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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 31 2013 : 10:42:43 AM
Bunny - I just dropped in to get your etsy shop info again and favored you. I LOVE what you have done girl! It's so upbeat and happy, just like your happy place! And I love you putting the photo's up against the garage too. Hey, models cost money, this is the next best thing! So happy you have sold a couple of items and got a custom order!! As for the job, I know you need a job, just like me, but maybe it's the world or God or whatever you may believe in telling you that nope, you are going to make it sewing and selling on Etsy! The degree's are great and you should continue in school, but if you can get a leg up doing what you love at the same time, you may not need a job and then you can live where you choose! Keep the faith as they say, I have faith in you!
Gypsy - I'm sorry I pop in and out like others, but like I have said before, being in such a downtrodden life the last few years (GULP! YEARS!!!) I hate to keep coming on here with nothing new, fun, upbeat, or exciting to say. I do love reading about all of your lives though and think of you all, a lot. While I missed another day of work today, I at least made it to a shower, the bank, the lumberyard, and managed to post a few items on ebay I hope will sell well to cover what I just missed in work. I just don't have the energy anymore to do everything and yet I am forced to do everything. I need a break from life. A vacation on some sunny beach for a week!
That being said, I did call a lawyer yesterday to set up a meeting so we can sue the County. As much as David will talk about doing it, I think he is worse off then I am right now emotionally, even if he is my stress, he's his own worst enemy first. Also called the guy who is suppose to be harvesting trees for us and he said he'd have an option by the end of the week to either, pay us up front, buy the land from us, or let us out of the contract so we can hire someone else and get money to redo the roof and have firewood for the winter. Also went to the lumberyard and talked to a guy who I hope will repoint our chimney's before winter. Now to finish listing to sell and maybe I can see a light again. On ebay I am cybertiques1 if you're interested.
Anyway, I am envious of all the gardens, my stinks. I am happy for all the traveling and fun you are all having, and I'm happy for Bunny getting orders. It was great to hear from Penny, I too miss the other girls. I will try and do better from now on.
As for my chickens, I still have the "old" girls in the main coop and we have six of them and still have two babies and another rooster, Fred. So I don't need to replace them right off but having raised them since they were born, and that was back in April, it's heartbreaking to see an animal just kill them. If it had eaten them all it wouldn't be so bad, but to just kill them, I don't like those kinds of animals. And we had been keeping George and Georgette for the purpose of breeding. They were gentle Orpington Buffs and beautiful birds. The babies were Sexlinks. Fred is an Americana and the older girls are mixed Americana's, Rhode Island Red, and Plymouth Rocks. Oh well, not much I can do about it now.
Have a great day ladies!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2013 : 11:30:41 AM
Ginny, you just do what you can, we love to hear from you whenever you can hop on for a minute to let us know how you are doing. I also believe that along with periods of bad luck that drive us to the brink, we also get periods of good luck that bring us great joy. Hang on for that phase to come back around, for surely it will.
I don't know how hard it is to sue a city or county but I do know you need to find the meanest lawyer in town to do it. No nice guys. It sure seems you should have some legal recourse so it's good you are talking to lawyers who can help you figure that out
Look how much you have accomplished in just 24 hours or less. You are amazing. You go girl. Plenty of fight left in you.
I had buff Orpingtons and also the americanas that laid the green and blue eggs. I do know how you feel. I'm so glad you at least have two babies left and some other chickens as well. I do not know what, short of a big dog, there is to keep critters away.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 31 2013 : 2:56:31 PM
Ginny, I hate to see animals killed like yours were. Do you suspect a neighbor's dog or something of that sort?
I agree with Gypsy, it can't be easy to sue the gov't. Good luck. I thought all those postions had some union reps? Maybe not in your state?
Bunny, I hope you will get some interesting classes this semester. Did you get the student aid issue taken care of? You will be well-rounded. Just don't stop sewing, it is your true calling. I think it is smart that you are making this gal more than one choice. Bet she takes them all! You are no fool.
Dh has a new toy. We are gonna go play with it for a bit. I'll check on you gals later. Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2013 : 4:29:47 PM
Well Ginny....sorry to hear of your tough times and troubles. Just remember for every action there is an equal and opposite well....for every bad spell....there must be a good spell! Things will are strong, resourceful and resilient....and most of all....faithful! :) Your farm girls will lift you up.
Bunny....congrats on the sales and your newest commissions! Each path begins with the first step....... Glad your mom has a new cushion. lessons, so cool...always wanted to take dance lessons....but my sweet hubby had two left feet....and now I am not comfortable going alone. :) I've lived in an apartment for 9 years and neighbors come and go.....some good and some bad. Many more better than worse!
103 degrees in Dallas today.....with the delightful HEAT INDEX of 109! Who Cares? I know it's HOT!!!! :)
Gypsy...I chuckled when you said you don't check your mail too often......I wait a week or more many times and I almost got my self in trouble this very week. I checked my mail on Sunday....thank goodness... and found a jury summons.....for TUESDAY!(yesterday) Yes I had one day to wrap my head around that one. Well I did go yesterday and I was chosen for a jury in a civil trial. Luckily it didn't take all that long. I left the house 7am and returned by 2:30 pm.
Denise....I think it's great that you have taken your Dad in and it is good for both of you.
Wow's been a while.....hope you can come back more often.
On August 5, my granddaughter is coming to visit. I have only seen her twice.....14 months.....her Dad and mom and two brothers came to visit us.....and when she was 8 and I had to go take care of her dad's funeral arrangements. Thanx to Facebook I was reunited with her a year or so ago. She has now graduated from high school and is on her way to college. She is smart, pretty and kind. I can't excited and at the same time anxious. I still don't really know her...and have no idea how to keep her busy and not bored with an old lady.
Hello Marianne and Cheryl and Jan!! Hope you are all having a good day!!!! are always going amaze me with all you do and all the kids and animals and work!! :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2013 : 6:37:41 PM
Bunny---I visited your blog today and was blown away by the beauty of your sewing skills. I left you a message there. Sorry about the job but personally I think you have a great career ahead in fantasy/boho/farmgirl clothing. Good luck @ college too! Gypsy--- I had to smile at your description of your dance partner being so much taller. What a fun way to get toned up though. Janet--- I totally get your weather. We had a very chilly weekend last weekend but this week so far it's been a bit overcast but in the 70's and the humidity is finally lower. Gotta love our Northern states. If you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes and it will change. Ginny,--- my heart went out to you when I read your post. You just go ahead and have a good cry and then dust yourself off and I've a couple things to tell you that might give you a bit of hope. #1 If your husband was fired or laid off he should get unemployment. He should apply for that right away. I think he can even do it online. If they contest it he should request a hearing and let an impartial judge hear the case. The employer does NOT always win. My husband beat WalMart and got a nice chunk of change with that little settlement. At the time I'd already had to quit working for health reasons so we were in the kind of bind you are. You can get an attorney if needed that works for free and gets no payment unless your husband WINS in that hearing. Then they usually take a percentage of the initial payment for their fee. #2 Call the hospital that treated your husband or go in to see them. Ask to set up an appt. with a social worker. Take financial statements and anything that will show your husband's loss of his job and have your employer write out a statement regarding your work hours and pay. Take any debt statements you have. Ask to see a social worker who can help you with billing to apply for financial assistance through the hospital's financial assistance program. All hospital's have this and will give you papers to fill out that the social worker can help you with if you need help figuring them out. Hospitals routinely use these special funds to reduce or erase fees owed them to folks who are struggling financially due to things beyond their control. This can make a huge difference in those hospital bills you're going to be receiving. #3 Post an ad in to barter roof help for sewing, cooking, or anything else that you can think of that might get you some help to fix the portion of the roof that is leaking. Check your nearest Restore to see if they have any shingle bundles that have been donated for a big discount in cost. They might also have rolls of tar paper. If this doesn't work you might hang on till school starts in a few wks and try contacting the shop class instructor to see if one of the high school boys could earn some extra credits helping you roof. Explain your circumstances and even if they won't allow students the instructor might know someone who would help you out. #4 Superglue those danged glasses using Superglue or E600 jeweler's glue until such a time as you can better afford new eye glasses and if you have an America's Best Glasses/Contacts in your area check them out. MUCH cheaper than other places. Plus if you join their program you get free eye exams for the next 2 yrs. You can find E600 at your local craft store. #5 Perhaps the most important advice I can give you. PRAY. Thank God for your husband's return to health and for that pickup. Thank Him that you weren't seriously injured or killed in that side impact collision. Thank Him that there aren't 10 holes leaking in your roof. Thank Him for the hard lesson on your beloved chickens by showing you it's not quite the fortress you thought so you can go look for rat/snake holes or places a coon, coyote, or fox could have slipped in so you can fix it. Then when you can afford it again you can get yourself some extra pretty little hens to love. When you're all done thanking the Lord then ask Him for exactly what you need and trust that He will provide. Believe it or not you will get past all of this. Big hugs to you!
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2013 : 7:04:19 PM
Cheryl, that is great advice you gave Ginny. Hope some of it is helpful to her. Gypsy, I am hoping to go find out about the line dancing classes here on Monday. Mar, any lookers on your house yet? I am sure you would like to sell before winter gets here. Mel, good to hear from you. Seems everyone has been pretty busy lately. I know what is it like with grandchildren. I have only seen my grandson 4 times, the last time was over 11 years ago when he was 8, he is now almost 20!!! I only got to hold him once when he was 4 month old. They live in Texas, but my daughter in law has been home here, but only to see her mother. It hurts. Holly, I know you are a busy bee right now. Bunny, Hope you have been able to get more sewing done. When do you go back to school? Seems this summer just flew by. It is August tomorrow already!!!!! Where did July go? We had a warmer day, 69 degrees, but very muggy, then it rained and made it more muggy. I am going out into the garden tomorrow, even if it does rain!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 31 2013 : 7:26:41 PM
Funny, Mel, just today my sister said she got called to jury duty and I wondered what would happen if I got that in the mail and didn't know about it. I don't think there Is a law that you have to check your mail, is there? People do travel, too. They must have some sort of provision for things like that.
Cheryl that is some good sound advice you gave Ginny. I sure hope it helps her. Some of that I did not know.
I don't have two left feet but I am minus a toe on my left foot and the turns and spins might be too much for me. I sure have to be careful how I step. I did a little competition ballroom dancing back in the 80's but you sure wouldn't know it now.
Janet, good luck with the line dancing, I know you will love it. I have grandchildren that I don't see. Yes it does hurt they just don't realize what they are doing.
Okay, Mar, what is the new toy?
It was 101 here this afternoon.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 03:36:17 AM
Mel, So many of us share the same heartache with our grands that you do. It is so awesome you have this opportunity. I can understand your jitters, I would sure have them! But, what young person would not be interested in getting to know someone who just automatically loves them? I'll be thinking of you, like all the other farmgirls. Enjoy! And wow, you really got that jury duty checked off and out of the way! Good for you.
Gypsy, I sure hope you can manage your dance classes. Even if you have to cut back a bit, I know you want them so badly! It seems like it is in your blood to dance with abandon. Like a gypsy!
Cheryl, you have such valuable advice to share, hope you keep doling it out! We used to live in the opposite corner of WI from you. I remember those summers!
Janet, I sure understand your determination to get out into that garden. I hope the weekend brings you some better weather. Will you be working? We haven't had any serious lookers on the house. I guess it takes a while to find a buyer when you have land. Thank you for asking.
Ginny, you have to feel wonderful about the steps you have taken. You are taking the bull by the horns and working through this tough time. Cheryl had some valuable information for you. I hope it is helpful. Keep you head up, hon.
Dh's new toy is a Ruger. Not sure if that is politically correct to mention. He enjoys guns, was raised with them and has a deep respect for the handling of them. He has made sure both dd and I are as comfortable as possible in handling one for the protection of ourselves, but mostly the animals. We don't feel we have any threat from humans really, but we do have some serious wildlife out here. And as I have mentioned before, the weapon is used to run off these predators, rather than kill. So we took the new handgun and shot at his target, ten rounds each. I won't tell you who beat the pants off her sureshot husband with more than twice as many "scores" on the target. Or did I just tell you how much better a shot I was yesterday than dh??? Luckily, dh is not the type who has his ego completely involved in these kinds of things. He pretend pouted about getting his rear handed to him, etc. But, he was thrilled that I could handle the handgun and it didn't kick or hurt my hands, wrist, thumbs.
Holly, I miss being "tucked in" by you every night ... hope you and the family are fine!
Happy August, girls. The summer is steaming by. Gypsy that means you are that much closer to your October roomie.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 08:00:27 AM
Wow Cheryl....some exceedingly well thought out suggestions to Ginny. What is your profession?
Mar....I live in Texas, where handguns are never politically Incorrect! Glad you are able to handle it well.
Thanx to all for the moral support....4 days until the granddaughter arrives!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 10:11:21 AM
Thank you ladies for feeling I had some decent advice to give. I was a licensed practical nurse for 32 yrs. Actually 37 yrs but I've not worked since 2008. I had to give it up when fibromyalgia finally kicked my rumpus hard enough to sit me down. I'd been diagnosed yrs before but kept plugging away part time for many yrs. Now I stay at home and on days I feel well enough I do some crocheting, sewing, jewelry making, card making or whatever else I can dream up. I also sit with my grandson a couple days a week which takes the stuffing right out of me but I love having him here. He's 4 yrs old and my little baby doll. I worked in geriatric facilities my whole life as I loved taking care of grandmas and grandpas. Always loved hearing their stories of how the good old days were. I'm always glad to help out if I can with things I've learned over the yrs. Have a great day ladies!
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 10:13:22 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:57:20 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 6:41:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
It has been warm and sunny here the last few days. I have not read everyone's posts but I wanted all of you to know we are well. I am feeding the family zucchini almost every night for supper. Tonight I shredded it in the middle of the meatloaf and put cheddar cheese in the middle as well. I was told it was yummy. K and I went grocery shopping.
We have been splitting wood for the winter. I am hoping to have the whole job done in the next two weeks. I am tired of it waiting there and calling my name when I have other things I would rather be doing.
Bunny good news on your mother's settlement. I hope she spends it wisely. I am glad the custom order is being kind to you. I remember you do not like working specific people because of the demands. and limits on your creativity.
It is almost ten o'clock which may not be late for some of you insomniacs but it is late for me.
Sweet dreams, I will try to catch up tomorrow.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 7:06:43 PM
Well, I finally got to pick beans and peas from the garden. There were not as much as I though I would have, but it is a start. Also got 4 good sized green peppers. My tomatoes are abundant, but not ripe yet. Zucchini and butternut squash just got blossoms on them, hope they have time to produce. We had rain off and on all afternoon, with no rain in the forecast. I think that maybe if I wind up the garden hose and hang it up, maybe it will quit raining for awhile. Back to work tomorrow already. I should not have to work Saturday this week, at least I am hoping!!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 7:20:31 PM
Me three Mel, Gypsy, & Mar. I have a 9MM Luger and a 22 rifle. David has his own various guns like Mar's husband. Nothing wrong with owning guns as long as you know how to take care of them.
Thank you Cheryl for the sage advice. He has already begun getting unemployment and yes, he does it online so it's easy. They deposit the money into an account they set up and set us a debit card for. The problem is we don't have that bank around us so we take it all out and put it in our own account. But it's far from what you get in a paycheck. It covers the bills, that's about it.
Before he ever left our hospital the social worker came in and talked to us and gave us the paperwork for what you are talking about. I filled it in right away and took it up there the next day. Talk about being humiliated! The girl in the billing department is a girl that use to live in our trailer park and owes us money! I felt like saying "hey, that money you've owed me for the last 13 years would sure come in handy" but I didn't. I didn't give them a copy of our last years taxes however because of course we don't make that kind of money on unemployment and the girl suggested I bring it in which I haven't done yet, so I need to. But I hate the idea that she even gets to see all of this! I know, water under the bridge, but I live in a very small town of only 2400 people and we had to close the trailer park because people like her were not paying their rent and I got tired of supporting 15 families besides my own. Anyway, I haven't heard from them yet about it.
I can't do #3 because of where I live. Craig's list for Maine is for the entire state and it's a state almost as big as Texas, just a lot less people. The nearest Restore to us is a 60 mile drive and the nearest craft store is a 100 mile drive. BUT I loved the idea of asking the shop class instructor for help or a kid off school hours. The kids have to do community service to graduate and when David was laid up getting a new foot, they came over and stacked our wood in the garage for me. I doubt it would be under that, but you never know around here. My friend Nicole who is the high school English teacher was able to have the class put a roof on the house she built.
David tried to glue the glass's tonight but I already re-ordered the same frames so I will get them in a week or so. Until then, I just look at things funny.
And I liked how you see praying a little different then I do so I will take that advice! I spent this afternoon filling rat holes and putting boards in places to cover up the mud or where there might be holes coming. I cleaned out two coops, Fred's and the older girls, so I could put the babies in with the older girls and not have to worry about the third coop or the second pen for a bit. I did thank him for the pick up, it was truly a God send! And saving David. I know my "intuition" is also a God send which is what got me all over David to get to the ER. I am blessed, no doubt about it, I was just feeling sorry for myself because I am so tired of this endless stream of stress. But thank you so much for all the advice and thank you to everyone for keeping me in their prayers!
I hope Mel has a super time with her granddaughter. I feel for all of you that can't be close to your grandchildren. I was so close to my grandmother and great grandmother I couldn't imagine life without them around and all I learned from them. You will do fine Mel! She will have a wonderful time with you!
Like Cheryl I am drawn to the elderly. I think I told you all that we moved my Aunt into our house from Seattle within a two week time period and I had only met her once before we did this. She lived with us for 9 years before she died. It was a great time and very good for my daughter.
The other extreme is I adore being with children under 8. I love watching them learn and their energy for life and adventure! I can remember spending an afternoon with my friend Nicole's two kids just teaching them how to blow bubbles with bubble gum! We had a great time and Nicole couldn't believe anyone would take that time to teach them and handle chewed gum, etc... Well how else are you going to learn?
Ok, I wrote another book! Time to stop typing. The problem with knowing how to type fast.
Good night ladies! Thank you all again!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 7:29:23 PM
Cheryl we must have posted at the same time. You have had a very rewarding career and now it seems you have the wisdom to enjoy your retirement. I'm one of those people who still can't figure out what they want to be when they grow up. Like that's ever going to happen.
I've only had one grandchild to live close enough to babysit. My adopted granddaughter has been such a joy and I hated when she started to school because I never got to spend much time with her after that. My son has lived in Hawaii for many years so I'm lucky to see them every year or so. His first wife didn't want him to have anything to do with his family. That's one reason she is his ex.
Holly, thanks for hopping on to let us know you are ok. I guess you will have to start making zucchini bread to freeze, although you will all be sick of it by the time summer is over. I never wanted asparagus during the winter because I ate it every day while it was producing. So I never froze any of it.
Well, it turned out the heavy footed door slammer upstairs was either a brother, or friend. The roommate is another girl and they are very quiet and sweet. I really lucked out on getting good neighbors this time. I can hear them walking around some but they are gone most of the time
Tomorrow my dd is coming to see my apartment and we are going to the big IKEA store. So I'm going to watch a Netflix movie or read a while and call it a night. I did not have the will power to pass up some beautiful chocolate cookies at the store this afternoon, and now I don't feel so good. I don't know why, I only ate three of them.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 7:33:49 PM
Janet and Ginny you both popped in while I was typing.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2013 : 11:27:05 PM
Hi Ladies, It's late here but I'm a night owl related to fibro so here I am typing when sensible people are sleeping :) Holly-- I can only imagine what kind of muscles you have from chopping wood. You're so lucky to be able to do such things. When your muscles don't work right you kind of get muscle envy(insert my name here for the envious one). I have zucchini going great guns in my tiny garden and I love it. My favorite way to make it is to dip in beaten egg then dredge in flour and fry. Not very healthy although I use olive oil to rationalize that worry away. LOL. Ginny-- I'm so glad you're feeling better about things and if you hear so much as a hint of your business being bandied around town contact the hospital administrator and tell him that you have concerns regarding your privacy. For her to speak anything about your financial business is a violation of HIPAA laws and could cost her her job as well as costing that hospital thousands if you chose to pursue that with an attorney. I jest not about this as confidentiality is everything in the medical field. Bless your heart :) Gypsy-- I'm not so sure I'm grown up yet..LOL If you go to my blog you'll find out my info says I'm still trying to figure that out. I'd like to think a part of us always stays a child. Do you get to fly to Hawaii to visit your son? What fun that would be to get to go to Hawaii every few years.
Ladies I'm looking at merit badges and trying to figure out how to attain some. Having fibro limits my ability to get out physically to do things. The mind is willing but the body has had it. I'm wondering if I could use any of my years as a nurse in geriatrics towards the Great Generations badge? Could some of you please read my Need Help with Badge post and give me your opinions please? I'd be very grateful. It may not qualify and don't worry you'll hurt my feelings by telling me so. I will just look at other things and figure see if I can do some of them. Thanks so much!
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2013 : 3:12:38 PM
Wow, lots of action going on here.
Cheryl, thank you so much for your kind comment about my blog. I'm afraid I don't fit into the dress either. I think Gypsy needs to buy it and wear it with a cowgirl hat and some boots. I bet she would look awesome! I'm afraid I'm no stranger to the fibro issue myself. I can only sew for about 3 or 4 hours before I'm off to bed. I was so worried that I would not be able to do the jobs I have applied for. They are all 10 hour 4 days a week and one half Friday. I can't do any job that requires me to be on my feet for more than 4 hours. I spend the rest of the day in pain and in bed. If I had medical insurance I would start working on disability. But I don't have any insurance. Oregon has a waiting list for us poor people.
Ginny, I hope you can wade through the tough times ahead. I'm afraid plenty of us are no strangers to crappy times. Just one foot in front of the other. I have to say I found meditation helpful. I just seemed to give me some time to either let my mind float around or other times, focus on something other than my problems. Praying for you.
Well, I have been working on the second dress for this custom order. I have torn it apart twice now. I stress so much when I do something like this. Hopefully I will be able to finish today and be happy enough to stop!
Later all! Have a wonderful weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Aug 02 2013 : 6:00:43 PM
Cheryl, I haven't tried for any merit badges, but in other areas on the forum, farmgirls talk about them a bit more. There are so many, I think you will find plenty to try that your fibro will be less bothersome doing. I hope so, anyway. You mentioned crocheting and card-making...I believe they qualify! There are some badges for some VERY adventurous souls. I will be passing on those for certain.
Ginny, It is good to hear that you have your ducks in a row on so many of these issues. Your post sounds much more upbeat. The passage of time can certainly help your outlook, can't it?
Bunny, don't be your own worst critic! (Easier said than done! I hate sewing for someone else, too.) I know you are trying to make something different for this buyer (But, not TOO different.) And something colorful, as usual (Oh, but are these the colors she likes?). Just remember that it won't be a waste even if she decides she doesn't care for it. You will be able to sell it to someone else. You have us all in your corner.
We got about three-quarters of an inch of rain. That is quite a bit for us. Especially at this time of year. I have been cold since yesterday ... and I have kind of enjoyed it. But, by Sunday we will be in the eighties again. Which will actually feel ok by then.
After dinner each night, the dogs play with their toys which are kept in a cabinette in the family room. Tonight, Gracie, the ugly chihuahua, wouldn't stop scratching at the door of the cabinette even though her toys were already out. I kept telling her, "No!" time and time again. Dh leaned forward in his LaZBoy opened the cabinette door and just left it opened. The scratching (and my yelling) stopped. Genius. These solutions escape me on a regular basis.
Happy Friday all. Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Aug 02 2013 : 6:04:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
Cheryl I would like to take credit for the physical prowess you attribute to me but I do use a woodsplitter. I think often of all of you who live with disabilities of one sort or another and know that I am very lucky to be as healthy as I am.
I too had a grandmother whom I adored and adored me. I miss her and I wish that my children had a grandparent who would be active in their lives. I think being a multigenerational household is important.
Tomorrow I will have beans ready to pick. One of my bean beds has plenty of small beans. I am hoping by tomorrow they will be big enough to make a mouthful. I have been collecting Japanese beetles in my big peanut butter jar with vegetable oil in it. I had it 3/4 full today and no more oil to drown them in so I fed them to the chickens. I am starting again. I have two cherry tomatoes that are orangish. The sunflowers are getting tall. I planted the ones that are supposed to get 10 feet tall so I am hoping they do.
I remember when I was in the fifth grade my mother signed me up for the November club. I thought it was a hiking group. I can remember being so disappointed to find out it was a ball room dancing class. There were more girls than boys signed up of course. I was the tallest of all of the children. I learned to lead and today I still lead. I hope Gypsy the young man does not step on your toes or have sweaty palms.
Pride is an important aspect of our well beings. We all carry it as a banner. Sometimes it shoots us in the foot. Sometimes we just need to breathe and say thank you. That is very hard to do sometimes. Hopefully, the young woman who jilted Ginny out of rent money will have grown up some and have become a responsible employee. What about your beach house? Is it rentable? Hugs to you Ginny and I hope that David is stepping up. If not maybe he could pay your daughter a visit for a few months.
I am glad that Ginny spilled her guts to us. I am glad she thinks enough of our support and open mindedness that she did tell us of her troubles. I know that I sometimes live on an island because I do not want people to think I am not strong. I am glad for all of you and will try to share my troubles as well as my joys. I hope every one else does as well.
That being typed. Today is J's 19th birthday. He lives at home still. This year and for the last two he has chosen not to celebrate his birthday with us. Two years ago he sat in his room and refused to come out. Last year I think he was at basketball camp. This year I asked him on Tuesday if his birthday plans would include his family. He said no. I let it go. I did not argue with him. Some day he will be sad he missed out. Someday he will be less self centered. I know the little boys were sad that they could not sing him happy birthday and eat cake. But. Ross received cookies in the mail and they were all happy he shared and the disappointment was forgotten for now. I am glad you all are here to hear about sadness as well as joy.
Last night it rained. Today was a lovely in the low seventies day. Tonight the sky over my house was clear but the south held big clouds with thunder. Now the clouds are coming in lines and there is more thunder. The nights are cool enough that we do not need to run the fan. For a while I was not having night sweats. Now they are back. I am glad the nights are cool enough to dry the sheets when I get up to pee.
The neighbors used to have a dog named Reuger.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 02 2013 : 6:53:25 PM
Holly, I too have been having night sweats again. I am 62 and should be over all of this stuff, but I do believe that if you are dehydrated, you will get them. I know if I drink water before I go to bed, I do not get night sweats. My sunflowers are bad this year, they only got about 6 inches tall!!!! Last year I planted the mammoth ones and they got huge. The seeds went to feed the cardinals, which was the first time that we ever had them come to feed. They liked those seeds. Cheryl, We are going to Appleton tomorrow, but it is going to be a very fast trip. I have to use oxygen at night and since we won't have insurance after November when Bob retires, I need to get an oxygen concentrator and there is one in Appleton I will be going to look at tomorrow. It is over 3 hours to get there so we cannot stay long, the dog will be home and nobody to let her out, so there and back in a hurry. Next time we go, I will be sure to meet up with you somewhere. Marianne, funny how dogs can do things like that. Funny how you did not even think of opening up the door yourself!!!!! We had rain early this morning again, but it did clear up for the rest of the day and got to the mid 70s. Could not ask for a better day around here. Hope it does not get too hot for you again. Ginny, Hope things start to settle down some for you soon. Things have a way of turning out okay most of the time. Glad we are here for you. I know how much it helps to have all of these wonderful sisters for support. Bunny, Keep up the sewing. You will hit your goal in no time, then I am sure you will sell like crazy. Not long before Christmas, so hopefully people will be looking for gifts. Gypsy, hope your day was not too busy. How did your daughter like your new apartment? Mel, hope it cools down some for you soon. Bet you are counting the hours for when your granddaughter arrives. I can imagine how excited you must be. I am sure you will have a great time and enjoy ever minute with her. Well, my son now decided he is going to take a week off for vacation to go camping. He usually does this, but I did not think he would this year because he was gone almost a week to see his father. He informed me today that he wants to take next week off, so that means I will be working the whole week. I hope to be able to slow down after that, my poor house is in dire need of a good cleaning and I am trying to get some knitting and crocheting done. Oh well, life goes on. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 02 2013 : 8:37:59 PM
Hi Ladies,
Marianne--Thanks so much for your suggestions about Merit badges. Sometimes my brain just doesn't want to think straight and I don't know why I didn't look at crochet or sewing things yet. Thanks for rattling my marbles LOL Several have looked at my posting and no comments so I think it is best I take it down. I'll start looking at something more inline with a craft since I do know how to do some things. I guess I don't always feel like my crafts are as up to snuff as some of the very beautiful things I've seen here and so I talk myself out of things. But nothing ventured, nothing gained so I'll give it a whirl :)
Holly--I understand your feelings about having grandparents in your life. I also adored my maternal grandmother. Holidays were always held at her house. Now that I'm in my late 50's I think so often of her and those very special times when all the aunts, uncles and cousins were there. So many memories. We've all gone our separate ways scattered all over the country and it seems unless there's a death in the family we don't see much of each other. I hope babysitting my grandson will leave him with some special memories. I'm so sorry you're having night sweats. I think I managed to come through menopause pretty well. I've not had hot flashes or night sweats in a few yrs now. Maybe because I have fibro God thought I needed a break :) Teenage sons in their late teens and early 20's can be difficult to say the least. They don't always use good judgement and they'd still prefer to think of their parents as old and bothersome. They do come around when they get closer to 30. At least mine did. Bunny--I was thinking of your denim dress and when I saw it I was reminded of other upcycled clothing I'd seen on Pinterest and so I went into my boards because I was sure I'd pinned it and found a link so you can see. This lady has a site on Etsy so you can see other items she's made but I thought things like this I bet you could whip up in a heartbeat. You maybe wouldn't have to do custom orders if you just did sizes. Anyway even if you don't want to try you might like to see the sweater coats and hats. They're so fanciful and beautiful. Here's the link :
Janet--I would love to see you on one of your trips to Appleton. I have a dog too who has traveled a lot with me but he really hates it and would much prefer staying home. I wish he was more sociable with other dogs as I'd tell you to bring yours along. Mine is a yappie little sh**zu/Yorkie hybrid who is my baby and rules the roost around here. His problem with other dogs is related to a neighbor's Irish Setter they got as a puppy who is just a bundle of overzealous joy who bounded out of his yard and bowled Dickens over and scared the pudding out of him. His family also walks him off leash sometimes and he bounced all over Dickens and myself in our side yard another time and so Dickens now goes on immediate defense whenever he sees other dogs. The dog is adorable and wouldn't hurt a fly but Dickens is pretty much ruined as a result. What a long way to have to come for a concentrator. That must be a bit of a pain for you. Ginny--I hope you're hanging in there and not letting life get you down. You sound like such an organized and thoughtful person I'm sure everything will come out fine for you. Sometimes when it's all caving in though things can feel pretty overwhelming. I surely think all of us have been right where you are. It's good to know no matter what happens we seem to make it though. I try to remember "this too shall pass". Mel--I bet you've got butterflies of excitement waiting on the days to pass till your granddaughter gets there. I hope you have a wonderful time with her. Just the fact that she wants to spend time with her grandma is pretty special :) Gypsy--How did your shopping trip to IKEA go? Are you having fun decorating your apartment? I hope your dd loved it and the two of you had a great day together.
Have a wonderful weekend girls! Huggz
Happy farmgirl sister #353
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 03 2013 : 10:49:31 AM
Cheryl, I actually have directions for making those sweater coats. The problem is finding enough wood sweaters. Each coat takes about 20 sweaters. I have a really hard time finding enough sweaters that are natural fibers. No cotton either. There are also lots of people selling these. Don't know if I could compete. I actually started to do this. But like I said, could find enough sweaters so I moved onto clothing from the thrift stores.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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