sounds interesting.
Well, I am going to take a shower and head for bed. Looks like I will have a long week ahead of me. At least I can get my laundry done in between working!! Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Machias Maine
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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  7:58:34 PM  Show Profile
Howdy Ho Ladies!

I wrote a nice response earlier today but we have had thunderstorms off and on for 3 days and near the end I lost everything. Won't try again but thought I would try and get on here again and make sure something half done didn't show up like it did once before.

I did absolutely NOTHING this weekend, which is what I needed to do. And surprisingly David stepped in and ran errands, made all the meals, and did the laundry. I keep telling him, I am tired, depressed, and can't do this anymore as I need fun and relaxation in my life. Since it was wet outside off and on I didn't try to do anything out there and instead caught up on Duck Dynasty, HGTV, North Woods Law, 4 magazines, and a lot of sleep. I did manage to clean the kitchen, sweep/vacumn/mop the main floor of the house and when I took out the compost to the compost pile I did something walking barefoot and that's all it took for my lower back to go out. I too have Fibro but what's worse is two ribs always come out of my spine and my L4 & L5 discs are torn but the wrong way and can never have surgery to fix them. But hey, like all the strong women on here, you keep doing what you need to do, right?

Bunny I'm so happy you're selling dresses; I'm so impressed with Janet and all the hard work you do for your son who is blessed to have you; Mar I wish I lived closer I love Cole Slaw and sorry you missed a big day. Gypsy I envy you going to Ikea with your DD! I love Ikea and went once with my daughter but the closest one to us is in Boston, a 8 hour drive away. Funny thing is, I never buy anything out of the catalog though, but when I'm near one I buy all kinds of little goodies both food and household to bring home! I hope you start feeling better Cheryl. I noticed when the Dr. gave me Cymbalta it really helped my Fibro pain. Enjoy your company Holly and lucky you for having wood to get stacked!

Ok, this just posted before I could finish, so good night ladies! Work comes early and I have to stop missing it even if I do have a fabulous boss who understands and doesn't care as long as I show up for the real emergencies!

Farmgirl #2343

"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with."
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey

Edited by - Oggie on Aug 04 2013 8:03:27 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 04 2013 :  9:12:35 PM  Show Profile
Ginny, I am sorry you lost your longer post because I always enjoy what you have to say. Sorry about your back, sounds like not fun at all. Glad you were able to get some rest. And glad DH is helping out. That is a good thing.

Mar, gee wizz, girlfriend, what a bummer! To miss all the fun. We've all done it at one time or another, so nothing to feel embarrassed about. Last year I drove all the way to Austin on the wrong day, but it was the day before, not the day after, so it worked out okay.

Holly, that is a huge amount of wood you go through in a winter. When I lived up in the North Georgia Mountains we burned a cord a winter, sometimes needed a little more. I've got a very expensive wood splitter sitting in the garage that I need to sell. I can't cut the wood with a chain saw so I have no wood to split. There are several dead oak trees scattered about the fields but nobody to cut up and haul it to the house.

Janet I would have to agree with your doctor. I think just sheer determination and hardheadedness is what keeps my mom going. She simply refuses to quit.

Mar, thanks for sending me the link to the MJ cluck. I was looking at it when B made his weekly phone call and this time we talked for three hours. It was raining and he had stayed in all day and was feeling lonely. He will be 69 next month but he still runs 2 or 3 times a week. He's pretty excited about coming to Texas for the winter. And I will be so glad to see him.

Anyway, Bunny, Mary Jane was wearing an outfit in the magazine that looked like it could have been one of your creations. How do you get to be recognized by her, I wonder. I'd sure try.

Gosh, it's late here and I did not sleep much last night. It was 105 again today. Everything is burning up from the heat. It got so hot and dry the figs on the fig tree stopped growing and shriveled up in just one week. I watered it good before I left but its just too hot.

Good night all

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Aug 05 2013 :  02:41:13 AM  Show Profile
Ginny, I sure wish you were close enough to enjoy some cole slaw, too! Congratulations on your weekend "vacation," good for you!
It can be very necessary to take those at times and I think you were wise to know you needed one. David can surprise you by helping out more often. You do too much and his stepping in to do the errands, etc. is only right. I hope it continues, you deserve it.

Janet, count me in with the others who admire your determination and strength. You have much to be proud of. I don't think I would have been so nice as to prepare a turkey two different ways! Your family is very lucky. It sounds as though both ways were very successful. What a shame you have to wait another week for your dancing.

Holly, It would give me some peace of mind that K is at an arm's length with her romances being conducted in cyberspace at this time. She is sounding like quite the femme fatale! All in good fun, nothing sinister, though. Oh and I know the piggies don't like cabbage for some reason and it isn't ok to feed the horses. I think I better keep those facts in mind next time I pick up three heads of cabbage at the store!

My friend who throws the Golf Classic was here visitng a bit more than a week ago. She was telling me about switching the date from Saturday to Sunday. When I got the invitation, it said August 3, but not "day." I didn't even think about it, since I knew they had switched it to Sunday rather than the traditional, Saturday afternoon... Boy is my face red. I will talk to her in the morning. We will have a good laugh, but I have to make sure she understands it was entirely my fault that we missed it. She is such a good friend that would go to the ends of the earth for ya. Like I know all of you are, too.

Gypsy, I don't think I would sleep well in such heat, either. And how sad about your figs. We had three fig trees growing up. I loved them. Could not make up my mind whether I liked the red or green ones better, so I had to taste test back and forth all summer! My mom always told me to not let the leaves brush my head because they would make my hair fall out. Have you ever heard that wives' tale? Mom had a few of those! "Never whistle after dark." "Don't start a new project on Friday." "Never eat with money on the table."

Well, looks like I might be able to catch a few ZZZs now! Hope all is well.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Aug 05 2013 :  05:56:18 AM  Show Profile
Just chiming in for a minute this morning. My day is already quite full for a Monday. Seems to change by the minute.
I still get the voting for the covers in my email but I don't get the Cluck. Did they do away with that? Is there a place to sign up for it?

I think you will do quite well with the dresses Bunny.

Love reading your Mom's old wives' tales. Wonder how they came up with these things? :)

Hope everyone enjoys their Monday!

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
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